Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P23 232B Tafsir Ya-Sin 13-17

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The Prophet sallama's teachings and history have been discussed, including the lack of the only one who can see the Bible and the history of the city of Mojied. The message is to share responsibility and become a worker, as the Prophet sallama has never revealed anything and people have been accustomed to the truth. The speakers emphasize the importance of truthfulness and not feeling guilty, while also acknowledging the need for confidence in oneself.
AI: Transcript ©
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bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim. So that you are seen

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right at the beginning of Surah Yaseen Allah subhanaw taala takes an oath by the Quran that is Al Hakim well Quran Al Hakim, the Quran that is wise. That is perfect, meaning it is worthy of being followed in Mecca laminal, mousseline Indeed you are Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are surely a messenger, meaning no matter how much your people deny you, that does not change the facts. The reality is that you are a messenger who is honest Rocklin. Musta came upon the street back. So if anyone wishes to be on the straight path, If anyone wishes to attain Allah's pleasure, then he must follow the footsteps of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because what is he upon? What is

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he teaching than Zi La La Aziza Rahim, the revelation of the one who is mighty and the one who is merciful. And this Quran has been given to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam why Laterooms your karma now owns your elbow or room for home of our feet on it has been sent in order to wake those up who are living in heedlessness in negligence. Why are they in negligence and heedlessness because they do not know. But the fact is that even though the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is reciting the Quran to the people, majority of them lie to me known they do not believe and then a description of their stubbornness of their pride is given that how in Nigel Nafi aarnet, the hem of

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AlAnon for here l carne for homework of a Hone. That how in the necks of these people are chains are fetters, binding their necks with their hands, and these chains or these locks are up to their chins, so they're unable to even move their head down. They're unable to humble themselves even a little bit. What John Norman benei ad him said Ben woman Humphrey him said, Ben for O'Shea now home for hula hoops rune before them is a barrier behind them is a barrier so they cannot see whatsoever and I lay him and they'll tell him I'm lamingtons at home, let me known it is the same whether you warn them or you do not warn them. They're not going to believe why, because they're blinded by

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their own bias. They're blinded by their own arrogance. They're blinded with their own stubbornness. So even though the truth is right before them, they do not see. And the fact is that a person who has closed his eyes than light does not benefit him. A person who has closed his ears then good words do not benefit him. And such is the state of these people that the prophet is before them. The Quran has Hakeem, but they do not find guidance from it. In tune to Manitoba Ivica will hush your Walkman, I believe. So the warning of the Quran the warning of the messenger can only benefit the one who follows the vicar meaning the Quran, and he fears Allah Rockman even when the person is

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believed, meaning alone for the shit who will be mobility in what editing Karim so give such a person the good news of forgiveness and a noble reward from Allah. So these ayat make it very clear that the Quran is from Allah, it is worthy of being followed. The messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is upon the truth. But the reality is that majority of the people do not believe. And the reason for that is their own stubbornness and their own bias, because it is only people who want the truth. People who really believe in Allah, people who really fear Allah, who will find benefit from the Quran. So for such people, there is forgiveness and there is a noble reward. And then there's a

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warning that up until when can a person ignore the truth? Up until when can a person avoid or not think about the truth? Because in their national honor, he'll motor one act two boom after a thorough home. The fact is that Allah will resurrect those who are dead. And right now what is happening, everything that people are doing and everything they're leaving behind is being recorded, in addition to what has already been recorded in the Imam and mobian, meaning in the LoJack mouthfuls. So all the records are there, people's actions, their crimes, all of them are recorded. So where can a person run away? How can a person run away from Allah, He will eventually have to

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face the consequences of his deeds. Now in the following verses we see an example from history is being given. Because when people deny the truth of the Quran, even though the hikma of the Quran, the perfection of the Quran is explicit before them, it's evident before them, they deny the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Even though his honesty his

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his truthfulness, his reliability is evident to them. Then another proof is being given to them so that they can believe and that proof is from history. So I n number 13 onwards, we see an example from the past is given over here.

