Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J04-054E Tafsir Al-Nisa 5

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The speakers discuss the concept of "by defaulting on" and "by not giving" wealth to people. They stress the importance of protecting one's wealth and not wasting it, as it is valuable and helps fulfill religious needs. The speakers also emphasize the value of wealth and cautioning people about spending it in the best way. The importance of investing in one's property and not wasting money is emphasized, and the need to speak in a decent way with people to avoid wasting money is emphasized.
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Then Allah subhanaw taala says well as to suffer her unwelcome and do not give the weak minded your property and Lottie Jarl hola hola como Peerman which Allah has made a means of sustenance for you what is the Coven fee her but provide for them with it work so home and clothed them were kulula home cola MUFA and speak to them words of appropriate kindness in this ayah Allah subhanaw taala commands us that will have to suffer her unwelcome do not give to who to the foolish ones what should you not give them your wealth? Now who are a sofa sofa is the plural of Sophie and Sophie is the one who does not know how to manage property or wealth in a good way and is someone who does not

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have good financial sense they don't understand the value of money right? So they waste it or they neglect it. Okay, so as a result what's going to happen your wealth is going to get wasted right so don't give to the foolish your wealth. So Sophie is who Mala your sinner to solve rofa Phil Mal, and someone who is very full circle someone who is weak in their mind okay, so Sophie a garment that is Sufi is a garment that is very frail in a very weak so it rips quickly. It phrase quickly on the edges. This is Sophie is someone who is weak Okay, any weak in their mind? Who does not have much knowledge much expertise much sense? Okay? Now there's different types of foolishness remember this

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one type of suffer foolishness is an actions behavior by for example, if a person is objecting or ridiculing the commands of Allah like the people did say Akula super high Amina Ness the foolish shout say Mao Allah whom an unprivileged team will latika Anwar Lisa, What has turned them from their tribler which they used to be upon any why has the blebbing change they criticized? So Allah subhanaw taala called such people foolish? This is foolish behavior. Right? About the hypocrites Allah subhanaw taala says Allah in no Mustafa, they are the ones who are foolish, right? So this is foolishness in behavior. Likewise, when a person is behaving in anger, they're literally throwing a

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temper tantrum This is what suffer Hmm. Right. Then the other type of suffer the other type of foolishness is that in which is an actual in one's mind that a person does not have the intellectual capacity for something like for example, if you put a piece of paper in front of a child and also $100 Bill, okay, a child does not know what is $100 Bill and what is a piece of paper for them the $100 bill is what is just a piece of paper. And if you tell the child this is money, you can buy stuff with it, the child doesn't get it right because the child does not have the intellectual capacity to understand what money is. Likewise if a person is Majnoon, okay, any they are mentally

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disabled, okay. So, they also don't know what money is. Sometimes it could be that a person is just not very smart. Okay. And he they make very foolish decisions when it comes to money. So Sophie the foolish over here sofa, this can include men, women, young, old, okay. And basically in this idea, what is being said is that the sofa ha should not be given the liberty to dispose of their wealth as they please, there will be hijab on the sofa, Hatton. Remember how I mentioned this to you earlier, any, they do not have the liberty to dispose of their wealth as they please, their guardian has to manage their wealth. So in this idea, Allah subhanaw taala is addressing the guardians of children,

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the guardians of orphans, heads of families, okay, owners of wealth, that do not give your wealth to those who are foolish, okay. And this includes first of all, children, like for example, if a person just gives their wallet to their eight year old, okay, and their eight year old is going to buy ice cream, and the father just hands over the wallet. Now what happens the eight year old is walking towards the ice cream place to pay for it, and somebody just comes and snatches the wallet and goes away. This is wrong or the child drops the wallet. Okay, so first of all children do not give your wealth to your children any don't just give it all to them, even your own children. Okay, then

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This also includes orphans in your care, whose wealth you are taking care of whose property you are managing, don't give them their wealth. Because if you give it to them, they will not be able to take care of it, they will end up neglecting it, it will end up getting wasted, or someone will take advantage of them, someone will exploit them will steal their wealth, and they will suffer. Okay, then the term sofa also includes over here individuals who don't have much financial sense. Like, for example, some people don't understand, you know, legal terms or basic financial terms, like, what does it mean to have something on credit? For instance? What does it mean? That, you know, you

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have to pay taxes, they don't understand basic concepts. Okay? They don't have that much sense. It doesn't mean that they're mentally any disabled people vary in their intelligence. Okay? It's a spectrum, right? Then this also includes people who have a habit of being wasteful, or people who are impulsive buyers, or people who may have a disorder because of which they, you know, just buy things and hoard them. Okay, so giving them your wealth means that they're just going to go and wasted, they're going to go and make really bad financial choices. Right? Likewise, there are certain mental illnesses, because of which, you know, people like for example, in mania, this

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happens that people will just go and spend a whole lot of money in one night, right, a whole lot of money in one day, they will literally spend their life savings in either are different disorders like that. So if a person has a condition such as that, then they should not have access to their own wealth, or the wealth of their parents, the wealth of their family, okay? Then sofa over here also includes it can also include, for example, an extremely elderly person who has become very weak in their mind.

