Tom Facchine – Beginning Classical Arabic Lesson 14

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the use of preonnage in Arabic, including the difference between verb and action, and the importance of understanding the structure of verbal dialogue. They also mention the use of "ar passion" in verb phrases and "ar passion" in a previous sentence. The speakers stress the importance of learning the meaning of "monster" in the past tense and explain the meaning behind "med kne commodity." They also discuss topics related to writing in different languages and the proper forms and forms of verb and phrase, including the importance of subject and verb in a Julep theory and the importance of selecting the correct preposition for a book or movie.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam, ala Ashraf, an MBA or mousseline. Nabina Muhammad Ali he of Surah Surah was Qatar Salim Allahumma Adaminaby million falna one fatten me Mount Olympus Anna, was it in their element era but on me, like Macedon masala

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Okay, last class was an extremely important class. And because it's it was an extremely important class we're going to spend some time reviewing the concepts first. And then we're going to use the exercise, that it's kind of like a dialogue. We had only really gotten through it once last class, we're going to give other

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students an opportunity to practice and read the dialogue and then the exercise, that exercise exercises that follow in sha Allah. So

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if we go to

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what did we cover? Okay, so we had three main topics.

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We had prepositions, okay, so we're, we've been talking about preface prepositions for the last several classes. What do prepositions do? Prepositions allow you to talk about the relationship between

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nouns. Okay?

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So, those relationships might be about possession. Those relationships might be about

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location, those prepositions, or that relationship might be about

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time. Right? When we use words in English, such as, from and to, over, above, under on all these sorts of things. These are the we're in the realm of prepositions are talking about the relationship between two different things.

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The book is on the table. Okay. We have first learned to use prepositions as part of the hobble as part of the predicates in a Joomla, Izmir.

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Which was a sentence that began within Islam. Okay, technically called a nominal sentence. So we began with elke taboo, I'll make Tabby though the book is on the desk,

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and so on and so forth. Okay. What we're going to now get into, is using prepositions. In the second type of sentence. We said way in the beginning of this course, that there are two main types of sentences. We've only been having lessons for maybe, you know, 1314 sessions. And we're already going to learn the second and last type of sentence in Arabic. Okay, everything else is extra little things, bells and whistles that you can add to sentences to make them more sophisticated. But when it comes to the basic sentence types in Arabic, we've spent all our time up until last class talking about Joomla is meow. And now we're going to begin our journey of talking about Joomla fairly The

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second type of sentence, and then you're going to have the main foundation to understand sentences in Arabic. The rest is really just vocab and practice. So what is a Joomla ischemia versus a Joomla philia Joomla is Mia

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is a sentence Joomla means sentence that begins with an essence. Okay? Whereas a Joomla fairly, is a sentence that begins with a Thayer which is a verb. Now, why is it important to distinguish between between these two types of sentences? Because each of these two types of sentences has different parts. Right? If I'm going to have

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if I'm going to bake a cake

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on Monday, and I'm going to make, I don't know bread on Tuesday, there are different ingredients that go into those two final products, right? You can't take the products from bread

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only by themselves and make a cake. You're going to be missing some something, some things might be the same, but other things are going to be different and vice versa.

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In English, we don't really deal with this. Because every sentence in English has to have a verb. But in Arabic, we do deal with this, because there are two major types of sentences. So we learned what were the key ingredients of the first type of sentence. The Joomla is meow. We said there were two who can tell us either by microphone or by chat? What were the two main ingredients of the Joomla ischemia?

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looked at that and how about very good, we have perfect we have one person from the chat and one person from the microphone, that's exactly what we're looking for. Move to that and hover. If you can't get a hang yet, of the Arabic terms for grammar, then you could get by for now with knowing that this roughly corresponds to the subject and the predicate. Okay. So if you identify this sentence as Joomla is meow, okay, you know that it has to have these two parts. Now we're going to a different type of sentence entirely. It's going to have completely different parts. Okay, let's look at what those parts are.

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No, not that slide where it wasn't.

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Very good. Okay. So there are three possible parts to a verbal sentence, okay.

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In this order, the first is the verb.

