Abu Bakr Zoud – SHIELD #25 Fulfilling Your Obligation To Thank Allah

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary ©
The conversation discusses the importance of the hadith in Islam and the loss of guidance and steadfastness from Allah during the pandemic. It emphasizes the need for people to ascribe actions to guidance and not to anyone else. The speakers also discuss the importance of well being and health, as it is crucial to not forget about oneself and not to anyone else. They use a hypothetical example of a woman who experienced gratitude for blessings received from Allah and how it has been proven to be false. The conversation also touches on Jesus's actions during the pandemic, including his actions as a doc and his devout love for his patient and caring patients.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah what are the LI your sahih as mine? All Praise and thanks belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala and may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon His servant and final messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as store follows My dear respected Brothers and Sisters in Islam as Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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We also tonight continue the shield series and we reached the cut number 16.

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This is a narration narrated by Abdullah Abdullah Nam lblv Probably Allahu Anhu. He said that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said manpower Lahaina use be Allahumma OS Mojave even near Matin farming got that luxury collect fella can hamdulillah cachaca for cut the sugar yo me, common column is La vedika haYom See, for cut at the chakra Lai la de

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our beloved Hannah Mobley Allahu Anhu.

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He narrated that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever says

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Oh Allah, all the fevers that I or any of your creation have received in the morning are from you alone? You have no partners. To you alone belongs all praise and all thanks.

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This narration here filming

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me now I'm not informing God that this is a narration and Abu Dhabi that would put him on Hola. And then there is an addition in another narration and the necessity in where it is. It says Allahumma OS Mojave Mina Matin will be a ha didn't mean hello click out they hadn't MELHEM take any blessing I have received in the morning or any of your creation that have also received a blessing. We're going to speak about what that is and its significance in a thicket.

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Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says anyone who says this ticket once in the morning, once in the evening, look at the huge reward fuckup at their chakra, yo me he will add the chakra Lottie he,

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in other words, he has fulfilled his obligation of thanking Allah for the day. And if you say it in the evening, you have fulfilled your obligation of thanking Allah azza wa jal for that night, but huge huge reward and merit at saying it once in the morning, and once in the evening.

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And this hadith was authenticated by emember Norway, above there would have been harsher than bears, may Allah azza wa jal bestow his mercy upon them. And others have declared this hadith as being weak, such as Ambani and others, they have their reasons and I've told you before, that the grading of the hadith is masala HD idea. It is a matter of difference of opinion, valid difference of opinion, someone will come to the conclusion that it's authentic, and they do so with deep knowledge in the sciences of Hadith. And some Allah might come to the conclusion that the hadith is weak. And they also have deep knowledge of the sciences of Hadith. So you want to say it's weak and not Dubai,

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it fair enough, no problems. You want to take the opinion that it is authentic, based on some real giants in Islam that have authenticated their Hadith, then you have every basis and every right to do so. And take my the Hadith and worship Allah azza wa jal through this hadith through this liqueur by seeing it once in the morning, once in the evening and hoping that reward from Allah subhanahu wa taala. So the Hadith begins mandala Hina your spirit now we're going to take the opinion that the authentic hadith is authentic, based on the fact that Abu Dawood Rahim Allah authenticated the Hadith, and he's a giant in the sciences of Hadith.

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And he's from the early scholars that would greet the Hadith. So based on that, and that's the way I've been moving along through this series. So we'll take the grading of this hadith as being authentic Bismillah heeta Isla, and the Hadith also doesn't oppose any Islamic teachings. And the the wordings of that hadith are only teaching us the heathen, ascribing the blessings to Allah and thanking him for that. So it doesn't go against any Islamic teaching and that also is from any one of the matters that Allah hammer home Allah mentioned that he posted me be or he's allowed to take my a week Hadith solo

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because it fits certain conditions. And even if we simply tweak even if we said it's weak, we're allowed to take by a weak Hadith if it fits certain conditions. Number one, that the hadith is not extremely weak. And this hadith, its chain is not extremely weak. A number two, the Hadith itself doesn't oppose any teaching in Islam. And this hadith doesn't oppose any teaching in Islam. Rather, it is coming up with all the teachings that we have in Islamic works alongside all of them now