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Okay. And it happens sometimes that people will literally target the elderly, in order to steal their money, they will call them and they will lie to them that you are being charged for such and such crime that they basically never committed. So you have to pay me this much money in order to protect you. Right? And because that elderly person is not tech savvy, right. So they get duped. So you have cases like that, where you know, because someone is weak minded because of their age, they're too young or they're too elderly, or they have some kind of a mental disorder. Then in this situation, people are being told, led to suffer her unwelcome, do not give to the foolish ones, your

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wealth. Now some say that sofa or women that don't give to the foolish ones your wealth, meaning don't give to the women, your wealth. And you when you marry a woman don't give her your will. But that does not make sense because a woman by her nature is not foolish. A woman by our nature is not weak minded. Yes, there are women who are weak minded financially, just as there are men who are weak minded financially. Right. And if you think about it earlier, it was said just in the previous I was said, Give to the women there Muhammad, Abu Musa, also Ducati, Inna, if there were foolish, okay, then it would have been said, Keep it with you. Don't give it to them. Keep it with you.

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Right. So it is not correct to generalize this and extend the term sofa to all women. No, just as there are women who are not financially smart. There are also men who are not financially smart. So basically, people are being told the latter to sofa and wide icon. Any do not give to the fullest your wealth and there could be different scenarios of this. So for example, if you are entrusting your wealth to someone, you're asking them to guard it, to take care of it. Okay, like for example, you want someone to hold your wallet for you, and make sure that someone is not a five year old. Right? If you're going to give someone your card to hold, make sure that it's not your two year old,

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right? Likewise, if you are making your wealth available to someone to spend from, let's say your children, then ensure that they are capable of spending it wisely. Okay. So for example, if you give your credit card to a 14 year old, and they go on a shopping spree, they order a whole bunch of stuff online and then they go shopping to the mall and then they also go eat out and all of a sudden, you have a $500 bill. Yes, they were foolish in ordering in buying things that they don't need. They were foolish in buying a $20

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or drink? Okay, but why are you being foolish in making your wealth accessible to a foolish person when I talk to suffer walakum right Do not give your wealth to those who are foolish. And this also means that do not give to the orphans, their wealth, any the children who are still children don't give them their wealth. So I'm welcome actually means, um, while it's super hot, the wealth that belongs to the foolish ones, okay, or the wealth that belongs to the orphans. And the reason why it is called um, while a comb your wealth is because it is in your care. So I'm gonna come to mean two things, first of all, literally your own property, your own wealth, okay? Don't hand it over to

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those who will waste it, those who will neglect it. And also unwelcome means your wealth as in the wealth that is in your care. It's not actually yours, but it's in your care. It belongs to the super heart. All right, but it's in your care. And it's called your wealth because you have to take care of it, you have to protect it, as if it was your own. You have to guard it as if it was your own. Right? Now, there's a question why not give it to them? Why not give your wealth to the sofa? Because obviously, wealth is going to get wasted. Right? Money is going to be lost, things are going to get wasted. And this shows us that while our hearts should be detached from worldly things, it

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doesn't mean that we should neglect them. Our hearts should be detached from money, but it doesn't mean that we should waste money and we should neglect it. Know If Allah subhanaw taala has given you some wealth, then you have to guard it, you have to spend from it responsibly. Because Allah subhanaw taala does not like a bar or two will mal the wasting of wealth as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us right that Allah dislikes three things for you and one of them is what illogical Mal, Allah does not like for you to waste your wealth. Likewise, in a hadith we learned that a person will be questioned on the Day of Judgment about how he acquired his wealth and how he

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disposed of it. So you can't you know, be negligent about your wealth. And then Allah subhanaw taala says allottee Jarl Allah hula come piano, that wealth which Allah has made for you a means of livelihood. So basically, if you think about it, imagine different scenarios. If, for example, you know that every time you give some money to your spouse, okay? You say that, okay? You have access to my money, I don't have a problem. But then they go and make really poor financial choices. Right? They're always eating out.

