Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J02-030B Tafsir Al-Baqarah 221

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the historical context and meaning behind "ma'am" in Islam, including its connection to the Bible and its use in a way that is not associated with Islam. They also touch on the history behind "ma'am" and its connection to the Bible, as well as the importance of finding a partner who is a good fit for a woman. The speakers also emphasize the need for women to be married to a woman who is not a Muslim man and avoid being caught. Finally, they discuss the importance of marriage in religion and how it can affect one's behavior, including the difference between Mush occasions and the people of the book.
AI: Transcript ©
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Let's do the Tafseer now Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim verse number 221 What are 10 keyhole machinery Kathy had to you Mina and do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. Well, I'm a tomboy minaton higher on men machinery cotton, Willow Archibald calm and a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist even though she might please you. Now this idea is a Madani idea, meaning it was revealed after the Prophet sallallahu already sort of migrated to Medina, and prior to the revelation of this verse, remember that it was permissible for the Muslims to marry a mushrik person and also to remain married to them. However, after the revelation of this idea, this is something

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that was prohibited that a Muslim cannot marry a muslim person. And if they were married, that marriage is no longer valid. And this prohibition was made even more clear after the Treaty of her debut. Remember that part of the Treaty of her day BIA was that the Mushrikeen the people of Makkah, they set the condition that if a man from the people of Makkah goes to Medina, then they must be sent back to Makkah. But if someone from Medina goes to Makkah, they don't have to be sent back to Medina. Okay. Now, what happened is that some women came from Mecca to Medina, they migrated to Medina. And the mushy Keane demanded that they should be sent back to Makkah. Okay. However, the

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Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam took advantage of the wording of the law. All right, and what was the wording? That if a man goes from Mecca to Medina, so he said, No, these are women. Okay. So when they came to Medina, some women, they were married to, you know, Mushrik men. So in Surah monta Hina verse number 10. Allah subhanaw taala says regarding those women, that Lao Hoonah Hill Lula home Waller home, yeah, he Lunella Hoonah that these women are not lawful for their Mushrik husbands, any that marriage is no longer valid. Why? Because these women have now embraced Islam and their husbands are mushrik that marriage is no longer valid while our home yeah, hey Luna Hoonah nor are

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they meaning the mystic men lawful for Muslim women. Okay. And in the same verse Muslim men are addressed that will act I'm sequel, Berry, sawmill colorful, that do not hold on to marriage bonds with disbelieving women. Meaning when you know that these women are Mushnik, then do not maintain that marriage, that marriage should be finished. So prior to the revelation of these verses, it was permissible. Right and this is why we learned that the daughter of the Prophet salallahu Urdu southern Zainab la de la hora and her she was married to a blouse Edna Rivera, who was a mushrik at the time of butter, okay, because the Battle of butter, he came from the side of them which he keen

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of Makkah, and he was taken captive, and Zeno brought to Lahore and her, sent her necklace from Mecca to Medina in order to ransom him. Okay, and that necklace was a necklace that she got from her mother honey, Gerald de la hora. And when the Prophet sallallahu oralism saw that he wept. So anyway, he was set free on the condition that he would let Zayn Abdullah Horan come to Medina, and he fulfilled his promise. So you can imagine in Makkah, from different families, different people would embrace Islam, the husband embraced Islam, the wife did not or the wife embraced Islam, the husband did not. So at the beginning, it was permissible for a Muslim to remain married to English

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trick, or to even marry in Mushrik person. However, after the revelation of the Spurs, Muslims had to give an option to their Mushrik spouses that either embrace Islam or the marriage ends. So we learned that upon the revelation of this verse, or model de la Mourinho, he had a mushrik wife and he divorced her. Now one thing I want you to understand is the term wishek que machinic is who someone who associates partners with Allah, and there are different forms of shit. So for example, someone believes that there are multiple gods they believe in idolatry, and that was the belief of the people of Makkah. They believed in Allah azza wa jal, but they also worshipped many other idols

