Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J04-047D Tafsir Aal-e-Imran 96-97
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All right. In a Willa bating will the island NASCI Lulla. The Biba Katha mobile rockin Wahoo, the Leela aalameen. Indeed the first house of worship that was set up for people is surely the one which is in Bucha and it is a place that is Mobarak that is blessing it is a guidance for the people of the worlds now in a while abating first house first house means first member Utila from the houses of Allah any it doesn't mean that it was literally the first building on Earth first structure on earth. No, there were perhaps structures that people made or whatever creatures that lived here made. But here beit means member Utila, the first house of worship is the one which is in Bucha. And
in a way elevate and will the island Nursey will the way it was set up. It was established, it's from the root letters, well BOD I mean, and what are basically means to put something down, okay. And what is meant over here is that it was laid down, it was set up for the purpose of worship, so that people can worship Allah. It is the one which is in Bucha and Bucha is makha Bucha is another name for maca. And by the way, the city of maca, maca has many names, it is called in the Quran, omo kura, the mother of counts it is called Al Bella del Amin, the secure city and it is also called a better than haram it is also called El Correa, the town. Ne it has many different names and some are
lemma say that Baca is slightly different from Makkah in that the word Bucha applies to the area of Al Masjid Al haram and its immediate surroundings where as the word Maga applies to all of the Haram and the all of the sacred sanctity. Okay, all of the sacred area. So some we're gonna differentiate between Bucha and mocha. Now, why is this mentioned over here? The Jews raised another objection, they said regarding the qibla, right that if the first clip let is beta mock this, which is in Jerusalem, then why don't you face it? Why do you face the Kaaba in prayer? So it is clarified here that no the first Puebla was actually always Bucha, because the first house of worship is the one
which is in Makkah, not the one in Jerusalem. Right. And they said that if Ibrahim Alayhi salaam migrated to a sham and the prophets after him were also from there, and Baitul mock this was the place of worship than how come the Muslims have left this ancient and original place of worship, and taking the Kaaba as their Qibla. So it's clarified here that the original Qibla was actually always the Kaaba, because it was the first place of worship and it was for all people. And this house, which is in Makkah, is Mubarak it is blessing. Right now Bucha linguistically is from back calf calf and Bukka your buku is to tear or break something up. So Maca is called Baca because the next of the
arrogant, the Mighty, the stubborn are broken when they go to Makkah, right. So many people, they're high and mighty in their homes for when they go to Morocco and they go to the Kaaba, and they're wearing two sheets of white cloth, they look so miskeen So even they become humble at home. They may be royalty, people may fear them. Everyone around them is Yes Boss, Yes, boss. But what happens when they go to Makkah? There nobody, right? They're standing equal. They have to wait. They're lost in the crowd. They are nothing basically. So even they become humble in their journey to Makkah and in the worship that they perform over there. It's actually very humbling to visit the Kaaba to go to
the city of Mecca for worship, and also those who try to attack the Kaaba, such arrogant people, they are ruined. Like what happened to Abraham and his army. They came with elephants and a huge army and they were destroyed. So this is why Bucha is called Bucha another reason some random I say that from the root letters back half Caf tobacco yet tobacco and yet the Bacuna fear anyone people go there, there is gonna be a huge crowd. Right? So Yetta Bacuna fie how many people crowd over there. So it's a very busy place, very crowded place. Right? It's a place where crowds are always there. Any you go to any place in the world there are times when you see that they are very busy
such places and there are times when, for example, in the night empty, dead, right or on the weekend like you go to a store
idiom for example, when there is a game, it's so busy. When there is a game downtown, it's impossible to get from one place to the other, it will take so long, but you go at another time on a weekend morning and it's empty, quiet dead. But MCI is not like that no matter when you go, what time of year it is, what day it is. Night Day. Doesn't matter. It is busy. All right, and I'm sure you've experienced that. I remember when we were young, you know, with my sisters and I when we would go to rubra we would plan you know, we're gonna go after Lahore to perform to laugh, because it's going to be so hard, it's going to be so sunny, nobody's going to be there. And then we'll be
able to go touch the harder and Subhanallah who still we wouldn't get the chance. Hey, Al Hamdulillah what we did when we were little unhandled Allah for that opportunity, but the still it can be busy at such times. You think, Okay, I'm gonna go at 2am I want to go at 1am and then you see there's crowds of people, right? You think you're gonna go at an odd hour but no matter when you go, it's busy. It's always crowded over there. What Allah hellhound another reason why MCI is called Bucha is because they say that it brings Booka booka as in crying, any people cry over their, over their sins, right? They cry over there. And when they're humbled before Allah, they cry over there
with hope. Right? You go there to make draw, and you cry. Even if you're a person who does not generally cry when you're there. You cannot help but cry. So that house is the first house of worship. There's a hadith in which we learn every little Dylan Warren who asked that O messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which mosque was the first to be built on the surface of the earth? And he said, and Masjid Al haram in Makkah, a Buddha asked, which was built next, he said, the Mosque of Al Opsahl, meaning in Jerusalem. He said, What was the period of construction between the two? He said 40 years 40 years meaning 40 years after the Karbo was built, then what happened?
