Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J04-051F Tafsir Aal-e-Imran 165-168
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Then Allah subhanaw taala dresses the believers. Oh Allah ma sobre como si button called a Sabaton Mithila autumn Anna Haida, and is it not that when a single disaster struck you, although you had struck the enemy with one twice as great, you said From where is this? Allahu Akbar, Allah subhanaw taala has spoken the truth in everything that he has said. You see it or heard after the battle. The Muslims looked at their condition, what was their condition, the prophets of Allah who are innocent and was wounded in his head, his teeth were broken, his head was bleeding. The uncle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had been killed, his body had been terribly mutilated, many among the
Muslims had been killed, and their bodies had also been mutilated. And they were believers, who did not associate any partner with Allah. They had come here in the way of Allah. Right? They affirmed the Messenger of Allah salAllahu alayhi salam, they believed in him, and this is what they suffered at the hands of the kuffar of their enemy. This is what they suffered at the hands off people who worship idols. And you can imagine what what was going on in the minds of the Muslims, that we're supposed to be Muslims were supposed to be on the truth. And these people, the worshipers of idols have done this to us. So much so that idolaters are gloating, or Allahu, well, they're glorifying
their idols as if to humiliate us. So all this happened, and even more, and it was all very humiliating and very painful for the Muslims. So yes, they wondered, and now Harada where did this come from? From where is this meaning? How did this happened? Min Aina Asaba? How did this humiliation and loss come upon us? Where were from when we believe when we are fighting in the way of Allah along with the Messenger of Allah who was among us, and Allah has promised us His help, and he did help us before it better. So why have we suffered so much now? How come this is our condition? How come how can we didn't win? How can they killed so many of us? So Allah subhanaw
taala puts things into perspective. How first of all, Allah subhanaw taala says a sabbatical Musa, okay, a Sabbath commit struck you mostly but a calamity that yes, you have suffered something right now at or hurt. And what was it that they suffered at 170 Muslims were killed, right, this is a Sabbath como Sliva, the masiva that struck the Muslims that are heard was that 70 of them had been killed. But what kind of mostly by is this, a sub two myth lay her God, indeed a sub don't use truck myth lay her twice, it's like, myth lay is a dual of methyl. Any, you caused double loss to the enemy already double of what they struck you with? You gave them before, when at Brother, how that
you killed 70 of them at birth, and you captured 70 of them also. So they sustained the loss of 140 at birth, and you now have only sustained a loss of 70 Half the loss that you inflicted on them. So first of all, the Muslims are told, Don't forget what you did to them. Right? Don't forget that you're still better off than them. You cause them double damage of what they have caused you right now. And you're saying uh now haha, how did this happened? Why did this happen when we are Muslims? Now, the beginning of the I O Allah ma? This is a question is what and Lemma when meaning when you suffered what you suffered at or hood? While the fact is that you struck twice of that at brother?
