Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J03-034G Tafsir Al-Baqarah 256 Part 1

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The guidance of Allah's quote is to allow people to do things they dislike, such as not force people into their religion. The guidance is to allow people to make their own choice and avoid rushing to guidance. The use of "naught" to signal the lack of fear and desire to follow Islam is discussed, along with the historical context of Islam, including its implementation in various countries and the use of it as a means of achieving political goals. The segment concludes with a discussion of the historical context of Islam, including its implementation in various countries and the use of it as a means of achieving political goals.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, Allah ECLA have had been, there shall be no compulsion in the religion, but the way you're not rushed to me in a way, indeed, guidance has been made distinct from misguided pneus. Here Allah subhanaw taala is telling us that let it crawl her feet Dean glare no it Graha coercion or compulsion 15 In regard to the religion and this can be understood in two ways. First of all, we understand the law over here as law it Graha as in Allah subhanaw taala is telling us that there is no prohibition meaning Allah subhanaw taala is informing us this is a fact that Allah subhanaw taala is telling us that when it comes to the religion, there is no compulsion.

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Secondly, let ik Raha the reason why Allah subhanaw taala is telling us this is to give us a prohibition, that there shall be no coercion meaning you do not force people in regard to their religion. And Iqra is from the root letters care for her, which is to force and compelled someone to do something that they dislike that they hate any completely against their will. If someone is willing to do something you don't even need to tell them and if you tell them you know once or twice is sufficient because they're willing when someone is not willing, meaning their heart is rejecting and this could be for various reasons, they are not convinced they do not desire it, they find it

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hateful, they do not like it. Then there is a need to force so Allah subhanaw taala is telling us let ik Raha fifth Deen. There shall be no compulsion in a dean and a Dean from the root letters Dalia known Dean is the religion which the prophets of Allah brought the dean of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam of New Orleans Salam Reese early salaam Ibrahim alayhis salaam, the dean that Allah sent His messengers with in Edina in de la Hill Islam the deen which is near Allah meaning which is acceptable which is correct is Islam. So this Deen there is no compulsion in it. Meaning no one is going to be forced against their will to accept the deen of Allah when they hate it to enter the

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fold of the deen any when they do not want to they will not be forced into it. And law a craft D and this is a statement of fact that this was never done before. Never allowed before. It is not allowed now, nor will it be allowed in the future law ikura huffy Dean. Why? Because there is no need to do so. And what is the reason? Why is there no need to do so because Allah subhanaw taala tells us that God Dube you're not rushed to minute away that certainly the right guidance has already been made clear distinct from the misguided pneus the beginner is from the root letters by noon, which is the Vienna this form of the verb means that it has become clear and it has become distinct one has

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become clear from the other you can tell them apart now, what can you tell apart now a rushed from a light and God over here remember that God means indeed, it gives emphasis but for a verb it also shows that the verb has already occurred, because when something has occurred, it is certain its effect. So why rush to a rush from the root letters rushing dal rushed is right guidance inshallah. We'll talk more about it. And Leigh Lane Yeah, yeah. Missguided Vnus. So Allah has made the truth clear. The right guidance has been made clear from the misguided pneus so there is no need to force people now it is up to people to make their choice as Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran in

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Medina who sebelah ima Shakira were in Makkah Fuhrer in surah in San ayah, three that Allah has guided the human being to the path now it is up to him whether he is grateful or he's going to be ungrateful, in total CalFire 29 Allah says what could help them it will become the truth is from your Lord, from a shell of a human woman share affiliate for whoever wants can believe Whoever wants can disbelieve and sort of cough I have 45 Allah says to His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that Wilma untidy him Bucha bar, you are not a Compeller over people in sort of Russia I have 22 Less thoroughly him people slightly. You are not sent as a controller over them. Meaning it is not

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your job, to compel to force people to accept Islam, you are not to control their actions and behaviors. No, you are just a warner who is to convey and people are responsible for the choices that they make. And the thing is that when people are forced to accept something to do something against their will

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Then what happens? There is an effect there is hypocrisy, right? For example, if you force your child to do something, they might do it in front of you, but behind you, they're doing something completely different. So they're kind of cheating, they are being two faced now. Why? Because you force them to do something against their will. And the religion of Allah. Is it no need of Manasa, clean of hypocrites, Allah subhanaw taala wants that people should accept Islam with sincerity, with honesty with their heart, because Allah subhanaw taala looks at the hearts of people, right? Not their appearance or their wealth. So the person who has been forced to do something does not like

