Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P19 189B Tafsir Al-Furqan 63-66

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of servicing one's religion and choosing the best master for oneself. They stress the need for servitude to be done the right way and walking in moderation. The speakers also touch on the use of negative language and the importance of protecting one's behavior and identity. The segment emphasizes the need for strong relationships with others to avoid unnecessary conflict, and the importance of protecting one's behavior and oneself from hellfire.
AI: Transcript ©
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Lesson number 189 suited for con eye number 63 to 77 Why are you bad? Man you let me know I am sure now

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Paulie Deena fina Hassan Al Mustafa.

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First of all is

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the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim in these last verses of Surah Furqan. Allah subhanaw taala gives us a picture of rudia of servitude. What does it really mean to be Allah's servant? That when a person recognizes Allah subhanho wa taala. When he recognizes Allah as a man, then what happens to that person? What happens to his walk to his stock to his actions to his behavior? What kind of a person does he become when he has full upon when he has the criterion? So let's look at these verses and analyze ourselves. Were a bag of money and the servants of the Most Merciful. Who are they? They are a Lavina those who em Shuna, early Hona who walk up on the

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earth with humility, where either hot dog or hormonal J alone and when the ignorant people address them Kalu Salama, they say peace, they say words of peace. Who are these people that Allah is describing? Or a bad man or a bad?

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You see there's a word or beat. All right or beat in the Quran. We

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Learn that one male rabuka villain lamb a lil RB, your Lord is not at all unjust to the slaves, or B it is the plural off.

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All right, and a bad what we see over here or a bad is the plural off of it. What's the difference between R OB and arbit? OGD is slave and the audit is worshiper. Do you think there's a difference between slave and worshiper? Is there a difference? What's the difference? A slave is doing something because he's being forced to he's not given a choice. Correct. But a worshiper is choosing to worship, he is choosing to show servitude. So are you bad or Rockman? The servants the worshipers of Allah man. If you think about it, the entire creation all of mankind, what is their status? Their status is that they are Allah's arbete isn't it? We are all Allah's servants, whether a person

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believes or he does not believe whether a person obeys Allah or he disobeyed Allah still who is he? Allah's slave? Correct. A person may reject, you know, for example, a prophet of Allah. But can he escaped Allah's decree? Can he know he cannot? Can he avoid death when Allah has decreed that he should die? No, he cannot. Why? Because ultimately, even if a person is the greatest sinner, the greatest denier Who is he after all, Allah was slave. Now, when a person chooses to worship Allah subhanho wa taala, and Allah calls him his OB, then why does he call him his out in order to honor that servant? Right? Because he has the choice to disobey but he is choosing to remain obedient. And

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this is why in the Quran whenever the prophets have a lot of sentiments mentioned as OGD what do we see that is an honor for him. So for example, at the beginning of political Islam, Subhana Lavy astroglia de Laila minute Masjid Al haram, Al Masjid Al Aqsa, because, servitude to Allah means choosing the best master for oneself, and is that honorable, that is very honorable servitude to the creation, what is that it is subjugation, it is a it is being under their control, and that is very disgraceful for a human being. Were a servitude to Allah is honorable. Why? Because when a person believes in Allah and obeys Him and worships Him, then Allah honors him by giving him liberty. What

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do I mean by that? Allah honors him by giving him choice. Allah honors him by giving him the ability to choose to worship Allah subhanaw taala. What do I mean by that? In the Quran? What do we learn for Caroni? at Costco, you remember me, I will remember you in Hadith also, we learned that as long as a servant remembers Allah, Allah also remembers him. So what does it mean? That when you want Allah to remember you, then you should remember Allah? When you want Allah to be close to you, then you have to take the first step. So the choice is with who?