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lat and Urza and monad. And you know, each tribe had their own idol. Okay, so basically they believed in multiple gods and they also believed that the angels were the daughters of Allah to us the Fit Allah any this is one form of shake, okay, there is another form of shake, which is to associate a child to Allah, right, which is something that a hula Kitab do

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The People of the Book do, right. It's well known that the people of the book, especially the Christians, they believe that reciting Salam is the son of Allah. Now, that is, of course schicke. It's clearly a form of schicke. Okay, in Surah Toba is number 30. Allah subhanaw taala says we'll call it a Yehuda Rosae don't even Allah, that the Jews say that arose aid is the son of Allah will call it in the Surah Al mercy Herban Allah and the Christian say that recited s&m is a son of Allah, and what could be greater Sheikh than ascribing a child to Allah? So technically, the word Mushnik includes all types of people who commit Schick right. However, there is another ayah in the Quran,

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that specifies the meaning of schicke or the meaning of Mushrik basically, and that is the eye of certain man either five, certain man either verse number five, in which we learned that Allah subhanaw taala says, well, Marsan, our terminal Minette Wilmar Sana to mean Alladhina Otto Kitab, Amin publikum, that lawful in marriage to you are chaste women from among the believers, and also chaste women from among those who were given the Scripture before you. Okay? And it's well known that pseudotumor Ada was revealed after Surah Baqarah. So here in this verse, the verse of Surah Baqarah, there is a general prohibition that do not marry Mushrik women. However, later on, it was

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allowed for Muslim men to marry women of the People of the Book. Okay, that exception was made. And this is something that's very common in the Quran any there is a verse which gives a general prohibition and then an exception is given. Okay, so Mushrik Yes, it includes the Jews and the Christians, because they do commit Schick, they do associate partners with Allah. However, the verse of circle Magadha further explains or gives an exception, and the understanding of the companions was also that they considered it permissible for a Muslim man to marry a woman of the people of the book. So for instance, we have the example of her they fought Ile de la hora, and who are they for

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Binyamin Ile de la Mourinho, he married a Jewish woman. And when remodeled De La Hoya and who objected to that marriage, who they follow the law Horne, who asked him that is it forbidden and Romano de la Mourinho said no, it's not forbidden, but then he gave his reasoning for disliking that particular marriage but the companions did not believe it forbidden to marry women from among the Jews and the Christians. So Allah subhanaw taala says well at 10, keyhole Moshe, Cathy Hatta you Mina, and do not marry polytheistic women until they believe so here Muslim men are addressed. Okay, that do not marry Mushrik women until they believe why? Because you believe and they don't insert a

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note I at 26 Allah subhanaw taala says Aloha visa to the hobby scene one hobby Sonal kabisa that bad or impure women are for impure men and impure men are for impure women. Okay, what lay you bet on it by you been will play you're gonna live by your birth and good women are for good men and good men are for good women. So do not marry them. But notice it is said What do you mean until they believe? So if they believe in the Oneness of Allah, if they become Muslim, then you may marry them. And a lot of people object to this, okay? Like for example, if someone takes the shahada, just before getting married to a Muslim people say, Oh, look, they converted for the sake of marriage, they

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converted for love. Okay? And this kind of shahada is not sincere. You don't know what is in the heart of that person. Okay, when Allah says had that human until they believe this means that if a person says the shahada All right, they declare their belief in Allah azza wa jal, in the Oneness of Allah in the prophethood of Muhammad Sallallahu already he was salam, they declare that they are Muslim, and then you have to accept that. All right. And it is perfectly fine for someone to convert to Islam, for the sake of marriage. Okay. We have an example for among the companions. There's a beautiful story on sulayem radula Mourinho and what happened is that Abu Talhah, proposed to her for

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marriage, okay. And a below her was not a Muslim at that time. And he was also a very wealthy man, by the way, he was extremely wealthy, and on sulayem had been abandoned by her husband because she had become Muslim. So she was very vulnerable. They

