Adnan Rajeh – Matn Alajurroomiyyah #01

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the structure of Arabic writing, including the use of multiple translation options and reading in order to understand the language. They emphasize the importance of learning the writing system for writing in Arabic and the use of proper grammar and past tense in order to convey a clear meaning. The speakers also explain the meaning behind "has" in English and provide examples of how to identify it using various markers and past tense. They emphasize the importance of continuously learning and keeping up with technology to improve writing skills. The speakers also discuss the use of "fit" in Arabic writing and how it can be interpreted as "fit."
AI: Transcript ©
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Maya Hamer, hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam wa barakaatuh says, you know, have you been humbling, right?

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So what the workbooks have

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is the text twice. So it's written twice the first time, it has literal translation under it. So every sentence right under it is the translation in English. And then the text again, if you take a look at it, go like the middle to the middle of the of the booklet that you have, you will find that the text is written only in Arabic, and there is enough space under it for you to write notes. You see how it works? So that's a text again, so the text is pretty short. Did you get one brother? No has English hectic ticket because it has Yes, translated. So the first you have to take that one. So the first

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the beginning of it is has the literal translation. And then the second half it is the text again, with no translation but enough space for you to write notes under it. So I just made it like that. So that you can you can read the translation if you if you struggled with understanding the what I said. And then you have a space to actually go and write down notes. If you want to write write some notes in Sharla. And there's a lot of stationery in there when it comes to pens and pencils and stuff. Whatever you need to use it feel free to use inshallah nope, no problem.

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So what is the text called? What is it?

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So it's called? I'll write it down here.

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So this doesn't work.

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first casualty, yes.

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Are there any left? Are they all used up? All right.

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Yeah, so you can just look at that when anyone's using it, then I'll make more I'm gonna make it make at least 10 or 15. More inshallah for next week.

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So it's called Animoca Dima

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Zhuo, Rumia.

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It's always a good sign when you can't even read the name, right.

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It's always a good sign if you can't even read the name of the of the text. So it's a very here that the name is a bit

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weird, let's say nothing else. Why? Because it was written by a man

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called Ibnu. Your room? Right? And so if you paid attention yesterday, the man who wrote circa Shafi mitten Bucha, his name is Ahmed and has been asked for Hani right. So he from Osbourne, which is a part of Iran and or Pakistan today. So he's not Arab, in his origins, and even as your room is not Arab in his origins, either. Remember, we talked about that a couple of times, and I told you that most scholars will written you know, texts that still exist today weren't Arabs, and their origins are actually and this man who's who's writing the most famous text on Arabic, linguistics, grammar and literate, and

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when it comes to vocabulary, stuff like that, the most famous text is called the mirage of Romania. And it is written by a man who was not in his origins, even Arabic, right, so his name is Ibnu your room, that's why we read it.

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Joe Rumia Oh, I didn't even put the well look at me.

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Sorry about that. So there's a while here.

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Even better, the teacher can't even write the name, right. So that makes it even better. So you're Rumia Alright, so that's what it's called, just in case you wonder you want to quote it. Now it is, it's a very, very famous text in in Arabic grammar to the point where it's always the number one text to go to if you're learning how to windsurf if you're learning how to work out the Arabic

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grammar and the rulings and guidelines of putting sentences together. So it's always the first text to go to and then after that, they do something a couple of them by the solder and then after that, they do something called Alveta Ben Malik the 1000

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verses of poetry written by him and Malik that summarize all the Arabic language and then the very famous explanation on that is called Shadow monarchy, the installation of monarchy and that is the highest you can go to. So if you study that, and then you know everything there is to know you know, from a, I guess a moderate point of view about Arabic grammar, you will only go beyond that if you want to become a specialist and only within the field now. So what we will do is want to read the text, the text, you can read it with me in the beginning of the of the booklet that you have, so you can understand the wordings and then if I put any notes or comments you can go to the part where

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there's a comment displace for comment and you can you can you can fill that in Inshallah, I'm going to take some

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so we're starting in Mocha DML as your Rumia, which is a text in Arabic grammar, right. So it's the basic text within Arabic grammar. And it usually is the building brick is the first building block when it comes to actually learning how to put sentences together understand how the language works.

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I will add to it a lot, meaning I will do a lot of commentary on this text, meaning I'll actually kind of sidetrack of it and go into things that me that I know are beneficial for those who are learning Arabic as a second language, because for me, I've taught this text many times before, to not to Arabic speaking people, but not to non Arabic speaking, meaning I've taught this to those who Arabic is their first language, not their second, so it's gonna be a bit of a challenge for me to teach it to those who Arabic is a second language. So I'm gonna have to add a lot of commentary explanation. Yes.

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So this is for note taking that is made that way so that you can take notes. So the point of it is that so if I'm explaining it in commentary, you immediately can go there and write down anything that you want to write down. So that's why I added it to the to the booklet inshallah. And I'll make more copies if anyone didn't get a copy as

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you need.

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Yes, I'll make I'll make copies for next a few days. So if you didn't get a copy, they just let me know that you didn't get a copy, and I'll make one for you Inshallah, by next time, you'll have it.

