Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P19 187D Tafsir Al-Furqan 45-50

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The concept of shadow mud is discussed in a series of slides, including a brief explanation of shadow definition and how it can be difficult for a five-year-old to understand. The shadow is created by the Sun and the shadow's movement is the lead. The shadow's movement is caused by the sun and the lead is used for guide. The shadow's movement is caused by the sun and the light of the sun, and the shadow's movement is the lead. The shadow's movement is caused by the sun and the lead is used for guide. The shadow's movement is caused by the sun and the lead is used for guide. The shadow's movement is caused by the sun and the lead is used for guide. The shadow's movement is caused by the sun and the lead is used for guide. The shadow's movement is caused by the sun and the lead is used for guide. The shadow's movement is caused by the sun and the lead is used for guide. The shadow's movement is caused by
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Hi, I'm Tara, have you not seen a lot of big at your Lord? Meaning that the action of your Lord okay for how mud he has extended a Lilla the shadow?

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Have you not considered? Have you not seen how your Lord extends the shadow mud from the root letters? mean that that

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mud? What is mud in touch with? What do you do? You stretch you elongate the sound right? So mud the little what is little shadow?

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What is shadow?

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It's not a reflection

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think think think of it as if you're explaining to a five year old child.

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What is the shadow? Because you're like, Yeah, shadow for sure. I know, I know what shadow is. But if we cannot explain it, then that's, you know, something that we need to think about. So what is the shadow? Think about everybody think and try to explain properly clearly.

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Discuss with the person sitting next to you.

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You don't have Wikipedia right now.

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Good. That's a good definition.

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So who will explain?

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Okay, good.

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What I can understand as the sunrise fall on any object, the sun rays are going as usual, but that object is blocking that part of the sun rays which are hindered by their object. So other sun rays are going at the sides. But that object is doesn't let the sun rays pass by. So its configuration is apparent with the absence of the sunrays because of that object. So it shows its configuration in a way that is the shadow, the shape will be the same as that object. Okay, that's what I understand. Okay, go ahead. Sounds good. If I have to explain it to a five year old, I would say it's my image of the earth. Your image on the earth. Okay. Anybody else?

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This is basic physics Come on. So if I were to explain it to a fiver, I would say it's basically a where the sun doesn't hit. And as a result, it casts a shadow or like a black, a hidden area, which the sun doesn't go through. Okay, is it just the sun?

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Light is any form of light, light.

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Okay, anybody else?

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That's still difficult for a five year old to understand. He can barely pick to understand his own world, how can you understand the whole earth and then moving over the earth? Go ahead.

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The absence of light is darkness. And darkness is not necessarily shadow.

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a brief brief definition or explanation of shadow.

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Right, I know I have done my homework, but I'm not going to spoon feed you. Okay, you have to do your own part in Java. And remember, when you are researching about what shadows are looking for a very precise, clear definition of what shadows are. Think of it as what you're trying to better understand the Quran, you're trying to understand the word allele. Okay? So Allah says over here, have you not considered how your Lord extends the shadow extends it? What does it mean by this? That he makes it longer? Okay. And how is it that it gets longer? Why does it get longer?

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Because of the movement of the Sun as the sun rises until it sets what happens? The Shadow its direction changes, its size also changes, isn't it that at the beginning of the day, you will notice that shadows are very long. At noon time you will see that they're very short. And towards the end of the day, they're so long, very, very long. Correct. So que forma de Lille, how Allah extends the shadow, while OSHA and if he wanted La Jolla who, surely he would have made it second stationary.

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Allah could have made the shadow stationary, what a second sink afternoon. Second is that which does not move that which is not moving laden with a headache. So the shadow if Allah wanted, it would neither increase nor decrease in its side

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Is, nor would it move in its direction. What does that mean, then that the light of the day would remain the same all day long?

