Tom Facchine – Beginning Classical Arabic Lesson 15

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss various topics related to writing in Arabic, including possession, sentence structure, and gramancy. They stress the importance of "monster" and "monster" in Arabic, and stress the need for better grammar and understanding grammar exercises. They also discuss various topics related to writing in Hindi, including min Aina Fatima, a no or a, and a doom, and the use of "IT" in English sentences and the importance of "monster" in writing sentences. Finally, they mention the use of "IT" in writing a sentence and the importance of "monster" in a sentence.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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and handling of the non Amin wa Salatu was Salam. Ala Ashraf, the MBA were more serene will be in our awkward watching of Muhammad Ali after the Salah was kept asleep

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on Lahoma Island that'd be million Ferno on fat and I'd be tempted that was in an Ironman era but on me

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today Insha Allah, we are going to wrap up the previous lesson because there's some loose ends when talking about prepositional phrases, the four that we've learned

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and how they can fit into

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both types of sentences that we've learned. Jimena is MIA jimothy Alia and will conclude the exercises in sha Allah.

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And we'll try to hold off on entering the next lesson until Saturday, because the next lesson is going to be something very unfamiliar. Okay, we're going to be getting into Saturday possession. And possession is one of those things that it's not as intuitive coming from English at least, than say prepositions. Okay, so let's see, how we do Inshallah, with what we have leftover. If we finish up everything in a very short amount of time. Right now there's only Oh, there we go get some more participants. Of course, the amount of participants will affect how quickly we get through things. But

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if we get through it, then we'll just introduce the idea and hold off

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really getting into the nitty gritty of possession until Saturday inshallah.

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So we had learned

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the most important thing

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that we had learned

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was the two types of sentences.

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Okay, the two types of sentences Joomla is me and Joomla fairly, right.

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Okay, this thing is not responding for a second.

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Okay, I'm just gonna go back to the book.

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Mary, okay, I'm actually a little bit better now.

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So we have learned the two types of sentence structures in Arabic that Joomla is Mia and the Joomla fairly? Who can tell me either by unmuting yourself or through the chat box? What are the key ingredients of a Joomla? izmi?

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Looked at the uncover Excellent. Yes. Look to that uncover. And while we're with you, sister Mossad, what is the grammatical case of the move to the and the hover?

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Metaphor? Excellent. Yes. So both of them are in the same grammatical case, which is usually demonstrated by Obama. Okay. Somebody else? What are the key ingredients of a Joomla? Fairly? A sentence that begins with a verb?

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Don't make me call you. I'll call on you.

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Now, pool pile, and Phil. All right, good. Excellent. Not exactly in the order, we would say them, but that is all of them. Yes. So the first one would be therapy, which is the verb. The second would be the fat, which is the doer of the verb. And the last would be them. That's the rule. Which is the thing receiving the verb, the object of the verb.

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tricky question, what are the respective grammatical cases of? Okay, I'll go one by one because one of the things is that the difference between the Joomla SP and the Jimena? Fairly Yeah, is that the Joomla SP is easy. Everything's more for whereas the Joomla thelia

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is not so much. The Jimena theatre Lea, each different part has a different grammatical case.

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Seems I'm having

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Am I coming through clearly because I just got some notices about my internet connection? Yes. All right.

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Hold the phone.

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As you were breaking up.

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Am I good now?

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Yes. Okay. Thank you for bringing that to my attention. I got a notification on the computer that it had break broken up for a second. Okay, I think we're back. So the gym that is Mia was the easy one because everything's one four. But the gym that fairly is a little bit more difficult because each ingredient has a different grammatical case. So if someone could the chef from the chef family Tell me, what grammatical case is the fat in?

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We're gonna pass. I'm sorry, say that again? We're gonna pass the question on to somebody else.

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No problem. This is a very good.

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Let's see.

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I'm going to try a second time to get up my.

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Okay. Very good.

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Is that what I wanted was?

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Yes, here we go. Here is your

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here's your solution. So with our verbal sentence, and here, it's written in English. So we're going from left to right there that I met all

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the fear.

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Is that knee, it does not show grammar. So that's what be a trick question. I didn't do that to you. That would have been mean. The fat is metaphor, just like the move to that and the habit. And the math rule is, man, so it has.

