Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P16 155C Tafsir Al-Kahf 103-106

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of living in a healthy way and the need for individuals to be successful in their life. They stress the importance of producing skillful work and not compromise on their religion. The speakers also emphasize the importance of rewarding one's actions for one's health and well-being, as small small actions like eating bread and drinking alcohol can lead to negative consequences. The speakers criticize the negative impact of actions on one's health and nutrition and call it a "monster."
AI: Transcript ©
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Allah subhanaw taala says, Paul, say, Hello Luna be accom? Shall we inform you, Bill Assad in our Mariela with those who are greatest losers? When it comes to actions?

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Shall we tell you? Shall we inform you of those who will suffer the most? With regards to their deeds with regard to their actions? Offset in? Notice it's not cause it in offsetting

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offset is one who suffers most one who is in the greatest loss? Shall we tell you about those will suffer most concerning their deeds? Do you want to know?

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Yes or no? Why? Why do you want to know so that you can avoid such action

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so that we can avoid the actions of such people in order to be successful in the hereafter.

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The fact is, that every single person is in loss. Every single human being is suffering decline, every moment, in his time, in his age, in his abilities, everything is deteriorating constantly. With each minute that passes, a person is losing a portion of his life.

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So every single person is in loss. However, there are only some people who are saved from this loss. And who are they, with us, in the insanity of the host, Elon Medina Avenue where Armadillo Solly had, what I was hoping help with it was obviously,

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every person isn't lost any action that he does is a source of loss for him, except for who the person who has a man and the kind of actions that he does are what I'm also under.

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And his mission is to advise to the truth.

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Because when a person believes something to be the truth, and he cannot keep it to himself, what will he do? What will he do, he will share it with others.

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When he finds out something, you will definitely share it with others.

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And if he does not share it with others, and what's going to happen, he will not be able to practice that truth.

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Whether we're sober, sober, and advice to patients, because anything that you do in this dunya, especially something good, there are many difficulties that come a person's way. We need moral support, we need the motivation. So those people who motivate one another, who support one another, who don't let one another fall and slip. They're the ones who will be successful. Other than these, every single person isn't lost,

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full held on a bit of oxygen armella. So who are those who are going to suffer with regard to their actions, that their actions are not going to bring them any benefit at all? No matter what they have done? No matter what they have acquired? Allah subhanaw taala says they are Alladhina those who bolus Are you. There sorry, their effort, their hard work, their endeavor? It is lost Lulla it's lost, it's finished? Where is it last? Phil hired Adonia in the life of this world, whatever they did anything that they accomplished any work they did, it got lost in the dunya how that it did not go with them to the hereafter.

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Because all their deeds were focused on what

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on this dunya

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they never aim for the author. They never did anything for the author. All their accomplishments are only limited to the benefits of this dunya Alladhina lawless Are you home Phil Hayata dunya nothing of their deeds will accompany them in the hereafter bringing them toward nothing at all.

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Well, whom your sub guna and the sad part is that they think while they're busy doing these actions, they think that unknown that indeed they your see newness on that they are doing well in work, that whatever works, they're doing whatever actions they're doing, they're excellent.

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The best deeds, they're the ones who are doing them. No one is better than them in action. But the fact is that such people are worst when it comes to action. They're the greatest losers when it comes to action. They think that your sooner sooner, sooner is from the root letter slot noon.

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And sooner is to do something with skill.

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It is to produce something basically, this word is used for manufacturing products, producing things in a factory for instance, it's used for craftsmanship. And how is such work done with a lot of skill and expertise. any random person cannot go and work in the factory. No, he has to get some training. He

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He has to follow certain procedure, the things that are produced, they have to be of a certain size of a certain weight of a certain color, isn't it? So

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all of the things are fixed from before. This is what sooner is it is to do something with perfection with skill to the best of one's ability. So we're homier, saguna and Nomi are sooner sooner they think that what they're crafting, that what they're doing, whatever efforts they're putting in, they're the best deeds.

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So in other words, the truth is confused to such people.

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They're confused about the reality. In reality, they're on falsehood, what they're doing is wrong.

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Because they assume that they're doing good, but in reality, they are wrong. But they think that they are on the truth. And this is something that is very common.