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what he is being forced to do. You can force yourself, alright, but when someone else forces you, then you detest it. And Allah subhanaw taala does worship is supposed to be with hope, with fear, and with whom with love with reverence, not with hatefulness. So la eco have a dean cutter Bayona rooster Minilite. Now this idea, a lot of people use this verse as a license to sin, and to justify the wrong choices, or to justify their opposition to the religion of Allah to the commands that Allah has given. They say, there is no compulsion in religion, this ayah does not mean that people can do whatever they want, and Allah will be pleased with them. If that was the case, then why would

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Allah send revelation? Why would Allah reveal a law? Allah subhanaw taala has revealed the law so that people follow it, Allah has revealed their religion so that people accepted people live by it. Yes, people have free will and based on that they will choose to believe or not, they will choose to follow the law of Allah or not. But when they choose to disbelieve when they choose to disobey, then remember Allah subhanaw taala does not approve of that. He does not like that. And this is why Allah subhanaw taala has warned of punishment for that, for people to disbelieve for their disobedience for their violation of the commands of Allah. As we learn in sudo Bacala we have learned earlier in

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verses 187 and 229. The tinkerer who do dilla filata, caribou, ha, these are the limits that Allah has said, so do not go near them. Meaning these are matters that Allah has prohibited, don't go near them till Kahaluu de la Ferla Tirtha duha these are the limits set by Allah do not cross them meaning, these are the commands that Allah has given, stay within them, do not violate them do not disobey Allah. And in Surah Modjadji law I have for Allah says, What Tilka who do doula will Cavatina or that only these are the limits that Allah has set and for those who deny is a painful punishment. So this idea does not mean that there is no compulsion. There is no coercion in the

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deen. So a person has the freedom and the choice to do whatever they want. Yes, they have the choice and freedom as a human being because Allah has given them free will, but they do not have the permission from ALLAH, any Allah does not like that permission in the sense that Allah does not approve of that. Allah does not approve of people's disbelief or their disobedience. And this is why when people choose disbelief and disobedience, there will be consequences, there will be this is similar to how, when you're writing an exam, you're not being forced to give the right answers. You can write whatever you want, you can leave it empty, you can write all the wrong answers, you can

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make a mockery of the exam paper, you can do whatever you want, you can walk out, you can not show up, you can do it properly, or you cannot do it properly. And nobody is going to force you to know you have to give the right answers. You have to respect the exam, nobody's gonna force you. But then you will see the consequences of the choices that you're making. So let a crow have a dean, there is no coercion in the religion at all. This is not a license to sin and disobeyed does not mean that now you are legally allowed to disobey Allah. No, you are not. This is informing us that nobody needs to be forced into Islam. And this idea does not mean either that people should not be informed

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about the truth. Because some people say like a prophet, Dean, there is no need to force people into Islam. You don't even you don't have to tell them. You don't have to tell them about Islam. Let them be whatever they are. Let them live their life however they choose, you know, to each their own Yes To each their own, but you also have to take Islam to people, you have to offer them the choice to believe or not believe. And you see, this is actually one of the reasons why war has been legislated in Islam. Remember that wars in Islamic history have been for defensive purposes, and at times they have also been for offensive purposes.

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Why to expand the Muslim lands to gain greater control over the lands? Why? In order to establish the law of Allah on His earth and to deliver Islam to people, because it is well known that leaders prevent the truth from reaching their people. So when there are leaders who do not let the message of Islam reach their people, then yes, in the past, there have been times when offensive wars were fought, because then wars enabled the removal of such leaders so that people could learn about what Islam is. And when people got to live under Muslim rulers, among Muslims, and even when they were taken as captive, there was a benefit. What was that benefit, they got to see what Islam is, and

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some people chose to accept Islam and others did not. And those who chose to accept Islam, of course, they were welcomed into it, and those who did not choose to accept Islam, their choice was respected. And this is why there was Jizya. You know, Muslims gives a cat and those who are non Muslim in a Muslim land, they give Jizya a certain form of tax, because then they have safety from the Muslim ruler. Indeed, the Muslim ruler will protect the non Muslim inhabitants and they have the freedom to practice their religion and according to Imam Malik, the jizya applies to not only the people of the book, but any kind of non muslim meaning regardless of what his religion is Allah who