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and there are other conditions that are run by him on malapa So the beginning of this hadith the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Hmong, Paula Hina used to be anyone who says upon entering the morning, we said upon entering the morning is after al Fraser, and he says in the evening and that is after Lawson in the morning you will say Hola Hola. Hola us back. In the evening, you will say hola hola. I'm sad. We'll come to that. Allahumma as the first word. We've said Allahumma means O Allah WEBID mum for Lahemaa Hola. He said that the meme at the end of Allah who met that meme at the end is similar to the at the beginning. So Allahumma is actually yeah, Allah. Remove that meme from

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the end. And if you were to put it in the middle, it converts it becomes a year. So Chia Allah Allahu NMAT. This meme at the end also combines all the names of Allah azza wa jal. So if you want to call Unto Allah through all his beautiful names, in one word, you will say Allah who met Allah Houma would mean that you're saying Yo, man, yo, yo Rahim, Johan EP, I will do their Aleem and so on. You're calling him through all His Names. Very powerful start to this dikkat you're calling out to Allah azza wa jal Elune

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Mac OS Mojave we never met in firming got that. Mouse Barbie Namath informing God that has two meanings, and the above acceptable. Number one, you're seeing, Oh, Allah, all new fevers and blessings that I have received this morning, and receive in the evening, they all come from you alone. I mean, God that.

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So the first meaning is that you're seeing, Oh Allah, every new blessing I received in the morning is from you alone. And the other opinion is to say, oh, Allah. Now OS, Mojave minima, meaning all previous fevers and blessings that I've had that have accompanied me along until I have reached the morning and until I have reached the evening come from you alone. So we're speaking about two types of blessings, the new blessings that you receive that day,

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and the previous blessings that have been with you from last night, and they rolled on until they reach the morning with you.

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This is Mac OS, Mojave Minette, Martin. These are the two meanings and of course they both acceptable because all new blessings come from Allah azza wa jal, and all previous blessings that are still rolling on in your life come from Allah azza wa jal, and this includes all worldly blessings and all spiritual blessings ponder over this brothers and sisters in eastern

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pond over what Allah azza wa jal has blessed you with. The greatest of them all. The greatest blessing

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is no doubt the blessing of guidance and steadfastness here that by far, this is the first thing that should be in your mind, as you're sitting there reading of goals so that you won't miss out along my Mac OS Mojave minyama. And you're thinking, Allah, this guidance that you have given me and you keep renewing it for me, and it was there yesterday, and it's here today, especially if they feel one praying, Salat, and fissured on time. This makes sense for you that Allah azza wa jal has kept you steadfast until this day, praying your five daily prayers.

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We saw that the nun Allah subhanahu wa taala. He mentioned many blessings, the salt of the beam. It's even called Sula to Nam, the Sunnah of blessings. And the first blessing Allah mentioned in surah number one was the blessing of a Tauheed the blessing of la ilaha illAllah. At the very beginning, he said you're resilient and equitable Rahman and Rahim Allah Vineya share Amina anybody and until a Nahu lair ilaha illa de Hoon, La ilaha illa Allah that's the first blessing that was mentioned in solar the nod and then the many other blessings come right after it. This is called the soul of blessings. To understand that if you're still there in the law, not just the word on yet

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Oh, but you're implementing it in your day in your night actions through your Salat and so on. Then this is a great blessing, but Allah azza wa jal has given you that's the first thing that should come in your mind. Well, Allah subhanaw taala he said they'll sort of match either Anioma acumen to lecom dena como atman to an eco near Mati. I have completed my namah upon you, what is the Nirma? Here, the gnamaize that he has completed Islam for us. So now we have Islam complete with all its laws and legislations and rulings and what's forbidden and not just get what's commanded and so on. But this is a dama so Illumina OS Mojave me Nana, Oh Allah, whatever blessing I received this

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morning and on top of the list is the blessing of la ilaha illa. Allah, the blessing of guidance, the blessing of steadfastness, that's the first one you're reflecting over.

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When maybe some Allahu alayhi wa sallam he used to seek protection. He used to seek refuge in Allah used to ask Allah to protect him from allowed bardahl Cole meaning he used to ask Allah to protect him from loss after gain. And the worst loss you can experience is a loss in your email. This, this vicar is very important. Because one of the ways in how you retain a blessing is to thank Allah for it. So the more you're seeing this naked in the morning, in the evening, there's a chance that this guidance remains in your heart and it remains preserved for you. loss after gain is something in the release Allah Allah you know Salam used to seek Allah's protection from to the given guidance,

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and then to lose it. That is a major calamity on how many people face this situation. How many people do you know many alive that used to pray, and now long, longer pre? How many do we know used to wear a hijab? And now they took off a job. How many do we know that used to adhere to modesty? And slowly, slowly, slowly lost their modesty?

