Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – Abandoning the Quran – Not Reflecting Upon It

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary © The Quran is often considered abandoned and used as a reminder for personal gain. The title has been used for personal gain, but the definition of the title is not meant to be used for personal gain. The speaker discusses the use of deadly drugs and the importance of forgiveness in learning from mistakes, while also emphasizing the need for individuals to use the Quran and avoid making mistakes. The speaker also touches on the connection between the Quran and shaping people's minds and emotions, as well as the importance of avoiding diseases like COVID-19. The speaker concludes with a discussion of conspiracy theories and the influence of the military on people's political thinking.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam o Juana and the beginning. I mean, it was hobby Jemaine what a shadow Allah ilaha IL Allah What the Who? Lashley Cara, why should you know Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he to Sleeman, Kathira and Bowden, very the best speeches of speech of Allah the Quran and the best guidance, the guidance that came to us in the form of the authentic sunnah of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam, we have not ceased to deal with to be dealing with some of the ayat from Surah Al Farrakhan that describe the rebel, the right man, the true servants of a right man. And the other AFM Surah Furqan that tells us about the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam coming yomo Qiyamah and complaining to his Lord and our Lord Robin Coleman. In Telugu have a Quran, majeure. Oh my Lord, My people have abandoned the Quran. The abandonment of the Quran today brothers and sisters in this

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blessed day of Ramadan, because we have fasted 23 days today is the 23rd day of Ramadan. Here in Birmingham, we have a few minutes inshallah and then McGirt will be here, and then we'll be in the fourth the 24th night, one of the even nights from the nights that last 10 nights of Ramadan. So we're going to deal with an issue that is considered to be abandoned in the Quran, and many people also fall into and when we mentioned in these things as examples were mentioned in them as a

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warning, as a warning. We want to warn the people we don't want to be of the people who closed the doors of Rama and hoping for Allah's mercy. We know like that I will be left that people were like that they're the most wretched and the most destroyed from the people, the ones who closed the door and Allah's creatures and his servants and say no, you can't make Toba. How are you going to make Toba? And I'm more or less academic. As long as you are living you can make Toba in sha Allah azza

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wa jal so the first group and category of people that we want to talk about today and one ourselves and one you from being with these people are the people who read the Quran, and they don't read the Quran with the book, or Tamil or Tareq, because they read the Quran without concern, concentration, without consideration without really studying and taking on board. There those people read the Quran like the Baba, ha, the Baba, guys, the parrot, the parrot, you could teach them anything, you could

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teach them the st. Inshallah Subhanallah piling on a cracker, you could teach them almost anything, but does he understand those words that are coming out of his mouth? We can't read the Quran like the parrot, and we just pair it off. I add that we're not understanding because Allah has revealed the Quran and explained the reasons why he revealed the Quran. And one of the reasons why the Quran has been revealed is fought to de book, as he mentioned Subhana wa taala. Will en Zina illogical

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keytab. Mubarak,

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the Debreu it will eat the vector all l bad. We have revealed the Quran to you. Yeah, Mohammed analyst blesses Mubarak, as Mubarak is blessed, and we built it we revealed it for you so that you can contemplate its message and His ayat. So you and your companions and the Muslims and the people can contemplate its ayat, contemplate and consider the ayat that are being mentioned. And so that those people who have knowledge it will be a vicar a reminder for them. So this is clearly one of

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the reasons why the Quran has been revealed. As for the person who has the Quran, and he memorizes the Quran, or he reads the Quran, but he doesn't practice the Quran, then Allah is given a similar tool for these people in the Quran. He says Subhana wa Taala methylene livina hermle Torah the two millennia NUHA can methanol Hemmati. Yeah. As FARA be some methyl COVID-19 camdeboo b i Tila will Allahu La Yeah, como la buddy mean? Verily, the example the similar tool of those people who

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have been made responsible for the Torah, but they didn't carry it, meaning the award. Their example is like a donkey, a donkey, who was carrying

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on his back a bunch of books. What a terrible similar to what a terrible example that is for the people who reject and disbelieve in the Ayat of Allah. And Verily Allah does not guide the people who are oppressive. So Allah azza wa jal has described the world as being people who had the Torah, and the NESARA had the injeel. And the people were with dough, he was given the Zubov and so forth and so on. But when the people don't practice the divine revelation that came to them, then their

