Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P26 265D Tafsir Al-Hujuraat 7-10
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We're Alemu and Noah and Neffe, calm Rasul Allah, all believers you should know that indeed amongst you is the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this is a reminder of Allah's blessing upon the Companions, that, don't you see who is amongst you, the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So honor Him and respect him. Be polite with Him, obey his orders, Don't raise your voice in front of him.
When he gives you a command, follow that he is more knowledgeable about what benefits you because he's the Messenger of Allah. And he is more concerned about you than you are about yourselves. What do we learn in order to preserve that and obey you Hola. Bill, macmini them in and forcing him that the prophet is closer to the believers than they are to themselves, meaning he is more concerned about their welfare than the believers are concerned about themselves. So if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is giving you a command, then what should you do? Accept it, realize that he's the Messenger of Allah, he receives guidance from Allah.
And this also means that do not lie to him. Show him respect. Listen to him, don't order him, trust his leadership. This is the main message over here, trust his leadership, where Allah ml and Nephi come from rasool Allah trust his leadership, because his opinions are much complete than your own. Because about the Surah, you will find many, many different incidents from the Sierra, right? That the Prophet sallallahu Sallam gave a particular command because Hubbard wanted to do something else. And we saw this in sort of flutter also, right? That how when the Prophet said a lot is that I wanted to sign the treaty, the companions were not that willing. Correct. He told them, come out of
your State of Iran, many companions were not willing, isn't it? So what does Allah say over here? Trust your messenger, when he tells you to do something, then do it. When he orders you to do something, then do it. Why are law more unethical, Rasul Allah.
If he's giving you a command, it's because he cares about you. It's well thought out. It's not a hasty decision, low yield to your account and realize that he's the leader. You're not the leader, low yield to your account if he were to obey you, meaning if the order was reversed, because that's what many people want, right? That the leader should listen to them. This is my suggestion, my opinion. Take it if you don't take it, then I'm not coming with you. Alright, Allah says low yield to your account, if the messenger were to obey you fika Theoden, in much mineral armoury of the matter, meaning in much of the affairs if he were to obey you, then what would happen law I need to
surely you would suffer you would be in difficulty. Law I need to I need to I known Annette, and Annette is extreme hardship, extreme difficulty. So in other words, if the Prophet sallallahu Sallam started listening to you, and started taking your suggestions and your advice all the time, then what would happen? You would suffer? You know why? Because firstly, you don't even know what's best for you.
Who knows what's best for you? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam knows what is best for you.
Like, for example, the Sahaba at her they BIA they didn't want to sign the treaty,
isn't it? They just wanted to save Abu Jandal but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam wanted to sign the treaty. And at the end what was better signing the treaty, because you know what happened to agenda la de la noir and who? He managed to run away from Makkah. All right, he managed to run away from Makkah. But remember the treaty stipulated he couldn't go to Medina. So what happened? He didn't go to Medina. He didn't stay in Makkah. Right. He stayed somewhere in the desert. He camped somewhere in the desert. And then there were some other people also who fled and they joined him. And then what happened? The Moroccan caravans whenever they would go back and forth they would feel
threatened by Abu Jandal and his companions so finally than we should have enough Maka, they sent word to the prophets of Allah said Please, can you call them a gentle to yourself? Can you please get into yourself? So what happened? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he signed the treaty, the treaty was in favor of the Muslims, isn't it? Now many times this happens that when there is a leader and we have a different opinion from that of the leader, we begin to lose our trust in the leader. Right? But what
Is this idea teaching us trust the leader? Because many times our view is limited, our vision is limited. And the leader is looking at the big picture. We lack experience and the leader has experience. Right? We just want immediate benefit and the leader, they know what's really good for you. Like, for example, at school in your university, why do you have midterms? Why? Why not just a final exam? Why a midterm? What's the benefit? Aren't you forced to study? Aren't you forced to study? You weren't? If you didn't have your midterms, you will probably wait until the last week before the exam, isn't it? Crime and everything that you were supposed to study? And then who would
suffer? You would suffer? So if the mean professor is giving you quizzes upon quizzes, write an assignment after assignment, paper after paper? Is it because he hates you? No, he has no problem with you. Right? He is there to ensure that you are studying, that's his job.
