Beginning Classical Arabic Lesson 49

Tom Facchine


Channel: Tom Facchine


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The speakers discuss the use of feminine forms in Arabic language, including "week," "weekdays," and "naught" in Arabic. They stress the importance of "naught" in Arabic for "naughty," and discuss the use of pen and paper in writing and the importance of including negative words in Arabic. They stress the need for distinction between "naught" and "naughty," and mention working on filling in the pronunciation of certain words and phrases.

AI Generated Transcript ©

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Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala l mursaleen be in awkward and Mohamed

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Salah was asleep.

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Aloha Marlin and fowl and fatten me Matt and I'm gonna zoom in and then garble Alameen

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Salaam Alaikum wa. Rahmatullah. Bearcats. Everybody.

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Everybody hear me, okay?

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We had a little bit of a power outage here for a second because of the storm. So just want to make sure that everything on the tech side is going through

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and if it stops, for some reason, on the Zoom class, if it becomes slow or garbled, just let me know in the chat box and then I'll probably cut out the live stream that usually speeds up the connection a bit.

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Okay, let's get to it.

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we had

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covered the dialog.

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And we had just extracted the main things that this lesson was trying to teach us. Okay, which will pretty much the main thing it has to do with using feminine forms. Okay, so

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we've seen what feminine forms look like when it comes to

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nouns SMAP, right.

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The single letter that indicates femininity, whether that's like actual gender or just linguistic gender is the time right, in a smart and now nouns.

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And very similarly, the single letter that indicates femininity, feminine gender, in verbs is also a TA but not too hot. The other type of TA,

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okay, by the way, for your Koran and spoken Arabic reference, the difference between these two in pronunciation is that the time of to Ha is always pronounced

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right. Whereas the time or buta

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If the word ends on it and your speeches ending on it, then you're going to pronounce it like a ha. Supposed to be uh huh. It's got a little flat top there, it got squished.

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However, if you're continuing speech after the time of the buta, then it's going to be pronounced like a tap map to have like a normal test. Right? So if you go if we drop you off in Medina, right today,

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you know, you say you want to get a guy named Hamza as attention it's going to be yeah Hamza.

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and you'll know because you're a good student of classical Arabic that it's actually yeah Hamza too. Right. That's that's literally what it is. Yeah, Hamza too.

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But no one ever says that, because we end our speech here. Therefore, the Tamil buta is pronounced like a Ha, in actual speech, and that goes for the Koran as well.

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So, yeah, Hamza, Hamza.

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And you can hear the difference in some of the acts of the Quran that end with Tamar Bucha. If you were to continue through them to the next I then you would have to pronounce it like

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I will call ya, metal quality are available on ER to medical on ER. Right.

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So that's a brief aside, that's the first thing that they want you to

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be aware of. So we have the top the feminine in nouns and in verbs. So that's the second kind of revelation about this particular lesson is that now we're starting to get more into Jimena philia into verbal sentences. Sentences that begin with a

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verb, we talked about the parts of a verb a Joomla Philia, the fair, the Fair Isle and the metal rule.

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And we're conjugating, we're just starting to get our feet wet in conjugation. Right? So we were starting with, you know, sort of the hubba as an example, he went, Okay, we're dealing in the past tense, the mildly past tense verbs, this is conjugated for he masculine singular, past tense went, third person.

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Okay, and what we benefited from this dialogue was that now we have another conjugation pattern that we've learned that Ha, bat

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slap a timer, buta excuse me, not a time to go to a time of two Ha, on the end of that, and how this Akun and now it is she went, it is conjugated for the feminine singular third person past tense.

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Now, you could say one could say, Wait a second, the endings are changing? Isn't that the same thing as showing?

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Grammar is not the same as declination, or Arab? The answer would be no, it's not. Because the definition of Arab or

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declining words in the Arabic language is changing the endings of the reflect their grammatical case.