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If you think about it, and what happened is that also lame said that I cannot marry you because you're not a Muslim. I'm not going to marry you because you're not a Muslim. And if you do embrace Islam, however, that will be my mother. And I will tell her actually embraced Islam. All right now apparently, it seems like he embraced Islam so that he could marry. I'm so lame and people would be so judgmental. Alright, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he praised this marriage so much, and I will tell how the LA Mourinho was welcomed in a vocal huddle de la Mourinho, he became so close to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he is the one who gave his garden, which was

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across from the masjid when the ayah lentinan will be Rohatyn, COVID metairie Boone was revealed. Anyway, Allah azza wa jal knows the state of the heart. The point is, that until mushy cat women believe, well, some men are not allowed to marry them. And if they do believe, then the marriage is permissible. And you know, sometimes you come across situations where you know, someone who's Muslim, and they want to marry a mushrik. Like, for example, they want to marry someone who is Buddhist who is a Hindu, all right, don't hesitate to offer Islam to them. Okay? And to encourage them to become Muslim. Sometimes, you know, these situations arise in the family. All right. And

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what people do is that a lot of times, parents will become extremely angry with their sons, and they will say, you know, what, don't ever talk to us, don't ever come to this house, they will cut off from their son because he's marrying a Hindu woman, for instance. Instead, what should be done is that they should talk to the girl and present this lamb to her, and let her know that, you know, a Muslim man is not allowed to marry a mushrik woman. You are, of course an adult and it's your decision. Whatever you do, however, we would really appreciate if you consider this and if you look into this and you respect our religious values also, and you never know if she says the shahada if

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she becomes Muslim, how Allah subhanaw taala will increase her in guidance you don't know. So the point is that you should offer Islam to them. Right? So while at 10, keyhole Moshe catty Hatha Yoga min and then it is said well Amma to move minute on Cairo men Moshe cotton Hello are Jabba to come and believing slave woman is better than a polytheist woman, even though she might please you. Okay? Meaning, instead of marrying a majestic woman, what should the man do? If he marries a slave woman who is a Muslim, that is better? Okay, that is better. Now, remember that marrying a slave woman? This is something that is generally discouraged. Okay? Why? Because the children born with her

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actually belong to the master of that slave woman. Okay, meaning those children will be slaves, and that means that slavery will continue. However, if a person frees a slave woman and then marries her, that is excellent. That is rewardable Okay. But here it is said that marriage to a believing slave woman is still better than marriage to a free mystic woman. Okay, well, oh our job outcome, even if she might please you. Meaning even if the wishek woman pleases you, any her wealth, her beauty, her family, her personality, et cetera, all of that you find very attractive, but still the woman who believes is better even if she is a slave, okay, and marrying her would be better even

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though there are complications and you know, certain harms that may arise from marrying a slave woman, but still, that is less you know, harmful compared to marrying a mushrik woman. Then it is said well attune keyhole mushy Kena Hatha, you may know and do not marry polytheistic men to your women until they believe. Now, it does not say 10 Cana, okay, but it says don't care who because here, the Guardians, the Olia of Muslim women are addressed. So for example, a father of a Muslim woman is addressed, that do not give your daughter in marriage to a mushrik man until the mushrik man believes. So it's not said that you Oh, women do not marry Muslim men because a Muslim woman

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cannot perform her own marriage. Okay, her wali does that for her, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said lanica Ellerbee will leakin there is no Nika except with the worry. So do not give a believing woman in marriage to him which should make men and this is clearly mentioned elsewhere in the Quran. Also interim tahina is number 10 That for in our limb to move on demote me nothing for lateral Jerome Nayla Kofa la Juana Hey, Lulu. Hawala,