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With who, with the servant, isn't that amazing? When a servant chooses Allah, then Allah gives him the choice. Allah gives him the choice. And we see this in the character of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam also, that whenever he would shake somebody's hand when greeting that person, the prophets of Allah, Islam would never pull his hand away until the other person would let go of his head. You choose to hold my hand for as long as you want a person as long as he makes dua, Allah listens to him, isn't that so? As long as you remember ALLAH, ALLAH will remember you to you want a lot to protect you to watch you, you choose, you start to be mindful of Allah subhanaw taala. Right. So

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servitude to Allah subhanaw taala. This is an honorable position. And over here when Allah says they're a bad man, servants, worshipers of Allah man, why does Allah say Rama? Because when a person will worship Allah, that person will find Allah, Allah man, he will find Allah merciful. You will not find Allah controlling and oppressive. You understand? But when we show servitude to people do we find the merciful never, you know this is something very basic. Forget total submission and surrender. Even if you're doing something for an

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other person in obedience to them? Do they try to control you? Forget other people think about yourself. Just the other day, I requested somebody to take a picture. All right, not of Me. But if somebody else I happen to be on the other side of give them my phone, can you take a picture? They were taking a picture. And I then went to them. And I told him, Okay, from here, I'm like, why am I doing that? Is it rocket science to take a picture? Really? Is it? It's not? And so what if the picture is not perfect? What's the big deal? But look at how insecure we are as human beings, that the moment we have a little bit of authority, what do we do? We exert our control, we try to oppress

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others, but servitude to Allah subhanaw taala. What is that? When a person surrenders to Allah, when a person worships Allah, He will find him a man, most merciful, most compassionate? I mean, think about it, we have to pray five times a day, isn't it? And we have been given specific times within which we have to pray. But we have been given the liberty to choose the freedom to choose when you pray within those specific times. Correct. Like for example, if lower time is from one to five, for instance, you have the choice to pray at 101 You have the choice to pray or to you have the choice to pray or three, you have the choice, don't you? Likewise, you can start the second you want. And

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also you can end when you want in the sense that you can make your prayer as long or as short as you want. Are we forced to pray so to Bukhara and every record? Not at all? Are we forced to make our record and our sujood? Very long? Not at all. So remember, worshipping Allah subhanaw taala. This is not the law. It's not debasing oneself. It's not humiliating oneself. It's not disgraceful to worship Allah. worshipping Allah is very, very honorable, because worshiping Allah means choosing the best master for yourself. And who is that master? A man of Rahim, sir, a battle Rahman, the worshipers, those who choose Allah, the worshipers of the Most Merciful? Who are they? Allah subhana

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wa Tada describes the qualities of his true worshipers, how they are in themselves, how they are with one another how they are with their Lord, what's the first characteristic that we see over here? That how they are in themselves, meaning how they walk? Now, if you think about it, we are in one of two states at any point in time, either we are mobile, or we are immobile. Right, either we are moving, or we are not moving. Correct. Can you be in any third state?

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Can you be in any third state? No, you can't be you either moving or you're not moving? Correct. Okay. Now, when you're not moving, when you're immobile, can you hurt other people chances are very low. Right? Because even if you want to hurt somebody, you have to either move your mouth, right? Or you have to move your hand or do something in order to annoy someone. Okay, so what is it that it's very possible for you to hurt someone when you are moving when you are mobile? Correct. Okay. Now, when you are moving, that is what we have to pay attention to. Correct. So over here, what is mentioned Alladhina, Yom schoon. Those who when they walk from the route letters, meme Shinya mushy,

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those who when they're walking, how do they walk, they walk Honan they walk easily. Em Shuna Anil, early Honan. So the basic state of mobility is walking. So how should we walk them? How do they battle rock man walk, they walk in the state of home, her well known. What does home mean? How long is Rif? Gentleness, so they walk gently, but gently in the sense that with calmness and with serenity, with calmness and serenity, softly and mildly, softly and mildly without pretense, without any pride. All right, not lazily as if they are sick, not sluggishly. How would you describe this kind of walk? What kind of walk is this? Moderate. Right. So their walk is very moderate. They are

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between, you know, being swaggering. Okay, they're not swaggering. And they're not even sluggish. You understand? They're not swaggering and they're not sluggish. And if you think about it, dig

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It is with what it is with moderation. When a person is swaggering, do they look dignified? No, even if they're wearing the most expensive stuff, and they're walking into a theater to wrestle with someone, whatever it is, if they're swaggering, you don't even want to look at them. I don't know how people look at others who are doing gangster walk. It disgusts me.

