Ahmed Hamed – Reflection on 40 Duas of Rabbana – Our Lord – Part 4

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss issues related to forgiveness from Allah, including finding ways to receive it through actions and words, recognizing the meaning of promises, and registering as witnesses. They stress the importance of addressing past mistakes and avoiding promises. The speakers also emphasize the need to register as witnesses and be mindful of the consequences of actions. They stress the importance of asking for mercy and not giving up on one's own weaknesses.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Karim Allah Allah He was happy he edge Marine, my brothers, my sisters Welcome again to a new session of the cities robina Our Lord will hamdulillah we have been covering so many IOD which begins with robina Our Lord with a key objective to connect with our Creator. And this in itself, my brothers and sisters is the ultimate, you know, fulfillment, it is highly meaningful, it is a sign of success. It is the rope of rescue, to be connected with our Creator. So let us continue our journey robina our Lord. Today inshallah we should talk about sudo to run sudo number three is

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number 193. The second part of the ayah in which Allah azzawajal he says the following.

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He reminds us and which we have to ensure that we reflect upon reflect upon an ayah from the Quran from Surah Allah Moran surah. Number three is number 193. The second part of it where a lot of beleza he says, Our Lord, forgive us our sins and remit from us our evil deeds, and make us die in the state of righteousness along with the abrar with thee with those who are obedient to Allah and His orders, basically. So

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my beloved brothers and sisters in Islam, Indeed, indeed, we have to understand and reflect and recognize the powerful meaning mentioned in this ayah. In this law, there are three things that are highlighted. Number one, we are asking our Lord, forgive us our sins.

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Secondly, we are asking a lot to remit to dismiss to remove the evil deeds in our lives. Number three, we are asking a lot to help us die in the state of righteousness, meaning with those who are abroad who are the obedient slaves and the believers of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now my brothers and sisters, this is something which is really important for us to understand that we have to see and keep for asking forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala time and again, we have to seek the repentance from Allah subhanho wa Taala we have to understand the fact that it's not the case wherein If only I do or if only I commit a sin, I have to repent or I have to seek forgiveness from

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Allah. No, that is not the right perception or the concept the concept did you keep asking a law for repentance, you will see the the forgiveness from Allah again and again. Therefore, we need to ask Allah for forgiveness from Allah. We know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he used to seek forgiveness from Allah 7200 times every single day. So Pamela,

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although he was mad, assume he was innocent, he is past present and the future sins were forgiven. Still he became an example for us so that we may keep him as a role model and seek and keep repenting to Allah and keep seeking forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So make an agenda of your of your daily routine, my brothers and sisters to ensure that you seek forgiveness from Allah at least 100 times a day to we have to ensure that we ask Allah to remove the misdeeds the evil deeds from our lives. SubhanAllah we have to understand the fact that it's the the the burden of the evil deeds is so deteriorating, it is so destructive, that it is going to push us to the hellfire.

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So we are asking a lot to help us remit from us, our evil deeds to

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and finally we are asking a lot

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makers die with the algebra with those who are righteous people, you know, obviously company matters a lot. So be with those who are righteous, between those who are pious between those who are God fearing who those who are conscious of Allah who reminds you about Allah who takes you to the real path of peace and success and help you out as well and strengthen you your faith in sha Allah be widows. So, obviously when we are with those righteous people, we will be righteous too. So, this is how we actually build and develop our faith in totality inshallah,

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the second ayah that comes in today's you know, session in Sharla is from Surah, Allah imraan surah. Number three is number 194, in which Allah subhanho wa Taala he says the following.

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Again, my brothers and sisters, the need is to recognize the meaning of it after reciting and memorizing it, in which Allah subhanahu wa taala. He clearly reminds us by stating, by stating, and giving us an opportunity and teaching us to ask Allah by saying, Our Lord grant us what you promised unto us, through your messengers and disgrace us not on the Day of Resurrection, for you never break your promise. My brothers and sisters, Allah Subhana hota Allah is extremely kind and merciful, that he gave us this to allow for us to be able to ask Allah and connect with our Lord so that we may be among those who will be successful. Remember, and recognize what Allah is teaching us here. He is

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teaching us to ask him to grant us a what he, Allah has promised us through the messengers, what did Allah promised us through the messengers, we all know, all the messengers, all the prophets, they came with the same fundamental message, and that is to worship Allah and believe in Him until our depth so that we may get an agenda at the expense of our belief at the expense of worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala. So this is what we are asking the Lord to give us genda which he has promised, you know us through the messengers, and also, we are asking a lot do not disgrace us on the Day of Resurrection. My brothers and sisters, the the important thing for us to understand is we have to

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make sure that we don't get into or we don't get, you know, become among those people will be disgraced on the Day of Resurrection. Imagine, Allahu Akbar, may Allah protect all of us from that, that day when anybody is is is disgraced, he will be doomed or she will be doomed. So we are asking right now, Oh Allah do not disgrace us on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed, indeed. You do not feed in your promise. So we believe in Allah. We worship Allah and we yearn to meet Allah subhanho wa Taala. My brothers and sisters, let us carry on this beautiful message and remind our parents, our children or siblings or spouses, relatives, friends, neighbors, everyone, you know, we have to

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ensure that we carried forward this beautiful and powerful message of Allah subhanaw taala where he keeps reminding us to be connected with him with our Creator.