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Just like a light fixture, right? Once it's turned on, then what happens? The shadows that are in the room, they're constantly like that always like that, isn't it, you will not find those shadows anywhere else always on the same place, same size. And when you turn the light off, then the shadows are gone completely correct. So if Allah wanted, he could have made shadows like that also. And this implies that the sun would either never said, or it would never rise, or it means that you would not see it moving across the horizon. Right, there would be no change in the light, it would always be the same light. Some of them John the shumsa, we have made the sun, I lay on it, meaning for the

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Chateau de Lena. And indication the lien, what is the lead when you think of the word de Lille? What comes to your mind? Proof evidence that lamb lamb de Lille is basically the cause of recognition. Right? That by which one recognizes something? So for example, if you see something moving,

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right, something green, long and moving, what would you think it is a leaf on the ground? No, you will think that it's some kind of living creature, some kind of insect, isn't it. So the fact that it is moving, that movement is a delille, that this creature is a living creature, you understand. So this is what the lead is?

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indication, evidence. And from this delete is also like over here, it's translated as an indicator. Okay, in a car and indicator, when you're turning to the right, you give the indicator to the right to tell the other person that I am going to go in the right lane, or I'm going to turn right, you understand. So this is the lead. Now Allah's Python is telling us that the cause behind shadows is what? It's the sun, the sun is the cause of the shadow, meaning shadows are there because of the sun because of the light of the sun. As the sun rises, as it sets, the shadows, they grow, they reduce, they move, right, they darken or they become lighter, they move they increase they decrease all of

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this is because of the sun, the lead is also used for guide. So the guide of the shadow meaning what's causing the shadow to move, it's the sun.

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Summer then pop up now who we grasp it off, but but called what has caused me to hold back right to grasp to grasp in one's hand. So above now, who we hold it in hand Elaina to us have been a grasp. That is yes, Eve. That is easy. Yes. See it from their letters? Yes. In raw usage. What does user mean? Is, and he has seen is one that is easy. And it doesn't just mean easy as in something that's not difficult to do. But easy, also as a gentle, because people who are dental are very easy to deal with. Isn't it? Something that you can bend easily? You can be gentle with it. But something that doesn't bend easily you have to be rough with it is? So yes, he doesn't just mean easy. It also

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means gently, right? And when something is done gently, easily, smoothly, then it also happens in a very subtle way. Right? Like, for example, if you're trying to crush, let's say cookies, all right, in a food processor, will the whole house hear it?

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Of course. But if you're trying to mix together different flowers in a bowl, right, then will the whole house hear? No, they won't hear it. Right? When something is done gently, easily. It happens in a softer way. So quietly that you don't even perceive it. All right. So through Michael Wagner, who Elena Cobden yesira. What does it mean by this? Basically, this is referring to the movement, the changing of the shadows, that how they reduce, right, or how they shift, how they move, but so gently, and how they disappear also, so gently, so easily that you don't notice it, isn't it? Like for example, every day you see shadows move, change, reduce, but do you really notice it? You don't?

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It's only after a couple of hours that you notice

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Oh, it's so bright outside now, isn't it? It happened so gently, without even us feeling that change Cobden yesira. Now, in these ayat, what do we see that how Allah subhanaw taala provides light to us how beautifully the light of the sun is not like the light that we have come up with like the light bulbs that we have made.

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The color of the sun when it rises is different. And when it has fully risen, it is different. And as it sets it is different. And with this change in the color of the light, also there is beauty, isn't it? I mean, just imagine if the light of the sun was always bright yellow, there is no redness in it, no pink, nothing in it, it would be hurtful. Correct. Like for example, if you're indoors for a long period of time, what happens the lights they eventually start hurting your eyes, you just want to get out or you want to turn the lights off? Correct. So the way our last panel data has created light for us through the sun, it is beautiful. And with that we are also provided shade.

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And in these ayat, what do we see who is causing this change? Allah Subhan

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Allah subhanaw taala is the one who does all things the extending of the shadow. What does that signify in our lives also, the extending of the shadow, the withdrawal of the shadow? What does it symbolize that things? They appear in life and then they disappear? They appear they grow and then they reduce and they're gone. Life happens and then death happens? Changes are always happening. Life is constantly changing. Well hello lovey and he is the one who Jarl Allah comb he has made for you a Leila the night Lieberson as clothing. What is Libras Lamba seen clothing what's the purpose of clothing? Why do we wear clothes? What's the first and foremost objective? cover ourselves?

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Right? It's concealing sat it so night is also sat it it covers everything with its darkness, somewhat so that it covers us also our senses so we become sleepy, isn't it? Why is it that in wintertime?

