Aarij Anwer – 5 Reasons For Fasting in Ramadan from the Qur’an

Aarij Anwer
AI: Summary © The upcoming recording of the fall recording will be completely uncoordinated and all members of the world will be recited across the world. The recording will also be uncoordinated and will be recited in all ways. The speakers will share their experiences and reasons for why they want to be part of Islam. Fasting is viewed as a way to build physical self and body, and is essential for health and well-being. The Spanish Queen is mentioned as bringing peace and quiet, and the speakers emphasize the importance of showing gratitude and faith in oneself and others.
AI: Transcript ©
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A U haul Levina Armano Gudivada Aliko mausoleum Okemah cortiva Allah Allah Dena min publikum La La Quinta Takuan this ayah that I read the very end of my introduction to the hotbar. This ayah will be recited all across the members of the world. Today, the week before or the week after, around the time of Ramadan, this particular IO will be recited across the world completely uncoordinated, no one coordinates this, but this happens because the month of Ramadan is upon us, and in the month of Ramadan is upon us. We just synchronize all of us around the world, all the Muslims around the world, we synchronize completely in an uncoordinated unplanned manner, and be focused back on the

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most important thing, which is our relationship with our Lord, and coming back and reevaluating that and coming back and revisiting our spirituality and looking at the core tenants of our faith and being better. It doesn't matter how far you have been, or how close you've been to Allah subhanaw taala. Ramadan is a time and everyone comes back. Everyone revisits and that is the beauty. That's the living miracle of this shadier that we see across the world. It doesn't matter if it's in the Haram, it doesn't matter if it's in a place where it's very few Muslims, it's the very same idea worldwide.

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And it starts with this idea, you will have your nominal Kubelik Muslim Kamakoti, Valentina min publikum, la la come to such a powerful, such a powerful experience. We live it every year, we see it every year. And every year it comes, it's like a reminder, here is your chance to show yourself that you can be better. That's what Ramadan is. It's here to show we show ourselves that we can be better than the other 11 months that be passed by that it is actually an opportunity where we can do a lot. We can not eat and not drink for the most important hours of the day when you're awake and working. When you're awake and studying. And then the time where you feel you should be resting.

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You're not resting, you're in the masjid, praying

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long nights or prayer, this level of commitment. We do it we show to ourselves, we can do it. That's what Ramadan represents. Year in and year out. As we're about to enter Ramadan, I want to share with you five things five reasons excuse me five reasons that the Quran gives us for why we fast. It's important to understand this, that Allah subhanaw taala when he talks about something when he makes something legislated as part of our deen, he doesn't just say do it and the story, he provides reasons. He provides us reasons because we are people of rationale as human beings we are people who have rationality that understand why we're doing something. And the Quran speaks to that addresses

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that constantly. And this is how we should speak about Islam as well. Islam is not meant to be this is what it is. Close the book, close your eyes and follow that's not what Islam is about. We always ask why. Why am I doing it? Explain to me why and once the why is clearer than everything else, the how and the what becomes easy. And this is what the ayat of fasting focus on the fifth of fasting is found in the Hadith. The faithful fasting is found in the tradition, the why of fasting is found in the Quran, because that's the most important part in Surah Baqarah surah number two is number 183 to ir 188 This is the passage that speaks about Ramadan, I encourage you to read this on your own read

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the translation, watch your lecture on it to prepare yourself when I'm going to give you some snippets in sha Allah to help us understand and remind ourselves why we fast because once that understanding is renewed and set in inshallah we head into Ramadan to make it the best Ramadan of our lives. And that should be the goal every Ramadan that you don't know how long you have on this world you don't even know I don't even know if you're gonna make it till Ramadan. This Ramadan, we have no guarantees of anything we need to make every Ramadan as good as we can make it because there is no guarantee of anything else. There is no guarantee of anything else. Five reasons that are

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provided to us number one, yeah, are you Latina, quotevalet Muslim, Kamakoti ballerina and publikum La La Quinta de Haan, the first reason Allah gives is O you who believe fasting has been mandated upon you like it was mandated upon the nation's before you so that you can attain piety so that you can attain Dakhla reason number one quick tangent on the idea of previous nations fasting, you will find this in the traditions of the Christians and the Jewish traditions that they also have fasting. They also mark important events. With fasting I was meeting with