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The next is that we shall go through insha Allah is from Surah Alma Ada surah. Number five is number 83. In which Allah azza wa jal he says the following

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Allah subhanho wa Taala. He is reminding us again

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To ask a lot to ask our Lord by acknowledging our belief to him by saying Rabbana Armand fuck turbonomic Ushahidi in our Lord we have believed. So register us, record us among the witnesses, my brothers and sisters the importance of, you know, remembering it and and reciting it and recognizing it by understanding the meaning of it and reflecting over it, and taking it forward by relaying and sharing it to the rest of the world is of great importance. Subhan Allah, this is something which we are reminded by Allah himself out of his mercy, by stating Our Lord, we have believed, we have believed, so register us among the witnesses, my brothers and sisters, if what is the witnesses, the

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witnesses are those people who said, to the message when they are given

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Labate, here we are, and we accept it, we truly and sincerely accept the truth of Allah, the truth of the messengers, the truth of the of the angels, the truth of the Day of Judgment, that truth, that Allah sent the revelations in the books, the truth that Allah has, has created the angels, and we believe in all of them, and, and we believe in the good and the bad of it. So we are asking and acknowledging our belief in a lot of barista by saying, Our Lord, we have believed, so register us among the witnesses. So the idea of my brothers and sisters is to ensure that we become the believers to we get recorded among the witnesses so that we may not be among those people. And we

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should not and never be among those people who do not pay heed to the to the message of Islam, we should not be among the people who are ignorant, we should not be among those people who are arrogant by rejecting the message. We should not be among those people who are unaware of the truth of Islam. In fact, we should be among those people who who receive the message, who believe in it, and who plead to Allah to register as among those who are the witnesses.

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The next ayah is again from Surah Alma Ada surah. Number five is number 114. In which Allah subhanho wa Taala he says the following

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brothers and sisters, Allah subhanho wa Taala is teaching us again, to ask Allah, O Allah our Lord, send us from the heaven, the heaven, a table set with wanes that there may be for us for the first and the last of us is solemn festival is signed from you and provide for our systems for you are the best to provide the eye a reference to the companions of Isa alayhis salam Harare, Yun, the people who were with him, they ask law upon the request, they ask Allah, O Allah, our Lord sent down to us a table spread with food from the heaven to be for us a festival for the first time for the first of us and The Last of Us. Aside from you, it was a miracle, my brothers and sisters, and further it

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says and provide for us and you are the best of providers. My brothers and sisters, what we need to realize is we vary a lot. We worry a lot by a when we actually reflect on this IE, we come to know we learn a lesson that we vary a lot on the provision and we focus on those areas. We we knock on those, you know doors where we do not really

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Truly expect the help. We need to ask a law by doing our best. After doing our part, we need to ask Allah when Allah could send, you know the table spread with food from the heaven

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to the companions of Isa la salam, he would give anything to us Subhan Allah as the mercy of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. It is indeed, an acknowledgment that Allah alone is the is the erotic and that's the reason we are meant to say, you know what, zakenna were under high roof Razia teen. We're asking Allah you, you are the one who provides us and you're the best one to provide. My brothers and sisters, there are a lot of people who worry about the risk, who worry about the students about the provision about their needs, we need to ask Allah for everything that we need. SubhanAllah after playing our part we ask a lot of Blaser, he is the one who cherishes the

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Sustainer the Creator, the provider, the supporter, the one who governs the one who leads the one who provides each and everything Subhana Allah, that is the message in this ayah that again, we need to forward this message and relay it and explain it to our loved ones and to those whom we know and to those whom we do not know. So that they also may understand what was the miracle. But you know happened at the time of Isa la Salaam the table spread on which the whole surah is titled Alma ADA and the beauty lies in acknowledging that Allah is a rozet and he is the best one to provide he is the provider and he is the best one to provide.