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Muirhead, Luna Luna, that when you know that someone is a believing woman, then don't send her back to her machinic husband, okay. Why because this is not something permissible. She is not lawful for him and he is not lawful for her. So Latin Kieran was shaking her head do you mean and here in particular mushy Keane includes people of the book, okay. Because a Muslim woman is not allowed to marry any kind of Muslim men, whether that mistake man is from among the Hindus or the Buddhists or the Jews or the Christians any this marriage is not lawful. Okay. Because there is no equal to the believing woman except a believing men. All right. No one deserves to be married to a believing

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woman except a man who also believes and then it is said well overdue movement on hydro memo she can Willow are Jabba calm and a believing slave is better than a polytheist even though he might please you. Now, notice how you know the same thing has been said two times in two different ways. And basically, what we can learn from this is that it is possible for a Muslim to be attracted to a mushrik okay, just because someone is a non Muslim, someone is a mushrik it does not mean that they are void of any good. It could be that, you know, their personality is very attractive. Their character is beautiful. Their appearance, their family, their wealth. All right now, it's being

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acknowledged over here that Willow are Jabba, calm Willow are Gibert calm, that even if she pleases you, even if he pleases you, that they can have many good qualities because of which you want to marry them. However, if they do not have Eman, if they do not have faith in Allah, then you cannot marry them. And this shows us that Eman is the most important quality in a person. The heaviest trait in a person is Iman. All right, we learn in Hadith and Behati the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that tongue qahal more or to lead Arbor that a woman is married for for things for her wealth for her lineage for her beauty or for her religion. Right. fought for bidet, Dini Teddy

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Bhatia that that go for the one who has the dean, meaning the one who is excellent in her religion. Go for her. All right. So Willow are who? What does this show that the most attractive the most worthy quality in a person is their Iman? That's the number one thing you need to look at in a person when you're selecting them for marriage. We also learn in a hadith that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he was asked that what kind of things of this world should we hold on to should we gather and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the best of this world is Lisanna and their Quran, in the best things of this world are Lisanne and lacunae, a tongue that

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remembers Allah a lot. Well, Calvin Shackleton, a heart that is very grateful to Allah was oh, Jetta Mina 10 and a believing wife to renew who are Allah Imani he who will help him in his religion. In another Hadith and Muslim. We learned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said a dunya matar this world is an enjoyment and he the things of this world are enjoyable. Well, Heidel, Metairie, dunya and Murata. Salia. And the best thing of this world is a righteous woman, meaning for a man, the most important thing, the best thing that you could have is to be married to a righteous woman. Because you see your spouse, any you live with them, they influence you, their habits affect you,

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their choices affect you, living with them affects you. So you want to marry someone who's going to help you be better, especially in your deen. Right? The Prophet sallallahu already said and also mentioned that there are four things which show that a person is fortunate, or Berman Assad, and one of them is Allah to solve a righteous woman that a person is married to a righteous woman. So in summary, what we learn from this verse is that a Muslim man cannot marry a mushrik woman. All right, but there is an exception, he is allowed to marry a woman from the People of the Book, either Jewish or Christian. But a Muslim woman is not allowed to marry any more stickman whether Mushrik or from

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among the Jews and the Christians, that is something not permissible. And a person who believes is better for marriage, even if they are a slave, even if they don't have worldly status, even if they have nothing else about them that you find attractive. The only thing they have is Eman.

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It's better for you to marry them. And then it is said Hola, chica de una isla na. Those invite you to the fire who Allah eco meaning the polytheistic men and women, they invite you to the fire, even if you find them very attractive. And this is the reason why Allah subhanaw taala is prohibiting you from marrying them. Now, they don't literally call you to the fire, like for example in which the woman will not say to a Muslim man, come marry me. So both of us can go to *. No, she's not actually saying that. Right? But indirectly, she is inviting him to the fire. Why? Because when you know you spend time with someone, okay? They're going to affect you. And this is why we have to be

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very careful about even the friends that we keep company with. You take the effect of those that you spend time with, you know, like they say that you're the average of the five people that you spend time with. So look at the five closest people that you hang out with, who are they? What are their interests? What kind of things do they do, because that affects you. So when it comes to marriage, a person must make Dean the priority. In a hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said led to Sahib Illa Amina that do not accompany except a believer, okay, meaning you want to keep company with someone for a long duration. Make sure that person is a believer, because you're going to