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So the ones that I made have English and Arabic in them. So that one that you have have English and Arabic, it's that person English, go to the middle of the thing, go, there you go. And that's the beginning the Arabic right, so it's kind of cut in half, I'm divided in half now. So we're gonna read and show the text. At the end of each session, I will take

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sources like three letter words, this, the order, and then I'll derive do some derivatives from them, and teach you how to derive from a three letter base, how to drive different words from it. So once you once you get the hang of that, you'll get the hang of it, and then you'll understand exactly how you're going to do it in the future. Because it's important part of understanding how the Arabic language works. It's a very, very logical language, it's wisdom is its mathematical, once you understand how things work, that's pretty much how it works for 90% of all the different situations that you're going to be faced with insha Allah so we've again got it as your roomie you

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are Hey mahalo data, he says, Al Kalam, who will love them and Morocco, Abu al movida will work but I don't have the translation. So, someone has to read the translation for me.

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So, what is the translation that is used or someone maybe the

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speech is the composing or utterance which is beneficial in its placement or composition, alright. So Kalam in speech, what is said, this is the definition of of scholars of grammar, not philosophers, right. So, these are the scholars of grammar for them, speech is lawful, lawful is translated as utterance or what's that saying, right? So saying or utterance elmora COMM that is composed or that is put together with more than one word or has more than one element or component that is that is that is making it animal feed that is beneficial, by the way that is composed. So, the point of this definition that you need to think about is it will feed it has to be beneficial

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for scholars of grammar, it has to be something that is beneficial, it has to give a meaning. So if I say

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by say, Abdul Rahman, the smart, the intelligent, the good looking the tall, the

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then I said, I stop, right. And he said, like 15 words, for scholars of grammar for now Yein does not color and does not speech, because there was no benefit in what I just said, I just described, I didn't give a full sentence. full sentence would be the what this that is coming today, or is is here for for the lesson. So there's there's a couple there's actually a piece of information that was added, just just describing something, without giving a full sentence for the Pete for the scholars of now does not is not seen as speech, it has to be properly the sentence has to give a fuller understanding of what it's was talking about. So so in Arabic, it's interesting because you

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can say a sentence that has maybe 50 words in it all descriptive, a summary of the sky, or Safiya to Zarco, the the highest sky the the blue highest, you can say like 1550 Different words of description, all that is not seen as Yanni speech. On the other hand, you could say

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and that's the sentence. This is speech.

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All right, because it's a command.

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Wow. Right. So this is the beginning of the struggle in the agony of understanding Arabic. Why means understood, comprehended, is aware of why right. So if you want to command someone to understand something you will say, very sorry, means.

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Be aware. Understand. I'll give you an example. Worker. You know, taqwa Taqwa comes from the same origin of WakaWaka is to protect oneself. Talk with us where the concept of Taqwa comes from, from a linguistic point of view. So what it means for you to protect yourself. So I want to tell you protect yourself in Arabic that I will tell you

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If you guys don't talk to him, you already know

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who I am full circle, right? Oh, and full circle. Oh is a command to protect yourselves. But it's a it's a group command. It's not a singular command. It's for more than one for it's a plural command that makes sense. So in Arabic is different than English and the terms that when you're talking to when you're using singular, or for two people, or plural, then the word will look differently. So who is for a group? And it's one person so I look at my brother, my son who's eight.

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Right? And that is that is speech for scholars of grammar. However, if I like the extensions I use from doorman does not speak to them because I didn't do I didn't say anything. It's not it's not a complete sentence. If someone gave me a tissue so I can so I can, there's a should be a tissue somewhere here. All right. So that is the

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just the first couple of words and

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then we move on and show to the world.

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It's just, you just give you the division, what speeches and that's how, that's how Islamic scholars would work. You always start by defining to the best of their ability then they move on to the first so Oxfam will call on the different divisions of speech. But you'll Rumi Rahim, Allah work, Sam Oh, who said after this, there's three components of speech, you're going to use three things for you to speak in Arabic. If someone were Fairlawn, well, headphone jack early manner. So in order for you to speak in Arabic or for you to verbally articulate something that makes sense, you're going to use three components. You're going to use some

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you're going to use

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and you're going to use something called Health.

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So ism is a noun, fairly is a verb. And then how tough is a

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preposition? Can you spell that for me? PR E.

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So it's PR EPO, right. So preposition. Alright, so a preposition. Now, how does one journeyman journeyman made me that proposition that had that it came to help explain the meaning what is the actual translation, the word for word, and Bayes meaning conveys me so it's something that gives a meaning. So, how to the preposition doesn't and it's Oh, if you use it doesn't give something clear. There has to be there has to be attached to something else in order for it to actually given me but, but it makes it easier for you to convey meaning when you have a preposition. Now even in English, we have similar a similar structure. So like in the English language in the French language, and

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every language is a similar structure, the human race, all their languages have similar structures, meaning this how these how we communicate, right?

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Have you ever anyone saw the movie arrival?

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Which you should watch a rival? It's a very interesting movie, because it talks about Of course, you know, science fiction, but an alien species come to the planet. And they want to communicate with them. But they they don't use stuff like this. They communicate differently. Of course, they'll concept is do they communicate at all? And if they do communicate, do they do they use languages and then the whole the whole movie is based on that idea. And it's just very interesting if you if you're doing not doing anything one night watch arrival, you'll it'll blow your mind anyways. So we continue in Sharla what is the difference between a noun verb and health so what a noun does, it

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represents a meaning

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unconnected to time

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that makes sense it represents a meaning that is not connected to time.

