Tawfique Chowdhury – The Spectacle Of Death

Tawfique Chowdhury
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of not letting anyone's actions affect others' lives and not letting anyone take advantage of others' actions. They stress the importance of following Prophet's teachings and not letting anyone take advantage of others' actions. The speakers also emphasize the importance of avoiding fear and preparing for travel with guidance from Allah.
AI: Transcript ©
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was salam wa wa sallam Allah beginner? He was having a main ceremony Kumara

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smilla rahmanir rahim

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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen

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Walla Walla Walla teens in

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my respective brothers and sisters in Islam. It was a beautiful headache that I came across today. And then your times I had come across it but it was as if the first time I'd read it and authentic hadith in Bukhari and Muslim and a hermit and it had been an authentic hadith. Once Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he led the vote prayer and after leading the vote prayer, he got up on the member and then he when he got up on the member, he wanted to give a hot bath, it was not Juma. No, it was not Juma.

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However, he wanted to give a football. So he gave up and he told the people to fear Allah subhanaw taala and he told the people about the signs of the day of judgment that had that had already come. And then after

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thereafter, he told the people today are people there is not a single thing that you will ask of me today except that I will tell you,

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you will not ask me a single thing except that I will tell you, so ask of me. And the people started crying. People started crying. And the people started crying.

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repeated his question Saloni asked me asked me and so a man, a man like you and me. A man from the companions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam got up and he said yo Salama? Where will I be on the day of judgment?

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He said, Yeah.

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Where will I be on the day of judgment? So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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he said in the fire,

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The man I swear when

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I'm setting the fire Subhana Allah, a companion.

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asking this question, just like you me, someone like you will be asking

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the question Where will I be able to?

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read the file? Have you not heard of the IRA?

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Have you not heard of what Allah subhanaw taala says?

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Why in min Camila

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Valley. There are some of you. Allah tells us. He says some of you are heading for it. Heading for what? heading forward for agenda.

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No heading for the fire. My brothers and sisters in Islam.

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This man that got up. He's just like you and me. He's just like you and me. Yet he was a companionable, so lots of reason.

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He was blessed with being a companion.

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Yet for instance, Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam have informed him that is placed on the Day of Judgment with the fire. So I asked you now, and you every one of you and myself, where will our place be in the day of judgment? Subhana Allah we sit by the day we seen by the night, from the morning until today until the talk today, how many sins are we done? It is as if it's a fly on the nose and we just flush it away, brush it away, a fly, let it go away.

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Since Panama how many sins

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were where will our place be on the Day of Judgement? Allah subhanho wa Taala says beautifully.

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What a beautiful verse I wish you could understand it. So beautiful.

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Allah smart Allah says

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the counting of mankind has come here, the counting is coming near

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and dear

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in a playful ignorance have turned away from this truth. Look at the people of this world. In fact, just look at yourself in the mirror what you see, you will see a person living this life as if his accounting is not near, even though the days passed by. And even though you might live for a long time, yet do not fool yourself. Indeed, Allah subhanho wa Taala his punishment is near Allah subhanho wa Taala his punishment and death is near.

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This is the true reality. Allah subhanaw taala has called death in the

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Allah smart Allah says

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Allah, Allah says, worship your Lord, until the truth comes to you. The Why is definitely called the truth. Why is death called the truth my brothers and sisters? Allah subhanaw taala says about death, it is the truth because of the fact because of the fact that we already know that tomorrow will be a death. However, whether we will live tomorrow then that is something we do not know. We know that tomorrow will die yet whether we will live then that is something we have doubt about Subhan Allah This is the reason why Allah has called it the truth. Something you're pretty sure about. See what the last paragraph says. It says yeah.

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And he's talking about everybody.

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He says yeah.

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say? He says oh people be afraid of Allah. He says, Oh people be afraid of Allah.

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Verily, the earthquake of the devil judgment, Shannon Avi is a tremendous thing. Yamato the day that you will see it.

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The every suckling woman will leave a suckling child.

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And every pregnant woman will will will drop her load will drop her load from the fear terror of the deal judgment.

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And you will see the people driven mad, mad.

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mad. No, they're not drunk.

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However, the punishment of Allah is severe.

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The punishment of Allah is severe.

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of love.

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Fear Allah. My question to you is why should we fear Allah? Why should we fear Allah? Have you heard the story of Ruth?