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You can't see it. Okay. Thank you for letting me know.

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All right.

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So I'll just go back to the

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let's go back to the book.

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you see the book. Interesting.

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are having some technical difficulties. I'm going to stop the share entirely. Okay. Yep.

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And now, let's go back to the book. And you know what, let's just get into some exercises because my visual aids aren't necessarily coming along. Okay. These are the exercises that I had recommended you try to do before this class if you didn't get to them, we're going to do them together. Right now. The instructions say at lecto. Now Bob, dry theory, kinematic

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read and writes along with placing the correct how to cat at the end of each word. So now they're going to be taking away the last how to cat and testing you. Okay. Do you know when to make it? abama? Do you know when to make it a casserole and so on and so forth. So with someone from the side family, please do number one for me right here?

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Yeah, I'll work with two. Excellent. Al Horford. Two and we set a one for two men's room.

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Mohsen, could you do number two? Yes. middle order potty. Yes. Excellent. So we have a preposition. That means that we have to make it measurable, which is a fancy way of saying it's going to have a customer at the end of it. Fantastic. Now to the shape family. Could you someone from the chef family read the third example. We can do that because we know how mammy Excellent. And what does that mean? Can you translate for him?

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In the bathroom?

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From the bathroom from the bathroom? Yes. Good. So I didn't hear you. I wasn't actually sure whether you said from or in. But yes, men from Yeah, it sounds more like from to me also. Yeah.

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And Could someone else from the show family? Do the next one?

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Yes, you are correct the first time and the second time, and they're horrible. It's got nothing to change it. Right. So if you think about if you think about a noun, the default is that it's going to have a bummer. It doesn't ever not have the llama

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unless there's something to change it to take it away from that book. So just by itself, its element have the bathroom or literally the toilet and cook

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A Mr. Matzah? Do you do the following example?

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Sorry, I'm

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a little MI, ll middle hallway. Excellent. Good. And translate that for us. What does that mean? To the toilet? Excellent. Yes to to the

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next. Brother Mohammed todich. Could you please do the next example?

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Excellent. And that is Japan, as we say, as we seem, as we said last class. And while you're at it, go ahead and do the next one as well. I just feel I'll feel I'll Filipina.

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I'll be new. Right.

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Excellent. And that is the Philippines. That is the Philippine so it's a cognate with English somebody that's

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going back to the same family, Syrah and mustard in whatever order you want. Go ahead and finish off the last two examples for us here. We know who the excellent. Was that mean? Translated for us? From India? Yes. Excellent. And it let's see me

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and translate

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at China or to China? Excellent. Very good. Yes. So we had a couple of purposes served and satisfied by this little exercise of ours. First, a little vocab review of the most recent words that we had. Second, getting used to putting the correct endings on and noticing when the prepositions affect the endings. And third, just remembering what the prepositions work mean, which is from EDA, which is two, and then the previous ones we had learned to Allah, on or upon, and fee, which is, and we heard Syrah and Masha and excellently demonstrate the Sun and Moon letters. We heard l Hindi, mean l. Hindi. And we heard eat acini. Right. So we did not hear them there. That was excellent. Now we're

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going to go on to the next exercise extra work to we haven't I was always frustrated when I was in doing this course in Medina, because the the Arabic and the grammar of the instructions is way more difficult

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than the Arabic and grammar of the exercises that you're doing. Which kind of one would maybe say, that defeats the purpose. How am I supposed to understand and mashallah, with this edition of the book, you have the English on the left, we didn't have that when we were doing these books. So sometimes half of the struggle was to try to decipher what the instructions were. And as a way to gauge yourself when we're later on in this course, there will come a time when you start to understand exactly what the struc instructions are telling you to do. And that will be very fulfilling, because you'll have done many pages without quite understanding the grammar of the

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instructions. So now we're going to get into something a little bit more difficult. Up here, we just have words and prepositional phrases. Now we're going to see them in context, we're going to see them in the context of questions of sentences, sometimes compounds and sentences, the sentence number two here and the sentence on before quite long. And we're going to sit here for a while and we're going to tease out not just pronounce it correctly, but also tease out the types of sentences and the grammar and this will be a little bit review and application. So starting at the top of my list of participants here someone from the saved family tackle number one

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min Aina Fatima to write excellent and the answer.

