Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J02-030C Tafsir Al-Baqarah 222

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The Sahaba discusses the concept of "unturning woman" during menstrual cycles, which is transferable from the time of the period to later. The speakers explain that "unturning woman" refers to the physical presence of the woman in the situation, not the actions of the woman. The speakers also discuss guidelines for bathing, including reciting the holy grail and not reciting the holy grail. Cleanliness and healthy health are also emphasized as important for protecting one's health and well-being.
AI: Transcript ©
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Then in a sad way is Aluna Cardinal Mahila and they ask you about menstruation. Now the idea that we're just going to read is of course talking about menstruation and sexual relations between husband and wife. And I understand that this topic is extremely uncomfortable for many people to even discuss or ask about or listen to. But the Sahaba asked the Prophet sallallahu earlier said about menstruation. Okay, and Allah azza wa jal has mentioned this issue very clearly in the Quran in detail, right? Now, this doesn't mean that we should not have any modesty in the manner that we talk about these issues. Of course, we should, but our modesty should not prevent us from learning

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about these issues. And so I am going to have to be very clear. And it's possible that you hear certain words which you don't like to listen to, or you find uncomfortable to listen to. But for the purpose of clarity, I have to talk about these matters very openly. Why? Because these matters are related to our worship. And these matters are related to our you know, servitude to Allah subhanaw taala in every Muslim, every adult Muslim, both men and women must know clearly about these issues. Right? Now, the Sahaba asked about my healed and I mentioned to you that my head refers to hailed menstruation and also the time of menstruation, meaning the duration that a woman is menstruating

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and thirdly, the place of menstruation. Inshallah, we'll talk about that. Now, what exactly they asked about Mahela is not specified here. Okay, Amy, what exactly were they asking about? Mohave? Did they ask about its nature, the source of menstrual blood? Or the reason why women have menses? No, that's not what they were asking about. What they were asking about. And we can understand that from the answer that was given is whether it was permissible to have sexual * while a woman is menstruating. Okay, so the question was that is it permissible for a man to have sexual * with his wife while she is menstruating? Okay. Now, why did they ask this question? The

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reason is that the people in Medina, especially the unsought, the locals of Medina, they lived with the Jews, and the belief of the Jews and the practices of the Jews certainly had an influence on the unsought. Okay. And when you look at the belief or the practices of the Jews regarding women who are menstruating any, it's very different. Okay. So for example, in the Bible in the Book of Leviticus chapter 12, verse one to eight, it talks about the menstrual blood after childbirth. Okay. And in that it says that basically a woman is, I'll just read it to you. It says, If a woman becomes pregnant and gives birth to a son, she will be ceremonially unclean for seven days. Okay, on the

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eighth day, the boy's foreskin must be circumcised, and after waiting 33 days, she will be purified from the bleeding of childbirth. During this time of purification, she must not touch anything that is set apart as holy, and she must not enter the sanctuary until her time of purification is over. If a woman gives birth to a daughter, she will be ceremonially unclean for two weeks, just as she is unclean during her menstrual period. So different timing, depending on the birth of the son or the daughter, and later on, it says that when her bleeding ends, then she must bring a one year old lamb for a burnt offering, and a young pigeon or turtledove. For a purification offering. She must bring

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her offerings to the priest at the entrance of the tabernacle. Basically, an entire ritual is to be performed, so that she can be pure. Okay. And in the book of Leviticus chapter 15, verse 19, to 30. It says whenever a woman has her menstrual period, she will be ceremonially unclean for seven days. Listen to this part, anyone who touches her during that time will be unclean until evening. So not the woman but anyone who touches her. So for example, if her husband touches her, okay, he is unclean until evening. Anything on which the woman lies or sits during the time of her period will also be unclean. So the bed is unclean, the chair is unclean, the bed sheets are unclean. If any of

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you touch her bed, you must wash your clothes and bathe yourself in water and you will remain unclean until evening. So you see how the impurity is transferable. Okay, if you touch

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Any object she has sat on, you must wash your clothes and bathe yourself in water and you will remain unclean until evening, so on and so forth. And it says if a man has sexual * with her and her blood touches him, her menstrual impurity will be transmitted to him. Okay? So he will remain unclean for seven days, and any bed on which he lies will be unclean. So you can see there's a theme of how the woman herself is unclean while she's menstruating. Okay, and anything or anyone that touches her also becomes unclean. Okay. So the Sahaba wondered that when a woman is menstruating what is permissible, what is not permissible to what extent is it allowed for them to

