Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J03-035C Tafsir Al-Baqarah 261 Part 2

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The use of Allah's wealth will result in a dune and great reward, and the use of his wealth will result in a dune and great reward. The use of Allah's wealth will result in a dune and great reward, and the use of his wealth will result in a dune and great reward. The use of Allah's wealth will result in a dune and great reward, and the use of his wealth will result in a dune and great reward. The use of Allah's wealth will result in a dune and great reward, and the use of his wealth will result in a dune and great reward. The speaker advises the audience to spend generously on their worldly needs, including religious and worldly needs, and to spend generously in their cause. The speaker advises individuals to spend generously in their way of Allah and allow them to spend generously in their cause, while also asking for the ability to stay away from spending in the way of
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Now some will firstly don't say that these verses which tell us about the reward and the manner of spending in the way of Allah, these verses were revealed about our duralumin URL for the Allahu Anhu and or summative and our fan Rhodiola Mourinho and they said that when the Prophet sallallahu Aarnio Salam intended to go for the expedition have to book and the expedition of the book was an extraordinary expedition. The journey was very long, it was extremely hot at that time, and it was harvest season, and the enemy was also very new or powerful rather. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam encouraged people to spend in the way of Allah at this occasion. And when he did that, or

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the Rockmount even drove to La Mourinho brought 4000 Dirham. And he said, O Messenger of Allah, I had 8000 Dirham. So I have kept 4000 from my family, and 4000 I am lending to my Lord as a loan. He literally gave half of his net worth, basically, in the way of Allah. But he said, I am lending this to my Lord as a loan, because Allah subhanaw taala calls such charity a loan, meaning that he will return it. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, may Allah bless you in what you kept for your family. And may Allah bless you in what you lent as a loan to your Lord or us man Radi Allahu Anhu also brought 1000 dinar in one narration, and he put them in the lap of the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam imagine 1000 gold coins, he just put them in the lap of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the prophets of Allah who already know Salam began to turn them over with his hands. And he was saying that after this day, no matter what Earth man does, it will not harm him. And he raised his hands, and he made dua, he said, Oh Lord of Earth, man, I am pleased with Earth man. So you also be pleased with him. Allahu Akbar. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was extremely happy. When people brought such great amounts in the way of Allah to support the cause of Allah, we also learn about some companions who could only bring jute the home, you know, the result

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of their hard labor, how they labored for the entire day. And all they earned was a handful of dates. And they brought that handful of dates to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to support the cause of Allah. So Allah subhanaw taala values, even a seed, the tiniest amount that you give in the way of Allah. Now, this example is a tangible example of the reward of spending in the way of Allah. And these examples that Allah Subhana Allah mentioned in the Quran, they're very beneficial for us, because then we can see tangibly what the reward and benefit is. And when you can imagine when you can envision the benefit the outcome when you have a tangible example, then this serves as

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motivation and encouragement, because we like numbers, we like figures. If someone were to tell you, for example, that invest your money in such cause. The returns are pretty good. You're like, Okay, nice. But when they tell you exactly how much the returns are, all right, if they tell you, for example, annual returns or 80%, for instance, what would you do? You would ask Tell me more? Tell me more, because 80% is a big deal. You're almost doubling your money every year. So the thing is that as human beings, we love wealth, and with that love of wealth, we also have some level of selfishness and the desire for more wealth. Allah subhanaw taala told us the sort of ideas I ate

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were in the holy her bill Heidi Lesha did and indeed the human being is very intense in his love for wealth, in total fajr I are 20 Allah says what a boon and mela hooba janma you love wealth a great deal. You need heaps and heaps of wealth you love them. And Allah subhanaw taala also tells them in Surah Nisa, I have 128 that were lira till and for so sure. And present in human souls is stinginess. We love money, and we want all of it for ourselves. And we would love to have more like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that if the son of Adam had a valley full of gold, he would like to have two valleys. Right? This is our nature. The moment you get some money, you think