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Have you heard the story of Ruth Viola was with one of his companions. Once it Massoud Allah have mercy upon him. He was with some of his companions. And so one of his friends

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opinion said, I do not make dua to Allah that I be from the people at the right end. No rather I make dua to Allah.

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That I be from those nearest to Allah. And

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Allah Allah, the knowledge of a man of this formula, the knowledgeable man, this oma, the one who fear Allah subhana wa tada looked at this man in a very strange way. What are you saying? He looked at him and said, What are you saying, as for you, as for you, you are making dua to Allah to be the most nearest to Allah. As for me, I will go to Allah Allah wish I was not even created. As for me, I may go to Allah Allah wish I was a tree that was cut down and eaten.

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Why? Why is the question my brother's? Why does God allow that Allah and make this question as this as this particular? Why? The answer my brothers and sisters, is truly because of the fear of Allah that entered into his heart, the fear of Allah the realization that indeed death is a tremendous experience. It is a new life, something you have never experienced. It is a new life, something you have always fooled yourself about. This is the reason why you are so afraid. And once

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the cousin of your loved one, because innovation of your mom, she was passing by the house.

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And she heard I shall be allowed.

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She was standing up and praying. And I mentioned that I did not know what it was that salatu salam had before federal or whether it was a solid, whether it was a solar after sunrise, for I do not know what sunlight was. Yet I passed by and she was standing up in sola. And she was reciting from the Quran. And then when she came upon the verse of Allah Subhana, Allah Subhan Allah wa Elena.

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And when she came upon this, the beautiful verse of Allah

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when Allah subhanaw taala talks about his Abed his slaves, and they are those of them who say for Manama, Elena, and so Allah subhanaw taala blessed us and gave us a bounty

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and saved us from the other Simone from the terrible torment from the terrible torment Allah subhanaw taala status, and so continues, so so I shall be

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reciting this verse. And so I went away and she was crying, and I left her crying. And I came back after many, many hours. I came back after many, many hours, and I passed by her again. And she was still reciting the same verse from Allah Allah.

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So Allah subhanaw taala gave us the great bounty and saved us from the terrible torment by brothers. Have you heard of the story of Malcolm Indiana? The story of management dinner used to stay up all night, imploring to Allah grabbing his beer and saying Yeah, Allah indeed you know, who will go to the Hellfire and you know Allah will go to Paradise or Allah employee or which, which of these groups am I? Well, I asked you which of these groups in my hand Subhana Allah Malik is one of the greatest scholars of this oma making dua to Allah imploring Allah subhanaw taala. Which of these groups are Allah? Which of these groups the group that will go to Hellfire are the group that will

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go to Paradise Mia Allah, and you know, even Buhari will be allowed.

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Do you know the story of Imam Bukhari?

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As you know, before writing every single Hadith, he would make dua to Allah subhanaw taala and make to the cast. Well, once when he was writing down the heavy,

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the heavy, the beautiful Hadith, when it states Allah subhanho wa Taala, after every creation had made the intercession and after the age after the prophets and made the decision, and the angels have made a decision, and the people who had who Allah, Allah would have allowed to make the decision had made the intercession then nothing will be left except the intercession of Allah subhanaw taala that Allah subhanaw taala will take a handful of people out from the out from the people of Hellfire, and these are the Allah the ones who have been saved by Allah subhanaw taala and remember

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when he was walking down this hill, he would raise up his hands to Allah, so Allah make me from them from them. So Allah I know, I know my deeds are not enough to save me from the hellfire.

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Oh Allah make me Allah, please make me from there.

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Do you know? Do you know the story of armor? He said, Allah have mercy upon him. He said that if a person from the heavens looked down upon the people of of this earth and said every one of you said except one person, and he said, Every one of you said except one person, I would be afraid that I am that person. He said, I would be afraid that I am that person.

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compare yourself to this. compare yourself to this. Ask yourself, where are you from these people? Ask you say when there's a fear of Allah subhanaw taala in your heart, what is the realization that death is coming to you? And this is all for surety is not for surety certainty, death will come to you, death will come to you.

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May Allah have mercy upon him? He once said, I heard

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I heard once that a man will be saved from the fire of *.

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I heard once he said that a man will be saved from the fire of * after 1000 years. And I have asked Allah subhanho wa Taala for 50 years of my life, for 15 years of my life to be that man.