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So an example from the past is given over here Allah subhanaw taala says well dribbler home will grip the home and strike for them meaning present for them. For who for the people to whom you have been sent, or Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to the people who are in denial. It dribbler home what dribbler home from the letters bah bah, bah. And the word bottom is to strike to put forth to present because when something is thrown, it's put before someone it's presented to them. So what dribbler home that falls for them present to them methylene an example. Why an example in order that they may understand, and in order that they may take a lesson. So give them an example of who is

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hobbled earlier, us how people have companions of inmates of ARIA of a town, the word us have is a plural of saw him and who is saw him one who has Sahaba meaning one who has the companionship of another. So the word saw is used for a companion Sahaba right. So how they were who companions meaning those who were given the privilege of being the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, they saw Him they believed in Him. They were with him. Right. Now the word us have is also used for inmates meaning those who are living somewhere those who are residents of a place like for example, we learned about us how will Jana the companions of Jana, meaning the inmates of Jana

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people who will dwell in Jana, US harbor now, the people who will dwell in hellfire so as having Korea, meaning the people who were residents of a Korea Korea meaning a village, a town a city, so give them the example of the people of a city.

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What is this example? Or who were these people? What about them should the Prophet said a lot of sort of mentioned in the when Jah Helmore saloon Jaya how he came to it? Meaning he came to the town who came to the town and more Salone the messengers those who were sent more saloon as a pole of Mosul, and who is more sell one who has been sent by another. And what does that imply? First of all, it implies that they have been sent by someone they didn't come themselves. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam was called a motorcycle in Mecca. laminal, mousseline so what does that mean that Allah is the One who sent him? Secondly, the word morsel?

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It implies that the one who has been sent has been sent for a purpose with a message. All right, so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent with the Quran. Over here, if Jah held more saloon, the more saloon came to that city. The question is, who sent them? And secondly, what did they bring?

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This idea, or this story has been understood in two ways, right? Firstly, we learned that because Allah subhanaw taala has not mentioned the name of this town, and the name of the messengers, then we should leave it exactly as that. Because if there was any benefit for us in knowing what the stone was, who these people were, which prophets, these were, Allah subhanaw taala would have certainly mentioned that, or at least the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would have mentioned that. So when the names are not given, we don't need to focus on the names. What we need to focus on is the example the story, the parts that are relevant that are mentioned over here.

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Secondly, we see that it has also been suggested that the city this Korea was off on Palkia and for Kia Elif known for Elif, and Paul, Kia Kapha Tamar buta All right on top Kia or Antioch, a en ti o ch.

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And they said that the moose alone the messengers were sent by Risa Alayhis Salam. So this is a story from the time of who recited Surah right. And they were more Salone meaning they were from the Hawaii Yun from the disciples of Osiris. I know some people recited Salam he sent them to the town of Antioch and Pakiya. All right, why, in order to spread the word in order

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To take the message of SRA salam to that city this is similar to how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did he send letters of Dawa to the neighboring empires, he did. So likewise recited Salam also he sent more saloon right? Now one may wonder that why is the word Musa lune being sent for the companions of reciting sunnah? How could they be messengers? Well, they're not messengers in the way that recited sunnah was a messenger or Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a messenger, but they were messengers in the sense that they were the messengers off the Messenger of Allah.

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Right? They were the messengers off the Messenger of Allah. So what Libya home methylene us Hyrule Korea, if Jarrah Helmore saloon, when the messengers came to the city, what happened then? Eve when I was so near La him, when we sent to them to who to the people of this town, how many messengers if name two messengers, now either these two messengers or two prophets that Allah sent? Who are these prophets? What are their names? We do not know. All these were to a messenger sent by who are isa Anna husana. And again, Allah subhanaw taala is saying we sent them because we saw Salam would only send these messengers at the command of Allah. Right? Because these are the Sunnah was to deliver

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the message to the people. So if he sent me his invoice, his mysteries that is also at the command of Allah. So in our center, la hemos, Nene, we sent to your messengers to them. But what happened for caribou Houma, but they denied both of them. The people of that town denied both of the messengers. So what happened? Pfizer's now so we strengthened, be fairly thin with a third meeting, we strengthen those two messengers with a third messenger. Boy, the eye says night is from the root letters. Alright. zay zay. All right. And Tara Aziz means that ye the Aziz is to strengthen. Isaiah is to be mighty to be strong. And the Azizah is to strengthen someone else.