Masjid Al Aqsa was built. Okay, now the prophets of Allah who are using them said 40. Okay, so many Illuma interpreted that as 40 years. But it's also possible that it's not 40 years but 40 some other measure of time, because the question is who built the cargo? So it's obvious Ibrahima assembled the cargo because that's mentioned sort of Bacala if you're far away, Brahim will cover either middle bait, right, Ibrahim and is married both of them were raising the foundations of the cargo, right meaning they were building the Kaaba. But how can it be imagined that until the time of Ibrahim Ali Salam there was not a single house of worship on Earth? And there were many people who live before
Ibrahim or in Islam, right. The money Salam knew how they said they were righteous who lived before him. So how is it that there was no house of worship until then? So it is said that Ibrahim Ali Salam did not build the Kaaba from scratch. He only raised the foundations, and he rebuilt it. The foundations were already there. And it's possible that the building was damaged from the surface completely because of the flood. All right, but the foundations were there. And Ibrahim right isn't it was just your farm. He was just raising them and he was building on top of them. So who built it around him? I say that the angels built it or other medicine and built it. You know, there's
different opinions, but whoever built it, we don't know. But what is for sure is that the Kaaba is the first house of worship to be built on Earth. It was Will the Arlin NASCI a was appointed for all people and the Kaaba is mobile rockin this house of worship is Mubarak it is blessing from bow raw calf in it has Baraka in it. And Subhan Allah there is a lot of Baraka in that house, a lot of blessing, by the way, what is baraka? Baraka is divine blessing in something, alright. And because of the divine blessing, what appears to be less becomes more, or what appears to be very limited becomes a source of much, much benefit. You know, for example, when you pick up food for yourself,
and then you get home and you find out somebody else at home is also hungry. So both of you shared it was supposed to be for one person, but two people eat out of it, or three people eat out of it and everyone is full, everyone is happy. Right? So what do you say about that food? There was so much Baraka in it, right? The Prophet sallallahu sallam said about the Sahaba and what you eat before fasting, he said that this is Mobarak food, right. Why because it suffices you for the whole day. So the kava in
At this house of ALLAH has a lot of blessing, a lot of goodness for people, Mubarak. And this is true some places are more virtuous compared to others because Allah subhanaw taala has chosen that place. Right? And Allah subhanaw taala has given that place special significance in a hadith we learned the prophets of Allah who earned Salam said to Makkah, that in Akela, Hiroo Albula he was a humble or lillahi Illa, Allah azza wa jal that you are the best land of allah and You are the most beloved land of Allah to allah and You are the best and you are the most beloved land to Allah. Have you think about it, Monica, any it's a place that is dry, very hot, very hot. It's surrounded by
many rock and sand. There is no beach nearby, right? There's no beautiful caves or valleys or anything like that. But it is more special, more beautiful than the Rockies. Right? Or any other you know beautiful place on the earth that you have seen or you have wanted to go to or you have visited any it is more special. mkhaya is more beautiful. It is more special to those who believe you can worship Allah subhanaw taala in any place on the earth. Worship is valid in all places you can pray at the Rockies at Yosemite you can pray at you know some other Valley or mountaintop but some places are more virtuous. So if you pray Salat in Makkah, in muscular haram, the reward is so much more and
this is the baraka This is the goodness this is the blessing. This is the increase the prophets Allah Who Urdu sent him said that one prayer in the sacred mosque is better than 100,000 prayers anywhere else. Allahu Akbar. Can you pray 100,000 prayers. One person I know she told me how whenever she would have an exam or something. She would pray 100 No waffle at night. And I was like wow, how do you do that? 100 of a god and in Ramadan when you go for Tara we ate record or 20 record people find that to be difficult. Some people might show they have the capacity for 100 record. Can you imagine 100,000 100,000 But if you pray, one Salah it and Masjid Al haram, the reward is
greater. It's so much more it is better than 100,000 prayers anywhere else than another baraka of this house is that hajj and umrah are only performed over there. They cannot be performed anywhere else. Right, and how genre are such that they remove sins, the prophets that Allah who produced them said about how Jordan and hajiya Dima Khanna Coppola who Hajj abolishes whatever was done before it, if a person does Hajj in such a way that they don't commit any sin, no misconduct, no sexual advances anything like that, then they will return home as pure of sin as the day that their mother gave birth to them. And when a person goes for Umrah, after Umrah, then one route to the next