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The second is the subject of that verb or the doer of that verb. And sometimes we're going to have an object. Okay? Those are your three ingredients

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of a verbal sentence. So if you can understand that if you can compartmentalize in your mind, two rooms, one is Joomla Isthmian. One is Joomla Veolia Joomla. S Mia has these two ingredients, Jimena Farah Leah has these three ingredients and you are going to have a very easy time, inshallah understanding Arabic grammar. All that's left is understanding vocab.

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so if we see it in action, here we have Caulerpa

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Allahu wa.

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Tada is a past tense verb that means he created

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who created a law who

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Allah created? What did He create out of law. So we noticed that the order is switched from English where we cite a law created the earth.

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A literal translation of the Arabic Is he created a law, the earth

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how do we know

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who is doing the verb versus who is receiving or what is receiving the verb that comes down to the fat top or the bottom, we see that Allah has a bomb that at the end of it, Allahu, which means that he is the one performing the verb and

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has a fat heart at the end of our robot, which means it is the object of the verb.

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Very good.

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Excellent, okay. So let's get back to the book in sha Allah. And we're going to get into again the structure of why did we start with past tense verbs? What is what are the essential parts of a past tense verb, we'll get into that. But let's get back to the book.

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To get into inshallah. Now I will need

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two volunteers. I'm going to go down my list here. I have, I'm going to assume I have two people with me from the shake family. And I will ask two people from the CHE family to participate with this dialogue. One of you will be Elmo Doris, the teacher and the other one will be Mohammed

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min aina.

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Very good. Yeah, Bernie.

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Excellent. Keep going.

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Woman ain't no, no. Well, who I mean you

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didn't seem

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very good. Make sure that we make the sun letter. We cut out the Lamb who Amina seen who I mean a theme. Excellent. Woman Aina Hamid on who I mineral Hynde. Two very good

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Call Raja

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Aina hubba hubba. Ale.

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Moody, moody.

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l moody is the principal. Or it could be the head administrator. Oh, he's in trouble. Okay. Yeah. What?

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Do you

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know? How about ill? Ill Midha man happy. Excellent work. Very good job. I'm going to have you to go back through this conversation, keep the same roles and translate

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as best you can. what was being said, you guys read it very, very well. But if somebody missed last class, for example, I want to see you know, so that people understand the content of what's going on. So go ahead and do it again and translate the sentences in English. Where are you from? I am from Japan. And where's Amir? From? He is from China.

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no worries. I've met from Tommy. Tommy

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he's from India. Where is a bass?

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Where is

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he went? Yes. Good. Yes. And where did he go? He went to the principal.

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Where did you go? He went. He went to what's middle heart. Your heart? Is the toilet.

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You went to the toilet? Not very good. Excellent. Excellent job. Both of you. Okay. So what are some of the new things we've learned? So some of them are country names. Okay, we have el Hynde, which should be very intuitively India for us. We have a scene which should be a little bit less than two actively. China. We have a year ban, which should very obviously be Japan.

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We also have we're using our prepositions Okay, so mean means from and Allah means to.

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We're also using our question was from before Aina means where? So notice how we've learned very easily now to Ask and inquire about where someone was from mean aina. And from there, we have a variety of options. Who we're going to ask about. If we're going to say use a proper name after that mean Aina a mouth then that means that we're asking where is a MA from one mean Aina Hamad and where is hammock

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or we could use prepositions we have learned now, for excuse me, I said prepositions I meant to say pronouns pronouns, we have learned for pronouns. Previously, we learn to Hua Hee.

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And here meaning xi, and now in this lesson, we learn enter which means you and enter. Which means I. So here we have mean aina. Enter, where are you from? Anna? Mean, Alia Benny, I am from Japan.

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Notice how the question next thing to notice is how the question changes if we remove the preposition, the modalities here he asks at one point Aina abbess, which is a different question then mean Aina at best, if he had said min I mean Aina best it would have meant Where is he from? But without the preposition aina. Best means where is he?

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The last thing and probably the most important thing in this lesson is that we are now introduced to verbs. The response to that question is Hodeida Hodeida means he left. He exited

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Aina hubba hubba means he went. So the question we would translate in English Aina hubba. Where did he go? Now? Let's take one second and talk about past tense for

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So, why are we learning past tense verbs? First, what is the structure of a past tense verb? So, if we have

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let me see on the annotate this. Let's look at our kraja.

