Taleem al Quran 2012 – P17 169A Translation Al-Hajj 38-64

Taimiyyah Zubair


Channel: Taimiyyah Zubair


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The transcript describes a group of speakers discussing various topics including a war, social media handles, and a person named Jesus who is mentioned but does not appear in the transcript. The group describes various characters and their behavior, including a woman named Lavina who refuses to receive punishment and a man named Jed who refuses to receive one. A scene where Jesus is shot by a woman named Leila and is shot by her.

AI Generated Transcript ©

00:00:01--> 00:00:04

Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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Muhammad who want to suddenly a lot of sodium Kareem and my bad for are with a bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Rubbish rashly Saudi way a Sidley Emery. What are the Tamil assignee of COVID Kahu. Kohli or Ben as in

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lesson number 170 Certain hedge iron number 38 to 64

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in the Lucha indeed Allah udev fear he defends and from a Latina those who am a no they believed

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in Allah indeed Allah La not. You have boo he loves color, every Hawaiian in extremely treacherous

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gefallen extremely ungrateful

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Adina it was permitted, Leila Dina, for those who you caught the Luna they were fought, be under home because indeed they really move they were wronged. We're in Allah and indeed Allah. Allah upon nursery him there help la casa de Rouen surely one who is able

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Alladhina those who also redo they were expelled they were driven men from the Eddie him their homes B lady without having any right Illa except on that yaku they say Rob buena Our Rob, Allah is Allah while hola and if not, death, removing

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Allah He of Allah a NASA the people bother whom some of them be barreling with others law who demand Surely it was demolished

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so I'm your monasteries will be our own and churches while Salah works and synagogues were masajid and mosques youth guru

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it is mentioned or he is mentioned fee her in it is smooth name Allah He of Allah cathedra much when I am surana and surely he will definitely help. Allahu Allah man who Yong Soo who he helps him in Allaha indeed Allah locka we Yun surely most powerful as he isn't always Almighty

00:02:51--> 00:03:21

Allah Dena those who in if mechana whom we give them authority, we settle them. Phil RB in the earth, a car mu they established a salata de Sala, what are the whoo and they gave us the Katha doesn't care what amaro and they ordered Bill ma roof with the recognized good what a hoe and they forbid I'm from El mancha the recognized drunk

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while Allah He and for Allah Akbar to outcome, a rule of all matters.

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We're in and if you get the book, they belie you. Socket then in fact, that she belied a biller whom before them, how many people knew him of new were are doing an ad with a mood and the mood will call more and people Ibrahima of Ibrahim will call mu and people looting of loot was horrible. And companions by the end of my then

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what could the will and he was belied Musa Musa reason for um lay too so I prolonged so I gave respite

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lil Caffee Rena for the disbelievers so much then a hug to whom I sees them for kafer so how can it was Nikiti my punishment

00:04:24--> 00:04:40

*er a yen so how many men from Korea 10 City, a HELOC? Nah, we destroyed it. We're here and it was worldly Mattoon wrongdoing. For here so it how we are done. One fallen.

00:04:41--> 00:04:48

Allah upon Roshi has its roots will be And while we're at Bala abandoned

00:04:50--> 00:04:54

Walker's thrill and Palace mushy than lofty

00:04:55--> 00:04:59

Flm did they not use you they travel fill out

00:05:00--> 00:05:21

Be in the earth further corner so it was law home for them to Luban hearts the RK Luna they understand behind with it oh or other unknown ears yes Morona they listen be here with it for inner her then indeed it learn not dharma. It becomes blind.

00:05:23--> 00:06:07

I'll absorb through the eyes the sights while I can but Dharma it becomes blind. Oh Kulu boo the hearts Allah de which fee in a salute the chests were started unica and they seek to hasten you bill either with the punishment while an end never usually for he will go against Allah who Allah where the who has promised what in the end indeed Yeoman a day in the near Rebecca Europe girl feed like 1000 Cena years mimma from what they are doing you all count what can a in and how many men from Korea in a city

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um lay to I gave respite Lucha for it

00:06:13--> 00:06:36

will hear while it while in Mattoon wrongdoing so much then a has to her I seized it was in a year and to me and mostly the destination all say Yeah Are you her oh a nurse with the people in nama indeed not but I am looking for you all now viewed on a warner mobile in one clear

00:06:38--> 00:06:51

fell Lavina so those who am I know they believed what Emmylou and they did a slowly hurt the righteous law home for them mafia rotten forgiveness, what is going and a provision Kareem honorable

00:06:52--> 00:07:04

Juan Medina and those who sorrow This drove fee in a Latina hour versus more RG Xena wants to cause failure.

00:07:05--> 00:07:10

Hola Iike those of us who are companions or Jehane of the Hellfire

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woman and not our cell now we sent men from Publika before you Mila Solon from a messenger Wanda and Nora Nabi when a prophet Allah except either when the man he wished Allah He cast a shape on the shaytaan fee in omega d, his which fencer who? But he abolishes

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Allah who Allah ma that which you will be, he casts a shaytaan the shaytaan so much then your chemo he makes for

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Allah who Allah at his verses. When Allah Who and Allah or the moon always annoying hacky mon always always

00:08:04--> 00:08:37

Lea gyla So he makes ma what up he throws he puts a shaytaan the shaytaan fitna tan as a trial Latina for those who fee in Palaui him their hearts. Marylebone a disease Well, Cassia and the heart bonobo home their hearts were in and indeed a lolly mean the wrongdoers Luffy surely in Chicago in the ascension, bear Eden far

00:08:38--> 00:09:06

one year Allama and so he knows Allah the you know those who Otto they were given an aroma the knowledge and know who that indeed it will help the truth may robic from Europe for you may know so they believe be with it. photometer so it becomes humble law who for it, Guru boom their hearts were in and indeed Allah Allah lahad in surely a guide,

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a Levina of those who am I know they believed Illa to start off with Mr. Kane, one street

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whether or not yes or no, he will cease. Alladhina those who care for who they disbelieved fee in mediating adult men who from it had that until that to whom it comes to them a sir The our Belton suddenly out or yet to whom it comes to them, or that punishment Yeoman of a day or team in one Baron

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al muku, the sovereignty the kingdom

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Yama, even that de la he for Allah. Yeah, como He will judge buying a home between them. Fella Deena so those who are Manu they believed why me Lou and they

00:10:00--> 00:10:07

Did Aslan he had the righteous deeds fee in Jeanette gardens and Noreen have the pleasure.