whatever sins were committed in between are erased. So this is the bulk of that place. Another Baraka is that when a person goes for Hajj and Umrah consecutively over there, then that removes poverty and sin just as the furnace removes impurities from some metal. Alright, and another Baraka is that there is more sustenance over there. Ibrahim alayhis salam prayed that what Zuko Mina Thermalright he prayed that provide them meaning those who live in Makkah with fruits right in total CASAS IFT Ada was pantherella says you Jabba elate and erotically shake, all fruits are brought over there. Then you have zamzam over there which is not just water for drinking, as we learned in
Hadith, it is food, it does the job of food it does the job of medicine, right and another Baraka is that their safety over there it's such a secure place so you feel at ease and it's the best vacation you can ever have mobile rockin and it is what would Allah Allah mean? It is guidance for all people and guidance is of many kinds guidances of Marfa of ishod where you get to know you get to learn. So you go to Makkah, you go to this house, and you get to learn many things. Then guidance is also of tofi of Amel and you go there and you get the tofield to do good things. You know, for example, many people don't have it of reciting Quran regularly but when they go for Allah when they go for Hajj,
they make a point to recite the Quran, then guidance is also often a bit of steadfastness. So when people go for Hajj or Umrah then what happens they become more steadfast in their Deen right. So what would the Leela Allah mean? It is guidance for all people and then almost Panthro to his fee he is to begin at in it are clear signs clear evidences I asked for the idea and beginner deplore.
will have by Hina clear evidence they are known. And what are these clear signs? These are clear signs of the fact that it was Ibrahim Rolison and who built it? Right? And if Ibrahim Al Hassan built it that means that it was there before beta mock this because it was Sulaiman Ernie Sinha who built that Masjid of Bethel Noctus. Okay, Ibrahim Al Hassan lived way before so they mannerly sinner, and especially what evidence is there Mocambo Ibrahim, the standing place of Ibrahim or any Salon at the stone with his footprints is preserved till today and that is an evidence that Ibrahim or Islam built it. And that is an evidence that this is the original house, the original Qibla All
right, Sophie is from the unit Maqam Ibrahim MACOM is from top well meme and MACOM his place of PM, the place of standing in the place where Ibrahim Ali Salam stood and built the carbo and mahkamah brahim, remember, originally it was attached to the Kaaba and it was next to it just as the Blackstone is this was also attached to the Kaaba. But the MACOM Ibrahim is such that you know, after doing the life you have to pray to look are facing it. So of course that would cause some crowdedness basically, so remodel de la hora and when he was the Khalifa he actually moved it slightly away from the Kaaba so that people doing the wife could go between McCollum, Ibrahim and
the Kaaba easily and those who have to pray. They can also pray. So he is from beginner to Mocambo Ibrahim, now the ILP now there isn't just one sign one evidence one evidence has mentioned over here Maqam Ibrahim, but there's others as well. Like for example hydrilla swith right or you have the water of zum zum. And then when you go away from the masjid, you have around the vicinity you have most Delphi you have Mina you have Arafa right. So all of these are what evidences that Ibrahim Hassan was here. Ibrahim Ali salaam established this place of worship, that Allah subhanaw taala chose this place to be the original Qibla and Allah subhanaw taala says in Surah Baqarah verse
number 125 What does he do Mikami Ibrahim mo Salah and take the macabre him as a place of prayer. And when the prophets of Allah who are yo salaam did the tawaf, he went to the MACOM. And he recited this idea, and then he prayed to recur. Now these are Hasee signs, tangible signs, signs that you can see touch feel. You can see these places you can go there, right, even Safa. Marwah, it's a sign the Hajer was here, right, which means that Ibrahim Hassan was here, but there is also Marna Ouija signs, intangible signs, which show very clearly that this place has been chosen by Allah. Okay. Like, for example, the diversity of people over there