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He said, I've asked Allah subhanho wa Taala, to be of that man, my brothers, I remind you of the verse of Allah subhanaw taala.

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And he says we're in

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a very dear some of you who are heading for it,

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who are facing it and heading for it.

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Not paradise, but help

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my brothers, as long as life seems to you,

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as long as it seems that the days are coming past and the year follows the year and the month follows the month and the day follows the date and yet nothing has changed in our life. Be assured, the death is near. Be assured that you cannot escape death. You cannot escape this death that is coming to you are going towards it and it is coming towards you. What is the dunya is going away from you. This is why the pious predecessors used to say yeah,

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son of Adam, verily You are a young, very useful sort of Adam are just days just days. So if some of you has gone if some things have passed, then some of the some of us already finished. meaning you're already headed for the for the graveyard. You already headed for that grave.

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Allah subhanaw taala says

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call in

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Say, say in Malmo

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Valley the death that you are running away from that you're running away from how are we running away from it? Because we are not remembering remembering it. We are running away from others. We are being fooled by this dunya running away from the from the reality from the true thing which is death.

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Say barely the death that you're running away from.

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There it will reach up to you. It will reach up to you it will find you do you think that just because you're in England the death will not come to you. Do you think that just because you're protected in a in a protected castle high up protected in a heartbeat fortified castle that does not come to you last dialysis I no matter who

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he says wherever you are. You recon mode while Come on Fiorucci macheda

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wherever you are. Death will reach up to you. Death will come to you. Welcome to an even if you were

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in a 45 higher castle. If you are locked up my brothers and sisters in a 45 Castle than beat up for sure. Be assured that tests will reach up to you.

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Imagine my my brothers and sisters, that you are on your deathbed.

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Many many years away from now many years, perhaps 10 perhaps 20. Perhaps tonight, press when you go to bed.

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Alice mother knows best. But be assured that you will it will find you wherever you are. And whenever your time has been appointed, you will find me think about that time. That last moment when you're lying on your deathbed

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and your life passes in front of your eyes as if it was

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Dream as what is it was a dream, a dream and just passes in front of your eyes, from your childhood until you until the old age, this passes in front of your eyes like a dream forgotten. Or like a like a wind in debris, like a like a small wind that just hits you and then goes away and hit someone else.

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Imagine that time when you lie on your bed, and all your beloved people are around you. Imagine the time when you lie on your bed, and you hold the Father's hand in your hand, and your mother's hand in hand, and your wife's hand in your head, and your daughter's hand in hand and your son's hand in your hand and all your beloved people around you and all your friends around you. And then suddenly, suddenly, in a moment of time, in a moment of time you'd leave this world and you go to the next life. Suddenly it is as if you have lost your eyesight from this world and a new eyesight or or you have just been given new eyes. Suddenly you see the angel of death and what creation of Allah

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subhanaw taala. What a terrific creation of Allah, what a frightening creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala calling your soul to come out, calling your soul to come out. As Allah says, follow

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is intended

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wanna lay him in kumala Killa

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Tara, Jonah in control.

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Allah says, follow Allah, Allah.

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And at that time, when the soul has reached the throat, it is leaving the body as it is leaving the body, and the soul has has reached the throat.

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And with whatever is left, my brothers and sisters, you are looking, you're looking at your soul passes in front of you, as your life goes away.

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And we are closer to eight, then you want to see Ron and you will not see this fall.

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Then indeed, if you are not obliged to follow this religion, then indeed if you're not obliged to listen to Allah subhanho wa Taala to listen to the Prophet that came to you.

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return it back in a few nd to see if he can return it back. La La,

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La La La La Mola. We can't, we can't return our soul back. So remember, that time when our soul would have reached the throat. remember the time when our soul would have reached the throat and we are looking upon and then alive just passes in front of us like a dream, or like a breeze forgotten and we are looking on. And then we remember the greatest truth of Subhana Allah, this is the greatest life. This is the life, the true life that Allah subhanaw taala had promised us the true life Allah had promised us

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so how will your situation be? How would you situation if you if you were from those who have already moved? If you were from those who is to run yourself? Those needs to see those who not those who did not use to follow Allah paradise command that Allah subhanaw taala says

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mountfield murottal note while mala eco Tabasco

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taco Luna llama

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Allah subhanaw taala says what?

