Tariq Appleby – Jumuah 12 July 2019

Tariq Appleby
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses their personal history and struggles with Islam, including their desire to be a Muslim and their father's abusive father. They express a desire to be a Muslim, but their style was harsh. They also discuss the struggles of Islam, including the need for people to trust Islam, the importance of researching the Hadees properly, and the importance of protecting the community. The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of characters and symbols.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Al Hamdulillah monastery no one has the pharaoh when are all the Villa haematuria and fusina amin say hey, Lena Maria de La Villa de la vida de Allah wa Chateau La Ilaha Illa La Jolla hula Sharia Cara wash I don't know Mohammed abu allah solo. Yeah

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foccacia 1000 alima I'm about to do right now stop Alhaji thicket Allah wa halal Howdy, howdy Mohammed in sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a shout out to have a coup d'etat in VEDA, what we'll leave it at in Bala wakulla.

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My dear brothers, when I graduated in 2007, one of the first jobs that I was able to obtain or to get was to work at my cousin's drug rehabilitation center in Cape Town, South Africa.

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And I was asked to come day, every day, Mondays to Thursdays for an hour to teach the men and the boys at the center, the basics about Islam, the fundamentals of Islam, the pillars of EMA, and how to take blue how to pray, because for many of them, most of them will Muslims, and they were recovering drug addicts, they were people that were in the center because of the drug addiction. And most of them, if not all of them had very little understanding of Islam. And so that was my first experience in dharwad, coming home and having to work with people that are heroin addicts, or meth addicts, or people that are addicted to all sorts of drugs, and many of them having severe social

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problems, boys that have been sexually abused, or physically abused boys that have been, you know, abandoned as children or as babies, that so many different issues and those that were married, also had a number of problems. What I realized at that time is that there are certain issues that we need to address for our youth. And even for those who are older, certain issues that exist in the community that we need to be aware of, and certain ways in which we need to prepare our young people for when they become older, so that they can deal with their own personal problems, and also all of the things that they face on a daily basis. Just this morning, I was watching a video about an

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Egyptian chef. And you know, he specializes in dealing with doubts and misconceptions against Islam and about Islam. So he's addressing this issue. And I find it very interesting that one of the main takeaways that I took from watching this video was that there are people right now that claim to be Muslim. And we perhaps I should not use the word claim because that seems sinister. But rather, I should say, there are Muslims in the community that believe in the theory of evolution, or they believe that it is compatible with Islam. But what they do is they do not discuss it deeply from the Islamic perspective. But they do an hour video, or they do a series of videos in which they show how

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strong and how powerful the evidence for the belief in evolution is. And then they are quiet and silent. And they provide no evidence from the Quran and Sunnah to explain to counter or to refute. So they leave the youth believing that Islam has no answers to these modern problems, these scientific theories or ideologies. And yet, at that time, the Muslim youth have no answer to those things that they have been bombarded with every single day. So what I would like to do in this could be in the LA Italia used to first talk about certain issues that are internal to the Muslim community. We do not want to talk about all of those campaigns against the Muslims. We don't want to

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talk about the false propaganda that comes outside of the community. We don't want to talk about geopolitical geopolitics. No, we want to look at ourselves in the hood by that I gave last week I spoke about the signs and the characteristics of the moon. Not so that we could go around and say oh, that brother Mashallah, Mashallah, let me use a different word. I want to be loved. You know, that brother or that sister or the beloved, they've got, you know, one of those characteristics that the hottie was talking about last week. That's not why we study Islam. We don't study it so that we judge and then we give outcome and we give rulings on the people, but we look deep inside ourselves.

