Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J03-035B Tafsir Al-Baqarah 261 Part 1

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the benefits of spending one's wealth in Allah's reward, including a loan to pay for pleasure and return what is given for pleasure. They also emphasize the importance of research funding for Islam and educational resources to improve understanding. The best charity for achieving Islam is to give money to study Prophet's deeds, including providing air conditioning, roofing, and chairs, as well as educating people about Islam. The reward for individuals is up to 700 times, including a seed, and the creator of a seed is said to bring more results than anyone can imagine.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, methyl Lavina Yun fue Kona M wala whom feasable Allah, the example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah kamma fairly hot button is like a seed of grain. And that savasana bill will which girls seven spikes feed could listen Bula Tim me to hubba in each spike is 100 grains will Allahu Yubari fully mania sharp, and Allah multiplies his reward for whom He wills will Allah who is the owner, Eileen, and Allah is all encompassing and knowing. In this verse, Allah subhanaw taala tells us an example of those people who spend their wealth in the way of Allah, that how ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada causes the reward of their spending to multiply many times

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over just like a grain of seed that grows into a plant and brings forth many more greens, hundreds and 1000s more. We see in the context, this idea is placed in a very beautiful place. First of all, we see that previously in Surah Al Baqarah, we have been taught to spend in the way of Allah and Allah subhanaw taala tells us that when a person spends in the way of Allah then they are lending a loan to Allah, meaning Allah subhanaw taala will certainly benefit them He will reward them he will compensate them he will return what they give to him what they give for his pleasure. And Allah subhanaw taala also says in Surah Baqarah verse 245, that Mandela the Euclid Allah CARDONE has

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center for UDR. If a hula hoop a bar often Kathira that who is the one who will lend Allah a loan and this loan will be good. And Allah subhanaw taala will multiply that for him many times over multiply times many times over Allah subhanaw taala will multiply that loan and return it to the person, meaning the reward will be much greater than what the person has given what a person will receive from Allah will be much greater than what they gave. And here in this ayah Allah subhanaw taala tells us precisely how much the reward will be multiplied any, not just the fact that it will be multiplied many times over. But Allah subhanaw taala tells us specifically how much it will be

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multiplied how many times over. We see that in the previous verse, Allah subhanaw taala gives us proofs of resurrection, where Ibrahim already has sent him asked his Lord that Eddie Nikkei for to heal Malta that Oh my Lord, show me how will you bring life to those who are dead. And Allah subhanaw taala showed him how he will bring life to those who are dead in the eye or before that also, we learn another proof of resurrection, where we learned that a man passed by a town which was into ruins completely. Nobody was living over there houses were deserted, uninhabited, and the man wondered, all of these people come back to life after they have died. And Allah subhanaw taala

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showed that men how He will resurrect the dead. So the Lord who causes the dead to come back to life, he will ensure that the reward of what you give in his way lives on that what you give in the way of Allah doesn't just die. It doesn't just finish, it doesn't come to an end. No, Allah, the One who will bring life to the dead, is able to cause your charity to continue to benefit you what you give in his way, Allah subhanaw taala can cause it to grow and multiply many times over and on the Day of Judgment, the day when the dead will be resurrected, then the action the deed that will help a person a lot is in fact FISA beat Allah, what they have spent in the way of Allah because you see,

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it is not enough for us to simply know that there is life after death, that we will be resurrected that Allah subhanaw taala will bring us back to life after we have died. Yes, we believe in that. Yes, we know that. But knowing this is not enough. What this knowledge demands is preparation that we prepare for that day. So what should we do to prepare for that day when we will be brought back to life? Allah subhanaw taala directs us to a very beneficial good deed and that good deed is to spend in the way of Allah so that we will be rich on that day. So Allah subhanaw taala tells us meth Hello ladina Yun Falcone I'm Walla home. feasable Allah Mata Lu example Alladhina

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Have those who the word methyl is from the root letters mean thumb and it means example. So the example of the people who Yun Futuna they spent known foul cough is the root, they spend a while at home, their properties, their wealth, and while is the plural of Mal, so they spend their wealth feasable Allah, they spend their wealth in the way of Allah. So this is the example of their spending, meaning methylone nephropathy. ladina the example of the spending of those people who give their wealth in the way of Allah, meaning when you give something in the way of Allah, then the example of that is like that of a seat. Or here, the example is off the spender, the giver, the one