Then why is it the earth the Hunza? This is a question that why is it that you said now at Ohio and Nevada? Meaning Why are you responding in this way? Why have you become so impatient? And why are you wondering that are now whether the answer is given Cole who amener in the unfussy comb, say it is from yourselves. Meaning say, oh Prophet salallahu Alaihe salam to those who are wondering, and Nahata How can the enemy managed to harm us? Tell them that this is from yourselves, honey, this is a trial from Allah. Allah is not unable to help you. Allah is not unable to give you victory all the time. But when you fall short, then he lets you taste the consequence of your actions. This is why
Allah subhanaw taala said Who am in your Indian physique and this is because of yourselves. Any you yourselves have caused this masiva what you have suffered today is a result of your own actions, which actions first of all your disobedience
When the archers left their posts, right, the prophets of Allah who were interested in give them very clear instructions do not leave until I tell you. So when they fled the battlefield and also later on when there was chaos in the battlefield and the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam was calling them, they weren't even looking back. They weren't even paying attention to his call. They were just fleeing, running away from the battlefield. So who am i You're in the Infoseek home if you stood your ground. If you listen to your prophet, if you calm down in that situation and reorganize yourself, you would not have suffered what you suffered. And remember when they accidentally killed
the father of her they follow the law and learn who what happened or they follow the law or no kept telling them it's my father. It's my father, but they weren't listening. So things like that happened. Men are in the unfussy comb. Don't blame anyone realize that this is because of you. And then secondly, the ruler Mercy who am in your in the unfussy comb, it is from yourself, this is actually referring to your decision to fight a full on face to face battle, your insistence to fight the battle, even when the Prophet salallahu or an incident told you about your dream and his preference, to remain in the security of Medina and defend from there. Right. If you remember, I
mentioned to you at the beginning of the verses about the Battle of Muhammad, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he wanted to remain in Medina and defend from there and he told them about his dream, but many companions who were eager to fight. They said, No, no, no, we want to go, we should go and fight them face to face, and they insisted their voices were loud. So the prophets of Allah who are listening accepted that so who am in your Indian physical mu one of this, you wanted to have a face to face battle, and you wanted the shahada, FISA beat Allah, so cool women are in the unfussy comb. Now, there's a beautiful lesson in this, that first of all, even when a believer suffers what
appears to be loss, in reality, he has actually gained more, okay, because, yes, they were struck by masiva. But they had inflicted twice like that on their enemy before. Right? You know, anytime that you experienced some kind of pain or loss or any kind of hardship, don't just focus on that, look at your whole life story. Look at the big picture, and look at the blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has also given you, you know, in the modern history of slavery in the modern history of slavery. And what this means is that there's one difficulty and ease and the same difficulty and another ease, meaning one difficulty cannot overcome double ease. Right? So yes, you might be going through an
incredibly hard time, but in this incredibly hard time, Allah subhanaw taala has also given you ease from here and ease from there, and ease from so many places. So don't just pity herself and think under her. Why is this happening to me? How come this is happening to me? Right? Think good. Think positive about Allah azza wa jal, and you will see that in the situation that you're in last, Python has also provided you a lot of ease, a lot of blessings. Right? Then the second thing that we learn here is that all women are in the unphysical, don't look for external reasons to blame, realize that this is a result of your own choices. You see, if Allah subhanaw taala did not show us the
consequences of our shortcomings or the consequences of our bad decisions, then we would never realize our errors, we would never improve. You know, for example, if you write an essay, and you mess up the referencing, okay, and you get your assignment back, and you see that your mark is quite low. You can just sit there and say, uh, nah, ha the How did this happen? No, this happened because you didn't pay attention to the referencing. But isn't that going to teach you an important lesson it will, next time that you are doing the references, you're going to check your assignment and the places where you made a mistake to ensure that you don't repeat the same mistake. Right. So
