Taimiyyah Zubair – The Quranic Light

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The Quran provides guidelines for reciting the word "theort" to describe the use of the word hasn't," as it describes the use of the word hasn't to describe the use of the word hasn't." The speaker discusses the five rights of the Quran, including reciting it for healing, acting upon it, following it, and not reciting it. They emphasize the importance of sharing these rights with others and making it beneficial for everyone. The speaker also discusses the importance of not reciting the Quran in a negative way and the need for people to be aware of its significance.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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i have to say it's very awkward to stand here. I'm just used to standing in front of you know, with a podium and I just don't like having my back towards people so I apologize to those who are seeing my back right now. Are the Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Karim rubbish rocklea sorry, were silly. emri wash iraq data. melissani Yahoo Kohli. Allahumma de Pahlavi was suddenly Sani was slowed, Salima Colby, I mean your herbal alameen

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Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran, Allah flamme ra

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keytab on Anza Allahu la caja

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Leto region, little region NASA Mina Lulu Mati Illa news.

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This is a Book which We have revealed to you or Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Why, so that you bring people out of darkness into light, be in neera be him by the permission of their Lord. Allah slit altavilla Aziza Hamid towards the path of the one who is mighty and praiseworthy.

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First of all, we see in this ayah, that Allah subhana wa tada tells us, that he is the one who has revealed this book. And I want you to think about this, that the Quran is the revelation it is the word it is the speech of the Creator, the owner of this universe. And this is the reason why the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala describes it as a halo Minmei edge in our own it is better than all that people gather. Because everything that people accumulate, whether it is dollars, or gold or property or whatever it may be anything that people accumulate, it is from this world. And the Quran, the speech of Allah is literally from out of this world.

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Because everything we see is the creation of Allah. But the Quran is actually the word of Allah. It is the speech of Allah.

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And in this ayah Allah subhanaw taala tells us about the purpose of the revelation of the Quran, which is Leto region, NASA Mina Lulu Mati Eleanor, you bring people out of darkness into light. The fact is that all of us experienced darkness in our lives. And this darkness could be of different kinds. It could be the darkness of despair. It could be the darkness of sadness, it could be the darkness of confusion, of doubts of ignorance, not knowing what is right what is wrong. And the Quran constantly brings people out of darkness. It brings us hope when we're feeling despair. It brings us delight and joy. When we're feeling sad. It brings us clarity when we find ourselves in

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Leto hurry Jan NASA Manos Lulu Mati Eleanor.

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This Friday, we experienced a lot of darkness, a lot of pain, a lot of fear, perhaps even anger. And when we read the Quran, when we reflect upon certain verses, we see how the Quran literally becomes a way out of darkness into light. It converts despair into hope. It converts fear into confidence.

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We see for example, a set of verses in Surah Allah in Milan,

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remember that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he was in Medina, he him and his companions when they went for the Battle of hoods, they suffered heavy losses.

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Heavy loss of life. We learn that 70 companions were martyred at the Battle of earth. And these companions were not ordinary men. There were amongst them people who were very close to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam people like his uncle Hamza, rhodiola, horn.

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There were so many people, men who had memorized the Quran, who are close to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And imagine in one day, they're gone. There were killed.

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And this was very painful, something very difficult for the people of Medina, because these people were fathers, their uncles, there were brothers, there were friends, there were companions. And this loss of life was very

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Very difficult for the Muslims. Allah subhanaw taala revealed verses and sort of earlier on which I would like you all to listen to with me

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are all the bill

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on your Ragini

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naza who

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would be this is a message of clarification and it is also an advice and admonition meaning the Quran is for the people who believe Walla

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alone in

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too many do not grieve and Do not be sad and you will have the upper hand as long as you're believers.

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He says come

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what he will call a munakata will be none.

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Wali, Allah, la cadena

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la hula, you have boo volley me. If you have suffered from an injury from a wound from a loss, then other people have also experienced injuries and wounds. And these are days which Allah subhanaw taala substitutes between people. One day one person suffers and other day someone else suffers.

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Well, he uma he's a law

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man who Voluma he is a lovely lady in

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fury, and this loss happened. Why so that Allah subhanaw taala will take amongst you some martyrs, the people who have died, they have their their blood has not gone to waste, unless the panel data has taken them as martyrs. And through this trial, Allah subhanaw taala will purify you. He will, he will cleanse you he will strengthen your faith.

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And I see

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that the whole

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world. I'm Ella Mila, de Naja, dooming khumba Allah ma saw beauty, or did you think that entering gender was that easy?

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Allah subhanaw taala is going to test us he's going to see who is going to be patient and who is not. So we see in these verses how everything was put in perspective, a very difficult time, a very difficult experience. And Allah subhanaw taala revealed verses which brought people out of darkness into light. So the thing is that Allah subhana wa tada has revealed the Quran for us for our benefit. The question then is, what are we supposed to do in order to derive this benefit from the Quran, so that every time we fall into any kind of darkness, the Quran brings us out of that darkness.