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Like, honestly, I think it's disgusting. Horrible. How can you walk like that? Likewise, if a person is walking as if they're half dead, I mean, that's not dignified either. Right? But what happens when we wake up for Fudger as if we've been awake all night, and our back is broken, we just bruised our leg or something, we don't have the strength to stand up straight. He I'm sure now a little early Honan. So Honan is how in moderation. And you see this moderation in walking, you have shown although the word have shown is mentioned over here, but this can be applied in other aspects also in other areas of life also, because when a person walks gently, then they will also drive in the

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same way they will also ride in the same way. Right. Now remember, that homerun does not mean, they're very slow.

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You can dry fast, there's no harm in that. Okay? That because the Prophet saw a lot of Salam, he would walk fast in the sense that people would have to try to keep up with him. He was not slow. And when he would write his camel, his camel would be the fastest candle, which is why we learned that a one occasion when a particular Bedouin came and joined the Muslims, and his candle got ahead of the candle of the prophets of Allah, some of the Sahaba were very sad. Right? So the camera of the Prophet said, Allah, Saddam was fast. And he would also walk, you know, in a good speed, not slow, and not so fast that he is hurting other people as he's walking. All right. So what it means is that

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with dignity, with composure, all right, being courteous, even in our walk. This is Honan. Not that a person is crude in the way that they're walking or their rash in the way that they're driving. Or they're very carefree in the way that they are walking through others know, em, Shuna or Lee Honan? Have you think about it out of all the qualities that are about to rock man have? What is the first one that Allah mentions? Walk?

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Why? What is it that affects your walk?

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Think about it. What affects your walk?

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When is it that you walk really slowly? As if you're half dead? When? When you don't want to do something?

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Is it isn't it? Okay? When is it that you walk really fast? When you're in a rush? Have you seen children like how when they're with their friends? They start running? They forget how to walk?

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Isn't it? You have to keep reminding them. You are in a house. We're not in a park. Why is it that they forget to walk? Because of the excitement? Okay, now, is your walk affected by your mood? If you're happy, you're like, you know, walking straight and if you're sad, or you're shy, or you're scared, does that affect your walk? It does, doesn't it? Your mood affects your walk the way you think your your psychological state basically, that will also affect your walk. Now what do we see over here? They're a battle rock man. They have composure in the way they walk. Why? Because when a person recognizes Allah subhanaw taala. When a person has a man, when a person has full con, then

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they get this composure within themselves. They learn how to control themselves. They're not hyper, you understand, nor are they lazy, so that they're slow, they're active, they're alert, and yet they are composed. So Alladhina am Shuna Anil or Lee Honan second quality that is mentioned over here, we're either hakama Homolka. Hey Loon, are Lucena and when the ignorant address them, they say peace hottub from the word Hip Hop Hop, Taco Bell.

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What does Hip Hop mean? Have you heard of the word cuddly? Who is hopefully

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the person standing on the member on Joomla Correct? What is holdover from the same root speech and address? So in hilltop, one person is addressing the other. All right. So what either half of whom will J loon remember this word hitop Mahato. But it shows that it's two sided. All right, it shows that it's two sided. So this means that when they are in a conversation, and somebody is talking to them somebody's response

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handing to them. All right, how is it that they respond? Kalu Salama, but who is it? That's talking to them J loon. J. Luna is a plural of J. Hill, who is Jonah Hill? A person who is ignorant? What does it mean by this? J Hill? All right, is the ignorant and foolish person who does not know how to talk properly?

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They don't know what is befitting

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in a given situation.

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You understand? Like, for example,

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right? Do you hear them screaming in a grocery store? All the time? All the time? Do you hear them throwing a tantrum? Do you all the time? Why? Because children don't know that this is not how you talk. Right? They don't have that ability yet. Hopefully Inshallah, with time they will learn Inshallah, hopefully, right that the older they get, the more they realize that this is not appropriate. Now, sometimes what happens is that even as adults, some people lack this ability, they don't know which words to put where, wherever they are, whatever they feel like saying they say it. They don't think about who the other person is. They don't think about the fact that perhaps

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children are listening, and they will pick up on some bad words that they're going to utter. Right? They don't keep in mind the status of the person whom they're talking to. This is what ignorance, isn't it? Because if they were truly knowledgeable and aware, they would know how to speak what kind of words to say, In what manner to speak and how to address the other person.