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How many do you know used to read the Quran and had memorized the Quran and the knees went by they forgot the Quran. They forgot they forgot a saw they forgot the ayat. This is indeed a huge calamity.

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And losing guidance, losing steadfastness was never an act of oppression from Allah against you. Because Allah said well Melda book a bit of a levy lobbied Law Association does not oppress the servants something went wrong with you. Allah azza wa jal, he said then he can be and Allah let me come over in your near method and

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tell you the Euro maybe unfussy him, Allah azza wa jal, he says he never never changes a blessing from the people. He never strips them away from a blessing. Allah does not take away and he removes a blessing from people until they themselves change. They themselves become corrupt. They go from obedience to disobedience, from piety to rebellion. Once they do that move towards disobedience, then Allah takes away the blessings from them. Subhan Allah?

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Well, this is why Jonnie enamel Sukira him Allah. And he was an imam from among the Chefin a mother. He, a man approached him and he asked him, he said to him, why a blessing removed from us, why do blessings get removed from people?

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And this question was a reason for why is Sookie wrote an entire book, and he called it more he did now, one will be do nikam a whole book, meaning the restore of blessings and the removal of calamities in this book, he tried to explain that he can be added Hola Hola, como era Namrata and I'ma holla poem, The euro euro may be unforeseen. He explained this as that Allah azza wa jal does not remove a blessing from people until they themselves change. They go from guidance to miss guidance. Subhanallah so losing the blessing of steadfastness, which is the first blessing that you should be thinking in the morning when you're seeing along my mouse Mojave minima.

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Losing this blessing of guidance is because of your own deeds, your own doings, Wuhan facade of invariable body Bhima cassava a the mess, because what the people have done with their own hands.

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And you know, one of the reasons that blessings are taken away from a person

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and this he mentions this in the book. One of the reasons is to ascribe the blessing to yourself. This is why this decode becomes very important because we're going to see from encode that all the blessings came from you alone and no one else. One of the greatest reasons

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For ye blessings are removed from people, including the blessing of guidance and steadfastness is that you ascribe it to yourself.

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You walk around, and you believe that you're the one that became guided due to your own actions. And I can go on that is waking up. I'm the one that's putting their foot to meekness will go and go to the masjid and pray and memorize the Quran. And I'm the one that's traveling the world and learning and memorizing and understanding and questioning and sitting with the scholar and that and that is my efforts. Another one that has reached the guidance because of my effort. What it is, is very dangerous. This is the start of guidance being removed from you, when you ascribe it to yourself, and you forget to ascribe it to Allah Azza wa shin. And this is why we're supposed to reflect over

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and Hadith and pudsey and well, Allah azza wa jal, he says, Yeah, bear the Caloocan, Bong. My sleeves, all of you are misguided. See this political con LUCAM all of you, the one that's sitting in the masjid I know what that's sitting in the pub, all of you are misguided. He said it.

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Except men had a toe except who I have chosen to guide. He didn't say your guidance. You have to ascribe it to Allah azza wa jal. Look at this powerful Hadith. All of you are misguided, except who I have chosen for guidance. So so because you're smart, or because you're polite or because you're quiet or because his parents raised him well, or because mashallah leukemia doesn't harm anyone. That's why he's guided.

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That's not the reason. Allah azza wa jal chooses who he guides

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it. Men Hideto. Sometimes people they say, they list they list a number of reasons and they that's why he's guided. Some people have they have this in their mind. They say Oh, Mashallah. He came from a very righteous family. His parents looked after him. They sent him to Quran school Islamic school, and this is why he is guided by Yanni. This is why he's got it wrong.

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This is not why he's guided.

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It is because Allah choosing for guidance, how many are in the same situation, and they come out this believers.

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We know how Allah you set up his son is this this son is some of his what he was, he his father was a prophet. He ends up being a disbeliever not chosen for guidance.

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The reasons and the wisdom so this Allahu Allah in the hands of Allah azza wa jal, and he posted needs to humble himself and understand every blessing, including the greatest of them, guidance, steadfastness comes from Allah subhanahu Medina. Sometimes you find people known in the community, they say, Masha, Allah, Allah, this man gives a lot of charity, very generous. He feeds the poor, the orphans, the needy, he looks after this and looks up and that's why Allah has given him

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wrong. And that that's why Allah has given him wrong.