sometimes we make bad decisions, like the companions did in the Battle of or heard they insisted on doing a face to face battle. Right. And the Prophet sallallahu Ellison did not want to do that because he knew that they weren't ready for that. He knew that that is much harder. That is much more risky. He wanted to remain in the safety of Medina, but the Companions insisted, so he didn't argue. He agreed. And later on when they went and apologized and said, No, no, it's okay. We'll stay in Medina. He said, No, now we have to stick to the plan. We can't keep changing our plan. Once we decide something, we have to stick to it. Alright. So the thing is that sometimes we make
decisions emotionally instead of logically, we make decisions in anger, in frustration, you know, with impatience out of haste. And then Allah subhanaw taala lets us see the consequences of our bad decisions. And then what happens? We realize, right next time we're put in a similar situation, we slow down, right? We take our time, we think we discuss, we pray, we make draw, and then we make a better decision. So when Allah subhanaw taala lets us experience the consequences of our bad choices. That helps us improve. So yes, cool women are in the unfussy calm what you have suffered here is from yourselves it's because of yourself Yes, but in that also is higher. Right? So they
were wondering a Nahata Well, how did this happen? Why did this happen? How come Allah did not help us? So they're told that no, don't blame Allah? Check yourselves who am in your in the unfussy come in Allah, Allah aqualisa in Cadiz, indeed, Allah is Able to do all things he is able to help you. He is able to give you victory, he is able to protect you from your enemy, he's able to give you what you desire. The shortcoming is on his part, it is actually on your part. In Allah Allah condition encoded, the thing is that some people they want to live their life in such a way that you know, I should be able to do whatever I please. And Allah subhanaw taala should constantly protect me from
the consequences of my foolishness. But that's not how it works. Allah is Able to protect you he has. But when you make foolish choices and Allah will also let you taste the consequences of your foolishness so that you grow you become a better person because you want to get to Jannah and in order to get to gender you have to be good. In Allah Allah Khalifa included, then Allah subhanaw taala says women are Saba calm, yo multiple Germani Furby is Nila warmer, Asaba calm and whatever reached you. And by the way, the word of Saba Saba Musa all of these words are from Saudi Alba. So whatever that reached you, meaning whatever struck you, when Yo Ma on the day, which day in the
culture Moran that the two groups met iltacon met from lamb Coffea Ultra man duel of the word Gemma group. So whatever struck you, on the day that the two groups met for the evening, Allah, then remember that it is by the permission of Allah will er Allah will walk meaning and so that Allah makes the believers known. What a beautiful lesson. You see, ultimately, whatever happened on the day of budget, right, whatever, that the Muslims suffered on the day of butter on the battle of butter, and whatever that happened, from their decision to go to have to fight the enemy, face to face, and their mistake in leaving their posts, and then the sudden attack of the enemy, and then
the Muslims fleeing from the battlefield, and then the loss of lives, the injuries that they sustained, the mutilation of the dead, right? All of this happened for the hidden Allah, all of this happened by the permission of Allah, all of this happened as per the decree of Allah. Okay. And the decree of Allah, remember, it is based on his wisdom. So everything that happened and everything that they suffered, okay, it happened for the evening Allah. And this is such an important rule to remember. Nothing happens without the permission of Allah. Okay? You know, when you experience some kind of loss or pain, you find yourself in some kind of hardship. You begin to think what mistake
did I do? Where did I go wrong? This a punishment, what's happening, right you think like this. So, the first thing you need to tell yourself is forbidden Allah. This happened by the permission of Allah meaning this was decreed in Surah Turabian i 11 Allah subhanaw taala says ma Saba we will see but in elaborate nila, there is no disaster that strikes except by the permission of Allah. So all trials come by the permission of Allah. And this is why when something doesn't go as planned, we say it a little low on my show a foreign This is the decree of Allah and Allah does what He wills we don't say a now hada How did this happen? Why did this happen? How come this is not fair? These are
not statements that befit the believers. Now there is a question, why would Allah allow something like that to happen? Like for example, when the believers were making a bad decision of going out of Medina and facing the enemy in battle? Why didn't Allah Subhan