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Human Fish, person thing, these are concepts that are not connected to time. On the other hand, when you say verb, a verb will convey a meaning but it is connected to a time so it's either Molly

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or Ammar so it's either in the past

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or in the

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to help me English and then Amata is going to be a futuristic idea because you're given command

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so this is seem to be futuristic, because you're saying do that of course he's not going to do it. You know, he's going to do it and at least a second leader or a few a few minutes later, all right.

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So how the

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Agile roomie goes through this text is going to study each one, first of all, individually and then take certain concepts regarding these, these three components and go into a bit more detail. But this is what you need to know is that a noun or an ocean is a word that has a meaning that is not connected to time. There's no you don't connect it to time. Verb is a word that has a meaning that is connected to time, meaning it's going to take you it's going to give a time cost

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concept to it and then how to phrase a preposition, it has no meaning unless it is connected to one of these two, it has to be, there has to be regarding or attached to one of either a verb or a noun for it to actually have a meaning its own, it does not have a meaning on its own. Yes.

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Again, it's a word that has a meaning unconnected or unrelated to time, not related to any timing. It's a timeless concept. Right? The sun.

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Right? But doesn't have there's no time there. Unless I use a verb. I say the time the sun is shining. So it's shining. Where's it shining? Now, right as far as what I just said, because Because verbs are going to be connected to time, all the always. All right?

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So again, you know, if you find this very simple, that's good. But that's just the beginning of it. That's how you start studying. 90 days, it's always simple at the beginning, you know, just just little are simple definitions.

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All right.

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the word after that, or the the chapter after that, fell is smooth. You're awful. Now LS mo euro for LSM. The noun You're awful is going to be identified by we're going to identify it by me he's gonna give us a number of,

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of tools to identify what a noun is. And how do we know that this is a noun? If you're looking at a reading Brian, you're reading an Arabic book, how do you know this word is a noun or if it's a verb or something else, then the way you know it's going to be a noun is by a number of of tools or markers. The first one is beloved. So a lesson or the noun.

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So you've established a lesson, or lesson is a noun right is the concept of the noun. For the markers for it, you're out off Bill half a.

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mil, covered orrible, John.

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So the word Bill covered also means any jar

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so let's say that we look I'll give an example of what muffled is.

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let's do something more simple. So bismi

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Right. So this customer is one of the markers of muffled

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and only a noun can take a customer at the end of it.

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But not a customer can only can can be given often. That's not accurate because some verbs will have customized but they won't be subjected to often. So that gets

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back to running when running into Arabic language.

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Yeah, so running amok Allah or Jarrah, right?

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It is time. Well, when did he run?

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okay, so no, no. So let me explain. Yeah, so

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So, so I'll give an example. An example of a of a of a noun that

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Oh, Geryon.

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running as a noun, right? There's not it's not attached to time, but I could learn or Jodean running just a concept. Now we're not kalabaw

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This is a verb and it's saying that it's in the past, yada Kulu

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is in the present and then article

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means there's going to be command

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or you're saying that so what I'm what I'm going to try and teach you is how to identify which one is it? Is it a noun? Is it a past tense verb? Is it a present tense verb? Is it a command What is it so I'm going to help you try to learn to identify what it is by basically giving you some markers to to know about.

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So one of the markers of a

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system is called oranger. Meaning for it to be subjected to the concept of having a customer for a normal word and having other markers that are equivalent to a customer in other in other tenses. So like,

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I'm gonna give a give an idea that has like everything that in Sharla I need so locked

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in Santa

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the sunny

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So the example of

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of hovel is here,

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to go Kosovo, it's muffled, right are majeure. Macerata is what the scholars of Basra would use. And then humbled is what the scholars of Kufa was you would use. Because if you were to look at historically, Arabic linguistics went through a lot of

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evolution. And during the early years

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there were two big schools of Arabic grammar and linguistics. There was a school in Buffalo, and a school in Kufa. And there are other schools in Sherman and hijas, and other places as well. But those two schools were the most notorious and famous and the and they have and their teachings still exist today when it comes to grammar. And they both exist in Iraq today, both with Kufa and bizarre cities that exist in a rock and the cool in the caffeine, use the term Hofland for this, and then the muscle again, use the term jump for this but both of them are the same idea, meaning you cannot add the concept of hubbub to a verb. Just Just keep it at that for now. And then we'll revisit this

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in a bit more detail as we go along. So the first thing that you know a noun by is that if the marker are coupled and is attached to it, it can be subjected to the concept of coupled with 10 when

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the second marker is didn't mean

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what is it can mean.

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It's an extra noon, that comes at the end of a word, right? And it's not written as a noon, but it's written as a double Hanukkah or double movement. So it's either

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this is the line either to llama to Fatah, or to cassava, right? So if a word has been mean, then you will immediately immediately say this is a noun, it cannot be a verb because I extend me. So duck women, right? So duck, wait. So this is definitely a noun. So if you're not sure what it is, this is a noun, it's not going to be anything else because it has, because it has

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10 lien on it. Now, when I talked about this, I didn't say it was definite because sometimes a fail, a verb can have this, but it won't be something original in it and it won't be muffled like meaning the concept of covered won't be there. There'll be different, it will have a customer but for a different reason it won't because of cover. That's why this this leave this first one for until later on. And I'll explain and show in more detail as we move forward. Like it'll make sense in shell as we go along now with the hole in LSU alum and the entrance of Elif alum.