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A Catholic chaplain recently who was fasting for Lent, leading up to Easter. That's what they do. The Catholics particularly are very, very particular about it. But they also were not because we were having lunch and he wasn't eating. So I asked him Is everything okay? And explained to me that he's fasting for LED. So it exists in other traditions as well. This is because the source of legislation is one Allah subhanaw. Taala is a source of legislation, he is the one who sent all the prophets and they brought, you know, the same message, the message was not perhaps held on to the message was perhaps altered, but the source of it is Allah subhanaw taala. And we see that in the

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other Sharia and the other shutter, and we see that today, glimpses of it at least, not in the same way as we do it. But the glimpses are there even today, and that's what the Quran is referencing. And the reason why that is referenced by the way, is important that Allah Sparta is not asking us to do something that is unprecedented, unheard of just unthinkable. No, no, others did it before you, you can do it as well. That's the way Allah Patil is starting the conversation. But the reason number one, coming back to the reasoning is La La Quinta Taccone. So that you can develop the quality of Taqwa of righteousness before I continue, if you can make some space for those of us who

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are coming in, just so they can, you know, have a seat. As we see an open spot in front of you please come forward and fill that in. I love them to talk on what is taqwa? What is the ability to check ourselves. It is the ability to check if, if I am doing something wrong, can I stop myself in the middle of it and have a moment to recognize that this is not actually correct. That is what Taqwa is, in essence, is it is this ability to guard it's very similar to for example, if someone is walking in a place or driving down a road, where there is potholes, or a road perhaps, or a track where there is some danger, maybe there's like thorns, maybe there is a ditch or something. So as

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they're walking, they're extra cautious. They're looking around to make sure that they don't fall into any of those pitfalls. They don't just, you know, fall off a ditch or something that behavior is is what Taqwa represents, spiritually, what that represents is we're able to stop ourselves from committing sins. That's what that was spiritually represents. How does fasting teaches that? How does fasting teach us to stop us? How does it teach us to stop doing things that we're used to doing? Because when we fast, we give up the most basic necessities of life,

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food and drinks,

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the most basic necessities of life, we stop that for hours, and not just one day, for 30 days, we do this for hours on what that shows to us, we show ourselves that we can leave things that are halal. We can leave things that are necessities of life for extended periods of times. That means that we can leave things that are haram as well, that we can break habits that are haram, we can leave things that are not necessities of life. That's what fasting shows us. That's the That's what what is absolute core is La La Quinta tahune. And it's not. It's mentioned as the first reason here in the passage, because this is the most obvious benefit of fasting. And this is, by the way, what

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Ramadan comes and teaches us. It shows us there's a distinction between what you want, and what you need. I want my coffee in the morning, when I start work, and I want a second cup when it's lunchtime, I want a third cup when is the end of the day. That's what I want. A lot of us want that. For a lot of us this is like a very difficult thing to give up. But what I need is much less what I need is to food and if thought that's what my body can survive on and not just survive actually thrive on

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that's where Milan comes in shows us it's kind of scary to find out this much detail about yourself. As a human beings we don't want to, you know, wade into these unchartered waters, but Ramadan almost forces us to confront that. And that brings about the quality of Taqwa. Now we can start to see this is needed. This is not needed. This is the necessity This is the want and evaluate them in the context of is this permissible or not? Is this a good thing for me or a bad thing? That is what tequila represents. That's number one. Number 212 Sumo Khayrallah calm.

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Fasting is good for you.

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This is an iron number 184 Fasting is good for you. Hey, it is a all encompassing

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word in Arabic, good in every way. It's used in all connotations related to other the high human Elfi Shahara. The late the night of power has more goodness than 1000 months.

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It's used

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what was social higher when two parties a husband and a wife are about to break apart. If they're able to reconcile. There's a mediator and arbitrator who comes in and helps them reconcile. Allah says that reconciliation is safe.

