Taleem al Quran 2021 J04-054B Tafsir Al-Nisa 1 Part 2

Taimiyyah Zubair


Channel: Taimiyyah Zubair


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The speakers discuss the importance of kinship and avoiding fear in the here after. They emphasize the need to be watchful of one's behavior and protect oneself and others. The use of the word Kana Al Qaeda to signal protecting oneself and others is also discussed. The importance of avoiding fear and not giving everyone their rights is also emphasized.

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What the hello hello at the SIR Aluna Bihi well

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And fear Allah, the one in whose name you demand your rights from one another and also fear Allah in regard to the ties of kinship. Allah subhanaw taala commands us over here to have Taqwa. And this is the second time that Allah subhanaw taala commands us to have taqwa in the same idea. Earlier it was said it the Quran bucko. Now it is said it the Kola first it was said, Fear your Creator Lord. Now fear Allah, Allah, God any the one who is worshipped fear the one whom you worship. And Allah subhanaw taala reminds us that He is the one who DISA Aluna V he is the one in whose name you demand your rights from one another. Is this not how it is that you demand your rights from one another in

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his name, so why don't you fear him? Now the word DISA Aluna? The SIR Aluna is from seen Hamza lamb. So, Al is to ask the question and the saddle is to ask one another, okay to ask one another? Are you asked for different reasons what is meant by asking over here is demanding and you demand from one another? All right, what is it that you demand from one another? Who will accom your rights? Okay, or you seek affection, you know from each other? How be through him through him as in through his name, meaning you take the name of Allah in order to demand your rights from one another. And in order to soften each other's hearts.

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You take the name of Allah. So for example, you say things like I asked you by Allah, okay, I beg you by God, I beseech you, I adore you by God for the sake of Allah as aloo Kabila. Right so you take his name, when asking for your rights, you remind one another of Allah. Sometimes people will literally say fear Allah and give me what is mine. Right? Fear Allah and give me my rights. So Olivia Casa Luna V, you make your claim your demand stronger by taking his name. And sometimes people also swear in his name that I swear by Allah, you must give this to me. Alright, so you use his name to your advantage. Do alto fear him? What the Kola Hala the Casa Luna V. When you want

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something, you take his name. And so many people are like that, you know that they will use God's name to demand you know their rights. But have you ever thought about what you owe Allah? What you owe Allah? You know, again, people want to operate in their lives without any religious intervention, right? That they want God out of the picture. However, when they want something, then they become very spiritual. Right? And this is why spirituality without religiosity does not make sense. You take God's name when you want something, but what about what you Oh God, this is not right. What duckula Fear Allah and Lolita saya Aluna V and you know them we should be keen. They

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would also say things like a Luca Villa that I asked you in the name of allah, that by Allah You must give me this, you must give me my right. And they would associate partners with Allah. So what the Kulla Lolita sir Aluna Bihi, fear Allah, fear Allah through whom you ask one another of your rights, and then well or harm, and the ties of kinship. Now, there is a narration in which we learn that whoever seeks refuge with You in the Name of Allah, then grant him refuge. And whoever asks you in the Name of Allah, then give it to him. Meaning when someone asks you for something in the Name of Allah, then give Don't refuse over there because they're asking you in God's name. So you should

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humble yourself over there. Now, while our ham and the ties of kinship of ham is a plural off Rahim, Raha meme and Rahim basically means the womb of ham are the wombs. And what is meant is the blood ties or the ties of kinship because they are through the womb. Okay. Now, while our ham, this word has been recited in two ways, okay, the first recitation is what you see in your most half wall of Hama with the fourth half on the meme, and this makes it the object of the word what taco any what the call or hammer, and also fear the or ham, meaning beware of severing them, and he guard your ties of kinship

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it and do not sever them do not fall short in your duty towards them. So what the whole Ohama any beware of severing them maintain the ties of kinship and do not sever them and secondly, all our harm has also been recited with a customer. I'll or her me okay, I'll or Jaime then this is connected with the SIR Aluna Biggie I need the SIR Aluna b He will or Jaime and it is our Aluna bill or her me but the cola and fear Allah, Allah de casa Luna V in whose name you demand your rights from one another while or hammy and in the name of kinship ties also, you demand your rights from one another. Because Indra Helia, they will do this they will take the name of their relatives,