His job is to ensure that you are studying. So don't dislike the leader for what the leader decides. Even if you differ with him. Low up or configure theta middle angry, learned dumb. If the Prophet sallallahu wasallam were to obey you in much of the matter, you would be in difficulty.
And you see another reason
why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not to listen to the Companions. Alright, not in everything. But of course, he would take their advice, he would take their suggestions, right? Remember, in the month of Ramadan, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he led the Sahaba in the night prayer, right in the last few nights. What happened was the prophets Allah Walton was praying himself. And some companions were there in the masjid and they stood behind him. All right, so that meant the prophets of Allah said and basically had to lead them because they're standing behind him now. All right. In the morning, the word spread while we prayed with the profits or loss and that
piano, it was awesome. It was so good, you missed it. So what happened? The next night, so more Sahaba showed up, right? More and more people showed up and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam finally one night he didn't come out at all. He didn't come out of his house. Why? Out of fear that if we pray again, it's possible that this night prayer will become mandatory,
isn't it? The Sahaba wanted to do it. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam deliberately avoided it. Why? Because if he didn't, and the night prayer would become mandatory than what would happen who would suffer? Learn it? You would be in hardship, you would be in difficulty. Because yes, there are people who are very zealous, they're very enthusiastic. They have a lot of, you know, excitement and energy and they want to do more and more, but everybody's not at the same level. So now I need to you would suffer. Well, I can Allah, but Allah, meaning your enthusiasm is understandable. Right? It's understandable. You want to pray every single night it's understandable. You want to prolong
clams with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it's understandable. Why is it so? Because we're lacking Allah. But Allah has had Baba Aleikum, he has made beloved to you have Baba he has made beloved la come to you al Imana the faith meaning Eman is something that Allah has made beloved to you. So you love Iman. You would never let go of it. You want the best. You love Islam you love everybody and you want to do more and more was a Yena who and he has beautified it meaning Eman ficolo become in your hearts. Meaning in your hearts what is it that you find truly beautiful? Amen. And what is it that beautifies your heart? It is Iman what camera and he has made hateful from the
word Carozza he has made hateful in a come to you al COFRA disbelief one forsook and defiance disobedience what is supposed to openly disobey Wallacea and just disobedience remember that there is a difference between for soup and Arisia and for soup is like habitual almost. And there is cin is occasional disobedience. So Allah has made hateful to you disbelief defiance and disobedience. Hola eco humo Rashi don't It is those who are rightly guided. What does this mean? This means your the Sahaba their enthusiasm for the deen is being acknowledged over here because
They wanted, you know, they wanted so much they wanted to do the best. But Allah subhanaw taala knows that it is not possible for everybody. So the deen is easy. The deen is easy. For example, a person loves to faster. They're fasting in the month of Ramadan. They're praying clam in the nights of Ramadan. And they say, Well, why is this limited to the month of Ramadan? This should be more this should be done throughout the year. But is it practical? No, it is not. Likewise, a person enjoys giving charity says why only 2.5%. So God should be more than that. We can afford to give more than that. Right? Why is he doing this? Why does he want to do more? Because you see earlier we
were told don't overstep your bounds. Right? Do not go in front of Allah and His messenger. Allah commands you obey. Correct. So over here, it says, if we're being taught that realize the Sahaba did not intend anything evil. All right. Because you see, sometimes people, they suggest something to their leader and they press him, you know, that accepted, accepted. And you wonder, what's the hidden intention over here? What's the hidden agenda? Is it that they want that authority? Is it that they want to become the leader and push the leader off? Is that the intention? Is that the agenda? Many times it is. But for the Sahaba Allah says that the reason why they're so enthusiastic,
is because they love Iman. And you see, when you love something, you cannot have enough of it. You want more and more and more. You're not satisfied with just a little bit. You want more of it. What happens with us is the exact opposite. We want less we wonder, does it have to be one month? How about a few weeks I want every other day? Do we have to pray pm every night? How about a few days? The Sahaba were the exact opposite. They wanted more and more. And this is the difference between loving Iman and just having Eman. They loved Iman. So they weren't satisfied with the little they wanted more. So Allah says he has helped Baba la como Eman? You find Eman beautiful Eman attracts
you It appeals to you. And when that is the case, then every matter of the deen coming from Allah and His Messenger is acceptable to you. What do we learn from this ayah firstly, what we see is that the deen of Allah is complete. It is complete and perfect and it is not in need of our advice. Because what does Allah say at the beginning, that know that the Messenger of Allah is among you. He is not to obey you. If you were to obey you, things would become difficult.