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So the whole the entrance of an LF will lamb on it.

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So the example in the ayah that I gave is L Insan.

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Right? You see I live lamb at the beginning. It's unknown. There's no Ferren that has a live lamb at the beginning of it.

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All right, so a live lamb cannot enter at the beginning of a verb. It doesn't work like that. If I live now enters on anything like insan al shrimps, el Kamar, right. All these different words that you can, if it hasn't Elif lamb at the beginning of it, and you wish MC well Baja will come at either when her either joola Will lady that Yaksha was semi Well, early, when when Epstein has attended. But all those six ones all have Alif Lam at the beginning. All of them are nouns either shumsa either new German cadet, LG Belews a year or even a shower or either so Elif LG Bell and najem you see if lamb is a noun. Now why is it well, how is it different than a verb? Nouns are

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words that give meanings without time attached to them, right? Is it

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nouns or get more conceptual? They're more

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fundamental. Meaning if I give you a sentence that only has nouns in it, then I'm giving you a rule giving you Allah if I enter if I put a verb in it, these are the Arabic language works. Done, I am subjecting this rule to time. I'm giving it a circumstance because it happened or it's happening or right because I didn't.

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I didn't

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disconnect it from time by using just nouns. I put verbs in to add time to it. So now you have to think in a more open manner UFC Oh, that's why the big rules of Islam like it cannot have a dean there is no coercion and religion all came in nouns, just nouns and there's no there's no verbs. Why? Because it's not something that is based on time is just a concept that you need to continuously understand and

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where it begins

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immediately automatically, so for these two, it's automatic. You see URL at the beginning. You see it and we're at the end any type of convene. It's known

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as a con

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Except if you understand covered, but I, it's hard for me to explain to you right now, I will explain to you later on as we build sentences, but this concept only enters now only affects nouns. But a good marker is the customer 99% of customers you will see will be it will be a noun. And there are certain exceptions, but 99% of the time. So this isn't the markers of knowns. All right. Now he continues to hang on, he says, well, roofie lovely. Well, he meaning the entrance of her roof will cover. The fourth one is the entrance of roof.

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I'll cover

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the letters. That call is called what is the word called being translated in the text as you have

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just discovered, right? So it could it's a concept. There's no word that can actually translate, I might have to explain and show as a concept as we go forward in Sharla. But there are a bunch of propositions that are called the propositions propositions of hustled. Right? And he gives the example of a number of them. So we're going to read them, give me them one by one and shallow him. Let me can I take this off? If you're taking those nyttig? Take this off, or not yet.

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Right, so I'll take this out.

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So an example of of how to fulfil would be fee. This is an example of a proposition of right here fee. So if you see this, if you see a how to fulfilled right here,

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how to write exactly the same thing. So if you have Java, or how to perform the same thing, it's easier to see general see how have you ever if you're more used to that, then have your CIO see it, then what you know is the word that is after is going to be a noun, that means it immediately doesn't come before a fed. So if you're seeing a sentence, and then you have algebra, then you put immediately after a verb, then that sentence is not, it's not properly shit, you fix that up because verbs are not preceded immediately by my propositions or any general profit propositions expenses specifically, but rather, only nouns are.

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Yeah, there'll be some visual after that there'll be a noun that is subjected to, or subjected to. So let's run up, we're gonna go through the different columns. So give me the first one,

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then, yeah.

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So these are the basic ones. Now there are more hurdles. But these are the ones we're going to start with, there gonna be a detailed explanation of these ones at the end of the text. Once we're done almost coming to the end of the text, I will go into details in a bit more detail. But for now, I will explain a few ideas regarding what the so min is translated in English to English, it will be from what did you give us?

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Just admit, yeah, because the thing is, it's almost

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impossible to translate them properly into English, because there's no perfect equivalent to any of them. But I'm gonna give them the closest thing that I can mean, you can use from for probably, you know, towards or to.

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And, now, and it's so dependent on what the

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what the word before it, and after it is that it's almost impossible for me to put a label to it, I can say I can say that it's close to from,

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from far away from

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taking from something to something else,

00:28:39 --> 00:28:40

either on

00:28:41 --> 00:28:46

not always, but close fee within or inside, or in.

00:28:48 --> 00:28:57

Roomba is a whole different. whole different ballgame when it comes to a robot means is there a translation to it? I don't think so. Do they put a translation for you? No. So, so it'll

00:28:58 --> 00:29:25

like go back and do a mock, that there are many, many times there'll be this, or many times there'll be that or observe that sometimes this happens. So it was more of a concept than than it is a house. But nonetheless, it only comes before a noun and never why are we studying these because these are markers if you see them, then immediately what what is going to be after them. No, no some listen immediately. So you see one of these is going to be dismissed.

00:29:28 --> 00:29:43

Yes, robber man just drove by with me at the end of it and is something we'll study that it's called Zed EDA, meaning you can add it to a lot of words basically uselessly or just offer an extra edge to the meaning. So that's what

00:29:44 --> 00:29:45

this is.