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All right. It is also said does As Monica does as the Lamb of NACA, what is lamb, meat, flesh, all right, of the camel, it became Taza, meaning it became tough. All right, it became hard.

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This is due to age or due to a lot of physical activity. And this is something very common in animals. Alright, baby animals, their meat is very soft and tender. All right. But as an animal grows older, and it becomes more active than the meat becomes harder, tougher, darker. All right. So fast, says Nabee fairly thin, meaning we strengthen those two profits with a third profit. All right, all those two people that were sent by recited Salam they were strengthened with who with a third one whom we recited salaam sent why? Because the two were denied. And what happened all of these profits for Arlo, so they said in LA con Morris alone, indeed we are to you, Musa rune, ones

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who have been sent. What do we see over here, more messengers were sent when the denial was intense. This is similar to how Allah subhanaw taala sent to messengers to film, right? We decided Saddam was to be sent alone, right? Allah subhanaw taala chose most artists and most artists and said I'm afraid to go along, they're going to deny me. Right? So give me assistance with my brother. Well, actually, Kofi Emery include him in my matter, meaning, let me share this responsibility with him. Why? Because when a responsibility is shared, then it becomes easier,

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doesn't it? If there's a heavy task, a very important task that is laid on your shoulders that you have to do all by yourself, does it become difficult? Yes, just the thought that you have to do it all by yourself, makes it more difficult, doesn't it? But the moment you realize that you can actually share the work with somebody else or at least you can take their input you can discuss it with them, then the matter becomes easier. So over here, we see that where the denial was intense, Allah subhanaw taala sent more messengers in surah Taha 29 to 32, the example of Musa alayhis salam is given that when he prayed that how do you know an SNMP made his assistant what

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YALI was your main ally, Haruna he, or she would be He, as re strengthen me with him, meaning Give me strength through him.

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So what happened? The prophets or the messengers of Allah, the three messengers, or the three messengers of rissani Salaam, what happened this app to the people in that illegal, most unknown? We have been sent to you. What was the response of the people? Are you they said, ma and Tom, man, not until you are in my except by Sharon, men, human beings, people Mithuna like us, they said, You are just people like us, meaning what makes you better than us? What makes you superior to us? You are just human beings just as we are human beings. So how could you be a prophet? So basically, they could not understand how a prophet could be a human being. Is that something that people of Makkah

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also said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam right? They said that if Allah wanted to send a messenger he would have sent an angel. So now I'm Tom Illa, Bashara myth Luna and when they said warmer and not unzila Rockman the Most Merciful Has sent min che in anything. Allah of rock man has not revealed anything, meaning there is no revelation. Allah has never revealed God has never sent any revelation ever. And then they went on in the anthem in not Antonio ala except that the bone you all are lying. They accused all three North saloon off lying.

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We if you think about one person, okay, maybe he's lying, but three people? How could they be lying in Unto Allah duck the bone they denied the messengers. Now we see over here that these are the standard claims that every messenger faced or allegations that every messenger faced, including Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam. And over here we see the reasons for the denial of the people are given that why is it that they denied their prophets, firstly, because of their pride, because of their arrogance.

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And in the previous verses, a description of the pride the stubbornness of the people was given. All right, and over here also it is mentioned that it was basically their pride that prevented them from believing. How do you see that they were proud? Because they said to the prophets, you're only human.

