Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P23 237B Tafsir Al-Saffat 114-132

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The Bible is a clear scripture that is easy to read and understand, and its use is tied to the implementation of Islam's teachings and the use of multiple language. The history of the Bible's use of idiosyncrasies and the return of idiosyncrasies are discussed, as well as the use of idiosyncrasies and leagues to cover up its language. The segment also touches on the confusion surrounding the worship of Allah and the worship of the Creators, as well as the return of idiosyncrasies and worship of Moore's Law.
AI: Transcript ©
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What occurred and certainly my Nana, We conferred fever, I now Musa upon Musa will have known and also how rune Musa and how rune alayhi wa sallam both of them the prophets of Allah sent to frown to rescue the bunny saw II and Allah subhanaw taala says that certainly we restored favor upon them, We conferred a blessing upon them. My nana from the root letters meme known known man. And notice the word manana because my Nana technically has three noon in it, right? Because the noon was Shabbat. What does it mean there's double noon over there. So to noon are for the word man. And the third one is for now for the Burmese for the pronoun. So mana, man is a huge favor. Basically, the word man is

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used for a very heavy load. And from this, it's used for a huge favor a big favor. And what was this huge blessing but Allah subhanaw taala bestowed upon these two prophets. Firstly, the blessing of Prophethood Allah subhanaw taala gave them honor, when in the place that we're living in their honor was taken away because the bunny is slightly were enslaved by frown. So Allah bestowed them with the blessing of prophet hood, and then not just prophethood on top of that also victory. Allah granted them victory against fit own. Just imagine for own the man who had so much power that he was killing the babies off the bunny saw eel and no one could say anything to him.

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This is the power that Frauen had for so many years. He had abused the Bani Israel eel and Allah gave Musa and Harun or name was salam victory against their enemy. One Ajay now Hola. And we saved both of them meaning Musa and Harun were called ahava, and the people the nation of these two prophets and who was their comb? Their con was Bani Israel. So Allah rescued them, as well as their nation, from what mineral can build are we from the great affliction we learned earlier and curricula whim in the context of new Alayhis Salam, and it referred to first of all the other off the denying nation, the persecution and secondly, the drowning. Over here also, both of the meanings

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are applicable because the great affliction for the Bani Israel was what the torture the abuse the enslavement by fear around. So that was kind of a leap. And secondly, the great affliction was also the drowning because when Musa is Salah when he struck the sea open, it was parted and the Bani Israel crossed the sea who followed them behind who followed them their arm and the Bani Israel they passed. They made it to the other side safely and frown and his people drowned. So Allah is the One who rescued them who saved them. When a J Now Houma Wakayama, Houma mineral Karbala, wave one or Sorona home and we help them for candle so they were home they only a lolly been those who overcame

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a lolly been the victors. Ghalib is one who has scalable, meaning one who is dominant one who has the upper hand one who wins. So they were made victorious. They were given victory by who? By Allah.

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Because Benny Israel themselves, it was impossible for them to get out of that situation to get out of that enslavement. So Allah is the One Who granted them success. What are they now Houma? And we gave both of them who Musa and Harun al Kitab the Book, which book almost been the explicit one, Be explicit Scripture, the very, very clear scripture and which scripture is this, that Allah.

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On the one hand, the blessing was that they were rescued from frown. And on the other hand, the blessing was off guidance. What kind of guidance in the form of a scripture in the form of a written scripture, and that also was must have been. Now the word must have been does it remind you of any word

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musta been moving maybe doesn't? What is moving me? Clear? It's from the same route, by the way, right? By an MO been clear and Mr. Bean, are there extra letters here? Extra letters means extra meaning. So

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So most of it means very, very clear.

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All right, the word Naveen by unknown banner is when something becomes evident and clear, distinct and separate from the other.

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Basically, the word will be in gives a meaning of if the rock if the rock is separation, meaning it's so clear that it's distinct separate from the other. Secondly, both board is distance meaning a clear distance, clear space is created between two things so that each is separate and distinct. And thirdly, it also gives a meaning of will do clarity. So mobian is that which is clear. And Mr. Bean is very, very clear. Because the term Roth was what? Basically, we see the 10 commandments. All right, and the 10 commandments, how were they given listed? 1234 or 56789 10 listed?