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who spends in the way of Allah that comes with any Zadie Hubba, meaning the one who spent in the way of Allah is like the one who plants a seed, one who sews a seed. And Allah subhanaw taala mentions over here the spending of wealth specifically, because the word I'm while is the plural of Mal from the root letters. Meanwhile, lamb and Mal is anything that is in the possession of a person, it could be a piece of land, it could be a house, it could be a building, it could be clothing, it could be investment funds, it could be some shares that a person owns in a company, it could be cash, it could be Bitcoin, it could be clothing, it could be food, anything that a person has

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possession off, that is men, so they spend their wealth. And Allah subhanaw taala calls it their wealth, even though all wealth belongs to Allah, but by saying their wealth, Allah subhanaw taala is giving us some kind of liberty over here that you know, this is yours. So what are you going to do with it? What choices are you going to make with it? Allah subhanaw taala honors us with that this is a privilege that Allah has given us that He has made us people of wealth, or whatever wealth that he has given us. That is a privilege. So they spend their wealth fee Sabine Allah, in the way of Allah. Now, what does it mean to spend one's wealth in the way of Allah to spend one's wealth in the

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way of Allah feasable Allah the Anima explain that feasable Allah is essentially jihad, it is to spend in the Cause of jihad. Now, there is a Hadith in which we learned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that mon sama Yeoman feasable, Allah ba de la who would who are in inadi, Sabrina Khalifa and that the person who fasts for one day in the way of Allah, then Allah will keep his face away from hellfire for a distance that is covered by a journey of 70 years. And one Bahati brings us Hadith in Kitab, Al jihad in the book of jihad, because according to his understanding and the understanding of many irlam feasable, Allah means jihad, so they spend their wealth in the way

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of Allah. Now, if you think about it, what is the purpose of jihad? The purpose of jihad is to defend Muslim lands. And yes, sometimes jihad is offensive to remove the power of oppressive rulers, and let the truth of Islam reach people, but ultimately the goal of jihad Remember, it is not to cause death and destruction. Jihad is not insanity, like people like to portray it. No, jihad is a noble, excellent deed that is for the purpose of strengthening, establishing and spreading the religion of Allah. And one way of doing that is through war. But war is not the only way. Jihad can also be with the column with the pen, where a person exerts their effort, in order to write about

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Islam, in order to take the message of Islam to people to dispel their doubts, to answer their questions to provide clarity, and it is well known that research writing publication, all of this requires a lot a lot of funding. This is well known to do any kind of research funding is required. So for example, when it comes to writing about Islam, alright, this is part of FISA beat Allah when it comes to teaching people about Islam, taking the message of Islam forward, whether it is through media or through publications or anyway, all of that is part of feasable Allah and insert on for con, which is a marquee surah Allah subhanaw taala says in verse 52, that were Jaya heed whom

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behaved Jihad and Kabira that strive against them with this a great striving and with this with it, it is referring to the Quran, meaning strive against your opponents with the Quran, how that you recite it, you explain it, you convey it, you live it, even if people

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don't want to listen even if they don't want to make any room for the Quran, use thrive and the recitation of the Quran or rather teaching people how to recite the Quran and explaining it conveying it, you know, printing the most have all of this also requires funding. So to establish places and institutes to develop programming, and train people, where people can learn to recite, memorize, understand the deen of Allah, then all of this requires funding. So this spending feasable Allah is specifically spending for the religion of Allah to spread the religion of Allah to teach people about the religion of Allah. And remember that the way that Allah azza wa jal has superiority

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over his creation, spending on the religion of Allah is also superior to spending on any other cause. spending in the way of Allah is the most awful it is the most superior form of charity, it is the best form of charity. In a hadith we learn the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that if Boileau sada Kotti, the most virtuous of charitable spending is the shade of a tent in the Cause of Allah. Isn't that amazing? That a tent that is given in the Cause of Allah, and that provides shade to people that is the best kind of charity, or giving the servant in the Cause of Allah or a riding camel in the Cause of Allah, meaning anything that is given to support the religion of Allah in any

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way whatsoever. That is the best kind of charity. So for example, in your local masjid, if you donate the money for, for example, new air conditioning, a new roof, new carpet, or for example, new chairs, so that people can come and study the deen of Allah, people can come and learn the verses of Allah, people can come and listen to the Quran, they can come and establish their Deen, they can press up, you give the funding you spend for, for example, the new microphone system, whatever it may be, then this is the best kind of sadaqa of Balu Sadat, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned that it is giving something in the way of Allah. And you see, this is the best. Why?