00:29:47 --> 00:29:56

To some extent, to some extent, you could use it for emphasis, but, but that would be a restriction to the use of usage of it. Gianni Elba is like

00:29:59 --> 00:29:59


00:30:00 --> 00:30:01

Right So Rob

00:30:07 --> 00:30:13

ism in debate at the beginning of it is a proposition or preposition, prepositions curve

00:30:16 --> 00:30:23

what examples do you have for a curve? From a fellow who? Chemically software in chemistry? So they were

00:30:25 --> 00:30:45

committed. So this calf what is the bat? What does it mean when it comes it has over 18 meanings I will I will discuss at least four of them at the end of the at the end of the text because it'll just by then it'll be it'll be easier coffee is for drawing analogies or for a simile so it's like

00:30:46 --> 00:30:49

like something likeness or likelihood

00:30:52 --> 00:31:03

so I'm like him Anna can easily right. So curve is to compare or to say this is something is like something else is similar to something else similarity so similarity

00:31:05 --> 00:31:13

you have to be patient on me when it comes to the translation sometimes it's similar to draw similarities. So if you want to say this is like this, this is similar to this used the cuff

00:31:14 --> 00:31:50

any Harley don't come wild. mean they're similar to each other and whatever with their funny haircuts. So I did come live in that sense, it works out right. So but again, don't forget why we're studying these. These are just markers is the fourth marker of how to know a noun, you know, a noun by the concept of John entering into a study that inshallah very, very soon we know what if attend Wien is at the end of it. We know it. There's an Elif lamb at the beginning of it, and we know it, if it is preceded by a head of general, we know what if one of these, one of these things exist before it lamb is?

00:31:52 --> 00:31:55

Was a good example for them. See, I used to have

00:31:56 --> 00:31:58

examples for this. Alright.

00:31:59 --> 00:32:06

The unknown, sort of Makara lillahi Mathewson, our team of so little.

00:32:08 --> 00:32:13

So this land here makes me so Linda, Hey, what is lamb for lamb is four

00:32:15 --> 00:32:17

to four. You're doing something?

00:32:18 --> 00:32:25

Yeah, so four, and it has the meaning of ownership in it to say someone's something. So it gives ownership

00:32:27 --> 00:32:28

Mr than

00:32:31 --> 00:32:33

that, specifically that one is different.

00:32:35 --> 00:32:54

You chose the worst one to bring up that is so different. Again. Prepositions have a lot of meanings. I'm just giving you the most famous but there's a lot of meanings especially the lamb. The lamb is very, very fluid, but this is what it's usually known for. So the column the Abdurrahman Li, means is his So Lee

00:32:56 --> 00:33:17

column Abdul Rahman is me saying this pen is Abdul Rahman which makes no sense you add the lamb to Abdullah Now it makes sense it's his pen color. Yeah, the ramen so these prepositions are extremely important if you're just speaking the language and they don't exist for you then people who are listening to you talk are gonna be cracking up and you make zero sense of what you're what you're doing what you're saying. But generally speaking, so that these are the four

00:33:18 --> 00:33:35

markers that exist within that email and Rahim Allah put, as in what how do we how do we identify a noun this is how we're going to identify a noun, we're gonna divide it by one of the four things either the concept of muffled entering it and that is something it's not clear right now, I will clarify it inshallah as you go along.

00:33:36 --> 00:33:37

Being preceded by one of the

00:33:38 --> 00:34:00

roof of your one of the rooms that causes your wishes, which are the any word that is preceded by this is going to be a noun, if it has to mean at the end of it, or if it has elephant lamb at the beginning of it. Now are there other markers there are other markers but I don't need to go into all the markers I just need to know a couple of ones especially the ones that the man here explained in his text. So these are just ways for you to identify what a noun is going to look like.

00:34:02 --> 00:34:21

And if there's if I use words in Arabic that you're not clear of asked make sure that you take as much vocabulary as you can from this as well. All right, now the island that will fail so the markers of the verb how do we identify a verb right? Carl Romeo and Allah will tell you you are awful and the variable you are awful is identified by right

00:34:22 --> 00:34:30

but was seen was sofa neath is Turkey. So this is how we're going to find out when a field is or we're gonna identify.

00:34:31 --> 00:34:33

One. Did I skip something?

00:34:35 --> 00:34:43

Where oh my gosh, yes. Yes. So there's more. I'm sorry about that. So there's actually more heroes that are attached.

00:34:44 --> 00:34:59

So if you're doing them in the car, there's actually a couple of more that come. So heroes will generally have a customer the same thing they just, it's just a sub division of proof Adjara so the subdivision approach, called Proof of person, meaning the letter prepositions that are used for Oaths for taking an oath. Like what what are they

00:35:00 --> 00:35:04

as well, right about what about with that so well

00:35:06 --> 00:35:07

well Llahi

00:35:14 --> 00:35:22

in the office Gianni one way or another in the Quran, of course to well, very, very known Tila, he exists on four times in the Quran you must have at one point or another, and Bill,

00:35:23 --> 00:35:46

or other forms, there's different oaths taken by the so if a well, and then a customer at the end, you know this is going to be, but the question that you can ask is, well, well, how do I know that this well, is the law of an oath, I have to understand the meaning, right? So that's why this makes it a bit less beneficial for you. But generally speaking, if, if, if you're taking an oath, you don't take an oath by a verb.

00:35:47 --> 00:35:50

Right? So Allah says, when you take an oath, you don't swear by a verb.