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example is like the example of the person that DUNKEY that has the books on his back. I remember when I was in Medina, it was common for many of the students to buy books, because you have to have books, the great scholar of Islam and Imam Soufiane, even sorry, even my stroke authority, Sophia and authority said, How is the student or the Mujahid going to make jihad if he doesn't have his weapons, and the meaning here is weapons or his books. So there's some people will accumulate books,

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and they purchase books, just to say, look, all the books that I have, but they don't read him, they don't practice them. He accumulates a lot of books. And it's just decoration for his study, or for his library. That's it. She has a bunch of books that she purchased in English, but she doesn't read those books. The person even will organize the books in size, order, or in whatever the color, but they don't read it. The example of that person is like the example of the humanoid the donkey. He

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has books on his back, but he doesn't understand them. He doesn't read them, he doesn't contemplate them. And that's the condition with many of the Muslims as it relates to the Quran. The person has the Quran and something the highest level of the house, but he never reads it. And if he does read it, he doesn't read it in order to get guidance and gain knowledge here, really because he has a problem. So we'll take it down and open it. The very first place where he put his finger would

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determine is he going to travel? Is he not going to travel? What is he going to name his child? What is he not going to name his child? Will he invest? Should he not invest? So he takes his finger and he puts his finger on a word he looks at the Word and the Word is at demand at demand, which means blood. Dumb is singular. Dima is plural. He says, Oh, my finger went on the word Dima, I'm blood. He's the size. I'm not going to do it. That's negative omen. No, we don't make decisions like that.

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But Quran is not for that. That's playing around. That's hocus pocus. Quran wasn't revealed for that the Quran was revealed, so that we can read its message now, no doubt has to be said.

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If a person read the Quran, and he didn't understand the message at all, there is still benefit in that because there are 10 I said that for every half of the Quran. So if you read Alif Lam mean, that's 30 has an ad. And if it's 30 Lamb is 30 means 30. He doesn't understand any of it. But the goal and the objective behind reading the Quran is to read it and to work bit walk by it, to work with it to be upon it. So Allah has put some questions forward to the monad if you're keen and also

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to our own map FLR get the Brunello Quran Kullu been UK follow her? Do they not reflect and contemplate on the Quran deeply and seriously? Or do we find hearts that are locked and sealed? Do they have seals on the heights which prevent them from doing that? So that goes to show that Allah made in car he talked bad and down upon and he refuted those people who read the Quran but they didn't read the Quran with the book and another ayat of Allah yet the Brunel Quran, will Academy in

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the Rayleigh healer, what do you do fearing the life and kathira? Do they not contemplating consider and concentrate on the meaning of the Quran? For verily, if this Quran was from other than Allah, you would have found any meaning discrepancies, it would have been conflicting itself and contradicting itself saying one thing over here and another thing over there. And the third thing over there and the fourth thing over there and on and on and on. But Allah started the idea by

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saying, do they not ponder over Do they not reflect on and over this Quran so as to get the message of the Quran. So we can't afford to be like those individuals who read the Quran and they don't know what they're doing. And there are a lot of people like that, from our ummah. During these times of fitna are the people who are called the Hawaii adage, those rough and tough, radical extreme Muslims who kill Muslims and kill them.

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Muslims, they kill people who are elderly, women, children, they compromises the stability of the Muslim lands. They are creating all kinds of havoc that killed more Muslims and non Muslims not that there's really a difference because both of them are bad. murdering people unjustly is a major sin. And instead of battle for time, they're a bad rap man. The Choose service of Allah from them, Allah Minchin will lead in Allah toowoon Enough seletti Haram Allah enable Huck, the two servants of Iraq

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man are those people who do not kill people unjustly. If they kill, they kill someone with justice. Someone tried to attack him so he he protected himself and protected his Deen protected his honor, he protected his property, that individual he murdered someone and this person, he works for the government. So he is going to administer a lethal injection because that person murdered some iPhone I to photo so now his life becomes how his blood is halau but just to kill people indiscriminately

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and blowing people up and saying that this is Ls nine.

