Haifaa Younis – The Inner and Out Dimension of Salah #3

Haifaa Younis
AI: Summary © The importance of praying in a stressful position and avoiding distractions in Islam is emphasized. The process of reciting prayer, following rules, and reciting holy books are emphasized. The importance of following rules for joining a congregation and showing respect for one's partner is emphasized. The transcript does not contain a discussion of a specific video game, and the speakers are discussing a webinar recording and transcription.
AI: Transcript ©
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Got it.

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Okay. Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah. We're back. So we left off at when we're standing and we finish re citation, we're going to recite Surah, Al Fatiha, we're going to say I mean, what does that mean mean, by the way? Anybody 15 or younger?

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Or if you feel 15 or younger?

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You feel 15. What does it mean? Except right? All right, and then you recite some verses from the Quran yourself. And then you say, Allah, Allahu Akbar,

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God is the greatest or Allah is greater. And then you go into record, you go into bowing position, so you're going to bend down, and you're going to grab your knees, and you're going to try to make your back straight into making a 90 degree angle, and your fingers are supposed to be slightly spread apart, not completely close. So it's easy to grab your knees, it's a good, comfortable position to be in. And your eyes should be focused where your feet are at this point in time. And you try to keep your head in line with your back. And you're going to say Subhana, rugby allows the team three times, which means Glory be to my Lord, the great. So when you're in that position, think

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about what you're doing, you're bowing in front of Allah. Some of you probably know a little bit about martial arts, probably seen like karate or jujitsu, where they kind of bow to each other. It's about respect. But this bow is a lower bound than that normal bow that you have. This is a way of showing yourself that Oh Allah, I am lower, and you are the greatest. So you're humbling yourself in front of Allah. So you do that and you say Subhana neurobiol Azim three times, then you say, Send me Allah, who Lehmann Hamidah and you stand back up with your hands to your sides, or some scholars that you could put your hands the way that they were before. What that means is, Allah has heard the

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one who praised him, or Allah here is the one who praises him, send me Allah, who Lehmann Hamidah Allah, here's the person who's praising and who's praising Allah.

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At this point, is you, you're in the middle of prayer. And then because you're praising Allah say, Robin, Allah Cal hunt,

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our Lord Robina, our Lord, local hunt, to you belongs praise. So you say this, as well. So you remind yourself that, you know, Allah is listening to you, you know that as your Allah deserves your praise. So you continue that in the intermediate standing position, this is the standing position between

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the resuscitation position and between the bowing position, and then you say, Allahu Akbar, you go all the way down into frustration into sujood. Research.

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Now, if you think about what you're going to do here, you're going to put your hands on the ground, you're going to put your face on the ground, you're going to have your forehead and you're going to have your nose, both touching the ground, and you're in a position here, and you're going to say subhanallah, Rob Bell,

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three times, which means Glory be to my Lord, the highest Allah, Allah means the highest, which position are you in, when you're on the floor, and your face is on the floor, you're in the lowest position. Look at the contrast here. You put yourself in the lowest position and you say, Oh Allah, glory be to my Lord, who is the highest. There's power in that when you think about it, when you think you're not just randomly putting your your your face on the floor, there is a absolute submission to Allah, the lowest position you can possibly go. And then you're praising Allah subhanaw taala for being the highest. There's a few other things that you should pay attention to.

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Due to the sake of time, I'm going to skip some of these things. But your your, your feet should be on the ground with your toes up like this. Don't take your feet off the ground or one foot off the ground or something like that. When you're in the frustration position. And your face is supposed to be between your hands. You're not supposed to put your hands out too much like this too much like this. Your face is split your your your face is between your hands. And if you're praying, particularly alone, you're supposed to make some distance between your, your body, your torso. Now, I want to just point out if you're praying next to other people, some people what they do is they'll

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put their hands out like this all the way and they're like, elbowing the person to the side of them and they don't have any space. So be courteous if you're praying next to other people. So

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When people they read the Hadith, and it's an authentic hadith, and they say the Prophet peace be upon him, you could see the whites of his underarms when he was praying. So therefore we're going to stick it out because authentic hadith, that doesn't mean that you don't care about the people who are next to you. So think about that. When you're praying as well. So you say Subhana, rub BL Allah three times, then you say, Allahu Akbar, you go into the sitting position between the two such this, and Shekhar mentioned she alluded to this. And there's some different types of drawers you can make. In this position. You can say, Robin fiddly, can say twice. Oh ALLAH forgive me, you can say oh

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Allah forgive me and pardon me, and there's other ones longer ones that you can say. And you're just gonna sit here for the period of time, that similar to the period of time you were in such the four, and then you're gonna say, Allahu Akbar, and you're gonna go back into such the, and you're gonna do the same thing that you did in your first frustration Subhanallah Rob Bell, Allah subhanaw neurobiol ALLAH SubhanA neurobiol Allah.

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As was mentioned before,

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this is where a lot of people, they really speed through their prayer, right, especially in the sitting between the two. So they go and they got Allahu Akbar, Allah, Allah subhana, Allah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. And it's like, with, when you stand when you get here, intermediate sitting position, the scholars explained that you need the ultimate non means that your, your bones, part of your body needs to stop and be at rest for at least a moment. If your body is just constantly moving, and there is no rest in between each and every single one of these positions, you're going way too fast. And this can invalidate your prayer. So you really, really need to slow down when it

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comes to these things. And then you say, Allah, Allahu Akbar, after the second frustration, and you're going to stand up, and now you're in your second Raka, you're in unit or cycle number two of your prayer. And then what you're going to do is you're going to pretty much do the same things that you did and said before, with the exception of you don't need to say or be live in a ship on the regime. Again, you can say Bismillah R Rahman Rahim, recite Surah Al Fatiha again, say Amin, again, recite some more verses from the Quran, one long one or three short ones, you do same thing that you did in the second rocker, you're gonna go through

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the same cycle, until you get to the second such though, the second frustration, when you get to the second frustration, you're gonna say Allahu Akbar. And instead of going all the way up, you're already in your second unit, you're going to sit the same way that you were sitting in between the two sides does, when you're sitting, you're going to have your hands here, approximately, you can't do the whole motion here. But you're going to have them kind of like resting near your knees.