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Here he mean not only Hindi. Fantastic, excellent. Now translate that for us.

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Where is Fatima from? She is from India. Fantastic. Excellent. Now I'm gonna pick on your husband. Listen, what type of sentence is the answer?

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What type is Joomla Ismir or is it Joomla? Fairly

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good where's the third?

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a no or a

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Now, okay, good. I'm only focusing in here on the answer, because you break down the grammar of the question. Just look at the, the the answer. He I mean, Hindi is that a? Jimena? Philia or Joomla? Is?

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Don't know.

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Yeah, this is why we're here. So

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you had proposed, you had proposed with this question, that it was an idea. Let's assume, let's assume that it is a fair deal. It requires a fair, correct. That is, okay. So if we can identify a fair in some way, then we know, well, we have a pretty good idea that it is a job, nothing at least. Another way that we can look at it is, what is the difference? The key difference between the Jimena theory and Isthmian? It has to do with the first word, right, what begins the sentence. So that's going to draw my attention to this guy right here.

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Now, that leaves us with a much easier question. What type of word is this? Here? First of all wasn't mean.

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Excellent. That means she, what type of word is she? If we don't know the exact answer, is it a verb?

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No, fantastic. So that makes this a Jimena? Ismene. Yes, it is a doom that is Mia. Now, now, we get to say MCSA. What are the two parts of a Joomla is meet.

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either in English or an art, we have

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moved that and hover. Fantastic. Okay, next question either, okay, you guys can be a tag team. Okay. Team says.

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If I'm going to draw a line

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between the motor and the hover where am I going to draw? After what word I'm going to draw here? After men? Draw here after here?

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I'm sorry,

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is a disagreement isn't the TCAS after here, after min. Oh, very good. Very good. This is what this is what I do this for. Okay. So we have oh, let's see. Let's go have a fancy here we have this color here for blue. So Syrah will be blue. And my son will be read. Oh, yes. Very nice.

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So according to Syrah, who is represented by blue here, here is the moon

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and thus, mineral Hindi? Is the Hubble.

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According to my son,

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he I mean, is the Moto. And l hint

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is the Hubble

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Should we have a vote of confidence?

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10 text in the chat box?

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A one if you agree with Syrah or sort of Muslim because I wrote it in in red, and text. blue text too. If you agree with Syrah This is a democracy. After all, let's see

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how the votes come in. I saw the mouse she says to

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the pharmacist.

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I think we we have just Mohamed Vadik to vote.

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Okay, no problem. Maybe he can't use the chat function. That's no problem. Okay. Syrah is correct. It is if you're ever in doubt,

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what is the difference between the Mocha and the hub? Like conceptually? What's the Oh Mohamed Tata comes in and he backs up and he says one going down with the ship. Even after I just said the answer, masha Allah. That's a true friend right there.

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What's conceptually going on with subject predicate move to them.

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Your subject is what you're talking about.

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Your predicate is the information about the subject.

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The move to that is the same thing. The move to that is what you're going to be talking about. And the humbler is the information that you're going to relay about them up to them. So which division gets that better? Okay, if we have here

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as the move to that, then that means that this is our subject. This is what we're talking about.

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Meanwhile, hindi means

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is from India,

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if we're going to translate,

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Now upon my son's answer, we say he Amin,

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she is from

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as the subject and India

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as the cover or as the predicate.

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The first one is more suitable, is more appropriate. Because this is a pure subject, it's purely an excuse exclusively, whom we're talking about. Whereas from directionality, origin, all these other things that we could want to say about Fathima. Here, it all comes in the category, not of the subject, but of the information that we're going to be talking about the subject. Okay, can you guess who? Who?

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Yes, they can never stand on its own. The hover can technically stand on its own, because I can say menial Hindi.

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But I can't say here. And then can you do that kind of differentiation? Excellent question. Both the motor and the hover, cannot technically stand alone in a complete sentence, right? Like if you're in school, and I say answer with a complete sentence. You can't leave it alone in that scenario. But if you're answering a question,

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depending on the question, you could use just the move to that. Or just a hub, this particular question. mean a and Fathima. You're right. Meanwhile, Hindi

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is is sufficient for conversational speech.

