Aarij Anwer – Dealing with Disabilities

Aarij Anwer
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of patient mental health and embracing the experiences of loss and struggles for all, including those affected by loss and trauma. They emphasize the need for everyone to be the best of themselves and not let anyone's experience affect them. The Sh--I arm arcia is seen as a culture of fear, and the reward of visiting someone who's sick is given to them. The importance of acceptance and embracing the experiences of the people affected by loss and struggles is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Welcome de novo mamita Allah hora Sula, who forgot faster frozen alima. About

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last battle I mentioned in Surah ambia, the story of many prophets, one of those that he mentioned is the prophet or Ube la Sonam. And his story particularly is very interesting for the patients that he displays. While he is afflicted with many, many different types of calamities.

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Today, or rather, this week, we were celebrating the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Day two, this is celebrated by everybody across the world, to raise awareness about how people who are in a situation of disabilities, how we can support them, how we can work with them, how to provide accommodation for them. And in light of that, I wanted to speak from the story of a you, buddy Sam, to shine a light on how we can find his story and his example as a guiding light for us, particularly for those of us who are either disabled, or are helping and supporting a family member who is disabled are usually Salam as described in the Quran, in a few sutras in Surah ambia. He's

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described very briefly, and he's described making dua a UVA is neither a Bahu animus on your door or under our hammer. I mean, he says in his dorm

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that I have been touched by harm. And you Allah are the Most Merciful of those who have any type of mercy You are the Most Merciful of all people of all creation of all people put together you are even more merciful than that. First jabon Allahu fucka chef Namah de Mille Dora, so we answered his door, and we took away what was ailing him. This is the essence of what Allah mentions of his story, his daughter in particular, this door is very beautiful. Anybody who is struck with any calamity any disease, any ailment should make this dog a Nima Sania Dora will enter our hammer rahimian. This is something that all of us can benefit from, but particularly for somebody who is disabled or

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supporting somebody who's disabled. This

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gives us an understanding on how we should, how we should view the matter. Firstly, we should understand that this difficulty that we find ourselves in is not a punishment from Allah subhanaw taala. It's not a curse. It's not something that a loss model is doing to show us our value or it's a it's a type of damnation. None of that he says a NEMA Sania door, harm has touched me. And this idea of harm touching him. He is the Prophet of Allah. He is one of the he his category, that part of the category of profits is the highest category of human beings. And these are the most beloved people to Alice patata. He says that I have been touched by harm.

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That means that this being touched by harm, being in a situation where a person is sick, or person is disabled, is not a curse. It is a test from Allah.

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Allah, Allah tells us in the Quran in many places, the prophet Allah Azza wa Salaam tells us in many Hadith, how all types of difficulties are a test from Allah Subhana Allah masaba min moosey batin illa V is Neela any difficulty that comes and afflicts us that is from a loss permission. So it is not a curse, it is a test, either habibollah who abdon epistola, who the best messenger of a loss of some tells us that if Allah or when Allah loves a person, he tests them, he puts them in a situation where they are tested.

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So this a person who is disabled who finds himself to be in that situation,

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or a family member of a person who is taking care of a disabled individual should understand that this is a test from last pathauto. And if you look at a URL, a serums drop in particular, it is very beautiful how he expresses himself. He doesn't say to Allah, Allah, I have been. I'm sick. I'm in this terrible situation. Why was I selected to be in this situation? Why did I lose all the things that I lost? He doesn't say any of that. He says aneema Sania

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harm has touched me. If you look at the hobbies or rather the books of the year.

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For example, in natural medicine mentioned the story of a USA he says look at the Abner who subiaco Bonanza who SLS v Yeoman Why'd

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he lost his seven sons and

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his three daughters in one day, so panela but Allah Delica besotted with the slim, but he was patient in the face of this loss. This is an unbelievable last panel. Then after that, the move to the Avi salvati guru, he just said he then he was afflicted by what's today called bed sores, you know, his this entire body was swelling and was draining pus to the point where he was unable to move, paralyzed completely. The only thing that he could use functionally was his tongue for the lat cathartic akula who be suffering or hikmah. But even in that situation, he lived through that with patience and wisdom. So this is a man who's experienced so much loss in his life, so much trauma in

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his life, yet when he is asking a loss patola He doesn't say oh la have suffered this and I've suffered that he says, I need my son your daughter, harm has just touched me.