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The word is used for everything cleared all good things. Allah Samantha says fasting is good for you and the sumo her you will look him in every way. Fasting is good for us. It's good for our spirituality. As I just spoke about, it develops taqwa, you start to see what you need, versus what you want, you start to realize you can break bad habits. You can break them, you can leave evil, you can leave things that are not permissible. It's possible. That's what we show ourselves. It's good for our physical self. If you look at the one of the biggest problems we have is overconsumption. We consume until we basically eat ourselves to the hospital. That's what we do quite often eat and eat

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until we develop all types of diseases. And then we're in the hospital getting treatment.

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Fasting shows us you can actually live on much less. That's actually the point to show you can live on much less fasting should not be turned into Ramadan or should not be turned into a month of eating. Even though we eat together, we enjoy a meal together, we enjoy thoughts together. That's beautiful, that's nice and brings the community together. Together. It's not the point of fasting, or Ramadan. To celebrate our food, is to celebrate not eating food is to celebrate that we can actually be, you can live on less. That's what it's celebrating. If you want to go strictly from a perspective of consumption. It's good for the soul is good for the body. It's good for the

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community. We come together in Ramadan, like we never come together other outside of Ramadan. In other circumstances in every way. Ramadan brings us good to under sumo highroller calm, it's good for the people who are who need help. And the people who want to help. This is the one that people open up their hearts, they open up their pockets, they find it in themselves to give and give more and give even more. And you see that I don't have to give you examples of that you see this year in and year out. Records are set every year of philanthropy in the number of zakat or the amount of zakat donated every year breaks a record because the Muslims are willing to give are happy to give

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it's the month of giving in all aspects is halal until sumo hydro Lacan Allah Sparta wants us to realize that by going through it number three

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you read Allah will be Kumal usara Allah you either become a loss.

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Allah subhanaw taala once ease for you, he does not want difficulty for you. Allahu Akbar. Think about this for a second. Allah subhanaw taala is telling us you can eat from dawn to dusk. You can drink not even water. When you die Muslim colleague asks you you can tell them that not even water. You can't you you're gonna go thirsty. You're not fasting at night, right? You're not fasting at night where imagine a scenario where you are fasting a night and not fasting during the day. That will be a lot easier, right? You just sleep through the fast. But that's not what Allah is asking us to do. He's like, no, no, you fast during the day when you're working. When you're at school, and

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you're meeting people. That's when you're fasting. And that's how you realize what is is Allah wants easy things that are easy for you. It almost seems that it's contradictory. But here's the important realization that needs to happen. You cannot react, you cannot recognize ease until you know hardship.

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You won't appreciate what eases until you've seen hardship. You will not understand privilege until you've seen adversity. It doesn't work that way. You have to experience the opposite of something for appreciate the thing that you have. This is at the core of everything that we have life, we appreciate life. Because we understand the opposite of life is death.

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We understand that if everything was alive and everyone was alive, we won't have any appreciation for life because we don't have the concept of the opposite. We appreciate the spring we appreciate the sun being out because we know what it's like when it's gloomy and cold. The opposite teaches us the value of the other opposite. You do the local big one used to Allah smarter one

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For us to experience the hardship of fasting, there in recognizing the ease, we live our lives by

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recognizing then how much potential we have as people, how perhaps our consumption is holding us back.

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It's holding us back. It's like a, it's like a crutch that is, you know, maybe limiting our potential. It shows us Ramadan, the fasting Ramadan shows us that life is not as hard for us, living as privileged people. It develops empathy in us look at these people who are not eating because they can't eat, they don't have anything to eat. They're in that situation. Now you understand that? At a very, very deep level, that empathy develops you under the law who become a loser, whether you either become a loser, the intent of fasting or not, is not to make us miserable. The intent of it is to show us that this is a glimpse of what hardship is now when you go back to your life after

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Iftar and after Ramadan, now you know firsthand what difficulty and eases like I've heard about the smartphone I was stuck for Allah welcome for stuck through in the hole of Orion