any I don't know if there's any other place in the world where you will see people have so many different ethnicities in one place. And he you will hear languages you've never heard of before. You will come across people who have come from such parts of the world that you may not even have heard off. You didn't even know Muslims lived there. You didn't even know that that place existed Subhanallah and all of them are there for what purpose for the purpose of worshipping Allah subhanaw taala. All right, and then shucks other any how people go there and their Eman is strengthened. Sophie I Tomba units. Mocambo Ibrahim. Oh, Amanda Hello, who can Amina and whoever enters it shall
be safe woman and whoever the Hello Who dal holla whoever enters makha Bucha. Whoever enters it kind of Amina, he shall be safe. He was safe, meaning he is safe, he will be safe. Now. This is a statement of fact that the rule is that whoever enters Makkah MCCA is now safe and secure. Amyn Hamza meme note, now this person is going to be unharmed. They're not going to be robbed. They're not going to be hit. They're not going to be beaten, they're not going to be killed. No, they are going to be safe and secure. So once a person enters mucca once they come in, they become safe, even though outside of Makkah they were not safe, but inside they're safe, because this is a safe zone
now. And we see that even in the time of ignorance. If a person wanted safety, they would actually enter Makkah because everyone's life was safe over there. So hustle bustle, he said that if a person saw the murder of his father in Makkah, he would not do anything to him until he left any the murderer left Makkah then he will be pursued and revenge would be taken. So woman de holla who can Amina this rule is supposed to continue that whoever enters it is safe shall be safe. And the machinery can actually follow this to a great deal. We learned that when they wanted to kill hubbub in a lot
Is Rhodiola Horan, who they had imprisoned him in Makkah, but when they wanted to kill him, they brought him out of Morocco and then they killed him. Solomon Dakolo Cana Amina, even they respected this. So this means that we must respect this rule even more. Right? And Allah Subhana Allah says, in sort of Quraysh Valley are Bula Bahal bait a lady of Dharma who majeure in what am an omen health? There as in the people who live in Makkah should worship the Lord of this house who has fed them against hunger, and has given them security against fear because everywhere else outside of Makkah, people were afraid, in total uncovered Daya 67 Or will Amuro, unnatural Nehalem, an eminent
whale the Hata who nurserymen holy him, have they not seen that we made mocha safe sanctuary while people are being taken away all around them and people all around them are in danger, but those who live in Makkah are in safety. So it is a safe refuge. It is a safe space, right? It is a safe zone where even animals are safe, right? They're not to be frightened. They're not to be chased out of Makkah, and those in Makkah are safe, and they will be safe even from the fitna of the gel. And those who go towards Makkah for hajj for Umrah are in Allah's protection. All right. So women, the hollow who cannot Amina, whoever enters Makkah is safe, they will be safe. And you experienced this,
that you feel very safe over there. And many women will testify to this, that there's no other place in the world where they can think about going somewhere at 2am, you know, alone, but in Makkah, this happens all the time. They will go in the night alone sometimes to make the laugh to pray in muscular haram and they have no fear. And this is because a woman the Hello who cannot Amina but now there is a question. Sometimes you hear about people getting pickpocketed during blow off, right? So their property is not safe or people being hit. Alright, I remember I was very little once. It was my first time going for ombre. I think I was like six or seven. I don't know very little. But I just
have this memory that there were these pigeons. And I was fascinated. You know, I took a step to go towards them. And this woman came in hate me, I still remember that impact. So a person might say, woman, the Hello Can Opener. You're supposed to be safe, or you weren't safe, somebody came and hit you. Right? Many women actually will say things like, you know, during the laugh, they were touched inappropriately, right? Or people will talk about how their property got damaged, how they got harmed, et cetera. They got sick. But Allah says woman, the hola who kind of Amina saw what's happening over here. So there's two things. One is that in comparison to the rest of the world,
okay, Maca is still very, very secure, very secure anything about it, the crowd that is around the Kaaba, it's difficult to even walk without stopping every few steps, right? Imagine if you were in a crowd like that anywhere else on Earth. anywhere else on Earth, you would not be safe, right? You would not be safe. So in comparison to the rest of the world, any danger or any harm that people experience in Morocco is minimal, minimal. The other thing is that all of us say that woman the Hello, who can Amina This is actually a command that is being given to people that whoever enters it should be safe, meaning all people you are not allowed to cause harm to those who enter the haram to