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okay, in order to demand rights from one another. So for example, someone would say, I swear by our father, any person imagine he's saying this to his brother, I swear by our father, you must give me my right. Okay. And this was in the Jehovah. Remember that? No, it is not permissible for us to swear by the creation. We're only allowed to swear by Allah. I hate the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He forbade us he said latterly will be our econ Do not swear by your fathers. But what is permissible is to say something like I asked you because you are my brother. Okay? Any you're demanding your right from one another? How? By mentioning the ties of kinship that you have, right

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by reminding one another of the ties of kinship that exists between you. So you say something like I asked you because you're my brother, I ask you because you're my mother for the sake of our relationship for the sake of the blood that we share. Right and in truth Assura i a 23. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was also told to save cola as a local Marilee durante el Moussa, that official Korba that say I do not ask you for this message, any payment but only goodwill through kinship, meaning I am your relative, we are related, so do not harm me. Let me do my work for the sake of the kinship that exists between us. Let me be let me do my work. Right. So this is something

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that's common that you ask one another, you know, for cooperation, for help for support for you know your rights, why on account of the relationship that you have? Right? So what the Kulla Holiday visa Aluna be he will or ham. Now you see where the first interpretation is? Well our hammer any water cooler hammer and be aware of B or ham any beware of severing them. This is a very very serious matter. And the language is very strong what the cool are hammer and be conscious of the harm as in beware of severing them. The thing is that those who sever ties of kinship are actually cursed. in Slough, Mohamed i are 22 and 23. Allah subhanaw taala mentions what to put through or how Macomb

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people who would end up cutting their ties of kinship. Allah subhanaw taala says about them. Hola. Iike Lavina Lorena hula for Osama home wa Arma Abu Salah home. Those who do so are the ones that Allah has cursed. So he deafened them and blinded their vision. Any such people are cursed by Allah, and they become deaf and blind. They're unable to accept any advice and they're unable to see they're unable to see their own error. Allahu Akbar, who the people who cut their ties of kinship, like for example, a person says I'm never going to speak to my brother again and he literally does not speak to his brother does not see him does not talk to him does not meet him nothing. Hussein

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have an ally, but Ile de la Horne who, who is he, Hussein, even Ali, the grandson of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he actually advised his son. And he said to him, that do not be in the company of Altair over him, Do not be in the company of Gotha or him who was caught there over him the one who severs ties of kinship. Why? He said, Because I have found him to be cursed. in three places in the book of Allah, I have found that the one who severs ties of kinship is actually cursed. What are these three places in the Quran? The first is the ayah that I just mentioned with Muhammad, verse 2223, second surah, Lord Ayah 25, where Allah subhanaw taala mentions those who

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break the covenant of Allah. And they work through nama Amara, Allah who be a useful and they sever what Allah has

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commanded to be joined. Yanni they severed ties of kinship. Allah subhanaw taala says about them hula eCola whom will learner will know him so for them is the curse and they will have the worst home. And the third idea in the Quran is pseudo Baqarah verse number 27, where loss Panthro dimensions, it's a very similar idea those who break the covenant of Allah, and yet our own Imam Ahmed Allah who be a useful, they sever what Allah has commanded, which should be joined and he discovered that meaning this advertise of kinship, Allah subhanaw taala says regarding them, Allah ecohome will hacia rune, those are the losers. So the one was severs ties of kinship is who someone

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whom Allah has cursed, right, someone who will have the worst home in the Hereafter, someone who has been made deaf and blind, and someone who will be a loser. So this is a very serious matter with the call or harm. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, lie at the whole Janita call, they're the one who severs ties of kinship shall not enter paradise. This is a very serious matter. If you think about it, why do people sever ties of kinship? What's the reason? It's hurt? It's anger. Sometimes it's jealousy. Sometimes it's unresolved conflict, right? Sometimes it's some form of injustice. Right? Sometimes, you know, it's that people are not giving each other their rights.