So remember that the dean is complete when we interfere when we overstep our bounds. Then we make the Dean more difficult.
We make the Dean more difficult. Right? Let me give you an example of how we create difficulty in our deen. Do you see something here?
I'm not wearing socks. Some people might find it problematic. Feet are supposed to be covered women are supposed to wear socks. Tell me something. Did the Sahaba yet wear socks? could they afford socks? No, they didn't. What did they were then? They were jilbab that was long enough. Correct. So when we leave the jilbab and we say wear socks even in 35 degrees outside. What are we doing? We're making the deen difficult.
We become very enthusiastic. Right a woman Oliver is Arlo so more and more of her should be covered? So yes, even in extreme hot she should be wearing cotton black socks, right? Not even any color just black because it's not zenith, right? So we're making things difficult.
We're making things difficult. There's a hadith in which we learn. You know, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that what is beneath the ankles is in the fire in Santa Monica. Lauren has said that, what about us? What does that mean? That they award longdale baobabs to ensure that their feet were covered. And of course, it is understood that when a woman is wearing along to the bulb, and she's going to walk yes, there will be times when a part of her foot will be exposed. And that is what Allama the Hora minha isn't it?
It's what is apparent by itself? Because it's not fair. How can a woman be forced to cover her feet with socks when socks were not even that common at the time of the prophets of Allah who already was on them?
You understand my point over here. The deen is easy. It is practical. It is usage exactly as it is. When we add to it when we remove from it. We make the difficult. We are in no position to change the dean. We cannot add to it and we cannot remove from it. Remember this
When we add to it, or when we remove from it, we are overstepping our bounds, we are making things difficult.
I feel like this is really important for us as well that that means that we can't take our own interpretations of commands, we need to see how they were implemented by the sahaba. And you know, like the wives of the Prophet, because a lot of people to take command be like, No, I think it means this and then start doing their own thing with it. Yeah, and this is why you have to see what does the Quran say about something? What does the Sunnah say? And how did the Sahaba implement it? How do they carry it out? Right? Also, remember the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said that in the hair that Dena uses, that indeed, this deen is easy, this religion is easy, and no one will ever
overburden himself in religion, except that it will overcome him.
Meaning when you will make things difficult for yourself at the end you will be exhausted at the end you will give up. So seek what is appropriate. And the Hadith continues. In the Quran, Allah says whether we tuber and Haku who are at home love fossa that is similar to well. The truth has not to follow the desires of people, isn't it? The truth is the truth. So the Quran has Quran and the Sunnah is the Sunnah. Let's not read into it and interpret it the way we want to suit our desires. When we will do that, we're going to make the deen difficult and hard upon ourselves. Sometimes we think we know best. Like I remember somebody once told me, I was having the same discussion about
feet with them. And they said that you know, in God knows what century France, feet, women's feet were considered the height of beauty. So a woman you know, could have an extremely low neck or whatever, but her feet had to be covered. I'm like, okay, that's friends. All right. We're talking about Islam. Okay, so yes, in a particular culture, something might be okay. Or not okay. But we're talking about Islam, isn't it? So remember that Allah subhanaw taala knows what is best for us. Right? We think we might know what's best. But Allah knows what is best. So he has given us the deen which is the most practical and which is the most complete. But at the same time, let's not be hasty
over here and be judgmental about other people. That if someone is trying to follow the deen and yes, in that they're being extra careful, extra cautious, right? Why is that? So? It's well intentioned, basically. Right? It's well intentioned. So for example, if a woman says that no, no, you know, I just don't feel that great when I go outside my via does lift up quite a lot. So I just feel comfortable wearing socks. Fine. No problem. She's being more cautious. Excellent, good for her. But don't impose that on other people. And don't say that it is further than YG when it's haram to not wear socks, right? This is problematic. So over here, Allah subhanaw taala testifies to the
faith of the companions that helped Baba la como Iman was a yener who feel called to become and here we really need to see the state of our hearts do I love the man? Whatever it is that my Rob has commanded? Whatever it is that my messenger sallallahu alayhi wa salam thought, do I love it? Do I look forward to it? Do I look at it with eagerness with love? Or do I have some discomfort in my heart when I think about these things?
