Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P30 305D Tafsir Al-Duha

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The sh TRU meaning in the Quran is related to the light and brightness of the sun, and the meaning of today's rise in the world is related to the spiritual teachings of Islam. The Prophet sallali Alayhi wa sallam is the holy grail of Islam, and the holy grail of Islam is the holy grail of Islam. The importance of hardships, loss of identity, and honoring people is emphasized, along with the need for people to show kindness and compassion to overcome their sadness and loss. The importance of sharing positive and gratitude experiences to encourage others to take action is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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surah Taha in a hadith in Bukhari we learned that once the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam became sick, and he was not able to offer his night prayers for two or three nights,

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then a lady, the wife of Abu Lahab, she came to him and she said, Oh, Mohamed, I think that your shape on has left you for I have not seen him with you for two or three nights. For two or three nights you didn't get up to pray. That means that your shaitan and what she means by that is Jibreel who would bring Quran to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, she said that I think your shippon has left you and this is something that deeply hurt the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam. So Allah subhanaw taala revealed the surah What do ha Well Layli either sajer Malwa Darko booka Wimmer Allah. What boo Ha, by the morning brightness, Allah subhanaw taala takes and old by the morning brightness

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over here, and blue ha but here is a Wiluna how the beginning of the day. It's basically the light and the brightness of the sun. The higher up who is to become apparent, and Buhari is the brightness of the sun, and its warmth, when it has fully risen. And when the day has set in. Well lately either soldier and by the night when it covers with darkness or when it has become still soldier when the night has come and set in with its darkness. Soldier is from the root letter scene. Jeem. Yeah. And the word is used to describe the stillness of the night, the darkness of the night. It is said by Hone sedge, a sea that is sedge, meaning when it has become calm, when the waves are quiet. So when

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Layli either soldier, and by the night when it covers with darkness, or when it has become still or when its darkness has prolonged. We see over here two completely contrasting things. Firstly, the bright daylight, the brightness of the sun, and then the darkness of the night. And we see that in this world. The brightest day is also followed by a tranquil night, and the darkest night is followed by a bright day. What does this mean? That no difficulty in this life is permanent, and no ease in this life is permanent. In life, dark moments are not permanent, and bright, happy moments are also temporary, which means that nobody has it all bad, and nobody has it all good in this life.

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But from this, what is Allah subhanaw taala teaching His messenger and through him What is he teaching us that Mao was darker or Buka? warmer color Malwa darker, He has not left you he has not abandoned you, who has not abandoned you or Buka your Lord, one Makana nor has he detested what thou is from the root letters well there are in and though dear, what are you what the root Oh dear is to see off a traveler. Basically when somebody is leaving, they're going away. You see them off very honorably, you bid them farewell. This is so dear. To say goodbye to somebody. When you say goodbye to somebody when you leave them. When you send them off. They're no longer going to be with you. You

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are no longer with them. Allah, Allah is from the root letters off lamb well, and Kala is to load or to dislike someone to hate them and on account of that hatred or dislike you shun them, like for example it is said that the Napa to be rocky be her bollati Napa to the Napa the she camel Pilati meaning she threw off the person who was writing it. So you see it as such dislike because of which a person moves away abandons the other person. So Allah is telling his messenger that Mao was dark on a Buka Womack, Allah, your Lord has neither left you nor has he disliked you. Rather he loves you, and he has honored you. And we see that the most beloved creation to Allah that we know of is

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Who who is it? It is Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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Allah, Allah chose him for the greatest message. Allah chose him for the best Oma. And Allah made him the seal of the prophets. And the love that Allah subhanaw taala has for His Messenger is evident when you read the Quran, for example, in Surah tour I have 48 Allah says what's really hooked me Rob Baker, for Inaka be our union. For in Nickleby Are you Nina, we're watching you. Insert the sharara i A 218 Allah says Allah de raka Hina duck whom he is the one who sees you, when you stand the eye of Allah. Look at how Allah subhanaw taala says that His eye is watching you. So Allah subhanaw taala did not leave his messenger, he did not abandon him, he did not leave him. So

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in these verses, Allah subhanaw taala is assuring His Messenger salAllahu alayhi wa sallam of the love and the protection that he has given him. Why? Because at this time, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was feeling very sad.

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People taunted him that his Lord had abandoned him.

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And you see, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had been cut off from his people. Now this lady who came to him and said that your shaitan has left you she is stunting him, right, Who is this lady, the wife of Abu Lahab, which means that she is his relative, and also a close neighbor, and also the mother in law of his two daughters.

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You understand because Abu Lahab, two of his sons were actually married to two of the prophets daughters either married or at least the marriage had been decided.

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So now imagine the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam on the one hand, he has been cut off by his closest relatives.

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On the other hand, he is unwell, to the point that he's not able to perform the night prayer for two to three nights. And then he has to hear these hurtful words from people also.

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And you see when you're sick, and somebody says mean words to you, it hurts even more, isn't it? When everything's fine, you're healthy and somebody says something mean you can take it. But when you're sick in bed, you're not able to get up and somebody says such rude hurtful words to you. They pinch you they hurt you even more. So Allah subhanaw taala assures His Messenger at a time when he's feeling very lonely at a time when he's feeling abandoned.

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That it does not matter whether it's day or night. Your Lord has not abandoned you. The bright day, it comes and it goes. The night the dark night it comes, it settled in and that also departs. But your Lord's mercy is always there. So never let people make you think negatively about your Lord.

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Never, never let shape on. Make you think negatively about your Lord and never let people make you think negatively about your Lord, you must always think positively about your Lord.

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one, alpha two, and surely the hereafter, Hyrule laka it is better for you Minal hola than the first one. First one meaning the first life, worldly life. The Hereafter is better for you than the worldly life. Or this can be understood in another way, also, that I'll ask you about meaning the later period, what is going to come at the end? That is better for you than the hola than the first one, meaning the first period what you're going through right now.

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In other words, Allah subhanaw taala is promising His Messenger ease and success in the future.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam faced a lot of abuse as a messenger, physical abuse, verbal abuse, all types of abuse. And any person who goes out in the way of Allah has to go through this. But once you take comfort in the fact that this life is long or short, it's short. And which means by definition, it means that the period of difficulty is also going to be short. Right? Because what we are in right now is not going to last forever. This is an owner and then there is an era. This is the present life and then there's the hereafter

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So this present life is short, which means that any difficulty any hardship in this present life is also going to be short or long, short. So what does this mean? While akhira to highroller communal Ola, that this world is not your goal, what is your goal? It is the era and for everything you suffer today, Allah promises you great reward. So your after life will be better than your worldly life. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that a small place equal to an area occupied by a whip. Imagine how big is this place? Place an area that is occupied by what? A whip? What's a whip? Imagine a belt.

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This area in Paradise is better than the whole world and whatever is in it.

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It's better than what

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it's better than what the whole world and whatever is in it. Well, Hera to hydrolock, Amina Gula, the Hereafter is better than the worldly life. So whenever you're feeling a sense of loss, whenever you're feeling deprived, whenever the hardships of this world bother you, then remind yourself that this world is not my goal. Anyway, my goal is the euro. And the Euro is far better than this world. So no matter how good or how bad, a person's worldly life is, no matter how easy or difficult it is, no matter how much money they have, or how much they're suffering from poverty. Regardless of where a person is on the spectrum, the hereafter will always always be better. What this is also teaching

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us is that well, our hero to highroller Camino hola that what is to come, will be better than what has fast.

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What is to come in the future will be better than what has what has best what you have suffered and what you've gone through. In this world. Also, your ultimate outcome will certainly be good. It will be good. And if you look at the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what do we see? Was their hardship in his life? Was life in Makkah. McKee period was a difficult, yes. But the later period in Medina, was it not better than the early period? Yes. So when you're going through some difficulty, what is it that you should look forward to relief? Because after difficulty, there will always be relief with difficulty is relief, and after difficulties also relief.

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And you see what I'll ask her to highroller Camino Hola, what does it mean? That the hereafter will be better, which means that in this world, right now, there will be hardship. There will be hardship. You see, as human beings we long for ease, don't we? We see somebody eating something nice. We wish we could also have it. We see somebody enjoying something we wish we could also enjoy. The grass always looks greener on the other side, doesn't it? But all of us are aware in this world. We are in a Hola, what does it mean there will be hardship.

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There will be hardship.

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This verse is giving so much positivity that we should not live in the past. Think ahead, should plan for our goals. Inshallah. So definitely for a moment the goal is Janna we should plan ahead if something has passed, okay, I started doing my Quran when I was 35 Just stop thinking about the past Subhan Allah Allah Allah have given you the hedaya that you are picked up. Yes. So it gives us so much positivity. Yes, that instead of staying stuck in your past or in the present, that was me look forward to what the future what a sofa Europa League or a Buka and surely soon, Europa League or Booker your Lord will give you for Targa, then you will be pleased sofa. This is a promise that

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Allah is making with His messenger and what the sofa mean soon, not immediately, but soon. What will happen? Europe Lika he will give you what will he give you whatever you like when very soon in this life and also in the next akhira Fatah then you will be pleased you will be happy because of the hardships that you endure. Allah who will fill you in

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With richness.

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What does this mean? Firstly, that he will give you a lot of reward for the patients that you endure

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so much reward, that you will be happy and satisfied.

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He will bring you happiness, he will bring you joy.

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He will bring you what will truly bring you delight.

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And in this world we see Allah subhanaw taala gave His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so much and it's well known to us. He gave him victory upon victory, success after success. His enemies turned into his friends.

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While a sofa, Euro league or a book of a terrible, you see, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam close to the time of his death. He was extremely unwell. And in that state of sickness, he was unable to get up people were waiting for him in the masjid, so that he would come and lead them in prayer. But he was not able to. He tried many times. He was not able to. And then finally the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told them that Abu Bakar should lead them in prayer. And so in Buhari we learn the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he came to the door of his house, lifted the curtain and he saw in the masjid Sahaba standing and praying together and the Sahaba who are

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praying at this time later on as you're narrating this, the set that this was so difficult for us because we knew the prophets of Allah Selim is standing watching us, we always wanted to break our salah. But they didn't. They continued. And then the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam Let the curtain down, and then he went back inside. But for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to see his companions at this stage, where they're praying together, behind Abu Bakr, where they're united. Imagine the joy this must have brought to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, this is the reason why when the angel of death came to him, and remember that the angel of death when he comes to a

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prophet, he gives him a choice. Would you like to go right now? or later the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam when he was given the choice, what did he say? What did he choose? Allahumma rafiqul Arla, he was ready to go. Why? Because he saw it his companions. What pleased him? Well, a sofa, your clique or a booker? Fatah Allah, He will give you a lot because of your patience in this world, and also in the hereafter. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will be given the honor of standing where in MACOM Mahmoud

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mahkamah mood, the station where He will glorify Allah.

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And while a sulfa Euro tweaker a boo Kapha tadoba There is another meaning of this, that he will give you.

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Your Lord will give you and because of what he will give you, you will become content, you will become happy. And this is how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was look at the difficulties he endured in his life. But how was he always positive? Because Allah gave him contentment. He heard the most disturbing and heartbreaking words that a person could ever hear. If anybody said those words to us, we will give up. Imagine how the hypocrites even they would hurt him. They would accuse him. Just think about that. What did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam suffer in his life so much? But Allah gave him contentment while a sofa Euro tweak or a book if I thought Allah, Allah Mia

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do the KEA Tieman. Now Allah mentioned his previous gifts upon His messenger. Why, so that he would learn from it that Allah gave you before he will continue to give ALEMI agenda? Did he not find you? Yeah, team and orphan. He was an orphan from the time of birth. When he was born, his father had already passed away. And when he was six years old, his mother also died for our then he gave you refuge. He sheltered. Notice over here, it doesn't say our worker, he sheltered you. It just says he sheltered he provided shelter, meaning Allah provided shelter to who it's understood from the idea to His messenger. But the thing is that when Allah provided shelter to His Messenger, He didn't just

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protect His messenger. Then he protected so many others through his messenger also

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So what this means is a worker, what our bigger, he protected you. And when he protected you, he protected so many others because of you, meaning so many lives were saved. So many vulnerable children were protected. Why? How? Because of the message of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam

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because of the message of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. This was a place where orphan children, Arabia was a place where orphaned children were abandoned. They were neglected. In fact, whatever they had was confiscated from them. This was a place where the weak work, continuously oppressed. But because of the message of Islam, what happened, so many lives were saved. So many innocents were saved. Hola Mia do the kya team and for our so here, Allah subhanaw taala is reassuring his messenger that Allah took care of you.

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He sang to your way those who loved you,

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who loved him when his father had died and his mother had died, who took him in his grandfather, or the motto Live.

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And remember, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a baby, he was sent to the blusa he was sent with Halima Saudia. Right. She was the woman who nursed him. And when Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam was supposed to be returned to his family, Halima Saudia wanted to keep him she wanted him. Imagine this is also a blessing that there is somebody who loves you so much that they want to keep you

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alum your GDK a team and for our and then what happened. His uncle Abu Talib protected him, protected him and most importantly, Allah subhanaw taala protected the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam through who, through the believers also the unsolved

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then the unsolved welcome him, then the unsolved, pledged to protect him and defend him the way they would protect themselves and their own children.

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Allah Mia GDK a team and for our watch at the cabin. And He found you

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unaware for her the so he guided he found you when you were born, who is Lon

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Bala. Bala is what misguidance lack of knowledge unawareness. And because of that a person is lost.

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Right? This is someone who has lost why? Because they don't know. They don't know which way to go. They don't know where they are supposed to go. This is Lala.

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So ball over here means later on him. He found you unaware, seeking desperately for her there. So he guided who did he guide you and others through you.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam became the learned, learned one

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where he was once unaware. And he also became a teacher. One limb he became a guide, and one who was guided. If you think about it before prophethood the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would spend days and days weeks, in fact, in the cave of Hira Why, what would he do over there? He would just worship Allah. He didn't find happiness amongst people. He didn't like the ship that they committed and the kind of actions they would do.

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So he would remain in the cave of Hera. And Allah subhanaw taala sent him revelation over there into the Nyssa 13. Allah says what Enza Allah who are legal Kitab well heck matter where Allah Maka melon tokens Harlem, Allah taught you what you did not know. And so today I'm Caboose I have 48 warmer contact lumen cuddling him and kita when you never read a book before

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while at the hotel will be Amin ik you never wrote anything with your hand. Intro to Joomla is to huella the birth of Illumina Rasulullah min home. He is the one who has sent a messenger to the unlettered people, a Messenger from among them, meaning who was also unlettered just like his people. He neither read nor did he write, but look at Allah's favor upon him. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam became knowledgeable, and not just that, he also became a teacher. Well

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Elijah Ilan And He found you poor ah ill reindeer lamb Isla to be poor, or yell is once family and I Ill is a person who is overburdened with financial responsibility,

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overburdened with financial responsibility.

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Allah is saying that he found you for and the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam, by the way, he worked from the time that he was four years old. He worked as a shepherd. From the time that he was four years old. He grew up in poverty. But what happened for ohana, he made you rich, he made self sufficient again, it doesn't say Alanna made you rich.

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Because when Allah made his messenger rich, he also made so many others rich through him. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he did not own much before prophet hood, nor did he inherited much from his father. And as soon as he was of age, he began working along with his little daughter, you brothers, Rodriguez and those who were nursed by the same mother, by the same woman. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said that Allah never sent a prophet except that he was a shepherd. So the Sahaba asked even you,

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were you also a shepherd? He said, Yes. And I used to tend to the flock of the people of Makkah, in return for some money. I used to take their flock for grazing, and then they would pay me some money.

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This is what he would do. But for Allah, Allah subhanaw taala made him rich how Khadija called the long line her heard about his honesty, and his dignity, and his good reputation. So she hired him, isn't it? She hired him for what for one of her trade caravans and her servant may Sarah accompany the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on that journey. And he observed in the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam such noble character that he had not witnessed in anybody else. And when he came and told her digital delay, warn her about it, she was only impressed. So she actually had her friend, take the proposal to the Prophet sallallahu already who was setting them, even though there was such

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a huge age difference. So the prophets of Allah who already was ALLAH married her. Ohana. Allah enriched him. And then it didn't stop there. With Islam with prophethood Yes, there was difficulty with Hijra. Yes, there was poverty in Medina. But for Allah, Allah subhanaw taala, continue to enrich him.

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Now here, take a look at your life. Also, even though in this surah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa Salam is addressed. But if each and every single one of us, reflects on our life also, what will you see? Think about the darkest times and the most painful moments.

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hardship, Whatever hardship you went through, was it not followed with ease?

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Think about it. Because if that hardship did not end,

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you would not been alive today. You wouldn't be here today.

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Whatever difficulty it was, yes, it became intense, but then

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it became history.

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It became past. So always be hopeful, that if you are in any trouble today, then look back at your life and learn from your life experiences, that your difficulties are not going to last eternally.

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They will end who sheltered you through means that were beyond you,

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who guided you from where you did not expect.

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who provided you a plan that you could never make for yourself, who planned your life out in such a perfect way that you could never make such a plan for yourself.

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Look at the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam poverty, loneliness, deprivation, inner emptiness, he went through at all, all of it. But if you look hardships in life, when we go through them, there are two possible outcomes. One possible outcome is that hardships will harden you they will make you angry, vengeful. And this happens to some people. They become angry with Allah they become angry with people

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Have they become vengeful?

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Another possibility is that hardships soften a person.

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They soften him. And this is the reason why Allah subhanaw taala makes us go through difficulties in life so that we soften.

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And also what we see over here is that every hardship was for a reason,

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isn't it? I mean, the prophets of Allah who were to send him Yes, he was an orphan. But look at what happened. Allah subhanaw taala sheltered Him and through Him He also sheltered so many others, he was unaware, Allah guided him and guided so many through him. He was for Allah enriched him and so many others through him. So don't pity yourself over your past. Each and every struggle you go through in life is meaningful. It is necessary to shape you.

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It is necessary for you so don't pity yourself in total Ambia i 107 Allah says Wilma have a Seneca Illa Rahmatullah Allah Allah mean, we have not sent you except as a mercy to the world's How did he become a mercy to the world's because he had gone through hard times himself. When Allah subhanaw taala helped him through him, he helped so many people.

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You know, it was it was like a hardship, right? So it gives you courage, it makes you more focused. So all of my kids after a pleasure, So Alhamdulillah they woke up they clean not on your driveway, but the neighbor's driveway also. So

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it makes it really easy for us. Definitely, for Amelia tema, so as for the orphan Fela Docker Hub, then Do not oppress the code off her wrong, God is to overpower and dominate someone.

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So Do not oppress the orphan? How would an orphan be oppressed, that his wealth is confiscated? That he is deprived of his rights? Or that he is treated in a very harsh way?

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Why is the orphan mentioned here that do not oppress the orphan, that you were an orphan, and Allah sheltered you? He saved you from being oppressed. So you do not oppress the orphan, instead, honor him.

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When you have experienced difficulty yourself, then don't go now. And inflict that same difficulty on somebody else.

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What a messiah ill and ask for the petitioner sat ill one who asks, this could be a beggar asking for money asking for food, or

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a person asking about knowledge, whoever is asking you for Latin *, then do not rebel him Latin ha No Hara known Hara, you see now her and her what are the rivers? What is a river basically flowing water? So Latin her meaning do not treat him so harshly that he flows away from you? He runs away from you. Don't scare him, so that he is not able to ask you again. What a messiah Illa Fela tenho avoid repelling words. Because you were once unaware. You were once seeking guidance, and Allah guided you. So now when people come to you seeking

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you don't be harsh to them.

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What's the lesson over here?

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That when you come across those who are struggling,

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be empathetic. Remember your struggles. Remember what you have been through?

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You see, it has not been said over here. That the sad Ill do not return him empty handed. No. It hasn't been said that you must give to the cycle because that depends on the situation. You might have something to give him and you might not have something to give him. But what has been said is let them hope. Do not use harsh language do not rebel him

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which means that whether or not you're able to give something

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you are never allowed to rebel someone harshly with your words. You can't do that.

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And how perfectly the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam follow this instruction. We learn in a hadith that once a man came and he started demanding from the prophets of Allah or to sell him his money in a very rude manner. The Prophet salallahu Salam had borrowed something from him. And now that

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Man came before that thing was due. And he started demanding money in a very rude manner, and the Sahaba they got offended and they were about to take care of that men. And the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Leave him, let him be he has the right to demand his money.

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Let them have.

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So what do we see here? When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa Salam is sad.

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He is encouraged to be kind to others.

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Right? Because remember the context of the surah what was the situation when the SUTA was revealed? Somebody had said extremely hurtful words to him.

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So Allah subhanaw taala, reassured the messenger salAllahu alayhi wa sallam with His love and support. But he also gave him a remedy, a remedy for what to come out of his sadness. How do you do that? Be kind to others. And the remedy to many of our illnesses, whether they are physical, or they are emotional, the remedy to our sadness is what acts of kindness.

00:36:09 --> 00:36:19

You see, kindness makes you happy. There's a thing known as helpers. Hi, you may have heard about it. Also, the helpers. Hi, what is that?

00:36:20 --> 00:36:28

What is that when people help others, they actually experience physical changes in their body.

00:36:29 --> 00:36:34

Really, it has a true effect. You know, like people take drugs to feel high.

00:36:36 --> 00:36:44

Why do they do that? Because they can't deal with their sadness, their loss. So they want something to numb themselves with, that doesn't solve anything.

00:36:46 --> 00:37:28

What will solve the problem is when you overcome your feelings of sadness, and how do you do that by showing kindness, a raw human, you're hammer home over human, you're humble man, fill out your humble command center, those who show compassion and mercy, then the one in the heavens, shows compassion to them, who are unmatched beneath our material beggar for heard this, and as for the favor of your Lord, which favor there are many favors there are many blessings for had this done report had the you had this. This is to inform have something to talk about something.

00:37:29 --> 00:37:35

So talk about the Blessings of your Lord. Does this mean brag about them? No.

00:37:36 --> 00:37:43

This is a form of gratitude. Because gratitude how do you express it through words also.

00:37:44 --> 00:37:49

So this surah is a remedy for sadness.

00:37:51 --> 00:37:59

In this surah we find out how we're supposed to get out of sadness. Three steps.

00:38:00 --> 00:38:03

What are the firstly, hope

00:38:04 --> 00:38:06

this too will pass

00:38:07 --> 00:38:20

Allah Mujica Olam, Yoda, Allah Mia De Luca, look at your past, did Allah not find you in this situation in that situation? And in that one, and for every single one of them?

00:38:22 --> 00:38:26

Then he provide you then you take you out of that difficulty? Hope

00:38:28 --> 00:38:31

no matter what you're going through, be hopeful

00:38:32 --> 00:38:34

second step, kindness,

00:38:35 --> 00:38:37

Latin Latin have

00:38:39 --> 00:39:24

and the third step gratitude. Had this a marinara, Mattila, Becca, for her this, be grateful for the blessings that your Lord has given you? Which blessing is this in particular, this can be taken as the blessing of Islam. So had this narrative, meaning conveyed the message? Keep working. Allah gave you the blessing of Quran now had this narrative, meaning tell other people about the Quran, convey the word. And secondly, this Nirmal can be understood as in general, all the blessings that Allah has given you, discuss them, talk about them, mentioned them, but what is it that we talk about?

00:39:25 --> 00:39:50

Really, what is it that we talk about our problems? We don't allow ourselves to forget our problems. We keep talking about them over and over again, message this person and message that person. In fact, don't type a new message, just copy the same thing and then send it to 10 more people. Really, that's what we do.

00:39:52 --> 00:39:54

We spread grief.

00:39:55 --> 00:39:59

And Allah is telling us to do what unmapped binaire Matera Becca Fahad

00:40:00 --> 00:40:03

is spread what? Positive talk,

00:40:04 --> 00:40:27

talk about the blessings that Allah has given you. And this is a lesson that the Sahaba learned so perfectly. You see, if you think about it, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lived in the Moroccan Euro, as a messenger, for how many years 13 years. And then in Medina for how many years 10 years. But if you compare the Hadith that talk about the Meccan era,

00:40:29 --> 00:40:33

to the Hadees, that talk about the Medina and era, you know, which ones are more,

00:40:34 --> 00:40:59

that are Hadith that talk about the Medina and era. Why? Because in Makkah, there was hardship upon hardship, persecution upon persecution, and the sahaba. Yes, they mentioned a few things. But you know, what, they didn't really talk much about them. They didn't, because Allah says we're unmap veneer material, because had this even when we learn about the incident of or heard

00:41:00 --> 00:41:09

the Battle of or hood, right, or, for instance, the incident of if there are many details that have been narrative, but not a lot.

00:41:10 --> 00:41:11

Not a lot.

00:41:12 --> 00:41:20

Why? Because the Sahaba in general did not discuss sad stories. They didn't.

00:41:22 --> 00:41:27

When they narrated Hadith, they spoke about good things. Go ahead.

00:41:30 --> 00:41:36

Exactly. I mean, when you share sad stories than what happens, people, they also feel sad,

00:41:37 --> 00:41:54

isn't it. But when you share positive things, then that is a source of encouragement for others. And the thing is that whatever you mentioned, whatever it is that you keep talking about, that is what you will remember, because what you review is what you will remember what will stay fresh in your memory.

00:41:55 --> 00:42:01

So if you keep talking about what you've lost, then what will happen you will never get over the pain.

00:42:03 --> 00:42:04

You will always be sad.

00:42:06 --> 00:42:29

This is the reason why even when somebody has passed away, if a loved one has passed away, for how many days are we to observe that grief just three days not more than that there is no concept of the 40th and you know, things like that after 40 days or after so many years or after one year, celebrate celebrating death. We don't celebrate death. We don't.

00:42:31 --> 00:42:32

We don't celebrate grief.

00:42:33 --> 00:42:39

Because our Lord is a generous Lord. Our Lord is a merciful Lord.

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And when we celebrate grief, then we're indicating that Our Lord has been unfair to us. He has inflicted us with hardship. And that is not the case because even when he sent any hardship our way he gave us reward for our patients. And when he sent hardship our way he sent ease with it. So unmapping EREMA Tierra bigger for her this. Think about it. I'm so lame. Her baby died. Her baby died and this woman What did she go through the mother of UNASUR of the Longhorn?

00:43:15 --> 00:43:20

Her baby died, her husband comes home after her journey. She doesn't say anything to him.

00:43:21 --> 00:43:43

She just asks him a question after he's eaten. And after he's relaxed. She asks him that what do you think if there's somebody who's given us something? And then they take it back? What do you say about that? So perfectly fine. So then Well, our child, Allah gave us our child, that was his blessing upon us His favor to us, and he took that child away.

00:43:44 --> 00:43:53

This is what unmap enormity robic have heard this, that even at a time of loss, you don't talk about the loss. You talk about the blessing that Allah gave you.

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This kind of positive attitude we need to adopt. This is the cure to grief in sort of good good or a salaam set to his people for guru, Allah, Allah La Nico, to flee Hoon. Remember the blessings of Allah so that you may be successful.

00:44:13 --> 00:44:23

So if we want to be successful, then we must remember Allah's blessings, we must adopt gratitude. So three steps to come out of sadness, what are they?

00:44:24 --> 00:44:41

Hope, kindness, and gratitude. Write them down somewhere, so that you can remember them because we all feel sad. Every now and then there's always a reason that can make us sad, make us feel lonely, so on and so forth.

00:44:42 --> 00:44:47

Somebody once said that it is impossible to feel grateful and depressed in the same moment.

00:44:49 --> 00:45:00

You can't be grateful and depressed in the same moment. So if you're feeling depressed for whatever reason, how do you deal with that? How? By feeling grateful

00:45:00 --> 00:45:04

How do you feel grateful by remembering Allah's blessings?

00:45:05 --> 00:45:14

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00:45:15 --> 00:45:17

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00:45:19 --> 00:45:25

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00:45:27 --> 00:45:29

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00:46:07 --> 00:46:08

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00:46:09 --> 00:46:11

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