Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J04-055C Tafsir Al-Nisa 11 Part 1

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The law of inheritance is based on three main verses of the Bible, including the first two, and any relative who is related to the person who is born with the same lineage as the person who is born with the same lineage as the person who is born with the same lineage as the person who is born with the same lineage as the person who is born with the same lineage as the person who is born with the same lineage as the person who is born with the same lineage as the person who is born with the same lineage as the person who is born with the same lineage as the person who is born with the same lineage as the person who is born with the same lineage as the person who is born with the same lineage as the person who is born with the same lineage as the person who is born with the same lineage as the person who is born with the same lineage as the person who is born with the same
AI: Transcript ©
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is number 11 Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Usili como Allah Who Feola decom. Allah instructs you concerning your children in this ayah and the next IO, we learn about the details of the law of inheritance after Allah subhanaw taala tells us that men have a share in the inheritance and women also have a share in the inheritance of what is left by their parents and close relatives and that each heir and their share is appointed no sleep on the Florida here Allah subhanaw taala tells us the detail of those errors any who those errors are and also their respective shares. So first, a general statement was made literally javelina sebum method aka YT. Danny will occur Boone will

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Inessa in a slow methodical Valley, Danny will Accra Boone, Nestle will move Aruba, that was a general statement. Now is that the obscene the detail of the Sliva mahfouda Any what are those specific shares? And who are they for? So what is the nosleep? What is the share of the parents in the case where for example, a son dies, what is the share of the children in the case where a parent dies, what is the share of the Son What is the share of the daughter? What is the share of the Mother, the Father, the husband, the wife, the brother, the sister, all of this is now mentioned in detail. So I had number 11. And I had number 12. These two verses of Surah, Nisa and also the last

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verse of Surah, Nisa, these three verses are basically the ozone, the principal verses from which the science of inheritance is derived. And they are the primary texts when it comes to the law of inheritance. And if you think about it, it is literally just three verses in which the entire law of inheritance is explained in detail. And this is one of the miracles of the Quran, that it has so much detail, yet it is so clear and brief and precise. And it's also beautiful and easy, all at the same time Subhan Allah, so, it is from these three verses and also from the Hadith on the subject, that the knowledge of alpha il any inheritance is derived. So this means that if someone memorizes

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these three verses, then many matters related to inheritance will become easy for them to understand. Unfortunately, many Muslims are unaware of this knowledge, the law of inheritance, even though this knowledge is so important, and it basically applies to every single person that wouldn't Rena set that knowledge of alpha it is called half of knowledge because it affects all people, and he every single person is going to die. Right? And when they die, we learned that whatever they leave behind, no matter how much it is mumma Allah Minh who Oka thought whether it is little or a lot, no matter what it is, it has to be distributed among the heirs. But the majority of the Muslims

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are ignorant of this. And as a result, they end up consuming the property of one another unjustly families are cut off from one another. And there are never ending disputes over property because people do not know what Allah subhanaw taala has ordained or they don't want to follow what Allah subhanaw taala has ordained even though Allah subhanaw taala says regarding this for the lotta min Allah, they need this is an obligation from Allah. So learn these verses understand them. And of course, in today's class, I'm not going to teach you the entire law of inheritance. I am not capable of doing that. But what I do want you to take from this class is that understand these verses and

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understand the basic knowledge of the law of inheritance. Have some sense of how it works. And of course, when it comes to any specific cases, then you have to consult a person of knowledge to help you determine which person gets what. All right. We learn in a hadith Javid of an arc de la hora de la hora and who reported that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu. Both of them came to visit him on foot. And he they came walking in order to visit Jabba ibn Abdullah because Javid ibn Abdullah was sick. And when they came, they found him unconscious. The Prophet salallahu alayhi salam asked for some water, and then he made will do and he sprinkled some

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of that water over jabot so Jabra de la hora and who woke up and when he was able to talk, he spoke to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he asked him that oh Allah's Messenger. What should I do with my property? Any if I am to die, who is going to inherit my wealth? So this idea was revealed