00:35:51 --> 00:36:33

I'm saying you swear by a noun? So we're Shams here he's taking an oath which jumps out well, is is the well of taking an oath it comes before a noun, but you can't say it doesn't work well yeah. And then you meant I swear by you playing that doesn't that doesn't work. That's not how it happens. Never. So the letters that are for their specific for taking oaths will always precede a noun and the example of them as well went into Wallahi Billahi to La he These are those that that are used. All right. Again, a lot of this will we will circle circle around and talk about more later but this is just the basics. So how we're going to identify yourself when you're on a phone is identified by

00:36:34 --> 00:36:36

being preceded by a bud

00:36:37 --> 00:36:39

may proceed by scene

00:36:43 --> 00:36:43


00:36:45 --> 00:36:47

and then having neath a second

00:36:55 --> 00:36:56

All right.

00:36:58 --> 00:37:00

So whenever you see the word and

00:37:01 --> 00:37:06

immediately after it is going to be a verb examples

00:37:08 --> 00:37:09

come on. Yeah.

00:37:10 --> 00:37:12

For the for the alum, right.

00:37:14 --> 00:37:36

But after the Hammonds right God kind of slick on fellow celebrity good guy. That's right. So everything will cut after it. There's going to be a verb now, but this specifically comes before either past tense verbs or present tense verbs it doesn't come before a command over goes in commands tense No, it only come before either past

00:37:38 --> 00:37:38

or present.

00:37:40 --> 00:37:42

When it comes before past

00:37:44 --> 00:37:46

it means definitely,

00:37:48 --> 00:37:56

but after Hammonds aka definitely he who purifies himself will be successful in this in this world in the after. So,

00:37:58 --> 00:37:58

if it comes before,

00:38:00 --> 00:38:03

a verb of past tense cognate

00:38:05 --> 00:38:09

local, so this means definitely

00:38:12 --> 00:38:16

if it comes before a present tense verb, like cardiology

00:38:21 --> 00:38:22

then one of two things,

00:38:23 --> 00:38:24

either it's the see

00:38:28 --> 00:38:28


00:38:29 --> 00:38:31

is often or rarely

00:38:34 --> 00:38:53

should mean either often, or rarely, depending on the context of what's being explained. Right? So the ILM, Allah when well within an income, that means Allah subhanaw taala often knows, of course, Allah Subhan does not often know he always knows, but that's in the Quran. So every see in the Quran, the cut coming before so Godwin is

00:38:54 --> 00:39:13

related to a verb that is talking about Allah subhanaw taala always means definitely, but in the Arabic language generally speaking outside of the Quran, then, if it's before a past tense verb that is going to indefinitely and if it's before a present tense verb is going to be either mean often or rarely, depending on the context of what's being said, meaning you you'll kind of see

00:39:15 --> 00:39:21

but you'll recall right but you'd recall motor and knee balgo Hijo de la jolla Kunal nine Mustang GT selalu,

00:39:22 --> 00:39:35

Khadija, Raccoon Moto, any the person who does things slowly it takes time you direct me he will achieve berbahasa T some a certain level of what he wants to achieve. So that means he rarely does or often does.

00:39:36 --> 00:39:41

Someone who takes his time because he achieved what he wants to achieve more often or rarely.

00:39:43 --> 00:39:59

More often, so like someone who takes his time. Yeah, meaning he that he thinks through things through properly and he gives it enough preparation will achieve what he wants to achieve more often than then someone who can do cool Malema strategies that align with someone who's in a hurry. There'll be a lot of mistakes they'll be mistakes

00:40:00 --> 00:40:21

So is he talking about that will often happen or rarely happen? No. Often someone who's in a hurry will make mistakes. So, sometimes we'll meet often and sometimes it will mean that it was happening after it is happening rarely. Understanding is regardless of all of that, if you see it but then once after it what after it is a verb is a fairly immediately that's all you need to know. Seen.

00:40:23 --> 00:40:23


00:40:24 --> 00:40:46

again, if you don't know the word you're gonna say well every word that begins with seen is going to be a verb. No, this is the scene of the future. So let's say I am I tell my eyes to memorize the sutra. Memorize suit in the helium if someone gets up and starts doing it, or he'll tell me so if Allah

00:40:47 --> 00:40:49

told us to memorize right so is

00:40:52 --> 00:41:08

to memorize meaning is a preposition going to the Quran? Surah Surah So if he's actually memorizing if my if I tell him to memorize a sutra and then he's actually my father who I am, what do you want from me? You know, I'm doing it but if he's not and he wants to do it later, then he'll tell me

00:41:12 --> 00:41:26

which is basically procrastination, right? So if you're a master procrastinator, then seeing is going to be a good friend of yours and show him you'll make good friends with seen and then you'll make friends with it's bigger brother sofa

00:41:27 --> 00:41:59

sofa is just a fancier way of doing it sofa means that you'll do it a bit down the road. So that means that mod isn't saying I'm going to do it right now just give me a second sofa means I'll do it inshallah during during my five year plan inshallah I'll get it done like I have a long term buy so Cena sofa or they're procrastinating prepositions used to say that you're never going to do anything but you're just gonna get rid of me for now or basically for the future right so if you see the scene or sofa then you know that immediately was after it is going to be a verb why because seeing that sofa they mean

00:42:01 --> 00:42:13

something in the future did they like the the have within their own meaning a time a tense and like I told you verbs carry tenses whether they're past present or future but

00:42:15 --> 00:42:21

nouns don't so when you see seeing a sofa is bringing in a tense so that was after is going to be definitely a verb.