Because over here we see that the beauty of the heart is what with iman, the beauty of the heart is with love for Iman
and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he also prayed he also made dua that Allah Houma Habib Elena Imana was the Yin who fuchal Rubina. We're currently Elaine l COFRA. Well for Su cavalerie. Cin, what your Allah Mina Rashid in exactly what's mentioned in this ayah right, so he made the offer that because you see until you love something, can you accept it? No. And if you cannot accept it, can you do it? Can you follow it? No. So in order to follow in order to obey Allah and His messenger, we must love what has come from them.
Correct. And at the same time, if we dislike something and we leave it, no, we cannot. I remember. There was a boy who was he could say very easily in casual terms that he was addicted to coke. All right. And then somebody said something to him about coke. I don't know what exactly to set. But that boy he abandoned coke completely. I remember this kid going around, taking bottles of coke and
is dumping them dumping them. I did that to me once and I got seriously offended that Why are you doing that to my cook? Right? Literally he took it and he dumped it out. All right. Why? Why that aversion? Because, because he learned something about about coke. I don't know what it was but something and that aversion led to what? abandoning it completely, isn't it? So we cannot abandon something unless and until we dislike it. We cannot abandon sin unless and until we dislike it. So this is why we should make dua to Allah that Oh Allah, whatever deed you love, make it beloved to me also. And whatever deed you dislike, make it hateful. For to me also, make me love what you love and
make me dislike what you dislike so that I can do what you love and leave what you dislike. Such people hola como Rashi don't, those are the rightly guided they are upon the right guidance for glum in Allah he will Nirma This is bounty from Allah and favor. What is the state of loving Eman? The heart being beautified with ima the state of disliking disbelief and disobedience. This is entirely exclusively Allah's favor upon a servant. He couldn't have acquired himself when Nirma and a blessing. Well Allah who are Lehmann Hakeem and Allah is Knowing and wise, we're in and if pa if utterly two factions, two groups do a love the word for iffa, Meenal Momineen among the believers,
it could data do they fight. If two groups of the believers are fighting, fighting, as in they're fighting against each other and remember, equal data, Allah is basically raising weapons against each other. It's like beating each other up.
Now remember the previous verses, that if someone brings you some information before taking action, investigate, otherwise you will have regrets. Now, what if there happens to be a situation where two people or two groups of people, there's so much difference or misunderstanding that has led them to basically fight with each other? In this situation? What should the others do? Should they just stand and watch? Allah says for us, Lee, who then do is law, make settlement by nahama between the two, meaning don't let them keep fighting and killing each other? Be like Musala, Hustler, intervene and stop the fight for ously. Who Bina Homer do is law between them? What is his law to make amends?
Right, that whatever problem there is, between those two groups solve that problem so that they're not fighting anymore for us liberal Boehner Houma do is law
for in then if but it oppressed beltline? Yeah, belly, it oppressed, who oppressed that Roma, one of the two groups are alohar over the other. Let's say two groups are fighting and you intervene and you find out you ask them what's going on? Why are you fighting? And after a whole discussion, you realize that one group is guilty. Why? Because they initiated the aggression. Right? So for in bullet, a DA Houma or the okra, so the aggressor, the one who initiated the aggression, the one who's guilty, the one who's at fault.