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At seven o'clock you feel like going to bed at eight o'clock you feel like going to bed because it's dark outside? What do you do with yourself? Even though you have electricity you'd rather be sleeping. Whereas in the summertime, it's nine o'clock and you don't want to sleep? Why? Because it's not night outside? Correct. So Allah has made the night a clothing when Noma and sleeps so baton as a means for rest scene. Bertha subbed sub means otter to cut right from the same route as Sabbath. Alright, Saturday, why because the hood were told to cut themselves off from their work and engage in the worship of Allah only. Right? And subbed is basically inactivity, right? inactivity

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for the purpose of rest.

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So that a person can get refreshed and then they can go back to work and they have more energy to continue their work. You know, this is why weekends are important, right? What happens after a whole week you're tired, you need a break, you need to do something different. And something different doesn't mean you need to sleep all day. Something different can also be that you just go in read Quran, right? Because it gives you a mental break. It's like a break for your heart.

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So sleep is for Suba What does sleep do? It cuts off any movement, it doesn't allow you to walk it doesn't allow you to keep typing on your computer. Sleep when a person is sleeping, you cannot go through your phone can you know you're forced to stop every movement it's inactivity. Why so that we can get some rest. Because we do so much longer than ourselves that if we were able to we would even work and watch movies or something in our sleep. If we could, we would definitely do that. Because we have brought televisions in our living rooms and we have brought phones and our dinner tables, isn't it? So even though when we're eating or when we are with the family we're watching something

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we're listening to something correct even in our beds, what do we have with us until we fall asleep on our phones. So sleep the way Allah Subhana Allah has created it is a mercy so bath and it cuts you off you cannot have a conversation. You cannot even think you cannot even plan in your head. So baton and isn't it necessary? It is what darlin ahava and he has made the de nasura a resurrection. New Show known Chien rock national is to rise and spread.

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Right and it also

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indicates movement. So bad what the sabbats mean? No movement. inactivity, no sure means that you get up you move around, there is movement. It's also used for resurrection, life after death. Because in graves, people are inactive on the Day of Judgment when they will be resurrected, they will move. Well, who a lady, he is the one who, Otto celeea, who sends the winds RIA is the plural of Ri. And notice how the plural form has been used over here. What does it signify? That a breeze blowing from one direction and then another direction and then another direction, right? And when when comes in this way, winds, multiple winds, right blowing from different directions, then that is

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good. Whereas if wind blows only from one direction, then that is harmful. That is harmful. Let me give you an example. When you're drying your hair,

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blow dry and you have your hairdryer and you keep it in one place only write one place only and you're only drying one portion of your head meaning that's the only direction in which the wind is coming in. After some time isn't your head going to feel hot? Isn't it what do you have to do move the direction you have to move the dryer so that all parts of your hair they become dry? Correct. So this is beneficial area.

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So he is the one who sends the winds Busch run as good news bein a de la Hemmati before His mercy which mercy rain meaning before the actual rain comes Allah subhanaw taala sends winds as good news that the rain is coming. One Zelner And We have sent down Minister Maliki from the sky mat and water that is the hoorah that is pure, the whole from their letters thought held off the hood is that which is clean in itself. And it is also Motorhead that which is also purifying. So it is clean in itself.

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All right, clean water, but it's not just clean water. It also cleans what it falls on.

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Haven't you seen how? For example, if you're going for a long drive or road trip? What will you see in the front of a car?

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Insects, isn't it? So then what happens you need to go get a car wash done. Otherwise they will bake in the heat and they'll really get stuck on the cart impossible to take off? Correct. So you need a car watch. You go for a carwash doesn't come off. But then what happens if there's rain heavy rain alongside your car is clean? Yes, you can see the watermarks. But still, the car is clean. When it rains, the trees get washed, houses get washed, streets get washed, everything gets washed man. The Hula. And rain water is amazing that it's clean in itself such that animals benefit from it birds benefit from it plans benefit from it and eventually we also benefit from it. Manta Hura li nahi

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Biggie so that we give life through it meaning through this rainwater Benedetta Mater, a land that was dead. A land that was dead, is brought back to life through what rainwater? One who spear who and we give it to drink to who menma from that which halacha we have created an almond livestock. What an RC Yeah, and people can feel on many, meaning rainwater falls from the sky and who drinks from it. The Earth drinks from it, animals drink from it, and people also benefit from it. Notice the word NSE This is new for you. And I see it's actually an As Seen, alright and as seen and that has been abbreviated to an AR c and n are seen is a plural of the word in son. And inside is human

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being what occurred and certainly some rough now who we have certainly distributed it Salah for you suddenly put the sleeve what does that mean? The sleeve is to take something away, bring it back in a different way.