those who enter Maccha any those who enter MCCA then their life, their honor their property, their bodies are should be respected. Because they're in a place of sanctity, they are here for the purpose of worship. And this is the reason why the person who violates another's property or life or honor within the sanctity of the Haram then such a person is no longer secure in the home. He is to be punished in the home. So for example, if someone hits another, they're supposed to be hit. They're supposed to be punished in the home. If a man harasses a woman in the Harlem they will be punished right there and then any day will lose security in the home because they violated the
sanctity of the halal. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Beware Allah has made this town meeting MCCA a sanctuary when he created the heavens and the earth. And it is sacred by Allah's decree until the Day of Resurrection. Fighting in Macau was not permitted for anyone before me. And it was only allowed for me for a few hours on that day, meaning on the day of the conquest of Makkah, and he said no doubt it is at this moment a sanctuary by Allah's decree until the day of rest
direction and he said it is not allowed to uproot its thorny shrubs to hunt its game to pick up its lost objects except by announcing it or to uproot its trees. And he said it is not allowed. So Amanda Hello Canada, Amina. We are being told over here that whoever enters it shall be safe, so you better respect one another and you must not harm others. And if you harm others, then the punishment is serious. It is very severe. Another Hadith we learned Prophet sallallahu sallam said that Allah not the people made Makkah, a sanctuary. Therefore, anybody who has belief in Allah and the Last Day should neither shed blood in it, nor cut down its trees. And he also said that lie a hillbilly a
honeycomb, a Yamuna. Bhima katha, Silla, that it is not allowed for any one of you to carry weapons and mucker why? Because if weapons are exposed, then people will not feel safe, right people feel afraid. But of course for everyone's safety, we see guards everywhere now in MCCA so that the worshipers are secure but they're not allowed to carry their weapons any exposed and pointing them towards the people like unfortunately you see in by through Mk this how literally the Israeli army soldiers are point weapons add worshipers and literally put them on their shoulders and their chests to frighten them to threaten them to not let them worship over there freely scaring them away. This
is wrong. This is very wrong. You can eat religiously also. woman alone will remember manera Masada de la Hui who is more unjust woman Avila mummy mum manera Masada de la he and yieldco Rafi has smooth that does not let people remember Allah there. This is great injustice. Then Allah subhanaw taala says well Allah here Allah NASCI had jewel baits and due to Allah from the people, meaning upon people is the duty towards Allah, this is something that they Oh ALLAH. So it is the right of Allah upon the people, people all this to Allah, what had you will bait the pilgrimage to the house which house the first house, the Kaaba, but who has to do had your bait? Who is this an obligation
on Minister Tara Elise Avila, whoever is capable of making a way to it. Now hit * hedge is from her gym gym and had just the verb Hijjah It means he went or he visited. He intended to go somewhere and he went there. He visited, why out of respect. Or he went repeatedly frequently. This is the meaning of the verb Hijjah. So hedge is pilgrimage it's a visit. Okay, now had and hedge. You see the word hedge here hedge and hedge. They're the same. Okay? And some linguists say that there is a difference. So they say that hedge is a single pilgrimage. Okay, so what Allah here Allah NASCI hit July 8, he at least one pilgrimage to the house is due upon people for the sake of Allah meaning
they must do it they owe this to Allah. But who man is Tatara la Usabilla whoever is capable of making a way to it is the thorough is from Tao wherein is to Tara is to have the capacity to do something. Now whoever has the capacity to it, meaning to the bait to the house of Allah, and whoever has the capacity to make the Seville to make the way to the house must go for pilgrimage. Now, what does this mean? What this capability mean? Minister tharla, he's a villa. In order to make your way to the Kaaba, you need first of all, sufficient provision, you need to have that financial capacity to be able to travel to be able to afford to travel and cover the expenses of the entire
