Why do you and 50 Cent wear the cross

The Deen Show
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the use of the Cross in Jesus's teachings and how it represents his sacrifice. He also talks about how wearing the Cross at any time can lead to evil worship and confusion. He emphasizes the importance of being sincere and earnest in asking for Him to guide you to the pleasing truth of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Why do you wear this cross? We ask our Christian brethren this question. We are a family and humanity. And we asked this question with humility, sincerity and love, truly wanting the best for all of mankind, not with any hate, or trying to put somebody down. We are just sincerely trying to get people to intellectually think why, if Jesus, who we love dearly, by the way is one of the mightiest messengers ever sent by God was calling the people to only worship the one Almighty Creator, not himself or his Blessed Mother, Mary, but only the creator alone without any intermediaries. Now, back to the question, why do you wear the cross around your neck? Have you

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really thought about it? Or are you just blindly imitating and fitting in?

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Someone might say this represents his sacrifice, and his dying for my sins. On the cross side note, Jesus never ever told people to worship him as a god, little son of God, or that he was coming to die for people since this has nothing to do with his true messenger teachings, which we'll get to in a moment.

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If Jesus, as you say, was killed, just for an example, on an electric chair, would you be wearing a miniature representation of an electric chair around your neck? Or if he was hung?

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Would it be a rope killed with a machete or if they had guns at that time, and was killed in front of a firing squad? Would you be wearing a 30 caliber Winchester rifle or bow and arrow around your neck? You see, the Cross has become a good luck charm and idle in and of itself, which totally goes against Jesus's true teachings and message. So by wearing the cross and worshiping Him, you are totally doing opposite of what he told you to do.

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We see rappers gangsters, fashion celebrities, wearing this modern day idol around their necks are doing the most evil things. The cross at the end of the day, can't help you. Only the almighty can help you. If you turn to Him alone. There are some very sincere and good people who really love Jesus, and is those people whom we want to help educate, and let them know that this is exactly what Jesus and all the messengers home the creator sent warn people against.

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And that was against idol worship, or anything that can lead up to it against human worship, Saint worship, at any kind of creation, worship. They all call people to worship the creator alone and not his creation, at your worst of times, and the best of times, to only call on the almighty alone without any middlemen, to stay away from black magic, spirit worship, suppose it Good luck charms, and these strange and weird incantations and superstitions to think, and to not blindly follow your ancestors and popular cultural traditions. If you really love Jesus do what he told you to do. He only worshipped the creator and called people away from Christian worship. There's a statement that

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we can confirm he said, because it matches the consistent message all the prophets and the messengers that the Almighty said it's in john 17, three it says, Now this is eternal life, that they may know you referring to the Almighty Creator to the one God, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. That is Islam, the Shahada, this is the truth, submitting to the fact that there is nothing worthy of any kind of worship except the one creator alone. And Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon them is the last and final messenger that would automatically include the belief in all the messengers that came before him, including Abraham, Moses and Jesus,

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the Messiah, the Christ. This is pure monotheism. I tell people that a great place to start is in the heart. You got to be sincere and earnestly asking the almighty alone to guide you to that which is pleasing to Him. Start doing that today.

Why do you and 50 Cent wear the cross? Please Watch the video and really Think about it! This is not meant to hurt or offend anyone, and was done to help educate, with love, and not with any hate. We really care and want the best for everyone.

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