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And you're going to remain in that position for a little while. You're going to be sitting on your left leg, your right leg is going to be put outwards. Now when you're here, what's going to happen is this is known as the current deposition. This is the sitting position. And what you're going to say is you're going to say hi, to Lillahi wa Salatu was about to salam alayka you interview rahmatullahi wa barakato As Salam wa Elena where Allah Allah, Allah has Salehi, you and there's different versions of this, that all of them are accurate. None of them are you know, all of them are fine, whichever one you're used to. But what this means is, it means greetings at the here the

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greetings and salawat and prayers, and by about an all pure things they are for Allah Lilla they all these things belong to Allah. A Salam wa alayka, Johanna B, made the peace of Allah be with you, oh Prophet, Your which Prophet are we talking about?

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Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. So we're referring to where we're sending Peace and blessings upon the Prophet was saying salam tam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and the mercy of Allah and His blessings, a Salam or Elena May peace be upon us, or Allah, I bad Allah, His Salah Hain and upon all of the righteous servants of Allah. So you're basically you're praising Allah, you're sending blessings upon the Prophet peace be upon him, you're sending blessings upon yourself and upon all the other Muslims in the diet. So this is what you do, then you're going to and then write it out. You're going to make the declaration of faith and you're going to raise your index finger, right and

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you can have it up the whole time. There's different ways to do it. You can either have it up the whole time, or you're going to raise it and then lower it back down or you're going to raise it and you're going to keep it up or are you going to raise it you're going to move it around a little bit. All of these people sometimes you will make such a big deal out of it. You know, it's this is not worth arguing about

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One person I know he wasn't moving his finger, he grabbed the guy next to him, he moved his finger, almost broke his finger. Just take it easy. Okay, focus on getting your prayer down really well. At the same time focus on your o'clock your good character. You don't you don't need to make huge deals about these things, even if you lean towards one opinion being more stronger than the other. So you're going to make the declaration declaration of faith and you're going to say I shall do a La Ilaha illa Allah, I bear witness that there is no God besides Allah, what I shall do ana Muhammadan. Abhor solo. And I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger in a two unit prayer.

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Now we're going to be concluding the prayer. If this was a three unit prayer, we're going to say Allahu Akbar and stand up for the third unit. It was a four unit prayer, we're going to say Allahu Akbar and stand up for the third unit, and then sign up for our fourth unit. So after this is done, you're going to do the Salawat the blessings. There's different ways to do this as well. I'm just going to mention one of them is Allahumma Salli, ala Muhammad wa ala Ali Muhammad, so which means Oh Allah bless Muhammad, and the family of Muhammad, gamma Selita Allah Ibrahim wala Ali Ibrahim, the way that you have blessed the family of Ibrahim Abraham and the family of Abraham in the Hamidah

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Majeed Indeed you are the praiseworthy and the glorious, you say Allah then you say Allahumma barik ala Muhammad wa ala Ali Muhammad, Allah bless Muhammad and his family, the way it came out Baraka Allah Ibrahim wala lave Rahima, in the comida Majeed, the way that you have blessed Ibrahim you bless the family of Ibrahim, indeed, you are the praiseworthy and the glorious. So you say these things, and you're basically praising the Messenger of Allah, the Prophet Muhammad, and you're talking about Prophet Ibrahim. But this is very interesting, because the old the two prophets that you were mentioning in your prayer every single time His Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and

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this prophet Ibrahim, Prophet Ibrahim, because if you look at it, half more than half of the world goes back to Prophet Ibrahim, the Christians believe in him, I see him as a role model. For the most part, the Jews believe in him see him as a role model, and so do the Muslims. So Ibrahim is that foundation of, of Islam going all the way back the Kaaba built by Prophet Ibrahim, the city of Mecca special because of Prophet Ibrahim. So this connection, the more you spend, the more time you think about why this in every single one of our prayers, the more you'll begin to realize that there is a massive wisdom behind all of these things. And then when you finish this, if it's to recap prayer to

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unit prayer, now you have the time to make some dua if you want, or you can conclude the prayer and you move your

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move your head to the right you say a salam Wa alaykum wa Rahmatullah peace, peace, peace be with you and mercy of Allah. As Salam aleikum, wa Rahmatullah and you move your head to the left, and you say the same thing. So now this is the way in which you conclude the prayer and this is the general form in which a two raka two unit prayer takes place. If you're going to make a three unit prayer, you're going to stand up after you have said the shadow shadow Hola, hola. Hola. Hola. You're going to stand up do a third unit. The difference is you only recite Surah Fatiha, you're not going to recite more Quran after that, if you're doing a four unit prayer, you're going to do the same thing.

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Stand up again for the fourth raka for the fourth unit, and you're going to recite Surah Fatiha, but you're not going to recite more Quran after that. So that is generally what the prayer looks like. And we don't have all the things written down. But you can, you can find this pretty easily online. So if you're like trying to take notes or like, I need to see what it is, or I need the things in wording exactly what I'm supposed to say. You can get any book on prayer, or you can find you know, a website with some articles or something like that. And you can go and just take one hour, it literally doesn't take more than one hour, one hour to read through the Arabic and make sure you're

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saying it correctly.

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And to read through the translation and try and memorize the translation and map the two together. He literally does not take more than an hour, so you can find it. So we have one article on our website. I see my website, I wrote an article about the meanings behind prayer. It's there. It's also a book I have a book called How to Pray a step by step guide in Islam. It's on Amazon, one other book called guide of the believer also it's on Amazon. You can get all of these things or any other book that you want to find. You can find it it just takes an hour and it's worth investing that time. So let's move on to invalidating prayer. There are some things that we you really

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Need to make sure you're not doing because if you do them, it will actually break your prayer. And you have to repeat your prayer if your prayer is invalid. So among those things, these are the requirements of prayer and you should not break any of them. So among them, one of them is if you break any of the prerequisites, so if you lose your will do, you need to stop your prayer go make will do and pray again, if you turn away from the direction of prayer, if you turn away from the qibla, right, like if you move your torso away from the qibla, it breaks your prayer, because it's one of the prerequisites of prayer, you have to go and restart your prayer.