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Because its impact is far reaching. You know, for example, when you spend money to give food to someone, all right, so for example, you give $100 to buy food, and then you take it to your friends, family, your acquaintances, and you serve it to them. That is excellent, because giving food is also a very virtuous deed, which Allah subhanaw taala loves, and it is something that, you know, is mentioned many times in the Quran, and Jana is promised to the people who give food to others. So this is excellent. But what is even better than that is that you feed the soul, the heart of a person, because you know what, you could have a full stomach, you could have more food than what you

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can eat, but you cannot be happy and you cannot feel satisfied, until your soul is satiated until your heart is given what it is desperately in need of what it is hungry for. And what satiate the heart. What feeds the heart and soul is what it is the vicar of Allah, it is the knowledge of Allah it is rabada it is servitude to Allah and how can a person know about Allah and have love for Allah and worship Allah subhanaw taala this requires or even this requires knowledge. So if you spend that $100 or another $100 to for example, purchase some materials that will help people worship Allah better. Or you will spend this money to teach people the deen, for example, you invest in a cause

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where you know people are preparing materials, publications or media to educate people about Islam, then that $100 will bring you much greater reward than the $100 that you spend in giving food to people. Giving food is excellent, excellent. But feeding the souls of people is far more superior. So Alladhina Yoon feel Kona and wallah home fees Sabine, Allah feasable allow first and foremost includes spending in the cause of Allah's religion, to support that to strengthen that to spread that to educate people about that to strengthen people in their Deen. Secondly, fee Sabina Allah also includes spending in any good work. So this includes all of the above will highlight all of the

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good deeds. So sorry, the one job he said that this includes all acts of obedience to Allah, all good deeds

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So for instance, if a person is giving anything for the pleasure of Allah, for instance, a person spends in Hajj you know they want to go for Hajj, they want to go for Umrah. So they spend many dollars to go for Hajj to go for Omura this is V subete Allah and Ibn Abbas Radi Allahu Anhu said that each dyrham that is spent in Jihad and Hajj is multiplied 700 times. So imagine if you buy a package for 15k, the reward for that will be multiplied 700 times and that is over a million. So it is as though you spent a million dollars you get the reward for a million. So what you spend in obedience to Allah and obedience to Allah includes, you know, performing various acts of worship or

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doing things spending in causes that please Allah. So, for instance, you spend on your parents you spend on your relatives, on the orphans, those in need, the travelers you spend on your relatives, you give them a gift on your neighbors, those who are close to you, you do your sound to them with your money, then this is also feasible Allah because you are spending in the way of Allah in obedience to Allah for the pleasure of Allah, you are spending for the cause that Allah subhanaw taala likes and when you spend in the way of Allah, then remember, this is money that can be given to an individual. So, for example, you give money to an individual so they can go for Umrah, you buy

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their plane ticket for instance, you pay for their tuition, so that they can take a class or this can also be given to a cause right to a cause or for example a group of people who are working together to serve the religion of Allah or to serve the community. So for example, you spend you give a donation to the local Masjid you spend on a school you know, so that children can be taught how to recite the Quran over there or they can be taught how to memorize the Quran over there. So, spending in the way of Allah remember, it can be given to an individual and it can also be given to a cause. So, the example of those people who spend their wealth in the way of Allah, Allah subhanaw

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taala says the example is kammath le hubba it is like example of a grain Katha Lika like methyl example habba of a grain and the word hubba is from the root letters have ba ba and Hamba is a seed and basically Hubei zap is a grain that people cultivate okay, why they harvest the plants for food. So this is not just any seed but specifically things like wheat barley, because the crop that is harvested in it is used as food as a staple. So come a fairly hubba and this hubba this seed this grain Allah subhanaw taala says is such that um but that's it grows and but that is from known betta embed is to grow so it girls meaning that one seed that one grain grows savasana bill, seven spikes,

