Tom Facchine – Preparing for Ramadan #4

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the essential elements of fasting, including timing, intention, and desire. They stress the importance of making an intention before the meal and the need for an intention before the pre Dawn meal. They also touch on the topic of counting from the start of the meal and the potential for excused people from fasting to be excused. They stress the importance of following rules and following negative emotions during fasting to avoid harming oneself and their family. They plan to discuss breastfeeding and period ministries in the future.
AI: Transcript ©
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salatu salam ala

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Selena Vienna for Latina Muhammad Ali after the Salah was go to sleep a lot more and in that the main Ferrando on platinum in Ireland Anna was you don't earn money out of anatomy. Okay, away, we know we're going to try to cover a lot of ground today so that hopefully we can dedicate the next week's class just to women's issues. Okay, so we were talking about the essential elements of fasting. And we said that there were three essential elements of fasting or perhaps themes or ACHEMA Sidama Fila themes, three central themes around which many of the issues of fasting revolves. Do we remember? Any of them? What were they?

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Intention, okay, yeah, that was today. Very good. What about what we already covered?

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No, no, that's, that's fine. That's one of the three intention is, it is one of the three that's the it's very, there's not a whole lot to that. We're gonna cover that today in sha Allah. And there's two other things.

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Abstinence, right, what you're not consuming or partaking in, which was last class, we talked about different issues with that.

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And then timing. Exactly. So if you're trying to categorize and I'm a big categories guy. Everything about fasting in your head, there's three things there's timing,

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the fasting part or abstinence and intention. Okay. So I'm just going to blaze through the intention part, because there's really not that many issues, first of all, second of all, they're not very controversial, because you don't find a lot of difference of opinion on these sorts of issues. Or if there is difference of opinion, it doesn't have very high stakes, the stakes are quite low. So and then we'll get to what comes after talking about the three pillars of fasting, which is talking about Vidya and kafele. Okay, and we'll get to what that is when we get there. So

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the vast, vast, vast majority of scholars say that an intention is a condition to a correct fast, you cannot fast Ramadan without an intention. You can't fast any fast without an intention. Technically speaking, right? This is the difference between starving and fasting, it requires an intention. How is that tension enacted? Right? When does that 10 that intention need to be enacted? That's the next issue. We have the majority of scholars say that when it comes to Ramadan,

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the person has to have a specific intention to fast Ramadan.

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They can't just be having an intention to just fast in general, right. This is a similar issue to what we see in in the rules of prayer. Like let's say, for example, that you wake up and roll out of bed and you stumble into the mess sheet and you're not really quite sure which prayer, you're about to pray, but you just join the line. Right? So this is a famous difference of opinion or contentious issue. Does the person's prayer count? If they're simply praying, they're going along with everybody? Or does it require a specific intention? So this is the same sort of issue that we're talking about and fasting? Is it sufficient to just have a general intention to fast or does one

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specifically have to have an intention to fast Ramadan? The majority say you have to have a specific intention to fast Ramadan. I will Hanifa Rahim Allah says No, just the intention to fast during that and it happens to be that time and everybody else's fasting is enough.

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When do you make your intention for Ramadan? This has a little bit more

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details to it. Right? So EMA, Shafi and Atman. said that when it comes to an obligatory fastest is Ramadan, you have to make your intention before Fajr. Okay, you can't wake up and then make your intention after you wake up. However, you can do this with a non obligatory fast and this is something that prophesy said on would do. When it came to a non obligatory fast he would wake up and ask God, hey, do we have any food in the house? And she would say sometimes, no, we have nothing. So he said, Okay, I'm gonna fast then. Right? That's fine for me.

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thing that's not Ramadan, or I should say it's fine for an extra fast. But for Ramadan, a majority of scholars say that No, you need a, an intention before Phaedra happens. Okay, but don't get hung up on this because when they talk about having an intention there, anything can can suffice as attention as intention. You don't have to sit up, you know, in bed and say, Okay, today, on the 23rd of April, I intend to fast Ramadan, and it's the 17th day of Ramadan. No, it's sufficient as an intention that you're preparing the meal for tomorrow, you know, you expect in your head when you go down to sleep, that the next day you're going to be fasting and that fastest part of Ramadan, that

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is sufficient inshallah for an intention.