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If you only able to see Allah says Oh, if you only able to see what

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it is

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when those things people who have wronged themselves are in the horror of death, are in the throes of death. Now have you seen the dead person dying? Have you seen a chicken when his head is cut off? What does he do like this the front of death now from

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the terrible terror of death, the throngs of death.

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Allah says if you only able to see the volume

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in the terror of death,

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is to IBM, and the angels have put forward their hands.

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Take your songs out, come out, come out, come out the calling Allah subhanaw taala says that they put their hands forward and calling the smooth out, come out, come on.

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And straightaway the answers don't waste their time No, they inform the lawyer to inform you that today you will be given

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you will be punished. The terrible punishment.

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The terrible punishment

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because what you used to say but Allah subhanho wa Taala other than the truth

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and used to be stubborn, arrogant, against Allah subhanaw taala.

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So, when the soul has transferred to the angels, then it is not a simple matter of others. It is not a simple matter, for remember the time when the angels will come to you in the grave.

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When remember the time when the angels will come to you in the grave. Every single one of you and me, every single one of you and me When the angels will come to the grave. And they will ask you, and they'll ask you those important questions.

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And will you be of those who say Ha ha, ha ha is if you're laughing? No, you're not laughing? Whether this is the cry, knowing that what is awaiting you the cry of someone who knows what awaits him. Haha, you say, haha.

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And then they just will say

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and what is your religion? And Haha, is the answer. Ha ha

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ha ha. And then he will say what?

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Who's your prophet?

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Or he will say, Who is this man that used to come to you? Who is this man that used to come to you? What is your answer? Haha.

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Allah subhanaw taala say

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he has lived

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his life.

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So make his grave from the graves make his grave full of the fire of Jana. And oh, open door to the Johanna. And let the punishment of Johanna maintain to him.

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My brother, this is one that punishment of one day or two days, it is not a punishment for a day or two. It is until the day of judgment. So if you were from those who used to take rubber, if you were from those who used to take rubber, then you your grave will be made like a pond of blood, your grave will be made like a pond of blood. Imagine this a grave. Yes, your grave may be made like a pond of blood, and you will be swimming in this blood. And you will be drowning this blood. And every single time you wanted to cross over and get out of this pond and stop yourself from drowning, then there would be an angel with a stone in his hand. And he would hit you with that stone until

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the storage enters into your mouth and pushes you back to the middle of the river until you continue on drowning. And this will continue all the way up and up until the day of judgment. And if you were from those who used to come in sooner, if you were from those who used to come in sooner, then your grave will be made like an oven, like an oven in an oven on the earth. And you will be naked in your grave. And a huge flame of fire will come up from the bottom of the of your grave and burn you two peaks and burn in two bits. And if you hear from those who used to recite the Koran and not act according to it, and if you are from those who did not used to pray a prayer knowing the future is

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obligatory on him who did not used to wake up.

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Then you know what his punishment is? Do you know what the punishment is? It is that you will be laid down on the ground. Now laid down lay down on the ground Oh no, no, you won't be you won't be allowed to sleep and rest. Rather there will be an angel, an angel with a big boulder, a big boulder standing over your head who are ready to drop it on your head. And then he will drop it like a huge mountain imagine a huge mountain about to fall on your head and he will drop this on your head and smash your head to miss to smithereens and then he will raise this again and then your head will be formed and then he will smash it again. And this will continue all the way up until the Day of

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Up until the day of judgment. So Pamela, and if you if you were for if you were from those who used to spread the Mima backbite, and spread tales used to bear tales and spread tales about your brothers, if you are from those people who used to like backbiting your brothers, then you know what the punishment is, then you will be made to lay down on the ground, you will be made to lay down on the ground, and an angel will take the iron rod and tear your face all the way from here until the back and then continue on the next side. And whilst continuing the next side that the other side has reformed, and then he will continue continue for where he left off. And this will continue all the

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way up until the day of judgment. So

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here are

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my brothers and sisters in Islam. This is a terrible reality. This is a terrible reality. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to say, what I, what I took when I do not be afraid, where I do not be afraid that you would not Bury Your Dead, that I would have made dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala, to let you hear from those things that I hear, were I to be afraid that you are would not bury your debt, then I would have made dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala. To let you hear from those things which are here. What is it that?