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So, this is a beautiful expression. Like even though she says this is mean other martial law. It shows the, the the etiquette that we should have it allows pantalla for this man is characterizing all his sufferings as Colombian coffee, like some small touch something barely had, you know, touched him or something barely that happened to him. This is the mindset that a UVA Elisa Lam lived with.

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This is the mindset that enabled him to be patient in the face of such loss and such trauma.

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This is the example for all of us as well, particularly for those of us who are suffering through some sort of pain, or helping somebody supporting somebody who is sick or disabled border particularly is a type of sickness or ailment in the body. So, this particular example of humanism teaches us on how to deal with that, but Allah karateka Kula who the sobre hikmah, to be patient to have patience to be wise in this to not complain to a loss Ponta. Do not think bad of a loss bother to not see why is this difficult situation happening to me, this is not the way to approach the matter. The way to approach the matter is to be patient. The way the way to approach the matter is

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to understand there is some plan that Allah has for us, you will listen and remain patient for over a decade. And then finally Allah says, We are thinking who Allah who will miss la whom Mara whom Rama, Tommy nandina, all that he lost afterwards, his wealth, his kids, everybody who left him and deserted him. Last month, I replaced all of that for him with the Corolla, Aberdeen, and he made a una ceram as an example, a shining example for all people afterwards.

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This is what the situation of of turmoil and difficulty. That's what got, that's what he achieved through that he achieved through this difficulty and turmoil, all that he lost, he got back, plus he became an example for all people afterwards. So bringing it back to the discussion of somebody who is disabled, or somebody who is taking care of a family member who is disabled. This is a very, very big test from our last panel, this is not an easy situation to be in. I have family members who are disabled. And you know, for example, my cousin, his son is disabled. And it's a very difficult thing for them. every single aspect of their life has affected the way they travel, the way they go out to

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eat, the way they prepare themselves to go meet people, the way they prepare the house to host guests, the schedule that they have on a day to day basis, every single aspect of their life is affected by this.

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But this is a test from our last panel. That's what we understand. That's what we know. We know that from the life of the prophet SAW them and we know that from the example of the prophets that Allah mentions.

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At the way we are taught to deal with it is through patience, through optimism, through hope through

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not having despair, not ever thinking that this is not going to get better, not ever questioning Allah. Allah spotless wisdom, why was I put in this? That's not something we ask.

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We asked how do I deal with this Allah give me the patience to deal with it. When the prophets Islam tells us when someone loses something, the correct response to that loss is saying in Allah He will ignite Allah He Raji rune indeed we belong to Allah and we will return to a lot Aloma a Llama Llama junie female CBT was fluffy hate Amina will love reward me for this difficulty that I'm in and replaced for me

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What I've lost

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this is the attitude not all of why this happened to me. We actually say no a lot. This is from you. We accepted, give me the strength to get through it helped me get better. Replace for me what I have lost, give me the reward for my patience.

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This is the attitude that we're taught in dealing with calamities. So for someone who is living with a person who is disabled, same situation applies, or same thing applies to them. We understand that this is not a curse, but a test. We look to the life of the prophets of Salaam and the prophets in general to find ways to navigate this difficulty with the help of a loss pontocho

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I want to talk particularly, or I want to address particularly parents who might be in a situation that they are raising a child who is disabled. It's a very tough thing. any situation is tough, but for a parent to be tested through their children is one of the most difficult trials a person to go through.

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I was going for Amara once and the group I was leaving had a a family. And one of the children of their family was extremely autistics severely autistic. This is a child who couldn't even read, you know, the signs on the door like which is the exit and which one is the washroom for the men's. That was the severity of his autism. And the child had this this young man had no control over his body at all.

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So the mother came to me after the aamra you know the presentation the seminar on how to do oma and she asked me, I am worried that he's gonna throw off his eardrum, when he put it on during the journey, like maybe he'll throw it off in the car, but maybe he'll throw it off his arm in the in the plane and becoming exposed. So she's extremely concerned about this.

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And I told her that this is a person who is vedamo Cunliffe. He is not liable for the responsibilities the Shetty enforces upon people, he is not liable for that. So for him, none of those conditions are none of those requirements apply. Think about this for a second the Shetty arm arcia D practice. It has enforces certain responsibilities upon the people who are following it. For example, all of you Mashallah are mooka Levine, you are people who are liable for your actions. If you were to lie a lot smarter will hold you accountable for it. You are here praying tomorrow, because you're liable for that you have to come and you have to pray.