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If you just move your face away, for some reason, if you sneeze you're like,

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but you're still facing the you know, your face moved away, but the rest of your body is still towards the Qibla doesn't break your prayer, you can continue your prayer. It's number one. Number two, if you say something, that's not part of the prayer, even if you're doing it under forgetfulness, this is going to break your prayer. So so I've seen this before some people, they're getting a call in the middle of prayer, they're like,

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Oh, my God, I'm gonna call you back. Okay? That breaks your prayer. Because you're not supposed to be talking outside of prayer. So if somebody's knocking on your door, and you're like, in the middle of prayer, you can't be like, I'm praying, even if you say it in Arabic, right? Doesn't matter. What you can do, though, is you can signal people by mentioning something that's from the prayer. So you can, if you're reciting Quran, start recite it louder so that they can hear you and they know that you're in prayer. Or you can say subhanallah, which is praising Allah, which is part of the genus or the category of prayer. That's one way to alert somebody as well. Or you can signal with your hand

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somebody comes up to you, they don't know that you're praying. So you could just be like, you know, are you praying?

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I can't even tell. You could just be like, or somebody comes in, they're like, listen, emergency, I need your keys right now. Where are they, you can't say they're, they're in the drawer. What you can do, it's like, it's really important you can be like,

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and that's it. And that's not gonna break your prayer. Okay, the next thing is, it's gonna break your prayer if you perform several consecutive movements, which are unnecessary, and they're not part of the prayer. So if you need if you have an itch, and you have to like do a little scratch, that's fine. Very quickly, if you need to cover your mouth, you're yawning or something like that. Even if some people they have this problem, they their phone just keeps going off, by the way, you know. So by the way, I mentioned a good point, don't put your phone down on the floor in front of you. Because then you get a message and you're like, Oh, you can see the message. If you put your

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phone back in your pocket, then some people, what they'll do is if it's ringing, they'll just keep on going. And that, by the way, the ringtones. But don't get me started. I want you to, I want you to cover I'm sure you're gonna blast this to the ringtones. I'm just thinking about it to come to the machine. Think about what ringtone you're putting. We don't this is not a nightclub, right? We don't need to hear Drake, you know, and we don't need to hear some techno tune or something like that while people are going and people don't even mute their phone. The worst thing is, they put their phone on the floor, and it just keeps on ringing. Or some people their alarm goes off for

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Fudger. And they forgot that they actually woke up, you follow the follow the Hadith, and they made it for Fajr. But then their their alarm goes on for three minutes. While everyone else is praying Fajr this should not be happening. So when it talks about what breaks your prayer is a lot of consecutive movements that are not necessary. Okay, what is the consecutive movements that are not necessary, you start moving around, you're itching like this, and you're going like this, that's too much, it's gonna break your prayer. But something that is small, if you need to reach into your pocket to mute your phone, because it's disturbing everyone else or you, you could just go like

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this, just reach in, turn it off, put your hand right back, it's not gonna break your prayer. If your nose is dripping, right, and you're like, I need some UI tissue in your pocket, you can just reach in with one hand, take out the tissue, wipe it back. That's it very quickly to the point as quickly as possible. If there's some danger, you could actually you know, the profit piece for finding even said if you see like a scorpion or something like you can actually kill the scorpion and come back. So if your alarm is ringing and you left your phone there, you can just bend down, tap it, turn it off the amount of distraction that's going to be there. It's it's allowed to do

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something like that. You can take a few steps if you need to move, for whatever reason. Laughing out loud, is gonna break your prayer invalidates your prayer. Some scholars say it invalidates your will do as well. You got to go remake your will do again, because there's a hadith about it. So you should not do any of these things which are going to invalidate your prayer. If you need to break your prayer. Just for some important reason. You just leave and then you come back if somebody's trying to steal your backpack or something like that. Say you know what? Allah is more than Allahu Akbar. Allah is more important than this. Know if somebody is

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stealing your backpack, you break your prayer. Don't break the guy, you know, but like you go and you you take your stuff back. And then you continue in your resume your prayer, you're allowed to break your prayer when there's a good reason for it. Not when there's no good reason. If somebody says a commercial is over the show is starting again.

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Do not break your prayer. If your cake

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is burning in the oven, you stop your prayer. Right? You don't say, Well, you know what Allah is greater than the cake. Yes, Allah is greater than the cake, but your house doesn't need to burn down. Because you can resume your prayer. So these are the things which will break your prayer. But then there are things which will not break your prayer, but you should not be doing them as a Muslim, because they're not conducive to you concentrating in prayer. So among those things, you should not be doing things which are going to distract you. Like if you're looking around, you know, you're just staring around looking around this. I see this so much. Some people it's not as bad in

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this budget in my previous machine. I always see. When you're standing, there's an entrance near the front. So you're in the first line and there's a there's an entrance in the front, people keep coming in. Every time I walk into that entrance. I see some people they're sitting there in prayer, you stand and they look at you.