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aren't so because Allah subhanaw taala has legislated Jizya This means that there is no need to force people to accept Islam. If people had to be forced into accepting Islam. That means that people would just have the option of Islam or death, right? Not Islam, or your own religion would Jizya so there were people who chose Islam, willingly. And then there were those who did not choose to accept Islam and they gave Jizya and they lived in peace in Muslim lands. Now there is a Hadith in which we learn that Allah subhanaw taala is amazed at people who will enter paradise in chains, okay, any if someone is in chains, this means that they're taken captive, alright, they're being

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made to do something against their will. So what this hadith means is that there are people who came to Muslims as captives, and then they chose to accept Islam when they learned about Islam, and so they will enter paradise like that. Okay. And among such people who came to Muslims as captives, and then they chose Islam are actually great scholars of our religion. Imam Bahati, the great scholar of Hadith if you look at his name at the end is molar al Durfee. Okay, I'll geography and he he was the molar. One of his forefathers was the freed slave of a geography Okay, meaning a geography is the one who set the ancestor of Imam Behati. Free, free from slavery from captivity. Imam Abu Hanifa. He

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is also molar. A Buddha would the collector of Hadith Mola many great scholars of Hadith of Islamic law of Arabic, Henny among them are children of freed slaves of captives. All right, Hassan Al Basri, great ascetic, you know worshipper of Allah, great scholar, even seen our beloved mobilock, or I'll talk any these are giants in our religion, all of them, we learned they were children off or descendants of people who were initially brought into Muslim lands as captives. And so Allah subhanaw taala guided them to Islam. So like a call of a dean, you're not going to put a sword on someone's head and say, accept Islam where I kill, you know, but war was legislated. It was allowed.

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Why? So that the oppressive leaders who control the flow of information in it, they are removed. And so Islam is able to reach people, Islam is able to reach people. And you see Subhanallah, you would think that it was in the past that people did not have access to information, even today, it's so amazing, especially where there is war, where information is curated, basically, and people are not informed of the truth of the reality on ground information is filtered and only then it is conveyed to people. And we see that you know, through social media, you actually find out what is really happening in the world. The media is not always allowed to be neutral. And we have seen that where

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people when they try to be neutral, journalists are fired, you know, they are forced to retract the news that they have presented. They are given stern warnings that you cannot talk about these matters in this way. Right. There's clear bias clear by

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Yes. So imagine if this is today, how much more misinformation existed in the past. And when the oppressive rulers controlled the religion of people, the minds of people, then how was a slam supposed to reach them? The only way it was supposed to reach them was if those oppressive rulers were removed. And this is a reason why war has been legislated in Islam, not to force the individual to accept Islam. No, because there are people who say Islam spread through the sword. Yes, it did spread through the sword, how that oppressive leaders were removed, so that the truth could reach people and then people had the choice. You want to accept it? Go ahead. You don't want to accept it,

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that's also fine. But then you give the jizya so that you are granted the freedoms and security in this land. So law Iqra, have a dean, there is no compulsion and no one shall be forced. So we are being informed over here, that the religion of Allah is not such that people be forced into it. And the fact is that you cannot really force anyone to accept Islam because yes, outwardly maybe they will surrender, but in their hearts do they accept that is not in your control. You cannot force someone to accept Islam sincerely with their heart guidance is in the hands of Allah, He gives it and we learned that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam was only a conveyor. Alright, well look more

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likely. And this statement let equal half Idina as I mentioned earlier. This is also a prohibition, that all Muslims do not compel anyone do not coerce anyone. Now some would say that this idea was only applicable at the beginning of Islam. And then afterwards, this idea was abrogated by the verses that talk about detail about fighting. Okay, for example, in Surah, two Toba, there are verses that clearly say, killed and Mushrikeen wherever you find them, etcetera. So they say that this verse has been abrogated now people will be forced, okay, but other odema say no, that is not correct. Why? Because if this ayah was abrogated, then there would be no Jizya any no non Muslim

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would have the option to continue to practice their religion and give Jizya. And secondly, the practice of the earlier generations was that they had never forced people to accept Islam, they did not do that. And also the verses, for example, in sort of the Toba that talk about healing the machine, wherever you find them, that was about a certain context, a certain place a certain time, that was not a general command, because if that was the case, then any Mushrik that came to see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would be instantly finished, and that did not happen. So we learn that LA ECLA 15 This is not abrogated, this is still applicable, that people will not be