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Well, it is the cries of those people, the whaling of the people being punished in the Hellfire wedding of the people being punished in their graves. This is what he used to hear.

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And what we do here, this will be fooled into thinking that Allah, Allah will not punish us if we do not bury our dead. So we will just leave our dead, I will not bury them. So Solar System said, we have to be afraid, where to be learned to not be afraid that you will not Bury Your Dead, that I would have indeed made what Allah to let you hear from these things. And also allow us to say,

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if you knew what I know,

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he said, If you knew what I know, then you would laugh less and cry more. If you knew what I know people, you would laugh less and cry more. And he also said, If you knew what I know, then you would not find pleasure in sleeping with your wife.

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Then you would not find pleasure in sleeping with your wives. How much pleasure doing finally sleeping with our wives Subhana Allah death is the last thing on our minds when we sleep with our wives. Last thing on our mind, yet if we knew what Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam knows, from the terrible torment that awaits a person from the terrible questioning that awaits every single person, then we would laugh less and cry more, then we would laugh less and cry more. And we will not find pleasure in sleeping with our wives.

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My brothers and sisters in Islam

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or advise you sincerely I advise myself and advise you sincerely to fear Allah subhanho wa Taala I advise you, brothers and sisters in Islam to fear Allah subhanho wa Taala

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as he should be feared, fear him as he should be feared. For indeed, the life of a Muslim is like a bird. Indeed, my brothers and sisters, the life of a Muslim is like a bird. Have you seen the bird? The bird when he flies? It has a body. It has a body and it has two wings? Have you seen this? Have you seen the bird? It has a body and it has two wings. And when it flies, it flaps his wings. The Muslim is like this. The Muslim is like this, this is his life. This is his life. What do I mean? I mean look at the bird. The body is the love of Allah. And one way is the fear of Allah and the other wing is the hope from Allah now, the Muslim Lee lives his life between these things. That which

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pushes him forward is the love of is the love of Allah is the love of this little loss of the law. While there is a love for this religion, yet at the same time, just like the bird cannot fly except by flapping his right wing, which is the fear of Allah. At the same time you cannot fly except a fly by by flipping his left wing which is the hole from Allah sois the believer so whenever you have fear of Allah have hope. Whenever you have fear of Allah have hope, and let the thing that pushes you forward. That the thing that pushes you forward, Bill the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala love Allah subhanho wa Taala suggests Allah subhanho wa Taala has prepared, terrible torments for those

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who have not believed in him. Those who have disobedient

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In the in the grave, so to Allah subhanho wa Taala has prepared a great reward for us. So let us be from those who fear Allah subhanaw taala at the same time have great hope from him. At the same time know what torment awaits us if we disobey Him

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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he said in a beautiful Hadith

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and let this be the advice that you take away from this talk today. And let this be the advice that you take away from this talk today. One simple heavy one simple howdy Can you not remember this? You must remember it. How deep is this? Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam said in authentic hadith in Bukhari, and Muslim you said confit dunya be in this world?

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How kabita Sabine

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be in this world just like hydro Sabine,

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our IP, and the way he said it separately said, config dunya.

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Our Abu Dhabi be in this dunya

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be in this dunya. Either one of two individuals, my brothers be in this dunya either one of two individuals, either a stranger,

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a stranger, be a stranger, my brothers be a stranger, it's a good thing, be a stranger, or be in Abu Dhabi. What is

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just a traveler, Adam Seville is the is the pacifier, hassled by the one who's traveling, when it comes to a city he's passing by. He stops for a little while. And then he goes on his way.

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Be in this world just like you are either stranger or an adversary. What do you mean by stranger my brother's being a stranger. Like for example, you being a stranger in dystonia is like not considering this dunya to be your real dunia is like considering this this world to not be truly your real world is to consider this life this house that you have to not really be your true house in this true life. No, my brothers, be a stranger, that all of this is strange towards you. Why? Because the real life and the real house that you have is the house of the hereafter. The real house that you will be spending most of your time in a lot of your time I bet this is not the house that

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you have now down the road. No, it is not the house that you'll really be spending most of your time a lot of your time will be that grave, and the place in hereafter wherever you will be. This is why you should be stranger Why? Because this is something that is not really your own. This world is not really your own. So be a stranger in this world. Be a stranger in this world, or be a traveler? And what does the traveler do? What is the traveler do my brother's the traveler just passes by takes from whatever he needs from this place and rest for a little while. And then he passes by just like last