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Hold, you'll see Kamala houfy Hola DICOM this ayah was revealed that Allah subhanaw taala enjoins you regarding your children, meaning regarding the shares of their inheritance. Now, one thing I want you to understand is that the law of inheritance is such that any there are reasons for inheritance, like we'd learned earlier that every relative is not an heir. Right? Every one who is related to you does not automatically inherit from you. So there are three US Babine three reasons for inheritance. The first reason is nessa barraba any blood relationship. So for example, parents inherit from children, children inherit from parents, okay? Or siblings inherit, okay, or paternal

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relatives like for example, paternal uncle inherits. Okay, so this is nessa any people who have the same nests of the same lineage as you, they inherit second, the second reason for inheritance is Nika will Sahaba marriage so the spouse of the deceased also inherits any of course they don't share the same nessa okay, but because there is marriage, the spouse of the deceased will inherit from the deceased and the third reason for inheritance is Walla Walla is freeing a slave okay. So when a person freeze a slave and the slave dies without leaving an heir, than the one who freed him any the X master, okay the X owner, they will inherit from the slave. Okay, so these are three reasons for

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inheritance either there is barraba. There is nessa there is blood relationship or there is Nikka Masada marriage or there is Willa, all right. Now, sometimes what happens is that even though there is a robber, there is blood relationship or there is Nika, there is marriage, but something becomes a barrier. So, a person is not able to inherit from the deceased despite being for example, a close relative of theirs, what are these barriers of inheritance, there are six barriers, okay, the first barrier is covered, if the left would deem any one person is a Muslim and the other is a non Muslim. So for example, the father is a non Muslim, the son is a Muslim, if the father dies, the Son does

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not inherit from him. Or if the son dies, the father does not inherit from him. And you don't apply the law of inheritance over there. Okay, the candy the son will not say in the case of the death of the Father, that since I am his son, I get such and such share as mentioned in the Quran. No, you don't apply the law of inheritance when the deceased or the heir is a non Muslim. If a man dies, leaving behind three children, three sons and one of the sons is an apostate no longer Muslim. So that son will not inherit from his Muslim father, okay. So this is the first barrier of inheritance. The second barrier is a murder, any the murderer does NOT inherit from the one that he has murdered.

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So for example, if a man killed his wife, will he inherit from her? No, he will not inherit from her. Okay? The third barrier is slavery, meaning the slave does NOT inherit from the master. Okay. The fourth barrier is Xena meaning fornication or adultery. So, the child who was born as a result of that fornication does NOT inherit from his biological father, okay. And the biological father also does NOT inherit from that son from that child. The fifth is Leon which is divorced by invoking curse Inshallah, we'll learn more about it into the news, okay. So basically when two spouses husband and wife invoke curses on one another, where essentially the husband accuses his wife off

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committing Zina, okay. And Leon is done in order to basically establish end it's a chance for the woman to defend herself so that the punishment is not given to her. If it goes through, if the neuron is done and the woman gives birth, then that child will not inherit from the father. Okay. Why because through Leon, the father has essentially Guinea he is saying that I am not the father of this child. He no longer has paternity, okay. So when there is no more paternity, that means that child will not inherit from that and

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then and that men will also not inherit from that child. And the sixth barrier is the stillborn meaning if a child is born dead, okay? Any when the child is born, the child is already dead, that child does not inherit, nor do people inherit from their child. Why? Because there was no life. When there was no life, that means that there was no death after which there is distribution of inheritance. Okay, so these are the six barriers of inheritance. Now, there's a few more things that I want to tell you. And Charla, I will tell you those things as we studied versus the question how would someone inherit from a stillborn anyway? Or how would the stillborn inherit by for example, if