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So if it's if something is more full, than it has a abama, or a well, for example, if something is much broader than it has a customer or if, for example, etc, etc. Whereas the endings that we're changing here have nothing to do with grammatical case at all. They have to do with the person that is performing the action, or the person who is establishing the meaning of the verb, write the habit, the habit. And as we get more conjugation, I'm going to teach you that the hand trick that I taught most of your kids in Arabic class, in order to

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organize in your head, how to conjugate Arabic verbs, and that will be inshallah beneficial. So those are the that's the main thing that we took from the dialogue. The other thing, which was kind of like, just to see the mountain over the horizon was to begin talking about salt and salt is Arabic morphology, or we should say morphology. So how does morphology work in Arabic? By the way, for those who missed it, morphology is the regular manipulation of words, on regular patterns to achieve achieve meanings. So we said for example, in English, if we have the verb to bake, and then we want to talk about the person who's doing that, then we call that person a bake. plus r is a

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baker. Right? That's what morphology is. It's not conjugation, okay, because it's not talking about he bakes, that would be conjugation she bakes. Baker is morphology, if you're looking for the difference between the two. And so we learned that Arabic verbs have 10 forms. And we just looked at two, okay, and our standard verb that we kind of use as a pattern is fatter, which means to do so our form one and usually in English, they're represented by Roman numerals. Our form one verb is for Isla, and this is most of the verbs that you've learned thus far for Isla their Harbor, jealous hada right, these sorts of verbs are on pattern one, and then we learned pattern two, which is simply

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this but to double the middle letter for either.

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So with a shed the on the middle level letter, whatever it happens to be in that particular verb.

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So Gela, sir becomes Julissa arlena becomes our Lana. The hubba becomes the Hubba, et cetera, et cetera. Now, what's meaning what meaning is achieved by doubling this middle letter? There's three possible meanings that are achieved. See if I'm gonna read out here.

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So the first is to make something that is in transit tive transitive, okay, what on earth does that mean? Okay, transitive and intransitive there. Does the verb require an object or not?

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he sits, does it require an object? No, he sits as a verb that doesn't need an object. Right? So Jessa has no object. Okay? Now if we double that middle letter, say

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Julissa, now it means not he sits but he makes someone else sit, he sat someone down. Right? So that's the first meeting that's achieved by doubling the middle letter. The second has to do with intensity.

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Okay? So if we say cast that off, which is to break,

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cast settle, we double the middle letter means to shatter.

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Right Ketubah in the Koran means to lie.

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Katha means to deny to reject constantly and consistently. And that's the third meaning, which kind of bleeds over into the second one, which is also repetition, or frequency, we could say

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something that's done over and over and over again. And you talk about somebody like I will thought or somebody like even like hoarsely Abu Lahab okay, we're not talking about just kept the best form one was like Canada, like multiple opportunities, rejected, rejected rejected the truth fit around Canada, right, Canada tab. Right. And so that's the idea. That's and that was kind of something that I chose to introduce you all to now because we had a word that was based off of these sorts of morphological patterns

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in the dialogue, but this is something that's a very, very important thing in Arabic. It's something that organizes the entire Arabic language for you and it's something that will benefit you just to even have it on your radar at this point. However, it is a little bit advanced and so it's not immediately intuitive

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or seems very complicated and convoluted no worries no worries just yet

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okay, I believe we we read this if I'm not mistaken did we keep a hug? Yeah, I'd be gave a hug hallelujah on me. And I'm Luca Xena boo

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the habit and Mr. And I've been to Korea to know he didn't Okay, let's do it. So number one shake family. Someone from the shake family number one and somebody else from a shake family number two

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okay, for Hi, Luca. Yeah, me. Okay. For Holika. Yeah. Very good. And that should be beyond translating at this point. Good work. Number three are having an awesome

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Nina. I know. I know. I interrupt Luca. jezina. Very good.

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It was mostly Yes. Good. So who are we asking? Okay, notice and this is how they did this here. Check this out. Wait, what is the ain of Nuka now we read as jezina Bucha. Now we know that we actually have to go back and say a NAB new key because we're talking to a female. Right? However, who are we asking about? We're asking about her?

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Son. Right. And so when we're talking about her son, is that hyper masculine? Right? It doesn't matter that we're talking to a female who we're talking about as a male. So we're saying that how about as opposed to number four as we will see.

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Sister Edelman Brother Mohammed Tada Could you please split number four

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I love you too.

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Amina Amina.

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that have too little madrasa T.

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They have to for that habit.

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But Elon madressa There you go. Excellent work and the difference just that little thing that they have to, they have two means I went that's conjugation for first person singular. I went to have to that's his third person feminine singular. She went so look at that just little tiny difference. On the end, we've completely changed the meaning.