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Okay, right on this right here we have Ka,

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And Jean. Pardon my sloppiness I don't have my normal mouse.

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Okay, we noticed that the hall has a Fatah. Laura has a Fatah and the gene has effect. Okay.

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Past tense verbs are knots like is they are not like nouns. When we were learning nouns, we learned that the final small vowel or short vowel, the Holika, changes depending upon the grammar.

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Right. So we learned that it could be L b two, it could be mean it'll be t. And now we learned that if it's the object, it can become l Bay tab. However, with verbs,

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this is always going to be the same. This is fixed. The Fatah is fixed at the beginning. And at the end.

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If we change that, then it means something entirely different. It's called the conjugation where we're not just talking about now, he left we'll be talking about okay, she left, they left, I left you left, right, we're changing the meaning entirely. But for he left ka ra Jha, these two the first and the last Hanukkah are fixed. They are never going to change whether the fear is the first word in the sentence, whether it's the last word in the sentence, whether it's the middle of the sentence, it's always going to be the same. This category of words, where the ending does not change, depending upon its grammar is called Med knee. Med meet for those grammar nerds like myself

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out there, it means it's in decline double means that this last thing is never going to be Obama. It's never going to be a customer. It's not going to be a sukoon it is going to stay a Fatah.

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So how do we learn? How do we learn past tense verbs, we have to learn the three letters and all we need to know the only variable that might change is the how to cut on top of this middle letter. Sometimes it's going to be a Fatah.

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Less commonly it's going to be a capsule, and even less commonly commonly it's going to be Obama.

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Okay, so that is very important to know.

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good. The other thing that we need to realize is asking a question, why are we starting with past tense verbs because in Arabic, the past tense verb is the default unit of a verb. It's the root word from which all other verbs and all other words are going to be derived. Okay, so let's give a opposite example in English. What we do in English is we take a present tense verb, and we add things to it. To make other forms, such as we have the verb, I walk, which is present. If we want to make it past tense,

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then we have to add a suffix to it I walked. To make it past, it's the opposite in Arabic. In Arabic, the past tense is the default and the present tense is actually an add on to the past. So that's why we're learning past tense verbs first. And this is conjugated for third person singular, he. So hada means he left, the hubba means he went. So we'll learn more about conjugation in later lessons, but that's where we're starting, just to make it easy. But once you realize these patterns, then all you have to do is learn this

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root word, the past tense verb and you are rolling. You can now once you learn the conjugation patterns once you learn other things, you can derive many many words from that pattern. Good. Okay, let me see who are my next let's take a brother awesome and brother side if you to let's see awesome you'd be the modalities and Sarah you'd be Mohammed and let's run through this once more

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mean Aina and

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Anna I'm me no no me no yeah Bernie

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well I mean Aina Maran

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who who I mean who who I mean I've seen

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well I mean Aina Hamadan?

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Can you call up Linser Thank you. Oh, sorry. Okay.

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Well let me know Hindi

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Aina a bad person

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All right, Jeff.

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I know they have

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the habit. Ill mother. Ill Ill. Ill moody.

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Well, Aigner they have it on

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the head have it in me. You mean?

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Elon made in an

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Elon may hottie? Excellent work. Fantastic.

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Okay, that's too I have.

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Let's see.

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Can I ask a quick question? Please? Anybody have any questions, please? Let them rip?

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Would it be incorrect to say Isla Aina the hubba like almost like to Where did he go? No, it would not be correct. But when it comes to

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being eloquent in Arabic, like within, I suspect most languages are no English. If it's possible, to

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remove a word and have the means reserved. It's considered more eloquent than to have many unnecessary words. If that makes sense. Okay, is that

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okay, so let's go to

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we have to mean and Mohammed todich. You to Tamim be the modalities and Mohammed Tata Could you be more happy he'll be more happy

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Aina and

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Amelia Bernie.

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Woman Aina

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woman is seen.

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I mean, Aner, Hamadan? Wamena in the

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aina person

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in the hubba hubba ailment with the

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what Aina the harbor rally on the harbor

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Heisey show. Very good. Excellent work, you guys. Okay. Next to Mossad rot and Samira, could you please start wrapping up them with that Lisa? And Samir, could you be playing Mohammed?