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you know, have relations with their wives to be intimate with their wives to live with their wives? So the answer is given that poll who are other farter Zillow Nisa, Phil Mahube, that say it is other meaning menstruation is other fart as UniSA filmer here therefore keep away from your wives during menstruation. Now, what does it mean by other? Remember I mentioned to you that it means a painful condition. Okay. And secondly, it also means something that is unclean, meaning something that is impure. So keep away from the women while they're menstruating. So for the duration of the menses keep away. And in particular, what is meant is keep away from the place of menstruation. Okay from

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the place of menstruation, and that is the * meaning do not engage in vaginal * while she is menstruating. Everything else is permissible. Now what does it mean by keeping away does keeping away mean that you keep away like the Jews did? You don't touch you don't eat with her you don't sit with her etcetera. No, keeping away does not mean complete avoidance that the entire person is unclean. Okay. What is meant is that do not have sexual relations with her and bisexual relations. What is specifically meant is vaginal *. We learned in a hadith Anasazi, Allah Horne who reported that the Jews would not eat with a woman during her menstrual period. And the Sahaba wondered that

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is that something that they should also do and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, No do everything, except for it's not rucola Shagun Illa Nica do everything apart from sexual *. And in another Hadith, you know, we learned about eyeshadow, the Longhorn her, and he she mentioned that, you know, she would wash the hair of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam while she was menstruating, he would lay on her lap, and he would put her head in her lap and recite Quran while she was menstruating. And we also learned that, you know, she would eat from a piece of meat and she would hand it to the Prophet sallallahu Oradea cinnamon, he would also eat from that same piece of

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meat, in fact, from the same place that she ate from while she was menstruating. She would drink from a cup and the Prophet sallallahu or his son would drink from the same cup. All right, not just the same cup, but the same spot that she drank from so far to Zulu, first of all, does not imply that the entire person at that the woman is unclean to keep away from her. No, it just means that do not have sexual relations with her. And again, that doesn't mean that any form of intimacy is forbidden at this time. No only the place of hailed is to be avoided. Okay, only the place of Halal is to be avoided. And that is the * because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said isn't

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a rucola Shane Illa Nica don't get confused by the word Manikarnika over here in the Hadith does not mean marriage. It means sexual *. Okay? Because the word Nika also applies to that in the Arabic language. So what this means is that the husband and wife can sexually enjoy one another while the woman is menstruating. And the only thing that they need to avoid is vaginal *. But it is sad that for many couples, the only form of intimacy that exists between them is vaginal *. There is no other form of intimacy. There is no foreplay, no other form of show of affection, nothing else. And the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said is Miroku Leshy in everything, what is

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that everything? Many Muslims are unaware of that they don't even know what is permissible, what they can do, or they have no interest in that. In a hadith we learned that Masaru went to Aisha de la hora and her and said to her that I want to ask you about a matter but I am shy, and it's a very awkward matter and I'm shy to ask you about it. And I shall Dylan Warren has said that I am your mother. And you are my son not literally but remember the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are mothers to the bill.

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levers, right? So she said don't be shy. I'm your mother. So he asked his question that what can the man enjoy of his wife when she is having her menses? And she said everything except her sexual organ, meaning except her *, so everything else is permissible. So far does he know Nyssa, a filmer hailed another thing I want you to notice over here is menstrual pain. It's difficulty is something that is acknowledged over here that whole other and a lot of people undermine the painful reality of menstruation. Think about it. If a woman is not to pray, or too fast while she is menstruating, then why is it that we expect everything else from a woman while she's menstruating?

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And we dismiss the difficulty that she's experiencing?

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And also remember that other overhear does not necessarily mean harm. So, it may not be physically harmful to have vaginal * at this time, but it is certainly other it is something that is impure. Right? So this is why Allah subhanaw taala says boohoo other Fortezza UniSA filmer healed it is an impurity, meaning menstrual blood is an impurity, therefore keep away, meaning do not have vaginal * at this time, while women are menstruating. Where's Aluna, carnal? Mahube and they ask you about menstruation. And regarding this, I mentioned that the Sahaba asked the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam regarding my healed, meaning regarding whether or not it was permissible for a man to be

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intimate with his wife during this time. And to what extent were people allowed to, you know, be in contact with menstruating women? And the reason why they had this doubt or this question was because of the practices of the People of the Book. And there was a recurring question that the people of the book are they the same as they are today, you know, who are the Jews and the Christians that are mentioned in the Quran. So remember that the Jews and the Christians are literally the people have the book, meaning that people who believe in the Torah in the Injeel, remember that the Jews only believe in the Torah, Christians believe in both the Torah and Injeel. However, it's understood that