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Okay? Or, for example, they are paying extra for things paying, you know, buying really expensive things unnecessarily. Okay, then, is it okay for you to not give them your wealth? Yes. You're not being selfish, you're not being greedy? You're being careful, because wealth is something that you have to guard. You have to use carefully. You have to answer Allah subhanaw taala about how you spend your wealth. And the other thing is that wealth is something that is very valuable. And lucky Gerald Hola. Hola, como Tiana, Allah has made it as a pm for UTM from off while mean, and he basically one that upholds as an it upholds your life, it upholds your worldly needs and your

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religious needs. It's a means of livelihood, right? But it doesn't just take care of your worldly needs. It also upholds your religious matters, right? So for example, if you give access to your children to spend from your wealth, and now every day, your son is getting Starbucks or boba or, you know, eating out or something like that, and then ordering random things on Amazon. Okay, maybe you're very wealthy. But still, you could use that money in a better way. Right? I'm not saying don't give any money to your children give them but if you see wasteful patterns, then you have to be careful. Because let's say if your son spends $300, in the whole month on just buying drinks,

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like tea, or you know, Boba or something like that, you could have spent $300. On three orphan children. They could have gone to school, they would have had access to milk and food, you could have spent on something much better. Likewise, $300 a month amounts to a lot of money in a year, which amounts to a lot of money in five years. You could perhaps go for Oprah, if you saved your money.

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If you spent it wisely, so allottee Jarl Allahu Allah Khan piano, and he, this is not saying be stingy, no. But be careful, don't just waste your money and don't let other people waste your money. Because Allah subhanaw taala has made this money, a means of livelihood for you. So you fulfill your needs through it. And when you have money, then you are independent of people because of it, and you use it to fulfill your worldly needs and also gain religious benefits. And really, if you think about it, how often does it happen that our needs are fulfilled because of the money that we have? Or we are able to help fulfill someone else's need because of the money that we're able to spend.

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But if we wasted or if we let other people wasted, then we cannot do such things. So Allah T janela, hula Kochiyama. So wealth is not evil in and of itself. And yes, our hearts should be detached from it. But it doesn't mean that we should be neglectful and wasteful. You know, the son of would say that halal and pure wealth is the weapon of the believer. And he it protects the believer, and it strengthens the believer, and wealth is a test and also a blessing. Right the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Nirmal mantle salah, lilmar, Salah. Any how good is good wealth for a good person, for a righteous person? And he he's going to use that wealth in many good ways. So we should

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protect our wealth from being wasted, and we should spend it in the best way. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said this hadith in Sahih Bukhari that this worldly property is sweet vegetation. And he it's delicious, it's beautiful. And how excellent the wealth of the Muslim is, if it is collected, if it is gained through lawful means, and is spent in Allah's Cause and on orphans on poor people and travelers. And this is excellent if you acquire wealth in a lawful way. And you also spend it in good ways. Alright, so yes, spend on yourself. Okay, spend on your dependents, be generous with them, but also spend in the way of Allah? Because Allah T Jiang Allahu Allah come

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piano, do not waste your wealth. Right? What is the Quran fee? How was zoom, very important, Allah subhanaw taala says, and provide them out of it. And also clothed them, who is then referring to the sofa, alright, so if the sofa or your own children or the orphans in your care, right, then what should you do, you should give them of the wealth, your wealth, or their wealth that you're guarding. So you have to guard it like your own. And you also called them any fulfill their needs, and spend on them generously. Because this is, you know, another extreme that some people fall into some men any they will not give to their wives any money. Why? Because they say she doesn't know how

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to spend. She's wasteful. Okay, but then she has to beg, she has to ask for every little thing. And then some men, they don't even give basic things. Subhanallah I remember once a woman who was living in North America, in the States, she mentioned to me about how she would not have money to buy feminine products for herself. She would not have the money to buy pads. And why because her husband would not give her anything. She was not allowed to work. And she did not have the money to buy iPads at all. So this is wrong. And he even if you argue that oh, she's very wasteful, she doesn't know how to spend money. She doesn't you know, realize and she loses money. Even if that's the case,

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it is not correct to deprive her of her basic needs.