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It is Allah's origin Steve and his blessing upon him that Allah azza wa jal has given him what he's giving him.

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And what you're doing of goodness, Heather worship, this is what you're supposed to be doing.

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So we don't get these things run wrong. There was a man in the time of an Hasan Basri he came to him with hustle and bustle, he had sweets in front of him.

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So I'll hustle allostery he said to him, Take something eat something. He said to him. Let was, you know, chakra one sort of, he said, I'm not good at thinking this blessing. And he took off he walked away

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from the lottery with his students. And he he looked at his students and he said to Matt, maka, Heather, how foolish is this person? What have you seen? Shoot grandma in bed at the end of vomit?

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Would this person is he good?

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In his thinking, to Allah has vision for cold water when he's thirsty. Can he perfect that gratitude for that sip of cold water when you're desperately needed out of thirst?

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How do you think about absorption for cold water? When you're thirsty? Impossible. Whether this man is saying, I refuse to take it because I'm not good at thinking Allah, who's good at thanking Allah azza wa jal in anything.

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This is This is foolishness. We need to understand that

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there are many blessings in life. Now OS, Mojave minima, many blessings in life that we don't even recognize. How do you thank Allah for them? The blessings that you don't recognize how are you thanking Allah azza wa jal for now let's see your walk. As you're walking you hit the road somewhere. Did you recognize

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means that there are other harms and evils you could have fell into that Allah azza wa jal and saved you from them on that the harms that might have come your way, but Allah azza wa jal put a mark to bat the angels that are surrounding you to protect you, he put them at work, and they began to protect you and turn away the harm and the evil from you because Allah had not decreed it for you. You don't even have a clue about and more active and, and the harms that were your way and what they did in the background to keep the harms and the evil away from you. You only realize when you hit you hit the wall that's it. That's all you realized. Everything else of harm, that Allah has xuejun

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protected you from you have no clue. How do you think Allah azza wa jal for that you don't even realize

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Subhan Allah, all these methods that Allah who would save you from? You don't realize therefore how do you thank you for it? Then there's another thing as well, mouse might have been in nematic what are the other blessings that we can think of? Allah azza wa jal, he blesses you with something, then you say and hamdulillah for it, that you thank Allah for the blessing he gave you.

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But then you thanking him for the blessing is a nother blessing that requires gratitude?

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Because Allah azza wa jal, he blesses us all. Some of us thank Allah, and some don't think Allah azza wa jal, those that think Allah

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isn't the tea that made them aware and enable them to thank you. And those who didn't think

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he deprived them, he deprived them. So the fact that and what's the difference between you and you someone that praises and thanks Allah and someone else that doesn't think what's the difference?

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The difference is, Allah has enabled you. So the fact that he enabled you to say Alhamdulillah, for 1,000,008 That in itself requires another hump. And so all your life you will always be in debt to Allah has social How can you ever see that you have thank Allah azza wa jal in complete the gratitude to Allah associate. And think of another thing that is recent and contemporary in our time that we see. You come across many videos now of people, you ask Allah azza wa jal, to ease the offense, lining up lines and lines and lines of people holding any plate in their head, waiting to fill it with some rice and some food.

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And you look at them in the videos. And you see what is the difference between me and then

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the rice might finish, the food might finish. And still, there are many people in the line that don't get anything. They'll miss out. Maybe they'll have to wait a few more hours for more food to be cooked. And maybe there's nothing for that they they need to go back home after lining up for many hours, come back tomorrow, maybe they get something. You look at this. And you see what is the difference? What's the difference between me sitting here eating comfortably, having no worry about my next meal? And the difference between me and then over there struggling to have a decent meal during the day? What's the difference?

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What is it? Is it because you studied and you graduated? Heck with honors and you worked and you saved money and you have a citizenship here and you can sit here? What about those people? And there's no one among them that has a mind and he's smart and intellectual?

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None of them have? Haven't they also worked and saved money and have honors and so on

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it and what's the difference? That Alonzo again has chosen you for a blessing and he's made it easy for you. And he's made for them difficult to earn food or to receive food during the day and during the night.