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If you look at it, each person, what does he think he's right, and others are wrong.

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The followers of each religion, the adherence of every sect, what do they think that we are right, and everybody else is wrong.

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And when a person is of this mindset, I am right, then there is absolutely no room for improvement. Because he's not going to search for truth. He is thinking he's right, nothing needs to change, nothing needs to be improved. When he has this mindset, he will not search for the truth, he will not acquire it, he will not implement it, and he will not improve himself, he will not strive to change himself. To such a person is in greatest loss.

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Who is successful than

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the person who believes in what Allah has said. Because women are still coming Allah He Lena. No one is more truthful than Allah Alladhina amanu why middle Sally had water wells who will help with our sub sub only such people are successful, other than them. Everyone is in boss.

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Even if they're working morning and evening, they're working day and night. They are working constantly on weekdays on weekends, double shifts, night shifts, they're working all the time. But still, their deeds are fruitless. Their efforts are useless. They're not going to bring them any benefit in the Akela not even one bit.

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Because we have learned Almelo walborn una Zina to hire the Tamiya. They are only Xena in this dunya.

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So if a person's entire focus in this life becomes his Mal and balloon, and he does not focus on back here to salejaw Isn't he the Greatest Loser

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isn't the Greatest Loser?

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What a bad investment he has done.

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That he spent all his life all his energy, all his money into what mal unbeknown and nothing for valkia to solve.

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And at the same time, he thinks that he's right,

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that what he's doing is perfectly fine. There is nothing wrong in his lifestyle, there is nothing wrong in his perspective and his outlook on life in the kind of work that he's doing.

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So the person who is in greatest loss with regards to his deeds is the one whose entire focus is the enjoyment of this life.

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That is his focus. He does not think about the alpha, he does not worry about the alpha, he does not prepare for the alpha. And this is why whatever he acquires, no matter how much it is, where would it be left in the dunya.

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No matter how much money maybe 1000s billions of dollars, no matter how many huge houses he has acquired, he has bought,

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even if he has a big list of qualifications, even if he has educated children, even if he has elite circle of friends, if he has a thriving business, multiple businesses, all of them will be left where in this dunya

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because he never worked for the alpha.

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And when he will come before his Lord, He will have nothing.

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He will have nothing. Because all he did was for what?

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This dunya he did not have the alpha in mind.

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So when he will come before his Lord, you will have nothing with him. We learned in the Quran, what Kadena Isla marami luminol Merlin Fajr Allah Who hubba Aman Salah and we will regard whatever they have done of deeds and then we will make them as dust that is dispersed.

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If you look at it, this thinking is so common in the world today. We see Muslims or non Muslims alike. What's their focus in life? Dunya that's their focus. Their focus has not the actor.

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They're working. They're busy. Even if it's something like cooking and cleaning, and raising children, going shopping, buying some

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Think selling something. All of this revolves around what? Only the near? never for a moment does a person think that I'm doing this so that my Lord will be happy. I'm doing this the halal way, following the certain restrictions, according to the approval of my Lord, so that he will reward me for my supper for my endurance, hardly ever, rarely ever do people think like this.

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And when a person's goal becomes Dounia, then he will not have those actions with him in the hereafter.

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Even if apparently those actions may seem to be extremely beautiful, extremely amazing, very great, even if they may be very beneficial. Like for example, the person may be very charitable, maybe he has a huge business, and with all the money he makes, he gives huge amounts of charity donations, but that will not benefit him. Why? Because his focus is not the

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a person's focus must be the answer, then his deeds will benefit him.

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We learned the dual Canadian, he achieved a lot. Then he, he traveled from one place to the other, he conquered one land after the other, he built such a huge wall. But what did he say? What did he say, Heather, Rama Tamila.

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This is from the mercy of my Lord.

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And he had the Agora in mind for Elijah Eduardo Robbie gerada Hodaka. When the Promise of my Lord will come, you will make it that you will make a dust.

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So we see that in our deen, we are not condemned, we are not discouraged from excelling in the dunya. Because sometimes people misunderstand this, this ayah does not mean that a person was not strive to excel in his dunya, to be successful in his worldly affairs.

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But what our religion does condemn is that a person does what he does only for the sake of dunya.