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You're only human meaning what makes you better than us. How are you superior to us insert for con is seven also it is mentioned Wacol O'Malley Heather was soon yep go look Tom wham she filled as well. Lola on Zillow Elaine mela comfy Hakuna ma Hoonah de la what kind of a prophet is this? That he eats food and he walks in the market? How come an angel has not been sent with him to be a warner by his side into Israel is 94 also it is mentioned while nomina on NASA and you may know is a hormone Houda Illa Carlo Abarth Allahu Bashar or Rasulullah many people they will prevent it from believing. Why because they said how could a human being be a prophet? In slaughter? Turabian is

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six. It said Valley could be under who cannot de musulman Bill begginer for Kalu about Sharia Donella the people said Will human beings guide us? Well human beings be messengers meaning how could a human being be a prophet? But as we have learned before, why would Allah not send a human messenger? Why not? Because if Allah would send an Angel messenger, would that be problematic? Will that create difficulties? Yes. I mean, think about it, as human beings when we see anything that is different than us, do we feel any kind of apprehension or fear or uneasiness? Something so normal? Forget about another creation, right? Strangers even or sometimes people from a different ethnicity,

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different race, different background? who speak a different language? Do we feel uncomfortable around them? We do. So Allah subhanaw taala sent human messengers, because humans are the best guide for humans. They're the best role models for humans. They're the best example for humans. And secondly, we see that Allah subhanaw taala not only sent humans as messengers, but he selected prophets from within the nations that the prophets were sent to.

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Why? Because it's easier for people to believe when they're familiar with the Prophet.

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Another reason that is given over here for their denial is that the people said man under a rock man woman shape, they rejected the concept of revelation all

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They said God has never sent any revelation.

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And Allah subhanaw taala says in Surah, Al Anon Maya 91 that warmer or that Allah, Hakka Kadri is called Luma and sal Allahu Allah Bashar in min che, they did not give Allah the right that he deserves to have been duly respected when they said that Allah has not revealed anything,

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because if Allah has created men, then Allah certainly sent guidance for that men also. And when people say that Allah did not send revelation, what are they attribute into Allah injustice? What are they attributing to Allah, unfairness, because it would be unfair to create man and leave him to fend for himself. So Allah created us and He also sent guidance for us. Then, the third thing that's mentioned over here is that the people accused the profits of lying.

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Now, this is something very hurtful. When any person accuses you of lying. Is this hurtful? Is this hurtful? It's very hurtful. When you know, you're speaking the truth, you're not making things up. Right? And you're being as honest as possible, as truthful, as clear as possible. And the other person doesn't believe you. They don't trust you. They accuse you of lying. And this is especially hurtful when you have a reputation of being honest. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what was he known as? He was known as the Saudi, the truthful, the person who was known famous for his truthfulness. Right? And we see that in the modern society in the Arab society, truthfulness was

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very, very important. It was something that people attached great importance to great value to, you know, the Sahaba would say that they did not even know what lying was. They wouldn't lie. A man would not lie, meaning a man who was a good man, a person who was a good person could never could never lie.

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So in anthem, Illa, tuck the bone. This is something through the story, the prophets of Allah who Salam has also been comforted.

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That the prophets before you were also accused off lying. But even if people accuse you of lying, you know, that you're not a liar. I knew they said the prophets, the more saloon they responded that Rob buena. Our Lord, ya know, he knows. Our Lord knows that inner la con la Mora saloon, that indeed we have surely been sent to you. We are messengers to you. Now we see over here in the statement, a lot of emphasis, right. This is a very powerful statement that Rob buena Alamo, God knows our Lord knows that in now. Indeed, we Eleiko lemon saloon, surely we are messengers to you. And notice the lamb llamo saloon, this lamb, what does it imply? A custom and odd that Oh, Allah He, Allah knows

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that surely we are messengers to you. So we see that they respond with similar emphasis to counter the intense denial. The people denied them so intensely, they said, You are lying. You're making all of this up?

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How could you be a prophet? You are only human beings. How could you be prophets when God has never sent any revelation? But the prophets they are undeterred. They respond with similar emphasis.

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Now in this is also a lesson. And what is that lesson? That if people accuse you of lying, you don't have to believe those people.

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If people tell you that you are something that you are not. You don't have to feel guilty.

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You really don't have to feel guilty. Be confident of who you are of what you are.

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We can always expect, you know, support from people there will always be people who will question our sincerity, our integrity, our credibility, our truthfulness, they will always criticize us, we will always find haters and supporters. So just because someone is accusing us, that doesn't mean we begin to feel sorry for ourselves or we begin to doubt ourselves or question ourselves.