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So men are being told what is goofy? How exhume. Okay provide them meaning the sofa and also clothed them. And it's interesting people don't just need food. They don't just need meals for the day. They also need clothing decent clothing. So what is the poem fee how walk so when fulfill all of their needs? Now I want you to notice something. It doesn't say what is the column minha provide them from it. Rather Allah subhanaw taala says what is the column fee her okay? Now there's different reasons. The rhythm I say one reason the rhythm I say is fi hub basically means minha right? This is common in Arabic, that one health takes the place of another. Alright so for example, Allah subhanaw taala

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says in the Quran, that Amen Yeshua will be her a bad Allah, US spring of which the righteous leaves of Allah will drink. Okay. Now Bihar means minha meaning they will drink from it. Okay, so

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be over there means men. So the room I say that fee her over here means men her out of it. Okay, there is another interpretation and that is the reason why it is said fee her is because when the Guardians spend on the sofa from the wealth of the sofa, they're not doing an act of charity that give them from it. No, the wealth belongs to the sofa, they have a share in it, okay, so fulfill their needs with it, they have a share in it, so do not deprive them and the guardians are responsible for managing the wealth that is in their care, it is not theirs entirely. If it was theirs entirely, it would have been said give them from it as charity as kindness minha. But that's

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not the case. When you give them any for their food for their clothing, that wealth belongs to them anyway, they have a share in it, right. So what is coulomb fee her fee her any they have a share in it. Okay, give them their share. In other words, thirdly, there is another interpretation, which is that what is the coulomb fee her fee her is directing the guardians to invest the money of the orphans in their care. Because if you give men half from it, then what will happen, that property will deplete over time it will run out, right. So don't just give them from the capital that you're looking after. Rather, you should trade with it, you should invest it so that it does not diminish

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over time. Because when you invest it when you trade with it, then what zoom fee had any in the profits, let them enjoy, provide them fee of Bahia, provide them in its profits, and you let them enjoy its profits. So that when by the time you hand over the orphans property to him, it has grown, it has not depleted over time. Right? Because if you are giving them from it, let's say the orphan in your care, his property, which is let's say 100,000 Okay, now every month you spend 100 Okay, you give 100 to the orphan, you know, on the orphans, food and clothing, for example. Okay, now what's going to happen over time, every month, you're taking 100 Out of the 100,000. Over time, it's going

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to finish it's going to deplete, you're giving the cat from it also, it's really going to become less by the time the orphan grows up. So you have to invest it and the profits that come let them enjoy that. We're kulula home cola meroofer and also assume we're kulula home Cola, Moldova, and say to them and appropriate word. Okay? This is very beautiful, but coulomb Coloma LUFA, say to them say to whom the sofa ha. This is another injunction another command that Allah Subhana Allah is giving people that speak to the sofa in a good way. And he just because someone is not as smart as you, or someone is not as knowledgeable as you or is not an adult yet. Okay? It doesn't mean that you put

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them down all the time that you speak to them in a condescending way know speak to them in a decent way. In a good way. You know, it happens sometimes that if someone has a mental disorder or someone is not that you know smart, intelligent, not that educated people talk to them in a very condescending way this is not correct. And especially the people who are closest to them, and especially the people who are wealthier or you know who are earning money or cooler who cola Marusia the secondly according to whom cola modified this also means that respond to them in a good way. Because, you know, for example, if someone in your family is like that, they fall into the category

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of sofa and you are managing their wealth. Okay? Let's say your children, they get money on your EAD.

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Okay? And then let's say your high schooler, you know, when so when he gets into high school, he gets a whole lot of money from his grandparents, for instance. Okay. And of course, you're not going to leave all of that money in the hands off that child. You're going to keep it with yourself. But let's say your child comes and says, Give me my money. Mom. Why are you keeping it? It's not yours. This is not fair. I need my money. And so you ask, what do you need the money for? He says, I want to buy a phone for myself. I want it. It's my money. I got it on eighth. I have the right to spend it however I want. I want to buy a phone. And you know that that's not a wise decision. Right? So

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you don't give the money to your child.

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Hold, even though it belongs to your child, but you don't give it to your child. What do you do kulula home cola model roofer, you respond to them in a nice way. Give them a response that they're satisfied with, and that they feel secure regarding their wealth, they know that they will get it. So for example, you say something like, oh, that I also want you to get a phone. Inshallah, once you start university will get you a phone and you know what, you don't pay for all of it with your money. I'll pay for half of it. Okay, so kudos to Hong Kong and Moldova. So, even though you know that they're being rude, they should not talk to you in that way. Right? And you're not going to

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hand over the wealth to them. But it doesn't mean that you should not speak in a decent way with them. You should still speak in a decent way with them Lakota, Hong Kong and Moldova

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