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They're not respecting each other's space. They're not respecting each other's decisions. And a lot of times, it's greed, greed for wealth. But for example, the father has died leaving behind a house. And now that house is for who it belongs to who it belongs to the heirs. But sometimes the mother is like, No, this is my place, and I am going to stay here. And that's fine. If she wants to stay there, and the children are okay with her living there, that's fine. But then when she's living there, she's constantly infringing upon the rights of her daughter in law, making her life very, very miserable. And then she tells her son, either you choose me or your wife, what is he supposed

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to do? And he on the one hand, if he goes in, if he listens to his mother, then that means he will be cut off from his children. So you see how greed becomes the reason for severing ties of kinship. And I'm sure there's many stories like this that you have witnessed that you have probably experienced SubhanAllah. So what is it that solves these problems? It is the Taqwa of Allah. This is why what the Kulla comes first. What the Kola fear Allah, the Prophet said Allah who believes that a Malta said that Allah created the creation. And when he finished creating the creation, the womb, the Rahim said, or Allah, at this place, I seek refuge with you from all those who sever me, like

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imagine someone who is trying to get away from those who are attacking him. And he the Rahim came seeking protection with Allah that Oh, Allah, you saved me. They're killing me. They're suffering me, you saved me. So Allah subhanaw taala said, won't you be pleased that I will keep good relations with the one who will keep good relations with you? And I will sever the relation with the one who will sever relations with you? And the Russian replied, Yes. Oh, my Lord. And Allah subhanaw taala said then that is for you. This is reported in Behati. There's numerous narrations that mentioned this, the one who joins ties of kinship, Allah subhanaw taala will keep good relation with that

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person and the one who severs ties of kinship, then Allah subhanaw taala will sever his relationship with that person. So joining ties of kinship is incredibly important. Allah subhanaw taala tells us here to fear him and to be aware of the ties of kinship, any to not sever them. And if you think about it, the ties of kinship, blood ties, all right. These are basically relationships that Allah subhanaw taala has chosen for you, you do not get to decide which womb you are created in. You do not get to decide who your siblings are going to be. You do not get to decide who your grandmother grandfather, uncle aunt will be. You do not even get to decide who your own children will be. This

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is not your decision. This is Allah's decision, because He is the Creator. All right, well, we're thumbing Hammadi Jalan cathinone sigh, this is his decision. So you cannot sever ties of kinship, just because you can't get along with them, you have to respect them. This is a choice that Allah has made for you. And the one who severs ties of kinship suffers in the world and in the Hereafter, the prophets of Allah who are the ones that have said that there is no sin, there is no sin for which the punishment is hastened in the world, along with the punishment that is prepared, that is saved in the Hereafter, except for volley and cathedra.

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For him, in it, these are two sins for which punishment is given quickly in the world. And there's also punishment for it in the hereafter severing ties of kinship. In contrast, when you join ties of kinship, then look at the good news, man was lucky will fall to who Allah subhanaw taala said this to the Rahim that whoever will keep good relation with you, I will keep good relation with him. In other Hadees, we learned that your lifespan your sustenance will increase when you join ties of kinship. And in Hadees, we learned that even non Muslim ties of kinship must be joined. And he if let's say a person's mother is a non Muslim or person's father is a non Muslim brother is a non

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Muslim, they cannot cut off from them. And the thing is that in every relationship, you know, there are times when you feel hurt when you feel betrayed, when you feel mistreated, this is true, right? And then there are those unfortunate situations where a person is trying to be very nice to their relatives, but the only thing they got in response is hurt and harm. So what to do in this situation, the Prophet sallallahu Erlandsson was asked a man came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam and said through Messenger of Allah, I have relatives with whom I maintain ties, but they cut me off. I tried to join ties with them, but they always cut me off. Do you ever feel like that?