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tells me see, I say to myself that when I speak, do I lie? When I make promises? Do I keep them? Or do I break them? When I'm interested with things? Do I keep those trust and I evaluate that I protect it? And when I argue, am I vulgar? Do I curse? Is that me? When you read the Quran, you're looking for ways in which to put down other Muslims, you're looking for ways to improve yourself and those around you. So we don't study Islam so that we can, you know, put ourselves on that pedestal and we become judges and arbitrators, and we see who's right and who's wrong. No, the first person is the person in the mirror. That's the first person you're looking at. So what we want to do is we

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want to examine our societies, we want to examine our communities. And we want to ask these questions, because the first reason why our youth have they struggle with all of these doubts, and all of these desires, whether it be drug addiction, or alcoholism, or whether it be the music scene, or whether it be, you know, all of these sexual desires that they are bombarded with every single day, they face it on a daily basis. He's out there watching a video about ducks on YouTube. And on the side is a video inviting him to watch something, which is how long isn't that the case?

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You're watching and you're watching a video and then there's an ad with something that stimulates your sexual desire, or Oh, Bella, this is the reality of our of our situation, even when your intentions are sincere, what then if the youth are actively looking out for those things, it's even worse. So the first problem we have is weak conviction. I don't know about you, and I'll only speak about myself. But when I was growing up in Cape Town, I wasn't talked about a lot. I wasn't taught about his urashima and about his grandia. I wasn't taught about his creation, I was in thought I was no one to spoke to me about the forgiveness of Allah and His mercy and the extent of his creation.

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No one taught me about the beauty of Islam. We were just Muslim, when we took it for granted as that do you pray? Do you attend the Juma football? Do you eat pork? Do you drink alcohol? And if you answered these questions correctly, that was sufficient. But what we find is that we are not instilling in our youth strong yaqeen and conviction in Allah subhanho wa Taala. And belief in this religion and the prophets. And in the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So this is something that we need to be aware of. And we'll address that later. Number two, personal problems and social issues. And I started the hood. But this is a big problem. When you see someone who doesn't pray, when you

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see someone who doesn't have a job, when you see someone who's clubbing and you know, is a whole list of things, no attachment to the religion whatsoever. Why?

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Why is that the case?

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I've counseled youth in Malaysia and many other countries. And what I found is that if I sit with him long enough, I will discover that they is a social personal reason for their lack of commitment to Islam. My parents are going through a divorce, my father is abusive. I was abandoned as a child, my sister used to beat me now I don't like Islam anymore. That's very common. My style was harsh. Michael style was not a nice man. So now you know, I I don't want to be a Muslim, because that's what Islam is all about. Because the people that I interacted with, it was supposed to be pious and righteous and people of character didn't possess those qualities. And so that means that Islam is

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not really a real religion. It's not sincere, it has no real effect on the people. So we need to examine these problems, and we need to, we need to address them. Many of these kids and these youth and these teenagers have no way to go. They have no one to talk to. That's why at the school we I teach I constantly tell them even though perhaps it falls on deaf ears, I say to them, if you have issues come and talk to me, tell me what's going on in your life. If you have a problem, I'm not saying that I can solve your problem is that I can I can, I can make them go away. But sometimes all you need to know is that someone supports you. One of my friends used to work for a suicide hotline

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in Cape Town. And he said well, it most of the time, we could just talk down people from committing suicide by making them understand that we were there for them. Because that's sometimes that's all they need. They just they need to know that someone cares. Someone's worried about them. And isn't this one of the greatest attributes of a woman that he has a raw and genuine empathy and concern for other Muslims? Isn't this what a loss of a handle with Allah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teach law you

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know, Hey, buddy, if he email you're a bully enough, see, none of you believe until he loves his brother what he loves for himself. This is part of what it means to be a movement. This is not psychobabble. This is not psychiatry and psychology. This is Islam. Now we are concerned about our youth as a person

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problems and then we make them feel like when you are going through a difficulty Doesn't it feel good to be able to talk to someone about that? offend someone to hug someone to put your head on your shoulder, you put your head on the shoulder and you cry, just that makes you feel better even though once the crying stops once you've told the story, the problem is still there, but you feel better what more is that person is able to take your hand and step by step help you to solve the problem that's even better. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant this to him on number three

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we have a weakness in our in our a brother. And I'm not talking only a pastor but I'm not even going to address Cylons in Farsi in the month of Ramadan. But we have a weakness in there a by the actions of the heart out there What do you know loss of a handle wattana is not where it needs to be. Because we don't trust that Allah subhanho wa Taala will help us all that he will even answer I'll do as when we make to our to him No, the problem is too. It's too big for that.