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Sr. Aram did the colloquial thing where she said yeah, Amina. But we know that classical Arabic this is going to be Amina to. Okay, just to point that out. And now that we're speaking to Emina, we're going to have to make the possessive pronoun Kath, agree with who we're talking to.

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Aina been to key been to key. Okay, so we're asking about her daughter.

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Here. We were asking about the son. Here. We're asking about the daughter.

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yes. Aina boot. Yeah, I mean, that's it. We're both we're talking to females. In both examples, however, whom we're asking about changes.

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New key Aina been to key. And so the response has to correspond to the gender of who we're talking about. That's meaning that the daughter of Amina that habits went 11 atrocity.

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Very good. And these are men SGD and metallicity have a casserole on the end because they're miserable. Because they are part of a prepositional phrase. Good. Can we split number? Do we have more? Let's see if I scroll down here. Oh, we do. Okay, so no need to conserve space number five. Let's do sister sobre.

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La Monica.

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So Lehman, Lehman has he his

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deal Jimmy Latu.

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Here lucky Yeah, Fatima to.

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Now, he's really fantastic. Now this is interesting enough to translate. So would you mind translating for us? Yeah. Lehmann. Who?

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Who is this beautiful watch for? Yes, literally. Yes. We would probably say in English. Whose is it? But yes, you got the meaning.

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A here or here like here Fatima to? Is this for you? Or Fatima? Yes. Nam yearly. Yes. This is for me. Yes. Fantastic. And colloquially, colloquially, let's say this is mine. Right? This is asking about possession.

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But literally Lee means four. So that's literally correct. Now, I'm going to pick on you just a little bit because you said the men have the Hisa to Jimmy let's do so what is warmer of or in what grammatical case and why is a set it?

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Why does it have decimal?

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I was thinking before I was trying to

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put cassava I thought that it is I know that this is a nominal sentence. And this came in my mind that it is also feminine word.

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Nominal sentence and it's a T because it's it is talking

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asking a female that's why.

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So you got it. Right, right. Wrong. So yes, nominal sentence. Yes, feminine. But what does that have to do with the final? How

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does every time that we have a feminine noun? Does it end with the customer?

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And no, no, no, no.

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Right Jamila to is also feminine.

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Or the nominal sentence. By that logic, it should also have a customer.

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So recall that okay. You said something very, very important. It's a nominal stuff. Yes. What's the default grammatical case of a nominal sentence?

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Do you feel default?

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What does it start out as?

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Oh, okay, I'll Islams because it's definite. Okay, forget about about definite indefinite the like any like we have you said it's a nominal sentence. And by nominal. We mean Joomla is meow.

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Meow has two parts, move to that cover. And those two things move to that cover. Have a default, a default grammatical case. Okay. And it happens to be the same case, which is nice. So what's the default grammatical case for both the moped and the and the lookup?

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Like it has to be more for? Yeah, it has to be more for unless, unless there's something in the sentence that affects that word directly. That would make it measurable. Okay. Now, there's a couple things apart that are in the sentence that are tricky that would sow doubts in anyone that was not confident about their grammar. So I'm very glad that actually that you said what you said and that we can go down. Doubt number one, look at Li

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Li is a letter, a preposition that does render nouns match rule. It's true. That happens, right?

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If we would say li plus keytab, it would be leaky Tabin or li plus L keytab. Lil ki tabby. So that is a correct instinct that you had. However, however, it is broken up by men and men is Magne meaning it doesn't ever change. It's not going to be men who were men, our many No, no, no. It's always going to be men. And so

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This, Lee

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would have performed work on men but men is fixed. And so the work is over. Lee will not ever affect anything after that.

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All right, it's work is done. It's like dominoes. Arabic grammar is like dominoes. If you set up a whole lot of dominoes on a table, and then let's say you take out three in the middle, it's going to knock over the thing after it. And then at a certain point, it's just going to fall flat on the table. And it's not going to reach the next one. Right? So this is exactly what happens here. Men is like that gap. You've got something affecting everything after and then men cuts off the the work that lead does.

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Okay, that's the first the first step. So we respond to the first step men absorbs the work of Lee. So Lee is not going to affect anything after it. So we don't have to worry about li making anything measurable after it. The second doubt is, oh, we just said had the heat. Right. And so it sounds nice phonetically to be happy. He said it. Oh, it rhymes. Right? That should be the that should be correct. Right. But why is Havey?