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I'm going to talk about five rights of the Quran. And I want you to think about yourself. And I want you to think about your personal relationship with the Quran. Because if we give the rights of the Quran, then and only then can we truly benefit from the Quran. Only then we'll look for and bring this out of darkness into light.

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A loss of panel data tells us in the Quran, that feminine Tara who Daya falaya lilu Allah yashka the person who follows my guidance, then this person will not go astray, nor will they suffer, and even our best little dilemma and who said that the person who follows the Quran, then layer below meaningful dunya in this world, they will not go astray. Well I yes because they will not suffer meaning in the hereafter. So what are the five rights of the Quran that we need to give to ensure that we derive benefit from the Quran? The first right of the Quran is how could tell our the right of recitation that we recite the Quran, we recite the Quran for the purpose of earning reward. We

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recite the Quran for the purpose of healing. We recite the Quran for the purpose of Baraka, we recite the Quran to chase Shantanu away. The Quran deserves that we recite it. Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran that Allah Vina altay now whom will keytab yet Luna who have Atilla tea that the people to whom we have given the book, they recite it, as it should be recited

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Ola aka manana V, and it is those people who truly believe in the Quran. So the fact is that part of our believing in the Quran is that we also recite it. And it doesn't mean that we have to recite it perfectly in the sense that we have to be masters of fetch, we'd have put on recitation, we recite it, even if we have to struggle a great deal. We recite it when we're home we recited as we're traveling as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to do

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Secondly, the Quran deserves that we memorize it. How can have

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a Lhasa penalty Allah tells us in the Quran, that bell who is too big Neptune feels so duty Latina

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that the Quran is verses which are preserved within the chests of those who have been given knowledge. So it is a sign of a person being knowledgeable that they have put on in their chest, meaning they have memorized it. And it doesn't mean that you have to memorize all of it. If you memorize all of it, that is excellent. But even if you memorize portions of it, that is also important. We learned in a Hades in a narration that if the Quran was put in a skin and that skin was thrown in the fire, it would not burn. And the AMA interpreted this saying that the skin what is meant by the skin is the human being meaning of a person memorizes the Quran and they have it in

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their hearts, and they recite it as they should and they follow it as they should, then inshallah this will be a source of protection for them from the punishment of *.

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The third rites of the Quran is help with the double

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the rite of contemplation of reflection, that we reflect upon the meaning of the Quran.

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Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran, FLIR tada Brunello Quran, Allah Allah khudobin, aka falou Ha. Will these people not reflect upon the Quran? Or are their hearts locked up? Meaning what is wrong with them? If they do not reflect upon the Quran, hustle and bustle he said that Allah subhanaw taala revealed the Quran so that it is reflected upon, but people have taken its recitation as its action, meaning they think that if they just recite it, they're doing enough. The recitation of the Quran is excellent. But a person can only truly benefit from the Quran, when they reflect upon it, when they understand its meaning. And there's two steps of reflection after the book. The

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first step is that a person studies the meaning. What is that that that? What is this ayah even saying? What is the message of this verse? What does this verse mean? And the second step after the book is that a person relates that verse with their personal life, what their personal situation? When you look at yourself in the light of that verse, looking at yourself, analyzing yourself that what do I need to change within myself? What is it that I need to do? What is it that I need to leave help with that? We need to reflect upon the Quran also.

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Then the fourth write of the Quran is how cool is

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that we also follow it. We also act upon it. We don't just recite, recite, memorize, memorize learn its meaning, but we also follow it. We also act upon it. You know, there's a hadith in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us about four types of people.

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He said that the believer who recites the Quran is like an astrologer, which is something like an orange. And he said that this fruit, it tastes good, and it also smells good.

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So the believer who recites the Quran, is like this orange, which tastes good, and it also smells good. If you think about it, when you taste something sweet, then that taste is limited to you that enjoyment is limited to you. You are the only one who experiences that sweetness that flavor.

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And such as the case with the believer, the believer tastes the sweetness of faith in their hearts.

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But then, when it comes to the smell the fragrance of this fruit, then everybody around you also benefits. So when a believer recite the Quran, they find joy in their hearts. And when they recite the Quran, then the people around them also benefit by listening to that recitation.

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Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the believer who does not recite the Quran, they believe in the Quran.

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But they do not recite it. Days go by, and they don't even open the most health. They don't even open the Koran. The believer who does not recite the Quran is like a date fruit,

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which tastes good, but it doesn't have any fragrance. And such as this believer that in their heart, they believe that yes, the Quran is the word of Allah. They believe that yes, the Quran is true. They believe that yes, it is. It is the source of guidance, but the benefit they derive from the Quran is limited.

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They don't have any fragrance, so the people around them also don't benefit from them.

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Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the hypocrites who recites the Quran is like basil, which tastes bitter, but it has a beautiful fragrance. So there are people who don't have any faith in the Quran, who don't actually understand what the Quran is saying, who don't actually follow what the Quran is teaching, but they recite it very beautifully.

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So they're bitter, but their fragrance at least benefits those who are around them.