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If I ask you a lot, I've got this problem, so help me solve it.

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We don't trust that Allah subhanho wa Taala will answer that we become so we've become so brainwashed into believing that material means and material reasons are the only ones that exist. It says if we it says if we are saying without condition, that Allah subhanho wa Taala does not interfere in the affairs of his creation. He leaves things as they are, and worse than that, that is incapable of doing so. What about that couple? Let's use an example. That couple who has been married for many years, and they are unable to have children.

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They've done everything they've gone to every clinic, they've expended every expense

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do they at any time believe that you know how lost because the doctors have been unable because the clinics have been unable therefore you know we should give up in Allah subhana wa tada Allah if Allah so this is something very important. And I don't think we'll be able to cover most of what I prepared today. But if we can just focus on this for a moment, Allah subhana wa tada created Adam from nothing. When I say nothing, you understand what I mean? There was no mother, there was no father. He said it he said, Allah subhanho wa Taala created him from

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Did you have a father? No.

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So when we think about these, these two examples, and Allah draws our attention to them in the Quran. You look at the pooter of Allah subhana wa tada and how do you doubt for a second the puja of Allah subhanho wa Taala to do anything else? What never gives up hope. If you are if you have a relative that is ill

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you know, Subhana Allah, we have so many examples of people that are told the people that have been pronounced dead. within five minutes later, they revive they are awakened, conscious, pronounced dead Subhana Allah, people that have been told to have six months to live, then Allah subhanho wa Taala grants them she 520 years later they are still alive. Because the father of Allah subhana wa tada is without limits. In Allah Allah coolish a guardian, outer walk culinaria teen just in that one if they are many like it, indeed, verily, without a doubt, Allah subhanho wa Taala is capable of all and everything. If we believe that, so Han Allah, how would that change the way that we approach

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Allah subhanho wa Taala how we approach the way that we practice this religion. Number four, we have a problem in the way that we research our critical thinking skills and the way in our general knowledge of Islam. And this is where someone like myself, someone who has a formal education in Islamic Studies, people like myself, and many people that are in this ministry today, this is where our role becomes prominent and important. We have a duty to spread Islam to teach it to engage with the youth. And those older, we need to teach and we need to explain we need to make ourselves accessible. One of the major problems that we have in Muslim communities is the fact that the ELA

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and the students of knowledge are not accessible.

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And the people that are accessible are the people with no knowledge, or the people with a mis understanding of Islam. They are the ones with the YouTube channels and the social media accounts. They are the ones that are teaching, but they are not qualified to teach. No Do they have the knowledge to teach? I'll give you an example.

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I attended a discussion at a must read in Cape Town. This was probably in 2007 or 2008. So I was there with a few of my colleagues and there was a chef, that Imam of the masjid and most of the students were university students. Most of them were medical students at the University of Cape Town. So one Female Audience Member she raised their hand and

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She said, I have a doubt. My doubt is that if a woman who is married, commits zenas adultery. Right, and she's pregnant, will she be stoned while she's pregnant?

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It's a valid question. She's not questioning the rulings, he says, I understand that the punishment for adultery is to be stoned to death. That's fine. I don't have an issue with that. But what if the woman who was found guilty of that crime is pregnant? Is she stoned while she's pregnant? Now, because we will all Jr. There. We allow the the chef who was probably 2030 years older than us to answer the question. So he said Yes, she is stoned while she's pregnant. And I said in,

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in lady Roger.