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Jehan is not somebody who doesn't have a degree. No, they could have a degree, they could have a very fancy job. They could be working as a news broadcast or somewhere as a host in a talk show, even it's quite possible. But in the way they addressed the other person, rudely. Or they ask a very inappropriate question. What does that show their ignorance? Their ignorance? Recently, I was watching this. It was a panel. All right. And there was this Muslim human rights lawyer, all right, from the States, who was being asked several questions about his experience, you know, these days trying to defend the Muslims and trying to explain how the majority of the Muslims are and whatnot.

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And he said that in a talk show, right in the middle of the conversation, he was asked, Do you support such and such group?

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And he was explaining that I'm only 38 years old, and I have white hair. And there's a reason behind that. Why? Because I get asked these kinds of questions.

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I'm a human rights lawyer. And you're asking me, if I support such and such group who is known for doing everything that goes against human rights? Seriously, is that a question to ask? And I was like, how did this man not blow up? Like seriously? How did he not blow up? This is what this is a sign of a person having maturity, being able to control yourself, because you're dealing with an ignorant person, a person who's behaving ignorantly, you cannot control them, can you? But what can you control yourself? Now this is something that will probably never happen to us. All right. But what happens to us in our lives is that when people who are maybe younger than us, who are less

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knowledgeable than us, who have less money than us, who have less status than us, maybe in a family, whatever it may be, when they ask us questions that are very annoying or that are very disrespectful or when they say things which are very inappropriate. Then what happens to us how is it that we respond or a bad man how do they respond when the ignorant address them? Allah says Carlu Salama, they say, salam, what does it mean by Salaam? This Salam is understood as the salam of Mataranka What does Mataranka mean? Farewell, Salam by the understand. In other words, they don't stay there.

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Meaning if it's a good healthy discussion, leading them somewhere for a productive discussion, okay. They will carry on with that discussion with that conversation. But the moment that discussion turns into something that will make them angry, that will make them furious, that will make them behave ignorantly what do they do? They avoid that situation. They move away from it, they go away from it. Why? Because if you stay in a situation like that long enough, what will happen? You will become like the other person, isn't it? You will also behave ignorantly

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You will also respond to them in the like manner. So this is Salam of moussaka in the Quran we learned in Soto classes if 55 were either Samia or love Allah or another one, when they hear vain talk, they turn away from it. We'll call you, Lana or maluna Welcome Arma LUCAM they say for us our our deeds and for you or your deeds, Salaam Alaikum Peace be on you, meaning that's it. I'm not staying here anymore. I'm not interested in carrying this conversation any further. Goodbye. Carlu Salama, they just stop right there. Why for their own good to protect themselves?

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Now, before we move on to that, I have a question for you. Why is it important to keep away from such conversations?

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Okay, they're not productive at all. And high for example, if you are arguing with a five year old, all right, dead tired that child is. I'm not sleeping. No, but you are sleeping, sweetie. But you know, you're hardly able to open your eyes. Know what? I'm not sleepy. I don't want to go to bed. No, but you have to go to bed? Because it's bedtime? No, but it's not nighttime yet. Are you gonna get anywhere? What do you have to do? It came up. I love you and take him to bed, isn't it? You have to end the conversation. Stop it right there. Because it's not going to get you anywhere. It's only going to make you furious. Correct? It's going to make you a rude, it's going to make you say things

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which you're going to regret. So you have to stop right there. Now, have you ever been in such a conversation with an adult even? Quite possible? What happens? You could carry this conversation, this debate rather, you could carry on this debate for an hour? Are they going to be convinced? Nope. Are you going to change your mind? Nope. But by the end of it. Are you mentally exhausted? Yes. Is it emotionally draining? Yes. Sorry about that, man. They conserve their energy. All right, for things that are more productive and more useful, all right. They don't exhaust their mental and emotional reserves in responding to the ignorance. Carlo Salama, I was trying to think that

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sometimes, you know, when you break, zoom, you say Okay, goodbye. I don't want to that could be perceived as rude as well. Yeah. So what would be the best way to like, kind of put an end to a conversation? Okay. What you can do is when the other person is saying, like, for example, you ask somebody a question, and this is something very rude to you in return.