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The Prophet said about the Hawaii bridge and this is the point Sallalahu it was said to them yet Corona Al Quran. Well, are you Jai was her Nigera whom they read the Quran, but their recitation does not go beyond their neck because they don't understand the message of the Quran. It doesn't go beyond the next. It's just recitation is only recipe recitation. They don't read those is that making it haram to shed blood to make mischief in the earth to shed the blood of Muslims or people

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who have a contract and so forth and so on. So they read the Quran, they don't understand it. Another example of that are those Muslims who read the Quran, and they go against the central messages of the Quran, like those people who have Hulu and Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in their extreme, they extreme love that is not permissible and Allah doesn't accept it. It's like a person wanting to fast in the month of Ramadan. And he fast every day without breaking his

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fast. He doesn't take if thought and he doesn't take so hard and he's sincere. Allah doesn't want that from him. That's going to be thrown back at him because it is not according in accordance to what the Prophet brought Salah what he was setting him. So some people claim that they love Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a way that is not going to be accepted from them because it is extreme and overboard. So some people said that the lobby of Islam and they set out to Sudan. He

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knew the elemental raid the unseen How are you not contemplating the message of the Quran? Allah Allah subhanho wa Taala he mentioned in the Quran, Paul, that umbilical li Neff see Nef, Anguilla, Daraa Illa Masha Allah will come to Animal Aid. Let's start to mineral Hale. Were my missiny Sue, in Anna Elana the room were Bashir only combing me known saying to them, yeah, Mohammed, I don't have the ability to benefit myself or to harm myself, except by that which Allah has allowed. And if I

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knew, listen, if I knew the unseen, no evil, no harm would have ever touched me, I would have avoided every harm. Because I know around the corner, there's a cause going to be an accident. Over here. This person is going to kill my uncle Hamza over here, this evil thing is going to happen. So I'm not going to go that way. No evil would have ever touched me. He said Verily, I am a Naveen. I am a warner. And I am a Bashir, a giver of glad tidings to people who have Eman. So where is it that

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the people who believe that the Rasul sallallahu alayhi wa sallam knows that Elmo read the unseen? Are they not reading the Quran with constantly contemplation? consideration? How could they call Leia Adam will Memphis summer way to win out of the rain by illAllah? Tell them no one in the heavens or the earth, Angel, scholar Prophet Nebby Jin, no one in the heavens on the earth knows the Unseen except Allah. People come and say law Allah, He Rasul Allah, He knows the Unseen. You are not

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reading the Quran with contemplation and then we have those people who say, Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is omnipresent. He's everywhere at the same time. He's in South Plains, New Jersey right now. He's in South Orange, East Orange, New Jersey right now. Lyndon B is they believe SallAllahu wasallam. He's in Mogadishu. He's

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sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam is in Wuhan, China, Peking, China. He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is in wide Madami in Sudan. He's just everywhere at the same time. And he says Allah, why do we still have never died? People are not reading the Quran who said this Allah tau Rasulullah sallallahu. Are you sending them in the coming yet? We're in Omega tune, verily you're going to die and rarely they are going to die. Yeah, Mohammed, all of you are going to die. Allahu Taala said to the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Quran. Were magia and the bescherming clinical hold of emitted for whom Mohali? Do we have not allowed any human being before you? I mean, we have not given any human being eternal life and he never died. So if we cause you to die, do these people think they're going to live forever. So so many is telling us that then the big is going to die sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam for that matter will put him in collab to Mata aka become if Mohammed is killed, or he

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dies, or you people going to leave your religion then the beauty of Islam died sallallahu alayhi wa salam, and he is living in the battle zone in a way that Allah knows its reality. But other human beings are also in the Barossa for hours in the Barossa everybody who died is in the battle Zach, so he's living but he's dead. He living by he did die. So the point here is people say these things because they don't have a good grasp of the message of the Quran in terms of reading the Quran, and

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contemplating the message of the Quran. Now, there are many reasons why people don't make it to the board when they read the Quran their meaning, just want to mention a few right now and they mentioned in these few were mentioning them in the hopes that we abandon these characteristics. I'm not saying this to put anyone down to speak condescendingly against anyone to say Oh, look how bad the Ummah is no kala we're gonna take this month of Ramadan as an opportunity to change our Mo to