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about how you can use it, and how you can grow it, how you can increase it. So Allah subhanaw taala teaches us over here, the best way of making our money grow, saving our money and also making it grow. You know, for instance,

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Some people, they have a habit of spending. And they know that if they have money sitting with them, that money is not going to stay safe. So in order to save their money, what do they do? They give it to their mom, they give it to their dad, they give it to someone that please keep this for me. And then when I need it, I will take it from you. Because if it sits with me, if it's in my bank account, if I have direct access to it, it's going to finish. So I need you to save it for me. Right. And some people, you know, they want to invest their money, they want their money to grow. So the moment they have, you know, a spare few $100 Or a few $1,000, whatever, immediately to think

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about growing their money. Allah subhanaw taala is teaching us the best way of making our money secure and also making it grow. And how do you do that? You do that by spending in the way of Allah. Of course in other places in the Quran, we have been taught that Allah subhanaw taala does not demand everything from us, right? Rather, Will minmetals upon our homeopathy cone. From what We have provided them they spend meaning some at least some portion of what we have, we should give in the way of Allah. So the believer spends their wealth to earn the pleasure of Allah to draw close to Allah subhana wa Tada. And there are two conditions for spending in the way of Allah. The first

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condition is a class that we must spend with utmost sincerity, utmost sincerity, and talk to yourself, you know, talk to yourself, tell yourself, give yourself a pep talk that you know, this is the word EULA. And I'm not going to tell anyone about it. I don't want people to find out about it. And I'm going to try to give the secretly or even if I'm giving it openly, and if people do find out about it, I want the reward from Allah. So if somebody takes it, and then they don't say thank you to me, Well, I wasn't expecting a thank you. If you know for example, you give a donation and that you never receive an acknowledgement of your donation. Well, you weren't seeking that

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acknowledgement anyway. Yes, people should say thank you. People should acknowledge it is their responsibility to show gratitude, but you should not expect it because land at Domaine come to Zion, walla shockula We do not desire from you, we do not want from you any reward, nor any gratitude. Now let's reflect on this example. Allah subhanaw taala is telling us in this example, that those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah than what they spend is like a seed, like a grain which grows seven spikes, and each spike has 100 grains each and soul you have 700 In return, like I mentioned earlier, one is that you feed a person's body. So grain Hubba, what does it do? It is food for the

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body. And in fact, feasable Allah is food for the heart and soul, it is to feed the souls of people. And also when you give in the way of Allah, you're feeding yourself. Okay? Now, just as the process of farming, or cultivating plants, this is a process that does not end, alright, for instance, every season, seeds or grains that were harvested the previous year, they are planted, right? crops are grown. And then at the end, they're harvested, and some is eaten. And some is kept for replanting. And, for example, when a tree grows, and it grows fruit, then you know, people eat that fruit, and then the seeds are saved, and then they're planted. And then you know, more plants grow. And then

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again, the seeds, you know, they are used for growing more plants. Sometimes people do this deliberately. Sometimes it happens through nature, and he Allah subhanaw taala makes it happen without the work of any person in the middle. So just like that, the reward of spending in the way of Allah, that can also be end less. Any think about it, a plant that you grow today, it's possible that the chain of growth of plants of harvest of food that comes out of that grain continues until the day of judgment.

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And it's also possible that what you give in the way of Allah, its impact continues for centuries. Its impact continues, and he continues to benefit people in so many different ways for hundreds and hundreds of years, hundreds of years. So, what are you investing for your real future? You know, when a person is earning an income, they keep thinking about how they can save for the

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Retirement, how they can invest their money so that in their later years when they're no longer working, they still have a source of income, they have established a certain amount of wealth which will continue to benefit them. Some people think beyond themselves. They're not just thinking about themselves. They want to invest for their children. And some people Masha Allah, their generosity is such that they want to invest some of their money for their grandchildren even. And then there are those people who don't just think about their own family. They think about the children of the world, the future generations, they don't just think about what they will eat, what they will drink,