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oh, sorry. Yeah. What were you gonna say? How about if question was meant aina? Idle Hindi?

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Or who's from India, then? min min min al Hindi? Yes, exactly what I was going to say what you read my mind? If the question is instead, min min al Hindi. You can say here. She's from him that you can point to her. Or if you guys were talking about oh, Fatima is so nice. She's so cool. You know, she's got such a great taste and coffee drinks and whatever. Like, hey, who among your friends is from India? She is she? Yes, that is sufficient in the conversation, because the context is implied. So not an effective rule to tell us which one is the most and which one is?

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Very good. Excellent. Is everybody clear with that? Because that drawing of the line is very good. If you don't favor the conceptual answers, or if it's not quite clear the division between who we're talking about and the information we're sharing about that person, then you can simply remember that we had said, that's, this whole time, we're talking about different types of hover.

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And we said that the hover can be a single word of balibo Mage 10 hidden. If there's an adjective for example, like that, the student is hard working, or it can be a prepositional phrase of body who mean al Hindi? The student is from India. Does anybody have any questions about that? So in the latter case, then it's the muntaner in Hindi when I know Hindi, then

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choice number one would be the answer if you're differentiating Gupta in Hubber.

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Are you saying if the question were

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men mean

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money metal yes money no Hindi years or who's from India? Then he becomes a moped in here men becomes

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Okay, let's see. If we're talking about let's let's form all these different questions. We have mean NFL tema min min al Hindi, who is from

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what's another possible

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question we could ask a little bit different

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al hin

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where has India

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are there any other questions that pop into mind?

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Men menial Hindi,

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which is who is from India? The answer to men menial, menial Hindi would have to be some sort of SM here.

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Whether it is

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whether it's a proper name like Fathima, or a pronoun, like here, he I'm in in Hindi the same as

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okay, this sentence as a sentence is always going to be

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divided like this between hope to the end,

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even if even if the answer to the question

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changes. So what I think Dr. mussen is getting at is what are we asking about? In this question? We're inquiring about the hubback. Okay.

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In this question, min min al Hindi we're inquiring about the milk to them.

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But simply because we're inquiring about the milk, that doesn't mean that it stops being the milk to the or changes being the changes to the cupboard. Okay, the sentence is literally the same. Even if what we're asking the information we're looking for is different. She is still the subject.

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It's simply that here, we have the information about her and we have yet to identify the subject.

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Whereas here, we have the the subject and we have yet to identify the information about

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But since the sentence is literally the same, the grammatical analysis of the sentence is also the same, this is melted up. And this whole entire unit is

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aimed at hands. On the other hand, where is India? That is a completely different question.

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now what we're asking about, where is India? And so the answer is, India is there, right? Wherever we want to say, we're going to now make el Hinze the subject, it would be el Hindu

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honeck Over there, or between this sea and that sea or north of that or south of that all of the other things that we would answer are information about him. And so in Hindi has become the subject. But simply changing.

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The part of what we're asking for here doesn't change the grammar of the answer. It simply means that we have

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we're flipping around the information that we're starting with, we're flipping, flipping around what we know first. Does that. Does that make sense?

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Yes, thank you. Yeah, it was really good question.

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Okay, excellent. So now

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once we've done this, okay, let me get rid of a lot of this writing here. We have we understand, where's the move to that we understand where's this? Okay. Anybody from the same family here?

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What's the grammatical case? Is it we've only learned three? Is it more for men's role? Or men's suit

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if you have different answers, that's great. Because we learned

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here we are together mirboo

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Yes, it is more for now. Tricky. extra credit question. Where's the sign of it being more for how can you tell that it's more for

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I don't know is an honest answer you

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can play implied it's implied Okay. Great. Yes, not the word I would choose but your rest but you're right here is not declined. Double. Okay. It is me

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which means that it's not going to change. No matter where it is most footman saw miserable, it's all the same. So it does not demonstrate what case it's in the reason why you know is because it's up to them. Excellent. Meanwhile Hindi okay, what case is El Hindi in?