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This was a very clear order,

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isn't it? Because if you think about it, generally, commands rulings are derived from a text. Isn't that so? We read a passage of the Quran and found that we derive rulings we extract the do's and the don'ts, the commands and the prohibitions. Yes, there are passages where the commands and prohibitions are very clear. But in other places, you have to derive them you have to think about it, Allah subhanaw taala has revealed the Quran such that you have to think about it, Leah W, AR t, you have to use your mind, right, reflect over it and extract benefit. But the thought was such that it was simplified for the bunny is about you. Very, very simplified, it was not complicated,

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simplified, the commands were given in a very clear manner, the prohibitions were also given in a very clear manner, so that there was no ambiguity, no confusion, whatsoever.

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I found it really cool how Allah

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sent down the commands in the Torah, so simplified, because like, we know that the money is sorry, you were a slave nation. And when we previously studied these verses, you told us that when someone is a slave for that long, they lose their ability to think for themselves. And so Allah sent the Torah down in a way that would be good for its audience. And so that teaches us that the Quran as complicated as it is, and even though it's an Arabic, it's meant for everyone, because Allah kept the audience. Exactly. The Scripture is always revealed in a way that it is perfect for the people that it was sent to, they can understand it, they can grasp its message.

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So the bunny is while they had been enslaved for a very long time, and remember, they were so weak in their thinking that when they left Egypt, and they were on their way to their home as they crossed the desert, what did they come across a people who were worshipping idols? And they asked Musa alayhis salam, that you should also appoint some idols for us so that we may worship them. This is how weak they had become in their thinking, in their understanding. Allah is the one who saved them. Allah is the One who had rescued them. And what were they asking Husar salam for idols. So the Torah was sent in a way that it was very clear, so that there will be no confusion for them, the

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laws would be evident. So what are they now who made Kitab musta been in total man either I or 44. Allah says in Xanatos Murata fee how houden when we reveal the total in which was guidance and light, in total Ambia I have 48 When I got our trainer Musa Ronell, for con, what the year where the car Lynmouth Turkey, We gave Musa and Harun the criterion, we think the Torah was a criterion, then the

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enlightenment, the Kra, a reminder for the people who have Taqwa were holiday now Homer, and we guided both of them, who Musa and Harun were a little fall musta came to the straight path, meaning the path of guidance, the path of success, what are Arkansas, and we left meaning we preserved our lay humor for both of them. What did we preserve for both of them? A favorable mention amongst to fill a hearing in the later ones meaning in the later generations, meaning both of these prophets of Allah are mentioned in good terms and spoken off very highly amongst the generations that came after them. Salomon, Allah says Peace be upon who Allah Musa wa Raul upon Musa and her own inner indeed we

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can vaniqa live

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that nudge is ill, merci nein We reward the doers of good. What was their son? Their son was there is to come there steadfastness.

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Musa alayhis, Salam and Harun or his Salam when they were in Egypt, how long did they have to negotiate with frown? How long do you convince him to let the bunny is let you go for a very long time. And we have learned about this history earlier. How often frown and his people were punished? And what would they say to moosari Santa? Ask your lawyer to remove this punishment from us and we will send the money is slightly with you. But each time it was lifted, what would they do go against their word? And then eventually, after many years, Husar esalaam was told to take the money is high yield secretly by night. Right? So this was an easy, and then dealing with frown was that easy?

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Talking to frown. Someone who had so much power so arrogant, so irrational, and so mighty in himself and so arrogant, so consumed by his own arrogance that he proclaimed to be God. Imagine Musa said I was to speak to him was that easy? No, it wasn't easy.