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Why is heavy with a casserole? Is it with a casserole because of a grammatical reason? Or is it because of a phonetic reason? And by that, I mean,

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is it ever going to be have the who have the high heavy or is it just always going to be heavy? And the answer is the latter. It's always going to be heavy. It's fixed. Right? Which means that it's not going to affect what's comes after. So we're not going to be rhyming a PSA with how to he even though it sounds pretty, right? Have he is actually more for

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in the sentence. Right? This is Joomla Isthmian. It's actually more for it's in the nominative case, even though it doesn't demonstrate that case because it's fixed upon its kessa. Right so that's the second doubt so that's why you wanted to read it a set it and that's a perfectly reasonable logical thing to do, unless you were super confident 100% that I said I told Jimmy that was part of the normal

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the move to that and so it had to be marked for so the correct is the correct is Assata jemena two, which is interesting because you knew that l Jamila two had to be marked for right. So, if this is CIFA mo su This is an adjective and the noun that describes and they have to agree, right? We have a leaf lamb, we have a leaf lamb, we have feminine Tamil Ruta, we have feminine Samara, buta, we have singular we have singular and so if we have Dhamma, and we're confident about this Dhamma then we also have to have this Dhamma for things. Any questions about that? Does that is that clear to everybody? That's a really, really nice number fives are really really nice. Like review exercise.

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Any questions about any of that?

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Okay, then we move on. Number six sistema sobre.

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La muka. Yamaha Madhu, La Habra, Kala mukha.

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Anta Ah, very nice. Okay, now, your text I recall is just a little bit different. So you have a hollow body. I should actually look at the screen.

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I have a hive. It's very interesting to see the differences.

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So what's on the screen? It would be

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way the same, though. Right? What

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column is this is?

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Okay, so what I have is, is this pen, is this your pen or Mohammed? Or Mohammed? We wouldn't say Oh,

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I'm the one on screen would really sorry. I was saying let's all pretend we're Shakespearean actors we can say oh Mohamed. Okay. So I think the one in my book would be Is this your pen? Mohammed and the one on the screen would be is this pen yours? Hamid.

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Good. Right. Because

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of kala mocha Hara Yeah, Mohammed. Exactly. The emphasis is going on the thing that's directly adjacent to the question where right

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so if it were had the color mocha

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And then we would imagine somebody who's sitting down at a table with 100 pens, and they're looking for Mohammed's pen. Right? And they're like, is this your pen? Is this Japan? Is this your? It's your fan? Right? Okay. Right. Whereas a Economo kohara is like, you know, the thing is, right. Yeah, exactly.

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And okay, so check out the response to the responses. Interesting. Love, how that color Mocha, enter. Oh, we have our first example of this kind of device in Arabic, which is we use this I think in English somewhat, if you are emphasizing, right, so if we just said have a column, okay. It said, No, it's yours. Yeah. What he's saying is like, This is unexpected, right? This defies expectation that someone would take their own pen. And suppose that it was someone else's. Oh, right. And so because it defies that expectation, it deserves some emphasis. And so to say, now, we have the possessive pronoun, pronoun calf. And then the subject pronoun and to after it is much, much

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stronger. Right? Love how the column Oka enter like this. None of this. That's your pen. Like it's like saying your own.

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Yeah. Yeah. It is like that is like saying your own pen.

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propria and a ton, right. Like, so properly. Yeah.

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Something like that. But the the point is added emphasis. If there were no expectations, then that had a column okay? Is enough. But because this is a piece of ironing,

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then it's

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empty. See if there is no Anta Yes. The meaning is the same. Yes. omocha. Yes. Without answer, meaning is the same. Correct. And TA is added emphasis. And, okay, that's it.

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A lot of us in the court and all the time, all the time when he says

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it also okay here

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before giving you an example.

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So it's both emphasis, and exclusivity.