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if they will have enough to wear and eat, they think about their Deen that will they be poor on the Day of Judgment, I don't want the children of the world. I don't want the future generations to be poor on the Day of Judgment, I want them to succeed on that day. So they think about how they can take the knowledge of the deen to the people of the world. Another thing we can see in this example is that the yield the harvest depends on the nature of the seed or the grain, any, if the quality of the grain of the seed is superior than the yield, the harvest will also be superior. But if the quality of the seed that is poor, then the harvest will be like that also, right? The outcome the

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final product will also be of the same nature. So think about what you are giving in the way of Allah, what is the quality of your sadaqa? Are you giving it with sincerity? Are you giving it from your lawfully earned money? Are you giving it from something that you love for yourself? Because when you give something that you love for yourself, that brings even greater reward lantana will be Rohatyn FICO Minmatar hipbone you can never attain piety until you spend out of what you love. While you'll do a more thorough Marilla, who Biggie they give food, in spite of love for it, any they love to eat that food themselves, but they give it to others to eat. They would love to keep that wealth

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for themselves, but they give it to others. So remember that the reward of what you give depends on the quality of your spending in the way of Allah is your spending of superior quality, or is it a cheap quality, check your sadaqa check your sadaqa. And it doesn't mean that that sadaqa has to be expensive, its dollar value has to be, you know, great. That of course matters. But that's not the only thing. What matters is the condition of your heart, what matters is with what love you give. Another thing is that when you plant a seed a green, it is buried in the soil. Right? It is hidden. And when you give something in the way of Allah, initially, you feel like you have lost what you

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gave. All right, you feel like now you have little, or you don't immediately see the benefit of what you give in the way of Allah. All right, for example, you give a donation, maybe online, you don't know where it's going, you don't know how people will benefit from it, you don't see the result immediately. And it's possible that you will never see the result in your own life, you will see the result in sha Allah on the Day of Judgment, leave the results to Allah, because in the law of failure will have be one hour. It is Allah who is the cleaver of the grain and the seed. Any Allah subhanaw taala causes seeds and grains to burst. And girl. All right, that is up to Allah, your job

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is to give the best that you can. And your job is to bury the seed to plant it to give it when you put the money in the donation box, for example. It slips from your hand, it's gone. It's hidden from you. Right? You'd no longer see it. Now don't pursue it because some people what they do is that once they give some kind of some charity, they pursue many they keep asking so what did you do with it? So how come I don't see the new fans yet? How come I don't see the new microphone system yet? How come? Why the delay? I gave the donation for this cause where is it? So don't pursue your job is to give and leave the results to Allah subhanaw taala Allah subhanaw taala is the one who grows your

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seeds, cricket the seeds that you give. In Hadith we learned that when a person gives charity from their Halal earning, and that charity

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could be just one date fruit, you give that in the way of Allah, Allah subhanaw taala is going to accept it with his right hand, and Allah subhanaw taala will take care of it, he will cause it to grow, just as someone takes care off and nurtures and looks after a baby horse, all right, and so that one date will become a mountain. In terms of reward. Mountain, if you think about it, a date versus a mountain is a mountain 700 times bigger than the date, no, way more than that. So leave the growth to Allah. Okay, leave it to Allah, Allah subhanaw taala will cause it to grow. Now, another thing is that when you plant a seed, for example, when you sow a seed, okay, and the plant grows,

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then you have to care for it. Okay. So for example, if you have a plant, then you have to water it, you have to ensure that you know it's getting sufficient water, it's getting sufficient sunlight, and things like that, and you're protecting it from anything that could cause damage to it. Likewise, once you give sadaqa once you spend in the way of Allah, you will have to preserve the reward and the benefit of your spending. It's well known that a ready to harvest crop can be destroyed by one event by a single event, any one storm of snow or hail or frost or fire whatever, in one event can literally wipe out the entire field. Alright, so there are some deeds, some follow

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up deeds which can literally destroy the reward of your charity. And in sha Allah in the upcoming verses, we will learn about those deeds so that we can stay away from them. So it's necessary that we purify our intention before we give when we give and also after we have given because sometimes what happens is that we're not boasting at the time of giving. Okay? But 10 days later, maybe a year later, maybe five years later, we boast about it. You know, for example, you give a donation for let's say, a new microphone system at the masjid. All right. Three years later, you go with someone to the masjid and someone praises that Oh, Mashallah. The sound quality in this Masjid is excellent.

