Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P18 179D Recap Al-Nur 30-31

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the use of Islam as a symbol of attraction and beauty, citing its teachings about women and men and the importance of not revealing one's secret behind one's appearance. They stress the need for women to cover themselves in public, avoiding harms hunch, and not being too close to men. The speakers also emphasize the importance of finding a professional look for a woman in a certain context and maintaining professionality when interacting with men.
AI: Transcript ©
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Guglielmo meany no Yahoo boom in other Saudi him where I follow follow Jehovah tell the believing men to reduce some of their vision and guard their private parts that NECA has gala home that is pure for them. In Lucha hub Iran BIM is in our own. Indeed Allah is acquainted with what they do. While online mode, Minetti yo button, I'm in Abu Saudi hinda where Faulkner for Raja Hana and tell the believing women to reduce some of their vision and to guard their private parts. What are you the Dena, Xena Tahuna and they should not expose their adornment, they should not reveal their beautification. Instead, they should conceal it.

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In these ayat we see that Allah subhanaw taala is giving us the command to lower our gaze, and to preserve our modesty. How through the messenger, meaning he's telling the messenger to tell the believers, and we see that the men are addressed first separately, and then the women are addressed separately. And generally when a command is mentioned in the Quran, the entire group of believers is addressed. But if a command is given the same command is given first to men and then to women. What does this show that this command is for everybody? No one is an exception to this. Everybody must observe modesty. Everyone, man or woman must lower their gaze, and they must protect their private

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parts. It doesn't matter what their age is, it doesn't matter what city what country they live in workplaces they work at. This is a code of conduct of every single believing man and woman, modesty, chastity. Hyah, fear of Allah subhanaw taala, being careful about what a person looks at what a person thinks, how a person behaves, how a person carries themselves in the presence of the opposite gender, all of this is part of the character of a believer.

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And over here, we see that the men and the women have been given the same command with respect to lowering of the gears. And also with respect to guarding of the private parts. The difference over here is with respect to the additional command that is given to women, which is to conceal their beauty. Because women, who are they, I mean, a woman her body even is more beautiful compared to that of a men. And women generally, they are a symbol of beauty. Because if you think about it, if men were at the same level, then we would have men on covers of magazines, and we would have men, when cars are advertised or when you go to buy a car, when you go to a car show, an auto show or

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something you would see more men over there representing the cars. But who do we see in all of these places? Who's at the forefront? Woman? Right? And it's not just ordinary women, it's women who are beautiful, attractive, and who are made to look even more attractive. So to say this, that how come men have not been commanded to wear the hijab? And why are the women being commanded to give the hijab? I think this is something that is very naive to say, I mean, What world do you live in, to even think like that? Right? Even people who are non Muslim, they understand this, that women are more beautiful, more attractive, and they are the symbol of attraction. So to say that Allah

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subhanaw taala has been unfair over here by commanding women to observe hijab and not the men. This is something that doesn't have any basis. And if Allah is giving us a command, to conceal our beauty, remember, this is not injustice to us. In fact, this is for our own good. This is for our own benefit. This is to help us preserve our chastity to help us preserve our modesty and also to show that a Muslim woman is not an object of pleasure for every passing individual. No, she has dignity. She has a life and she is someone who was modest who preserves herself. So this is why the women have been commanded over here specifically to do what Wallah you, Bettina, Xena, Tahuna they

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should not reveal they should not expose they should not display their beauty.