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That if he's working, if he's making money, if he's buying a house, if he wants to become a millionaire, it's only for the sake of dunya. It's only because he wants to enjoy.

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You see, there is a difference

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when a person is buying a house, so that he can just live there, enjoy there, with his family just have a house for the sake of having a house. And the other is that a person has a house with the intention that he will provide for his family, because he has been made the column he has been made responsible for providing his family, he takes us as his duty. And so he's doing it in obedience to the Command of Allah subhanaw taala.

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And with the house that he has, he doesn't do anything that would go against the commands of Allah, for instance, nothing is done in that house, nothing is done through that house, that would be in disobedience to Allah Subhan. Third,

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this is the condition, do whatever you wish to. However, make sure that it's according to the instructions that Allah has given.

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And make sure that in the long run a person's focus is the idea

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that this is only a means it's not the goal, my house, my money, my success, my career, my education, this is not a goal, it's a means there is a difference in the two.

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When a person thinks it's his goal, then he stops there. When a person thinks it's the means then his focus becomes the alpha

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then he will not get lost in it. So many times it happens so many times, that people get more money and they lose their religion.

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Many times people say things such as this, that you know if I'm working if I'm studying if I'm buying this house, if I'm doing this, it's you know falling in the category of worshipping Allah springs already because a believer whenever he does something according to the instructions that Allah has given, it is an act of worship. Remember that Hadees that when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told us habit that even when you go to your wife, even that is Riba. So the Sahaba were surprised how come he said that if you were to go to someone who is not related to you, then that would be haram. So when you are going through the halal way, this is what in obedience to the

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Command of Allah Topanga.

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But you see, when a believer he does this consciously, that I am doing this because this is what my Lord wants me to do. And his focus is the alpha this is why he's doing only what his Lord wants him to do.

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And when he is trying to excel in his dunya, his religion is not being compromised.

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This is the criteria

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because many times we see people are working day in and day out, increasing in their wealth and their education, but their religion is being compromised. Their Salah has been compromised.

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The Hadith of the Sharia are being compromised, just to make more money just to gain more friends. People will go in the company of those who are drinking out

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Haha, they will be in the company of those in which Haram is being done publicly, openly, they will make money through haram means this is not acceptable. And when a person does not care about the ACA, then he thinks, Okay, this is my goal, therefore do whatever you want to. And politically correct answer is, this is a part of worshipping Allah subhanaw taala. Whereas in reality, it's not.

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So many times it happens that people who are busy working for the dunya, making more dunya they compromise on their religion.

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Just recently, I came across someone who is excelling tremendously in their business, in the work that they're doing.

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But they lost their family,

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and in their house or bottles of alcohol. And so many wrong things are happening to the point that, you know, you don't want to associate the person with the kind of actions that are happening. It's sad, it's sad. And initially, a person may say, this is all Hala, this is all worship, you know, I'm making more money, Muslims should have a good image. And Muslims should be, you know, more wealthy so that they can help one another. They can contribute to the massage, they can do this, they can do that. Yes, initially, it starts off with that Nia, but many times the focus shifts. This is where the danger comes in.

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And such a person, no matter what he has acquired, even if it's billions of dollars, many, many houses, the business may be thriving, but it's of no use before Allah. It's of no value before Allah.

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Therefore, never get deceived by this. Never be impressed by the wealth, by the charm by the success of such people. Because it's possible you come across them, and you wonder how lucky they have such a huge house. They have such a huge business. They're such wealthy people, but never be deceived. Because what good is that wealth? What good is that wealth, where they're going to go before Allah with nothing in their hands?

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That dunya and Dean have become completely separated. They're two different entities for them, they have separated how that their dunya is the goal. And the deen is just a part time thing. Something that you compromise on something that you leave something that you neglect, something that you don't focus that much on. But the main focus is what is the dunya. And the dunya is not being used to achieve the

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nobody is perfect, everybody makes mistakes. It happens that you have a good knee at the beginning and halfway through shaytan comes in, you have a different ear, your focus changes, it shifts, nobody is perfect. However, this is why we are told to recite the surah every Friday, so that we can be reminded so that we can question our deeds, so that we can question ourselves what I'm doing. Is it really worth something in the ACA?