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forced into accepting Islam. And we learned that rumor even Abdullah Aziz, when he was the Khalifa, when he was the key live, there was a Muslim man at his time, who basically said to a Christian captive, that accept Islam, or else I will kill you. So that Christian captive, what did he do? He was afraid for his life. So he said, Okay, fine, I accept Islam. But then after some time, that Muslim man saw that captive practicing Christianity, so he came to him and he said, Now you are an apostate. You accepted Islam and you left Islam. So now I will definitely kill you. So that Christian man said that no, let's go to the Khalifa. All right, let's go to the bailiff. And let's

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see what he says. So they went to the Khalifa Romano bin Abdullah Aziz. And Woodman Abdulaziz asked him, did you leave Islam? He said, No, I never left it because I never accepted it. I never accepted it from my heart. So how could I be an apostate? So Ahmed bin Abdullah Z said to him that you are free, you are free, any you did not become an apostate? Because he has you never accepted Islam, he did not accept his forced conversion as a conversion. All right. So this is the practice of the earlier generations the people have knowledge or might have been Abdelaziz the people who feared Allah, the people who knew the book of Allah, the people who surrounded themselves with people of

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knowledge, this was their understanding and practice, that they did not consider forced conversion as a conversion. All right, so people who do this whether today, or they have done this in the past, that they threatened people of their lives, you know, they say that accept Islam or we will kill you. This is completely contrary to the teachings of the book of Allah. And when they generalize the verses that talk about killing the machete kin, that is an incorrect interpretation of the book of Allah because that is not what the Companions understood, and that is not what they practiced. So such a person is only following his ego

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And if such people are called, you know, extremists or something like that, then that label is justified because they're not following the Quran and Sunnah. So like Rafi Dean Catawba Jana Roush Dominus? Right, the right course has become clear from the wrong and this is the reason why no one needs to be forced into Islam. You only need to force people to do something when they are not convinced of the truth of that matter, or when they believe when they know that it is wrong. But that is not the case with Islam. Islam is perfect. It is true with all of its evidences. So if someone accepts Islam, good for them, it is their privilege that Allah subhanaw taala has guided

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them to accept the truth. And if someone rejects it, then it only shows their ignorance of the truth and the fact that they lack the understanding that they are not aware of the truth, they do not know it, they do not understand it with its evidences, because Allah subhanaw taala has revealed his religion with baking it with clear evidences. Right. And the Quran urges people to reason to use their faculties to give thought to understand and Allah subhanaw taala has made a rushed clear from lay he has made help distinct from battling so called the viola Raj Domina Lee, and if someone is not convinced of the truth of Islam, it's because they have not understood Islam. Some people think

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that Islam is not logical or it goes against reason or that it goes against human nature, but these are all false statements, because there can be no conflict between reason revelation and nature okay reason logic Revelation, the Quran and nature meaning human nature or the nature of this world anything like that any there can be no conflict between the three why? Because the source of all three is who Allah azza wa jal right he is the one who has sent the revelation he is the one who has created us and He is the one who has endowed us with reason and he has made everything billhook right. So, there can be no contradiction or conflict between the three. So if someone thinks that

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Islam is incorrect, all right, or Islam has certain problems, all right, then there is a problem with their understanding, there is a problem with their knowledge they have not understood correctly and that the beginner rushed them in a lie rushed is rectitude, okay, it is right guidance, it is to adopt the correct way. All right. It has to do that which leads to success and salvation. And the opposite of rushed is right, misguided pneus which leads to failure and loss. Okay, so but the way in which to mean and lay this means that guidance and misguided pneus are not the same. All right. The correct path is not the same as the wrong path. Because some people use the first part of the I

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like a coffee Dean to say that, you know, I am good, you're good. Everyone's good. Everyone's right. You know, you just do you I just do me, you know, everything's fine and they try to mix the truth with falsehood or they try to portray everything as the truth and this is wrong look at the next part of the I have got to be in a rush the middle lane, there are matters which are rushed and then there are matters which are clearly late, okay, there are things which are right and then there are things which are wrong, right and wrong are not the same. Everyone and everything is not right. Do not confuse the two do not mix the two

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