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will Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala he was early he was heavy on Allah and my bad. Reason number four, while he took data well it took a bit of Allah Allah Maha Doku so that you may this is an ayah number 185. So that you may complete the ADA the prescribed number of fasts. Well, it took a bit Allahu Allah, Allah Maha documents so that you may glorify Allah, for that he had guided you. This is literally done when we were excited that we're on the day of varied and it is done also in meaning metaphorically, that we praise Allah and we glorify Him that He has guided us to doing what we are doing in Ramadan. There is a ritualistic aspect that is present in Ramadan, that this ayah is

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providing us the reason for Will it took me longer either you complete the ritual fasting of 29 or 30 days, you do that? It's a way that we show our submission to Allah subhanaw taala. Think about our rituals, our prayer, can you pray whenever you want? I mean, outside of the field, you can pray whenever you want, but the field in NA salata, Canada, Medina, Kitab Mota, it's at specific times, there's a window of time, you must pray at that time. Why?

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Because it's showing to us and our Lord, that our submission to Allah subhanaw taala is on His terms, not on our terms. We worship Him on His terms. That's what submission is. That's what worship is. Well, he took me to light the Allah says 929 days or 30 the month we say Allah bake Allah Humala bake we say yes, Allah we will do it. Submission on his terms. This is one of the most powerful ideas of ritualistic worship that we have become submit to Allah subhanaw taala we worship Him, not men, we want how we want according to our whims and desires, but we do it as he wants it as he has legislated and this is part of fasting. And finally, when I look into Sharon, so that you can be

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You can be grateful and you here is all this water is using come for you all, all the believers here that's why I keep using the same pronoun.

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Allah Allah concludes the reasons of fasting by mentioning gratefulness. Because when you have that Iftar that date and if thorough and the food that you eat or the thorough the sense and the feeling of gratitude is so profound.

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It's so profound. It's amazing the feeling on aid.

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When we reach the end of the either the prescribed months we did what Allah's Papa asked us, we submitted ourselves to Him as He mandated. The feeling of joy is very pure, that gratitude is very, very pure.

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This is why the messenger was awesome said they saw me for Hatha Nia for humor. The person who is fasting has two unique moments of joy.

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Number one, when they end their fast at multiple time, and number two when they meet their Lord Subhanallah the joy of fasting, the gratitude that comes at that moment, brings it all together. This is what the month of Ramadan is bringing for us brothers and sisters. It's bringing

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For us an opportunity to show our gratitude and to truly recognize what gratitude and thankfulness to Allah means is bringing an opportunity for us to submit to Him on His terms, it's bringing for us an opportunity of good of all types of good. If you're gaining weight in Ramadan, I'm sorry to say you've lost the plot in a little bit. If you're eating in Ramadan, you've lost the plot a little bit. If you're not experiencing even a moment of pain of this little bit of hunger as well, a thirst and that you have to your mind has to be strong enough to get over that. You're missing the plot that has to be experienced, that has to be experienced, because that's good. Through that you

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understand what is actual ease and what's actual difficulty and how much capacity we have to take on things that are difficult. And finally, of course, the end goal of fasting is taqwa spiritual development, where we can now show to ourselves, we can be better, we can be better we can leave things that are haram. We can leave haram habits, we can leave things that are evil, we can reform ourselves to be better because we just did it for 30 days in a row. That is what Ramadan is presenting us and opportunity for. We ask Allah smart Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah was to lease from Allah and Allah O Allah allows us to make the most

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of Ramadan. Oh Allah allows this Ramadan for us to be the best Ramadan of our lives. I mean, you're a badass woman in Allah humma Mala economical Soluna Nabil. Yeah, you already know masala Lee was sitting with Seema Lama Surya la Hammond and Phil Aberdeen of Akron, wa salam ala Muhammad in film Allah Allah Allah Allah within Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah to him I'm not sure if he's not the he was still on hold the hero but I mean, I'm gonna attina for dunya Hassan, Hassan alcanada, but not our Lord, we ask you to send your prayers and blessings upon our Prophet Salaam. We ask you to allow us to live and die like him. We ask you to allow us to be resurrected with him on the day of

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judgment, and we ask you to allow us to be with him in Jannah who asked you all Allah, that you give us the best in this world and the best in the next world and that you deliver us with a fire *, I mean, rocky masala

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