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You can either respond to it, or you can say, okay,

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and go call us. You don't have to show them. No, I disagree with you, by the way. And this is not the way you talk to me. And what's your problem that every time I talk to you, you have to talk to me like that? No, you could either start an argument there, or you could say

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this is Paulo Salama, that don't take the conversation any further. I don't know if I mentioned this to you before. Once I was listening to a recording of my mother's a lecture recording, where she was teaching at a place where people spoke a different language, but they understood her language understood Urdu, but they also spoke a different language. All right. All right. So one lady, she took the microphone and she started talking. All right. And she went on for quite some time. And she was talking in questo. And my mom doesn't speak Pashto. She doesn't understand that language. So when that lady was done, my mom said, okay, and she continued teaching as if nothing had happened,

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and I'm like, my jaw dropped. I'm like, How could you do that?

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This is Paula Salama over there if she said, It's better if we keep our comments to just, you know, a minute and it's better if we speak in a language that everybody understands. And it's better that such and such and such nothing Carlos Salaam and you just stop it right there and move on to what you have to do. This is ALU Salama, all right. But what happens to us is we think, you know what, let me just respond to them. Just one thing, I'm going to say that's it one thing and it's going to be sufficient to Charla but what happens you say one thing, they say something else and that makes you even more angry. So you want to say 10 things now, right? You get harsh they get harsher and you

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get even more harsher.

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Light places exactly. I mean, when we respond angrily, then we are basically following our how our desire and following the desire will lead you astray. All right. Okay. Another meaning of Salem is

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Over here Carlos Salama that they say Solomon meaning they say words that are off salaam nature.

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Meaning they say words that are gentle, that are inoffensive, that are peaceful. All right, that avoid trouble that allow for peace. All right, because some conversations are such that you can say, okay, okay, you smile, and then you put the phone down, or you just walk away. All right, you just showed that you're not interested in carrying the conversation, you pretend that you didn't really hear anything, you can do that. But other conversations are such that you are being prompted again and again and again, like this example that I gave you off this human rights lawyer on TV, live TV, he's asked this question, right? What is he supposed to do? Say angry words respond very angrily and

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emotionally, no, say words that are peaceful, that will allow for peace.

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All right.

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Is it difficult to do or easy to do?

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It's very, very difficult. Why? Because first you have to control yourself, you have to take a deep breath, you have to think very carefully about what you're going to say. So alo Suleiman, you see over here, the nature of every level Rockman is that they are not hasty. They're not impatient, neither in their walk, nor in their conversations.

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And the benefit of responding with better words with peaceful words, it's obvious and sorted. Firstly, at IO 34. We learn if our ability here axon for either lady, Bina Kobina, who are either Wetumpka and no one, even humming, respond in a way that is better. And the person who was an enemy to you will now become a close friend to you. Really, with your words, you can talk someone into becoming your best friend, the way you talk to somebody, try this with children. If you ever see a child that's very hostile with you, is frowning at you and not even looking at you. Or every time you try to go close to them, they start screaming or trying to avoid you. Start a conversation with

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them. That's very nice. take interest in what they're doing. And believe me, they will be like I like you.

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They will say I like you, you're my friend. They will think like this. And they will even say like this, try this with children. If it works with children, it should definitely work with adults.

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In a hadith we learn a man came to the Prophet salallahu Salam and he said that I have relatives with whom I try to have a close relationship. I try to be good with them. But they severed this relationship meaning every time I tried to connect with them, they disconnect with me. I treat them well and they treat me ill. I am nice to them, but they're harsh towards me. So the prophets of Allah Islam said if it is as you say, then you in fact are throwing hot ashes, meaning you are winning, you are going to eventually win. And they will always remain with you on behalf of Allah and Angel to support you.

