Mufti Menk – Muharram and the Martyrdom of Al Hussain (RA)

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The importance of the 10th of Katana, recognized as the day after the 10th of achievements of the Prophet Muhammad, is discussed. The day is recognized as the day of peace with the wa'al, which was recognized as the day that Muhammad's peace be upon him. The importance of history and the use of narratives to explain the history of hate is emphasized, along with the need to correct hate through fabricated narratives and avoiding misunderstandings.
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Salam aleikum, my brothers and sisters the 10th of Muharram. Every year sees a dispute among members of the oma. And unfortunately people argue over what should be done, what shouldn't be done, what exactly happened and what is the significance of this day. So I wish to simplify things, and only to mention points that I think we can all nod our heads and say, yes, this is something I need.
What happened?
Initially, we did not know anything about the 10th of Muharram. Until we were told by the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, had he not told us sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we would have known nothing about the 10th of Muharram. And perhaps we wouldn't have held it in any significance, but he did tell us so that becomes irrelevant. He told us, what did he say? Well, when they arrived in Madina, munawwara, the Jews of Medina, the Jewish community of Medina, not necessarily the entire Jewish faith, but those who were in Madina munawwara they used to fast on this day, the 10th of Muharram. And the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was told when they inquired why they fasted,
that well this was the day that the Prophet Moses May peace be upon him, Musa alayhis salam was saved. So there is discrepancy as to being saved from the pharaoh being saved in any other way. But the majority say saved from the Pharaoh. So the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said, Well, we are more deserving of the Prophet Musa or Moses May peace be upon him than them. So we will fast this day, he fast the 10th. And then he said, If I am around next year, I will fast the ninth and the 10th, to make it two days so that I can be different from this community. So Subhana Allah, that was the significance to celebrate or commemorate the victory of the oppressed over the oppressor.
The lesson learned is very clear. And it is more than less than any one of us being oppressed. It's not going to last forever, a day will come when you will have victory, wow. SubhanAllah, I'm happy, I'm excited about that. So a day will come when you will have victory, things will change your tough days cannot last forever, Allah will definitely give you days of ease. And as for those who are oppressors you wrong, people, you harm them, you make their lives difficult, you abuse them, your day is coming to so you'd rather turn to Allah before that day, unlike the pharaoh who didn't turn until he was punished, then it was too late. So that, in a nutshell, is the undisputed significance
of this particular day, among the Muslims. Among the Muslims, we believe that yes, there is significance. And we believe that it is the victory of the oppressed over the oppressor. And the vast majority would say it is as soon as too fast. It's not compulsory, you don't have to fast but it's as soon as too fast. And if you're fasting, it's better to fast two days. And if really, you were able to just fast one day, it's okay. Now, decades later, after the profits of salams time,
one of his grandsons and Hussein Oh, and her saying them the idea of their loved one, Homer
was martyred. He was martyred on the same day by who by others who were also companions or who were Muslim. Okay? They said the Shahada. They declared themselves as Muslim they read Salah, but the hypocrites made them fight and I'm simplifying this too, for the lowest level of understanding. So here you have two groups of Muslims. And the hypocrites made them fight each other until they murdered each other which resulted in the murder, or the martyrdom of and her saying the banally are of the Allahumma. One of the greatest of the companions of the Prophet SAW Selim and her saying the banality of the Allahumma the son of the fourth Khalif of Islam, the son of the cousin of the
Prophet Mohammed salam, but primarily the grandson, the son of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam we are saddened we bleed every year when we think of it and every time we think of it, not necessarily only during this occasion, but throughout the year. It's it's a point of sadness, but what I believe the lesson we haven't learned to this day, we are still fighting each other, still killing each other. What did we learn? Primarily, what's of the greatest importance is the lesson like I said, the one about oppression, the one about the oppressed. Similarly, the one about allowing hypocrites to make you fight each other and kill each other
You're saying the Shahada on both sides? Why are you killing each other? Why do you have so much of hate for each other within the oma? That is something we need to remedy. And I think an occasion like this, if you know the reality of it, and you are true to the deen of Allah, and you are true to Allah, you will actually learn the lessons from what happened to her saying him nearly out of the Allahumma rather than making it an occasion of hate. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us goodness. So you have people who say, oh, let's celebrate by distributing good food and so on. And this day, I believe, that's a fabrication. I wouldn't do that. I don't want to do it. There are others who say,
well, the narration is okay. That's up to you. I believe that's the narration fabricated. Islam does not give importance to food and drink except during the two reads. That's it. Otherwise food and drink on an occasion like this? No. I personally believe that narration is fabricated. If you don't Alhamdulillah I'm not going to fight you because I've learned a lesson that what's more important is not to kill each other over something. It's a difference of opinion. Subhana Allah, however, there is the other side of the coin people who are so saddened and they believe you can or cannot get married, they believe you have to wear black, they believe you have to beat yourself, etc. That also
is a fabrication. To me, that's a fabrication, because you're missing the whole point. The whole point was something happened in the history later on, after decades after the Prophet Muhammad Salah Salah. And we didn't learn a lesson from that.
We didn't we still don't have the love, we still don't have the care, we still don't have the goodness, the good feeling in the hearts. Rather we are filled with more hate than they and we are filled with the readiness and preparedness to kill each other. So panela over over matters that we disagree on sometimes. My brothers and sisters I wish to say no matter what sector you belong to, don't kill others. Don't you may believe you are right. It's okay. You as a human being you have the right to believe you're right I believe I'm right to but how you communicate that don't you have the confidence in the truth that you are rolling such that you can present your opinion and its
evidences and walk away? That's it. You know, the duty of the messenger sallallahu Sallam was to convey the message my alma, Selena and Bella. So we are the followers of the messenger convey the message? Look, I believe this. I've given it to you. And I believe we should actually learn the lesson which is more important than anything else. For me. The significance of the 10th of Muharram primarily is that of the victory of the oppressed over the oppression, oppressor and depression.
The story of Musa alayhis salam and the Pharaoh and perhaps the fasts that come in the Sahaba narrations and thereafter, what happened in history is a lesson. It's a lesson. We don't really draw the lesson we don't really take heed. And still we make a big noise during this occasion. And we actually defeat the entire purpose of whatever happened. May Allah grant us goodness, I want to call on you all my brothers and sisters, while you're doing whatever you believe you have to do.
To understand we are one oma, come what may, no matter how much you feel that the other man who's saying a shadow Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, wa shadow, Mohammed Rasulullah is a deviant. He has said that Shahada and who knows that will come to his rescue by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala on the Day of Judgment. May Allah forgive me, I thought really, I would mention this. I am in no ways belittling anything that happened on this day. For me, one of my heroes is Al Hussein dibny idea of the law one woman and he should be for every Muslim, the family of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him should be more important than our own families and ourselves. Indeed. But what's the lesson
we learned? That's the question, do we still go around, falling into the trap of the same hypocrites who make us hate each other, fight each other kill each other? While we belong to the same Omar? Can we not respectfully in a very dignified way express what differences we have and refrain from swearing each other calling each other dirtiest of names? May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the lesson. I hope we've benefited from this. And I hope that we've not misunderstood what I've tried to say aku loco leha was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.