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And earlier I mentioned to you the two main categories of beauty of Xena, what are they? First of all the 50 beauty, right the 50 Xena, meaning the Xena the beautification, that is natural meaning that a person is born with that is fun

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of their body, whether it is the color of their skin, or it is their eyebrows, their hair, the height, their finger, all of this is part of Xena. And secondly, there's another category of Xena and the zenith that is adopted the Xena that is put on the Zina that a woman puts on herself in order to enhance her beauty in order to look even more beautiful, whether it is in the form of clothing, or it is in the form of makeup or jewelry, whatever it may be. So Allah subhanaw taala is telling us that we have to conceal our beauty. What does that mean? That we have to conceal our natural beauty that we are born with. And in addition to that, if there's something that we bought

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on to beautify ourselves, whether it is to highlight our eyes, or to highlight our lips, or it is to look more beautiful in front of people, whatever it may be, we have to conceal that as well. And remember the beginning of the surah What does Allah subhanaw taala say the first idea of the Surah Surah

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Ansel Na wa Frogner This is a Surah that has come from Allah or Buddha Alamy. And this is a Surah that has been made obligatory by Allah or Buddha enemy. So if a command is coming from him, I think that is sufficient for us to understand its importance to realize its benefits and as a result, adopted observe it. And that is exactly what the Muslim women did at the time that these verses were revealed. I shot all day long more on her. She said this is a Hadith and Buhari that may Allah have mercy on the women of the mohideen? May Allah have mercy on the women of will hygiene when Allah reveals the AYA wali have driven a Bihari hinda Allah do you begin the women, they tore their

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aprons, meaning the extra clothing that they had, because at that time, typically women what they wore was a lower garment, an upper garment and a shawl. So their shawl, it was not big enough. If you think about it out of the three pieces of cloth that you wear on your head, on your chest and on your legs, what's the biggest what's the largest, it's the one that you wear on the legs, right? So the women they tore their aprons, meaning their lower garments, the extra ones, and they if Damara themselves with them, they covered themselves with those aprons, meaning if they could not afford to go buy an extra cloth to serve as a proper hijab as a proper female. They took whatever they had

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that was big enough and they use that as a key mug. And we see that over here Allah subhanaw taala says that the believing women they should not reveal their Zina, but this is not it the detail has been given also that in case we miss the obvious Allah subhanaw taala is pointing out the obvious to us. And what is that? That well? Are you Bettina Xena tahona in llama Mahara? Minha. They should not reveal their Xena except for that which is apparent by itself, meaning it is not possible to conceal it anymore. Or a woman did conceal it. She did cover it. But then what happened? Unintentionally, her Xena got exposed. So for example, a woman is wearing the hijab. She's wearing a big enough

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proper hijab, but the wind blows. And then what happens? Her hair from the back is revealed is exposed? Is she sinful for that? No, she tried her best to cover herself. Now this is something that became exposed by itself. So she's not sinful for that. And then Allah says, well, you're breeding them Bihu Marie hinda Allah do you begin? And that is exactly what I showed up below on her mentioned that the women, what did they do, they took their aprons and they if tomorrow themselves with them, because Allah subhanaw taala says that the women should cast they should place their female on their chest. Now if a Hema has to cover the head, and it also has to cover the chest, and

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obviously, it's understood that it also has to cover what is in between. So the neck, the ears are also a part of this. Right? So when a woman has to do that, then what is necessary that the humanoid be very small, what has to be done? The female has to be big enough, big enough to conceal a woman. And this is something that we all need to check that the kind of hijabs that we wear, what's their size? Are they really covering? Are they really concealing, or are they just enough to cover my neck and my head? Because the point of hijab is not to expose the head even more or expose

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The beauty, the point of hijab, the objective of hijab is to conceal the beauty.

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And everyone knows that the beauty of a woman also lies in her chest. So that is also something that needs to be concealed. Now yesterday, many people asked me, because we discussed about concealing the front part, and for that we discussed that it is necessary that the claim oughta be big enough, and that it must also go a little below the shoulders minimum, right? That's the minimum requirement, because otherwise it's not concealing the body, it's not conceding the upper body. So a lot of the sisters have this question that if we have to wear a blazer, right, to give a more professional look, like for example, you go to school, you have a presentation somewhere you have to

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go to like proper office or something. And then if you wear a blazer, it gives a more professional look. So how do we do that? Because generally, what we do is and for that reason, I wear this sweater, I don't have a blazer, but I wore a sweater, okay? So remember that it has to be big enough. All right. And never think that what are people going to think about me?