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a woman is pregnant, and before even the child is born, let's say the father puts $3,000 In the name of that child. Okay, now that money belongs to the child. But if the child was born dead, that means that those $3,000 do not belong to the child, because that child was never alive. Okay, so the Father will just keep that money, any it's not the wealth of the child that needs to be distributed now, among the people that have been left behind. All right, let's begin. Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Usili Kamala houfy Hola. decom. Allah gives you instruction. He gives you a senior in regard to your children. So the parents are addressed over here the mother and the father, that Allah is in

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joining you in regard to your children, Allah is giving you what's the year, you will see any he is giving wasa you will see here is from the root letter as well Sadia, you will see come and we'll say it is to give a command with an endeavor to persuade the other. And it is essentially that you lay a responsibility on the other, you charge them with the responsibility to fulfill what you are telling them to do. So you will see como lo fi hola dico meaning ALLAH is charging you with the responsibility to fulfill this matter in regard to your children. He is ordering you he is urging you in regard to your children. This is an added a commitment and obligation on you Oh mother, and

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or father from Allah that you should fear Allah in regard to your children and give your children what is legally theirs. If you think about it, parents are known for their love and their care towards their children. They want the best for their children. Yet, Allah subhanaw taala orders the parents over here that they must fulfill their duty towards their children in regard to inheritance. And this proves to us that Allah subhanaw taala has mercy towards his slaves is far greater than the mercy that parents even have for their children. Hamad bin selama said that if I was given the option on the day of judgment to choose between Allah calling me to account or my mother and father

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calling me to account, I will choose Allah because Allah is more merciful to me than my mother and my father together. Allahu Akbar, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said to the Companions, when they witnessed a mother, any they saw that this mother had lost her child, and any child that she found, she would, you know, immediately take that child and begin to nurse end it showed that she was very compassionate towards her child, and she was desperately missing the child of the prophets of Allah who orders and I'm asked to do you think that this woman would cast her child into the fire? And the companion said that no, she wouldn't as long as she's in a position not

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to do so. So the Prophet sallallahu already said and said that Allah is more merciful to His servants than this woman is to her child. Because sometimes we see that even though parents are known for their love and their care, and their compassion for their children, there are times when parents lack that compassion also, or it dwindles away as children get older. So parents end up depriving their children of their rights. parents end up neglecting their children of what is their right. And sometimes because of the power that they have over their children, they end up abusing them, they shame their children, guilt trip them into giving up what is rightfully theirs. So

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parents are being instructed over here that Allah is enjoying you all in regard to your children. And what is that will see that your children will inherit from you and you cannot exclude them. You cannot exclude them from your inheritance at times if children end up doing something against the wishes of their parents. Like for example, a young man marries a woman whom the parents don't want him to marry. Some parents get so offended

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they will literally disowned the sun. They will say Never show your face to us again, we don't know you anymore. Or if the sun does something that the parents disapprove off, you know, they say for example, don't speak to this relative. And he goes and speaks to those relatives, then again, the parents will disown the son. So these stories we hear about them, where parents will disown their children. So Allah subhanaw taala tells us over here you will see Kabul Allahu Feola decode Allah enjoins you all in regard to your children. Now, the IEA is specifically talking about inheritance, right, you'll see come lofi Oladipo Mala and joins you in regard to the inheritance of your children

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that you cannot exclude them that you must give them their share. However, the meaning of this part of the eye is general to and what this means is that Allah subhanaw taala commands the parents to fulfill their obligations towards their children, just as Allah subhanaw taala has commanded children to do air sand towards their parents, Allah subhanaw taala also commands the parents to fulfill their obligation towards their children. Right, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us at several locations, there's many a hadith, in which we learn about how people should fear Allah and be just in regard to their children. So you'll see Comilla who Feola the comb and comb you