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While while lacking it puts you in a position and in a situation to appreciate on the last sergeant has given a to see and hamdulillah for the blessing of Allah so again has given how can the believer go through the day and through the afternoon and not see the sticker Allahumma OS Mojave me now I met him oh we had him in Hungary. I think that Claire Shadi Kolak fella can help do like a shook. Whoever says this He has fulfilled the obligation of thanking Allah for that.

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He's huge. It's a mighty man Yanni, Mata

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mouse, Bohemian namah. And these are some of the blessings that I am sharing with you so we can engage with this liqueur. Otherwise, we can explain this Likud in two minutes and we're finished. But we need to live a ticket. So we see how it's going to affect us in our day in and our evening. How are we going to be awakened and inspired

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aided by the Snicket

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mouse Barbie namah every knowledge that you have in your mind and in your heart, this is a NEMA from Allah azza wa jal, that also deserves thanks. The number of health and well being, and I have here, this is from the greatest now maybe sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned it as being the second best nehama, after yapping, after having certainty in your faith, after having certainty in your steadfast and in your inner Lala, the second best blessing upon people and mankind is well being alive here. We spoke about a lot of fear when we mentioned that occur.

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And this is a blessing that we take granted, we take it for granted, we don't know the real value of well being and health until we lose it, or we lose some of it. What until we visit someone who has been tested in his health, look at the site that Allah has given you. And hearing and the ability to talk and the ability to move and to walk, or just the ability to, to breathe to breathe air, oxygen, you know, some people cannot breathe on their own. They need machines for most part of the day in most part of the night, and some on the machine 24 hours of the day. If they remove it, it becomes difficult to breathe.

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And it is very same thing that we're not even thinking of now. It's subconsciously we go inhale, exhale, father's if they remove the tube from their nose.

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Yeah, and it becomes a burden it becomes something difficult. Their focus is all on breathing. I cannot think of anything else.

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I think we know Allahumma OS Mojave namah OB I had him in Huntik. We need to be thankful and grateful to Allah searching for these blessings and not forget about them.

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Wouldn't it be subtle Allahu alayhi wa salam when he used to wake up in the morning from what he used to say. And this is the Afghan of waking up the front of girls so that girl of waking up. used to say Alhamdulillah he loved me if any fees yesterday. See see what an assassin we thinking Allah Whoa. He's saying Alhamdulillah that Allah has given me well being in my body. Have the loves the the fingers are still moving the eye. It's opening and closing. It's working. The ears still hearing how many people overnight wake up, cannot move his hand. Overnight he gets up he cannot hear in his left ear or his right IE.

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He wakes up he cannot taste his tongue cannot taste anything.

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He wakes up to an accident a car smashed right into his car, he lost his legs. I ask Allah azza wa jal to save us. So let me so I said LEM would wake up and he would recognize this blessing to the point where he would see your honor on his thumb, you'll see it. It's not just something in the brain on commerce, Allah gave love and hamdulillah in love the if any fees yesterday Hamdulillah that he gave me well being in my body.

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One or the other, you're watching. And then he would say Alhamdulillah that Allah has returned by so once again, for me to see another day to worship Allah. Another chance of worshiping Allah. Hey, Daddy, you're all right. How many people sleep and there is not returned to them. And I was in northern just one week ago. The first day I landed. And Dawn Allah I didn't even know this person. Reckon Allah azza wa jal wanted that we meet him. I came, we got to the airport early. We landed early. But there was miscommunication with those that came to pick me up. So like 20 minutes went by. And I'm somewhere in there somewhat always look, look what Allah has decreed. And all of this.

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Then we ended up going, they said, Let's go eat something. I said, Well, I don't want to eat anything. This is going to sleep and pull here that we ended up going everything. I'm so far to say no, no, no to. We ended up going somewhere. Then they say we'll go down and eat or stay in the car, we'll go home. I said, we'll go home. Let's and they push them. Let's go down and everything is I don't want we end up going down. We sit down. And then two brothers come and sit in front of us. I don't know them. They don't know us. I'm speaking to the brother. I'm telling you about how this world their life was never meant to be a paradise story mode. I was telling him. I said the people

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are sick, they're mentally sick, because they are forcing this dunya to be a paradise for them. But it's not. So if you're going to make this dunya what it's not you always be suffering. Then the brother in front of us. He said, Are you ashamed? Or sit? Amala? No, this is what they say. What do you have? So he said, he said this is my if he's this man here. He is married to my sister and she died last night in her sleep. She was 23 years of age and they had buried her just last night.