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And he was to deal with the bunny Issa eel Harun on SNL was to deal with the Bani Israel the most difficult nation when you think about Fidel, the most difficult enemy and when you think about the Bani Israel, the most difficult people and when you think about the task that was given to these prophets, it was the most difficult task

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but they did the best that they could. They did their son. And so what happened? Allah subhanaw taala granted them success. And he preserved their good name fair praise for these prophets until the end of time in Covelli Canada, Zil Morrison in, in the Homer, indeed both of them, men are a Balbina they were from our servants with servants, or remote men in the believers, meaning they were both of our believing servants. Look at the qualities of the prophets that are mentioned here again and again. No Hello salaam Ibrahim, I sent a smart oiliest over here Musa and Haruna alayhi wa salam, all of the prophets are described with these qualities which qualities of Ersan of Eman of a

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class, such as other people who are successful. Then the next is what in the Iliad, sir, and indeed ileus or the Salam lumenal mousseline, he was surely among the messengers. He was also amongst the prophets who were sent, and in particular, as early as salaam, he was sent to the bunny is slightly at a time when the bunny is La eel had begun practicing idolatry.

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So Allah says in the Las

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las Alehissalaam Prophet Ilyas, or the SAM is mentioned two times in the Quran here intro to sulfa and also in total anom I 85 was the Korea where you're here where ESA were las con la mina Salah hain. All were from the righteous. So was there Korea were here where ESA were las Quinlan Mina, Salah Hain all were from the righteous. It is said that as early as Saddam was off the descendants of Harun or the center. So Prophet Ilyas came a long time after musante Sinha an even longer time after Ibrahim or his son because remember, Ibrahim Ali said many years later, use of a restaurant he ends up in Egypt. All right, and the Bani Israel. They're living in Egypt, and then they're enslaved

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by frown. Many years later, Musa Salam is sent to rescue them. All right. Mossad is Sam, he takes them back to their own country. What happens when they're taken to the gates they refuse to fight? So they stay Musa alayhis salam he passes away, after many years under the leadership of you sharp, unknown, they enter their home country. All right. And then after many years, what happens? Again, they're evicted from their lands, and the story in total Bacala that we learned, all right, the Battle of Fallujah truth, the wilderness salaam, he is the one who killed the enemy. autoloader who dilute All right. And then the wilderness Salam, he was given prophethood and kingship and his son

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saw a man on Islam he was also a prophet and a king. All right, so many years after Sulaiman, earnest Salam came, Ilyas on his salah. All right. Now, it is said that the kingdom of Israel eel or the kingdom of Israel that was once united under Sulaiman, or his Salam later became divided into two. So think about this. One people, one religion, one nation, but the kingdom is divided into two. What does that tell us about the state of the nation?

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There's a lot of division. All right, not just political logic, sectarian, religious, right in every way possible, a lot of division. And in addition to all of this division, there was also religious decline. To the extent that foreign beliefs and practices were being adopted by the Bani Israel eel.

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Specifically, we see that idolatry of the neighboring nations, okay? It became a part of this land of these people. So much so that temples were built, dedicated to certain idols. For example, one idol which is known as vile or in Arabic, but there is a lamb as we will read in the following verses. And the king of the time, the king of the bunny is slightly love that time he married wish tikka, meaning a woman who was supposedly a Priestess of the idle bowel. All right, so you can imagine now, idolatry is normalized to such an extent that people are not just doing Schick, a little bit here, there, but temples are being built. And the wife of the king, meaning the queen is

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unwish tikka,

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and the practice of Baal worship of Baal worship, it became a part of Jewish religious life. It became widespread in their kingdoms and Allah subhanaw taala sent Prophet Ilyas or the hispana at this time to warn the Bani Israel against the ship that they were committing Prophet Ilyas anism in the bible he is referred to as alias E L I A S or Elijah e li, J H. So what in the Iliad salamin l Mursaleen. Indeed, alias on his Salam surely he was also from among the messengers it commonly call me he when he said to his people, I laugh at the cone, will you not have fear?

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You see, the theme of the surah is what? There may be darkness around you.