trip. All right, doesn't have to be five star, but whatever. Any basic, you know, expenses even can become quite pricey. And a person has to take time off of work. And then a person has to make sure that they have enough back home to pay for rent and to pay for it eat hydro etc while they're away. So if they can afford financially, then they have to go for Hajj. So the first thing in Minister thoria he's a biller is financial capability. Second, Minister authorities Aveda in order to go there, you need to find a means of transportation. Right? You can't just walk on foot, you have to find a means of transportation. So back in the day, for example, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam when he was going for Hajj, a woman wanted to go for Hajj. Right. And she asked her husband who had two camels that please lend me one of your camels. I want to go for Hajj as well. And he said that no my
Other camel I use only for jihad. So she said this is also in the way of Allah if you let me go on Hajj on your camel, this isn't the way of Allah, Allah will bless you, Allah will reward you. He said no way. This is only for jihad. So then she said, Okay, you ride the camel that you have for Jihad and you give me the other one. He said, No, I'm not going to give you preference over myself. So she said, Okay, then give me some money so that I can find a means of transportation. He said, I don't have any extra. So she said, Okay, fine. Then when you go for Hajj, give the prophets of Allah who lives in my salon, and tell him about this conversation. So he went and he told him and the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him that your wife was right, if you gave her your camel that you kept for jihad, then had his altar in the way of Allah. And if you used it, and you gave her your other camel, then that would also have been good. And if you had given her money, so that she would find a camel than Allah subhanaw taala would have compensated you with something better. So then he felt very bad. And he asked, you know, what can she do to get the reward of doing Hajj with you. So, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him to have her do Umrah in the month of Ramadan, because that is equal to the reward of Hajj with the prophets of Allah who already was. So,
means of transportation, whether it is finding you know, plane tickets, being able to purchase them, etcetera, this is part of Minister florala He sebelah then another thing is in order to find a way to MCCA to the garba you need to find the roads right and if the roads are blocked because of war, right? Or because some other reason travel is not allowed, then how can you go or if it's dangerous to travel, then how can you go you cannot go says my name is Tara Lee Sabina, this also includes safety and it should be safe to travel okay. Then, another thing is the fourth thing is physical capability. A person may have money, they may find means of transportation, it may be very safe to
travel. But if they are physically incapable, physically incapable, then how can they go for Hajj, for example, if they're very sick, they're recovering from surgery, or they have severe back pain, they're not able to walk, how can they go for which they cannot, but if it is illness, from which you think you might recover, you could recover or it is such a condition which you know, makes life difficult, but you know, it's just it is what it is, then you can go for Hajj with a conditional intention, like there was a woman at the time of the Prophet sallallahu earlier Salman and Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam told her to come for Hajj, but she said that she was sick. So he told her to
begin with the conditional intention that oh Allah I will stop where you make me stop. Alright, so if you feel like you might get ill, you know some people mashallah they're in very good health and other people their health is not that stable. So, if they have not done hajj and they are able to go in the sense that they can afford to go, they have the means of transportation, it is safe to travel then they should go for Hajj, but with a conditional intention, but if it is for certain that their condition will deteriorate, it is not a good time for them to travel, it is going to be too intense for them to go for Hajj that they should wait. And for women that are Anoma add another condition
which is in Milan and of course there is a difference of opinion among the Roma regarding this. So anyway, Hajj is an obligation on those who are able to go for Hajj and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that a un now Scotford Allahu Wa alaykum will have Jaffa who are people Allah has obligated Hajj annual therefore perform Hajj. And it is one of the pillars of Eman and it is actually one of the best deeds after Iman. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked that which deed is the most superior he said to believe in Allah and His messenger. It was said then what he said jihad. He said then what he said had your mob rule. And remember that those who go for Hajj