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And I was you know, my heart started beating faster. And I asked myself what to do now? Do I contradict the shack in public? What What would you do? So I leaned over, and I whispered in his in his ear, and I told him about the Hadith in Bukhari and Muslim, about the woman who came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, she confessed to having committed adultery. She was pregnant at the time, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa Salaam wa sallam granted her leave, to give birth to that child, when she came back later, the Prophet told her that you need to, you know, we this child, and then after the weaning of that child, this is when the Prophet order that the punishment

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be meted out against this woman. And then hamdulillah to the credit of the chef. He then said, you know, Tarik has just informed me about this hadith. And I made a mistake. And this is the proper ruling, and Hamdulillah, you see the importance of knowledge, how important it is for for us, number one, to teach what is true, but also to help one another, if we keep silent when people make mistakes like this, I was in a football in Cape Town, and the man was quoting fabricated ideas from the beginning of the hood. But until the end,

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because I went to the faculty of Hades, my blood was boiling, as like, you know, he's quoting every Heidi that we did, in a subject in the fourth year, called a World War One World War own. And so I was a bit, you know, getting upset. So after the football, I went to him, and I said, this, now I need to

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read one, you know, I was trying to just come across as not trying to put him down, but you know, not see him and ask him about these ahaadeeth. And so this year, he tells me, all of these ahaadeeth are in this GitHub. I said, No, that's not what I mean. What is the authenticity of, of these a hadith? And he said, No, because it's in the hood book, it must be correct.

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And so you realize that knowledge is extremely important. Yesterday, I was watching a video, and I don't normally do this, but for some reason, I was watching, I was reading the comments under the video, the video was about, you know, doubts against Islam, and the shift was discussing them because I seem to be focusing on this now in my research, but the point I want to make here is that is a hadith in Abu Dawood.

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And we saw prophets allow it, he was asked about a particular pond or a particular Well, in Medina, in which, you know, dirt and filth, and even the bodies of dead animals accumulates.

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Right. And the Prophet was asked about taking mudo from that well, or that pond. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam allowed it. So the person who has doubts in his heart about Islam, he said, you know, look at Islam, Islam says that you can take Moodle from a well in which the sanitary pads and the dead bodies of animals and all of the blood and you know, all that food has accumulated. And you can take Google from that, what kind of religion is that? But with knowledge, if you research the Hadees properly, you will know that there are a llama have dealt with this particular doubt, centuries ago, perhaps more than 1000 years ago by stating that this only happened

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during heavy rain, when the water would would cause these that this filth to accumulate at this particular spot.

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And because the water was of such a great value, the food did not affect the purity of the water. So therefore the Prophet allowed it. But if you don't have this kind of understanding, your understanding of Islam will you will be led astray and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to keep our feet firmly upon this religion and May Allah subhanho wa Taala cause us to die as Muslims and resurrect us as Muslims and caused us to enter agenda. The last thing that I want to mention is and perhaps because for many of our of our young of our, you know, the young members of our community, they will be going on school holidays very soon. One of the reasons why we are exposed to so many

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doubts and why they have such a great effect on us is because we have a lot of free

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Time and a lack of activity. So if you are a parent this vacation, it is our duty as parents, it is our duty as community leaders to make sure that our youth are kept busy and that which benefits them. Whether it be Islamic knowledge, whether it be tuition, whether it be sports, something which is helpful and beneficial. It is our duty to make sure that our youth and our young people are engaged in it. But if we give them free time in which they are doing nothing about it will help offload your loved one who says I dislike to see any one of you not busy in something which benefits is Dean or his dunya

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I just like it, just you sitting there doing nothing do something that will benefit you. Either you are reading the Quran or you are praying or you are reading a book that is beneficial or you're giving Dawa. That's your deen or you're doing something else you're exercising. You are playing a sport that you love you are engaging in a hobby that's beneficial and Hello. So let us keep our youth busy with that which benefits them this vacation of this holiday period. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect them by Allah subhanho wa Taala grant them Yaki May Allah granted solid, sincere and sound Islamic knowledge May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect him from every fitna and every doubt

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from Allah subhanho wa Taala make us custodians and make us agents of change in our community. barakallahu li walakum superline and I'll leave whenever anyone to be my feminine it ridiculous Hakeem Apollo mata smartone Westerfield la Holly welcome Melissa muslimeen me Colombian sister Pharaoh in the hula hula Rahim.

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