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all it refers to parents, any believing parents, so all believers, this is not an option for you, this is an obligation on you. And the word will see it is actually used for a will any a will made by the deceased in favor of his heirs. And Alyssia must be followed through and it is the right of the dying person to make a Lycia in regard to his wealth. Right? Imagine if a person is dying, and the maker will in regard to their wealth, they say, Please give $2,000 My wealth in charity. Okay, a person says this to a friend. Okay, before they die. Now, do they have the right to make that will? Yes, as long as it's within the bounds that Allah and His Messenger have said, then yes, the dying

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person has a right to make that will in regard to his wealth, is that will supposed to be follow through? Absolutely it is. As long as it's just unfair. No one is being oppressed through that will it has to be followed through. Right. So this is the idea of Osia that the one who is making the wasa has the right to command you has the right to charge you with that responsibility. You can say no, too bad, I can't take this on. No, this is an obligation on you. All right, and it must be fulfilled, you cannot neglect it. So you will see come Allah who Allah enjoins you, meaning it is Allah's right that he should instruct you. Yes, it's your wealth, but who gave you that wealth?

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Allah is the One who gave it to you. So it is Allah's Right? to enjoin you with the law of inheritance, that you divide the wealth according to his injunctions. You don't do as you please, you will see Kamala houfy A radical. Now OLED is the plural of the word Wellard. And what it means child, okay, but the word Well, of course, it's plural form a lad. It applies to both male and female children. So Feola decom means male and female children, so all children inherit from their parents, regardless of their age, or gender. This is a general rule. It hasn't been said in the next statement, live Vickery myth Lu healthly, unsane. For the male child the same as a share of two

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females as in two female children. It hasn't been said the men literally jolly mythological little two women, okay, you can eat the word male and female shows that inheritance is for children, regardless of their age and regardless of their gender. Now, as I mentioned to you, there are some barriers of inheritance right. So in the case of children, what are the barriers they are homicide, disbelief, and when the child is illegitimate, okay. Also other barriers will apply depending on the cases. So, for example, if a son murders the Father, that son will not inherit from the father. If a son becomes an apostate, he will not inherit from the father. If a son is born out of wedlock, he

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will not inherit from the Father. All right, and even slavery. So if for example, a child ends up becoming a slave, okay, and he is a slave. He's not a free person. Let's say the father is a free person, but the Son is not a free person. Then the son will not inherit from the father. Okay, live there.

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Cutting with little help little unsane for the male is same as the share of two females. So, this is the first scenario, imagine the deceased leaves both male and female children for example, a man dies leaving behind one son and three daughters or two sons and two daughters, three sons, one daughter, four sons, two daughters, for example, when there are both male and female children, then what happens the male child will get what two females will get Okay, any the son will get doubled that of a daughter, okay, the male child will get what two females get meaning the son will get double that of a daughter. And if there is one son and one daughter, the son will get two portions,

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the daughter will get one any the son is getting double that of the daughter, right with the cream with you're holding on saying why how come the share of the son is basically double that of the daughter? Why is that? So, you see, there is a distinction over here between the shear off the son and the daughter. Why because men are religiously obligated with NEFA knuckle means to spend any to spend on one's dependents. Okay, like for example, on one's wife, on one's children, on one's parents and other dependents. This is a religious obligation on the men. So when a man marries, he has to give him a hug. When he has children, he has to spend on them, he has to provide for a

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shelter, food, clothing, etc. Right to his wife, and also his children. If he divorces his wife, while they have a nursing child, and she continues to nurse the child, he has to pay her for the duration of the nursing period. So a man is obligated to spend from his wealth on who on his dependents. And there's many other financial responsibilities on the man. Whereas a woman Islamically is never obligated with enough aka never. Also, if you think about it, when a person commits murder accidentally, there are Saba any the male relatives of the murderer have to contribute towards the blood money. And there are Saba are the male relatives. They're not the

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female relatives ever. So for example, imagine a man commits murder accidentally. Okay, now he has to pay the blood money and the blood money is in 1000s and 1000s of dollars, how is he supposed to give it so his male relatives from his father's side have to come together and contribute towards it. So for example, every uncle paternal uncle, and also the grandfather, and also the paternal cousins, they're giving 10s of 1000s of dollars each in order to put together the blood money and pay it off. The women, the female relatives are never ever required to do this. Okay, so this is why men get twice the portion of the inheritance that women get, and this is in regard to the children,