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change our program. One of the reasons why people abandon the Quran is due to perpetual sins, making sins over and over again. Allah mentioned in the Quran Kela burn Rana Allah Kulu be himmat can we actually Boone is is talking about a human being when he makes a sin. A black thing comes on his heart. If he makes Toba, it gets gets wiped away. But if he does another sin, another black thing comes on his heart. And he makes total bass washed away if he doesn't, he doesn't know how to send a

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blackness and the blackness and the blackness until his heart becomes absolutely Black is darkened. And it can't tell right from wrong. He can't tell up from down can tell his elbow from his ankle bone, a toe he becomes schicke the Sunnah becomes innovation with him. And Merav becomes monka. He doesn't know what he or she is doing. It's the month of Ramadan, and this individual doesn't know that it is not okay not to pray, doesn't know that it's not okay. Not the way he died. Now, there

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are some people who make mistakes in the month of Ramadan and they say, I know what I'm doing is wrong. But I know it's wrong. Where there's some people exist, they don't even know it's wrong. Why? Because of that sin that has covered the heart and they don't have the ability discern to discern

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the mafia calling the hypocrites the people from Al Kitab. They used to fall into sins. And as a result of that they found it very difficult to contemplate the message of the Quran and to accept it and to embrace it. And Allah has mentioned this and documented this and many ayat of the Quran. From those statements. He says Subhan Allah Allah will call Kulu guna fee a committed member to the guna na. Were fee Adelina workroom woman being a woman bathing our baby Nikka hijab? They said to the

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NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, our hearts are deaf to what you're saying arrogance, and Kippur is the bar that's a sin. Our hearts are deaf to what you're calling us to and what you're inviting us to this Quran and this message.

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And in our ears. There are there are stoppers it could be our fingers. We're not here it would be I Vanina work Quran. We have something that is the plugin our ears, we're not even listening to what you have to say. And between us and between you is a hijab, a hijab. There is a covering that stops us from listening to you. And that covering is the cover and that's on the heart and the ears and the eyes.

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Allahu Allah has prevented them from hearing because of their sins, an imam as Shafi. He acts as one of the greatest scholars of Islam and an Imam will kill Ibnu Jura. I want to get knowledge and I'm gonna get a lot of knowledge would you advise me? He advised them to leave off sins. He said that the knowledge of Allah is a light is nor and Allah doesn't give his nor to the one who is an evil duo and he keeps doing sins. So we asked Allah to forgive us for the mistakes that we've made that

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have Toba upon us, the prophets of Allah what is sending them to Asia? May Allah be pleased with her. She's from the Olli Avila. She's a scholar and from the ollie app, and when the Prophet was asked, Who do you love the most? He said I Isha is not fathomable, we can imagine loving someone who's not worthy of His love. Someone who Allah doesn't love. I Isha is the beloved to the Nebby his mom Booba his Habiba, Radi Allahu Anna. And yet when she asked ya rasool Allah, if it is later to

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cuddle, what's the best dua that I should make me I issue the one you love the most? I'm a scholar. The companions said, the men if we had any, if the laugh between ourselves, we had differences amongst ourselves, the men. If we went to Asia, we will find the answer to that issue showing she's a scholar. And the Prophet loved that. What should I say if it's later to cut the yarn Sula, you say you should say Allahumma in NACA, I feel womb to Hibou alfalfa I need Oh Allah, you are the one who

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parties and you love to party and so pardon me i Isha were lesser than I ation degree, if that's how do I then surely is applicable to us? So the point is, everybody's going to make mistakes, everybody. So I'm not saying here in my classes in this class, any other class, speaking down upon people make mistakes, we all make mistakes. But when we make mistakes, let's make Toba and ask Allah to forgive us. Because there are some people who don't even know that what they're doing is not

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okay. They believe that what they're doing is the deed. And the evil in which they're trying to get close to Allah by it is the deed. So there are reasons why people don't make it to the board. One of them is because of sin, that's one of them. Another reason is lack of knowledge as it relates to the Arabic language. Allah will try to describe the Quran. And he said about the Quran that he sent it down btw Salman Arabiya, McBean, he sent it down in the pure Arabic language