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What I'm doing, is it just going to be left behind in the dunya? Or is it going to make it with me to the airfield?

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This is why the surah is such an important reminder that we're to read it every single Friday to remind ourselves with it.

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This excuse that I'm not perfect. It's just to justify the wrong actions. However, yes, nobody's perfect. But it doesn't mean just because you're not perfect, you must not try. We have not been sent in this dunya to become perfect. We have been sent in this dunya to put an effort to try to work to show obedience.

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We don't intrude on Israel number 19. Allah subhanaw taala says, a woman or the earthly rota and whoever desires the Hereafter what's our Allah has sent you her and he exerts the effort that is due to it. Well Who am what may not while he is a believer, for Allah eager kindness Are you much colder than it is those whose effort is ever appreciated by Allah.

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So whose works are appreciated by Allah,

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those whose desire whose focus is the alpha. And it's not just that they desire the alpha, but that they're putting in the required effort. And there's also Iman, then such people, their efforts are going to bring benefit in the hereafter Allah is going to appreciate their efforts.

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So we need to question ourselves with regards to every deed that we're doing every single deed

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even if it's an act of Riba, an act of ritual worship, like salah, think about it, analyze that, what value does this have?

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I'm spending five minutes I'm spending 10 minutes I'm spending 15 minutes 20 minutes half an hour. What benefit is this going to bring me in the hereafter

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if it's being done with Riyadh useless, useless waste of time, waste of effort.

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If it's being done with major aspects of Salah being compromised, like a person does not care about will do. She does not care about the right to her job. She does not care about her dress during the Salah, then that effort is useless. This is a sadena armella that a person

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is putting in so much effort in doing something but it will bring him no benefit in the hereafter. bloodless Are you unfit here to dunya we're who we are saguna a gnome your sooner sooner?

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Allah, Allah Deena, it is those people who give out will be it will be him who have disbelieved in the Ayat of their Lord. Such people, they have disbelief they have rejected, they have denied the Ayat of Allah subhanaw taala.

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What do you call it here and also his meeting.

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Because when a person truly believes in the meeting of Allah subhanaw taala in the Hereafter, then he will strive to prepare for it.

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He will work, he will put an effort to prepare himself for that meeting. Think about it, a person who is waiting for the day that they're going to meet their spouse, the wedding day. When does the preparation begin? Think about it.

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Sometimes years before, sometimes months before people will delay their wedding, they will remain engaged for years at times. Why? So that they can prepare for that day, so that everything can be set and ready. Why? Because I believe in that meeting.

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Similarly, if a person believes is sure that he is going to meet his Lord one day, in the Hereafter, if he really believes in it, he will prepare for it. He will work for that meeting.

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It's not possible that a person says yes, yes, I am going to get married, but I'm not getting my wedding dress made. Yes, I am getting married. But I'm not getting a house ready for my wife. What are you going to say about this person?

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He's not serious. She's not serious. They're just saying like that they're not getting married, they don't have any plans.

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And if they're serious, it will be obvious in their plans, in their actions in their activities in their schedule. In their life plan, it will be very obvious.

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So a person who believes in the meeting with his Lord He will prepare for it. And a person who does not believe in it, he will not prepare for it. Allah Iike ladina Cathar will be it will be him when he called.

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And remember the Ayat of Allah are of two types Kony as well as sugary. So they have rejected the ayat Kony. I add Kony like for example, the sun the moon that Allah has not created them. This wealth that I have, Allah did not give it to me. I acquired it myself. This beauty I have, it's my family. This is what rejecting the Ayat of Allah.

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I chattery like, for example, that this Quran is a human fabrication. It's the word of a human being. Why do you have to follow the Prophet salallahu Salam, why do you have to follow his commands? Why do you have to follow his instructions? You don't need to follow the Sunnah. Do whatever you wish. This is what rejecting the shuttering, ayat Allah Eiken Levina kuffaar will be it will be him when he called he and because of the Schofer for hobby but their deeds are wasted, wasted, finished. hobby but our manual, no matter how good they may appear to be, no matter how righteous they may appear to be. No matter how generous they are, no matter how kind they are, no

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matter how much they smile, no matter how much they give to the poor and the needy.