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Because you have reached of age, your sound mind you're free, etc, etc. That makes you liable for that action. What are the conditions of the cliff is being of sound mind if you are not of sound mind, if you are disabled, the cliff does not apply. Of course, the given the severity of it, that's also always considered. But in the case of this particular young man, he was so severely disabled, none of those conditions, none of those, none of those requirements apply to him.

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The beautiful part of the religion is this brothers and sisters, that went the cliff does not apply to a person. That person essentially is sinless. A child there is no risk liability on the child. It's a he's a child or she's a child. So that child is sinless, beautiful, like the Prophet send example. koyomi whether that's komak when a person comes back from Hajj, it's like the day your mother gave birth to you, like a child, sinless and pure of sin, completely clean.

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The person who is disabled is in the same category.

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They are a they are somebody who if their disability stops them from practicing Islam. That is a person who is not carrying the sense not carrying the burdens of this world. That is a personal paradise, living amongst us panel.

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And that's how we see them. That's how we should see them.

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So panela think about that. The reward of visiting a person who's sick

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the reward a person just go into someone's house, I go to somebody's house was sick, I have some you know tea with them. I eat some some more says crack some jokes, I come back home. That particular action is so beautiful and so worthy in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala that 70,000 angels would pray for me. The moment I leave until it's night.

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And if I did it at night, they will continue praying for me until it's morning.

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Just the action of visiting a person who's sick and seeing that I'm welcome. How are you? So panela Can you imagine the reward of the

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Who perpetually is taking care of a disabled person? Every single day of their life, they're taking care of this person. Can you imagine the angels who are praying for them and the reward that they're carrying? It is an immense reward from Allah, Allah.

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When Allah says in nama, you will for sabudana agera home, the Lady hisab, the we will in nama for sabudana as a home, the ladies of the people who are patient, their reward is given without any count.

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This is a very beautiful statement from Alice Patil a very powerful one. And transformative if you understand it.

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When we come to pray, we are praying for what half hour here, maybe 30 minutes for the whole 10 minutes, maybe five minutes for the Salah, 10 minutes for you to come here, maybe 10 minutes for you to go back. All that added up together is an hour, maybe hour and 10 minutes of actual time spent worshiping Allah spawn Tada.

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But then once you finish that the reward stops, the person who's patient, their reward never stops. Every single moment, the counter of good deeds is increasing. It's always running, because they're always patient every single moment of their lives. If a person who's taking care of somebody who's disabled, every single moment the counter of Azure is running up for them. That's how we're supposed to view with brothers and sisters. It's not to

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belittle the difficulty of the people who are taking care of someone who's disabled. It's not to somehow hope for being in that situation the prophets have taught us that we should ask Allah for health and well being. So the law for Latvia, yeah, a bass Yama Rasulullah sallallahu, Allah for Allah fear, asked for good health and ask for well being. You don't ask for tests and trials. You don't ask Allah to put us in difficult circumstances. But if he tests us and puts us in those circumstances, this is how we deal with them.

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We deal with it with patients, we deal with it, hoping for the reward. We deal with it. And we reframe the whole situation. This is a last test. Every action I do, I'm rewarded. The counter of Azure is running, the angels are praying. This is a person who is a sinless person. This is a person agenda when we viewed things this way that gives us the the strength that gives us the ability to be able to cope with these challenges.

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I call them with a smile when I was stuffed with a lot of suffering.

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smil Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah he was early he was having about

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last Monday was the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. And what I was addressing was how we are supposed to deal with people who are disabled or support those we're taking care of disabled people from the guidance of the Quran and Sunnah of the prophet SAW salah and I mentioned the example of a usnm how he is the shining light in when it comes to dealing with these calamities, dealing with trauma and loss with patience. And our profits are seldom is also a beautiful shining light. When it comes to dealing with loss and difficulties. The problem is some lost six of his kids before he died sauce on them. I've been so when he tells us in number subline the submittal oola