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Who would keep you dominant over them so long as you adhere to this? Meaning as long as you hold on to salaam peaceful behavior, peaceful actions, then what will happen? Allah will support you, Allah who will give you victory. And what happens when a person responds angrily, emotionally then who comes in shape on?

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Well, Lavina and those who EB tuna, those who spend their nights Joby tuna from the root letters by Yetta. bait is home and the better it is to spend your night in a certain condition. And where is it that you generally spend your night at home? So how do the rebel doorman spend their night? Lobby him to their Lord? Suggest then working ama suggestion is a plural of surgeon and tmn is a plural of him. Meaning they spend their night prostrating and standing in prayer for their Lord. Why do they do that? Why do they pray in the night reciting Quran in TM? Praising glorifying Allah asking him making their art institute why? Why do they do this in the nighttime? Because they're thanking their

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Lord for having enjoyed his gifts all day long. If you think about it all day long.

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We enjoy so many blessings, right? Where do we get them from? Allah subhanaw taala isn't it necessary then that we thank him at night

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into the Zoomer ini and we learn a man who are calling it on Anna Layli. Sadie then Waqar, Eman Yehuda, Hirata Well, would you write matter of be over here, the one who prays in the night Why fearing the hereafter and hoping for the mercy of his Lord? So why did they spend their nights in prayer? Oh,

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hoping for Allah's Mercy making the art to him. Intro to that yet i 1718 We learn Kano kalila Mina Layli Maya your own very little in the night was it that they used to sleep well bill as Harry whom your stuff your own and at the time of Sir Who they used to seek forgiveness from Allah subhana wa Tada And Alhamdulillah that this Ramadan was in summer when the nights were so short that you could really not sleep much. And we can also finally say that at least I've spent a few nights in sha Allah in this way can Akali La Mina Layli Maya Jeromy Allah's parents already give us all is to karma. Now, does this mean that Allah subhanaw taala does not want us to rest in the night? And that

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we should spend all our night in prayer? Is that what the meaning is? Because in the Quran, Allah says in surah number nine, what your Allah know Malcolm Subrata we have made your sleep so bad, so bad, that you're cut off from all work right? It is for the purpose of rest, so that you can be ready for the next day. So what does it mean that how are you meant to get rest in the night, be fresh for the next day? And also spend your night in the worship of Allah how we see this in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that what is it that Allah instructed him to do? Oh, me, Leila. Illa kalila stand in prayer in the night, all night long, except for a little bit, meaning a

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portion of the night sleep and a portion of the night. Talk to your Lord, worship your Lord. And you know, the Sahaba How were they described? They were described as full Sanam bendahara Rabbanim belay follows sign on been the house for son like horses or nights by day nights, not with a kid. All right, nights with a que que en. All right nights who are nights,

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like soldiers. All right. So for Sam and Ben the half, this is how they are by day. And they are monks by night meaning all night long. They're as if they are monks, they're worshipers devoted to their Lord. Well, Lavina UOB tune in Europe became so Jordan Wakayama, well Lavina and those who Jaco Luna de se Robina Oh our Lord is spliff avert turn away I'm not from us either but Jahannam the punishment of * Oh our Lord turn the punishment of * away from us. Why because in nada indeed it's punishment cannot hurt Alma it is ever haram adhering. Haram from the letters laying it on me was a ROM is that which is inseparable?

00:37:55 --> 00:38:02

Inseparable. Basically haram. All right. It means hope. Well,

00:38:03 --> 00:38:04

what does that mean?

00:38:06 --> 00:38:09

What does hope mean? Love what is

00:38:10 --> 00:38:11

crazy love.

00:38:12 --> 00:38:15

Okay, how would you describe that?

00:38:16 --> 00:38:19

Hope well Harish? What words come to your mind?

00:38:20 --> 00:38:22

Love, like an addiction.

00:38:23 --> 00:39:06

Right? Addiction. What did you say? Fashion. Okay. But you see, when someone's addicted to something, or someone? What are they doing? They're either thinking about it. Right? Are there with it? Or would them whatever they are in love with? Constantly on their mind, constantly on their phone? Right? Basically, their life is filled with it their day their night is filled with it. Obsession Exactly. They're obsessed with what they love. So when they're obsessed with what they love, they're constantly with it. Found this the word Haram is used for loose zoom

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to adhere to something. So in either the her cannula Rama, now you understand the meaning of it all that the punishment of hellfire is forever attached. There is no escape from it.

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From the same root as the word Allah the millennium is the lender, a person who has given who has lent some of his money to another and when they're not getting it back from them, what do they do they constantly demand from the Give me my money, give me my money. They call them they go to their door, they go to them at their work, they send them emails.

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You know, like if people haven't paid their taxes or they haven't paid rent or something or they haven't paid their bills. Who is it that you can ask to be after them?

00:39:53 --> 00:39:58

A collection agency. Alright, so this is Hareem

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This is worrying a collection agency, because they don't leave you at all.

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Now, if anyone doesn't leave you, even if it's your own child, do you get annoyed? Yes, because you need a break. Isn't it? Even from people whom you love you need a break. You need a time when you can be on your own.

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Isn't it your me your personal time? Imagine hellfire, the punishment of hellfire. What is it long, it is constant, there is no break from it, even for a second even for a moment. If it's not one punishment, it's another sorry battle. Rockman are those who worship Allah who do good fearing Allah's punishment seeking Allah's reward. They do good running away from * as if they can feel Hellfire advancing towards them. And this is why they cannot rest and they say, Oh Allah, protect us, you turn the fire of * away from us. You want something to turn away from you when it's coming towards you. So they're actively trying to run away from hellfire, avoiding actions that will

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lead them to hellfire doing things that will take them away from hellfire, but at the same time, they beg Allah Allah you protect us, you protect me, and they cannot rest or boggle my mind cannot rest. Why? Because in the HRSA at Mr. Conlon were more calmer in the heart indeed it meaning hellfire, it is sad, it is evil. Mr. Conlon as a settlement were more calmer, and as a residence, most of the call from the root letters off rah rah must occur is place of Cora and Cora is stay right, where a person stays. And generally this is understood as a place of temporary stay, meaning a place where a person stays for some time, and will come from the root letters off via meme is

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place of the place of upstanding literally and then from that place abstain from where there is no exit, from which there is no separation, meaning you cannot get away from it, you cannot go away from it, you cannot run away from it. So it refers to MACOM refers to hellfire as a permanent abode.

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So muster up, what does that show as a temporary abode and Muqaam as a permanent abode? Now we learned that some people, they will be taken out of hellfire eventually, who, those who have sinned, but they did not repent from their sin. Right, they've committed a sin and they've not repented from it, whatever that sin may be. If Allah wants he can punish them in hellfire, some people will be forgiven for their sins and others won't be they will have to go through the punishment for cleansing to be worthy of entry. Jamna so even if a person is dipped in Hellfire for a second, Hellfire is what must occur for them temporary place of stay, even for a second for a minute, for an

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hour for 24 hours for five days for one month. What do they say are about to romantic? Oh Allah, please save us because in her Sagmeister Quran, one more karma. It's not a place where you want to be even for a few minutes, even for a few seconds, and as a permanent place of stay. No way as a MACOM It is horrible. In tourism, what we know now is 60 we learn when Latina you tuna atto, Waka Luba, whom were de la,

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that those who do what they do meaning their good deeds while their hearts are trembling. Meaning even though they're performing good deeds, they are afraid, afraid of what afraid of Allah's punishment afraid of hellfire, because they realize what Hellfire really is. Hellfire is really something to be afraid of.

00:44:09 --> 00:44:44

It is horrible as an aboard and even as a temporary place of stay. In total, neither is 37. We learn UD do in a year Hello Jimena Nari woman whom Bihar Regina minha they will try to get out of hellfire but they won't be able to they will not come out of hellfire they will not exit Hellfire in total number is 30 We learned fallenness either come in law or the other we will not increase for you except punishment. Meaning the longer a person stays in hellfire, the worse the punishment becomes.

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In NASA at Mr. Kern one more karma, sorry about that, man. What kind of dollars do they make? What's the first dollar we learned about about the Rockman that they ask Allah to protect them from? Hellfire Oh ALLAH

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To protect all of us from hellfire

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