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That, for example, there's a family event and you invite everyone. But when they have an event like that, they don't even tell you. You call them all the time you call your brother all the time, come over for dinner, but he never calls you. It's like you're calling him he never picks up the phone. You are the only one who is trying to maintain ties. And he's like, as if he doesn't give you any importance. He's constantly trying to cut you off. He said, The man said I am good to them. While they are bad to me, they behave foolishly towards me while I am forbearing towards them. And he every time we talk, we cannot have a civil conversation because he raises his voice he yells at me

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he uses foul language Subhan Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that if things are as you said, it is as if you were putting hot ashes on them, and you will not let a supporter against them from Allah. As long as you continue to do that. Meaning you are on the winning side. And you will have a supporter from Allah against them, they will not be able to harm you. The Prophet sallallahu alyssum didn't say to him, that Okay, cut off from them, they clearly don't like you, they clearly don't want you they don't know what they're going to miss out on their loss. No, the prophets of Allah who are innocent, I'm encouraged that men to maintain the ties of control to

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keep going, even if he is mistreated. So a hammer or hum, and they cannot be cut off. Now there's a question Who exactly are the home? Alright, who are the ties of kinship? Who are these people? So there is a difference of opinion among the alumni regarding who exactly are the ties of kinship? Who exactly are those relatives with whom the ties of kinship must be upheld? And essentially, there are three opinions. The first opinion is that the or ham are a person's Muslims who are persons mahomes Muslim is someone whom you are not allowed to marry. So think about your family. As a woman, for instance, you're not allowed to marry your brother. You're not allowed to marry your uncle, maternal

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paternal. You're not allowed to marry your grandfather. Alright, you're not allowed to marry your nephew. Whether your nephew, this is your brother's son or sister's son. So the Muslims are who your home. But when it comes to your cousin, let's say your aunt son, he's not your mom, right? So he is not of the home. Okay? The second opinion is that the harm are those who will inherit from you. Okay, those who will inherit from you. So Inshallah, we will learn about the law of inheritance in greater detail very soon. And there we will learn about who your heirs are, but typically your heirs or who, your Ascendance, your descendants, so think about your parents, grandparents, children,

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grandchildren, okay? Essentially, it's these, and then also in the absence of certain relatives and you go sideways, you go siblings, etcetera. So it's the people who will inherit from you. And the third opinion is that our ham includes all of your blood relatives, any people who are related to you through blood. So you're talking about all the people that we discussed already, but also your cousins, because you're related to them through blood, how that you share the same ground

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Mother You share the same grandfather. Right? So this is the strongest opinion that the arhaan are who all of your blood relatives whether they are heirs or not. Okay? And it includes you know your grandparents, of course your siblings, your cousins your uncle's your aunts, and the rule is the Prophet sallallahu Ernest and I'm taught that the one who is closest to you deserves most from you. And then the next closest and then the next closest. Alright, so our home okay, what the cooler ham, and he beware of severing them in the Lucha Carnaroli Cumbre peba Indeed, Allah is watchful over you in the Lucha Cana now notice this word Kana kinda gives the meaning of continuity right that always

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ever in the Lucha can already come to Cuba indeed Allah is Ever over you ever watchful, and he constantly always since always, and for always, he is observing you he is it a peep over you. And this is a warning, a threat that Allah subhanaw taala is always watching you, he sees you where others don't see you. You're always under surveillance. And at the same time in the law, Kana Alikum, la Kiva, this is also very reassuring because you know, that there's someone who is watching out for you, alright, so when you are in a situation where someone is mistreating you, especially a relative, someone is not being fair to you, almost pantalla knows he's watching. And this is also

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like a preface to what follows. And he many commands have been given, right? Where, for example, the orphans are given their rights women are given their rights, children are given their rights. Why? Because Allah is watching out for you. Right? And when Allah subhanaw taala commands you to give the rights of others it's not that he will not give you anything he's watching out for you. In the LA County, La Cumbre peba. You see, Rakeem is the one who does recover, recover rock off ba recovery is to watch over someone and to guard them. Okay? And to be very attentive and alert. Sometimes what happens is that when we're watching over something, we forget, we're not as vigilant that a peeve is

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someone who does not forget what he is watching over. He's very, very vigilant. And this is why it appeals is not just observer, for repeat also means protector. Okay? Also means protector. Like for example, if you ask someone to watch your baby, they will watch your baby for some time, you know, and then it's possible that if if, let's say it's a toddler, maybe they'll forget in a little while that you know, the toddler just walked off into the kitchen and you don't know what they're doing. They forget. But you as a mother, as a father, as someone who is very attentive, you are very protective, you know that if he's gone off into the kitchen, he might open a drawer and find