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patience is holding yourself at the strike of the first calamity. He knows what he's talking about. When the Prophet tells us we'll anahola majura bana, we're only going to say what pleases our master in the line and atoma in albala. The eyes are overflowing the tears in the heart is grieved. Those are natural reactions as emotions. That's going to happen. But when I know Hulu Illa Mario de robina but we only say what pleases our master. He knows what he's talking about. He's preaching us what he's lived his entire life sauce on them, which is to deal with these difficulties that Allah puts us through with patience

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and to reframe the situation. So we have the ability and the strength to deal with

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the Prophet of Allah Azza wa sallam taught us also how we are supposed to take care of and accommodate for the disabled members of our community. Like I mentioned, we don't see it as a curse. We don't see as see it as a disgrace. We do not see it as a punishment. We see it as a test. So we have to now accommodate for those of us who are being tested. The Prophet isotta salaam, chose to live in Omaha tomorrow Villa one who as his second event, the first of course, famously was beloved murabaha de la Juan, who the second of the Muslims was obliged to do live in Omaha.

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As you might know, he was the he was blind. He is the blind Sahabi mentioned in a referenced in Surah, basa Abba satola and Yahoo ama that alarma is of delivering omega to la de la one. He was the cousin of Khadija or the Loughran who one of the earliest convert to Islam, one of the most devoted to the cause of Islam, really low on who, but he was blind, he was disabled, the prophets of Salaam chose him to be the Motovun. Now think about this for a second. Giving a van back in the day before you had apps to tell you what time is Salah. You needed to look at the sky, and the sun. And the place where the sun is in the sky will tell you about the time of the prayer. You actually need it

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to be able to see to give the other but a little love in the home of tomorrow the lohana couldn't see. Yet the Prophet Allah starts from chosen to be the oven chosen for this status for this rank.

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And to accommodate for Abdullah vino Maktoum, the prophet assigned a person as a hobby to sit with a doula, and this person will look at the sky. And when the sun would start rising, they will say badass, badass, badass badass, it's morning given and I will live in the middle tomb would stand up and give her that. So panel, this is how the prophets some treated those with disabilities, to accommodate for them to make sure that they're included in the community so that they to ensure that they don't feel shunned and left out.

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He set the example for us, for us to follow it. And to be able to ensure that those of us who are tested with this, we can help them through this test.

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This is what the believers are supposed to be. The believers are supposed to be McMinnville may not bow to whom only about believers are supporters of each other.

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And supporting each other means many, many things. Particularly it means to support people through the tests and difficulties of life helping them get through it, whether it's with a good word you say to them, whether it's by visiting somebody who's sick, whether it's financially supporting somebody who's in need. It doesn't matter how a believer the community of believers is supposed to be together and support each other, and particularly those of us who are suffering with disabilities or being tested through disabilities, those who are supporting those who are disabled. This is a communal responsibility that we have to take upon, and a communal responsibility that we have to

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fulfill according to the sun now the prophet SAW Salah as correspondent give us the understanding of the Quran soon and allow us to implement it in our lives in the law of America to Southern Allah. Yeah, you will have you know, sallu alayhi wa sallam to Siva Allahumma salli ala Muhammad and Phil Avelino of earthen or Salah Allah Muhammad and film Allah Allah Allah Allah medium Allahumma Hinata zoonotic amid miletti version of Islam Allah He was a man how the hero but alameen wa Allah allow us to live and die like the prophets of Salaam and raise us resurrect us in his company in the day of judgment and give us a drink from this point on the Day of Judgment. lamattina fusina taqwa was a

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Kiha antihistamines aka undervalue Hamada hireable Allah May Allah purify us You are the best of those who purifies lamattina for dunya Hassan filati Hassan joaquina de na our master, he was the best in his life and the best in the next live and see what's on the fire healthy, wealthy Muslim

Dealing with Disabilities.

Last Friday, I gave khutbah on dealing with disabilities in light of the story of Ayub (Job) in the Qur’an. His story teaches us to rethink how we look at suffering, pain and disability. Once we do so, we gain the strength to cope.

We don’t say, “God, why me?” Instead we say, “God, give me the strength to deal with this.”

Also, we as a community should accommodate for the disabled. We have the example of the blind sahabi – Abdullah ibn Umm Maktoom – who was chosen to be the muaddhin (caller to prayer) despite being disabled. The Prophet (S) accommodated for him by having a person observe the sun and then instruct him when it’s time.

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