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okay, now Senate Bill is the plural of Cymbala from the root letters seen known by lump sum Bula. And you can see the singular form in the if equally some bulletin Sanibel is a plural of singular and singular is basically. So you see when you plant a seed and it grows a chute initially that chute has what is just one and as it grows, then you can see it branching, okay, you can see it branching. And at the end of each branch is what a cluster of seeds. So that cluster of seeds at the end of the branch is what it is a Cymbala it is a spike, okay, and that Spike has multiple grains and you know, different plants grow differently. So for example, if you see for instance, a lavender

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plant, you can see the seeds or the grains there such that you know, you will see seven to 10 in one cluster, and you have a cluster on top of a cluster on top of a cluster. Sometimes there's you know, five or six clusters sometimes there's few and in some plants you can see that there are multiple shoots coming out from one route from one route. In some cases what happens is that from one route one seat there's only one spike but here last panel todos mentioning that this seat is such there's so much blessing in it that it grows seven spikes, and then feed Cooley some bulletin and in each spike.

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There are two habba there are 100 seeds 100 grains. So now what's happening out of one seed, one grain, you are harvesting how many 700 700? Now a person might say, Well, I've never seen anything like that, where you know one grain grows into seven spikes and each spike has 100 grains, this is not typical. Yes, it may not be typical, but can it be imagined? Yes, it can be. This is an example. And Allah subhanaw taala is teaching us over here, the blessing in what you give in his cause, how Allah subhanaw taala causes that to increase and multiply more than what you have ever seen. This is not a typical result, this is not a typical yield. You know, for example, when you invest some

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money, you are told that the returns are 15% 5% 30% Sometimes you know, you are told that you will get annual returns or you know, monthly or twice a year things like that. But this deal that Allah subhanaw taala is mentioning over here is better than any deal that you have ever seen in the world. Because this is Allah subhanaw taala who is giving you the returns for your investment. So I'm better at savasana BNF equally some buletin me to habba now I want you to look at the word Sanibel UC Santa bill is a plural of the word Cymbala. And in Surah Yusuf we have the plural some bullet Sabra some bullet. Okay, that is mentioned over there. So there's two types of Florence some bullet

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and Sanibel and there is a difference between these two plurals synovial is jam or Kathira All right, and some bullet is jam or Kyla any in Arabic sometimes you have different plurals for one word, why because one floral indicates you know, just a little more than two. Okay? So for example 345 But then another plural indicates a huge number, a huge number. So Sanibel is jammer. Katra it indicates a huge number. And the point over here is to show the abundance of the reward the gain that you receive from Allah in return for your spending in his cause. So colourful hair button, um, but that Sabra son Abdullah, frequently some bulletin me to hubba and then Allah says Allah Who

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Yubari fully Mejia Shah, and Allah multiplies, meaning the rewards lemania Shout for whomever he wills, the word Yubari. Fu is from the root letters BOD or in fact, and Mudaraba is to multiply. So, this kind of multiplication of reward is for who it is for the one whom Allah subhanaw taala once any, not everyone gets this kind of multiplication of reward. This is for those whom Allah subhanaw taala once and remember that Allah subhanaw taala His will and His judgment are not random. Allah's Will and judgment is based on his knowledge, his justice, His mercy, His generosity. So, the multiplication of reward is in proportion to the sincerity with which a person gets the dedication,

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the purity of their deed and the effort that they exert. Now, remember that the minimum reward for any good deed is 10 times Allah subhanaw taala tells us and sorbitol a neuron io 160. That manager a bill has an 80 fellow who are shrewd unfairly her that whoever comes with a good deed, then he will have 10 times like it, meaning the reward will be multiplied 10 times over. When you recite one letter of the Quran, then what is the reward for that 10 has an earth and in Hadith we learned that when a person intends to do a good deed, then the reward of a good deed is recorded for them. When they actually do it. Then the reward is multiplied 10 times. Also in Heidi's we learned a lesson how

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to be harshly unfairly her. So a good deed brings 10 times its reward. However, we learn over here that the reward of sadaqa of charity in the way of Allah can yield up to 700 times more rewards. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Yubari fully may usher the reward of Sudoku is not 10 times it is up to 700 times. And even that is actually not the limit because someone wrote an essay that will allow you Barri fully mania shirt. This is indicating that Allah subhanaw taala multiplies the reward more than 700 times even for whom He wills. 700 times is not the maximum it is not the maximum returns the return