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But it's up to you. What do you do? Know how they set up for 950 years he fought against Sheikh Ibrahim, Hassan was the only one and then what happened? We see Musa and Harun Allahu wa salam Bani Israel eel they had as if accepted their state of enslavement to frown, and found such a mighty enemy. What could they do? And now we see the example of ileus or the Sunnah ship has become normal. Bowel worship is normal, even the king does it. There's temples dedicated to the idol. But still alias or his salaam, he says, Allah that the cone or people do you not fear? Fear? Who Allah? Do you not have fear of God? How dare you worship an idol? He says, attack the owner. Do that the owner you

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call upon Berlin, Ban ban the idol ban? What are the owner and you leave a Senator Holly teen the best of the Creator's, you call upon van now the word that the owner from Da what does it mean? To call upon to ask for something. But remember that the word da also applies to worship, any act of worship? Because in any ritual, what are we doing? We're asking Allah for his forgiveness for his blessing for His mercy for his pleasure.

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So at other owner you worship or when you want something, when you want relief, you want assistance. Instead of calling upon Allah you call upon who the either done, whatever, Luna arsenal, Harlequin, and you leave the best of the Creator's meaning you don't worship Him, you don't worship Allah. Now, even if they worshiped Baal, in addition to worshiping Allah subhanaw taala still their worship of Allah who was not

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acceptable. Why? Because it was not done with the hate. It was not done in the correct way. It was with shook. So it was as though they did not worship Allah. So what are the Luna accent? Harlequin? What does this show that even if they're worshipped Allah, that worship was not accepted. Why? Because it was with Shiva. And this is why we are given a warning in the Quran that Allah in a Shakta Layer button now look, if you were to do shake, then all your deeds would be wasted. It doesn't matter what good deeds you're doing all of them would be void nullified. Because of the shake, because shake it destroys good deeds because of shake deeds are not accepted.

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So what are the Runa? isol Harlequin?

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Now the Idabel It is said that it was believed to be a god of fertility an idol that would enable crop produce or people to have children. So Ilias on Islam, he reminded them that you are forgetting a subtle Harlequin, you think bound does this? No, he doesn't. And even if you were to do it, who does it even better? I sent al carnitine, the best of the creators, so he reminds them over here that Allah is the best of the creators. How can you forget the harlot? And go after the Mark, Luke, Luke,

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you understand the hull of the Mark, Luke, the hulk of the Hulk, meaning the idol, who has made it the people who have made it and who is Allah, He is the Creator. So how could you forget the creator of the creation, and go after the creation of the creation? You understand? How could you do that? What are the Luna? Oksanen carnitine he reminds them a lot of belcam Who's the best of the creators? He is Allah, your God, world? II come and the Lord of your forefathers, which forefathers a welline The first ones so the one who is worthy of your worship? is who? Rob who is Rob, creator owner, the one who nurtures the one who provides and he hasn't just created you and provided for you but also

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provided for who and created who every creature before you and after you he is the creator of all from the first to the last for the Boo hoo but what was the reaction of the people got the Boo they denied him for inner home so indeed the law more the room surely they will be brought more maroon How about how about our to be present Marhaba is one who is brought to be present somewhere so surely they will be brought brought for what for punishment.

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But there are many stories about Prophet alias in the Bible whose authenticity cannot be verified a low Harlem what exactly happened that the Quran sums up very perfectly. The message of alias or the sound was clear, very clear that this is an idol. And even though the worship of this idol has become very common, that doesn't make it right. I love that the goon

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because sometimes what happens is that when something becomes very common, everybody's doing it, we begin to accept it. Especially people in authority once they start doing something, then we think it's okay, it's normal. Just follow the crowd. No, you have to follow what Allah has said a lot that Takuan he reminds them for caribou but what was the reaction they denied him for in the home llama balloon so indeed, they will be brought for punishment insalata seen io 32 We learn what in ko llama Jimmy or Latina Marylebone all will be brought to Allah, for what for accounting, and for recompense in law except very bad Allah, the servants of Allah, with servants of Allah Allahu Allah seen the

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chosen ones, meaning it was only those servants who did not deny Ilyas on his Salam. Rather they paid attention to his warning, they accepted his warning and they left the ship and they returned to the heat. So such people McLaughlin chosen, chosen because of what because of their low heat. And in Meribah de la Hill McCullough scene in LA can also be connected with Lamar maroon meaning they will not be punished. Why? Because of their toe hate. So it's such people will be saved in this world and also in the hereafter. What Araucana and we left meaning we preserved I lay he for him, meaning for alias on a Salam fille. Afreen. Among the later generations, what was preserved for him, favourable

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mentioned Allah says salam on peace be either Ilia seen upon Ilya seen Peace be upon Ilya seen. Notice the words Ilya seen?