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And the brothers sitting down is telling me and I started praying today and the Shi T which doesn't know what Salat is. Well, we started to pray today. And then her husband there that sitting. He said, Can you come tomorrow to Elijah and give a talk why they couldn't find anyone there that distant from the community. They don't know anyone to come to them certain costs but it's very clear that Allah wants us to go that fight. We took the details, and we went there the next day. People that have nothing to do with Islam and the

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second one a darling you're walking. He's praising Allah for returning his soul yet again.

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If this is someone recent, no that happens every day. The Sleep young and healthy, nothing wrong with them. They don't wake up the next morning for Nabi SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam would thank Allah for the opportunity that he gives him for yet another day. What Avena li B Vickery. And he will trees Allah azza wa jal that he gave him ability to remember him. He's very deep. Whatever you know, Lee, be Vickery. Because it's only Allah azza wa jal that will allow you to remember him.

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that heart of yours is owned by Allah azza wa jal.

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Nothing on earth, nothing on earth will be able to, we'll be able to enable your heart and your tongue to remember Allah except Allah soldier. No one has the ability. No one has the ability to get you up to worship Allah except if Allah was to give you this heavy a blessing. This is from the blessings of Allah, Allah, Allah Azza Habima Nirma you're reflecting over these blessings, and the result of Allahu alayhi wa sallam would thank Allah the moment he is I opened

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what are the nearly basically, this is indeed a huge blessing. Then if Allah azza wa jal deprive you of worship that the

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who's going to give you the ability to worship alone.

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Worship worshipping Allah azza wa jal requires a strength of the heart, not strength of the body. You can go and work out every day and pump into your body what they want, it still will not enable you to worship point to anything

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in the worship needs strength of the heart. No one possesses this except for Allah azza wa jal. So brothers and sisters in Islam, we need to be aware of these matters when we're making this thicket in the morning, Lama OS, Mojave venality

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and every morning, Allah azza wa jal is pouring blessings upon us. Like the Quran he says what a spa Alikum now I'm over here he'll tell you about Bina he has completed and perfected his blessings and fevers upon your all we are drenched in the blessings of Allah assmang us Baba is to perfect something and completely cover it. Like you know when we Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam speaks about Isbell who to perfect and who you know when you make will do their whole limb has to be full with water, all of it you got to cover the whole thing. That's the same word used for the blessings upon us a spa Alikum now my home, he drenched you with blessings. It's covering every part of your

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In the ears and in the eyes in the nose inside you are things you can recognize things you don't recognize. While here are 10 apparent blessings belting out them he said he didn't blessings that you have no clue about

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Subhanallah and then in addition to this, the food that we have the drink that we have the clothing, the wealth, the children,

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and as many as many blessings we need, we will never ever, ever be able to count them all. Long story short, he says when in doubt do not Allah if you tried to count the blessings of Allah led to us who hurt, you will never come to the end of it. He cannot count them all. So ask Allah azza wa jal to preserve our blessings and to increase it for us and most importantly, to keep us grateful for them. Allahumma Moussa Habima Namath in OB had him hunk, O Allah, any blessing that was given to me or any of your creation?

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The need is from you alone, or any of your creation?

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Who's the creation of Allah, the angels, algin, birds, insects, animals, fish, other human beings, all of that is included in this.

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And what's happening in this part here, I'll be adding Mahalik you're saying Oh Allah, I economic that all blessings you granted me and all the blessings that you gave all of your creation are from you alone?

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In this part of a thicket, we are showing gratitude for the blessings that were received by others.

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This brings us to a question why are we thanking Allah for the blessings that others receive?

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Is that we have nothing to do with

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your nana in the morning, I'm saying, Oh, we are having millimetric I'm thanking Allah for the food that he gave the bird.

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I'm thanking Allah for the blessings that He gave you. And what do I have to do with that? She was very important. There were reasons. In early mount well hammer home, Allah mentioned three things, number one, because in one way or another, we might get a portion of the blessings that Allah has given others.

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So we thank Allah for the blessing that he's given them, for example. And the masala there is a cow gets up in the morning, and it begins to graze the land, eating grass. So we're thanking Allah, for the grass, he gave that cow because eventually we're going to take from its meat and from its milk.

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So we're thanking Allah for the blessing he gave others of his creation, because in one way or another, we're going to benefit from that, if you're going to return back to us.