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and the pure Arabic language. And he gave the reason why he sent it down in the Arabic language. He said, lie locum tacky, lol, it was revealed in Arabic in the hopes that you would understand you understand this message. So the precision of the language, the eloquence of the language, the ability of the Arabic language to articulate what's being said, is unlike any other language, and I'm going to say this,

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if you were reading the Quran, and another language, you are not going to be able to grasp the full meaning of the Quran. To this very day. There are many translations of the Quran in English that are much better than use of it. And those Mamadou picked all those ones from back in the day. But I have not seen a Quran translated into English except that when I read the English, I can say the Arabic is not necessarily saying that, if I were going to translate it, I wouldn't translate the same way.

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It could be translated that way. But that's not what I'm getting from the Arabic statement. So if you don't know the Arabic language, it's going to be almost impossible to make correct contemplation and ponderings over the Quran, you only could do so much. And that's why when people are going to translate the Quran, they'll say, Allah said, and what the meaning is, and then they'll translate into English because the English is not really rendering the meaning of what Allah said. So not

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knowing and not being able to do that to double in its original language, it is going to have an effect but nonetheless do the best that you can. Because the one who reads the Quran, and he has difficulty in reading it. He has difficulty and and trying to learn it. You're gonna get double reward based upon what the Prophet said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. There's another reason that people don't make it to the bar of the Quran. And it's from the games that shaytan has played upon

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people mat is some people say, I'm not going to learn the Quran. I'm not going to read

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The Quran because I don't want to say something about Allah that is incorrect. So I'm just going to stay ignorant about it. And this way I don't have to do deal with it at all. Who says something like that? That is a trick of a shape barn for you to disconnect yourself to from the book of Allah, knowing that Prophet Muhammad is going to come on the piano and free himself from you. And your religiously disconnecting yourself from the Quran. Some teachers they say, Listen, I'm your teacher,

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I'm your chef. Don't read the Quran, don't listen to the Quran. Just listen to me. As I've said many times, there are people who are given Dawa in their understanding their understanding their warped, restricted understanding. They're given Dawa, to the Sunnah, according to them, to what is correct in Al Islam to a Salafi yet, and the person will talk for 45 minutes an hour and not mentioned when I entered the Quran. But mentioned, the chef said, The chef said, The chef said, Our chef said, and

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that chef said, and this chef said, and that one over there said, and the chef said, and I can continue to say that for the remainder of my talk, this chef said, The sheriff said and if the person is looking at me there, start scratching their head and say, Man who What's wrong with him? The share the share, because there's something wrong with that. If I were to keep doing that there shiksa the sheriff said, you're going to say what's wrong with him? And that's the same thing that I

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say when I see people this is their dour, this shift said this and the shift said that I want to know what Allah said. And then after that explained to me, what Allah has said by using what the Sheikh said Inshallah, in its proper context. As for putting the book of Allah behind your back and putting the chef in front of you at a step during and Levy who deniability who How do you replace that which is better with that which is worse that which is lower? Tell us what Allah says, connect

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us to the book of Allah, don't connect us to this chef and that chef, and don't come and get it twisted, and take my words out of context and says Abu sama is encouraging people this to go straight to the Quran without any teacher. I didn't say that. I said go to the Quran. And don't replace the Quran with your teacher with the chef and so forth and so on. So some people abandon the Quran

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and they do so wanting and seeking to be and remain ignorant ignoramuses and that's not permissible. Don't do that. Don't disconnect yourself from the Quran. Take time out to read the Quran. And from the beauty of the Quran when you read it with it to Amal and to de Bourgh you will find every song of the Quran has a connection to the surah that comes after it. So Surah Fatiha is followed by Soto through Bacara. There's a wisdom in that the average Payson person won't be able to tell you and

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won't be able to see why except with deep consideration and contemplation. The great scholars of Islam shekel Islam, even multimedia, and Imam,