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any sons will get double that off daughters, because the biggest share that basically a person can get through inheritance is when their children, okay, any as children, you get the biggest share of inheritance. So this is any the biggest chance that a man has to get a significant amount of wealth. So he is going to be given preference over the sisters. Now, we think that justice means equality, right? But if you think about it, equality at times can actually be unfair. So for example, if you give to a child, the exact same serving of food that you give to a teenager, let's say you give one scoop of rice to a three year old, and you say I have to be equal. So you give one scoop of rice to

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an 18 year old. Is that fair? No. It's a quality that you're treating both in the exact same way. But it is not fair. Because the one who was older needs more food, and it's unfair to give him what someone younger than him is being given who is not able to eat much who does not need to eat much. So equality is not always justice. So did Vickery mythical * bent on saying and this does not mean that in every single case, the woman will get half the shear as that of a man. No, there are other cases when the share of the woman is actually the same as that of the men. And this isn't the case of the color

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Allah as we'll talk about over siblings are the only heirs. So each sibling whether brother or sister gets a six. Okay? There are other scenarios where the father and the mother will inherit the exact same amount from their child or six. So, we should not be criticizing over here. Why is the carry me through helping unsane because Allah azza wa jal is Hakeem is all wise in what he ordains then it was pantalla says for in Kona Nisa, and focus on a tiny fella Hoonah, thorough Therma Thorac. So, if there are women, any, we're still talking about children. So if there are women as in female children that are focused on a tiny above two meaning more than two, fellow Hoonah then they

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will have meaning these daughters will have thrilled with Amata rock, two thirds of what he left who left the deceased left. So this is another scenario that the deceased leaves only female children. Make sure you write this down for encoding Anissa and focus Muthoni This is talking about female children only any, for example, a man dies leaving only daughters, no sons at all. Okay, and how many daughters? Are they? In the if it is mentioned more than to any three daughters or four daughters? Or five daughters or six daughters? What will they get? They will get fooled that two thirds, two thirds of what of the entire estate. So basically, two thirds of the entire estate will

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be divided equally among the daughters, how many of our daughters there are, okay, what about the remainder 1/3? If two thirds is going to the daughters, what about the remainder 1/3 It will go to the other heirs and inshallah I'll talk about the other heirs. Okay? Now, if there are only male children that is talking about female children right for including Anissa unfocus nothing, what if there are only male children, any for example, a woman dies leaving behind two sons and no daughters, then the entire estate will be divided equally among those sons. They are the only heirs. Okay, so if the deceased leaves behind only sons, then the entire estate will be equally divided

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among those sons. If the deceased leaves only daughters, then two thirds of the estate will be divided among them. A third will go to someone else. We're in Kenneth Wahida, 10 fellahin news. And if she is one, if there's one meaning there's only one daughter, follow her news, then she will have half. Okay, well in Canada, we're hatin fallenness. third scenario last pantherella mentions that if the deceased leaves only one daughter, okay, cannot she is any the daughter is one why the one? There's only one daughter? She's the only child there is no second daughter, there is no son, okay, only one daughter, what does she get? She gets a miss half meaning half of the entire estate, what

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about the other half? The other half will go to the other heirs and inshallah I'll talk about that. Now what if there are two daughters? Because the I mentioned if there are more than two daughters, okay, they will get two thirds and if there is one daughter, she will get half? Well, what if there are two daughters? Two daughters will also get two thirds. Okay? And focus on a tiny also means two, it doesn't just mean more than two it means to itself also because this is how the word folklore is used in the Arabic language. For instance, Allah subhanaw taala mentioned in the Quran Febri buffo called Larnach strike literally above the next and what that means is strike the next. Okay, so