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And you say, Yeah, I gave 50% of it, my husband and I, we covered the cost of the new sound system in the masjid. So you didn't boast at that time, but you boasted five years later, that is enough to waste your reward. So don't do that. Preserve the reward of your good deeds, spending in the way of Allah. Now, there are many lessons that we can take from this idea. First of all, we learn that when we spend in the way of Allah, let us give it with utmost sincerity. Secondly, we learn over here, that it is necessary for all of us to spend in the way of Allah, whatever little amount we can give, we should spend in the way of Allah don't think that spending in the way of Allah is just for the

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millionaires for the doctors of the Muslim community, for you know, people who own huge businesses in the Muslim community, for people who have inherited great amounts of wealth in the Muslim community. No, spending in the way of Allah is for all of us. It doesn't matter what quantity we give that quantity can literally be one Hubba, one grain, any, what is the size of a wheat grain, it's very tiny, Allah subhanaw taala values that much he can cause that to grow into 700 more. So Allah subhanaw taala is very appreciative. And when we spend in the Cause of Allah, remember that this is something that benefits many people. it uplifts the condition of the people who are

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experiencing poverty. It strengthens the bond of the Muslim community, it strengthens the community itself. And be hopeful we also learned from this ayat that we should have great hope in Allah subhanaw taala his generosity, his reward, if the earth returns so much, that you put one seed in it, and it will give you 700 More, how much do you think the Lord of the EARTH will return to you? You give one thing and Allah's Cause, he will give many times over. We learned so little Bukhara Ira 276, Allah subhanaw taala says that way you will be so difficult. Allah causes the sadaqa to grow any He multiplies, he increases the reward of charity. We learned that a man came to the Prophet

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salAllahu alayhi wasallam with a camel and he gave that to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam and he said that this is in the way of Allah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the

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This person will have 700 camels like that on the Day of Judgment. 700 So what you give in the way of Allah is certainly multiplied. So given the best way, and hope expect for the best rewards from Allah subhanho wa taala. Now let's talk a little bit about spending in the way of Allah. First of all, we see that Allah subhanaw taala invites us to spend in his cause, and when you spend in the Cause of Allah, this is an investment. Allah subhanaw taala says in Surah, the Toba 11 that in Allah Hush, dada Miguel Medina and Fusa home while I'm while at home, be Anila humble Jana, that Allah has purchased from the believers, their lives and their properties in exchange for Paradise. Meaning

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when you spend in the way of Allah and you exert physically in yourself in the way of Allah, then this is an investment This is a trade Allah subhanaw taala will give you something in return and that is Paradise. Allah subhanaw taala warns us that spend before a day comes where no trade will benefit, no friendship will benefit. And we learned in Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked that who among the people is best, and the prophets of Allah Who are you set them set that up blueness, in another narration Hyrcanus any, the best of people is the person who strives in the way of Allah with their wealth and with their self, any they spend from their wealth

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in the way of Allah. And they also bring themselves in the way of Allah. He, you see, one is that we just give donations here and there to different massage at different organizations, different you know, causes, but you know, these places don't just need money, they also need people, we need to physically go to such places and populate them inhabit them, we need to be those people who are praying in the masajid we need to be those people who are studying in such places, so populate these places. And we also learn the Prophet sallallahu Urdu Sana mourned as he said, the wealthy persons will have little on the day of judgment. And those who have a lot today will have very little on the