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even at the time of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi, wasallam, the Torah, the Injeel, were not in the form that Allah subhanaw taala had revealed it, they had changed the book, quite a lot, they had lost parts of the book, they had invented parts of the book, removed parts of the book, even at the time of the Prophet sallallahu IRQs know that, you know, this had happened. And the Quran mentions this, right. And we have learned about in earlier in Surah, Al Baqarah, about how they would change the book, change the words of Allah subhanaw taala. And this did not stop at the time of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam it continued to happen even after the prophets of Allah who already

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husana. So it doesn't matter how much they have changed their book, how much they have changed their actions, their practices. So for example, the Christians, they believe in the toe rot, but they don't believe that they have to observe the law, because they believe that God's grace goes against God's law. So basically, now with the coming of reciting the salon, they don't need to observe the law anymore. But even though they believe this, they're still considered People of the Book. All right. So even though the book has been changed, the laws have been changed. The laws have been abandoned by the people of the book, they're still considered the People of the Book. All right. And

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the passages that I mentioned to you from the Bible, they are from the First Testament from the tobot. And yes, the Jews and the Christians both believe in that the Jews practice that the Christians don't, but still it is part of their book. Now, where did it come from? In the book? Were these the laws that were given to them? Or did they invent these laws? We don't know that, right? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam told us to neither confirm the verses of the Torah and the NG, nor to deny, okay, because we don't know whether these verses are exactly as they were revealed, or the people change them. We don't know that. And there is no way of investigating that

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either. And another thing what you should remember is that, in general, you will find that the laws that were given to the Jews were extremely difficult, okay. And we learned about this in the Quran that one of the reasons why the law was made difficult for them was as a punishment for them, when they continue to, you know, for example, argue with the prophets, like how they kept asking question after question after a question for Musashi he sent out regarding the slaughtering of the cow. And when they kept violating the limits that they were given and altered the laws they were given. The laws were made even more difficult for them.

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All right, yes, the Bible is very clear about how a menstruating woman is basically unclean, her clothing is unclean, anything she touches is unclean. Any person that touches her is unclean. Any person that sits on the bed that she sat on is unclean, so on and so forth. But we don't know whether these were the teachings that they were given by Allah subhanaw taala, or whether they modified them. But the point is, that the people of the book at the time of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi, wasallam, you know, as Jabil will do a lot more on who reported they would not sit or eat with their menstruating women, they would not do that. So this was the practice of the Jews, the

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Christians, on the other hand, you know, for them, there was no issue of the Hot or Not the hot or no issue whatsoever. They were on the other extreme end. And so the Sahaba asked that, what are we supposed to do? What are the rules for us? So then these verses were revealed? All right. So yes, Aluna Cardinal Mahal, they ask you about my health, about menstruation. And remember that the meaning of my healed is menstruation itself. It can also refer to the time when a woman is menstruating. And it can also refer to the place of menstruation. Right. So where's Alana, Karen and Mahipal, who are others say it is other and by other it can mean painful condition, right? Meaning a

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woman is in a difficult condition. And secondly, who are other can also refer to that it is something that is unclean, right? That is dirty. So therefore fart as UniSA filmer, he'll keep away from your wives during menstruation. And keeping away doesn't mean that you don't touch them. Don't sit with them, don't eat with them. Rather, keeping away means do not have sexual * with them. Because it is Phil Mohib during the time of Halo, meaning while she is bleeding at that time, keep away. So Paula Martha's UniSA filmer, he'll keep away from your wives during menstruation. And then while at the caribou Hoonah had Dieter Horner and do not approach them until they are pure. And

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what is meant by approaching them means do not have sexual * until they have become clean. And what is meant by Johanna is that the menstrual blood completely stops, okay, meaning until her period has completely ended. So what at the caribou Nahata Tahuna Now, one thing I want you to understand is that my healed any, when you're talking about vaginal bleeding, there could be different reasons, okay. One is that a woman is having her monthly cycle. Another is that this is lochia any after giving birth, which is also called New PFASs in Arabic, you know, another reason could be, for example, a woman is always bleeding, you know, there could be some problem inside like