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Right. Like, it can only be your pen, like a last minute that it says ICA home, home on a monthly phone or whatever, you know, homophobia, whatever it tends, it is in that particular if that home,

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which means they right, it's the same thing as a sub pronoun. It's extra in the sense that it's not essential to the sentence. But adding it has a particular meaning, which adds emphasis and exclusivity if the last bout Allah says Allah Iike homophone, it's that they and they alone are the successful or maybe we could say, they are the true the truly successful ones. Right, which again, gets back to like

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dealing with somebody else's incorrect supposition, or assumption and which happens which is exactly how Allah uses it in the Quran, because certain people may assume that a certain person is successful. And the last bout the other often is correcting this false belief they know that's not the type of person who is a success. It's actually these other people, you know, they they are the true ones who are successful. So this is a

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device or a book we say am

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a phrase ology or whatever you want to say a tactic that is very, very common in Arabic.

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And we have English equivalents, sort of more or less.

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Okay, good stuff back to the shake family number seven, just one of you do number seven, then the other one that can do the next one.

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Then say

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Jamila to the military, Lotty her the

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mother Assa t then the Prophet Allah Fantastic. Well read. Okay, what does it mean?

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I'm trying to figure that out.

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You got half half credit, mashallah you read it very well. This car, just beautiful car.

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Okay, teleca is this or that?

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That beautiful car. Yep. And allottee is

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that beautiful car when? So I don't know what that is. allottee is a relative pronoun, right. So the one that right? Or we can say that or which one

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So hello. Okay. We'll get to that in a second. So hello just means to leave or exit. So the one that the car is feminine so to talk about how to adjust that beautiful car that just left now Yes.

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Belongs to

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where did it leave? Where the from the school

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teachers? That's right or Elmo dear is the principal. Right?

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So yeah, so you're you're sitting you're you're talking outside the school and then here comes the Bugatti. Right and it's leaving the school and this is what you would say, right tilaka sejati Jamila talathi hora de till an amine al madrasa de Lille moody. And that's exactly it. You know, that beautiful car that just left now from the school is belongs to the principal.

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Now, here's the million dollar question. If Hatha jet is the proper conjugation for

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third person singular, feminine, what on earth is it doing with a casserole?

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Because of allottee

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Good gas.

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Because it is a family and so yeah, that's always my feminine.

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Okay, that's the that's why the tire is there. That is why the tire is there. 100% It's called a jet instead of Kata Jeff. Yes. But I'm saying that when we had the habits before.

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The feminine conjugation

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has a tag at the end. And that tag has a sukoon on it.

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Here, it has a casserole. Case. No. Because there's a year before it. That's why where, where I let the allottee so your answer is the same as Dr. Xia so it's just as wrong. Is it on? It doesn't

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if it was called a jet, and then it would be awkward or something over there. Yeah. Okay. Be more specific than awkward. You're right. What What exactly would it be? It will be called a jet that lead to money. Yes, yes. Yes. Yes. Fantastic. Excellent. Asthma. So we have here we have 100 tawassul. Okay. And we have a lamp. We know the rules of Hamza tawassul. It's in the middle of speech, we're not going to pronounce it. We're going to act like it's not there. So if we had a TA with a sukoon, followed by in practicality, a lamb with a sukoon we would have a consonant cluster. Oh no, no, no. An Arabic says no, no Leia Jews. consonant clusters are no good. No bueno. Can't do

00:33:00--> 00:33:13

it. And so the rule is, if we have a consonant cluster, then the first letter in that consonant cluster will take on a casita.

00:33:14--> 00:33:22

Due to phonetic reasons, nothing to do with grammar, due to phonetic reasons in order to break up that consonant cluster.

00:33:23--> 00:33:31

Okay, cada T il Anna, why did they choose Kassala? Why not? Vamos? Why not Fatah.

00:33:32--> 00:33:37

And that's, that's simply because verbs cannot ever be met rule.

00:33:39--> 00:34:06

Verbs cannot ever be measured, or the idea of the genitive case, the jar, the mudroom, it's exclusive to nouns. We said by definition, the genitive case is talking about the relationship between nouns, whether that relationship is location, whether it's time, whether it's possession, it's nouns nouns, nouns, nouns. And so there will never ever, ever, ever be

00:34:07--> 00:34:13

a verb that is in the genitive case. It's impossible.

00:34:14--> 00:34:43

So, because it's impossible, because it doesn't apply. The logic is that it's a safe one to just give it a casserole and everybody's going to realize that that can't possibly have anything to do with grammar. That it must just be something phonetic in order to break up the sounds. So hot Raja till Anna follows a till Anna Meenal madrasa. T Lila moody. Is that clear to everybody?

00:34:52--> 00:34:54

Why does an urn have a photo?