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influence you. Well I called Baraka in that occasion, he even said that none should eat your food except a righteous person, that this doesn't mean that you are prohibited from offering food to someone who is sinful. The point is that when you break bread with sinful people, okay? Or you spend a lot of time with people who openly disobey Allah, who openly reject Allah, then this is something that's going to influence you as well. You're going to start talking like them, you're going to start behaving like them. You're going to start making the same kind of decisions that they make. So like the owner, Ilana, they call you to the fire will allow a Yenta rue de la Jannetty Wallmark

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Filati be Ethany and Allah invites to paradise and to forgiveness by his permission. And this is why Allah commands you to marry the believing person, even if they may be a slave. Because when someone believes then they will aid you in your religion will love we had the rule in our agenda to Al McPhee Rotimi Edney and you see marriage is not just about you know, legalizing sexual relations with someone marriages partnership, it is companionship. So often it happens that when someone gets married, you see that they change in the way that they talk in the way that they dress in the kind of food they eat. They become so much like their spouse, so you want to be very careful about who

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you marry when you bake into it. Heelan NASCI la lucha Quran and Allah makes clear His Verses to the people that perhaps they may remember meaning Allah subhanaw taala explains his commands in this way how that he explains the reason that notice over here it hasn't just been said that do not marry the mushrik men or the majestic women and that's it. No there is a reason given and what's that reason? Hola UK the owner Elon, now they call you to the fire. Allah's primary explains the reason over here, we don't need reasons, all right, but in many matters, when we know the reason, then it helps us understand it helps us except it helps us surrender to Allah soprano thoughtless decree right you

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know for example, in sort of look man we learn that Look man, explain to his son

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that ye booni Allah to Shrek Billa Oh my son do not associate any partners with Allah and then he gives a reason he says in the shitcan alumina Alim because shake is a great injustice. So don't do shake. Why? Because shake is a great injustice. He says to his son established prayer command what is right forbid what is wrong. Be patient over what reaches you. Why he gives a reason in the daily community Iseman Omar, it shows that you are a person of determination. He says, Well, I too sorry, I heard the colonists Well, Adam Schiff will are the model. Do not turn your cheek to the people meaning don't rudely turn your face away from the people when they're talking to you and do not walk

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on the earth arrogantly why he gives a reason in the law hilarya Hibou coulomb of talent for whom Allah does not love every person who thinks very highly of himself, someone who is boastful. He says, walk moderately lower your voice, and then he gives a reason. What's the reason? The worst of all noises is the sound of the donkey. Right because the donkey breathes very loudly. So just like that people don't like to hear loud noises. It's very annoying. So this is

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Something very important that we need to learn when we tell someone not to do something or to do something. Give them the reason. You know, many times people will say to their children, you know, this is haram. This is haram, you cannot do this haram haram haram. Children don't understand why, what's the reason? And they just think Islam is extremely strict, and then they think it's illogical. And then they think that it prevents them from having any freedom from having any fun. And they feel very constrained and very limited by Islam, and they begin to dislike it. So don't do that. Explain to them the reason just as Allah azza wa jal gives us the reason over here, where you

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may, you know, IoT take time to explain. I'm sure you have many questions regarding this idea. So there was a question regarding the difference between Mushrikeen and the people of the book. So remember that the term Mushrik literally means one who associates partners with Allah. And when you talk about schicke, there's different types of shifts, there is major shift, which is, for example, literally worshipping idols, and then there is minor shift, right? Like, for example, showing off, because a person is now associating an equal to Allah in the sense that they're doing something good for the approval of someone else besides Allah or zoologia. Right. So there are different types of