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Ibn kefir, these great scholars and they said every ayat of the Quran has a connection to the ayah that comes after it, and the ayat that preceded it that came before it, but everybody can't see the connection. Only the ones who have been endowed with knowledge and read the Quran with deep consideration and deep contemplation. These questions are coming up about should we do a decaf and can we do a decaf in our homes? And should we do the salata will Juma in our homes and should we do

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varied in our homes. There are ayat of the Quran that can help us to understand these ruins. But they come to people who are endowed and blessed with precision in their understanding and they have deep understanding. So let us inshallah avoid being from those people who do not reflect upon the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala are those people who read the Quran believe in the Quran respect the Quran but they do not make it to Tao we with the Quran at Tada we from the word Dawa a dua means

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medicine, medication. So Madison, the Quran is a book that has been revealed that has she fat in it. Allah mentioned as we mentioned earlier reasons why he revealed the Quran. He said in the Quran to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Cole, who will levena Ave hoedown what she thought tell them very this is this Quran for the people believe for the people believe this Quran

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I'm is a guidance and this Quran is a Shiva it is a cure that's when I it is just a cure. He mentioned in another item the Quran. Yeah, I knew Hannah's Khadija at Como either two min Rebecca mushy fountain Lima FISU. Dora Wahoo them Rama, my mini tell them Mohammed Oh mankind all of you Muslims non Muslims white, black, rich and poor Americans non Americans Arab non Arab. Yeah. Are you a nice all mankind? There has come to you and more either an exhortation words guiding you opening

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up your mind, your mind and your heart and your spirit to his message. There has come to you a clear exhortation and it came to you from your Lord. And it is a sci fi a healing is medicine. And it is a sci fi for the diseases that are in the heart. People have doubt. People have anger issues that anger management issues people have with swas they overthink people, they have depression. People have an humble hum. People have so many issues going on in their hearts and their minds. Allah said

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the Quran is a medicine for that it's a cure for that. And it's also a guidance and erotica for the believers. And another is third ayat Allah Tala mentioned when Nunes zero minimal Quran, my wish she felt when we refer to minimum we mean we have revealed the Quran and in in in from it is a Shiva and the Rama for the believers. So it becomes imperative if the believer understands this, that we use the Quran as if she fed our mother Aisha Radi Allahu Ana, she told us that the prophets of Allah who

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it was selling it people got sick in his household, he would take the Quran and he would read the Quran over them and then he was spit on them sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that when the Prophet will become sick Salallahu Alaihe Salam she will also do the same, read the Quran over him and then spit on him and white the blessing in the baraka of the spittle that came after the research in the recitation of the Quran that says sunnah. There was a lady who came and a baby kept crying, kept

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crying, kept crying. The Prophet says something Allah what He said and take your baby into Rukia on your baby Rokia the rakia put Quranic rookie on that baby, do Athan, that baby. He said that the Prophet used to read on himself and read on the sick family members. Salah what he was selling from his annual bathe, run the Allah Anna used to read the surah called who Allahu Ahad? He used to read Paul Ooby. Rob bill, Philip, he used to read Paul, Ruby robinus. Everybody memorize those sewers,

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everybody. You don't have to call up share, glow in the dark to do Rokia on you. Were in lockdown. Leave that man alone. You do look here on yourself. You do Rokia on your children you do Rukia the Prophet used to sell a lot instead of that night read those service those last three sores and do other DUA and spit on his hand and wipe as much as his body as he could do in rakia sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He told the people in an authentic hadith and they couldn't be Chifa ain

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Al Asad Well, Quran, you people should hold on to and I advise you to take the two things that will cure you the two heroes, no doubt about it. The one cure pure honey, the second cure the Quran, the Quran. So I want to ask you this question, the prophet will come you'll mukaiyama and he will say SallAllahu was sending them Oh my Lord, My people have abandoned the Quran. They they in use the Quran as a Shiva, how the woman, she had her monthly cycle every month. She had the period the pains

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that come from her period, she had those pains, those cramps, so instead of taking the Quran and reading it and touching her stomach, what she did was she took Tylenol of this of that which is permissible. The individual has a toothache, then the visual has a headache. Then the visual was passed in the month of Ramadan. He has a headache, he's tired. He didn't take the Quran to read the Quran to get rid of those issues. The Quran will take away doubt the Quran will take away so many

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issues that people have. And as I said, he can read those last three swords of the Quran. He can read the grave is Surah of the Quran. I used to concede many people memorize Surah Yaseen Surah Tara Rock Nine, all of those I act and all of those sorts, but what happened with the Nabil Seung Allahu it was, it was Sunday.