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winds can be even more. Why? Because Allah is the father Aleem, he is the Possessor of great favor. So how do you increase in your reward any How can you make sure that when you spend in the way of Allah, then you don't just get a little bit of reward and return, but you get multiple multiple rewards up to 700. And even more, how does that happen? Remember that the increase in reward the Mudaraba is determined by the state of the giver. And secondly, the condition of what is given. So first of all, the condition of the giver, so the person who is giving it depends on their condition. So if they're giving with sincerity, purely purely for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala, then of

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course, the reward will be multiplied, if they give it without seeking any return from people without expecting even a thank you, or any form of gratitude or any kind of praise from people, they don't expect any kind of return, they only give for the sake of Allah, then the pure the intention, the greater the reward. And likewise, part of the state the condition of the giver is that how in what manner do they give in the way of Allah. So for example, some people when they give, they just, you know, give in a rush, for example, without really giving much thought, or they give it you know, their manner is rough, okay, they come across as rude and harsh, or someone who doesn't really care,

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but if a person gives kindly, lovingly, you know, in a good way, while making the recipient feel good and feel honored and dignified, then the manner in which you give also increases the reward, you see, sometimes a person is giving even to their own children, that they give in a way that the children feel horrible, that they would rather not have received that gift or that favor. And other times, you know, there are people who gave in such a gentle, generous, dignified way that the recipient field so happy and honored and respected, sometimes the person gives in such a way that others are encouraged to spend, right. So, the condition of the giver, the way you give, that will

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either multiply the reward or diminish the reward. So, give in an excellent way, some people they have a lot, and they give very little out of it, some people they have little to begin with, and from that they spend Subhanallah, from that they spend any sometimes we think that, you know when we have a savings of 50,000, then you know, maybe we can spend in the way of Allah, you know, maybe when we have bought a new sofa set and we have renovated our house, and when we have gone for such and such trip and when we have bought such and such thing, and we have fulfilled all of our desires and needs and wants, then we can think about giving in the way of Allah. And when they do give, they

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give little and then there's another person who has a very limited amount, very limited amount barely enough to fulfill their own needs with but from that also they take something out to give in the way of Allah he has in quantity, it may be very little, but look at their condition, they are experiencing poverty, they are experiencing shortage of wealth, but still they give in the way of Allah. So, this is something that will increase their reward. Secondly, the reward is increased depending on the condition of what is given. So for example, what you are giving, it could be $1,000, but if it is from property from wealth, that is not halal, that was not earned lawfully,

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then it will not bring any reward to a person. But if a person spends from their Halal earned money, then the reward will be more. Likewise, you may be giving, let's say some furniture as donation somewhere. And if that furniture is broken, it is old, then the reward will be less. If you're given clouds and the code smell or they are torn from somewhere, the reward will be less. But if you're giving something which is in very good quality than the reward will be more likewise in you could be giving $100 Like the example that I mentioned earlier, to feed someone in either body, or you could be giving the $100 to feed their soul to feed their heart to strengthen their connection with Allah

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subhanaw taala to bring them benefit, not just in that day, but to bring them benefit on the Day of Judgment. For example, if you pay for someone's tuition so that they learn how to recite the Quran or they memorize the Quran, then what happens? Imagine on the Day of Judgment, Allah subhanaw taala tells that person

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And that reciting the Quran, recite an ascent, and they reach high levels of paradise, how did they get there, you had a share in that you paid for their tuition. So the reward will not just be 700 times now, the reward will be way more than 700 times, way more. So don't just, you know, be eager to spend in the way of Allah, but be eager to spend with utmost sincerity in the best manner, in the best place, the best quality and the best quantity that you can come up with. You know, there's different ways of spending, there are times when you can spend a little here a little there, right, and that is fine. But then if you save up, and then you give a big amount somewhere, and you bring

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someone out of poverty, or you help fund a major program, right, then the reward for that will be different. So be wise in how you spend in the way of Allah be deliberate. You know, when it comes to spending on yourself, you are careful, right? That you don't just spend randomly you think about it, that what is the best way of making use of this money? How much should go into savings? How much should go into groceries, how much should go into spending on myself, how much should go into spending in such and such cars, you're very deliberate, you're careful. And just like that, when you're getting in the way of Allah seek out the best ways and many different places and avenues

