Fatima Barkatulla – Life of Aisha RA #15

Fatima Barkatulla
AI: Summary © The loss of a Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam caused a sad and painful loss, including the loss of a woman named Aisha Dylan. The struggles of the woman and her family, including mental health and her parents' loss, led to people visiting her regularly. The rise of Aisha DeLanda and her political career were also affected by her mother and father's legacy. The use of culture as wealth source and the history of the Prophet sallavi led to her being advised to avoid new beverages and avoid contact with new people.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Dear brothers and sisters As salam o Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and welcome to another episode of The Life of Anisha Mother of the Believers with me your host, Fatima Baraka Tula.

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At the end of the last episode we came to the moment of death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he passed away in our mother, Aisha Radi Allahu and his arms.

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We said that our Isha or the Lionheart was with him for a week continuously. She nursed him, gave him medicinal remedies. Did Rukia recited the Quran, she served him till the end. And she was the person he wanted to spend his final days with, because not only was it because you know, she loved him and she would show her love for him, but that he felt immense comfort in her company and in her care.

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She was the one who he complained to of his pain. He asked her to give charity on his behalf, you know, as in his final days, anything that needed sorting in terms of his finances and giving things back to people who had given them to him for safekeeping. These types of things she was

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carrying these out for assault allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he had been her mentor and guide all her life,

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a constant presence in her life since her childhood.

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She had been her companion, her husband, a teacher, he was humorous, loving. Sometimes he exhorted her, he was always reminding her of the Hereafter, always reminding her not to be materialistic, and trying to train her and the other wives to live without some of the lug luxuries of this life.

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Now, his words and example would stay with her as her constant guide throughout her life.

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off after the death of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was buried in her house. And we said that he showed the land he had previously seen in a dream that three moons had fallen into her room. And she'd related this dream to Abu Bakr Siddiq. So when the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam died and he was buried in her house, Abu Bakr said to Aisha, this is one of your moons, and he is the best of them.

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Of course, the impact of the death of Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihe Salam was the on the OMA was immense. It was like

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the father of the whole Ummah had passed away, right. But what did it mean for her, of course, there was an immense sense of personal loss after the death of her beloved husband, Aisha Dylan, who could now no longer get married again. So she would be alone in that sense for the rest of her life.

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Again, we said that her mentor, her guide, her companion,

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the person who loved her, and said that she was the most beloved thing to him,

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had passed away, and we can only imagine the sense of sadness and the loss that that moment was.

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After the death of Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I shattered the land and the rates that his wives intended to send or Furman, or the land who to Abubaker to ask him for that share of any inheritance. Any thing that the prophets of Allah when he was salam had left behind.

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But then I shut it down had said to the wives, didn't Allah's Messenger say, our property, meaning the prophets, the property of the prophets is not to be inherited, and whatever we leave is to be spent in charity.

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And so I should add that on her again, she showed her knowledge here, she remembered a saying of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about this, and I'm connected it to

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this real life incident and she said to them, don't you remember that? He said this. And so then the wives of the poor

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If it did not request the inheritance because they realized and they remembered the advice of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Abbas, Radi Allahu Anhu the prophets uncle and Fatima DeLanda also inquired about the prophets inheritance.

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And the same answer was given to them.

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So neither Asha Delana as a wife nor anyone else, inherited anything from the wealth of our soul, allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but all of them

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a little bit. They were all given a stipend to cover their expenses, okay, from the beta man. So they had like a regular salary or a regular amount of money that was sent for them to cover all of their needs.

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Her half brother, Abdullah, who said he'd already passed away after the siege of thought if

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and so now she had

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her sister a smart, she had her brother Abdul Rahman.

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And she also had her brother Mohammed had been a boubakeur,

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Fatima or Dylan, who became ill six months after the death of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam and a Bakr Siddiq made sure to visit her and made sure that she was happy.

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And then, as you said she she passed away sadly, very soon after the death of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Abu Bakr Siddiq used to consult with our Isha

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during his own halacha Aisha used to give fatwas independently, and she continued to do this until she passed away. Because if you think about it, she was a very unique source of knowledge. Not only had she seen us all allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam day to day in his most private moments. But also she was so inquisitive. She was always asking him questions. He had witnessed his body she had witnessed his

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his his purification, she had witnessed so much with him that she was a key person to ask. Also, when it came to the revelation, so many verses of the Quran, were either revealed in her house, or she had asked questions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam regarding them. So she was a morphus Surah she had knowledge of the verses of the Quran.

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And Bakr Siddiq was Khalifa for around two and a half years. He liked on a soul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lived a very frugal lifestyle, and was very strict on himself with regards to material things. She continued to live in her house in which the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam was buried right next to Masjid another week. And we said that this is now the area where the green dome is in most of the nubbly

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aboubaker used to consult with Asha.

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But her status as a major scholar did not become so apparent during this period, probably because of the recent death of Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihe Salam and the Muslims being busy with the ridin was the you know, people who were causing trouble trying to stop paying Zika or people leaving Islam because of the death of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam Hobeika was dealing with all of that. And so that was like the primary concern during the failover of Abubaker.