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No matter how successful they are in their worldly careers matter how much money they have made.

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No matter how good they are to their relatives for Herbalife or Amma to whom their salary will not benefit them.

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Follow up moolah home so we shall not assign for them yomo piano D on the Day of Resurrection was none any weight

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to their deeds. We will not assign any weight at all for nanopi motorhome Yamapi mot wasn't it?

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Remember we learned earlier while was new Yoma in ill health, there wasn't on that day is going to be held all deeds are going to be weighed.

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But their deeds all the effort they put in to establish their career to establish their business to make all that money. All their deeds which may appear to be extremely big in this dunya great accomplishments. They will be put on the scale and they will have no wait. No wait.

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Zero nothing at all. Fella no chemo homeopathy Yama there was no. Why?

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Because they never did those actions for the sake of Allah soprano.

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They never did them according to the instructions of Allah.

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All their deeds revolved around the dunya nothing for the ACA.

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This is how low and degraded they are in the sight of Allah.

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That when their deeds are passed on the scale, no wait. They may have amassed accumulated a lot of wealth, but no wait.

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And remember that on the scale. It's not just the deeds that

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are going to be weighed what else is going to be weighed?

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The person himself is going to be weighed. We learned the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, a huge Fat Man will come forward on the Day of Resurrection.

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And he will wait no more than the wing of a mosquito to Allah.

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He will be put on the scale and you will have absolutely no weight. Philanthropy mula homeo will pay homage he was now

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if you notice in the Surah, there's a lot of emphasis on deeds on actions, but what kind of actions that are adjacent that are solid, Berkeley to solid health center Amala. This is what the emphasis on

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because near Allah, the quantity is not as much important as is the quality of actions. A person may have done many actions, but if they are not of a certain quality, they do not carry any weight, they do not carry any weight at all.

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But on the other hand, if a person performs only a few deeds, but with his loss with the heat, in accordance to sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, this would make the scale very heavy. And if a person has many, but without sincerity, those deeds will have no weight.

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In total movement on I 103 to 104 we learn women have fat mo as you know who formula equals Medina hosue and foster home feed your hand number Holly, don't tell her her would you have him on now? Or Humphrey, her curly horn, but those who scaled her light, those are the ones who have lost their souls being in * abiding eternally, the fire will sear their faces, and they they're in will have doubt smiles.

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But the believer when he does a worldly task, even if he does it with a good intention, if he does it according to the teachings of Allah and His Messenger, then he will be rewarded for it.

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Even if apparently that action is a worldly action,

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and with those actions you alter focuses on such deeds that are exclusively for the sake of the hereafter. There is a balance. You see, we go on to extremes. We say do everything of this dunya just make your Nia good. Don't bother praying don't bother just reciting the Quran giving some other cause studying the Quran, nothing like that. Just busy yourself and know that you're a Muslim woman, and this is enough for you. That's not sufficient balance must be there.

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However, when a believer does something with good Nia and according to the teachings of Allah subhanaw taala, then he is rewarded for it, even if it's a simple action such as cooking food.

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That if a person prepares food with Halal ingredients, and she prepares the food so that she can feed her children, she can feed her husband, so that they can become strong, healthy Muslims who can worship Allah subhanaw taala better, who can bring benefit to humanity? This cooking one meal is also an act that is going to bring your water

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we learned that once the mama Shafi he visited my mother when humble mama Shafi was his teacher.

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And he had prepared a lot of food for him. So when he came he ate a lot. And the wife of Imam Muhammad, she was surprised. Because generally when you think of righteous people, you don't think that they're going to eat a lot of food.

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So he ate a lot. And his wife, she said that you have praised him so much located so much food. So I heard he went and asked him then that how can you eat too much food? So he replied or hammered? I ate plenty, because I know for certain that your food is higher than your food is halal. This is why I ate plenty. And you are a generous man. And the food that comes from a generous man is a cure. While the food that comes from a stingy man is a disease. This is why I ate the food. I ate so much of it. Because I know that the source is halal. And you're offering it with good intention. You're offering it with good heart with your generosity. This is why I eat so much of it.