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schicke. But here, what is meant by mushrik, if you take it literally, then yes, it would include people of the book because they do commit shit. Like, for example, the Christians, they believe that Allah has a child to this is a form of ship. So the term wishek would include the people of the book, it could also include even people among Muslims who, for example, go to graves and things like that, who do different forms of grave worship or worship of the dead, etc. But here Mushrik is more like a technical term, okay. And this is people who ascribe to a religion, which is based on idolatry, or belief in multiple gods, all right, and then the Jews and the Christians would be

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excluded from this, they would be excluded from this. So we can understand Mushrik over here, in both ways, first of all, in a literal sense, and that would include Jews and Christians. All right. But remember, then, that the I have certain Merida makes an exception, where permission has been granted to Muslim men to marry women from the people of the book. And secondly, we can understand the word Mushrik over here in this idea as a technical term, and that would only apply to, for example, people who believe in idolatry or people who believe in multiple gods. All right, so this was one question that was asked repeatedly. And I mentioned to you earlier about how Muslim men are

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allowed to marry women from the people of the book, because that is mentioned very clearly in the Quran in surah Ada, and there was a question about why is it that Muslim men have been allowed to marry women from the people of the book, but Muslim women have not been allowed to marry men from the people of the book, Why the difference? And the difference is because remember that Allah subhanaw taala has, you know, within the bond of marriage, within the relationship of marriage, the man has been given the full lumea in the sense that he has been given more authority, more responsibility in the relationship of marriage. All right, Allah Subhana Allah says in surah nisa

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that Regina Luca wa Munna Allah Nisa, and men have been appointed as those who are responsible for women. So if you have you know, a leader who has a religion that is different from yours, then it's going to create a lot of difficulty for you, you know, a Muslim woman, we learned that for Sally how to pawn it that, that a good righteous wife is obedient to her husband, any of course, obedient in matters which are permissible in matters which are more aloof, and if her husband is not a Muslim, then things are going to be extremely difficult for her in terms of her observation of religion. Another thing is, that in general, also you see that men are in need, they have a greater say,

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alright, I'm not saying this is how things should be. I'm just saying based on how things are whether or not this is ideal is a different discussion, whether or not we need to change that is a different discussion. But typically speaking, when you see men have more dominance, more authority, even in different cultures, in cultures, other than Muslim cultures, and basically this is protection of a woman's religion, all right, where she has been forbidden from marrying a non Muslim men, because then it would be very difficult for her to observe her religion. He

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Think about this. So many women have difficulty even wearing hijab, because their Muslim husbands don't support them in that decision. So how can she win that kind of support from a non Muslim husband? Right? So it would make things extremely difficult for her? And how is it going to be possible for her to raise her children as Muslims, alright, so it's going to create a lot of difficulty for her. Another reason is the issue of lineage, okay? Where we see that when a child is born, the child takes on any he is attributed to the Father, okay? That doesn't mean that he's not attributed to the mother, he has no relationship with the mother. That's not what is meant any it's

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the child of which father, okay, so if a child has a non Muslim Father, he is going to be any on the dean of his father, he's going to be attributed to that father. And it means that the Muslim woman is now carrying the child of a non Muslim men. And it's going to be very difficult for her to raise that child as a Muslim. And another thing we can take from this idea is that you see Eman has been given preference over every other quality, right? You need do not marry wish take women until they believe Do not give your women and marriage to Mushrik men until they believe. Right? So this means that a man piety in a person is the most important quality. And so, even in general, when a person

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is looking for a spouse, what they must look at, is the dean of that person that are they Muslim or not, do they believe or not? Right? This is the most important quality, but it doesn't stop there. That's not the only thing you look at in a potential spouse, whether they're Muslim or not, whether they are a righteous person or not. You also have to consider other qualities to see whether or not they're compatible. But you know, the non negotiable is what that the person must be Muslim. And remember that the term wishek It applies to people of all other religions, okay? Whether it is in the form of Hinduism, Buddhism, even atheism, okay, because a kind of shift is to deny Allah

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subhanaw taala as well. All right.

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