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Why are you looking at somebody else? In the middle of prayer? What difference does it make? You're supposed to be focused in your own prayer. So there's always some people their eyes are wandering around, you can tell, why would you look at somebody else, you're supposed to be focused and at least pretend like you're focused. So you're not supposed to look around, you're not supposed to play with your hands. You're not supposed to be like doing all sorts of weird stuff unnecessarily moving around, and all that. Don't do that. In fact, the Prophet peace upon him, he said, if you can avoid and resist yawning, you should even resist if you can't just cover up your yawn. Number two,

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praying when you're in a hurry. When you are in a hurry, and you need to go to the bathroom. You should go to the bathroom first. Make wudu and then pray. I know some people they're like, no, no. But I have to make will do again. And I got my will do from the previous one. I see I can hold it for about seven minutes. I can get this for Raqqa prayer in, that's going to be the most distracted prayer that you've ever done. If food is ready, let's say food just got cooked in, you're not at the mercy then it's not you know, it's not ready to eat, and you're really hungry or something like that. Go ahead and eat first. Get that out of the way so that you can go and you can focus on your

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prayer. Anything that you need to get out of your mind is going to distract you in the prayer, you should do that first. Number three, wearing improper clothing, right, we should wear proper clothing. Now you say well, I covered up everything. But then you're wearing stuff with like faces and you're wearing you're wearing your pajamas, like to the masjid that doesn't really look like the most appropriate pajamas and stuff like you should try to wear your best clothes, even you know, even if other clothes are covering everything. And lastly, if you're in a place that's going to distract, you should try to avoid the distractions. So if you're going to be somewhere where there's

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just a lot of people around, try to find the place where there's the least amount of people around Shahar mentioned, the television. There are some people, they literally they're watching a TV show, they go, Okay, it's time for prayer. And then they'll pause the TV show, and it's on still frame and they're gonna pray right there. And they're just from the corner of their eye, they can still see the TV, or some people, they're going to watch a basketball game, and they're gonna go, okay, when it's break time, we're gonna pray. And they're praying, and they're kind of from the corner of their eye, they're thinking is the game back? Or is the commercial still going on commercials to go and

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we're gonna get the tour, because in three records in your mind is going to be distracted by anything that's in front of you. So you need to really think about that. That is something you should not be doing and you don't pray in a dirty place like a dumpster, you don't pray in the bathroom, you don't pray in a dangerous place, like on a public road. That should be pretty common sense.

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So those are some of the other things I got three minutes. Shala. So let me conclude my part with two more things. Number one, if you miss prayer, we talked about the importance of prayer this whole time. If you miss prayer, make it up as soon as possible. Don't just be like, you know, I, I missed it. And I really wanted to do it. But it's okay, I'm just going to try to make the other ones make it up. Because when you make it up, you need to make it up, by the way do cover. When you make it up, you're showing the attitude that you know what, I had a responsibility and I did not fulfill my responsibility. And in fact, Tom what he used to do sometimes not when he would miss a Ford prayer,

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but even when he would miss a pm or Lael or something that's additional, he would make it up with extra as a penalty for himself to be like, Hey, you messed up now you got to do something extra. So if you're making up, make it up even slower than you would normally do. And one of the things I suggest one of the best things to focus in your prayer is to just slow down

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People have an average time if I were to ask you What's your average by when you pray by yourself, right? When you pray by yourself, What's your average Fudger time took us some people,

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minute and 15 some people three minutes, some people five minutes, figure out what your time is. And start by multiplying it by one and a half times increase it. So if you're pulling out four minute, foragers,

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make it six minutes make force yourself to say, This is my time that I always a lot. I'm going to expand it and it better take this much time now. And automatically, you're going to find yourself slowing down and automate because once you set like this little compartment for yourself, you feel like you just got to fit it in because you have blocks of time in your mind and that's the way you schedule things. Try and make this modification is going to help. Lastly, Friday prayer. Juma prayer is an obligation upon men who have reached the age of maturity to pray Juma prayer. And it's still recommended for women as well to attend but they don't have the same obligation. But this is

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important for college students. Even for high school students who have the potential to either pray on their campus, they need to organise a Juma prayer to get a

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what is it like a signed waiver where they're allowed to leave for drama in their junior year or their senior year, or whatever it is, and they say, I can leave, I can make it to the machine. And I can go back to class or I can have the teacher record whatever session that I missing. Prayer is more important than all of these things. I hear it all the time from university students, but I have a class on Friday. And it's like a really important class.

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It's okay if I miss Jomar, right? No, I've been I've been I've been to UCI, I know that you can do just fine and get excellent grades and be in a campus wide honors program and do all of that stuff.

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And you don't need to be missing any Juma prayer. I mean, the reality is, people miss class for so many other reasons. I mean, I don't even want to say what it was like when I was going, it's probably worse. Now, the amount of people that even go to class is not even that high, depending on what type of class it is the big lectures with like 500 people, 900 people, so many people don't even make it to class. And then what do they do if they want to go out with their friends or something, they'll just give a mp3 recorder, or now a phone or whatever to their friend, they can record it, and they can listen to the lecture later. So there really isn't a very, you have to have

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a really, really good reason excuse to be missing Juma prayer, particularly if you're male, and I would say the females should really take Joomla very seriously as well. Around the World. I'll just conclude with this around the world. Many women don't get access to the Juma prayer as many machines don't even have a space for a woman. And if they have a space for a woman, it's gonna be like a little, you know, dingy little room somewhere and they can barely even you know, connect with the hottie or whatever it is. There's a blessing here. There's a blessing here and you connect with people you meet other people you learn something you get to meet your friends and everything.

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There's a social element for Joomla which should not be under understated or under emphasized. So this in a nutshell is the prayer how to perform it. We're gonna have one clip from a clip is ready, no clip. Okay, we're gonna do one final comments from Jaffa Haifa and then we're going to open it up for q&a inshallah. So how are we taking questions? By the way? Do we have

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to Karima do we have like a text thing for questions or something?

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Just give you the microphone. Okay. Give the microphone and if you want if you want to do an anonymous question, you can just write it on a note card or something and and pass it up. Some of you have my phone number. If you want to text me the question you can go ahead. My phone number is very public so 714-785-0090 You can text me the question and I'll look at it and show.

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Does UCLA Hira Sheikh Mustafa there's a beautiful clip I wanted to share with everyone.

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How many of you know he knows? You have to know how to be to know the name of the shape? You know sided calmly Of course. Okay. So one of the best clips I've ever heard in my life. And I really mean it and hold it. Let's translate it. But I don't know if we will be able to get it. Yes. Alhamdulillah this is he's talking about what is Allahu Akbar.

00:29:51 --> 00:29:52


00:29:54 --> 00:29:56

I don't know if we have this sound. She's working on it.