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something that he could hurt himself with. So you don't forget Allah subhanaw taala is Rocky. He never forgets his creation. And he he does not abandon them. He is vigilantly watching over them. And in Allah Carnaroli camera Kiba and he This means first of all that he is it'll keep over he's watching over your thoughts, your glances. What you think about what you do, whether or not you follow what He has commanded you to do. Right and then repeat also means that he is protecting you watching out for you taking care of you he has not abandoned you. Allahu Akbar. This is so comforting. Any it's frightening and comforting at the same time frightening in regard to your

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obligations and comforting in regard to your rights in the law Carnaroli condo pizza let's listen to the recitation of this ayah again, yeah you

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double A Banco levy hold up uncle

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Sue, he that you work on our poppin has

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woken up Amin has

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let it

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be he one of

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the law Hunka and

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this idea is an idea which is very familiar to people because we often hear it in gym or football and also in hot Bonica right? We

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because this is part of the hotbar Hajah

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there is a Hadith and Sunnah necessity in which we learned the Judy radula horn who said that while we were with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the early hours of the morning, some people came, and these people were dressed very poorly, and either were basically naked, barely covered, and they were barefoot, and their swords were hanging around their necks, meaning on their shoulders on their bare shoulders, and most of them and then he said, No, all of them belong to the tribe of Madonna. And he these people were visibly very poor, and visibly any they were in financial hardship, and the face of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam changed when he saw them in such

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poverty. So he went to his house. Then he came out and he ordered Bilal to make the Adhan and the karma, and then he prayed and then he addressed the people. How did he address them? He recited this idea. Yeah, a un NASA Takakura bakoma Lily halacha Coleman Epson Wahida wahala caminhadas o Jaha. Over Thurman humeri Jalan Catherine when he saw what the colada lady Tessa Aluna be, he will harm in the Larkana Alikum la Kiba. And he also recited the idea that well tender enough some academically had. And then he said, he basically encouraged people to give some sadaqa and the reason why he recited these verses was to remind people that these are your brothers. They're hungry, they're in

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need, and you cannot ignore them.

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Right. And so what happened? A man brought a dinar, the silver coin, some other people brought it their home, a gold coin. So some people brought a gold coin some people brought silver coins, other people brought clothes, some people brought weeps, some people brought dates Subhanallah some people brought half a date, and a man from the unsought came with a bag of money which his hands could hardly lift Subhanallah the people followed one another and giving charity until God Allah de la Mourinho said I saw two heaps of food and clothing, and I saw the face of the Prophet sallallahu Ortiz that I'm shining with joy, he was so happy. And then he said, that whoever sets a good example

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in Islam, you will have the reward for that and the reward of those who act in accordance with it. So, the prophets of Allah who lives in and recited this idea when he addressed people, okay, whether it was to urge them to give charity to care for other human beings, or you know, when two people are getting married, there is Nikka or even Jamar hautbois, the Prophet sallallahu oralism, recited this idea and also other verses as part of hutzpah Holtville Hajah. Now, this idea is basically the introduction to the surah. Okay, it lays the foundation for what is coming up ahead. First of all, in this Ira we are commanded to have Taqwa of Allah. We are commanded to have Taqwa of Allah to fear

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Allah. Secondly, we are commanded to join ties of kinship, and also respect the bond of marriage, right? Both because well, hello caminhadas Oh, Jaha. Right. And then what the call or hum. And this is basically the foundation for what follows, because as you can see, the next idea, it has mentioned that gives the orphans their wealth, how can a person give to an orphan the wealth that belongs to the orphan when a person has the fear of Allah? Right? And then we see that multiple lives that issue was mentioned and justice between them is also mentioned. When can that happen? When there is fear of Allah than the law of inheritance? As mentioned, how can people carry that out

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justly and fairly, when there's fear of Allah? Right? And if people don't do these things, then of course, ties of kinship will be severed. If the bond of marriage is not respected, and people don't give each other their rights, then this is a clear sign that they do not fear Allah. So this idea is it sets the ground for what is coming up ahead.