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and verily this life is but a playful pastime is but a playful pastime. So be like the problem. The one who passes by, is just passing by. And it takes from this life whatever he needs, he has he takes from the * out of his life and leaves the * out of his life. And he only takes whatever he needs. Why because if he took more than what he needs and you'll not be able to carry on the struggle, he only takes whatever he needs and then he has the rest you see the travel as the rest in this life and he prepares himself for his travel. So this is how you prepare for that travel by your a bad by a good piece my brother's confit dunya Eb Sabine subhanho wa Taala we haven't big a Chateau

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La Ilaha Illa and stuff

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such as you if it might come down, or if anybody wants to just put their hands up and ask a question directly. They can also do that inshallah.

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smil Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah. While he was so happy.

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This brother wrote a question in Arabic And he asked basically about the one guidance and his guidance, something that our last panel has already written for you, or is there a type of guidance or is it

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simply an idea and the last half hour aina?

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is young. He is wooden, his guidance in this life? Is it something that has been written for us is that something that already hasn't been

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This pre pre You know, this predestiny on this point, or that Allah subhanaw taala has lifted upon upon people that they be guided without doubt.

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had mentioned to us that there are two types of Buddha, there's two types of guidance two types and that is the guidance of a tofik and the guidance,

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the guidance for tofik and the guidance of shadow tofield, which is happens to be my name, the field means what means to have the field from a loss partner. This is the tofield from from Allah, Allah, the guidance from Allah, that Allah gives to every individual that he guides is hot as Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to make all the time you have to submit, Allah Dini or the Turner of hearts, put my heart established my heart firmly upon your religion. So this is the tofield from Allah, the guidance from Allah, at the same time, the hood that there is another type of Buddha, that is a shot that is the, the guidance that Allah has given people, and that is from by way of the

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prophets, that is the way of the prophets and that and by the way of sending the books down. So these are the two types of hood that Allah has given us. So is this already written by Allah? subhanaw? taala? Yes, Allah subhanaw taala has already written our guidance, Allah Subhana Allah has already written a guidance, who is who from us will be guided yet do we do yet are we ourselves will not know what Allah has has written? Can't you see what the molecule needs to say? He's to say in his voice, Oh Allah, we knew I know that you already know who's going to paradise and who is going to help file we know that you know Allah, and how can I warm up? No, he is so great is there

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elements complete his knowledge is complete, it is not preceded by ignorance and neither is a superseded by forgetfulness. Allah s l knowledge is complete, complete encompasses every single thing. So how can I not know where we are headed to where we will opposition be? Are we from the people of the Hellfire? Are we from the guided ones? Are we from those people who have been misguided so Indeed Allah subhanaw taala knows, but Allah subhanaw taala at the same time as knowing we ourselves at the same point, we do not know where opposition will be. So it is upon us to do our deed it is upon us to do our two kinds of actions in order that Allah Allah may enter us into agenda

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due to his mercy

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00:42:42 --> 00:42:44

You know, we hear a lot about people accepting Islam

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many mosques you enter Mashallah and and the people will stand up and say Mashallah brother so and so accepted Islam. Yet somehow we never hear of people being guided to the religion those who are already Muslims, but they came back to the religion

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and look at this story, look at this question. In Medallia had committed bank fraud and other interest based debts, now I want to repent, do I need to pay my debts? If I do, I will I get if I do, I will get imprisonment. Could you advise me because I am in a dilemma.

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important question.

00:43:21 --> 00:44:01

You see, some of us, some of us, we wish to repent now after hearing about Allah subhanaw taala we wish to repent. Yet our sins, catch up with us, my brothers, those things that we had done before, catch up with us and shutdown comes to you and said, Are you wish to repent? Remember those things that you need? Remember those things that you did, or whatever this thing that you need, and that thing that you did, my brothers and sisters in Islam, don't let that take the better of you. repent to Allah subhanaw taala repent to Allah and don't let shut down take the better of you. If you have done something that is between you and Allah subhanaw taala a sin between you and Allah subhanaw