00:30:26 --> 00:30:29

One thing till we get the clip ready is

00:30:30 --> 00:30:34

yeah from the beginning he'll go back yeah okay London?

00:32:10 --> 00:32:11

What a man

00:32:45 --> 00:32:45


00:32:55 --> 00:32:55

I mean

00:32:58 --> 00:32:59

just cool off

00:33:33 --> 00:33:37

alright insha Allah Bismillah we will open it up for questions.

00:33:38 --> 00:33:40

I have one question already

00:33:41 --> 00:34:06

now that people have my number 100 Last two questions, three questions. Okay. So they're coming in. The question is, I often struggle with remembering how many records I've prayed whether it's three or four, I often get mixed up, do extra Raka and I do such a so which I know how to do but it ends up being very distracting from focusing on Allah. Are there any tips on breaking through forgetting how many records I'm praying?

00:34:11 --> 00:34:59

Usually, usually when we forget is because you're distracted. And this all of us so that before I say what I'm going to do I need to why you are distracted. So change the place, face the wall. Turn off the phone. Again turn off the TV and ask Allah and there's something Subhan Allah may Allah forgive me I forgot to say ask ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada to help you on your Salah before you say Allahu Akbar. Allah make it the best one. Your love makes me not forget we can do it. I think we all have to learn one thing. We can do it alone. We have to have a las pantallas in general when you are forgetful. That's why I call it a seven. You're forgetful, you're distracted and so I need to

00:35:00 --> 00:35:15

Remove all the distractions I need to change the place I need to. If I am again busy with something finished and come and keep asking a loss one time, one thing I will say it's not an obligation. Try to make the family part of your life.

00:35:17 --> 00:35:26

Make the nightside a part of your life. I'm not talking about two or three hours. I'm talking about total cut some federal 510 Get up 10 to five.

00:35:28 --> 00:36:05

Quickly do your odo come and do tune units to Allah subhanaw taala it's helps you to focus during the day. What are the shoulder for more minerales auto ceramsite to Malaysia for movement. I have a plane at four o'clock I'm up to without without an alarm. So why not 10 in 15 minutes, and please forgive me a lot of you I don't know remove sins from your homes. Since in the homes of take away a signer the focus there will be the install MA And don't tell me I don't have

00:36:06 --> 00:36:15

most of us have social media not all of us Social Media TV. These things not themselves are haram but what we are using them for

00:36:16 --> 00:36:42

pure one to the salah Allah subhanaw taala wants you and those you need to remove the other things and may Allah subhanaw taala make it is it's one of the I call it the lifelong struggle. I think it will say Ali who said it and I always say to myself at final loss pantile accepted one look out for me the way that I put it for you I want to die this moment. Because that's but it's not easy and Allah will make it easy.

00:36:43 --> 00:36:48

Any questions from the audience? Maybe we'll take one in one shot. Yes, good

00:36:50 --> 00:37:17

to walk when somebody is brain, but when you go to like Makkah especially like I've been there hash time, and Ramadan. And especially if you are in the sand. As soon as people finish the first people start walking and some people are doing sunnah. In the in the normal Masjid people try to block you or people are more respectful, but they're, the crowd is coming and pushing you.

00:37:19 --> 00:37:52

Yeah, so if you're in Mecca, Medina, you're in a place where it's extremely full, and people are always there than if you try to not walk in front of anyone at all. You would be there for until nighttime, you would never get out. So scholars say there's an exception to the rule where if the place is completely crowded and packed, then you can overlook that but try not to be in the search the rezone of where someone is actually going to be prostrating, try to get out of that as much as you can. But that will be an exception to the rule. Otherwise, we don't walk in front of people when they're praying.

00:37:54 --> 00:38:04

Okay, I got another question from here. Can we go over such a so very quickly? Yeah. So basically, if you make a mistake, correctable mistake in prayer,

00:38:05 --> 00:38:42

you want to answer this one. Okay. So maybe you make a mistake in prayer, like you've forgotten how many units of you know whether you were praying in your third raka or fourth Raka? What do you do? So you go with the lower number, you assume the lower number and you add one more. And then at the end of your prayer, you're going to make two extra prostrations known as such that as the horse to do this. So there's three different ways to do this. I'm just going to teach you the easiest way, which is, according to the chef, I emailed him very simple. At the end of your prayer right before you're about to conclude your prayer. You simply say, Allahu Akbar, make such that.

00:38:43 --> 00:39:06

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Make a second such that and then you conclude with Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah. The only reason I'm teaching this is just the easiest method to learn if you don't know it, by teach you the longer ones and the harder ones. That's for another fifth class inshallah. So hopefully that clarifies what you do if you make some types of mistakes are correctable in Salah. Like that was one example of them.

00:39:09 --> 00:39:46

There's a question that I was asked in the break. Number one is, is there a difference between the woman prayer and the men prayer the way that Sheikh Mustafa described the answer is no. Unless you are in a place we are not private, for example, where you put your hands and you're in a place where you're not private, meaning people can pass behind you. Let's say you're in Makkah and you're not in the woman area, then yes, you try to make your body as close as possible out of higher out of humility. So that's number one. Second question I got also for everybody, well, the famous Hadith that every part of this few Hadees every Muslim knows it, but not all the Hadith are not the same

00:39:46 --> 00:39:59

Hadith It depends who are you so this hadith is related to the woman Salah tomorrow if you beta hydro masala tea her men famous God had the woman prayer in her home better than praying in my masjid and the Rasul Allah is AUTOSAR absolute

00:40:00 --> 00:40:46

It's a correct hurry. This is what I ask to every woman here is you go everywhere in this place. You go everywhere in this country, you go to the mall, you go to the coffee shop, you travel, you go to everywhere, then when it comes to the masjid, you don't come. That's the Hawa that's my inclination, that Masjid in specially in the Western world, it's not a place for Salah only. It's a place where I find my identity. It's a place where my faith is stronger. It's a place where I learn it's a place where I meet people. So if specially if people of your family are coming, and your husband comes for Aisha, why don't you come with? Why Sinatra, Murphy Beatty has the only time this is really

00:40:46 --> 00:41:02

applicable if you really don't leave the house. If you're a woman who always in the house, except you know, the real necessary, but if you are out all the time, why you are not in the masjid the house of Allah subhanaw taala. And there's so many benefits to it. So these are the two things I wanted to comment on.