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You know, for example, the Quran, people have criticized the Quran from the beginning. They have raised objections against the Quran from the beginning. So does that mean that we also questioned the Quran? We also have doubts about the Quran. Know, when Allah says that this is Quran that is Hakeem. When Allah says the intercolonial Musa

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Alina, and let the people say what they say. We don't need to feel guilty about our Islam. We don't need to doubt our Islam we don't need to doubt our faith. We need to be confident about it. And look at the confidence and the faith. In the words of these moves alone. They said the rock banana animal, inner la comme la mas saloon, you can say whatever you want, but Allah knows the truth.

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You can accuse us of whatever you want, but Allah knows the truth.

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And in this is also a lot of comfort, that when we do face ridicule, then we console ourselves by turning to who, by turning to Allah, that even if everybody denies, then Allah knows. Allah knows that I am upon the truth, and sort of will uncover truth I have 52 Old Kapha Billahi benei. Verbena come Shahida say Allah is sufficient as a witness between me and you. He knows the truth. And he is sufficient as a witness. When Allah knows the truth that I don't need to fear, those who reject me when I Lena and the Prophet said warmer and not our Lena on us, meaning our duty is nothing except illa except Albula hula morphine Albula notification, that is a morphine that is clear. Meaning our

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duty is just to convey the message to you in clear terms. below, below is from the root letters that love ln bellava is to reach the end the finality of something like for example, to reach the end of a journey. All right, and from this the word Balau is used for notification to deliver the message like the Prophet sallallahu sallam was told in the Quran by Lil mountains at Lake convey whatever has been revealed to you. Alright, so over here, the Prophet said, Why am I Lena in the Albula we'll move in our responsibilities to only the meta message to you

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the message that we have been sent with that is our responsibility. And what you do thereafter is not our responsibility, then your matter is with Allah insalata right I have 40 it aside for in nama alagille Bella, where Elena herself, your duty or prophet is to convey and our our role is to call people to account. So what do we see over here, the prophets were never sent to compel and force people to believe. This is against the Sunnah of Allah, this is against the way of Allah. The prophets never forced people to believe. They conveyed the message to them, they conveyed the warning to them. They didn't hide anything, they didn't water it down. They didn't make it appear as

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very pleasing. No, they stated the facts, they conveyed the truth, even if it hurts that people you know, hurt their feelings. All right, they conveyed the truth because the truth sometimes hurts, right? We don't want to be told that we are wrong. If we're doing something that may have mistakes, we don't want to hear about them. So the prophets, they didn't shy away from conveying the truth. They conveyed the truth, but they never forced people to believe, because their duty was to convey.

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Now we see over here that the message of the most Hello,

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what was the message of the most unknown isn't mentioned in these verses?

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What is the message that the prophets conveyed to the people? Is that mentioned over here? No. Why? Because it's as if people never paid attention to the message.

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As soon as these mo saloon came, and they said, We have been sent to you we have a message to deliver. They didn't even bother to pay attention to what that message was. They said no way. You couldn't be a prophet. No way. And this is exactly how the mushy king of Morocco responded to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. They ignored the message. And they denied him in their pride.

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They said, You couldn't be a messenger, how could you be a messenger? They ignored his message. And we see that whoever did pay attention to the message that the Prophet saw a lot of sent abroad. Did they believe that they believe? Yes, we see. For example, you know, so many times, the machine would go and warn the visitors in Makkah that there is a man over here, he's appointed, He's a magician, he's this he's that don't listen to him. And people would come into Makkah, all conscious, you know, that accidentally alter we cannot hear Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam but then those who said that, no, we must at least see for ourselves. They went and they heard the Quran from the Prophet

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salallahu Salam, they were seeking the truth. They removed they put their bias aside. Did they

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recognize the truth. Yes. And those who did not recognize the truth, despite hearing the Quran, what is it that prevented them? It was their own pride. So why am I Lena ill Bella whole mobian The Prophet said Our duty is just to convey let's listen to the recitation while Bremen

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is outselling

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Tom Bashar

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tune in

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