Then Allah says for Arturo, then you should fight allottee THE ONE WHO, WV the one who has oppressed, meaning, join, be oppressed and fight the oppressor. Because sometimes what happens is that when you're trying to resolve a dispute, it doesn't just get resolved through words, you have to use physical force. So use physical force against who, against the oppressor. And for that, sometimes you have to join the one who is being oppressed. So for example, you will join the oppressed and fight the oppressor, and you will hold the oppressor down, for example. So for invalid if the humara okra for arteriolar T doubly, until when had that until the fi, it returns either
umbrella to the Command of Allah who returns to the Command of Allah, the oppressor.
They returned to the Command of Allah, meaning they agree to do in their situation, what Allah has commanded what Allah has ordered
defeat of fire Hamza fate to return. So basically fight the oppressor until the oppressor surrenders.
All right, for in fact, then if it returns me in the surrender, then for Asli, who Boehner whom then make amends, make settlement between the two groups, whatever problems they had, whatever strife there was solve it for Asli who Boehner Houma, but how should you do is law, Bill Bradley with Justice will act simple and be fair, I will is justice and occipital. This is basically refraining from injustice, meaning, ensuring that no unfairness is being done. So we'll accept to in Allah your Hibben Oxyclean. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly.
Now, this is remember, it is specifically for certain situations, which are basically warfare, or, for example, when people are engaged in physical violence against each other. And here the command is specifically being given to who, to those who are in authority. Remember this one rule, the command to join the oppressed and fight the oppressor, this command has been given to who?
To who average people like us? Who is this command being given to those in authority? Because if an average person goes and joins the oppressed, what is he going to do? He's basically adding fuel to the fire. Right? Because now more casualties, more people are being killed. So someone with authority must intervene. All right. So this is specifically for people in power leaders, that when there is war, when there is bloodshed, between Muslims resolve the issues, do not let them continue. And the procedure has been mentioned over here.
Now, before we continue, do you notice something over here? What has been mentioned warfare battle between who bloodshed between who are Muslims?
So as sad as it is, this is a reality.
This is a reality that was there at the time of the Prophet salallahu Salam, I mean, there were times when groups of Muslims because of their tribal affiliations, you know, they got angry with each other and they started fighting each other in the prophets, Allah Watson would go and calm them down. And then we see that after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it was really sad how battles were fought amongst Muslims. Right? And this is a reality today also. But remember, Allah says in law if attorney Mina Mina,
he says, do groups from the believers fighting another Muslim? Yes, it's a major sin trying to kill another Muslim is a major sin. But Allah still calls them meaning.
Do you understand? Allah still calls them believers? And this is something we need to remember that just because a person is committing a major sin does not mean that they have left the fold of Islam.
All right, yes, there are levels of faith. They may be at a very low level at that point. But it doesn't mean that they have completely abandoned the faith. Now, what do we learn that stop bloodshed stop warfare? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said on sort of a haka volume, and almost lumen help your brother, whether he's an oppressor or the one who is being oppressed. So of course, the one who is being oppressed, it makes sense you help them, but how do you help the oppressor by stopping him by not letting him fight preventing him from oppressing others? So even though this verse is about warfare and bloodshed, what's the lesson for an average Muslim for us?
What can we learn from this if for ourselves?
Yes, that in everyday situations, when we see someone being oppressed, then take their side, speak for them. Right? defend them, join their struggle, the one who is being oppressed, fight for his rights, just as you would fight for your rights. Right. What's another lesson we can learn from this idea?
When people are fighting, let them fight. Just watch the show.
Is that what this is teaching us? Just watch people fighting? No, intervene. It is your responsibility as a believer to do something about it. Have you heard of that phenomenon? Where there's a group of people watching you know, something happened that nobody takes responsibility?