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All right, to take it away and then bring it back different from how it was before the three four react the changing of the winds, that at one point it's extremely cold, chilly wind. And another point it is different. It's not that fast. It's not that chilly. At another point it is actually warm at another point it's actually very, very hot.

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So some of now who who over here is referring to rain. Then we have search

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Only distributed the rain

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buying a home between them. What does it mean by that? That it doesn't just rain in one place. Rather what happens? Have you ever noticed how? For five minutes there will be like a heavy downpour. And then after five minutes, there's not even a single drop falling from the sky. Where did that rain cloud go? moved on, isn't it and get moving on and on and on until it finished? So some of know that Allah subhanaw taala gives rain in specific quantities to different lands. Why? Lia vacarro so that they might be reminded, they might take a lesson, that this mercy also comes from WHO? Allah subhanaw taala that this is coming by His Will we have no control over it. But Allah

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says for Abba, verso Abba, he has refused a thorough NAS majority of the people in LA except Khufu raw disbelief, meaning majority of the people refuse to show any reaction except for Khufu. Allah sends rain and instead of being happy, or instead of being okay with it, what do they do? Khufu? They show in gratitude?

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And this is something that is 100% true, because who can be more truthful than Allah? subhanaw taala what happens when it rains? Do we complain? We complain more. Instead of being happy and grateful. We complain. You know, it's amazing. How if we have a barbecue, all right, everybody's ready for the barbecue. The meat has been prepared. Guests are coming in. And there's a shower instead of being happy that I'll hum to the lights nice and cool and breezy. What do we say? Oh my god, what am asleep? Literally, I have heard this with my own ears. Rain is falling and very light rain instead of being happy Alhamdulillah now everything is fresh. People are complaining What are mostly they

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call rain. Mostly that this is a difficulty.

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Often me and my sister we take care of our neighbors and one time we were it was raining and he was like Rain rain go away. You know so. And my mom and dad a lot say that it's a benefit thing. Students Hello, yes, that Rain rain go away. Right? I mean little children also sing like that. And in so many books and so many cartoons. When it rains, the child is unhappy, upset. Why? Because he cannot go and play outside. Go get wet in the rain for God's sake. Why are you stuck indoors run outside get wet enjoy the rain, like the profits on a lot of sun? What would he do when it would rain? What would he do? He would uncover his shoulders. The Companions one of them what he would do

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is that whenever it would rain, he would tell his wife get my clothes ready. Meaning I'm going to be getting wet so that my clothes ready I'd like to change after it stops raining.

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This is my auntie hoorah. This is a blessing, but we complain about it. So majority of the people do not recognize the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala and so they do not express gratitude. When it rains instead of being grateful we complain Ferber axon NASCI Illa Kafala. So what do we learn from this idea then? Let's stop complaining about rain.

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Yes, when it rains excessively, it can become harmful. And at that time the profits or loss and I'm taught as a dua what is that? Dora Allahumma. Howa Lena? Weller Elena.

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Recently, as you know, in certain parts of the world Heatwave, no rain, extremely hot in India and Pakistan in all these places, so many people died.

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And Hamdulillah we were being blessed with rain every other day, and a lot of rain. And while many of us were happy children were not very happy. So I told my children one day they were complaining about the rain and I said don't complain. Say Oh Allah, please send her into Karachi. So every time it rains now my daughter says, Oh Allah, please send her into Karachi.

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I'm like, Yeah, we need it. 200 Allah everywhere in sha Allah, because there is no limit to Allah has treasures, right? All right, let's listen to the recitation of these verses. You can stand up as you listen.

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de la isla,

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co Wallasey, Giada Kuhmo Laila Ali.

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one more levy Lea Hubble show

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pentacle, long will be humbug I shall do Allah ilaha illa into a stuffy look our to be late As salam o Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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