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And the final issue that has to do with intention, are you and this is more significant to married couples. Are you is your pleasure fast counts, if you wake up in the state of Geneva, have a state of major ritual impurity, either you were intimate with your spouse and you fell asleep?

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Hey, good question. Because is it?

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Okay, so the CHE family says, is that intention good for the whole month, that's also an issue of difference. The majority said that this is something that has to be done every single night, meaning again, taking the realistic definition of what it means to make an intention, any sort of preparedness that you do, even just being mentally expecting,

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right that you're fasting tomorrow, that counts is your intention. But yes, you have to go to bed with that that has to be there for every single night. Malik was the only one who dissented in that particular issue. He said it all you have to have it is one time, and it suffices for the entire month. Yes, exactly. Waking up for the for the pre Dawn meal is a perfect example. You know, who could say that you're waking up for the pre Dawn meal with any other intention, but fasting, right? So things like this are count as your intention. Good. If you wake up in a state of major ritual impurity, such as you had you were intimate with your spouse or you had a *. Does your fast

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count? Yes, it does. The vast, vast, vast majority of scholars said that all of the four legal schools, so there's no worries there. You can even wake if you wake up that counts both if you wake up in the state of major ritual impurity, before fetcher. But there's not enough time you have to choose shower or Sahar and you choose to hold right fast counts, no problem. Or if you let's say you oversleep your alarm for support. And you, you know, you wake up in the state of matric major ritual impurity, same thing, faster counts, even if you start right then.

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Good. That's all the issues of intention. Okay, so that takes care of intention. Don't get too psyched out about it. Like we said, any sort of concrete action of preparedness is enough to indicate that you have the intention to fast merely the expectation in your mind or in your heart that the next day you're going to wake up early. You setting your alarm, is intention, right, waking up first, the whole intention and so on and so forth. Okay, the rest of the rulings that pertain to fasting and we're gonna go back to the style of Imam Abu Hanifa, once we get into them in sha Allah has to do with two things fit DHEA and Kapha. Okay, what is Vidya? And what is cafardo? finia? Is

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something that is paid

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for someone in lieu of fasting.

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Right, for a legitimate reason, a reason that the Cydia acknowledges we'll get into what those are in a second.

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kuthodaw is something paid as a penalty for an breaking a fast for Ramadan in an illegitimate way. Okay, so a fibia is something paid for a legitimate excuse. And a kuthodaw is something that is paid for an illegitimate breaking of the fast. So everything that can break your fast, it falls into one of those two categories, either it's legitimate, in which case you're paying a failure, or it's illegitimate.

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In which case you're paying a cathodic. Does every single

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legitimate breaking of the fast require a fit yet? No. Sometimes it merely requires you to make it up, which is called a code block. But we'll get into that in a second and show what's out there

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So who are the people? Who are the people that are excused from fasting Ramadan,

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there is consensus that the sick

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a traveler,

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pregnant women, and nursing women and the elderly

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are excused

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from fasting.

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Now there are some differences of opinion within some of those categories as to what exactly counts as sick for example, what exactly counts as a traveler, however, just know that, in general, those five types of people are excused from fasting. Okay.

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So the first issue that we come up to is

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what is the type of sickness that counts?

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Right. Are we talking any sniffily nose? Are we talking?

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You know, something that's as powerful as COVID Are we talking about something that detains you in bed? What do we think what type of illness let's hear your your thoughts counts for

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a legitimate excuse to miss or break your fast?

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Yes, check.

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Harm good

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if we're going to reduce it, okay, if we're going to reduce it to say yes or no question, does something extremely light

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such as a cold

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permit you to break your fast

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say it say no

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thank you.

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Hey, family says no, we're nearing edge math

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Yes, the vast, vast, vast majority of scholars said what you said that there has to be either harm or difficulty, like hardship for somebody who is fasting, you know, if they're going to be this particular illness has to cause either harm or undue difficulty undue hardship. There are however, a small minority of scholars that said that anything that is called linguistically illness is a legitimate excuse for fasting why is it important to mention this? Because if you meet somebody who is not fasting that they break their fast for a cold this is not an issue to die on a hill about right? Yes, they're going against the vast majority opinion but it is a legitimate opinion within

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within legal circles. And so even though it's better to follow the majority and safer if somebody is really adamant about breaking their fast for a head cold or for a headache or something like this, then you know, okay, that's between them and Allah no problem.