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Day of Judgment, except for those whom Allah subhanaw taala gave wealth to and they spent it on their right on their left in front of them behind them, meaning just as the wind diffuses fragrance everywhere. Similarly, this person spends their wealth everywhere, everywhere. So be eager to give in many different places in many different causes. So for example, you may have given to feed people. Excellent. You may have given some money locally. Excellent. You may have given some donation, you know, back home, excellent. You may have given money for, you know, publications for preparing media, through which people can be educated about Islam. Excellent. And he diversify. And

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don't think that the duration that you gave on the odd night, you know, on the 23rd night is enough, if Allah subhanaw taala has given you more than give more like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, you know to your right to your left before you behind you, just like the wind diffuses fragrance, you should also diffuse your wealth in the way of Allah and do not fear poverty, because the prophets of Allah who earned his son I'm told Bilal unfuck Bilal will attack Shimon Villa Archie McClellan all Bilal spend and do not fear poverty from the one who owns the throne, meaning if you're giving for the sake of the Owner of the Throne, you think he's going to leave you poor. He's

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not going to leave you poor. He's going to give you more and the person who is stingy. We learn in the Quran in surah Mohammed Ayah 38, will my Yamaha alpha into my Yamaha Neff, see whoever stingy he is only stingy against his self in he only harms himself. And those who do not spend their wealth in the way of Allah and they just hoard their golden their silver. Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran for the shithole mbira. They've been Aleem, give them news of painful punishment. And this shows us that giving the cat is mandatory. Absolutely. But then beyond that also, any we should be eager to spend our wealth in the way of Allah. Because when we spend our wealth in the way of Allah,

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we learned in Surah Toba 99 that in the house koruba To Allah home, that this is a means of closeness to Allah, you draw close to Allah. In verse 274, sort of Bacara we learn those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah, then they will have no fear and they will not grieve. We learn that hustle and bustle need reported that Tao will MOBA calm

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sadaqa that treat those who are ill among you through charity, which means that when we experience illness of any kind, it could be physical. It could be mental. It could be any any kind of ailment that we experience in our lives. Maybe you are perfectly healthy, and you see your children struggling in their health, then how do you seek treatment? There's different ways. Of course, you make darauf. You ask Allah Shafi to heal you, and then you take medication. But then you should also give sadaqa. And this is something that people have knowledge, urge others to do. We learn that our beloved Mobarak, somebody came to him and complained to him of a wound that they had on their knee.

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And this person said that I've had this wound for seven years on my knee, okay? And it's just not going away. And I have done different things to treat it and it's not going away. So please tell me what should I do? And Abdullah bin Mobarak Rahim Allah, He told him that goal and have a well dug for people, where people are in need of water. Okay, meaning go to a place where people need water and have a well dug over there. So people have access to water, people don't have to travel too far places to fetch water for themselves, make water accessible to them. And he said, I hope that as soon as you make water available to people in such a place, then this wound will also heal. And the

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person who narrated this incident said that that man did that. And immediately, his wound was healed. Any it stopped bleeding, the blood and the pus, etc, that was oozing out of that wound went away. So sadaqa when you spend, this is a way of protecting yourself. This is a way of healing yourself. And we also learned that when we give in the way of Allah, then this is something that brings us freedom. Okay, freedom from our difficulties. We learned in a hadith that, uh, yeah, he already has CERAM he gathered the Bani Israel and he instructed them to do many things. And all of them was that he said, that I command you to give sadaqa because the example of the one who spends

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who gives charity is like that of a man who has been captured by his enemy, and then they tie him up, they tie his hands to his neck, and they also tie his feet, and then they're about to kill him. But he says to them, can I please ransom myself with such and such wealth? And they agree. So he sets himself free by giving his wealth and just like that, when you spend in the way of Allah, then you free yourself. You free yourself from what not just hellfire, but also in this life you free yourself from different problems and hardships that you find yourself trapped in. We learn that Allah subhanaw taala says unfit on fikar Lake spend and I will spend on you, Allah subhanaw taala