What is it bystander right bystander effect, right? That what happens to people, somebody is being killed, they can hear the screams
They can hear somebody being beaten up. And there's 50 People who watch that crime happen, but no one. No one intervenes. No one does anything. And these are facts. They're not just made up stories. These are facts. It happens. Why? Because no one takes that responsibility. Everybody thinks, or somebody else will do it, somebody else will do it. There are studies that show that this happens to people. But what does this ayah teach us? When you see oppression? Consider it your moral obligation to do something about it.
Don't wait for somebody else. It's your duty as a believer to take action.
And even if it's just people fighting amongst each other children, in the family at work at school, when you see mutual conflict, then do something about it. When you see that people's relationships are not that healthy, then don't let it remain like that. Don't think that let them deal with it. It's their problem. No, it's also your problem. Because today it might be their problem, but tomorrow, what's going to happen?
It's going to spread it's going to affect you also. So do something about it. There's so many a hadith that tell us about how mutual conflict is so dangerous.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, Let the kata rule while at the double Willette available, what are the hazards were Kuno, one comma Amana, Kamala, that do not sever relations of kinship. don't bear enmity against one another, don't bear aversion against one another, and don't feel envy against each other, and live as fellow believers as Allah has ordered you to. Allah has commanded that you should be believers that you should be brothers. So be like brothers.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said they were of evil with each other. For indeed it is Holika. What is Holika? One that shaves off completely, meaning one that destroys the religion of a person. What Destroys religion of a person. So that will be in being evil with each other bad relationships? This is destructive for our religion, how is it destructive? First of all, if a person has problems with their friends and family, can they focus on their prayer? Can they know? Can they fast with a clean heart? No, they cannot. You cannot focus on everybody if you've got problems in your life, right? If you've got problems with people, so you work on fixing those
problems, do as much as you can to fix those problems. And secondly, if we are constantly fighting with each other bickering, then is that a good image of Islam? No, this is destructive for the image of our religion also, and we see this today. So what's the main lesson of this is that when you see oppression, don't let it continue. Do something about it. And when you see problems between believers, then again, intervene and try to resolve them in normal movement. Hoonah ICWA indeed, the believers are only brothers. It was plural of the word of their brothers or sisters in our movement, ona it Hawa.
So if you find that somebody is oppressing your sister, your brother, will you just stand and watch? Will you? Will you say it's his problem? It's her problem? No, you will do something about it. So when any believer is suffering, it is your obligation to defend him just as you would defend your own brothers and sisters in normal mode. Manana ICWA. For us, Lee, who Boehner a Hawaii calm, so make settlement between your brothers meeting it's not correct for believers to fight each other. So if they're fighting with each other, make Islam do something over there. What the Hello Hello and welcome to hormone and fear Allah in order that you may receive mercy. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam said the believer is the believers mirror.
A believer to another believer is like a mirror. And the believer is the believers brother, who guards him against loss and protects him in his absence, protects him in his absence, meaning protect his honor, his reputation, guards him against loss, meaning doesn't let anybody harm him.
So all believers are related by what factor? Amen. Regardless of color, race, culture background, and this is why we should never let disputes grow or increase. solve disputes. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Shall I not tell you about a charity which Allah loves to be given?
Would you like to know about us?
sadaqa that Allah loves, that when a person gives us the call, Allah loves that sadaqa. The Sahaba said yes. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, you cause soul between people do so between people make amends between people, the problems and the fights and the differences and the disputes that they have solve them. And when you will solve them, this is the best kind of charity. This is a charity that Allah likes. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that a Muslim is the brother of a Muslim, he neither oppresses him, nor does he surrender him to his enemy. And he who is helping his brother than Allah is in his help, meaning Allah is going to aid him and he who
relieves a Muslim from any hardship, that Allah will relieve him from the hardships of the Day of Judgment. And he who conceals the weakness of a Muslim than Allah will conceal his weakness on the Day of Judgment. So when we help other people, essentially Who are we helping ourselves and when we're helping them resolve their conflicts, their disputes? Who are we helping ourselves? So it's never just their problems, somebody else's problem? It could very well be our problem when we help them in fact, we are helping ourselves
let's listen to the recitation of these verses. Well
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Subhanak along will be handed a shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta a stockbroker a taboo like a Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh