Tom Facchine – Minute with a Muslim #112 – What Does Islam Say About Feminism & Red Pill

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history of feminism and how it has been a an "overcorreied response" to address issues that are true, but also the "red pill" is a response that addresses the happiness and human success that women have experienced. They discuss the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the
AI: Transcript ©
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We get a lot of questions about feminism and about red pill.

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And I think when it comes to ideologies like this, my personal perspective, that I could be wrong, but I think that there is nothing that appeals to a large swath of human beings except that it has some truth in it. Okay, responds to something going on that you look at the development of feminism, historically, there's no doubt that it's responding to real problems in the West, okay, women were treated like property, women were not allowed to own property, or inherit or vote or do anything. I mean, that's why we have the tradition of in Western countries, a woman when they get married, they changed their last name or their husband's name, because legally from the Middle Ages in Europe, you

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were not even a legal person, you are the property of your father, and then you became the property of your husband to the point where in some places, if somebody's wife committed a crime, the husband would get punished. Right. So that's where they're coming from. And then feminism, historically, is a very logical response to that, because that is extreme. That's something that's way more extreme than anything that anybody could find fault in Islam for. Okay, so you talk about the general you know, phenomenon of feminism, and it's got many strange the first wave, second wave third wave radical feminism, there's a big difference between the feminism on the books like The Judith

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Butler's and the bell hooks, and the and this is stuff that I actually studied quite a bit. And then the Everyday Feminism of the person on the street who thinks that it's just about female empowerment and things like that, you know, it's a huge umbrella term. And it's got a lot of different sort of flavors to it. But there's something about it that appeals to people that appeals to something that's true, that responds to a historical reality that had to be corrected. Now, all the solutions that it gives to that reality are not true, right? These are people making up things. And so you see, actually, and this is a historical point that there is an overcorrection. Okay, so we had this

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very, very anti women, sort of thing in Western society. And then feminism came and now it's, it's an overcorrection, in a lot of ways. And again, if we're talking about the books, and the theorists, and the people who are sort of setting sort of the pace for where the movement is going, talking about the types of feminists that are attempting to deconstruct gender entirely right to deconstruct the family entirely, right, and this is beyond the scope of this video, it's getting to an academic discussion, but these are things that are on the books with, again, people like Judith Butler and Simone de Beauvoir and, and bell hooks in their sort of plan for how they were going to supposedly

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get some sort of justice or something in this world. It's ridiculous, honestly, like, they went way overboard, and it's all manmade, right? It's not divine revelation, it's not guidance. And so of course, they were going to get things horribly wrong. So then if we have another response to that red pill, though, we can say the same thing there's going to be there's something about red pill that addresses something that's true. And there's something about it, that is, there's something really, really important going on about the resentment that men feel and the ways and there's lots of academic literature about how men have been sort of pushed out when it comes to the neoliberal

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capitalist economy, and how you know, women make better employees, because they're more willing to accept or put up with certain stuff from their bosses. And, you know, they take lower pay, we complain about a pay gap, we don't realize that the pay gap is intentionally exploited, right by how the entire system is set up. I mean, there's a reason why people prefer female employees sometimes, because they are sometimes male employees, where we're going to quit, you know, for some of the stuff that we have to put up with, you know, and there's higher education, right, we see how there's, there's gender differences in higher education, right? There's all these sort of

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traditional, meaningful symbolic rites of passage that men use to take part in, that are gone from our society, okay, you know, back in the 70s, like my father's time, and, you know, like, used to be able to get into a fistfight with somebody, and then it was okay, you could walk away from it. And that was sort of like, you know, getting out some male aggression and establishing pecking order and all these sorts of things going on. Now, you can't do that you get the cops called now somebody's got a weapon. Now somebody, you know, it's, it's a criminal offense, and it's going to stay with you on your permanent record, all these sorts of things. So it's a very confusing time to be a man,

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right? We're taken away from, you know, hyper urbanization. Okay. Fewer men hunt, right? And there's less sort of interaction with these spheres that men have traditionally sort of been in touch with for, you know, centuries and centuries and centuries. So there's something wrong, okay. And then red pill comes as a response. It's a human response, it gets a lot of things wrong, right. But each ideology and I think this again, like so that people develop a little bit of empathy for the other side, because a lot of times people are at each other's throats, you know, most ideologies like this, they don't take hold, unless there's something that is significantly wrong going on that that

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is true, right, that touches people that's meaningful to people. So our question is, how does Islam address all of these issues in a more balanced way and in a way that's sourced in divine guidance, right because Islam has within it the the solutions for the thing

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that feminism tried to fix but screwed up and Islam has within IT solutions for the things that red pill tries to address but it's getting horribly wrong right and so we believe in divine guidance over human guidance any day of the week, right? We believe that the paradigms and the instructions are there in Islam sent by Allah's power data communicated through the messengers preserved throughout time then just people on YouTube talking or people writing books in the you know, the academy theorizing about this and that and that there there can't be an equation between the two. So the question can't ever be is Islam feminist? Or is Islam What does Islam say about red pill with

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the assumption that red pills Okay, and then Islam needs to be measured, right? No, no, we measure feminism and red pill according to a snap. Okay, because Islam was divine guidance, and there's no, there's nothing that's going to be more attuned to human happiness and human success than divine guidance.

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