Abu Taymiyyah – EMOTIONAL The Trials & Hardships of The Prophet
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My dear respective
brothers and elders
and sisters are going to be listening.
With all that which is happening around the
with all the difficulties,
the trials
and tribulations
that we are going through as a Muslim
And also that which we
as individuals
are experiencing.
When the trials and the tribulations become so
much and too hot to handle,
we begin to feel
as if there is no light at the
end of the tongue.
And it causes us to lose hope
in the mercy of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Wa lidaykal Mutamil,
the one who really just ponders
upon the textual evidences of the Quran and
the sunnah
and what the scholars
have enlightened us with
related to trials and tribulations,
what it ends up doing is
easing the pain
that many of us might be suffering from.
Something very very profound
that Ibn Mutaimy Rahim Allahu Ta'ala mentioned with
Ragas Ibtilaat.
He says,
The trials
and the tribulations
is a
is a blessing from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Why? And then he list a whole load
of things. He
says because it expiates
one's sins.
he invites an individual now to become patient.
And he is rewarded
for all of that
in which he is patient in.
And then look what he
It also
causes an individual
to to run back to Allah subhanahu wa
and to be humble in front of his
And he causes
an individual
to turn away from the creation.
Sometimes Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
puts us in some of these situations
when nobody is able to do anything for
So one will be left without no choice
except to
break down in front of Allah subhanahu wa
And then He
says and the rest of the many benefits
that He comes with.
If we just think about this point for
a moment,
It leads an individual to turn away from
the creation.
The way the creation is,
the more you ask them,
the more they tend to
feel bad towards you
and they begin to despise and dislike you.
This guy is always asking for things
as opposed to Allah azza wa Jal.
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said,
whoever doesn't ask Allah, Allah becomes angry with
Not so long ago,
something that I saw on twitter and I
think is worth mentioning,
the American president
came out
and said,
the only thing that we can do now
when the COVID nineteen intensified,
the only thing that we can do now
is, is turn to God.
Ibn Taymiyyah
said this 100 of years ago. He never
said this when the covid nineteen started.
And this is exactly the kind of effect
that he has on us human beings.
He was left on his knees,
couldn't do anything.
And we all know the state
of how he speaks and the way he
Nothing less than arrogance.
Wallahi reminded me of the statement of Allah
when he said,
When they get on the ship
and they begin to fear for their lives,
Allah says
they begin to call on to Allah azza
wa Jal with sincerity.
But when they get safe
and they get home,
they begin to do shirk again.
Also ibnutaymah rhamallahu ta'ala he mentions another powerful
If it wasn't for the trials and tribulations,
the abd,
he would be afflicted
with many diseases, and from the diseases that
he mentioned was
self amazement,
type characteristics,
and also the hardness of the heart.
And he will end up destroying himself
in this dunya before he gets to the
And then look what he says,
And from the mercy of the one who
is the most merciful Allah azzawajal.
That sometimes
trials and tribulates
he protects himself
from some of these diseases,
these illnesses
that are far worse than the COVID nineteen
that is currently on the rise again.
And the benefits my beloved brothers and sisters
is many
with regards to the trials and tribulations
and as to why an individual might go
through some of these
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
in the Quran,
he tells us a lot about
how the Messenger salallahu alaihi wa sallam suffered
and when we look at the Messenger salallahu
alaihi wa sallam it serves as an inspiration
for us all. If the best of the
went through all of these difficulties,
then who am I to complain?
And even with the messenger salallahu alaihi wa
sallam, there would be times
where he needed inspiration, so Allah would tell
him about Musa and the rest of the
who were harmed and went through difficulties.
Let's now send over the seer of the
messenger salallahu alaihi wa sallam,
and all that which he went through.
One thing that he tasted and experienced a
before he even entered into this world
was losing
some of his relatives.
He lost his father while he was still
in the womb of his mother.
And then he loses his mother
at the age of 6.
And then his grandfather who took responsibility
after his mother passed away.
He loses him at the age of 8.
And then his uncle
became responsible of him, took care of him.
Later on we know that the messenger salallahu
alaihi wa sallam
he married Khadija right?
6 out of the 7 children that he
was from Khadija Ta' Radiallahu
Ta'ala Anha.
And he lost his beloved wife as well.
And those he left
or lost in fact,
it didn't stop there.
We are told in these lines of poetry,
And then look what the poet says.
All of them tasted death.
In the lifetime of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam except Fatimatah,
Radiallahu Ta'ala Anha. She passed away 6 months
after the messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam had departed
his vote.
6 out of the 7 kids that he
they left this world
in his lifetime.
He buried them with his own hands.
How many of us have even come close
to anything like this?
Anas ibn Malik radiAllahu ta'ala
Anhu narrates the hadith and he says,
Surullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
saw the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
burying one of his daughters
while he was sitting near the grave
shedding tears.