Nutana just prevent them. Or, for instance, when the archers were making the mistake of leaving their posts, then why didn't Allah subhanaw taala just prevent them? Why did Allah subhanaw taala let that happen for the edun Allah? Why did Allah allow that to happen? Well, there are many reasons. There is much wisdom and Allah subhanaw taala mentioned some of them over here while er lemon mean that he might know the believers when he Arlen will mean in any Allah subhanaw taala that this happened for a reason. And what is that reason to know the believers? When Dr. Llama, Latina, Navajo, and also to know those people who had hypocrisy and need to know who the believers are and
who the hypocrites are? Now yarnover means he knows any Allah would know, does Allah already not know before even he created the creation, of course, he does raise him here means roja any, that he will see any he will manifest His knowledge. Because Allah subhanaw taala already knows. But he will only give reward or punishment after people perform those actions. This is like you know that someone is guilty, but you cannot punish them until you prove them guilty until there is a crime that is seen and evidence is there. Right? So Allah already knows who the sincere believers and who the hypocrite is. But when disaster strikes, then people's reality comes out. Right? So in Ohio, the
what happened, the sincere believers were now known. They were seen. And the hypocrites also were now known, they were seen their reality was revealed. So difficult situations reveal the truth of people. Right? Well, Yarlung will movement in and yes at or hurt the real believers were exposed? Right those who strove to fight until their last breath who defended the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam risking their own lives. Subhan Allah, and then you have the hypocrites. They also showed their true colors when he Harlem AlLadhina naffaa Who are heard revealed the hypocrites, right? And if you think about it, up until the time of the Battle of Ohio, it was actually trendy to become
Muslim. It was the right thing to do. Because the victory of budder showed that Muslims were on the truth they were here to stay. There were a new force. So a lot of people superficially embraced Islam after the Battle of butter, right and they used their Muslim identity to enjoy the benefits of being Muslims and they were hopeful that okay, next battle means you know, war booty and you know what, we're going to win something. We're going to get richer, deep within the actually Harvard great enmity for Islam and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so that had to be exposed, you know, are to love and obey what he would do. You know, when the Prophet sallallahu Ernest and him
would come forward, Jamal, huzzah. Abdullah bin obey would get up and he would start addressing the people praising the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam and telling people that you know believe in Him and follow Him and you know, as if he was here promoting the prophets of Allah who already have center, but in reality, there was hypocrisy. So his hypocrisy was exposed at the Battle of a herd. Right. So what happened at a herd? Were P Lella. Hoon Darlow. Katya Luffy Sabina, LA, he a widow. Any boyhood was to expose those people who it was set to them come fight in the way of Allah or at least defend. Okay, and this is the hypocrites of the Lebanon obey and his companions on the
surface. They said that they were Muslim. So they were called to do what Muslims were going to do it or heard, right because they were told Tolo comm RT Luffy subete Allah fight in the way of Allah with the firewall or at least defend Subhan Allah some Muslims actually said to the hypocrites, that come let's fight in the way of Allah and you can see the excitement over here Thalo Cotonou visa been Allah in a while we have a chance to fight in the way of Allah come on, let's go. But when the hypocrites didn't seem equally eager, the believer set to them. Okay then it for all come and defend the for her is to repel, any repel the enemy as in let's defend ourselves. And if you're not eager
to fight, then since the enemy is coming, you have no choice but to defend because you're coming for all of us, and you defend yourselves or at least defend us. We're your people. Right? We're together, right? He at least defend your tribesmen. And some say that it fair will defend over here. What it means is that if you don't want to actively fight than just come along, and stay with us so that at least your presence would add to our numbers. And that would be a source of strength and defense for us. But did they listen? No they did not our beloved obey
left with 300 people went back to Medina. He did not fight and he did not defend and he abandoned the Muslims. So Subhanallah his hypocrisy was exposed Palu they said meaning the hypocrites, a Lavina naffaa coup. They said that lo nairaland will Pete Ireland let the Varna come low narla Will if we knew Thailand fighting, let the barnacle we would have followed you how we learn that of the livan Ahmed even had on he was actually the father of Javid of in our villa or the LA horn. So Lebanon would have been had on but the LA Mourinho he actually went after Abdullah bin obey. Remember, as the Muslims were headed towards or hood or delivered obey. He was leaving now with 300