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When is it permissible So this covers the first category which was ill illness so anything above that chronic terminal of course, anything like this, okay. No problem breaking fast.

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what about the second category which is

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the traveler? What is considered travel?

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When do you become a traveler?

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You know, New Hartford is

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a distinct town from Utica. I live in Utica. If I just walk a couple blocks over to New Hartford. Am I a traveler? Like what's the

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what's the rule? If I have a friend and Whitesboro and I want to have a sleepover over their house?

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Am I a traveler?

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What does it take to become a traveler? time and distance? Good, what time and what distance then?

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You're right. It's okay. Yes, correct. For the safe family. It follows the ruling for shortening prayers. 45 miles, which I believe is

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89 kilometers.

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In the fifth books, you know, most of the world uses kilometers, so we'd learned it in kilometers, not in miles 89 kilometers is the majority opinion. Abu Hanifa says travel have three days and nights, which is considerably longer than 89 miles. But the other three schools say 89 kilometers, which is about a day in tonight's journey.

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However, however, there is a minority of scholars that said that, similarly to the illness issue, anything that can linguistically or cultural culturally be called Travel

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is a legitimate reason to break your fast or to join your prep shorten during your prayers. Okay, so the same thing applies, this isn't

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necessarily what you should follow, because the great majority of scholars are against it. However, if you find somebody who is, you know, a little bit lacks in this issue, know that they have evidence behind them, they have scholars behind that. And so it's not an issue to die on the hill over.

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Yes, we'll get into that. We'll get into that issue if you're able to.

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Okay, so that covers distance, what about time?

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How long does one have to be staying in the destination location to be to be considered a traveler? At what point do you become a resident essentially.

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After three days after 14 days idk with an emoji, that's good. I don't know, Sister Amir is half of all knowledge.

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So the shape family

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is well versed in the Hanafi opinion, that is the position of the of the Hanafi school, 14 or 15 days, basically after 14 days, or you have 14 days, right in a place before you're considered a resident. Whereas the majority, they say after three days. So again, valid opinion, so you're aware, you don't have to be rude or

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insufferable. If you find people in your friends or in your circles that are adhering to either of these opinions, it's a valid difference of opinion and that apply applies to prayer and to breaking your fast now getting back to shake families question what's better for a traveler or someone who is ill?

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If they're able to fast anyway? And it's not a big deal? Is it better to fast or is it better to take the allowance that Allah provided for them? What do you think?

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Oh, I saw a lot longer the SE is getting organized. Number one for fast number two for allowance.

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Either way, is good. Okay, but what's better? You're right. Either way is permissible difference of opinion? Of course it is. Everything's a difference of opinion by asking you to tell what's better. What do you think is better?

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You know, there's a funny story at the at risk of derailing us, you know, in some villages the position of Eman was like inherited. Right so I was told

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no honey goes away. Mashallah. Oh, this difference of opinion in the house? Oh, I see. You're saying difference of opinion within your household. Mashallah. Okay. Mashallah. So just to tell the story real quick. So there's a village in West Africa, where the position of Imam was inherited, it was passed down from father to son. But the problem was in this particular village, when the father died, there was the son had not studied anything at all. I had no idea about anything. And so the father's kind of friends and cohort, they were like, listen, you'll be okay. You'll be okay. They're trying to talk him up. All you have to do. Whenever somebody asks you a question, just say, Well,

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you know, there's two opinions about this. You know, some said yes, and some said no. And so people were coming and asking and asking, and he kept on relying on this answer every single thing that they said, and it was working for a while. And then people started talking and, you know, sharing their stories, and they figured out kind of his trick. And so somebody came to him and said,

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In Islam, are we allowed to worship idols? And he said, Well, you know,

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all the scholars they differed about this some said yes and some said no and then they figured it out and they kicked them out

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okay che family is providing Italia they're providing the reasoning good, if not fast have to make up so it's better to fast Ah, there's something that's blessed about the time of Ramadan Ah, very good this is one of the reasonings of the side that picked your opinion. So, this is this is a famous difference of opinion as well between the majority and the Hamleys, okay the humbly say that it is better to break your fast because this is a

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and allow us that Allah to Allah gave you and Allah to Allah wouldn't have given you an allowance except that he preferred you to take it

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and there's also

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there there's also Hadith that's agreed upon Hadith jabot. And both sahih al Bukhari and Muslim Lazar middle belt ously amphis Sepher, where the prophesy centum said, it's not from piety to fast while

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to fast while traveling.