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where you can give in the way of Allah. So Allah Allah Yubari for lemania sha Allah multiplies the reward for whomever He wills. And we see that like I mentioned to you earlier, that the minimum reward for a good deed is 10 times right? We learn from this idea that the reward of giving in the way of Allah is up to 700 times and 700 times is not the limit because Allah subhanaw taala could multiply the reward even more will love you, Laurie, fully my Yeshua, and did you know, there are some deeds for which the reward is unlimited. You cannot quantify it. It's immeasurable, immeasurable, and what are those deeds of those deeds is actually fasting. We learned in a hadith,

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that all of the deeds of the son of Adam are multiplied, meaning the reward of the good deeds is multiplied from 10 to 700 times. But Allah subhanaw taala says about the fast in Love Song except for the fasting for inner who li were an edger Zb, it is for me and I will give reward for it. Subhanallah the reward for fasting cannot be quantified it is immeasurable and the reward of Sabra the reward of patients also we learned the Quran in nama you will FASAB Runa are drawn below at his app. Indeed, those who observed patients will be given the reward without any measure. So Will Allah will Yubari fully May a sharp we should be eager to not just increase in our good deeds but do those

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deeds for which the reward is multiplied many times over and all them as patients, many people fast but they don't observe patients and their fast will Allah who is here and Eileen and Allah is all encompassing and he is Arlene, Allah is West here West here is from the root letter as well seen right from the word was our and what this means is that ALLAH SubhanA, WA Tada. All of his attributes are Weser meaning their vest. So Allah subhanaw taala his knowledge is not limited, it is abundant, it is vast, is all encompassing. Allah subhanaw taala has power, His mercy, His forgiveness, they're not constricted. No, they're vast. They're all encompassing. And this is why we

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should always have hope in the Mercy of Allah. Because, yes, our sins may be many and very great, but remember Allah subhanaw taala His forgiveness and His mercy are even more vast, more greater than the number of our sins and He is Aileen he is ever knowing. So he knows what you give and he knows the condition of the person who is giving what the state of their heart is. And he also knows what you are giving what amount you are giving in what manner you are giving what worse it is and what impact it will have. Will Allah who was here and Eileen. And these names are very relevant in this context, because think about it. Allah subhanaw taala is telling us about the reward of what

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you give in his way, how he can multiply that to 700 times and even more. What does that tell us about Allah subhanaw taala has appreciation, his generosity, his treasures, his power, his resources, he has less air

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He, in his our thought, in his giving, he was so generous in his favor, he is so generous, he is so vast he gives so much. And in Hadees, we learned that if all of the nation were to gather together and ask Allah and Allah subhanaw taala would give to each person what they are asking, that would not reduce the treasures of Allah. So think about it, if Allah subhanaw taala can put so much blessing in one seed, one donation of yours, it has so much capacity than what do you think about the capacity of the creator of that seed, the creator of that capacity, Allahu Akbar, will Allah who is here on our lien and the reward that Allah subhanaw taala gives remember that he multiplies that

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reward on the basis of his knowledge, he knows what the condition of our heart is, before we give, when we give, and after we give, and he knows what we have given where we got that from, how much we love it, and how attached we are to it, but still we are giving it Allah subhanaw taala knows all of this will Allah who is here on our team, and just like a seed, Allah subhanaw taala knows about every single seed where it lands, what its potential is, what it can grow, and how far its fruit will reach. You know, sometimes, you know, when you go to the grocery store, then look at where the food is coming from. And sometimes you will be amazed how the food that is in front of you is coming

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from a different continent, and he across the seas. So how He Allah subhanaw taala knows about this, that how a plant grows in one continent, across the oceans, and the food that it produces. It is consumed by someone who is 1000s of miles away, and you don't know what you give in the way of Allah, how far reaching its impact will be. How far reaching its impact will be. That is up to Allah subhanaw taala to bring your job is to give the best that you can with the best, the purest of your intentions in the best place that you can. And Allah subhanaw taala he is worse here and early. He is able to bring more results than you can even imagine.

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