00:41:03 --> 00:41:48

When I comment on that hadith, too. So the hadith is authentic. Yes. But if you look at the commentary, it's particularly Ibn hasm, one of the great Andalusi and scholars. He has a very interesting point about this. And this, I recommend this book, it's called on the law, even husbands argument on the lawfulness of women praying in the masjid, it's, there's a version to that came out, it's translated into English by Sheikh criminate, we, and he makes a good argument. He said, Look, the female companions, the sahaba. They lived in Medina, and they used to go to the mercy of the prophets. And also, is it easier to stay at home and pray inside your house? Or is it? Is it easier

00:41:48 --> 00:42:23

to go to the machine? Which one is easier? Which one requires more effort? Going to the machine? He's like, do you think that they were just clueless, like they had no idea? Like why would somebody put time and effort into going and traveling all the way to the machine, if you're gonna get less reward when you make it to the machine? So that hadith that was quoted was not meant to say that you're not going to get reward? If you go to the masjid or you're not, there's not significant amount of reward, it was talking about a different context. So anyone who's confused about that, I highly, highly suggest you check out that book. It's available on Amazon as well. I'm not promoting

00:42:23 --> 00:42:25

Amazon here, by the way, I'm not getting any commissioner.

00:42:27 --> 00:42:28

It's just easier. Exactly.

00:42:29 --> 00:42:43

Can I reset? Can I recite part of a surah during my prayer, or do I have to finish the surah? So if you listen as the share, you know, in Qatar, right is he finished a little Bukhara one raka

00:42:44 --> 00:43:05

mad because you had to? So the answer is no. You don't have to finish the surah you that's why I said the minimum requirement is to recite one long verse like AYATUL kursi or something like that, or three short verses. I'll have come we'll have our Moroccan will have Allahu Akbar. But don't do that when you're leading prayer. That's gonna look really bad, but that would be like the minimum.

00:43:06 --> 00:43:07

Next question.

00:43:08 --> 00:43:25

This is for you, as a woman are long sleeves, sweaters, jeans pants sufficient for hijab? If they outline the body but aren't skin tight is that not okay? Should I opt for skirt femur ABA? I'm worried I'm not covered enough in general but also for prayer.

00:43:27 --> 00:44:09

What a beautiful question. I love the last part. Because this is person talking about herself. She's not accusing or judging anyone. Right? In general, in general, what Allah subhanaw taala you always have to learn in in Fuqua in the What is this Dean is all about is about prevention, I call it as a physician, I call it the dean of prevention is not it's not a dean of treatment, treatment, when it comes it comes hard, but that mainly prevention. So the essence of it is, by the way, hijab is in the way the word used in the Quran is not in that context. It's used actually when Allah subhanaw taala saying to the people Sahaba of Medina don't talk to the wives of Rasul Allah is auto center

00:44:09 --> 00:44:28

without a barrier, and here is the word hijab. But though the idea of the hijab is a protection, the hijab is a protection or Kumar if you want to use it, it's a protection because the essence is Don't show your beauty. I want everybody to remember this statement. Don't show your beauty outside your home.

00:44:29 --> 00:44:59

So the beauty is what are you wearing? This comes with it can I put makeup can I do nail polish can all this is the answer I tell to the woman when you are in front of that mirror. And you look at yourself when you are putting makeup or doing this or doing that are you showing your beauty? If you are showing your beauty then you are not following what Allah wanted you to do. Then when you dress can I dress pants? Of course you can but they should not be tight describing your body

00:45:00 --> 00:45:44

Now your shift well I hear for yourself. That's our Roswaal is to describe it does not describe your body does not see through. And this is how it is. So you want to wear white pants and a top long more comfortable more easy. Absolutely. Do you have to wear ibuyer? The answer is no. Can you do shorewall amis? Absolutely. As long as it should what Amissah is not full of fitna. So it's wide open to let's not make it very narrow, but also does not may open it up completely. Because there is limits to it. And this is how I say I say if you if people can tell the description of your body, then this is not what you should. And may Allah subhanaw taala make it easy. I know it is getting

00:45:44 --> 00:46:07

very hard these days. It's getting harder and harder. I'm gonna say this to everybody. For the for the brothers, may Allah reward you all to obey Allah to lower your gaze, to pray to not be like what everybody else is doing. And for the sisters, the same thing is remember this hadith I live by one of the Hadith I live by Jah al Islam or even messiah will do arriba football battle or Oba Islam came as a stranger,

00:46:08 --> 00:46:43

as something very different. When you read about the Sierra and Maccha, it was very different. And he's gonna come back as a stranger. And then you know what, what he said, that's what puts a smile on your faces. Put all that in a horrible place in general for the strangers. I say this to myself? Do you want to be a stranger? When you are in front of that mirror? Or do you want to be a stranger? When everybody is doing what they are doing? And you're not doing it? Do you want to be a stranger? My answer? Yes, Warby. Absolutely. And let everybody look at me and say she is different. Alhamdulillah. And may Allah make it easy for everybody.

00:46:44 --> 00:46:49

We'll take questions from the audience. We had one brother already me sisters.

00:46:51 --> 00:46:52


00:46:54 --> 00:46:56

No, sister, right. You raised your hand. Yeah.

00:46:57 --> 00:46:59

I had another one right here. I

00:47:00 --> 00:47:01

was looking over here.

00:47:12 --> 00:47:16

If you start a phone prayer, could you change the intention to a sunnah?

00:47:20 --> 00:47:41

No. So if you start a fourth prayer, no, you should not be generally modifying your intention to an awful prayer unless there's a reason for it. So if there's a reason for it, yes, you can change a fourth prayer to a novel if there's a good reason for it. But not vice versa. You cannot start a novel prayer and then change it into a fourth prayer. So do you have an example of why you would want to do that?