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My for men's row for men, so

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probably men, so

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it's the other one.

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It's measurable and don't feel bad because we haven't really been talking and using these terms. So I'm trying to introduce them to you again to get them in use. Okay, measure, all we said means it's Genitive Case, Genitive Case talks about the relationship between

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nouns, whether it's location, whether it's time, whether it's possession, right? So anything with a customer is measurable, easy. Okay.

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So l hit me that Hindi is measurable. And this entire units of the hub is Monteforte. Because it's the hub, even if you can't tell.

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Because of the prepositional phrase, that's just to show you, you don't have to understand all of this, or be a master at all this in order to be doing a fantastic job and learning Arabic and understanding what is being said. But for those of you who want to go above and beyond this is the type of grammatical analysis that you do. For example, if you want to break down the court and you want to understand exactly what a law is saying, what part of speech is this that a law says what part of speech is that? This is the process and this is the jargon and the terminology. Okay, back to number two. Okay. Shake family. Someone read number two.

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Sir Joe, Moodle,

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color gel Moodle resume Meenal. Firstly, what to have a little moody tastic. Excellent job. Can you translate that for us?

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The teacher went

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or left the classroom and went to the principal. The teacher has fed up with the naughty students in the classroom. I went so long there was something minor. Okay, fantastic. Again, the sheikh clan, you're all one team now. Okay. So you pronounced everything perfectly? Fantastic. What type of sentence are we dealing with here? Is it a Joomla? Joomla?

00:32:53 --> 00:33:08

Joomla fair? Yes. Fantastic. And how do you know if you had to explain to somebody else? 30 with a worker? Yes, it begins with a verb the verb is in the beginning. And that is what determines whether it is a human Ophelia, or

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what we're really dealing with here because we have the conjunction Whoa. Which means and is now we've got two of them. Right? We've got two Joomla. And so they're in grammatical analysis completely separate. Excellent.

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Okay, someone from the shape family. Where is the file?

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Who is the doer of the verb?

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Reads to excellent. And because it is the doer of the verb, its model who?

00:33:44 --> 00:33:51

Wishes? We know that? We see that because Bama at the end. Good.

00:33:54 --> 00:34:00

Can you explain the Morpho and Magoo? moblie. One more time with definite

00:34:01 --> 00:34:09

thank you for asking that. This is my favorite thing. Is it based on how the ending age with dama Khasra or

00:34:10 --> 00:34:22

change or no change? Yes, exactly. So I'm going to write x and x is a stand in for any letter. Okay. I should say the final letter on a noun

00:34:28 --> 00:34:33

we have llama that's customer. Okay. This is moto four.

00:34:38 --> 00:34:39

This is monsoon

00:34:44 --> 00:34:48

that's supposed to be a solid. They're a little sloppy. And this is measurable.

00:34:51 --> 00:35:00

Okay, what's the idea? What's the philosophy behind these things? Okay, if you really are interested in the English this is cool.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:01

Have a nominative case

00:35:02 --> 00:35:04

or I have a text function.

00:35:06 --> 00:35:08

Okay, the nominative case

00:35:09 --> 00:35:18

we use to talk about declaration statements, like is statements right using the verb to be men. So Allah turned out lovely.

00:35:26 --> 00:35:32

Okay, and then sube is what's called in grammar the accusative case.

00:35:33 --> 00:36:05

It has to do with objects of the verb, right? Who's getting beat up? What's getting sat on? Right? And these sorts of things. And the measures role is what's known as the genitive case. The Genitive Case talks about the relationship between nouns, is it on top of something, is it over something, is it under something next to something close by to the left of, you know, or sometimes even time before or after, or

00:36:06 --> 00:36:12

we also use this case to talk about possession, which is what we're going to focus on Saturday, inshallah.

00:36:13 --> 00:36:25

The most important thing, if you're gonna say, like, there's three parts like the sign, the name, and the idea, the idea, and the name are the most important parts.

00:36:26 --> 00:36:29

We will come someday

00:36:30 --> 00:36:34

to learn that these are not etched in stone.

00:36:35 --> 00:36:48

Okay. Not every word that is known for shows that by Obama, it depends on the type of word. Okay? But for singular nouns, this is true.