are in the way of Allah. And when a person goes for Hajj, they're rewarded for every step that they take. So do not delay because the prophets of Allah who were to set him said hastened in fulfilling the obligation of Hajj, for none of you knows what may come before him as an obstacle. And he life changes very quickly, circumstances change very quickly. Woman kuffaar off in the lasagna, Yuna Angela Isla mean and whoever disbelieves that indeed Allah is free of need of the world's woman cover cover cover is of different types. One is that whoever does Cofer, as in he denies rejects the obligation of hedge. So for example, the person says, oh, there's no hedge, there's no need to do
hedge. It's not required. I don't believe in hedge. This is Cofer, because this is denial of one of the pillars of Islam. But then there is another type of gopher, which is that a person does not do Hajj in spite of having the ability to
Right. They know they should. They know they can, but they don't. So they're leaving an obligation while believing that it is something to be done. Then this is called fronto Nirma. This is extreme ingratitude, and this is a huge sin. It's not covered. It's not any disbelief, but it is a huge sin. That a person is a Muslim. They know they're supposed to do Hajj they believe that they should, but they don't want excuse after the other, delaying, not really giving importance to this. This is cool foot woman Kafala. Guevara, as in this is Khurana Nirma. This is extreme ingratitude because remember in the Quran, the word Cofer is used for ingratitude as well. So whoever is so ungrateful
that he doesn't go for Hajj for in the Lohani United Isla mean then indeed Allah is free of need of the world's Allah is Rich ln dunya is the root and he is not in need of you doing Hajj. Allah is not in need of our Ibadah Hajj is a chance for us to do Shaka it is a chance for us to benefit because the person who goes for Hajj and then does not yet fourth or you have soak as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said then such a person returns as pure of sin as the day that his mother gave birth to him. This is such a huge opportunity to wipe your slate clean. Isn't this amazing? Can you imagine such a fresh start? You can have if you go for Hajj, and yet you refuse yet you delay. You
don't give it importance. Woman Kafala for in the Lucha Linnaean en el Amin a person is only depriving himself. And remember that even though Hajj is mandatory once in a person's lifetime when they're able to do it. Still a person should go for Hajj and Umrah regularly if they're able to afford it. Any these days travel is a sign of luxury. It's a sign of opulence and not just opulence any people travel because it's fun to travel. So hajj and umrah is also something that we should be spending on any if you travel to the most scenic place the most beautiful place just so that you can hike up to a certain place and then take beautiful pictures. Okay, nice. But it's been amazing. You
go to such places and they're so busy. All right. They're so busy because they've become like tourist attractions and anywhere that there are tourists. It's not fun anymore. But MCI is different. No matter how many people there are. It's amazing. You still matter. You do tawaf, you do sorry, you do all the rituals, and what you do counts it matters. So make a point to go for Hajj or Umrah regularly. If Allah subhanaw taala has given you the means, make the intention and go. There's a hadith in which we learn Allah subhanaw taala says that when I have given health to a servant in his body, and given him ample provision, and five years go by, and he does not come to me, meaning
does not visit my house then he is deprived and the prophets that Allah whoever it is that I'm said take benefit from this house for indeed it will be raised twice and it will be brought down demolished twice and the third time it will be lifted up. So don't delay. Take advantage of this blessed place and ask Allah subhanaw taala to take you there again and again. Inshallah we'll conclude over here. Like I mentioned, you know, the maharam for women for hajj, there is a difference of opinion among the scholars regarding this some Roma are very strict about this, that no for a woman having a Muslim is mandatory. And many companions had this understanding that women
would only go for Hajj or Umrah with a Mahan but you also have among companions, for example, the wives of the Prophet sallallahu where it is and I'm not all of them, but many of them went for Hajj as a group, any with certain companions who were appointed to take care of them and need to travel with them to ensure their safety. So based on that other Obama said that if a woman is going with a group that is reliable, and there are people you know, she's not traveling alone, and she is older in age and she doesn't have a Mahan then there is nothing wrong if she goes 400 Roomba in a group. So the if the love is there, the difference of opinion is there will low earner