00:42:23 --> 00:42:40

Am I making sense to you so far? This is this is studying the law says you know studying Arabic grammar is difficult it's not an easy thing to do. You need to be very very patient with me inshallah and in order for you to learn this but inshallah there will be you will find benefit and

00:42:41 --> 00:42:42

eventually you'll be able to

00:42:43 --> 00:42:53

speak hopefully and read and understand what's being what's being said properly. Now, the last one is Neith Sakeena like the say

00:42:57 --> 00:42:58

so Karna

00:43:00 --> 00:43:03

something was right. You can you can say cabinet

00:43:06 --> 00:43:16

right so this is called neath so is the letter neath me is the feminine to a second to the silent or the and

00:43:17 --> 00:43:29

moved with it with a haircut with a dish scheme turned into what is the translation on the there's no translation either Okay, good for the for him Michelle. But he doesn't do any no effort at all.

00:43:33 --> 00:43:41

So that any The second is, that is a feminine, because in again in Arabic nouns

00:43:43 --> 00:44:19

are nouns. There's no way for you, you just have to know if this noun is a feminine or masculine noun. There's, there are some markers we'll discuss Inshallah, but generally speaking, they are what they are. When it comes to to verb a verb is always going to be attached, a verb is way more social. So imagine verbs to be some a social thing is connected to time, is connected to individuals or to people who are someone who intergender. So it's way more social, as far as nouns are just, they're not to their artistic, they just sit there and they do nothing. They don't talk to anyone or anything. They're not a part of anyone or anything. And they don't care about time. They don't care

00:44:19 --> 00:44:38

about anything. They just sit there. So which was gives them a more fundamental usage and they become more principled than verbs. But a verb, kinda is to talking about Psalm one or something that is masculine, and kind of just talking about something that is feminine. And then you can do the same thing for any other verbs. So

00:44:39 --> 00:44:42

someone who came, then jet

00:44:43 --> 00:44:46

ly was someone who played live but

00:44:49 --> 00:44:59

neither set second or they're silent to me, or they have a spoon on them at least. Yes. Just has them at the end of the word. Yes. Oh, at the end of the word. You never have a first letter of soup.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:00

went on never

00:45:02 --> 00:45:29

so seen his cell phone called come at the beginning, come before the words of God comes as its own thing before it precedes it and then seen itself as attached to it at the beginning and neither second is attached to it at the end. I should have said those things good thanks for asking for clarifying that, that makes sense. You understand? So can connect before the word, you know, then immediately after the verb seen itself or attached to it at the beginning, you know, it's a verb, and then any the second it comes at the end of it is attached to it at the end and you know, is the verb as well. So that's how you know verbs is

00:45:30 --> 00:45:33

like a whole separate word. Yeah, it's a whole separate word. And

00:45:34 --> 00:45:38

for the for the, for the, for the most part. And then before Yeah, the last thing

00:45:40 --> 00:45:41

that was nice, a second.

00:45:43 --> 00:45:52

Yeah, it's at the end of the word and is the silent, feminine, that comes attached to verbs when the verb is being used to talk about a female or something that is feminine.

00:45:53 --> 00:45:55

All right. Fair enough.

00:46:00 --> 00:46:10

I think that's, that's good. Okay, let's, let's move on to the to the last. So the marker of a preposition, the markers of a preposition, so I'm glad to have

00:46:13 --> 00:46:13


00:46:17 --> 00:46:44

So I'm not too healthy, wonderful. Malleus. Local now who the leader is me, whether they don't fairly and the half is the words that you cannot use the marker of the markers of the, of the nouns with it to Northern markers of the of the verb with it, meaning neither markers work, right? So it doesn't none of none of none of the above apply to the preposition. So you cannot have to lean on it.

00:46:46 --> 00:47:06

Right can have to noon at the end because of Aston I mean, at the end of it, then it's a noun, right? It cannot have any for them at the end of it. At the beginning of it, sorry. Right. Anyway, Elif Lammott, the beginning of it, and then it's a it's a noun, right? It can't have any dissection at the end of it. Because if it's any the second and then if there is a verb, if it has gotten before it,

00:47:08 --> 00:47:26

then it's a verb as well, if seen and so far attached to it, then it's a verb, right? It can have muffled in it, or it can be preceded by a heart of of job. Because then it's the verb, it's a noun. So any word that none of the above apply to is what a preposition is. And that's what that's how he

00:47:28 --> 00:47:49

that's how he defined it is defined by remember how at what how to match a set level, I learned my focus Colita column and how to phrase something that does not have a piece of evidence or doesn't have a marker for it, there's nothing to mark, it just doesn't nothing, nothing. Other markers apply to it. And you understand that then you understand how prepositions works because they don't work any any other way.

00:47:51 --> 00:47:53

So I'll give you an example. Min

00:47:54 --> 00:47:55

is an example of a

00:47:58 --> 00:48:06

and then you say well isn't hard for letter, the word the word house can be used for different things it used for the letters, the actual alphabetical letters

00:48:08 --> 00:48:18

of the alphabet, it's also used for this and have means the edge of something, right. And so these are on the edge, because they don't really have any clear definition of what they are. They're just there to help

00:48:19 --> 00:48:33

help us understand different meanings. So men, you cannot say, minion, or minion. If it's done like that, then this is no longer a letter. It's a word. If such a word exists, but there's no word exists. You can't see a woman.