00:36:52 --> 00:37:28

But this is what we teach in the beginning, just so this is the training wheels. So you kind of like, you know, you associate those things. And it's easy when we're dealing with singular nouns. Once we get into plural nouns and things like that, things get a little bit different, but not too different. The most important thing is the terms and Arabic or at least the idea, I'm talking about the subjects. I'm Motherfu. And the sign of that being one four is the llama. Usually, I'm talking about the object of a verb, it's men so I can tell it's got a sign of a fat tail on the end. Usually,

00:37:29 --> 00:37:42

I'm talking about the relationship between nouns. That's Mizzou. It is, I can tell because of there's a sign on the end of the word, it's a cassava, usually. Right? Does that answer your question?

00:37:46 --> 00:37:47


00:37:49 --> 00:38:27

Excellent. Good. So we can tell now that we have, if we're looking our verb, subject, object we have here how does the verb and modality so as you said, is the subject and meaning that firstly, is a prepositional phrase that together makes up the object? Say, wait a second. Mmm, you just told me that the object has to be done. So with that time? Well, yes, technically, but this is a prepositional phrase. And since we inserted a preposition that means that the noun that comes after is going to actually be measurable, in the genitive case shown by a customer. And this is the same thing

00:38:28 --> 00:38:31

with the exception that the subject is hidden

00:38:32 --> 00:38:34

in the verb because it's implied over here.

00:38:35 --> 00:39:01

You're making a compound sentence with wet which means and, and so you don't need to state the subject again. Why the hubba? Who went min the hubba? Elmo the reason they have another reason why Elon would theory and everything else is the same. Okay, let's finish this exercise insha Allah and that will pretty much take up all of our time. Sister masala rods can you please do number three?

00:39:04 --> 00:39:05


00:39:07 --> 00:39:15

That habit guide you Illa do Kenny. Fantastic. Excellent pronunciation. What type of sentence is this?

00:39:16 --> 00:39:17


00:39:19 --> 00:39:23

if it's a failure to meet a failure.

00:39:25 --> 00:39:26

It begins with the book.

00:39:27 --> 00:39:33

Also. Fantastic. Okay. So where is the battery?

00:39:35 --> 00:39:41

At third you very good. What's the sign? Oh, I should say I should say that. Sorry.

00:39:42 --> 00:39:47

What pace is the battery in? Is it multiple months over Medrol.

00:39:49 --> 00:39:54

Isn't Islam for excellent and what's the sign of its being more for

00:39:55 --> 00:39:58

dharma nama the end of the world

00:39:59 --> 00:40:00

that have a

00:40:00 --> 00:40:04

sagittal Excellent. Where is all let's say?

00:40:06 --> 00:40:21

I'll say this what case or what grammatical cases do Kenny and I want you to. Fantastic and how can you tell us the sign? It has the customer at the end of the word. That's very good.

00:40:22 --> 00:40:23

Okay, moving on

00:40:25 --> 00:40:26


00:40:28 --> 00:40:31

the meaning. Oh, no. I forgot. I'm sorry. Yes, please translate.

00:40:32 --> 00:40:33


00:40:34 --> 00:40:35


00:40:36 --> 00:40:46

that the trader or the, yeah, the businessman, he, he, he went to the store or the shop.

00:40:47 --> 00:40:48

Perfect, fantastic.

00:40:49 --> 00:41:37

Everybody, that when we're translating verbal sentences, Jimena Farah Lea, we have to flip the order. Okay. So the Arabic is holiday mother received the habitat. And whenever we translate it, we have to say the teacher left, the trader went, right. So if we have to make that translation in our head to English, then when we're trying to make sentences in Arabic, you've got to make the same translation the other way, instead of saying at tagit, will that have led to can what people understand you? Yes. Is that a very correct Arabic sentence? No, it's not. It's not what people would say that are needed Arabic speakers. They would say that but Tagil the habitat, you know,

00:41:37 --> 00:41:38

begin with the verb.

00:41:39 --> 00:41:46

Excellent. And let's see our last example. We're going to Mohammed todich. Number four.

00:41:48 --> 00:41:49

Can you read it for us, please?