00:47:47 --> 00:47:50

Some people came over. So you're in the middle of Zohar prayer, and then you want to change it to what?

00:47:52 --> 00:48:09

To NFL player to do what so that you could get out of the prayer quicker? So it's faster? No, no, you shouldn't do that. You shouldn't do that. So if you're in the middle of one of your afford prayers, you should continue. Even if somebody comes over this, this is not a good reason. So stick with it. They can wait, they're not going to run away.

00:48:15 --> 00:48:20

Okay, can you go over the rules for joining a congregation late? I do that you want me to do it.

00:48:21 --> 00:48:44

And joining late Alhamdulillah there is something called joining late, right? So you really because you don't want to miss the reward. I mean, that rewards of joining the congregation size 23 two or 27 rewards so instead of $1.23 or 27 So if you come in and the Imam wherever is the Imam, you join but you have to say Allahu Akbar, because there is a Hadith which is a sunnah

00:48:45 --> 00:49:24

to hurry, Mohammed Kabir was actually to hit the steam, the Salah, to start a Salah to make everything outside haram. When you say Allahu Akbar. And once you say set Armonico everything becomes 100 Again, so when you enter and the Imam let's say in reading, you don't know what Roca he is right? You say Allahu Akbar. And then you follow wherever he is, if he is on record, you're on record. He's Insitute you are in sujood. If he is in such the, if he is in Tashahhud, you are with him in Tisha hood. Then, as when he says Saddam Alikum said Alia depends how much you missed. So if you missed one you make one you missed two you will make you make two but definitely you follow in a

00:49:24 --> 00:49:59

module Adel Imam, will you tell him that the main job of an email is you follow? Exactly what he is doing? And one thing which I see it sometimes with the sisters don't rush and move before the Imam you have to wait whatever the Imam does, especially if you don't see him Oh, okay. I don't know about the brothers but I know about the sisters so if you especially for us sometimes we don't see him by so we don't know if he moved or he didn't Don't when you say semi Allahu even him that don't move right it till he finished semi Allah will then move then you're on the safe side.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:15

Absolutely. And whatever you missed, then continue something which I'm sure the brothers also on the system. Don't rush in the masjid don't run, because it's actually happened. It's happened at the time of Roswaal is salatu Sera, who was it?

00:50:17 --> 00:50:50

The name is very familiar. He entered actually in Roswell he saw two cinemas in, in a congregation and he was in Rocco, so he entered like where sister Karima Is it from Sister Karima. He was in Rocco, and he moved to join and Rasul Allah saw to someone he says that the kala hearsay and he took it as May Allah make you more keen on solder, but don't do that. My Fattah caminhos the meaning of it is common join whatever it is, the Imam wants to get into the role and what you wished for him what you have missed, just do it. But the most important thing is, take your time.

00:50:53 --> 00:51:32

That applies to driving as well. So if you're late to the machine, some people mashallah they think Truman is a race track, you know, this is this is Don't speed through, it's very dangerous. Some people are really rushing for prayer, it doesn't matter what you miss, part of the teachings of the Prophet SAW Salem, is to go to prayer in a state of tranquility, even if you're late. So some people, they're just so concerned that you know what, if I catch the imam in the ruku, then I don't need to make up anything. But if I have to make it up, then it goes back to that compartmentalization of time. That's gonna cost me another minute and a half.

00:51:33 --> 00:51:48

So what it's okay, so you don't need to jog to the person, really, if if you find yourself that you are late, and you join the Salah, and you're panting it means you're rushing too fast. People jog and to get there. So don't do that. Right.

00:51:49 --> 00:51:52

We'll take a live question from the brothers

00:51:54 --> 00:51:56

in the work in the dark alley.

00:51:59 --> 00:52:00

So Michael,

00:52:01 --> 00:52:03

I'll just add to that. What if like,

00:52:05 --> 00:52:10

you come late, right? And then you have to make up prayer. And if somebody taps you,

00:52:11 --> 00:52:17

do you become like, the mom? Are you allowed to become demand for that person that taps you?

00:52:18 --> 00:52:22

This is a advanced question. So

00:52:25 --> 00:52:55

yeah, no, I know. So the thing is, there's this there's different schools of thought when it comes to things like this. So what ends up happening is this is very common in Egypt for you, because they follow the Shafi school and other places where they follow the Shafi school. So they'll just go and tap, then that person will become the Imam, and the next person will be leading behind them. And then when they finish, they making it up and the person is going to tell I remember in Egypt, this used to happen all the time, it would go for like 20 minutes, people would come late and the other person becoming a mom than the next person becomes Imam. And it just keeps on going and going. The

00:52:55 --> 00:53:27

many other schools of thought they don't accept this and they say you're not allowed to modify your intention. If you're praying behind somebody else, you are following the Imam, you don't all of a sudden change into becoming the Imam, you know. So what I advise people is that if this is your normal practice, and this is what you generally do this the school of thought you follow, and you know, these other people are from the same school, that's fine, you follow that opinion? That's okay. But otherwise, don't make the assumption that hey, everyone else is going to do that you're supposed to just do your own prayer. Don't just keep on doing this chain link thing because it's not

00:53:27 --> 00:53:30

something that a principle that's generally agreed upon across the board.

00:53:33 --> 00:53:55

There's only one exception when moon becomes an Imam, if something happens to the Imam, which you all I'm sure you've seen what's happened in Makkah? Right, so that's the only time they Imam lose their, his widow, then he used to leave then somebody from the back move forward and becomes an email or like what happened in Makkah when the Imam collapse, but in general, exactly what you have most of us.