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However, women used to visit her regularly, she would go on hij and so they would,

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especially during Hajj season come to ask her questions. If they knew that she was, you know, in a particular place on Hajj, they would all flock there to ask questions to have the questions answered. And then it came the time for Abu Bakr as Siddiq x

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final illness. He became ill two and a half years after the death of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam and our mother Aisha Allah Dylon, her nursed her own father as well.

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This illness of a bhaker lasted about 15 days.

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I should have Dylan Howard was known for her poetry and her knowledge of poetry. Just like Abubaker acidic she was very eloquent. And once you know in the past when Zayn had been Jash had complained about something related to Ayesha Ayesha had responded so sharply that

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Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had turned to Zen him and said, Well, what can I do? You know, she's the daughter of Abu Bakr right? Because Abacha Siddiq was known for his eloquence and and sharpness

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on Abu Bakr as Siddiq, deathbed, Aisha DeLanda began to recite poetry.

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He said to him, lamb Roca, Yogi Thoreau and Al Fattah, either hashrate young men were darker be her Sadhguru by your life, wealth does not avail a man at all. When the day comes that the soul rattles in the throat constricts the breast. Her father told her Don't say things like that my daughter instead say, wha Jaya at Saqqara told Moti billhook Valley gamma Kunta min Jota hate and the intoxication of death will bring the truth. That is what you were trying to avoid from the Quran surah 50 ayah number 19. And then she said also in praise of aboubaker What are the other Eustace Calama m will be what he or OB Olli uttama is motto lil our Amelie one who is so pure, even rain

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clouds are quenched by his countenance. He is the spring breeze for orphans, protector of the widow's. And of course, she was referring to the fact that was that Abu Bakr her father, first of all, you know, she was saying he was so he had such a bright face and you know, his presence was so wonderful. And then she was saying that he has always been known for being kind to orphans and protecting widows and supporting widows.

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When Bakr Siddiq heard this, he said, that was Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam, and he that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This description is more befitting of him.

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So Abu Bakr asked Isha about the prophets shroud, and she said three white garments from Yemen. So he told her to wash a stain of the garment that he was wearing, and to use his own garment as his shroud saying the living are more in need of new clothing and the dead

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after the break, we will continue the life of a sharp Mother of the Believers. Salaam aleikum.

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Welcome back Abubaker Sadiq was on his deathbed, he told I should have allowed her to do an inventory of his wealth. Since he had become k live. He asked her to find out whether his wealth has had increased at all. And she found that there was only one Nubian slave who helped with his children and, and there was one camel that was in his possession that were in excess of what he had had prior to becoming qlf. So he commanded that those things be sent to Omar bin al Shabaab, who would be the Khalifa after him. When Omar saw this, he cried so much. His tears started running on the ground, they said, he said, may Allah have mercy upon Abubaker ever since the Prophet died, he

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has worked himself to exhaustion.

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On his deathbed Abubaker said to her, my daughter by Allah, there is no human being that I would love more to see wealthy than you. And there is no one who's poverty off to me is more grievous to me, than you.

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I have given you a gift previously of 20, camel loads of fruit cuttings of palm trees. And he said to her, I feel uncomfortable about the way I distributed them. So return them, and they will be the property of those who inherit.

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And then he said to her, and indeed,

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my heirs include your two brothers and two sisters. So divide them up by the book of Allah divide the inheritance up by the book of Allah. I shot a deal on her agreed. So she gave back what her father had previously given her because he wasn't sure and Abu Bakr was very very scrupulous when it came to wealth and making sure that he was being fair.

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So she agreed, and she said farther, even if it had been even more and more such and such amount, I would have given it up. So this again shows I should have done her selflessness as well and hope you

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obedience to her father.

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Then she said to sisters,

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that I only have a smart as a sister, who is my other sister. And Booker Siddiq at this point said to her, she is in the womb of Ben Tarija of Habib antologia. And he said it has been cast into my mind that the child Have you ever heard of Joe was pregnant at the time when Abubaker passed away.

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He said, It has been caused into my mind that the child is a baby girl. So make her your concern. In other words, he was exhorting Aisha to look after and take good care of her baby sister that was who was going to be born after his death.

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And shortly after Buckers death, have you ever been Tarija? His wife gave birth to Ayesha's youngest sister on makan form, bint Abu Bakr.

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And we're going to see that the daughter of Uncle Fong bint Abu Bakr, Aisha Ben Steinhardt, later on, becomes a key student of our mother, Aisha medulla Anna.

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And Booker wanted a smart bent or maze to watch him and Abdurrahman, his son to help a smart Ben Thomas was his other wife.

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Now we see from this point onwards, the emergence of Aisha or the law on her as a

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political figure, as well as somebody with scholarly influence. And there were various causes for her emergence as a political figure. If you think about it, she was raised in a noble household. She was of the nobility Quraysh and from both her husband's home, as well as her father's family were noble families. She lived in the home of the head of state Rasulullah sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, right. Her knowledge of Arab history was very deep because of her father, father was also very knowledgeable about genealogy and Arab history.

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Her sense of Amana was very keen for the guidance and direction of the OMA. And she had a real political conscience, you know,

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because she knew what life had been like at the time of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, she knew the vision of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam because he had articulated it to her throughout her life.

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Her father was also

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the head of state after her husband, so she was in a political situation for a long, long time. causes for her emergence as a scholarly figure are also very understandable. Right? She grew up with the Prophets tarbiyah.

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She had an excellent memory. She was sharp in her observation, skills and intelligence. She was curious and always asking questions and very intelligent questions as well as follow up questions.

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She witnessed the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam in all sorts of situations, and she heard him in the privacy of his home, right, sharing with her his real and deepest thoughts and feelings.

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She was articulate and eloquent in speech. So when she conveyed knowledge, it was very easily understood by people.

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Her curiosity and constant questions meant that she also had lots and lots of answers. She knew what the meanings of various verses were, she asked very logical questions, and, you know, was not afraid to ask those questions.

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She was also she had critical thinking skills. She didn't just leave

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questions that were answered, unless she felt satisfied with the answer.

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She also had immense confidence. This was part of her personality. And she had a sense of responsibility for the OMA sense of Amarna, or like, the sense that, you know, the prophet sunnah, and his legacy were a trust that she should carry.

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So she had all of this as part of her scholarly conscience

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and other aspects of her life with the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that made her a great and knowledgeable person and a scholarly person is that she of course observed the delegates and the viewers

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As it says, who came to the house of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam their conversations, and also she used to gain medicinal information from those people who had traveled from various places all over Arabia. So she was known for her knowledge of medicine as well. Our mother, Aisha of the land her had immense hatred for the dean. She felt this sense of protective pneus over the legacy of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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An example of the sorts of people that came to visit her regularly work, people would bring their babies to her to ask for dua, and once she became angry when she saw an amulet around the neck of a baby,

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and she, her anger mirrored the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is anger. There is no doubt that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam banned fortune telling and was very angry with those who did this to she said to this family, who had come to visit her.

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Another example is that when Muslims had conquered different lands,

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there were all sorts of new beverages that suddenly came they they suddenly came into contact with all sorts of new beverages, new drinks, and so they would bring them or bring information about them to Mother Aisha and other than her to ask her about such and such a beverage such and such ingredient. And she, she would advise them to avoid beverage beverages of an unknown nature.

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Another example of the sorts of visits she might get,

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um, Robbins of the Rama and said that our Isha or the Alon had said, if the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace had seen what women are doing now. He would have forbidden them from going to the mosques, just as the women have been here were forbidden. So you know, she said this in response to seeing some women who had visited her or, you know, or had been in her company who were either dressed or behaving in a way that was it was not becoming of a Muslim woman.

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And yeah, he had been saved who is one of the who's listening to this hadith he asked Amara Sheridan has student were the women of Bani Israel forbidden to go into the mosques? And she said yes.

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During Omar's rule, the rule of Omar bin al Shabaab or the long haul

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her status as an alumna as a scholar became even more apparent.

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Omar and the other Sahaba would ask her questions about every area of the prophets home life that only someone like her could really know about. The wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had memorized many a Hadith of the Prophet, especially OMA selama and Asha, the senior Sahaba used to send messengers to her to ask about various practices of the Prophet Omar bin al hubub, used to send people to ask Aisha questions all of the time. And one example of this is when one of Omers friends had sent charity to some convicted women, women who had been convicted of prostitution and were being punished.

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These women were sent a roll of cloth in charity by armor Ben omega, and they were being punished and excluded from society as a punishment. And Omar told Amber angrily that such charity would not be accepted by Allah. But armor insisted saying that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had said about such women, the things you give them are considered charity for you too.

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But because all my hadn't heard this, he became really angry. And he said this was a slander against the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So basically, they almost had a very big argument about it, so they agreed to go to Arusha or the Allahu anha for a solution.

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Omer asked Aisha, didn't you hear the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying, the things that we give them are considered as charity for you too. And I shall replied, As Allah is my witness. Yes, I heard that. So Omar bin al Khattab was shocked and he became quite sad and he started to lament saying, Who knows how much I missed hearing from Allah's Messenger while I was busy with my business. So he began to lament the fact that because of his work

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Look, he hadn't spent as much time as he wished he could have with a solar lot sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and so he missed hearing this type of knowledge from him. In the next episode we will continue looking at the legacy and life of Aisha Radi Allahu Anhu. During the caliphate of Omar of man, and then

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look at the incident of the camel, which is a very famous incident that happened in the life of our mother Asha on the Lana until then, desert como la heron, Salam o Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Subhanak Allah humo behind the eye shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta Aster Furukawa to buoy Lake

Death of Abu Bakr RA

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