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Our goal in life is not to please people.

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If you want to please people, then you might as well take this off.

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If that is the goal, because they're not going to be happy in the Quran. What do we learn? Well, and tada unclear hood. Well, a Nosara had that Toby Armiliato that you hold, and then Asara, the Jews and the Christians, they will never be happy with you, until you follow their creed until you become like them. So when we are looking at anything of the deen, don't think about how people are going to perceive this. I mean, I'm not saying over here that disregard every costume and all the norms and everything. No, keep that in mind. But that should not be your primary objective. Our goal should be to look beautiful in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala. Not in the sight of people. You know,

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recently, I got this book for my children about this girl who wants a ponytail. Right? So she tells her Mom, can I have a ponytail at the back of my head. So her mom makes a ponytail for her at the back of her head. When she goes to school, everybody says ugly, ugly, ugly. So the next day, she tells her mom, I want a ponytail on the side of my head right above my ear.

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And her mother makes it for her. She goes to school and all her friends say ugly, ugly, ugly. However, they all have a ponytail at the back of their heads.

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The following day, when she goes to school, she tells her mom, I want a pony right on top of my head, like a tree growing out. So her mom makes a ponytail, you know from the top of her head. When she goes to school, she sees that everybody's got their hair, you know, on their side a ponytail right above their ear. So what she had done the previous day, and they all call her ugly, ugly, ugly.

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The following day, she says I don't know what to do. So her mom says let me make a ponytail for you right in front of your head. And she does that. And she goes to school and she is called ugly, ugly, ugly. However, the next day, everybody's got their ponytail in front of their head. So she says to them, she says to all her friends that you all are a bunch of brainless copycats. Tomorrow I'm going to come to school with my hair shaved with my head shaved. So what happens the next day, she goes to school with a ponytail. And everybody comes with their head shaved.

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Everybody comes with their head shaped.

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The point is, and the reason why I got this book for my kids was that our goal in life should not be to please people, they don't even know themselves what they're doing.

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They haven't even figured out themselves what they want to do. So our objective in life should be to meet the standards of people. Well, they're going to change daily. They're going to change their mind every single day. Our goal should be to please Allah subhanaw taala. This life is short. And everything that happens in our life is a test. Allah is checking us. He's testing us, who do we choose? Do we choose him? Or do we choose somebody else? Do we remember him? Or do we remember others? Do we fear him? Or do we fear others? Do we look forward to the promise of reward that he has made with us? Or the fake promises the false promises that people make to us that the creation

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makes to us? This life is a test. It is temporary it is not eternal. So just because we wear our hijab or we wear it in a particular way we feel that we will be criticized. We feel that people will not be happy with us. That is not a justified reason to stop wearing hijab or to stop wearing hijab properly

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Because this life is very short. So just remember the rule, whether you are wearing a blazer, a cardigan, whatever it may be, unless it's really windy in the winter, it's understandable. But other than that, do not compromise on the size of your hijab. Because Allah subhanaw taala tells us very clearly, one year Brebner be hamari henna Allah do you begin? They must place a part of their him out over there. Over there do you over their chest? And one more thing, I'm wearing this hijab deliberately like this. Do you see anything here?

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See through,

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see through, right, and most jobs are like that. So when we're wearing a hijab, that is somewhat see through, please make sure that you also pay attention to that. Because what's the objective of hijab Wallah you Medina. Xena tahune They should not reveal their Zina. Okay, so through the hijab, the Xena should not be exposed.

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So what are you Butina Xena tahona they should not reveal their Xena Illa Mahara minha Wali, Agrippa Bihu Marie hinda Allah do you begin? Well, are you Butina Xena tahune And they should not reveal their Xena INLA except for who except in front of such and such people. And in this ayah basically, the closest relatives of a woman are mentioned right and these are Muharram meaning those who are Muhammad in front of whom a woman may display her beauty but remember that there are levels of beauty that you can display in front of your eye Muhammad also right towards the end of this list, what is mentioned a week Tiberius, Lady O'Neill erba Timoner regional

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that they can only display in front of such and such people and amongst them are those who follow a tambourine lady will it but immunity gel those who follow meaning those who are completely dependent, all right, and they are those who do not have any, any sexual urge. And these are from among men.