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prophets companions sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was traveling they were traveling they were like 30 people. I will say that Hodari narrated this hadith is saying a * they came to a group of people and they said, Do you have anything for us in the way of hospitality with travelers? Can you just give us some grub? Give us some food. The people knew that they were muslims and people said no, we're not giving you anything keep on stepping keep on moving. The Companions didn't stop and

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back and say Oh, give us your welfare. Please give it to us know that the Companions kill them and take their stuff kind of religion is that the Companions just bounced and it kept rolling they left when they left Allahu Tada decreed that a scorpion or poisonous snake came and stung the man or beat the man and put poison in the leader of those people. So as he was laying there dying, those people said, let's go and X those follows 100 The Muslims do they have a remedy? Do they have a cure hurry,

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I will lead his dying. They caught up to I will say that Hadrian those people and tell them the story, I will say that What did he say? Yes, I have something that will heal him inshallah. He came back. He said, but in order for me to do this, do you agree to give me 30 sheep for each member of my traveling might come to my party? They say yes, yes, just do it. Please. Give us the stuff they gave them the 30 sheet. I will say the holding said I started reading Surah Fatiha Bismillah R

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Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen R Rahman Rahim, Maliki all muddied. I started reading Surah third Fatiha and after reading sort of, in fact, yeah, I blew on demand to wipe the spirit and the bedrock of the Quran that comes on the split after it comes out. I told you in the Hadith, that if the slave gets something makes a lot and he cleans his mouth with Miss sweat, as he's reading, an angel will come down and get behind him. And that angel will get closer and closer and closer to him

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and put his mouth the mouth of the person who's receiving who's reciting the Quran. And the Quran goes inside of the body of the angel that happens for any and everybody when they read clean out your mouth and recite that Quran. And that angel is going to be attracted to the purity of that Quran miracle that Quran. So that man I will say that history, his spin on that man. That man jumped up he popped up. They said it was as if he had been released from shackles and he started walking

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around just like that from certain fact that will lie he I believe in that. I believe in that. So that companions got back to El Medina. I will say that hooray. He told the prophet what happened because the Prophet wasn't there. When Prophet Muhammad heard the story, he said to Abu Saeed Al Hodari, how did you know that SOTL Fatiha was for rakia? It is rakia, how did you know that? He said Now give me some of the meat that they gave you, given his tacit approval that is permissible to

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make Rokia with the Quran. And it's even permissible to take some money as a result of you doing the rakia. But I want you Muslims. I want you Muslims. Don't go to any Rocky. I'm telling you people come to me asking me to read the Quran and said, I'll do that for you. I'll do that for you. But why go to someone who's going to do that and say, Hey, give me 500 pounds, 200 pounds, come all the way to London for that go all the way up to bangli for that go all the way across the world for some

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special rocking, and you are more interested in your mother becoming well than that Rocky is you are more interested than your child becoming cured than that Rocky is the rocky many times just want the money. He may be sincere but he just wants the money. So this hadith of Abu sorry the history shows it is permissible to take money if you teach the Quran. If you if you did Rokia for the Quran, he said to him, how did you know is right what you did was correct. Now give me some of the meat

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showing that it was okay if it was haram he wouldn't have taken any of the meat, some Allah who had he was selling it. So uma Tillis omitted Islam don't be so quick to take the medications that are being administered by the hospitals and the darkness because that's a scam and that's a hustle as well. And I have to mention this and I digress but I have to mention it

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I would like to say that at the beginning of Ramadan I had an afro but now it all popped off in my head because the people have done my head and with these conspiracy theories about COVID-19 and about G phi 5g And all of this stuff. I believe in a new world order. I believe in the Illuminati

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See, I believe that there is there are conspiracies. I believe that we're lucky. But my question is, why are we all into this issue about conspiracies, but we don't put as much emphasis and learn in our religion to protect ourselves from the conspiracies. What why we don't do that. I give you an example. The Java the Java, the Java, these people are saying the Java is here that the Java is here. Okay, beautiful. The Java is here.

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Do you memorize Surratt? Do you risotto to caf on Friday? Do you memorize the first 10 items sudo to cap the last 10 items sudo to caf to protect yourself from the Zhao are just going to keep bombarding us and overwhelming us with all of these conspiracy theories issues. Don't keep doing that. Which one makes sense? Learn the 10 I act. There is a companion His name is Thanos Alia Mani user Millenium is one of the great Tatiane his son makes a lot after the praise son came and said

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Did You Read and Seek refuge in Allah from the Zhao in your prayer? That's what the prophets tell us that the shahada.com fell yes there is Oh get out with min Allah Billahi Min Min Min Alaba if any of you makes a lot seek refuge in Allah from four things, and one of them is the fitnah of the Mercy did Zhao The man said did you seek refuge in Allah and protection from the the job? The boy said no, he said go back and pray again. That's how he was protecting his family and his children bombarding

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me with all of this bombarding people with all of this come on, bombard the people with beneficial knowledge and that is nothing. So if a person were to hold on to his religion and practice religion, Allah is going to protect them from his front from his back from his right from his left from above him. And that's why when the Prophet used to leave out some Allah white he was selling us to sell low Midge I didn't feed bustling Nura. Well if he's some angel neuron we call the neuron why many

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neurons? Oh Allah put in my eyes like putting my ears light in my heart like, am I right light left light in front of me light behind the light. He will make the Celox Allah why he was setting them as my good brother and friend Mustafa Shakur was telling me about and discussing with me the other day the prophet will finish his prayer and He will ask Allah Allah put light in my heart like in my eyes, like in my ears to my right to my left and from behind? Meaning what light protect me divine

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me. As for me sending and bombarding people and then eaten up all of their all of their What do you call that? They're wrong. What? Yeah, all of their data, carry my data. Don't kill my date anymore. I'm asking you, people. Billahi Don't kill my data. There's been a fitna in Ramadan. So don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that there are not conspiracies. Like the conspiracy in the pharmaceutical field. These people are robbing us. They're robbing people. It's a hustle. They're stealing money.

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They'll get a pill for HIV, for example, that gets some kind of pill, and they charge people so much money and these pharmaceutical companies are making a killing, getting us to get vaccinated and things that have no benefit. All right, and I don't want to go too far off. I don't want there are conspiracies no doubt about it. So instead of using all of these medicines, and becoming dependent upon these medicines, let the first go to spot be the book of Allah. I have a toothache. I have a

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headache. I'm tired. Let me read the book of Allah made me do rakia. Then he asked Allah got burned this or that? Let me put the Islamic the Islamic shifa the things that our religion has shown us. So as I mentioned, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he used to do this for his companions for his family members, and they used to do it on him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and rugby align him as remain an imam at MIT and some of the major scholars and Sam, they will have the opinion that it

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is permissible to get a glass and to read the Quran in that glass and to spit in that glass. Give it to someone and let them drink it because the buck is still there. They will have that opinion. Well we have no doubt about as if you read over the person who put the spit on him and you wiped it all we know him no doubt that's from the Sunnah, but some of those other ways also permissible Inshallah, we're going to stop here guys. This is our third fourth class I think the third fourth

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class in the month of Ramadan. I think we have one more Friday inshallah. I don't know how that's going to go the one more Friday because I think the next day is there either something I'm not sure it could be Saturday. The next

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Sadly coming up, it could be their eighth, but we'll see how it goes. I hope we do have one more opportunity to come before you to talk about one last aspect of abandoning the book of Allah and it is an important one. So with that ask Allah azza wa jal to help it help you all to find later to cuddle inshallah and these last few days to forgive all of us for our mistakes our indecision, our indiscretions and Allah Tala increases in guidance and in light and the Lord causes us all to be

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those people who have a successful Ramadan don't forget, please, while you're fasting make dua for my mom's Miss meanie and make dua for my pops as well Mr. T. And the rest of my family members said on my big camera to Allah he will burn a cattle

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