people, right he was going back to Medina. So Abdullah bin Ahmed and haram went after Abdullah bin obey as he was leaving, and he caught up to him and he said, Edina, where are you going? Diallo? katello feasable Allah, come find in the way of Allah, what are you turning away from this is a great opportunity, find in the way of Allah. And even if you don't agree with the plan, even if you wanted something else, even if you know your suggestion was not taken, stick to the plan, you're getting a chance to fight in the way of a law. And if you're not eager to fight in the way of a law, if you don't believe then at least in the firewall, this is a time to defend all of us. How could
you leave us? How could you abandon us? So our beloved obey, replied, lo narla multicolumn, let the Varna come. If we knew fighting, we would have followed you. This statement has been understood in a number of ways. First of all, it's been understood as low narla Will Peterlin. If we knew fighting as in how to fight, then let the Varna come, we would have followed you, we would have come with you, you see, of the love and obey suggested that people stay inside Medina and the defense from there. Right. So he said, now that I don't know how to fight face to face. I don't know this kind of battle. This is not my skill. I only know how to defend, you get it? He said that lo narla. Will
Kitara let the Varna come if I knew how to fight a face to face battle, I would come but I don't know how to do this. I'm sorry. I can't do this. I don't know this. I'm going back home. Was he truthful in this? No, he was actually lying, because the people of yesterday had been waging war against one another. And there was Civil War for decades. Of course, they knew how to fight. Another interpretation lo narla multilotto. Varna con, is that if we knew Lunarlon, or if we knew Pete Island fighting, meaning if we knew this to be a theta, then yes, we would come. But this is not actually war. This is self annihilation. So he was mocking that you call this battle. This is not
battle. This is self destruction. Look at you. You're so few and look at the enemy. So big, so many. Look at you. You're so weak, and you have limited resources. And look at the enemy. So strong, so many so well equipped, you're going to fight them? How could you fight them? This is not possible. This is not a war. This is not battle. This is self destruction. This is self annihilation. So I don't call this battle. I'm not going to be a part of this. I don't agree I'm not going to be a part of this. Or it means the third interpretation is low. narla more Patala let the Varna come in, if we knew that there would be Epital if we knew that there was going to be a battle, we would come in if
we had known before. Any I was not told before. I'm not ready. There is no clicker. Any. We're not ready for this. I should have been informed way before. I'm not prepared. I should have been given a memo two months before this is not fair. Any however you interpret this, all of this is what excuses and lies right to get away to not participate in the battle. Allah subhanaw taala says, home lil Kufri yo mama even Accra boomin home lil Eman, home de meaning Alladhina Natha co those who were hypocrites who said such things who were invited to fight but they refused with excuses and lies. They were Lillico free to disbelieve. Yo Ma even that day meaning the day of or hurt. They were a
caribou. Closer men home than they were lil Iman to Eman ne on that day. They were closer to disbelief than they were to Iman. staford Allah. He on the surface they said that they believed. But that day, the truth of their hypocrisy was exposed. How they were closer to cover than they were to Eman. Alright, how are they closer to Cofer than
Iman on that day, when they abandoned the people of iman, when they distanced themselves from Iman, when a person goes out to fight in the way of Allah, this is what part of iman. But when a person abandons this, this is closer to COVID. When a person is closer to the people of Eman, they're closer to Him. And when a person distances themselves from the people of Yemen they're distancing themselves from email. And this statement shows us that the state of faith changes a person can draw closer to Iman and closer to cover. So we should constantly be praying to Allah subhanaw taala to preserve our email. So whom will COFRA Yama in Accra woman whom will email on the day that they
abandoned the Muslims they were actually closer to Cofer than they were to email your coluna be of where he him? They were saying with their mouths? No they were just saying with their mouths what they were saying was not coming from their heart. And if Why is the plural off actually from from is mouth, okay. And Fah full fee these are different forms as well you know, used for the mouth. So they were saying with their mouths my lathe if you could be him what was not in their hearts, meaning they were lying. So when they said lo narla Will pidana let the barnacle This was actually a lie. Wala who Arlen will be my UK Timon and Allah is most knowing of what they conceal meaning of