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You might have got up in the morning, made some money, then I did a job for you, then you gave me from that blessing you gave me from that wealth. One way or another, the blessings are turned around over among the people. So we thank Allah for the blessing he gave us and he gave us that's the first reason

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number two, because others might not show gratitude to Allah azza wa jal for the blessings they received, which is something very saddening and upsetting for the believer tunnel. Very sad for me to know that there is a Christian out there, there is enjoying Allah's blessing and is not even caring, thank Allah for it.

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So how do I heal? How do I cool and calm myself down? I do that by saying, oh, wish I hadn't been helping. I am thanking Allah on his behalf, the one who did not think Allah azza wa jal for that blessing.

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and the final reason that a lot of Allah mentioned

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is so that we can cut out the roots of jealousy from the heart.

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You see, what is jealousy? Somebody said jealousy is to wish for the blessings of others to be stripped and removed away from them. But that's not an accurate definition of jealousy. Jealousy is to hate the blessing of Allah upon others, whether you wish for it to be removed or not. This is the correct definition below the London definition of inevitable Rahimullah with no

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jealousy is to hate Allah's blessing upon someone else.

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That's jealousy. So when you thank Allah for the blessings He has given others, it leaves no room for you to be jealous of them. So you say I will be the model click you see, this will be a herding meme. Hello, pick it cues jealousy in the hearts know how awkward

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Mr. Malla? They do? Bring a question here to mind and I'll bring it to you as well. Is it permissible to be jealous of a disbeliever and a rebellious person? I say there's a Kaffir that has many blessings. Is it permissible for a Muslim to be jealous of a Catholic because of the blessings? Yes. So that would say no, it is not allowed, it is actually forbidden. Because we said jealousy is to heat the blessing of Allah upon someone else.

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And within this, there is an objection to the kingdom of Allah observation. Allah decreed for such a person to have that much. So if you are jealous of him, no matter who he is, you've actually hated and objected to something Allah has decreed on Earth. And so this is why it is impermissible. And other than that, some are mentioned it's permissible to be jealous of a disbeliever and a rebellious person that uses the blessings of Allah publicly to disobey Allah azza wa jal perhaps maybe only this could be an exception, but as a fundamental rule, jealousy against anyone is forbidden now

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Allahumma Metis Mojave will not matter it will be a hottie mean hello kick is a now we understand Oh, there hadn't been one click you are acknowledging Allah's blessings upon all his creation. Beautiful. Okay, we move on thumbing God that lash any color. You'll see now

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all these blessings

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upon me and upon others having what the heck they are from you alone. Lash

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recollect, you have no partners. This is powerful words, these ones here for Minka. Why duck, luxury collec. I'll tell you what these three things imply and what they're all about. Why that? Why that is an emphasis of Minka.

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So Minca you what, that alone it emphasizes it.

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Luxury kalloch is an emphasis of whack. So once again,

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why DECA is an emphasis of Minca. Luxury cannot is an emphasis of whack. So what we're seeing is the come only from you, and no one else. No one had a hand in Allah distributing blessings upon his creation. It all came from Allah azza wa jal, the first of it, and the last of it. No one aided him. No one supported him. No one worked with him at all. All of it came from Allah.

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That's firming that lash recolor.

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And what does it teach this thing here? It implies the hate.

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It teaches us to hate.

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And that's the Tawheed that's in this ticket. Alongside Allahumma Of course, at the beginning, when you're saying Oh Allah, I remember I've told you many times, that the central message of all the Afghan in Islam is worked at the heat, renewing heat in different ways, say this way and say it that way. And think about it this way. And today, we're thinking about it in this manner. Yesterday, last time when we're doing has to be Hola Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola. You're talking to a horrible auction of him. We're thinking of it to hate from another direction. Today we think of it from the perspective of blessings. And this is why it is from the hate. From the purity of the heat and the completeness

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of it the heat

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is to ascribe the blessings to Allah alone and to no one else. firming go that can actually collect. If you ascribe the blessing to other than Allah, there is shift in this. This is why Allah condemned the disbelievers

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when they ascribe the NAMUR to have of them Allah La Sorgente said, What is your Aluna is kakum a nickname to Kathy Boone? Law social, he said and he people make the thank for your provision that you denied the provider. Your name instead of scraping the number to Allah and thanking him. You denied that Allah gave you this. That's what the eye means.