00:41:50 --> 00:42:12

Yes, hi, Roger. Hi, middle. Harada Hamedan Minella Horford he was the hubba Adel Hammami, sir. Excellent. Excellent pronunciation. So what are we dealing with Joomla ischemia or Joomla peonia Lophelia. The company itself? Because it started with a horridge Nick. Like left Nicola

00:42:14 --> 00:42:41

and Hamadan. Jaime, who is the file? Yes. Excellent. It is the parrot. What about this over here middle of Wolfenstein? Mania? LOL 30. It is a module? Yes, it was. Was a How about a little mommy? So, yes, we just got the same thing over again. Except that we've hidden the fat is because it's implied because it's the same verb the same subject

00:42:42 --> 00:42:57

is the same. Translate that that sentence for Hamid left from the room and went to the Hama. Fantastic. Absolutely. Excellent. Everybody is doing an amazing job. Okay, let's see now. Oops.

00:43:00 --> 00:43:05

Okay, we've already run out of time, or run over time, I should say.

00:43:06 --> 00:43:15

I can't in good conscience. Keep you Oh, okay. Let's let's hurry through it. Okay, going on to the same family. Number five, someone from the same family?

00:43:23 --> 00:43:56

mancora jahmene. You know, firstly, yes, fantastic. And I'm so happy that listen to how she knew how to say men and she knew that it couldn't be men. Fantastic. All prepositions have to be followed by a noun. They can't be followed by a verb. And she just automatically intuitively felt that translate that for us and then we'll move on. Who who left the class? The customer Fantastic. Who left the classroom we are reading Arabic Excellent. I'm

00:43:58 --> 00:44:00

someone from the Czech family number six

00:44:10 --> 00:44:11

Danny boo Meenal

00:44:12 --> 00:44:14

Medina city.

00:44:15 --> 00:44:17

They have a little

00:44:19 --> 00:44:21

Su Su thing

00:44:22 --> 00:44:26

in a soapy and soak is the market can also be the mall.

00:44:27 --> 00:44:32

But I prefer not to think about malls prefer to think about nice open air markets.

00:44:34 --> 00:44:48

And could you translate that for us? Student left motorists at the school in the market. Fantastic. Excellent work. It follows the same grammatical structure as the other sentences we

00:44:51 --> 00:44:51


00:44:53 --> 00:44:57

Yes, Mossad Ross Can you with us with number seven

00:45:21 --> 00:45:24

Oh, sorry, if you're there, it's just a massage. Can you do number seven?

00:45:26 --> 00:45:30

Sorry, I unmuted but I don't know why it went back.

00:45:31 --> 00:45:46

How did you do min acini? will hardly do minute minute. Yeah, Barney, for the Asia is from China and Khalid is from Japan. Excellent. What type of sentence is this? It's a Joomla failure. Where's the parent?

00:45:50 --> 00:45:53

Oh, sorry. No, it's me.

00:45:55 --> 00:46:14

Sorry. No, no, that's, that's, that's why I asked the question. If you're wondering, is it a fairly easy thing, that easy test? Where's the there's no pin. So there's no purely Excellent. So we have multiple and let's take half by half, just because the sentence is different from the other ones.

00:46:15 --> 00:46:36

So the first part Khadija to and notice how she may Phoenicia to and not to remember that lesson from a board. And she meant Holly dune. And not Holly do because feminine names do not take 10 when there are more men and masculine names do so just looking at Khadija to mean acini where's the milk to that?

00:46:37 --> 00:47:01

Khadija is the McDonough admin Athena is the hugger. And Khalid is the McDonough and Mina Yeah, Bernie is the hub. Fantastic. Excellent. And we know everything else about this is my pool. This is what will become the preposition in excellent work. Thank you very much. And what was the conjunction? Yes, excellent. Wow is how do you say 10 jumps

00:47:03 --> 00:47:10

this will have to be for homework, and we'll do that and inshallah Saturday we will start talking about possession.

00:47:11 --> 00:47:21

limber up here. Your language skills in your brain because it's going to be a little bit more difficult than prepositions. Anybody have any final questions before we depart?

00:47:36 --> 00:47:43

Okay, thank you very much everybody for your excellent participation and attention. I will see you next time in sha Allah, a cinematic masala

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