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And there is a Hadith that is, there's discrepancy over its authenticity, where the prophesy Sonam is alleged to say, certainly a lot loves to give allowances and he loves that they are taking. So this is the humble is ammunition. I say look at these Hadith it's clear. But there's discrepancy in the interpretation of that hadith in Sahih, Bukhari and Sahih Muslim.

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They say that the prophesy said, I'm said it's not from piety to fasts, meaning that he's trying to show people in a similar way that he told them that it's not part of piety to stand out in the sun. That's not an act of worship that's doing anything for your soul. Like you don't have to be a tough guy, basically, like you don't have to making it extra hard on yourself is not part of piety. So there's a interpretation where the majority says that no, we disagree with how you've interpreted the Hadith, the majority say that it's better to fast.

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It's better to fast for exactly the reason that the sheikh family said it because something about the timing of Ramadan, the devils are chained up, and the blessing is raining down. All these sort of

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all of these sort of,

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I don't want to say mystical per se, but

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metaphysical Thank you, that's the word I'm looking for. All these sort of metaphysical things are happening, and they're happening within the timeframe of Ramadan. Right. So if you're fasting, you're catching that you're catching all of that goodness. And furthermore, you don't have to make it up later, which is more difficult to make it up later, especially outside of Ramadan, you've already had no need, you don't really feel like it, all these sorts of things. So we can respect again, respect both opinions, and not go crazy in defense of any particular one of them.

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Okay, we know that

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if a traveler

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were to leave at night,

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and he's either on the road or at his destination,

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the next day, we know that he does not have to fast that next day. However, what if somebody leaves during the day? Okay, so they begin their day fasting, because they're a resident, and then around noon time, they get on a plane or get in their car and they drive and they begin their travel? Does a person have to complete that day of fasting? Or are they allowed to break their fast in the middle of the day?

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This is something that we take for granted, but we don't a lot of us don't know the actual opinions of the schools behind this one. I think the vast majority of us probably just like, of course you break your fast right? I think that's the the widespread practice amongst the Muslim community.

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Has anybody ever heard that it's not okay to do that.

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Basically, the long and short of it is this is only the opinion of the homies.

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Oh, you usually keep the fast okay.

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Good. Interestingly enough, this is

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is only the opinion of the homies that you can break your fast in the middle of the day

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and you know, and that's fine it's also some of the other setups such as it has an advisory and shabby but as far as the legal schools go the majority of the legal schools hold that no you keep your fast you keep your fast the entire day and then if you're traveling then you don't have to fast the next day. What about the opposite scenario? What if you're traveling and you're not breaking your fast and you arrive home

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you arrive home you know

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at noon time

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you keep on eating and drinking and for the rest of the day

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or do you have to now you're home

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do you have to fast

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what do people think?

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Time of intention is gone. Oh man I like that you guys cut right to the reasoning. So it keeps eating ASALA

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so we have to shake family and say it family for keep eating

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I feel like we can still fast okay

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Oh of course a lot understands.

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Eat Okay. Thank you. I was looking I was waiting for you. Okay, good. This is split down right the middle or split right down the middle rather. So mannequin Shafi Rahim en la, they say, then he can eat, no problem, enjoy.

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However, I will honey for an athame. And we're of the opinion that if he enters into a land or a place where everybody is fasting, that's his residence that he has to fast. He begins fasting.

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And they compared it to they compared it to an issue that we'll talk about with the women's specific session for women, which is menstruation.

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They made an analogy based off administration, if a woman is menstruating,

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and then she gets the sign of purity, some women get actually a sign of purity. That's, that's different from merely not bleeding anymore.

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If they experienced that in the middle of the day,

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then it becomes obligatory upon them to fast.

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And I don't believe there's any

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difference of opinion on that issue.

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So I will Hanifa and Matt are making an analogy from this situation.

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So we can understand and appreciate and respect both points of view. Whereas Malik and Shafi say, look, the type of intention is gone.

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What if you are fasting traveling from New York to California? Which time do you use for fasting?

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Does it count as a full fast?

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First issue? If we're traveling, we're fasting. Okay, we're on a plane. Okay. What is time?