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says in the Quran so little and file is 60 That one that don't feel comin che in feasable Allah, you were fatally calm. Whatever you spend in the way of Allah will be given to you in full meaning Allah subhanaw taala will compensate you in full in Surah Saba, 39 woma and factum, and che in for Who are you gleeful whenever you spend in his cause, Allah who will compensate it insert the soft I attend. We learned this Allah subhanaw taala will save you from painful punishment. surah Taha urban is 17 we learned in Tikrit Allah Quran Hassan EULA is hola como Fela calm, Allah will forgive you if you lend Allah a beautiful loan. We also learn in Hadith that when a person gives charity in the way of

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Allah, then their sins are extinguished, just as Walter extinguishes fire Soufiane authority, he was such that whenever he would see a beggar at his door, he would be delighted. He would rejoice, and he would say Welcome welcome. And he would say that this man has come to wash away my sins Alhamdulillah I have someone coming to me, I can give them and this way my sins will be washed away. The Sofia and the 30 would be happy when someone asked him to to give Subhan Allah in Surah Hadid is seven, we learned that for those people who spend in the way of Allah, they will have a dune kabhi of great reward. In Hadith we learn that when a person spends in the way of Allah, then the heat of

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the graves is extinguished for its people. Meaning you are preparing coolness for yourself in your grave. When you spend in the way of Allah on the Day of Judgment also

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You will have the coolness of the shade of Allah if you spend in his cause with sincerity, because we've heard in Hadith that calamari infy lilies are the kuti that each person will be under the shade of his own charity on the day of judgment. And another Hadith we learned that seven types of people will be under the shade of Allah's throne, all of them is the person who spends with his right hand in such a way that his left hand does not even know. So, you know, sometimes you give sadaqa together as a family, you and your spouse or you and your siblings, you with your parents, or you with your friends, you know, together, you spend the people around, you know what you're giving,

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but also try to give some sadaqa secretly, so the people who are closest to you don't even find out because that will bring you the shade of Allah's throne on the Day of Judgment. We also learned that those who spend in the way of Allah into it earlier Imran I have 133 in 134 that rush to Allah's forgiveness and Jana, to Paradise, which has been prepared for those who have Taqwa Who are these people AlLadhina yuanfu Coronavirus, Salah you will have their qualities is that they spend in all conditions in ease and in hardship. So whether we have a little or we have a lot, let's spend in the way of Allah. In a hadith we learn the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Dr Lu by Nico

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Medina, Natty hijab and create a screen between yourself and the fire of *. Even if you can do that with a piece of a date fruit, any you cannot afford to give one whole date, you can give half of it do that, do that we learned that, you know a woman came begging an eyeshadow Dilawar on her gave her three dates. And the woman gave one date each to each of her daughters. And she had one date for herself. And when she was about to eat at her daughter's began looking at her. So she broke her date into two pieces. And she gave it to her daughters, and she ate nothing herself. And I shall do a lot more and I was very touched by this. And she mentioned this to the prophets of Allah who

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already know Saddam and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you mentioned that because of this, that woman will be saved from hellfire. So if you can give even a little bit give that we learned that the person who spends XO Jane feasable Allah a complete set in a complete pair in the way of Allah, then such a person will be called from all of the gates of paradise, he can enter Paradise from any gate. And to give a complete set any what this primarily means is, for example, you give a male camel and a female camel, a complete pair, right because now, you're not just giving to animals, you're giving something that will continue to grow and increase right. So just like that,

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you can give a complete pair any a complete set of clothing or for example, a complete set of furniture or complete set of you know, recording material, for example, that will help support the cause of Allah see what is possible for you what opportunities you have. But this is such a noble deed that a person will get will be invited from all the gates of paradise on the Day of Judgment. Now how can we spend in the way of Allah there is many different ways we can spend on ourselves. end If we spend for our tuition so that we can learn the deen of Allah. We pay for a subscription through which we can continue to learn the deen of Allah or we spend on our family so they can learn