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Min aina? Anta

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Well, I mean, ain't

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gonna see me.

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Well, I mean, Aina How am I doing? Who I'm not handy.

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Aina soon. How Raja Aina the hubba

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What are you know, the hubba Ali, you have an L Madhavi. Fantastic. And last but not least, the sides. Syrah in Western

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Europe. Let's have Syrah be the modalities. And suddenly one

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man Aina on the

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Amina Yanni

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llaman Aina amaron who Amina Seanie

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one woman Aina Hamedan, Hola, Aminul, hindi in Abbas one call Raja

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as the hubba hubba a little muddy? Why, in the hubba Ali yawn, they have a little mirror in their head.

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Excellent work. Fantastic. Great job, everybody. Okay. Now, I hope you were paying attention to all of that conversation because now we've got some reading comprehension questions. So the Enter, okay, in the exercise was 100. So let's see if we can answer the questions according to the contents of the conversation. So, who will we who's our first victim? Let's go to Tammy. Okay. First question. I mean, I mean, I'm assuming that you're Mohammed like from the dialog

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and then me then Yeah, Ben. Very good. Excellent. That's exactly what we're looking for. We're putting our minds as if we're still in the dialogue. But now we're trying to recall the information, building our reading comprehension skills in a different language.

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Okay, and meanwhile, Billy Beane,

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this is a question to Mr. Ross. Now, Philippine means the Philippines. Okay. It's a cognitive.

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So I guess LA

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is asking Muhammad, right. Yes. Correct.

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So do I just seen that I

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mean, in the oven, or exactly, we'd have not learned yet how to negate right. We've learned questions. We've learned affirmative statements, but we haven't learned how to say yeah, I'm not from this place. So we would have to answer with something slightly different. No, LA. And Amelia then No, I am from Japan. Now it's gonna get a little bit harder. So Mufson min min asleep?

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You sorry. My room in acini.

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I'm sorry, I didn't hear that.

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A moto. Amar amaro Mina see scene.

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Yes. Excellent. Yes. A modern minute scene. Excellent work. Woman Aina Hamadan, that question is for Cyrus

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who are men mean? Can be mashallah, excellent. You get something I'm really, really happy you did? She said a rule. Okay. She used the pronoun, because from the question, we already know who we're talking about. She could have said Hameed on Meenal Hindi, but she chose to use the pronoun instead, which is completely correct. And probably a little bit more

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eloquent, to say, Hello, Amina Hindi. And the only thing is that hand in Arabic is literally the hand. So it's el Hindi, but fantastic job using and applying the pronoun

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Samira Aina hubba Besson?

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I'm bad sinharaja Yes, very good. Excellent. How Raja is correct? Okay.

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We could also say hello, Roger. Best College I bet. Can we say our best 100? Yeah.

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It's possible, for reasons that we will get into later because it's a little bit advanced, but it's not okay. It's not necessarily rearranging the order of a Joomla fairly, okay. We say a cottage a bathroom, that is the default order of a Joomla thelia. We have the the verb and we have the

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we have the subject to the doer of that verb after the verb.

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If somebody

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and that's the more correct response, but if somebody asks

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men that have or men halogen, then it's possible that you could say our best selling products, in which case the actual sentence would be headed to our bathroom, but you're adding emphasis to the fact that our best is the one who left

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We'll get into the rules for when you can do that. And when you can't do that later.

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Next going down to

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a Brother Mohammed, that hubba Ali Yun ll McGeary.

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In the

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Well, let's see that.

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Who was it? And this is my own poor comprehensive. I'm exposing myself here. Who was it that went to the military? No, it was not. It was Eileen, who went to the ollie went to the hub. And

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it was on best. Who left and went to the moody. Oh, yes. So the question is

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that hubba Ali Yan Ilan moody, you have a couple of options of how you could answer.

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Good. You could say that. And then what else might you add?

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Add? Yes, the hubba ibehre. Soon, he'll move theory.

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Correct that aspect of it? Or you could correct you could stick with Ollie. And mention where Ali went. You could say, look, the herba I Leon Kilner having.

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Right? You have two options there. And it's not clear from the question, if they're more concerned about where it went? Or if they're more concerned about who it is, who went to the movie.