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What is time? Time is

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of the Laila on the half is the relative motion of planets, right? The planet in the sun. So, time is tied to that. What screws us up is that we look we're, we're, we cheat with the watch. Right? So we get confused, like, Oh, my how, what am I supposed to do? Like now my watch isn't isn't useful at all.

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Right? So you go with what you see in the sky. And that's usually usually not very difficult when you're flying. And usually, especially today, they have, you know, on the monitors, especially international flights, we used to do this actually men's panel last fall. That brings me back one time. I flew back from Medina, to the US to Chicago. And I decided that I was it was Ramadan. It was the summer and I decided I was going to fast because I

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Same thing like the shake family said, I didn't want to have to make up the day after Ramadan.

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And subhanAllah I ended up fasting like 36 hours or something crazy like this, because of all of the, you know,

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the stages of the journey and the way that the earth was rotating and this and that the other day was getting longer, right away from me. Whereas, whereas if you travel, like in your scenario from California to New York, you're drawing yourself closer to the,

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to the setting of the sun.

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I should say you're going away from

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your hastening the end of your day. And there's nothing wrong with that. You don't just because you started your fast in California doesn't mean you have to end your faster California time. Right. So you follow the local time and most flights today, especially international flights, they will have like, local time on the monitor, and they'll have time and destination and time at point of origin or things like that. If you can't, it's not terribly difficult to follow the sun. We used to do that. When we when we flew back and forth from from Saudi Arabia to to the US.

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Good, okay.

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Now we're breaking into issues of

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making things up.

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Okay, so So and okay, we should say

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other types? So we covered now.

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Oh, thank you. Yes, I forgot about that.

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Doesn't say here?

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I'm hesitant to say

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I'm not sure.

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I need to look into that.

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What about extending the days of Ramadan example going to India they always two days behind Ramadan from us.

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So you start fasting?

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Do we then fast 31 days of Ramadan?

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That will come that issue actually comes later in this chapter? Because it doesn't look like we're gonna have time to finish today.

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So in one sense, some of them are limited. Just to give you the brief preview. Some of them said, No, you can't because the month can only be 30 days. Some of them said no, you faster the people you write faster the people. And this actually happened not as dramatically as in the two days ahead. But this happened in the time of the companions. I don't believe in the time of the Prophet. So I said no, I believe in the time of the companions, when one of the companions was traveling to from Shem to Medina, if I'm not mistaken. And they had started the fast the day before they after something like that. When they came back, they broke fast with the people when they were breaking

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So it follows and that would that would remain consistent with what we just said about traveling between California and New York. You're not going too fast on California time. Right? It's the middle of the night in New York. And you're you know still laying the break your fast. Right? Has to do usually with where you're at.

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Okay, we talked about different categories we all eventually get to

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to nursing and pregnant women. What about before we get there? What about people who lose consciousness? Okay, this is a category of person that we haven't talked about yet. This is

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a more controversial category of person.

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Does a person

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who is in a coma for example,

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for Ramadan? Do they have to make up Ramadan or not?

00:33:56 --> 00:34:02

Let's say let's distinguish between the two issues let's say here. They were in a coma before Ramadan happened.

00:34:04 --> 00:34:08

They're in a coma the entire Ramadan? Do they have to make up that Ramadan or no?

00:34:36 --> 00:34:39

How are they gonna pay someone to do it for them? They're in a coma

00:34:47 --> 00:35:00

the majority say no. They do not have to make up that from Milan. If they're in a coma before Ramadan happens. Nope. Malik dissents Matic says yes they do. Okay, what about if someone

00:35:00 --> 00:35:15

loses consciousness during a fasting day. So they begin their fasting day they're fasting, the fasting or fasting, and then they pass out, or, or they go into a coma or something like this, that individual day. So they have to make that day up or not.

00:35:22 --> 00:35:36

Say it's follow the hand of the opinion of Rouhani for said, they're good, they did not have to make it up. Shake family follows the Shafi opinion, which says yes, they have to make it up, regardless of the circumstances.

00:35:40 --> 00:35:47

And then everybody else they kind of chop up the day. So you know, mathematically says, if they

00:35:49 --> 00:36:13

even were able to get some of that day in, then it counts as a full day. And this might be an interesting parallel to the question that I didn't know the answer to earlier that the say it family asked about completing days, right? If you've only technically done a partial day, doesn't count as a whole day. I'd be interested to see if they made an illegal analogy here between this issue and that issue.