Let us for a moment imagine our prophet,
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
sitting beside the grave
and crying his eyes out.
Ibrahim alayhis Ibrahim,
his other son,
Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was quoted of having
the eyes shed tears,
the heart is filled with sorrow, indeed we
are sad
with you having left us, oh Ibrahim.
didn't stop there.
The messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam was humiliated.
He was harmed.
He was bullied.
Not by just anybody,
by the closest of his relatives.
And you know as they say,
when harm
comes from someone who's closer to you,
it tends to be much much more painful
than when it comes
from those
who you don't give 2 uts about.
They just called him just about
every insult under the sun.
Allah says in the Quran,
They said to him, oh the one who
claims that the
revelation came down
upon him
indeed you are someone who's crazy, you're a
Allah quotes them saying,
you want us to leave our gods
for a shayr.
A poet who's lost a plot, who's gone
They became amazed
that there was from amongst them a Wuna.
And they called him what?
A magician who's an excessive liar.
This is some of the insults that he
had to deal with.
Let us imagine my brothers and my sisters
one of our relatives,
humiliating us in front of everybody, how we
would feel?
That's exactly what his uncle Abulaab did to
The messenger Sallallahu Alaihi wa Salam one time
called all of the
individuals who were there at the market at
a time
in order to give them a reminder.
And he said to them,
if I was to tell you that there
is an army coming, would you believe me?
They said yes
because he wasn't known to be a liar.
And then he told them that I have
come to give you glad tidings and I've
come to warn you
from a painful punishment.
His uncle turns around to him and he
You gathered us for this.
May you perish
in front of everyone and everyone dispersed.
That's really hard to take
for you to be insulted
by your own relatives when giving them dawah.
And it's not just when you are alone
with them, but in front of the people
that can be very hard to take.
Especially when your
revert or your family is far away from
the religion,
very liberal like.
And then look what Allah azza wa Jal
says to his prophet
We can see
and we know
it is causing you a lot of tightness
in your chest,
in your heart due to what they are
So he would be inspired
by the likes of Nuh alaihisratu wasalam who
was mocked
for making a ship.
They would go by and they would mock
him. And he would respond back to them
and say
If you mock us today, there'll be a
day when we will laugh at you and
you will know and see.
So the messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
is being encouraged, is being inspired through these
that he's being told about.
So that they may think. Tell them about
these stories, Allah says.
One time the messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
is prostrating
in front of the Kaaba.
They start daring one another. Who's going to
get the intestines
of the
sheep that were slaughtered?
They come and they throw it on his
She comes and she starts taking her off
the back of her
My brothers and my sisters,
the trials and the tribulations of the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
it didn't stop in Mecca.
They tried to assassinate him when he got
to Al Madinah.
And the stories are known of how the
they try to throw a big rock
on top of his head in order to
take him out one time.
Also, we know from the life of the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
that he wasn't the richest of people.
There would be times
when he would walk into his own as
Aisha radhiyallahu ta'ala anha mentioned.
He asked,
is there anything that I can eat today?
They would say there's nothing here today.
If that is the case I'm going to
Have we ever walked into our kitchens open
the fridge and the fridge was empty?
One time the messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
said to Abu Bakr and Umar when they
were looking for food, and he asked them
what caused you to leave your home?
They said
said to them, that which caused me to
leave my house was none other than the
reason why you left.
The messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam passes away.
He never left anything behind.
He didn't leave any money behind, no dirham,
no dinar, the dollars and the pounds that
we have today.
He never left a slave girl
or a slave boy.
He just had a white mule,
a sword and a piece of land that
he gave a sadaqa.
This was the state
of our prophet
sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
So to conclude,
my brothers and my sisters,
when we go through some of these difficulties,
some of these trials,
how do we as muslims deal with it?
Sometimes it becomes so
hard to bear.
We are told in the Quran
Allah says
seek aid and assistance
in the salah
through being able to
making yourselves patient.
Sometimes so difficult you can't handle it, go
and pray
and see how you feel after that.
We are told about the Prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam, can Nabi salalahu alayhi wa sallam.
Whenever he was stricken with difficulty, he would
rush to the salah.
Just the other day,
I was being told by a non Muslim
I don't know how to deal with some
of these trials, the stress of work.
Wallahi made me appreciate al Islam
and the guidance of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam
because this salah
like a getaway
for many of the righteous of the past.
You know how today the Kuffar, they have
getaways, they want to just get away from
everything, right? So they go on a little
boys trip
to the Bahamas maybe.
To forget about all the stresses and the
difficulties that they're going through. To the salif,
the righteous generations of the past,
their getaway was the salah
to forget
all of these and these hardships
that they may have been going through.