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for example, she may have fibroids or some other condition because of which she is constantly bleeding. All right. So it's necessary to understand what Mahal is and what Mahila is not okay. So, the rulings that are given here, that fourth Osito Nyssa a filmer healed this applies to the monthly cycle alright. And secondly, it applies to the bleeding after giving birth, okay, it does not apply to is the helper is the helper is something different, literally is to Hello means excessive help, okay? Meaning the bleeding that is beyond the menstrual period. Okay. And the reason could be any, the reason could be hormonal imbalance. The reason could be internal injury. The reason could be

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like I mentioned fibroids, endometriosis, etc. There could be different reasons. Okay. So for St. helva, which is bleeding that is not periods for that a woman is still required to pray, and fast. And she's also allowed to have sexual relations. All right, during is to holla because it is not my healed. Okay, it is not hailed. And for the other two cases while a woman is menstruating, she's not going to pray. She's not going too fast. And she's also not allowed to have sexual relations, et cetera. Now, a lot of women get confused about the beginning and the ending of their period. Okay. One thing Every woman should know is that if it looks like a period and it feels like a period, it

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is a period. Okay, it is hailed and every woman knows her body. She knows how she feels when she has her period. The kind of cramps that she has

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You know, the kind of bleeding that she's having. So if it looks like it if it feels like it, okay, it is a period. However, the maximum duration for hailed remember the maximum absolute max is what? 15 days, some orlimar say 10 days, but 15 days, okay, it's the absolute max. So for example, if a woman is, you know, having her period and the bleeding is just not stopping, it still feels like it still looks like it. Now 15 days, okay have gone by, she will still treat it like her period. Okay, but 16 day begins, what is she going to do? She is going to take a bath and she's going to start praying even though she is bleeding. Okay, she will begin to pray. Alright, and she's allowed to

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have * even though she is bleeding. Okay, why? Because it is no longer hailed.

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Okay. Now, another thing is that some women, what happens with them is that their period doesn't just begin, you know, what happens is that for a few days, they will have spotting here and there. And then finally, they will have a good flow, and then the period will gradually fade away. So this entire time from when the spotting begins until the spotting completely disappears, that entire time will be taken as a period it will be considered a period. But if the duration of that is more than 15 days, then she has to stop at the 15 today and begin to pray. All right. And another thing is that when it comes to haled, how do you know that your period has ended? There's basically two

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indicators. Okay. One is that the vaginal discharge now is completely clear. Okay, there is no brownish discharge, there's no streaks of blood, it's just completely clear. Okay? Or secondly, there's complete dryness. These are the main two indicators. All right. So while at the caribou Hoonah had the year tahona until they are pure. Now I'm sure you have more questions about haled. And if I start talking about the field of Halal right now, we're not going to be able to complete the lesson. So we have to move on in sha Allah, I'm sure Inshallah, in this course, you will be taught the field of the Hatha and in the field of taharah you will be taught the field of Hadith

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also. Okay. And I'm sure a lot of your questions will be answered over there and a lot of matters will also be clarified. Inshallah, one question that was asked was regarding miscarriage So, when it comes to miscarriage, it depends on when it happens, okay? If it's earlier than the bleeding is not considered the bleeding off, you know, post birth okay. And therefore, that bleeding is not considered my healed. So, the woman will continue to pray and fast etcetera. But if it happens later on in the pregnancy, then it will be considered halal. So basically depends on whether the fetus is considered a child or not. Okay, so we'll add the caribou Nahata Tahuna for either Tata horna. Then

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when they have purified themselves, to Han Nam In Hazel Amara Kamala then come to them from where Allah has ordained for you. Now for either Tata Horner, I mentioned this to you earlier, but I want to clarify again, that there's a difference between what Dieter Horner and for EDA Tata, Haryana had Daya Tahuna means the bleeding ends and for either Tata Horner means that they have taken a bath. Okay, so one thing you should be aware of that do not take a bath until your bleeding has completely ended. Okay? This doesn't mean you're not allowed to shower during your period. Of course you are, what I mean is the hosel of the horror. Okay, the hustle of purification. So only take that bath

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only do that after you know your period has ended. And do not rush in ending your period in the sense that don't be impatient. Okay, let your body take its course it's time. So sometimes for example, what happens is the woman is just seeing some color discharge for an entire day. And that's okay, that's still part of your period. Okay, wait to see the sign of purity. Once you see the sign of purity, then go ahead and take a bath and you must do so as soon as possible. Why because you have to perform the salah now, so don't delay taking your bath. All right. So for either Tata Hana and when it comes to taking the bath the hustle, the hustle is simply a hustle in which you bait you