00:34:56--> 00:34:58

On the noon or were you on the

00:34:59--> 00:34:59


00:35:00--> 00:35:07

because it's a it's a lot of it's a preposition of time. So always has the default

00:35:08--> 00:35:14

with Anna in particular I believe l n is Mevani Yes.

00:35:15--> 00:35:24

I believe Anna is Magne some others like for example, cobbler. The default is

00:35:25--> 00:35:28

is Fattah bad

00:35:29--> 00:35:44

but there might there are some circumstances in which they will change their endings like mean that it means probably right? However they all start out by default having a flat tire. That's prepositions of time and place

00:35:49--> 00:35:51

good stuff anything else?

00:35:55--> 00:36:09

So it wouldn't be affected what if it was another letter or not? I would that college a theory still be there because of the allottee or the question? Okay, so let's imagine let's imagine that and isn't in here.

00:36:10--> 00:36:43

Okay, if if n is not in here, then it goes back to being sukoon caught our jets meanwhile, man that also T male moody. That's great. Fantastic thinking. Ella T Hara jet mean. l madrasa T little moody. Why? Because the mean, which would now be the next letter has a has a Huracan it has about it does not have a spoon. It eliminates the problem of having a consonant cluster and so it can keep it sukoon that's fantastic. Good job.

00:36:46--> 00:36:59

Another example of this avoiding of consonant clusters and we've mentioned this before is in sort of the left last right call who Allahu Ahad Dooney lair who summit if we run together the first and second is we don't stop

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on who Allah who I had done Illa who summit because I had done with the 10 when ends with a noon with a spoon.

00:37:11--> 00:37:23

And then the next word is Allah azza wa jal which begins with a lamb with a spoon. And so to break up those two words that's why we say all who Allahu Allah had only left who saw mud

00:37:24--> 00:37:32

and it affects the rules of 30 IQ and tough cream but that's protected class okay

00:37:33--> 00:37:45

good stuff Okay, number eight if there's no other questions number eight you to manage to split number seven anyway. MashAllah one did the reading the other did the breaking down? So let's go to more having not touched on for number eight

00:37:50--> 00:37:51

this one

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00:37:53--> 00:37:56

yes, that is the end.

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00:38:01--> 00:38:03

That be very good. What does that mean?

00:38:07--> 00:38:09

Are you the engineer?

00:38:10--> 00:38:13

side? Okay, good. V engineer.

00:38:15--> 00:38:59

Are you know, are you an engineer? Yes. Fantastic. Because we have 10 weeks 10 wieners? This the, the indefinite article. And okay, what say Ed? Okay, so say ID is master literally, literally say it means master. Say Ed, my master, this is an honorific, right. This is something that we say in Arabic culture, you know, to say, like, Mr. Excuse me, sir. Alright, say Edie. And it's been shortened in places such as Morocco and Algeria to CD you've probably heard maybe Arab say cd. This is where it comes from its CD. But they've just made it easier to pronounce by saying CD.

00:39:01--> 00:39:04

La people know I am a a doctor. Very good.

00:39:07--> 00:39:11

Okay, and let's go to SR software number nine. And then we'll end there.

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00:39:18--> 00:39:22

at Bobby bar two, and D Yes. Yes. A ye the DE

00:39:24--> 00:39:59

LA and I'm with Anna muda Risa to the reception. Very good. Excellent. So we have helped Bobby butt tune again. The 10 When is the sign of the indefinite article? It's instead of a or N in English we have the semolina in Arabic. So a Bobby button. And T Yeah, say either T so now we have Mrs. or Mr. You know, my lady, probably like most literally translated my lady law. And I'm Olga Risa. I am a teacher

00:40:00--> 00:40:04

Very, very good stuff. Anyone have any questions about anything?

00:40:12--> 00:40:40

Good lesson, we're making good progress. Okay, so next class we have this to look forward to, we're going to be doing some fill in the blanks, keeping track of the difference between whom we're talking to and whom we're talking about. Right? We saw that just a second ago in some of the other exercises. So we need to distinguish it even if we're talking to a man or to a woman, if we're talking about a someone of the different

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gender that has to be reflected in our nouns in our verbs, etc, etc. So that's what we'll be working on. Next time. Great job everybody. Hope you have a good night. Stay safe out there with the weather. All over town Adam Islam icon