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Now, unfortunately, many times we also cook food, but what are we thinking? What a waste of time? Why do I have to cook every day? That is such a burden. This is not fair. This is against women's rights. When is my husband gonna start cooking? I have to go to school as well. If he has to go to work. I have to look at housework and he doesn't need to do that. How come he doesn't cook and with that, we put so much anger in the food that even if our children and our husbands and we eat that food we cannot benefit at all.

00:29:53 --> 00:29:57

Good Nia good intention is extremely important.

00:29:58 --> 00:29:59

Whenever if I cook bread

00:30:00 --> 00:30:37

Sometimes it comes out burned, my dad said where you're very angry that the anger is being reflected on the bread, that it's gone burnt, which is why it's not going to be a source of benefit and nutrition. It's a waste of food. So a simple deed even such as cooking food, if it's done with good Nia with positive thinking, look at how beneficial it may be. And the same action if it's done with the Yeah, if it's done with anger, if it's done with love with, you know, reminding people or favors look at it for so long as it for three hours trying to cook this food and here you are eating in 10 minutes, not even eating properly and going away. This is not fair. No, have a good intention,

00:30:37 --> 00:30:38

expect reward from Allah.

00:30:40 --> 00:30:51

And when a person has if less than all of his deeds are rewarded, and without his loss, nothing is rewarded, no matter how righteous, apparently that action may be.

00:30:53 --> 00:31:12

We learned the Prophet sallallahu Sallam once he said to the Companions, seek refuge in Allah against the pit of grief. Seek refuge in Allah against the pit of grief. So the Companions asked Allah's Messenger, what is that bit of grief? He replied, It is a river in *.

00:31:13 --> 00:31:21

It is a river inhale, against which even held seeks refuge 400 times a day.

00:31:23 --> 00:31:30

It's a river from which even held seek refuge 400 times a day, they again as to Allah's Messenger, who will enter it.

00:31:31 --> 00:31:39

And he responded, it has been prepared for the reciters of the Quran, desiring to show off their deeds

00:31:41 --> 00:31:45

reciters of the Quran desiring to show off their deeds.

00:31:47 --> 00:31:55

The most detestable of the researchers in the sight of Allah are those who frequently visit the rulers, why? To gain worldly benefits.

00:31:57 --> 00:32:05

So a person may be performing the most righteous of actions on the apparent but if there is no class, if it's not done for the sake of Allah.

00:32:06 --> 00:32:07

It's a great loss

00:32:08 --> 00:32:10

of studying Armanda

00:32:11 --> 00:32:18

it's not just a loss, it's a big liability. It's a big harm. It's going to bring great punishment.

00:32:19 --> 00:32:26

It's not that the scale will produce no results will be zero. No, it will be in the minuses, bringing punishment to a person

00:32:28 --> 00:32:41

that he could use as a womb, that is recompense. Jahannam who hellfire? Why be Makkah follow? Because the disbelieved because they did kufr This is why they will get this reward. This recompense

00:32:42 --> 00:32:50

what the hurdle and they took it my versus, well, Rosalie and My Messengers, who's the one in ridicu.

00:32:51 --> 00:32:55

Instead of believing, instead of accepting, what did they do,

00:32:56 --> 00:33:01

they took my verses and My Messengers in ridicule, they mocked at them.

00:33:02 --> 00:33:05

They made fun of the IRS, they made fun of the messengers.

00:33:06 --> 00:33:16

And remember, I had include commands of Allah, making fun of the hijab, making fun of the miswak, making fun of the beard, making fun of rolling up of the pants.

00:33:17 --> 00:33:18

This is what

00:33:19 --> 00:33:23

I add of Allah, making fun of them. This is something unacceptable.

00:33:24 --> 00:33:31

Making fun of the Add county even if a person makes fun of another human being, what is another human being,

00:33:32 --> 00:33:34

creation of Allah and I.