00:10:08--> 00:10:22

Well Latina and those who can follow they disbelieved, were credible and They belied big Tina with our verses for hola Iike so those LA home for them are there been a punishment movie known, humiliating?

00:10:24--> 00:10:55

Well Lavina and those who had YuRu They emigrated fee in severely way Allah He of Allah so much then Cthulhu they were killed. Oh or Mirto they died. Layers O'Connor who, surely he will definitely provide them. Allahu Allah. This kind of provision has done good. We're in Allah and indeed Allah La Hua surely he is Pharaoh best of Razia pain of the providers of those who provide

00:10:58--> 00:11:23

you the cylinder home? Surely he will definitely admit them. Mulholland and entrance, your donor who they will be pleased with it. We're in Nevada and indeed Allah, La Lehmann surely always all knowing halimun always all forbearing there Lika that woman and whoever, October he took revenge, he retaliated.

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October he retaliated

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directly with equivalent man what rupee but he was punished, he was infected.

00:11:37--> 00:11:41

Be he with it? Some then Boulia

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He was oppressed, or lay he upon him? Lay on surana who surely you will definitely help him. Allahu Allah. In Allah indeed Allah, La are full one surely most pardoning are foreign, always all forgiving.

00:12:01--> 00:12:09

Their Lika that be an Allah because indeed Allah, you will lead you he causes to enter and Leila, the night

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fee in an hour half the day where you really do any causes to enter an hour of the day for late in the night. We're an Allaha and that indeed, Allah Semir on always on hearing, mostly urine, all results in

00:12:27--> 00:12:55

their liquor that be unknown, because indeed, Allahu Allah, who he is, ill health the truth was unknown, and that indeed ma that which ye their owner, they invoke mean Dooney from other than Him who it is about will to false or unknown and that indeed Allah Allah Hua he is an early you the most high LKB the most grand

00:12:57--> 00:13:09

and um, did not tell, you see, and that indeed, Allah Allah unzila He sent down Mina sama II from the sky man water

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for just behalf so it becomes allowed to the Earth moves above one that is made green, or just green in Allaha Indeed, Allah luckily for surely most kind, hubby, Ron, always on where?

00:13:27--> 00:13:43

La who for him, man, whatever, this summer worth in the heavens, warmer and whichever fill out in the earth. We're in Allaha and indeed Allah La Hawa surely he is Alvernia you the rich

00:13:44--> 00:13:45

the one free from want

00:13:47--> 00:13:49

al Hamid the praiseworthy

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in Allah

00:14:01--> 00:14:04

Allah Allah beaucoup

00:14:06--> 00:14:09

for ordinary lady

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00:14:17--> 00:14:18

on the

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moon a lot law while hola hola

00:14:37--> 00:14:37


00:14:39--> 00:14:42

de met LaHood Demuth Salah me on Wi

00:14:47--> 00:14:50

Fi law he can be a

00:14:56--> 00:14:59

little in hola Hello. Call me

00:15:00--> 00:15:02

You want these three

00:15:07--> 00:15:08


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Zanka and

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you want to

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to eat you can do

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Alto where else Hubbell, Medion Paco libre Musa

00:15:43--> 00:15:45

Toluca feeding

00:15:47--> 00:15:50

to whom Valka Ivanka Anunnaki

00:15:53--> 00:15:54


00:15:58--> 00:15:59

the heel hallway

00:16:01--> 00:16:03

she will be in

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00:16:09--> 00:16:10

messy room feel

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00:16:20--> 00:16:21

we smell

00:16:29--> 00:16:39

lengthy even small do choirs Cha G Luna de la vida y A star and G Luna Gabi larva

00:16:41--> 00:16:42

late Allah

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00:16:46--> 00:16:48

Vika peace and I

00:16:51--> 00:16:53

do work a

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00:17:13--> 00:17:16

mobi Valentina

00:17:18--> 00:17:24

saw the de la mouthfeel onto what is getting

00:17:25--> 00:17:28

ready readiness I won't be

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Eagles Jaffe one

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me or me 30 years long

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game a long

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game Lea

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00:18:17--> 00:18:19

lady in blue beam

00:18:22--> 00:18:28

policy Antipolo boom we're in the mean and I fishing

00:18:29--> 00:18:31

very well we

00:18:35--> 00:18:40

have only a rough being careful you mean oh we need to meet

00:18:41--> 00:18:43

boom we're in

00:18:50--> 00:18:52

most building

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mean who had

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to go

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movies movie now whom

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will be

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Mooney one Larina Hedgehog movie savvy enough

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respond has

00:19:49--> 00:19:54

was no law Hannah who was in the

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then you go on and we meet Lena Oh Peabody

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law in hola hola foon lawful then he can be

00:20:22--> 00:20:24

only too late I think

00:20:27--> 00:20:29

Rafi Lane

00:20:31--> 00:20:37

Allah has any don't see then in Caribbean hola hola

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Dooney belty

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that all special

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the level Murphy's

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Gandhi will try me