00:48:35 --> 00:48:38

Right? You can enter that doing. You can't put Budman

00:48:40 --> 00:48:51

unless you are saying admin, but you're just being funny, then it doesn't make any sense. Right? So that doesn't work either. You cannot put seven. There's all different word no. Oh, so feminine.

00:48:54 --> 00:49:03

Or mint, or minute? No, no, that works because the letter letters do not accept it. Let us do not accept any of the markers that are connected

00:49:04 --> 00:49:07

to the noun or the verb and that's the only way that we know it. Yes.

00:49:09 --> 00:49:10

Or not. So

00:49:13 --> 00:49:47

which one? Well, what do you think? Based on what you're talking about, I'm telling you that none of the none of the markers that I put, apply to it. So it's a letter. It's a huff or preposition. It's not a letter. It's a preposition. Again, don't don't translate. How to do letter here. It's a preposition. So prepositions don't accept any of the markers of the nouns or the markers of the verbs. They don't work. So nothing applies to it, but it is in itself a marker right? It helps us know what a noun is. So if you seem in then what is going to be after behind after immediately

00:49:49 --> 00:50:00

you know, right listen. So now is going to be after immediately. So if you see min, then immediately after it is going to be no that's 100% because how often how often jump, but so it is a marker in itself, but

00:50:00 --> 00:50:15

It does not have anything for us to know, doesn't have a market, the only market has it that it is not. Nothing applies to it. I mean, none of the markers that we saw for verbs or nouns will work for it. That it will it's me. Well, I didn't even fairly

00:50:16 --> 00:50:17

well for beginners.

00:50:19 --> 00:50:32

Yeah, so the provision itself is a marker for a noun. But what how do we know preposition? Just none of the other markers work for it. Maybe regarding the markers for both the SMA and efile. All right, very good.

00:50:35 --> 00:50:35

When does

00:50:38 --> 00:50:44

one minute, okay, so let's, let's do some I'm gonna do deriving at the end of each. So let's take a word.

00:50:45 --> 00:51:27

So, but I'm not gonna do Hamza first, because sometimes it's complicated, we'll leave hundreds at the end. So start with a Ba, ba, seen BA. So if you open a dictionary, you'll find like this, but seen bar and then you'll find the page or two of all the different words that are derived from that's how that's how Arabic dictionaries work. English dictionary don't work like that. They work very differently. So in Arabic, no, you'll find that same pot in every single word, right? That can be derived from these three letters in this sequence, so not seen, but that same thought you will find them in one place, right? studied in a different level of just waiting shelter for the event

00:51:27 --> 00:51:32

than before. For the three minutes, I'll just give you examples of how to derive things from it. I'll write them down and explain what I mean.

00:51:38 --> 00:51:38

A lot.

00:52:04 --> 00:52:06

So the example of best.

00:52:08 --> 00:52:29

So best is to spread something. The concept of spreading something isn't is what best is the core meaning of best, something's being spread. So the infinite term is the best one noun. And that's what it looks like right? Now verb is best.

00:52:31 --> 00:53:04

In the past, we have an example than the one that in itself that either Yeah, yeah, the Currituck toolani. Right. So we're going to spread your hands in killing me. So it's a figure of speech, when you're going to actually open up open your so sometimes the concept of spreading is going to be literal, and something's going to be figurative in the way that the word is going to be used. And that's the beauty of, of using Arabic words that sometimes the meaning is going to be used literal and sometimes gonna be figurative. So you say, why is that really being used here? Because the meaning here is figurative, and then it makes a lot of sense. Yep, subtle. Allahu Jakob, do we have

00:53:04 --> 00:53:14

the support and ALLAH SubhanA Didot, withhold and then spreads his higher spreads. And here he's talking about his his provision? subhanaw taala, right. And it's in the present tense. Well,

00:53:16 --> 00:53:52

I was told this to spread, because you're actually commanding someone to just spread your sheet or to give your wealth meaning birth is subject so if you do it, that means you're a vessel. That's why one of the names of Allah subhanaw taala Cabul Bursa, right? The one who does something, it looks like that supplement when he does it absorbed. That's how it looks when you're the when you're the thing that's being spread. Right? So but yeah, who may be super tan Allah Subhan Allah His hands are open or spreading or spread in meaning is figurative, meaning that His provision is spread everywhere. Everyone gets it, right.

00:53:54 --> 00:54:30

Yeah, my absorbed is why is it? Why is it this a meme because you're spreading your face your mouth, you're smiling the same word. So we use the Sultan Arabic slang as you're happy. Why? Because you're spreading your smile, right? So this keeps going to the spread is still there. And Berthiot is the adjective CIFA is something that is also spread, or just in nature has that. That concept of being something widespread, right. So this is how you derive. I mean, every time every time we're going to do we're gonna take one or two motors or time myself better next time, inshallah. And I'll take a few words, and I'll teach you how to derive different concepts from it. And then you'll find that

00:54:30 --> 00:54:50

oh, it makes me want to give you guys an example. Right next time I get a good example of knowledge and how you can derive from three letters or at least 16 different words that will connect to the concept of seeking knowledge, teaching, using it becoming knowledgeable or using the tools of knowledge. So this example of how that would work. Hmm, okay, good. We're actually this is we're on time

2017 8 5LMM before Maghrib

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