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So some say that, you know, it refers to a person who a man who does not have much sexual desire, but the fact is that you don't really know. I mean, how can you ask a man? Can you ask him?

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This is something that you don't ask, right? But there are some people with respect to whom it's obvious. Like for example, if there is a person who is extremely old, extremely older, bedridden, literally, or they are sick, they're unwell even in that case, when you go in front of a man, all right, don't display all of your Xena in front of him. You know, for example, in an Irishman, we learned that a particular companion, our beloved Oh Maktoum, he was blind.

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All right, he was blind. But when the women would go in front of him, or when he would have to come in front of the women, the women would still cover themselves, they would still cover themselves because there is this hire that we should have in front of the opposite gender, you understand, even though he cannot see. But if you can go in front of a man without your hijab with your hair all open and all nicely dressed up. And yes, he's a man and he doesn't see you, but your level of hire will go down. You understand? Your level of hire will go down. So Lady Liberty, MENA regional,

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and this also includes extremely old men or people without any sexual urge. Also, you could say men who are castrated sometimes in some societies this still exists. I mean, they don't have any attraction for women. But after all, they're still men. So this doesn't mean that a woman goes in front of them with full Xena. Okay, you know, she may just wear a hijab on her head and you know, conceal as much as possible. But she doesn't need to cover herself front of such a person, the way she would cover herself in front of an ordinary men.

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And then after that, with Clifford children are mentioned also Alladhina lamea, Allahu Allah, Allah T Nisa, those who do not know about that a lot of women a lot is plural off. I will write and a lot refers to the private parts and it doesn't just refer to private parts but private matters of women. Meaning those children who do not yet know about what menstruation is, what sexual * is, how exactly babies are born. I mean, they don't know these things. You understand? But as a child learns about these things, whether at school or on TV. However, once they get to know about this, then what is necessary that we observe our hijab in front of them. One more thing that is mentioned

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in the Iowa Libnah we are Julie hinda. They should not strike with their feet. Leon

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MMA foenum In Xena Tian so that what is concealed out there Xena becomes revealed, meaning their walk, the way they carry themselves that should also be modest. A woman, the way she carries herself in front of men. That should also be modest the way she walks outside that should also be modest.

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Okay, so how about if a woman is playing

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basketball? A girl is playing basketball? Is that okay?

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Playing basketball is haram for a woman. No, it's not haram. What is not okay?

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That she is playing with non Muslim guys, right or under a coach who is non Muslim or in front of people who are non Muslim, you understand, because when you are playing, then obviously your body is going to move, your body is going to move. And when you will move like that, then part of your body which is beautiful, will be exposed, it will be revealed, it will become obvious. So this is why it's not appropriate to do something like that. Well to bleed Allah, Hey, Jimmy, can you help me known Landler come to flee home, repent to Allah, all of you are believers so that you may be successful. Go ahead.

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Not wearing your hijab in front of a non Muslim woman. We discussed that it's not about Muslim or non Muslim, it's about who is reliable and trustworthy.

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All right, meaning if there is a Muslim woman who doesn't wear hijab properly, or she doesn't respect the fact that you wear hijab, and then she's gonna go and describe you to some guys, or she's gonna take a picture and share it on social media, then you have to observe hijab in front of her. But if there's a non Muslim who respects your privacy, respects, your hijab, and understands that you veil in front of men, and she will not go and describe you in front of others, and she will not take a picture of yours and shared with the whole world, then you can show your hair to her, you can leave your hijab in front of her. All right, go ahead.

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Okay, what if a guy asks you what color your hair is?

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The question is, why is he asking you, you're being too cool with him.