00:53:58 --> 00:54:02

All right, there are many distractions during Joomla hotbar as people talk,

00:54:04 --> 00:54:19

say, salaams give hugs. How to how do you keep your focus? Okay, well, first of all, let's talk about the people who do that. They're not supposed to be doing that. So you're not supposed to be getting you're not supposed to be talking

00:54:20 --> 00:54:26

in the middle of Joomla while the Imam gets starts to the hook, but throughout the entire hook, but because

00:54:27 --> 00:54:36

the Joomla takes place at the time of her prayer, and as all the kids explained to us, so her prayer is how many units

00:54:37 --> 00:55:00

for and Juma prayer is how many units two, so were the other two units. It's a 200 bus. The 200 was substitute for the two units, which means they're like prayer. And like you don't speak in prayer. You're not supposed to speak during Juma. So people do this a lot. They're talking. They're giving salam they're getting

00:55:00 --> 00:55:34

distracted, they're giving hugs, they're on their phone, they're reading, digital books and people are playing a game should not be happening. Even if it's the most boring Hotbird that you've ever heard in your life. It doesn't matter whether the speaker is good or not, you're in an act of worship, you're in an act of a bad. So this should not be happening. And I mentioned this to the people this morning. It was a class this morning. If you see somebody else talking, and you tell them, It's not allowed to talk during Jamar,

00:55:35 --> 00:56:16

you've broken the rule yourself, you're not allowed to even tell somebody else to be quiet. What do you do, you can gesture to them, you could just maybe touch them on the hand or just give them a little stare down or something like that. Or Abdullah bin Omar. He used to throw pebbles at people who were talking, I don't recommend doing that in our context. But you could do something a little bit nicer, a little bit kinder, and somehow alert the person but you're not even allowed to stop the other person from talking. That's how serious it is. So we need to really show some respect for Joomla it's not because of the person who's giving the hotbar right, it's not because of any other

00:56:16 --> 00:56:57

reason. It's an act of worship. You're in the house of Allah. This is the time where Allah asked you to be in this state show respect to it won't add to that. Yeah, definitely. From my experience upstairs I'm not talking about the Joomla hotbar I'm talking about before Joomla what is the sooner when you will come early for Joomla What should we do say salon to everybody? How are you? How is the children or whatever wherever? Or look into my phone or what does the Sahaba did when they entered the masjid some of them came at 10 o'clock I mean you know the Hadith of the you know the camel and then the chicken and the egg and so when you come and you want to have a camel reward are

00:56:57 --> 00:57:38

you supposed to come and talk to everybody? No, they did salah they entered it's it's time allowed for Salah you are on your blessed day you know the calf then read the calf during your sada and you got tired a little bit you need a break then sit down and read pleased I mean the last time I was here, every time I said that's it I'm gonna go and talk Subhan Allah Allah made them not not speak but it was May a lot of you are the brothers downstairs because it is really loud of their Yanni sometimes I remember the hadith of Seda Isha This is back again to the woman coming to the masjid. She said this after a rosary saw to a synagogue. She said if he saw what the woman does in Messiah

00:57:38 --> 00:58:19

in masajid, he will have prevented them. Let us not be and this is I'm saying it from my my read my heart because you came. You're here. Allah brought you it's the Masjid. Why don't you make most of it? The best of it. And then you know what? Afterwards, you want to talk to people go Hamdulillah you live in California you don't live in St. Louis what it is minus and you can go just come out and speak to everybody and meet everybody but that place upstairs this place here. This is for sauna this is for a bad people wants to pray people wants to focus. So please do that. May Allah reward whoever asked the question, because really, I wanted one of the Tuesday program I was planning to do

00:58:19 --> 00:58:26

it for Let's respect the house of Allah and let's respect each other. And let's make the best of it when we come here is Akula

00:58:28 --> 00:59:06

Alright, shall us so we'll conclude now it's 530 and we need to start to answer prayer. So I got quite a few more questions. I know many people have a lot of questions, in case you didn't know and hamdulillah now we have Dr. Schaefer, Haifa unis here with us permanently at the masjid. So any other questions that people have all these other questions you have, you can just go to IC o ai.net. And you can make an appointment with her and you can ask her all these questions inshallah. And you can also email her as well [email protected] And all send all your questions her way. Sure, Alyssa, there you go. And I got one two as well so it fell. Alright, we can conclude with dontcha.

00:59:09 --> 00:59:54

Smilla Well, hello salatu salam ala Rasulillah Aloha Mata cobalamin nine Naka, inter Samia Alim to Ballina indica and Tessa wobble Rahim urban Allah to Zulu banaba is Hadith Anna will Hublin amulet Ankara Hama Naka Intel Wahab Robin has a bit Akadama Anna also Nana call me carefully in your law has you gathered us in this blessed place in this blessed day learning about you learning about what how to worship you and how to get close to your law gather us all everyone and even those who are not with us, gather us all in Jannah and facing each other and don't deprive us from seeing you and make Roswaal risotto Sam our neighbor ya Allah forgive our shortcomings y'all Allah make obeying you

00:59:54 --> 01:00:00

easy for us. Yeah Allah remove distractions remove trials, tribulations for

01:00:00 --> 01:00:33

Tomas and if you decree to give it to us make us able to go through it to bring us closer to you make Ross Valley salatu salam and his sunnah priority in our life and help us to follow it may make everything in this life as a form for our akhira Subhana. Allah Houma will be handing Subhanak Allahumma will be handy cash Edwin la Haglund istok Hirokawa to booty sal Allahu ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala Adi he was happy to stream and Kathira DISA Kamala here may Allah reward you all for coming on a Sunday May Allah accept from all of us

01:00:49 --> 01:00:52

Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar

01:00:53 --> 01:00:55


01:00:58 --> 01:00:59


01:01:04 --> 01:01:05

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01:01:12 --> 01:01:16

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01:01:18 --> 01:01:18

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01:01:31 --> 01:01:34

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01:01:35 --> 01:01:42

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01:01:44 --> 01:01:45

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01:01:47 --> 01:01:48

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01:01:50 --> 01:01:51

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01:02:01 --> 01:02:01

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01:02:07 --> 01:02:08


01:02:09 --> 01:02:10

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01:02:19 --> 01:02:25

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01:02:28 --> 01:02:35

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01:02:37 --> 01:02:40


With Shaykh Mustafa Umar

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