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the deen of Allah. This is in fact the Sabine Allah. If you spend on your family, for their needs, their worldly needs, even your children, your grandchildren, your siblings, your relatives, your cousins, this is also fi subete Allah, when you spend on those in need, then this is also fi subete Allah. In a hadith we learned that once the companions were with the prophets of Allah who already have Solomon, a man passed by, and that man appear to be you know, very strong, very able bodied, very active. So some people said that, you know, if only this person was in the way of Allah, any, he's just out and about he should be using his physical strength in the way of Allah. The Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that if this man has come out in order to strive for his little children, he is in the way of Allah. If he has come out, to strive for his elderly parents, he is in the way of Allah, if He has come out to strive for himself, so that he does not beg than He is in the way of Allah and if he has come out to show off and boast than He is in the way of shaitan. So spend on those who are dependent on you spend on their worldly needs, their religious needs, spend on your needs, your religious needs, and spend on the religious needs, the worldly needs of the people around you. And diversify your sadaqa try to spend on those who are close

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and those who are far the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, no doubt this wealth is sweet and green. But blessed is the wealth of a Muslim, from which he gives to the poor, the orphans and to the needy travelers, Allahu Akbar. So spend generously and we can support you know, for example, you can spend on Hajj on camera for yourself, you can spend to help build a masjid. In a hadith we learned that there are seven things whose reward will continue to benefit a person even when the person ends up in his grave. These seven things are the knowledge which a person taught or a stream that a person causes to be built, or, you know, for example, when people need access to water, so

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you need to, you know, make streams or provide piping etc. so that water can be taken to different places. Thirdly, the one who has a well dug, okay? Fourthly, a person who plants a tree number five, building a masjid number six, giving someone in most half, okay, and number seven children who seek forgiveness for that person after he has passed away. So, there are so many ways in which we can, you know, spend so that we continue to benefit from the reward even when we are laying in our graves. So, we should develop the habit of giving spending in the way of Allah from our income from the money that we earn from the money that Allah subhanaw taala has given us and whatever privilege

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Allah subhanaw taala has given us, let us use that to benefit those around us. And if we are not able to give, then let us protect people from our harm. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam advised a smart oral de la hora and her that do not shut your money bag, Otherwise Allah to will withhold His blessings from you. Do not shut your money back, don't close it, zip it up and put it away. You know, for example, your locker in the bank, don't just keep it shut because if you keep it shut, then what's going to happen? Allah subhanaw taala will also withhold His blessings from you spend as much as you can afford and Allah subhanaw taala will continue to give you and we should

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also make dua Allahumma in the US Luca fairland hierarchy. What Oracle Moon karate were herbal Messiah keen, what until federally? What are how many were either orator fitness or Coleman fatawa funny virome of tune in was a Luca hubback were held by your hymnbook were houbara melon, you caribou Illa who Bic or Allah, I ask you for the ability to do good things. And part of good things is to spend wisely in the way of Allah generously in the way of Allah give me the ability to leave sins, because we waste money when it comes to, you know, just fulfilling our desires. So yeah, Allah give me the ability to stay away from that. Give me the love of the poor, and forgive me my sins and

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have mercy on me. And when you intend to put the people in trial and tribulation, then please take me away without testing me. And I ask you for your love and the love of the one whom you love, and the love of those deeds which will draw me closer to your love. Let us make dua to Allah that he or Allah protect us from stinginess. Allahumma in the arrow, the becoming a Bookly will haram or Allah protect me from stinginess, and another Dora Allahumma inni are either becoming an IRGC while Kastelli while Gibney will boldly Oh Allah, I seek refuge in You from weakness from laziness from cowardice, and also from stinginess, your Allah protect us from stinginess, make us of those who

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spent generously in your way and make us of those whose sadaqa who's giving you increase and you multiply, and Oh Allah, accept our spending in your cause.

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