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So, is there a way to find out which they are actually talking about? There is if they have used a different question. So for example, if they had said, I Lyon, that have a lot more theory, then that would be it would be putting the question right before the person. So that would indicate that they're more concerned about where that where, which person went to the movie, in which we would say let

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our best movie or have the best movie

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ever if

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they were, but as it's as it's constructed right now, other hubba Alioune, we can't tell, are they concerned more about it? Or about who went to the movies?

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Excellent job, everybody. Everybody is doing fantastic.

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We have a little bit of review here. Just to clarify, like it's a new in the hubba and the hubba. And you know, I can say it both ways. But if I want to emphasize it, I'm gonna say the hubba Allume. The default is the hubba alim. Right the defaults, that sentence structure is that however, I mean, if you're beginning a sentence with no context, you're not responding to anybody, then it would not be to correct to say, Lee on the hub.

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Okay. I mean, people that understand what you're saying, but they would tell that this is kind of like a translated English sentence that's being kind of forced through an Arabic or Arabic words. However, if you're responding to a question, right, and the question itself is having emphasis, the question is, maybe it's focusing on who was it that went,

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then it could be correct? It? It I should say, it would be correct. And it could be even maybe more clear to say ollie on the hubba. He doesn't have it. It's like you're emphasizing it was him that went?

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very good. So you have a little bit of review here. We'll skip over that because it's fairly basic. Everybody did fantastic and a lot of fun to me and a lot of 30 minute, me an entire book, and so on and so forth.

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Okay, and let's read. Let's see how much time we have. We have about four minutes.

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Oh, okay. Okay.

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Okay, well,

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there was a question. I'll take time to respond to now and we'll see if we have time to do the following one. So we had a question.

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A bit ago, someone sent in they

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said, that

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the subject and verb are essential in a Julep theory.

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And okay, what about i and number two? of sort of the rock man? So we have our rock man, our lemon for an holofoil in SAM.

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Okay, very good. So, this is a situation in which the subject is implied

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a rough man

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i lemon for pineapple in San alemayehu ban

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what do we have?

00:35:33 --> 00:35:46

Allah subhanaw taala started with a rough man for emphasis. Right? If we were to go back to the original sentence structure, it would have been our dilemma of rough man who

00:35:47 --> 00:35:48

I look for n

00:35:50 --> 00:35:55

right Holika I'll rock man who l in San

00:35:57 --> 00:36:13

that's the default sentence structure. But Allah subhanaw taala he is trying to emphasize the fact that he is a ramen. And so he begins with the scent with a rough man, I lemon for an follicle inside.

00:36:15 --> 00:36:35

And it's also more eloquent because it's grasping the attention of the listener right away, as opposed to with a longer sentence. Just to start with a provocative word, a provocative title of ramen is much more efficient at capturing the attention of the listener.

00:36:38 --> 00:36:43

Okay, that pretty much takes us to the end of class if you want to

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review and work on these questions and I highly recommend that you have the time to write them as well, because the writing will help cement it in your mind. And when you're reading and writing put the the Chanukah but the small the small vowels mean Aina about Lima,

00:37:07 --> 00:37:20

two hear Meenal Hindi cottager and muda reseau Meenal firstly, whether however, Elon Musk theory and so on and so forth. So we have seven exercises there.

00:37:21 --> 00:37:27

And then if you will go over all of this the last exercise for this particular

00:37:29 --> 00:37:53

chapter is selecting the correct preposition based off of the context of the sentence. So alkie, taboo blank activity, it wouldn't make sense to say mean the book is from the desk. It wouldn't make sense to say ILA to or you could say fi but the most correct and the most common would be to say, Allah, Allah Kitab, who Allah

00:37:54 --> 00:38:02

and so on and so forth. Those are two good exercises, you have a little bit of a place where they gathered all of the vocab

00:38:03 --> 00:38:16

for the lesson, and we will review that together next time. But if you can do it ahead of time before next class, it will be very beneficial inshallah anybody any final questions before we depart?

00:38:30 --> 00:38:42

Meanwhile, yeah, thank you very much, everybody for your attention as usual and your participation everyone's doing fantastic. Keep up the good work. And I'll see you next time in sha Allah Assalamu alaikum Welcome to Lucky vocab.

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