00:36:14 --> 00:36:27

Where asthmatic said that if he has done half of the day or more, and passes out or goes into a coma after midday, then yes, it counts. And if it's less than that, then no, he has to make that one day up.

00:36:31 --> 00:36:33

Okay, so we know that if somebody

00:36:35 --> 00:36:40

people who are ill, okay, and we're talking about illness that's going to

00:36:43 --> 00:36:58

Yes, definitely, severe mental illness is the same here takes the same ruling as unconsciousness, because the one of the conditions that runs through all obligations, and

00:36:59 --> 00:37:21

acts of worship is a sound mind or full consciousness. Right. So if that becomes compromised, then the person is not responsible for performing the act of worship at all in the first place. Which is why the vast majority of scholars said that if somebody is in a coma, or

00:37:22 --> 00:37:26

if we want to say has revealed severe mental illness before

00:37:27 --> 00:37:29

Ramadan, then they don't have to make it up.

00:37:30 --> 00:37:31

Because the

00:37:32 --> 00:37:39

condition or the prerequisite of such a thing would be completely gone in the first place. Yes, Mohammed.

00:37:43 --> 00:37:46

Oh, sorry, I thought you had something there for us.

00:37:47 --> 00:37:48

Very good.

00:37:49 --> 00:38:07

So we're talking about sickness from keep in mind that we're talking about, and this gets back to something to say your family mentioned, this is different from terminal illness. Okay. terminal illness and general being, you know, elderly and frail is something that we can pay Vidya

00:38:08 --> 00:38:11

okay, like, we don't have to,

00:38:12 --> 00:38:32

they don't have to worry about making it up. That would be circular logic to demand that they make up something that they can't do in the first place. Right. So when we're talking about so when we're talking about illness and traveling, we're talking about an illness that's it is expected to recover from okay. Now, if such an ill person

00:38:33 --> 00:38:50

or somebody who is a traveler, let's say they have 10 days that they have to make up do they have to make up those days consecutively? Because Ramadan is consecutive days, or can they do one at a time?

00:38:52 --> 00:38:52

What do you think?

00:39:20 --> 00:39:22

Yes, one at a time.

00:39:23 --> 00:39:40

Very, very, very few. Scholars in the history of our tradition said that they have to be consecutive, vast, vast, vast majority said one at a time is just just fine. Um, okay. What if what if what if someone owes fasts

00:39:42 --> 00:39:43

from last year?

00:39:44 --> 00:39:47

Okay. And they reach Ramadan

00:39:49 --> 00:40:00

for this year, and they still have those like 10 days that they never made up and they were able to make them up key condition. Okay, we're not talking about

00:40:00 --> 00:40:17

about somebody who, for example, pregnant and breastfeeding women who might be in a state for a prolonged period of time, where they didn't have an opportunity to make them up without fear of hurting themselves or something like that. And as somebody who had the opportunity to make up those 10 days didn't and now it's Ramadan

00:40:19 --> 00:40:34

there's no doubt that that person still has to make up those 10 days after Ramadan. And they can't make up those days and kind of like combine them in with the Ramadan that now do upon them. But do they also have to pay a penalty? In addition to that?

00:40:35 --> 00:40:36

Yes or no?

00:40:47 --> 00:41:16

Mashallah, we have very good Hanafis here. So, Mohan Brother Mohammed, he's the in the majority, Maddie can Shafi and atma said yes, that person has to pay a penalty on top of on top of their making up those fasts because they let it go for an entire for an entire year with the ability to make it up. Whereas Abu Hanifa and the Hanafi madhhab. They said no, no, does not have to pay a penalty on top of that. On top of what they there are a lot they're making it up.

00:41:21 --> 00:41:27

Okay, that issue, I think we should talk about another time. That issue we'll talk about for the women's class.

00:41:31 --> 00:41:33

Okay, so somebody, how much is the penalty?

00:41:35 --> 00:41:37

It's feeding a poor person

00:41:41 --> 00:41:42

is the normal video.

00:41:45 --> 00:41:59

So that's very good. Good question here. So let me backtrack and answer the same question because this is something that is a good idea to answer now, what is fit yet? Okay? Video we said is something paid in lieu of,

00:42:01 --> 00:42:21

of fasting, in general for legitimate reason. Okay, fit yet is not for unnecessarily if you've missed some days, because you traveled or you were sick, and you're going to get over that sickness. In that situation, you only have to make those days up. Okay, but what if you're terminally ill, or you're chronically ill?