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here, focus on a tiny means tool or more. Okay, now, I mentioned to you that the remainder will go to other relatives, right, the other half will go to the other relatives that 1/3 that is left it will go to the other relatives, who are these other relatives, these other relatives are primarily they're called the Asaba. Okay, and inshallah will explain to you more about them. The male relatives, okay, through the father side, because lineage comes through the Father. So those who share your lineage and only male relatives, they're the ones who will inherit the remainder. Now, sometimes people do not want that anyone other than their children should inherit from them. So for

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example, if a woman dies, for instance, leaving one daughter, then what does she inherit? Half of the mother's property

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Right. Now, where is the rest of it going to go? The other half is going to go to the woman's male relatives through her father. Okay? Now many people don't want that. Then why should for example, my paternal uncle, who has never ever, ever kept in touch with me, you know, he's a strange, he's got his own life, he doesn't really keep in touch, why should he inherit? It doesn't matter. These are shares that have been appointed by Allah azza wa jal. Okay. And if we do things to prevent errors from taking their legal share, this is low. Now, we have learned about the share of one daughter, what about if there's only one son, if the air is only one son, then he will inherit all of the

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wealth. Also, if there is more than one son, only boys only sons, then the entire estate will be divided equally among the sons, if there's only one son, he will take all of it. Okay, so remember that there are three types of heirs. The first type of the Waratah, the heirs are us haven't fooled. US Hubble fooled, those who have fooled fooled from fold, fold as in obligatory share, okay. And these are the primary heirs of a person you can see first here, and these are heirs who have appointed fixed shares. They have fixed shares, and they're the ones who have basically been mentioned in these verses, because Allah subhanaw taala is fixing their shares, right, the son will

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get this much the daughter will get this much, if there's only daughters, they will get this much. If there's only one daughter, she will get this much. They are as hobbled for old, meaning their shares are fixed, they do not increase or decrease. And they're the ones who are specifically mentioned in the if not the ones that I'm telling you about, as in the case of you know, for example, sons only sons, they're not mentioned in the ayah. Okay, so the US have been fooled are primarily women primarily. There are also men who are as hobbled fruit, but women primarily inherit through this category. Now, when it comes to the fixed shares, remember that there are six fixed

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shares in these verses, we read half quarter 8/3, two thirds. So it seems like these are random fractions. No, they're not. There are six fixed shares and you will only find these six within these verses. What are these six shares? They are half this, okay? Then half of half, which is a verbal, quarter, and then half of the quarter, which is an eight a THON. Okay. So, half, quarter, and ate. Then there are also three more shares like I mentioned, there are six, the other three are two thirds, half of two thirds, which is a third and half of a third which is a six. Okay, now I want you to look at these two verses right now. And find me half a NIST who gets this right here fella

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NIST. What in Canada? He didn't follow her NIST. Okay, half of half is quarter. Where's quarter mentioned in these verses? Rubber. You can see in the next aisle also. Exactly. Next, I have mentioned Uber fourth, right, a quarter. Okay, what about eight a THON? Where's that mentioned? I have 12. Good. Okay. Now, what about two thirds? Where's that mentioned in this verse? fella? Hoonah theologia, they will have two thirds of what he left. Okay, what about a third? Is that mentioned somewhere? For the spouse? All right, what about half of the third of six.

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So you have found all of these right? Six fixed share, there is either half or quarter, or eighth, or two thirds, or a third or a sixth? These are the only six fixed shares. There is no fifth or 10th or seventh, or any other fraction. Okay? These are the only six kinds of shares. All right. Now, when you do basic fractions, you know that any the number at the bottom has to be the same but here we see that it's not the same, right? You have one eight in one place you have 1/3 in one place. So how are you supposed to equally divide or divide properly rather. So typically, an estate is divided into a total of 24 portions. Okay. 24 portions and then