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taala, then hide it. And if you have done a sin, that is between you and another person, like you have stolen someone's land, or you've stolen someone's money, they return it. But do it in a way that will not cause you harm. Do it in a way that will not cause you harm. Like for example, you might have you might have backbeat and someone is it with it? Is it wise for you to go and tell the brother Brother I bet with you? It may be wise Yes, it might be because the brother might be an understanding person might be wiser to do that. But if the brother is someone else, someone who's a bit arrogant someone who is who you know who thinks a lot bigger about himself, then it's not wise

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to go back and tell him brother, that bit you rather make dua for him, ask Allah to forgive you make dua for him and speak good about him. In the same way if you have committed fraud and taking people's money, then my advice is to pay it back, paid back but in a way in which you will not be in difficulty in a way in which you will not be in difficulty because this is not in your muscle. And this is not written

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Quiet, it is not required that you own up, say brother, or go back to the maxima, for example, go to the mat come up to the to the court and say, cut my hands off, I had stolen, no, this is not required my brother's brother disappeared back, pay it back, and all that you owe him. And for example, if you had, if you had stolen a car, then you pay it and give him back the car in the same state that you had stolen it from him. And also you pay him for whatever costs that were incurred because of that. And also,

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for example, if you had taken the car, you pay him for every single day that you have the charisma.

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But really, this question

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requires a more personal answer. And this is not the right place to actually talk about this. The brother can please come forward in

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when I'm free, and we can talk about this.

00:45:58 --> 00:46:06

You said that we will see the angel of death at the time of will see the angel of death at the time of death. What is the proof of this? Yes.

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You can see the angel of death at the time of death, as many of the alumni have mentioned. And it has been reported for many of the solid beam from any of the righteous believers and also Omar bin Abdulaziz as we all know, as he is known as a fifth halifa of this religion, fifth righteous Khalif of this religion. When he was dying, before he died, he said I can see a creation, I can see a creation something that have never seen before is calling my soul. It is calling my soul and then he died.

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And this is an authentic narration from abdulazeez. You can find it in Sierra Nevada, in the Sierra Nevada.

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And so, the best we can say is that from these narrations of the solid thing, that they were able to see the angel of death and also from the eye of the parabolas. panatela says 112 hanaa even terms alone and you are at that time for Lola Isabella. And when the soul has reached has reached the throat, want to paint even tomorrow and you are looking

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and we are closer to it meaning who not we mean Allah, Allah because Allah subhanaw taala is closer by knowledge. So Allah, Allah says, Allah the meaning who the correct interpretation of this verse is that the angels, the angels of Allah subhanaw taala are closer to him. And Alessandra says one to one and you are looking so here we have an indication that you can also see the angel of death. Allah, Allah knows best

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speller. Question says, brother, my, my mother wants me to earn income. But if I do it,

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but if I do it, it will not be for the sake of my Lord.

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But by not worrying it. I'm accepting my mother, how can I resolve a problem like this?

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Panama? What an amazing question.

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What an amazing question. I'm really truly amazed by this question.

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someone telling you to do something

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that you know will be for the sake of your Lord, as you say,

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that will be for the sake of your Lord, as of last panatela is your Lord. And Allah will be pleased by this. And you're saying, for the sake of my Lord, how do you wish to disobey Him? And how do you wish to stay away from

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if your mother is asking you to do something better. And all the scholars of Islam agree that it is better for you to wear the niqab. They all agree that it is better,

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different, whether it is obligatory or not, but all agreeing that is better for you.

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Because a woman is something like a concealed permit that deserves to be concealed. You already know that it is better for you, as someone is telling you to do it. So handling should be the first to actually do it.

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We hear people saying, brother, I want to wear the niqab and my mother says no.

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This is the question that I get all the time. I don't get this question ever. It's the first time I've got this question. Everyone tells me whether I want to wear the niqab. My mother says no. And I always come up with a question. I can always come with the answer what you all know what the answer is. There is no obedience to the creation and disobedience to Allah. For Look at this.

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The creation here is telling you to be Allah telling you to be a must not wish to marry him or ever you should listen to your mother. Listen to your mother. Listen to your mother. Obey what she's saying. And do it for Allah sake. Do it for Allah sake. Just because your mother is saying doesn't mean therefore you will not be pharmasave No, rather do it for lesson. But because of being your mother is worship and also wearing the niqab is worship and intention, your heart for the sake of Allah zone solution. So all of these things come together.

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