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And then finally, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that the wicked person, the sinful person that does not recite the Quran, is like a coalescent. It's it's a, it's such a strange fruit, that it's not consumed. It's so bad, that it's not consumed. It doesn't taste good, it doesn't smell good, it's worthless, it's useless. And such and such are some people who neither find joy in following the Quran. Nor do they find joy in the recitation of the Quran. And each of us should think about ourselves that Who am I? Am I the ultra Raja, the fragrant, sweet, delicious fruit? Am I the date fruit? Am I the basil leaf? Or am I something so bitter, something that smelled so bad,

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that it doesn't even deserve to be known. We all need to think about ourselves.

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So the Quran deserves that we reflect upon it and then we also act upon it.

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Finally, the fifth right of the Quran is how could you believe that we also convey it? We also pass it on to others. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that high eurocom the best among you?

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Meaning the best of the believers is who What do you think? How eurocom the best of you? He said Manta allemaal call Anna were Anoma Who? The person who learns the Quran and teaches it. They learn the Quran, they benefit themselves and then they don't keep that knowledge limited to themselves. Rather they they pass it on the shared with others because the Quran helped them. The Quran brought them out of darkness into light and it continues to bring them out of darkness into light. So they cannot keep this treasure with themselves only they share it with others. So hi eurocom Manta allemaal Khurana one lemahieu. The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it. The

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that By Allah, if Allah guides even one person through you, even one person through you, then that is better for you than humble name. And then read camels have the highest breed. You might be wondering why camels, camels, were a sign of wealth.

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camels were a sign of affluence of ease in life. So I want you to think about this, that if Allah subhanaw taala guides even one person through you, that is better for you than the riches of this world.

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Five rights of the Quran if we give them then we benefit from the Quran.

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How could tell our the right of recitation happen has the right of memorization happened to the bar, the right of reflection? How can

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the right that it be acted upon and finally help with the belief, the right of the Quran that it that it should be passed on? this treasure should not be kept with ourselves? We must share it with others.

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hustle and bustle de Rahim Allah He said that there are three types of people who recite the Quran.

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The first type of person, he said is the one who treats the Koran like a commodity.

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And so he takes this quote on this recitation of the Quran from city to city meaning

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He goes to different places, recites the Quran, people are very impressed by his recitation. They give him money. And so the Quran for him is like a source of income.

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He said, The second type of people who recite the Quran are those who insist on its perfect recitation.

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But at the same time, they neglect the rules of the Quran. Meaning when it comes to the recitation, they're very, very obsessive, that it must be recited perfectly with absolute precision. But when it comes to actually acting upon the Quran, following the teachings of the Quran, then they neglect that they don't care about what the Quran teaches. All they care about is how the Quran should be recited

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hasn't robustly said, may Allah fill the graves with such people. And may the houses become empty of such people. He was so upset that there are people who don't care about the real purpose of the Quran, they have only made it into a song that is to be recited with perfection.

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And he said Finally,

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there is another type of people who recite the Quran.

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Those who recite it in the night, staying awake, sacrifice their sleep, those who recited during the day, becoming thirsty.

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And they recite it, they follow it. And so they inhibit the control their desires, they transform themselves, they change themselves, they modify themselves, according to the teachings of the Quran.

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He said they remain in their places of prayer, sitting on their knees in a humble position, learning the Quran making the making da worshipping Allah subhanaw taala has an apostle he said, It is because of these people that Allah subhanaw taala protects us from our enemy.

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It is because of these people that Allah soprano tada sends down rain upon us.

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And these people are more rare than the rarest kind of gold.

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And we need to become these kind of people. Those who recite the Quran, the way it should be recited,

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those who not just recited but they also follow it, those who worship Allah subhanaw taala through this book, those who make da

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who call upon Allah subhanaw taala so that we become like that with Raja

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those who find joy in their personal lives. And we're also a source of joy for the people who are around us Malmo soprano, tarla makers, amongst the Hamad Al Quran, those who are the true carriers, the true bearers of the Quran. May Allah subhanaw taala make us amongst Allah as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that amongst people, there are some who are Allah wa Salatu. There are some people who are ullas people, they are Allah's special servants. And when the companions asked that, who are these people, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, they're the people of the quota on May Allah subhanaw taala make us amongst them. May Allah subhanaw taala make the

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Quran a source of comfort for our hearts, a source of joy for us, a source of delight for us. Male masa panatela make the Quran his source of comfort when we are sad and a cause of removing our grief, our worry when we are finding ourselves in that situation. And may Allah subhanaw taala enable us to truly benefit from this quote on so that it continues to bring this out of darkness into light until we meet him. soprano cola home ob handig A Chateau La ilaha illa Anta astok Furukawa tubo la Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

After talking about many of the challenges that we face… the question now is: What does the Quran say about how to deal with these challenges? What examples from history can we look at where the Quran provided guidance and light on how to solve the challenges of the time? Is the Quran relevant for us today? What lessons can we deduce from the Quran to guide us in our day-to-day challenges?

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