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Remember that you have to maintain a professional distance, professional distance. You know, as people grow older, and they're working right with coworkers, a random person cannot come and ask her even a person who works in your workplace cannot come and ask you these questions. Why? Because you're maintaining a professional distance, it doesn't mean that you are very rude, or that you live in your own world. But you send a message, you know, through your character through you're dealing with them, that I don't entertain such questions. So if let's say somebody doesn't get it, and there are many people who don't get it, right, and they still ask you, how can you answer this question

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without offending them and without even revealing your Zina? Because if you tell them what are you doing, revealing your Zina, right. And if you give them a very harsh response, that is also rude. And that is not appropriate. Right. So how can you answer them in a way that is balanced? That is correct. What could you say?

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Sorry to interrupt. A friend of mine recently started working in a very public place. It's a doctor's office, and she was like, subhanAllah, a lot of hijab, a woman come up to me and ask me things, and I'm able to help them I'm in a public place, you know, helping Muslim woman and the owner of the place. I don't know what happened. Like one day she said, she was so stressed out, and he came to her and he held her cheeks. She went home that day, she was so shaken up. She just quit that job. Lexus to Damien said, we have to maintain a professional distance. But there is a saying in my language that if you are nice to the dog, he'll come to lick your face. This is what I

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remember honest. If you keep the dog at a distance, he won't come so close.

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How do you maintain that professional distance? How do you

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know when after my marriage, I said to my HR department that on my car, she would be Mrs. Barber, right? So because everybody was no this is not your identity. Your name is Robbie. I should be Rob Johan. So I said no. My name is Mrs. Barbara. So they put my name like Mrs. Barber. And once my mother she has to go to somebody's house right? And she said to them and phone, me Baba and Mrs. Barber will come with us. Rather than saying my daughter is gonna come, he said Mrs. Bauer is gonna go so the

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Have you set a limit? Right?

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Are there any girls in your school in your class or at your workplace? That you know, but you're not very close to them in a sense that you don't talk to them much.

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Are there?

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How come?

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How come? What's going on over there that you're not sitting with them much, and they're not sitting with you, and you're not talking to them? And they're not talking to you, but they're in the same space? What's the difference?

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Okay, you don't have the same interests. All right. So people who don't have the same interests, they don't click, and when they don't click, they don't spend much time together? Yes.

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You don't find a common ground between yourself and them. Okay. Anything else?

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They sit really far away from you. Anything else?

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You only talk to them when you really need to

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anything else?

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Okay, so how are you keeping that distance from those people that you don't get along with?

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You treat them as acquaintances rather than friends. And this is something that we need to remember when we're interacting with men, that they may be acquaintances, but they're not my friends, when I need to talk to them. There's a reason behind that. I'm not here for casual conversation with anybody

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in the kitchen at the same time, yeah. When you will go to the kitchen area or the sitting area at the same time you're taking your lunch break at the same time you're eating lunch, and you know, they're all eating lunch at the same time. You're not doing anything to deliberately avoid them. You're not doing anything to maintain a distance with them. So what will happen? One coffee, one lunch, one walk to the class one walk to the cafeteria, okay, can you get a coffee for me? Can you do this for me and like this, those barriers, they keep falling one after the other. And then we come to a point where we get asked questions which are uncomfortable. Go ahead.

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Yeah, I mean, when they ask you a question, give them an answer. But don't talk unnecessarily. Don't laugh. Don't crack jokes in front of them. I mean, maintain a professional character around these people. And this will be good for you. And it will also serve as a source of strength for other Muslim women. Okay, so the initial question that was asked, but if somebody asks you a question like that, what color is your hair? What kind of clothes do you wear? What are you wearing under this thing?

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People can ask you You never know. What kind of answer do you give them without offending them and without even exposing your Xena?

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That's a good way.

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What's the point of me covering if I'm going to tell you, right I'm supposed to cover so I'm not going to tell you go ahead.

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Okay, I'm just not too comfortable answering that question. You could say that politely. You don't have to say rudely with a frown on your face and a huff and a puff

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that is not for you to know these things.

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Yes, take it as an opportunity to do Dawa. Okay.

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