the hypocrisy that they conceal in their hearts. So this is a completely exposed the hypocrites and it humiliated them. The prophets of Allah who are who said I'm sad about the believer about the Muslim that the Muslim is the brother of a Muslim, he does not oppress him, he does not desert him and he does not look down on him. And what happened over here, the hypocrites abandon the Muslims, and they also look down on them by mocking at them. Then Allah subhanaw taala further exposes the hypocrites Alladhina those who are lonely who Annie him, said about their brothers were Cardew while they set and he now this is talking about the hypocrites who returned to Medina right? And who were
sitting back at home and their brothers in lineage any the Muslims who had died in a herd, right so the hypocrites said about them, lo Athar owner Maputo, if they had obeyed us they would not have been killed. If you remember earlier we learned that if hamata if a tiny men come and have Shala will Allahu Allah Uma, when are the Leben obey left with 300 people, then there were two groups of the believers who were about to lose heart, right and they were about to go along with our beloved and obey. But Allah subhanaw taala was their friend and Allah subhanaw taala gave them the courage to stay, so they stayed, and when they stayed, many of them were killed. So the hypocrites now said
about them, if they had obeyed us if they had come back to Medina with us, they would not have been killed. Look at their commentary. First, they didn't come to help. And then later on, they criticize those who sacrifice their lives. And then lo Athar ona can also be understood as if they had obeyed us by not going out of Medina to face the battle. Meaning they should have listened to us and decided to fight the enemy from Medina. In a UC there are people who will say things later, like I told you, so you should have listened to me. Right? I mean, these kinds of statements don't bring any benefit. The only thing they do is that they make other people feel worse than before. Right? So
this is what the hypocrite said lo Athar owner marco de Loup. I told you so, we said, If only they had listened to us, if they had listened to us, so many people would not have been killed. Allah subhanaw taala says Poland say meaning to such hypocrites that Phaedra or unfussy C'mon Malta In Kuntum Saudi pain, then prevent death from yourselves if you should be truthful, federal federal law is from the Dallara Hamza, and is the effort to repel any repel death from yourselves. Protect yourself, save yourself from dying, if you're truthful, truthful in what in your claim that it had they obeyed you they would not have died. Honey, you don't control life and death. You cannot
protect yourself from death. If you can, by your smart choices, then go ahead protect yourself from death forever, can you? No you cannot. So Allah subhanaw taala rejects such commentary that you know you are not able to avert death from yourself by making the most perfect decisions. How long will you live by protecting yourself from potential dangers? How long can you live by not taking risks? So don't fear death? And don't fear loss and don't fear pain? And out of these fears don't just you know live like a coward? No, you have to take risks. You have to go forth in the way of Allah. And yes, as you take these risks as you step out of your comfort zone
You do something you go out in the way of Allah, you will experience hardships but you know what? Those hardships will help you grow. Even if you are to blame, then it's okay because you will grow you will become better you will learn a lesson and these hardships will become a means of purification. Allah Subhana Allah says and so to zap verses 16 and 17 that Calais and Farah Komal Ferrara in federal terminal Moti are will cut today that never can fleeing help you any if you try to flee from death or from being killed, he fleeing cannot protect you from death. Fleeing cannot protect you from dying will either lead to materna Illa Cadila. And even if you were to flee, you
cannot live for long anyway. And then the next is Palmen the lead ER Similkameen Allah He in Arada become su n o Radha become Rama, who can save you from Allah if Allah intends evil for you, or if Allah intends mercy for you. So if Allah has decided that you die at a certain time at a certain place, you're dying, then your smart decisions to protect yourself will not help you. So the hypocrites you know, their thinking is being rejected over here. If only they had listened to us, I told you so any thinking that they have to make the smartest decisions always to protect themselves from any potential dangers and risks. Life is full of risks. There's dangers everywhere. Of course,
this doesn't mean that you become careless and foolish in the decisions that you make. No, you weigh the pros and cons and you weigh your options and you see which one is the best. And then you put your trust in Allah and if any harm any hardship comes along the way expect the best from Allah for your patience and learn from that and grow through that. All right, let's listen to the recitation. I want
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on when he is wanting him long.
domes on the right will conclude over here Subhan Allah humo the hemlock shadow Allah Illa illa Anta Sofitel Cava to buoy Lake wa salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh