Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P29 296E Tafsir Al-Dahr 23-31

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The Quran is designed to help individuals learn quickly and apply it to their everyday lives, rather than just a general overview. The importance of patient and patient over the Command of the Lord is essential to achieving success. The speaker advises the audience to be patient and communicate with their Lord, emphasizing the importance of learning and adapting to one's own environment to achieve their goals. The video emphasizes following Allah's Will to reach approval and offers a coffee and coffee drink.
AI: Transcript ©
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Inanna Nuna Zanna alagille Paul Anathan Zillow international indeed we have nuzzle now We have sent down, I Lika upon you or Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Quran the Quran how then Zilla, a gradual Revelation, we have not given this Quran to you in its entirety at once. Rather we have divided it into parts and sent it to you gradually, progressively. Why? Incidents for con il 32, Allah says Cavalli Colleano SAP BW e fu, ADEQ ye in order to strengthen your heart thereby, in total Israa Ayah 106 Allah subhanaw taala says we'll call it iron for aka now holy tokra who Allah Nasir Allah Mook sin so that you would recite it over a period of time.

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You see, when you get something in one go, then what happens? Firstly, you don't have much appreciation for it. Why? You got it easily, you got it all? What happens? You're like, Okay, I'll see it. I'll think about it. Right? Like, for example, if you were to get all of your course notes, the transcription of your professors lecture, whatever it is, all in one day, what would you do? You would leave it till the day before the exam? Isn't it? Why? Because, okay, whatever, it's there, I can use it whenever I need. But when it's given to you in parts, as you need it, you appreciate it. You want more of it? And you benefit from it. Is there a difference between learning something the

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day before the exam and learning something over the course of three, four months? Is there a difference? Yes. When you receive something gradually, you remember it for longer. But when you receive something at once you remember it at that time you use it, what does it mean? You're done with it, then you forget it very quickly.

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So Allah subhanaw taala revealed the Quran gradually, he didn't give it to his messenger in one goal, rather in 23 years. Why? To strengthen him, to let him learn easily and apply. And remember, and also, you see the Quran was revealed according to different situations according to different contexts. When you're in some difficulty, you have a question, you're facing a certain scenario, and you need guidance. And then somebody mentions an eye of the Quran to you, or you open up the Quran and there's something that brings you comfort or that helps you figure out the answer. Then, do you remember that verse? Do you understand that verse, as you do?

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relah relevance, right? It's relevance that matters. So the Quran was revealed according to the different situations that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in, this is how it was guidance for him. It was relevant to him. So in nationalise Zelner, alagille Purana then Zilla fuss Bewdley hook me up big. So be patient, over the Command of your Lord, which command the command to convey, be patient over it meaning keep conveying even if people oppose you still convey and also this can be understood as the patient over the Command of your Lord meaning whatever instructions Your Lord has given, do them patiently, no matter how hard it is. This can also be understood as the

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patient for the Command of your Lord meaning for the decree of your Lord, and regards to your success. Be patient, when I tutor and meanwhile, do not obey, do not obey who, meanwhile among them among who, those who deny, who should you not obey? Allah theaman Alka Faora, a theme the one who was sinful, or Kofoed, the one who is ungrateful, do not obey the sinful and the ungrateful, meaning if a sinner calls you to sin, do not participate in that sin, keep away. And if an ungrateful person calls you to ingratitude, then keep away. Why is this being said right after the revelation of the Quran? Because in order to live, the Quran is subber needed? Is it what stops us? What makes it

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difficult? Many times it's the difficulty that comes from the people who are around us. Many times it's the fact that others are doing whatever they feel like and

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Here you are, you have restricted yourself to a certain course of action, or you have restricted yourself to certain things, you have imposed certain things on yourself because of your faith. And here there are people who are enjoying themselves. So that's tempting.

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But if you want to live the Quran, you have to be patient for the Command of your Lord, over the Command of your Lord. And look at the company that you have surrounded yourself with. You see Adam or les salaam, when he was in Jannah, Allah subhanaw taala told him what he was supposed to do. And what was that enjoy? Allah subhanaw taala told him what he was not supposed to do. And what was that? What was that to not eat the fruit of the tree? Right? Allah subhanaw taala told him who his enemy was whether or do we'll look? And who was that? IBLEES Allah warned him that don't let him expel you from here. Right. But then what happened? Other Morrison was left in that dust with who?

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Who was able to come there. Shaitan and what did she upon do?

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He tempted him, urged him took oaths, gave him false promises. And what happened? Are the money Salam ended up eating of that fruit, is it either money Salam forgot.

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And as Allah says in the Quran, he lacked determination. So what's the cure to this? As human beings we will also forget, we will learn the Quran but then we will forget. So what's the solution to that? What's the solution? Keep learning. Remind yourself by staying connected, lack of determination? What's the solution to that? Surround yourself with the right people? So that as you're slowing down, they urge you to move forward to pick up speed.

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This is what we need.

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and secondly, righteous company. So here the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is one that will add to Thurman home as human Oka fora don't do that, don't listen to them. When they invite you to sin. don't obey them and when they invite you to their ingratitude also don't obey them. Hi was the person invite you to their ingratitude because you see when a person is expressing ingrained gratitude, can they do it on their own, not always, they need somebody

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to talk to to express their frustrations before so you don't be their listener, that they are complaining complaining, complaining, venting, venting, talking negatively. And if you keep taking in the negativity of others, sooner or later, you're going to start producing it also. Lead determine whom atham and Oka fura what good is small, big and mentioned the name of your Lord. When book rotten were asleep. Morning and evening. Notice how in the sutras again and again we learn the importance of Likud. Be patient and remember your Lord, why? Because you cannot be patient unless and until you remember your Lord. Remembrance of your Lord gives you strength. When you remember

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him, you remain hopeful, you remain grateful you remain firm, you remain patient. Wamena lelee. And during the night also, first Jude Law who prostrate to him

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in the night prostrate to him, which shows us that in the night prayer where the piano has to be long as a person is reciting the Quran. The steps that should also be long remembered the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from his companions described his night prayer

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that he performed the pm he recited the Quran in his pm and then he went in record and his record was as long as his pm and his sujood was as long as his PM. He was in such that for the same amount of time that he was standing and he was in recall for the same amount of time that he was standing. But what do we do in such the Unruh core Subhanallah butylene times three subhanaw taala times three colors. First doodler who prostrate to him was a bit who and exalt Him Leyland paralela a long part of the night. Leyland taweelah literally means a long night and what is meant is that a long duration of the night. What should you do? Do his this be?

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glorify and praise Allah. This can refer to remember that the spear also refers to voluntary prayer or prayer in general. Many times in Hadees you will find the word that's been being used for Salah.

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So So Bihu can be understood as the night prayer. So a long portion of the night pray and it can also be understood as just the sphere that even as you're lying down

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or if you're at work in the night some people have to work in the night.

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Then at that time, don't just sit there, but also do the spear. Sabir who Leyland taweelah in maha Allah II. Indeed these people, which people, those who deny, and those who remain ungrateful and remain in sin, why are they doing this? You have been Ardila they love the immediate what is the immediate this world which comes quickly and goes quickly. But where are the Runa they are lost in this world because they are leaving behind what are our home behind them Yeoman Sakina a heavy day. They have ignored that they have forgotten about that, which is why they're so happy here. And if you notice the abroad that are mentioned in the Surah, what is mentioned over and over again, their

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fear of the Day of Judgment.

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The believer fears the Day of Judgment. He prepares for it. He does not forget it. He remembers its seriousness, its difficulty. Its duration, its heaviness, its certainty. And a person who is enjoying himself in this world than he has forgotten this heavy day where the Hunedoara home Yeomans, the Tila and this is something we need to ask ourselves that every day as I'm working

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what am I thinking of? What am I preparing for? National halacha now whom Allah says we have created them wash at that dinner Astra home, and we have strengthened their asset. What does acid mean? Form. Basically, acid is to strap or buying something.

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A seed from the same root is used for a prisoner because he is bound. He's tied up.

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But the word acid is also used for Hulk, the form the physique of a person. Because what is that it's all put together right? The muscles, the joints, the bones, the limbs, everything is put together. And the more firm it is, the more strong it is, the better it is. So SHODHANA Astra Hall we have strengthened their form their bodies, their limbs, their joints,

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how often we make excuses, too busy too busy.

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Allah says we created them, there was a time when they did not exist. We created them, we give them their bodies, we give them what they have. And yet they don't have time for Allah will either shoot now and whenever we wish, but then now we can change and sell a home there likes the Medela a complete change, um style over here will be understood as their forms that we can change their forms whenever however we want completely and doesn't happen. The same body that a person is trying to preserve over time, what happens? It ages, it decays, it weakens. You can't stop your body from aging. In the heavy heat that Kira indeed, this is a reminder from insha Allah Isla de Sevilla. So

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whoever wants they can take to their Lord away.

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Whoever wants they can adopt a way to reach their lord to reach their Lord's approval.

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If they want to. You see whether we like it or not, we are all going back to Allah. Is that something agreed upon? Yeah, we're all gonna die. Whether we like it, or we don't whether we prepare for it, or we don't.

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So if we have to go and there's no avoiding it,

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might as well go happily.

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You understand? Might as well go while we're prepared. So from an SHA, it Takada in our visa villa, whoever wants they can adapt a way to their Lord, meaning a way of righteousness, a way of obedience. They should do something

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they must do something, you know, for example,

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you can apply to college you can apply to university, you can but it's not gonna come just like that, that one day a university is going to contact you just like that. No, you have to do your part. Go fill out the applications. Go do your part. So from an Shah atika, Illa, Robbie Sevilla, one at the shell owner and you cannot even wish you cannot even will and intend to adopt a way of righteousness to do something good in that in your sha Allah, except that ALLAH wills in Allah cannot even Hakima indeed Allah is ever knowing and wise. What does this mean? The fact that you can even intend to do something good.

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This is also by who's will

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by whose will Allah's Will

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I remember our intentions are also under Allah's will. If he does not allow, we cannot even intend. And if we cannot intend, we can't even do it. So does this mean that we have no responsibility? Nothing, we just keep waiting for Allah to will to that we will will. Because this is what some people understood, that we have no freedom, no free will not this is not the meaning.

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The meaning is that if you were able to do something, it's because Allah gave you the ability, so don't forget him and become too proud of yourself.

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If you were able to do something you see just as you could not exist until Allah created you. So if you exist, it's because of who Allah so while you're alive, please don't forget Allah.

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Right? So if you're able to do something good, it's because Allah allowed you and if he allowed you that means you should be grateful to him for the ability to do good for the opportunity to do good.

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Is such a beautiful and motivational Surah that in the beginning Allah Spano Tala mentioned and creation and what has to be done in order to get Jana. You can make a picture you know how you're getting inside. You're dressing up, you're served and you're drinking I can imagine but to get Chana. There are a lot of things cybercrime and cyber and for SUBUD you know cyber is something that is like a British tablet, we have to do somebody and you can assure us about that. I have some but it shows the way you are walking the way you're talking the way you're thinking. And Jana we all wanted

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to serve in China, they will be servants in the house, all the girls and wives have to serve right the summons will be serving a scintilla and we are sitting in steak and jewelry and you know this beautiful imagination of Chanel, Allah, may Allah subhanaw taala among them.

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So when Martha Shah owner Illa Ania sha Allah, if you're able to do something good, then be grateful to Allah for this also, in Allah Khanna Lehmann Hakima. Indeed Allah is Knowing and wise up Romania Sha ofii Rama de he admits whomsoever He lives into his mercy. What is His mercy in this world, that a person is able to do something good. And what is His mercy in the hereafter that a person is forgiven and admitted into Jannah? Allah subhanaw taala addressed Jana and he said Anttila Hemmati You are My Mercy. You do Hello, Mayor Shalvey Rama de

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this very serious, I want you to think about it.

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He admits into his paradise, whoever that he wants. It's his chosen servants. It's those whom he has appreciated whose service and effort he likes. He has accepted. It's his Jana, he decides you do Hello May a shower or feel or Mati he, so if we want to be included in his mercy, what is necessary then fix your relationship with your Lord.

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Fix it, work on it, build on it,

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improve it. While Lolly mean and the wrongdoers those who do learn are the Lahoma the hub and Alima then he has prepared for them a painful punishment not just the punishment but a painful one

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known as

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Villa Fosbury really hooked me up because I want to pay a minimum fee man

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was cool the smell of peekaboo gotta

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warm Wamena Layli first Judah who was

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all new

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no call up on wash out that

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we're either shooting

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in heavy it and kill

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the Honda beanies Obi Wan Tasha

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All in Allaha Ghana on Iman Kochiyama you will

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warm Lolly Mina

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chronicle Lahoma behind the eye shadow Allah ilaha illa into a stuffy look at a Tobu lake a ceremony with Allah Hilbre cattle

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