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The next ayah

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that we shall go through is from Surah Al RF surah. Number seven is number 23, in which Allah subhanho wa Taala he says the following

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loss of Hannah Hua Tyler, he reminds us to ask our Lord, we have wronged ourselves. And if you do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we shall we will surely be among the losers. Now this is something which we need to recite again and again my brothers and sisters, we remember it by memorizing it, we have to recognize and reflect on it by knowing and understanding the meanings, which is so powerful, we are acknowledging that we have wronged ourselves, my brothers and sisters which we need to realize that when we commit a sin, we harm ourselves. When we disobey Allah, we actually, you know, damage ourselves, our souls, when we don't follow what Allah has given as a

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command, we basically are at loss, Allah is not going to narrow the villa suffer because of our sins or our mistakes. No, it is We Who will be wronging ourselves and retuning ourselves. So Allah is a he is as he is from Han Allah His mighty His Majesty will not change and have any effect of our disobedience. It's upon our own selves, that we will be affected we will be wronged. And that's the reason in this drama. We are asking a lot Oh, our Lord, we have wronged ourselves. And if you do not forgive us, and if you have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers. The actual and the utmost failure is when a law does not forgive us to win a law does not have mercy upon us, a law

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worker. So we ask a lot to have mercy upon us. We ask a lot to forgive us. This is so important, my brothers and sisters that without which we will be surely among the losers. So if you and me want to be winner, we need to ask Allah to forgive us. We need to ask a lot to have mercy upon us. We need to be among the winners, not the losers. And for that, my brothers and sisters, when we know when we acknowledge that we have wronged ourselves, we need to ask a lot

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To forgive us, to have mercy upon us, so that

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we may be among the winners not among the losers. This is again, another powerful message that we have to pass on to the you know others so that they may also benefit and from this powerful law where Allah says or burners alumna on fuson our ilam de furlan, our ohana, Lana coonan Amina aloha serene, our Lord, we have wronged ourselves and if you do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers. Of course, and obviously we do not want our beloved ones, our fellow human beings to be among those who are the losers. Therefore we need to invite them we need to ask and remind them to believe in Allah and not wrong to themselves and ask forgiveness from

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Allah and have mercy to have mercy upon us so that we will be among the winners inshallah and not the losers.

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The next ayah my brothers and sisters is from Surah number seven, I number 47, in which Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, The following

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says which again we need to recite and remember it my brothers and sisters, our Lord, our Lord, do not place us with the wrong doing people. You know, this is something which we have to recognize my brothers and sisters, we are playing a lot of briza we are yearning to Allah robina la Tatiana, my co mithali mean, I will not do not paces with the wrong drunk people. Because we know we know what's going to happen with the wrongdoing people. We know what is their end, we know how they are going to be landed in the hellfire. What kind of punishment is going to be for the wrongdoing people? What is the destruction that they are going to face? Eventually how worse their

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end is going to be? We know all of it Subhan Allah therefore we are asking Allah robina Allah azza wa jal Miko mithali mean our Lord, do not please us with the wrongdoing people, my brothers and sisters, we need to recognize and reflect upon this. And again, you know, invite people to ponder on this as well. So that they may also ask a law and not to place them with the wrongdoing people with those people who are disobedient which are determined to be destroyed Subhana Allah, we ask a lot not to put us among those kind of people. You know, my brothers and sisters, it is indeed a path of destruction apart where, you know, we have no

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you know, support from anyone except Allah subhanho wa Taala. So, we do not want to be among those kinds of people who wronged themselves, who go beyond the borders, who do not have any sort of, you know, urge to please Allah subhanho wa Taala, who do not have any, you know, inclination towards the truth, who do not care what's going on in their lives, who do not realize the purpose of their living their existence, who do not care for the era for the Hereafter, they think that this is the only world and this is the only life which they are going to, you know, live Subhan Allah the wrongdoing people are those who do not care about what the Quran says, who do not have the example

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of the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam, who do not have any clue of why they are here, who do not bother to reflect on them, their own creation and the creation around them. My brothers and sisters, let us take this message to the you know as many people as we can, so that we may be among those people, among those best of the people about Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, you know the best of the best of you are those who are the most beneficial for the

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Humanity. Let us be among those kind of people who benefit people who help people who advise people who counsel people who teach people who care for the people who help people to understand the truth, the truth of Islam, the truth of Allah, Allah is the truth of the prophets in the messengers, the truth of the after the truth of the Day of Judgment, the truth of the accountability, the truth of the, you know, gender and and not the heaven, the paradise and the hellfire. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to help us all, to make us among those who are the alibre who are the righteous people, and not among those who are bizarrely mean. And we know for a fact that they are going to be, you know,

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among the losers to panela we ask a lot of people to, you know, bless all of us and together all of us again insha Allah in the highest levels of gender in the company of Rasulullah witness in the face of Allah subhanho wa Taala well, Alfredo Davina Anil hamdulillah hero Bella alameen

Reflection on 40 Duas of Rabbana – Our Lord – Part 4

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