00:33:36 --> 00:34:04

And if a person makes fun of his features, if a person makes fun of the way he talks, the way he walks, perhaps this is what making fun of the Ayatollah of a person makes fun of the system that Allah has set a reign of snow. This is what mocking at the Ayat of Allah, while Rosalie and My Messengers who's one in mockery, making fun of the Sunnah of the Prophet said a lot is making fun of the words of the prophets on a lot

00:34:05 --> 00:34:14

of his character of his behavior of his family, of his wives of his personal affairs. This is what not acceptable

00:34:15 --> 00:34:29

we don't in total MBI number 36. Allah subhanaw taala says what email acha leadin cafardo In yes, definitely don't look at Allah who's aware. When the disbelievers see you, they only take you in mockery, they begin to make fun of you.

00:34:30 --> 00:34:39

In total Furqan I have 41 We see a hurdler, the BarakAllahu rasuna. They would make fun of him saying is this the person whom Allah appointed to be a messenger?

00:34:40 --> 00:34:58

Like even today people say that why him? Why that man from Arabia such a long time ago, why do we have to follow him? We are in the present day and age. We shouldn't be following him and people mock at him. Those who who mock for them is such punishment Giselle, whom Johanna

00:34:59 --> 00:35:00


00:35:00 --> 00:35:00


00:35:02 --> 00:35:03

What are what can I

00:35:05 --> 00:35:16

add more JioFi one of you have your story for J mountain Jana Wow. Jehan

00:35:19 --> 00:35:23

fina all allele NACA

00:35:24 --> 00:35:27

movies all

00:35:29 --> 00:35:30

the key worker

00:35:35 --> 00:35:36


00:35:39 --> 00:35:41

Ducky the Wi

00:35:44 --> 00:35:46

Fi only

00:35:53 --> 00:35:55

Jehan Malika

00:35:59 --> 00:36:00

gonna be oku

00:36:02 --> 00:36:03


00:36:06 --> 00:36:10

oneness having a warm feel Hi duniya

00:36:15 --> 00:36:15


00:36:17 --> 00:36:18

mucousy you know

00:36:22 --> 00:36:23

it can

00:36:24 --> 00:36:31

be to be the morning or a habit

00:36:32 --> 00:36:34

room for how do you

00:36:36 --> 00:36:37

know P moolah

00:36:40 --> 00:36:40


00:36:41 --> 00:36:41


00:36:47 --> 00:36:47


00:36:50 --> 00:36:50


00:36:57 --> 00:36:57


00:37:00 --> 00:37:02

the Moodle fever

00:37:04 --> 00:37:08

so Rita Jana, Jana

00:37:09 --> 00:37:09


00:37:12 --> 00:37:14

at Lille Karina

00:37:16 --> 00:37:17

Elodie NACA let's

00:37:18 --> 00:37:20

feel it all in

00:37:22 --> 00:37:25

decree one KANUDA is still to Jonas and now

00:37:27 --> 00:37:29

EPA has even led

00:37:35 --> 00:37:36


00:37:39 --> 00:37:39


00:37:44 --> 00:37:49

I didn't care here in Missoula will be

00:37:50 --> 00:37:51


00:37:53 --> 00:37:55

anybody nobleness

00:37:56 --> 00:37:58


00:38:00 --> 00:38:01

whom you're

00:38:06 --> 00:38:06


00:38:07 --> 00:38:12

to be to be more or

00:38:13 --> 00:38:14

to have your thoughts

00:38:16 --> 00:38:19

at moolah who meet a woman who was

00:38:20 --> 00:38:22

very courageous

00:38:27 --> 00:38:28


00:38:30 --> 00:38:32

it was only us

00:38:36 --> 00:38:37


00:38:41 --> 00:38:42

I've been sold if I

00:38:47 --> 00:38:49

needed caffeine in

00:38:52 --> 00:38:58

my own way you didn't need to get up eating out Hola. Hola Dana Can I tell you

00:39:03 --> 00:39:03


00:39:05 --> 00:39:05


00:39:09 --> 00:39:10

Damian Dooney.

00:39:16 --> 00:39:17


00:39:19 --> 00:39:21

beloved Son in our

00:39:24 --> 00:39:25

beloved setting

00:39:37 --> 00:39:39

Ken Levine I kept

00:39:40 --> 00:39:41

on being one

00:39:45 --> 00:39:45


00:39:49 --> 00:39:52

that height it got down to no pain

00:39:54 --> 00:39:55

nothing was in the

00:39:59 --> 00:39:59

bottle you

00:40:00 --> 00:40:00


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