00:42:22 --> 00:42:24

And you're not going to be able to fast?

00:42:26 --> 00:43:03

In that situation in lieu of fasting you pay what's called a video, what is a video? And how much is it the issue you're gonna find a lot of opinions if you go online, because the issue is they're tied to weights and measurements of foodstuffs that they used to use at the time of the prophesy center. And on top of that, there's a difference of opinion as to exactly how much I think that the Hanafi madhhab says a saw which is a one particular measure of dates and barley or wheat or whatever, and then I believe that the remaining three schools say a month, which is a fourth of that, so it's a little bit different.

00:43:06 --> 00:43:13

So in our times, we have a question because it's much easier to pay cash Okay.

00:43:14 --> 00:43:16

So do we

00:43:17 --> 00:43:23

feed a poor person so the normal figure is a certain amount of food there's a difference of opinion how much

00:43:25 --> 00:43:41

paid to one poor person per day of missed fasts? So if you're elderly and you're not going to make 30 days then you have to feed a poor person one poor person 30 times or you have to feed 30 Poor people one meal Okay.

00:43:43 --> 00:43:55

Our days we like cash we like money it's easy. Okay. Is it permissible to give a poor person or a needy person cash that's an equivalent dollar amount to the amount of food

00:43:56 --> 00:43:59

I will how many for says yes, the majority say no.

00:44:00 --> 00:44:09

How much is it? Many scholarly institutions they go in between say like five and $15 per day midst of fasting

00:44:10 --> 00:44:31

okay, what's a nice little compromise? I was talking about this with Dr. Muslim the other day, a nice little compromise is the a masjid acting as a Wookie acting as an agent of people. People who have to pay figure pay cash to the masjid and then the masjid maybe purchases food and distributes food and things like this much like we're doing for the Ramadan food drive.

00:44:32 --> 00:44:40

That would be a nice kind of mixture of the ease of Abu Hanifa opinion and the caution of the majority opinion.

00:44:42 --> 00:44:43


00:44:52 --> 00:45:00

Okay, is it required we're running out of actually overtime? Oh, why do people Fast Six days after Ramadan? This is recommend

00:45:00 --> 00:45:40

It's not obligatory, they're called the days of show up, sit them in a show the six days of show up. So the province I said, I'm encouraged fasting, six days of show up. And the wisdom behind it is pretty clear. Because when you when you wile out and go party for Eid, it can be really easy to just slip back into those old habits. So six days and show all kinds of zaps that in the butt, right, it keeps you on your toes, it solidifies the progress that you made in Ramadan, so you don't backslide doesn't have to be a poor person. Yes, it does for fit. Yeah, it does not have to be the needy. It can't be the not needy.

00:45:41 --> 00:45:46

Um, okay, so a person who is elderly or unable to fast.

00:45:48 --> 00:45:56

And they don't make it up. Yes, the majority said that they pay the video. And really, we're just going to have to stop here because we're almost 10 Minutes Overtime.

00:45:59 --> 00:46:18

Which is actually okay, because then the remaining of the remainder of the issues have to do with penalty. So what if we do a no, no? What if we break our fast? What if we're intimate with our spouses? What if we eat on purpose? And so on and so forth? So that's what we're gonna get into next time in sha Allah, they don't need to fast are you talking about the

00:46:19 --> 00:46:24

chronically ill and elderly no receiver of fiducia, no

00:46:25 --> 00:46:27

receiver of video, they could have a medical condition.

00:46:29 --> 00:46:44

It doesn't it doesn't have any bearing on whether they're an eligible recipient of food, whether they are fasting or not. They could be they could be just like you, right, the important thing is that they're needy.

00:46:47 --> 00:46:48

Any other questions?

00:46:54 --> 00:46:58

So next time, okay, next time inshallah we will finish

00:46:59 --> 00:47:16

the issues of penalties. And that gives us I think, one remaining week, I believe, after that, which I guess we will dedicate to women's issues. We'll talk about period ministration we'll talk about breastfeeding, nursing.

00:47:18 --> 00:47:25

And anything else so that'll be yes. Insha Allah. Okay, good. Thank you very much, everybody. I mean, like I said, I'm like

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