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From those 24 portions, each air in their share is taken. And inshallah I will try to show you some examples to help make this more clear. Okay, so these are the first type of errors as horrible food, okay, and basically when five relatives are present any they're alive than they are the only heirs Who are these five relatives, they are the son, the daughter, the father, the mother, the spouse, the spouse as in either the husband or the wife, if these five are alive, okay? And they're able to inherit, there's no barrier than these five will be the only heirs okay? Then you don't have to worry about taking out the share of anyone else in the entire estate will be divided among these

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five heirs who the Son, the daughter, the father, the mother, the spouse, okay. So, if a deceased dies leaving behind all the five heirs that no one other than them will inherit, the brother will not inherit, the sister will not inherit, the paternal uncle will not inherit, the grandson will not inherit, okay, the grandfather will not inherit, why? Because these five are becoming hardship, hardship as in they're becoming the barrier between the deceased and the other relatives, okay. So, because of them, no other air will inherit if let's say one of them is missing. So, let's say a person dies leaving behind mother father, spouse and daughter Okay mother, father, spouse and

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daughter, then there will be some remainder and that remainder will go to who to the second category of heirs, which is the Asaba the Asaba they are the secondary heirs okay? You can also describe them as the residuary heirs who basically inherit what is residual of the estate after the estate has been divided among the US have been fooled okay. So, the second tier and these are silver like I mentioned earlier, they are the paternal relatives on the father's side okay. And what do they get they get the remainder and there is no fixed share for the cassava there is no fixture for the vessel with our server do not get a third or sixth or have any it's not fixed for them, depending on

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the heirs what remains could be a lot could be little okay and each scenario is unique Right? Like for example, if a man leaves behind children and parents in need depending on which children it is daughters sons, how many which ones in need, the distribution of inheritance will be unique to that case, you cannot apply that to another case, right. So, the receiver basically inherit whatever is residual and they do not have a fixture, it could be a lot in one particular case and it could be very little, in another case. Now the prophets of Allah Who are you send them said unequaled for Allah, Allah be Leha from our Bucky for holy, Hola, Julian vicar. Give the shares of inheritance,

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you need the fixed shares of inheritance, the six shares that I mentioned these shares to who to those who are entitled to them? Who are those who are entitled to them, primarily the five relatives, okay. And as for what remains after that, it is for the closest meal relative, such as the paternal uncles or the brother? And remember, in the case of Saddam and revered Radi Allahu anhu, he left behind two daughters and a wife. Right? So what happened? His wife got one eight, his daughters got two thirds, and the remainder went to who to the brother of Saudi Arabia, right, the paternal uncle of the growth. Now there's a question, why do they also look at the remainder? Why,

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why not the relatives through the mother site, for example, because they're also gonna share the lineage which is through the Father. And because of that, they have a financial responsibility towards you. Like I mentioned, if a man accidentally killed another and has to pay dia, they're also gonna have to contribute. So where there is responsibility, there's also privilege okay. So this is the second type of errors. The third type of errors are the will or harm the will or harm or who those relatives who are on your mother's side, so they are the substitute heirs, or third tear, okay? Which means that if there are no Asaba for example, a person does not have any relatives, you

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know, among his alphabet that are alive, but let's say he has a maternal uncle, okay, or he leaving behind the son of his sister. Okay, then

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You will inherit because Allah subhanaw taala says in total and file is number 75 whoodle or hammy Barb, whom I will have about those of blood relationship are more entitled to inheritance in the decree of Allah. Okay, so who are the three types of heirs? You have the willful ruled, okay, whose shares are fixed, there are six shares and these will follow they're primarily five relatives, okay. And in any case, where there is remainder that will go to the second type of heirs who are the cassava in the absence of cassava. And in some cases, when there is still leftover, it will go to who that the will of harm relative through your mother's side. Okay. So with regard to the children,

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what did we learn that when there are both male and female children that the share of the male will be double that of the female? If there are only daughters two or more and no male children, they will get two thirds. If there's only one daughter and no male children, then she will get half

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