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What does this mean? Isn't his name alias? Why is it alias in over here? Ilya seen someone have said that this is just another pronunciation of the word alias. Alias alias seen same thing

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because the word alias is not originally Arabic. All right, it's of non Arabic origin and when it is

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Erised or aerobicized, then of course you're going to have multiple pronunciations.

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You understand? This is similar to how for CNAME there's two CNAME. To say now, it's the same thing. Say now seen in same thing. All right? Why? Because the origin is not Arabic. So multiple pronunciations. Even if you look at it in the Bible Prophet Ilyas, there are so many spellings Elijah or alias however, I mean there's different names. The name is the same pronunciations are different. Others have said that Ilya seen refers to alias on a Salaam and his followers, because Allah has mentioned them here Ilari by de la hin McLaughlin, they did not deny Him. They believed in him. So peace be upon Ilya sorry, Suriname and also those who followed him. And they said Ilya seen

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the EAN at the end is for Misbah. All right, meaning Ilyas and Ilya si le assay and deploy of that Ilya seen meaning those who believed in Ilyas or Lucena, those who followed alias Alesana. Just as mahal lab for example. Mala is a name so people who were of his family mahalo boon, somehow love and his folks so Elia seen and this meeting is confirmed through another recitation of this idea. Another recitation is a variant reading of this is salam ala Alia seen Ali? Yes seen and what does l mean? Family meaning followers. So the followers off yeah, see it as an alias on his Salam salam ala Elia scene in Kedah Lika indeed, thus we Niger's in mercy Nene, we reward the doers of good Inaho

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indeed, he men are a bad enough. I mean, he was of Our believing servants. This is Allah's testimony that Ileana Sana Sana was awful, the believing servants, Allah is saying that he was a true believer. This is such a great honor. Such a great honor because there are people who say we believe and Allah says woman whom be mocked me, Nene, may Allah not make us amongst them. Those who think that they're believers, but in reality, they're not because their actions don't match. The claim is not sincere. It's not honest. It's just superficial. But Allah is saying regarding alias on his son and that in the home in arriba. Dena mean. Yes.

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Okay, the question is that what alias on Instagram the last prophet sent to the bunny, so I you know, because after alias is Anna Walter, there were many prophets that were sent. All right, by for example, we learned about just before Esau and his son um, yeah, here la cena was a prophet. All right, the second era his son was a prophet. And, you know, when you learn about the story of how idol worship was becoming common amongst the Bani Israel eel, it's so scary. That all was clear. They were people have the Scripture, they had the knowledge, despite the Scripture, despite the knowledge, what were they doing, practicing open ship.

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And we're talking about open shift idol worship. It is not that this idol was always made of gold, in every temple that there was an idol representing bar, it would always be a gold. So people were very attracted by it. And because it was something that the neighboring nations will do, you know, when when people suffer from this inferiority complex that we are less than what happens is that they imitate others blindly. And this is amazing how even within Muslims you know, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that you will follow the bunny is hot you step by step. Even if they go to a hole in the ground, you will follow them meaning you will repeat their history.

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You will repeat the same mistakes, they worshipped idols. And we see that even amongst Muslims, this is something becoming all too common.

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If it's not an idol of gold, it may be a shrine, it may be a grave, it may be a picture, it may be an image, whatever it may be, but there's different forms of Schick

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and again, keeping the theme of the surah in mind, making yourself pure for Allah subhanaw taala regardless of what situation you're in, regardless of what people around you are doing. Such people are meclizine Morrison in mean in recitation oil for them.

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meaning we're in

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Saleem is all over me

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send anything

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equal. Colleen Thank you thinking

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nursing, what

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we feel as hearing

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scene in America then you can address the massing.

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