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wash your entire body including your hair. So if you braided your hair in such a way that the water will not wash all of the hair than you will have to make sure that you unbraid your hair you open it up fully because the scalp the entire

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Higher skin and the hair of the body, everything needs to be washed. All right, and there isn't anything that you have to recite before you take a bath. I remember once a girl said to me that before she takes her bath, she recites the three colds on your kulula How cool are the beautiful fella called out with a bit of bananas, like three times each, and I don't know what ritual she had made up basically for herself. Just because you are in your period, it doesn't mean that you have become an unclean person. Okay, it doesn't mean that you are not a Muslim anymore, you know, it's just your body that needs to be washed. Okay. And when it comes to taking the hosel like I

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mentioned, what you have to make sure is that the water reaches all of your body, all of your skin, and also your hair, including the inside of your nose. Like for example you make wudu So, you can make this as a habit that when you're taking a shower make will do and your Hatha will be complete Inshallah, so far either to the hudna when they have purified themselves to Hoonah mean hi to Amara Kamala, then come to them from where Allah has ordained for you. Now, what this means is that, first of all the hosel should be after the period has ended. All right. And secondly, it is only after the whistle after the bath, that she can have sexual *. All right. So, don't wanna come to

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them after they have purified themselves. All right. And then thirdly, what we learned in this ayah is that photo nemen, Hazel, Amara Comala that come to them from where Allah has ordained for you, okay. So, now guidelines are given regarding sexual *. So for either Tata hudna, or what is required is his bathing the body. Okay, just bathing the body, it doesn't mean that a woman also has to remove, you know, pubic hair at the time. No, she doesn't have to. There are other guidelines regarding that, which are that basically, any Muslim man or woman should not leave their pubic hair more than 40 days, okay? Meaning within 40 days in less than 40 days, they must clean themselves,

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they must remove that hair. Now, if a woman wants to do that, when she's taking her bath after her period, she can do that. But if she doesn't want to do that at the time, she doesn't have to it is not part of the whistle. All right, this is not part of the hosel we'll do is but removing the hair is not okay. So for either Tata Hana to Hoonah mean hi to Amara Kamala, now talking about come to them from where Allah has ordained for you. What does it mean by this here? There is permission of * *. What is meant is men are specifically addressed here have * with women from where Allah has ordained for you and what is meant is in the *, all right. In a hadith we learned the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah is not shy of the truth. Allah is not shy of the truth. Allah is not shy of the truth, do not come to women in their backsides, meaning do not have a null sec. So this is something that is forbidden. All right. And then it is said in the Lucha you hibbott the webinar where you hibel Matata herein, indeed Allah loves those who are constantly repentant, and Allah loves those who purify themselves. Okay. Allah loves those who make Toba and Allah loves those who do the the hood meaning who clean themselves. Now, here we see that internal and external Tahara All right, both are mentioned in this idea. And it is mentioned that Allah

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subhanaw taala loves the people who cleanse themselves internally and externally. Now, why is the elbow mentioned over here in the law you have buta webbing, any this ayah doesn't really talk about sins if you think about it, but at the end, we are encouraged to make the elbow because remember Tobor what it means is that you are leaving your sin. All right, and you're turning to Allah, you're leaving your sin and you're turning to Allah, you're changing your ways, your habits, you are leaving haram and you're going to halal, okay. And Allah loves that in a person. And sometimes, you know, a person has to change their very private habits, okay? Even sexual habits a person has to

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change sexual preferences, even a person may have to change if a person makes that change for the sake of Allah. Allah subhanaw taala loves that in a person in the law you could put the well being and were you humble Matata, hearin. Allah loves those who clean themselves. You know husen is required after hailed so after the period ends a woman is required to take a bath and also whistle is required after July

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The meaning when a man or woman when they engage in sexual activity, than they have to take a bath, they have to wash their body, right and in that, remember the entire body has to be washed. And for a woman, and even for men, washing hair is not required, okay? But the entire skin of the body has to be washed. Okay? Sometimes people find it very difficult to wash their body at that time, right? It's very uncomfortable, it's very annoying, or they feel like they have to take a bath again and again, it becomes burdensome, but if you remember this is where you hipbone Mutata herein, Allah loves those who clean themselves who purify themselves, then taking that shower also becomes easy,

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and it actually becomes rewardable It's something for which a person is rewarded. It's something through which a person draws closer to Allah subhanaw taala amazing. So in Allah you hibbott A webbing when you have one, Matata hitting, now remember that also have hailed okay meaning also that is required after hail for that, like I mentioned, hair and body both have to be washed, whistle of Gen Abba. Okay, loosen off Genova for that, just washing of the body is required, meaning if your hair is for example, tied in a bun, or you have many braids, alright, you don't have to undo all of those braids, but what you have to make sure is that the water reaches your scalp fully the skin of

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your head is fully wet, it must get thoroughly washed. Okay. So, while you have been with the thought, hey, this is the hosel of Geneva hosel of Geneva is required when when is it required? The hosel of Deneb is required when a person engages in sexual activity and then there is sexual discharge. Okay. Now, that sexual discharge could be on being intimate with one spouse. Okay? Any a person has sexual relations with their spouse, okay? Or it could be the result of a * even. Okay, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam was asked by one of the women of the unsought she asked that Allah is not shy of the truth is a woman required to take hosel when she has a *, and

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the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam said yes, when she sees map, meaning when she wakes up and she sees that she's wet, even if the wetness is you know just a little bit but she knows that this is because of what she experienced in her dream, then she is required to take horses. All right, men and women both have to take also on having a *. So in the law, you hibbott the webbing when you're hipbone Matata hearing now where you Hipple with a hit in Allah loves those who wash themselves to clean themselves purify themselves, this includes washing yourself as in making will do okay and will do is required when you have to pray and you're not in a state of purification

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because you use the bathroom, etcetera. Then this also includes taking hosel and hosel is required when a woman has ended her period or a person was in a state of Geneva. All right, but cleaning yourself is not limited to just making wudu and making muscle because in certain Mudassir i a three and four Allah subhanaw taala says what up Becca for cabbage with the Abacha, Fatah here and your Lord magnify meaning Declare the greatness of your Lord say Allahu Akbar, and your clothes you must clean so we have to make sure that yes, we make will do for Salah we take also when required. All right, but our codes are also clean. Now, of course you want to make sure that there's no no Jassa

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on your clothing. There is no impurity on your clothing. But that's not all. You also make sure that your clothes are not dirty. They're not smelly. And the Prophet sallallahu Urdu Cena was very, very particular about this. You know, the Prophet sallallahu already has an award this black shawl once that was made of wool, okay. And eyeshadow de la noir and her when she narrated about this, you know, she described how beautiful the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam looked with that shawl, okay, because it was black and his skin was, you know, very fair. And so she just described how beautiful he looked in that child. However, after some time, that he was an upper garment basically,

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when it began to smell and you will notice this with woolen things, because you can't really wash them, right because if you wash it, it shrinks. Alright. So when it began to smell

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Oh, the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam stopped wearing it, he did not stop wearing it because there was some impurity on it. No, he stopped wearing it because it was smelling. Okay. So this means that we should also be careful about the overall cleanliness of our bodies off our clothes off our environment, and this is part of our deen. Okay, that our clothes should not smell. So before you put on a sweater before you put on a hijab, before even you put on your jacket, smell it, you know, smell the armpit area, smell the, the front, the back or whatever, that you feel might be dirty. And please don't, you know, just spray it with a whole lot of perfume because that combination of sweat

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and perfume is a terrible combination, it's even more disgusting. So clean the clothes properly. And also part of this is that, you know, we should keep our houses clean our, the place that we live in the place that we work in, that should also be clean. You know, sometimes we give attention to cleanliness of the house, etc. because people might come and these days since nobody comes to your house, because of the pandemic. You know, you're like, why bother cleaning, no bother cleaning because Allah subhanaw taala loves those who purify themselves. Alright, so clean your body, clean your clothing, clean your house, your car, all right, your washroom, even your face mask, all right,

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whatever it is that you are wearing, where you're living, all of that should be clean and cleaning is difficult. It is a chore, it requires time. It requires effort. And if we do this with this intention that Allah loves those who purify themselves, then even house chores will become easy on the knifes not easy on the body, but easy on the knifes All right? Well you're hibel Matata hitting. So earn the love of Allah subhanaw taala through this as well. And of course, when we're talking about cleanliness, then cleanliness of the heart also is important. How do you clean your heart through is the follow through is the thought of by seeking forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala and

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remember that Allah subhanaw taala as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said does not look at your appearances. Allah does not look at your wealth. He looks at your hearts and your actions, so the heart should also be clean. In the Lucha you hibbott The webbing or your Hebrew multiple hearing

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