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Wouldn't it be sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he mentioned in the famous Hadith the hadith of Xena and Holly didn't do anything about the Allahu Anhu Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam got up one morning he was praying salted fish, it was the day of the via and it had rained the night before. So Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said to the Companions at his own another follow up book on you people. Are you aware of what Allah said just today?

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They said Allahu wa rasuluh who Allah Allah and His Messenger know best. He said to them that Allah said us by having a bad day Milan Bua cafard from among my sleeves today, some woke up believing in me and some woke up disbelieving in me.

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Meaning people now have become two tribes, two parties, there is a disbelieving nation and there is a believing nation. He then said to them

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for among Karla bergna Turner before biller here what I hammer at anyone who woke up in the morning and said we were granted rain water by the fever and mercy of Allah the nuts a believer in me because he ascribed the blessing to Allah. That's a movement that's a person who has fulfilled that no heat. And anyone who got up and said,

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Martina we know each other our cover. We were granted green water because of this collection of stars in the sky, for their Lika care field will be minimal camp. Such a person has rejected me, he's denied me. He hasn't established or hated. Why? Because he ascribed the nightmare to other than Allah. He said it's that collection of stars in the sky. That is reason for why we were given REM Cafe Subhan Allah.

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We need to understand for Nutella, that luxury connect every blessing in life came from Allah and from no one else there there. This is the heat. Remember last time I told you that people criticize those who speak about him because their knowledge about concrete is limited to hate is not just about stand up and pray and worship Allah. It's many forms and this is one of them. See how many people fall in a shitcan? They don't know

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merely by just ascribing the blessing to himself or to someone else

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will Imam a PB Rahim Allah, he said when he explained for me that pleasure he cannot he said this. He said the servant has acknowledged and declared that all blessings that are granted and distributed among the creation from the beginning of time until the believers enter the paradise all come from him alone. Therefore, therefore, when we say this ticket, we are saying, Oh Allah assist me and aid me, that I be grateful for the blessings and that I be grateful to you alone. There are two things that we want. We want to be grateful for these blessings. And we also want to be grateful to Allah azza wa jal for them.

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Right? We both you need both. One without the other is a failure.

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And this is what the * it is here. This is from from this hadith that we're sharing. This is how a person achieved the door heat and the conditions of gratitude. How does a person become grateful to the blessings that Allah has given him? How three steps number one, to acknowledge with your heart that the blessing came from Allah. Allah said when I become enamored in Femina Allah any blessing that you have is from Allah, that's number one.

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Number two, you ascribe the blessing to Allah with your tongue

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by saying this is from Allah have them in the lobby.

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What unmad Binya Mati all began for her death.

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You know, so a man Allah is Sarah.

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when the queen of Saba Valkyries when she sent him a gift,

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trying to bribe him so that he doesn't come to Yemen and overtake it. Right? She sent a messenger with a gift here giving the gift so that he doesn't come here. You know what he said? He said to them

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awesome. Take a look at all I do we do nanny be man Fana Danny Aloha, you will mean that.

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He said to you people trying to bribe me and give me Well, listen to what he said. He did not say what I have is better than what you people offer. He said what Allah has given me is better than what you people can offer. For that. Tiny Allah. Higher mimetic was much better than what he has given you. He ascribed the blessing to Allah azza wa jal. So they then Allah you Salam as well, with everything that he had, he would point to it and he would see how that mean from Lil B. This is all from the blessing in the fevers of Allah azza wa jal upon me. You know, you find in the case of the cognate don't complain was a king.

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He was one of four kings that ruled the globe. Four Kings ruled the go to Muslims and to disbelievers. One of them was the local name. He wrote the entire globe at his time, Margarita Shem. So Murshida chanson until he reached the usual use, and finally when he got there, and he wanted to build the wall, because that's what the people of that town wanted. They wanted a wall between them and, and usually George,

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and they sit them under shadow, like a harbinger, the townspeople they said, Can we offer you a tribute? We'll give you some money for you to build a wall. You know what he said to a king? King, he's in the best position to be the most arrogant person on earth and take advantage of what he's got. He set from that position, man, that Kenny fee he'll be hired. He said, What Allah azza wa jal has given me authority over is better than what you people have just I need manpower, let's build this wall and they built it. And at the end, when he finished it, he didn't say this is my effort. This is what I built. He said, Paul, there has to be. This is a mercy from my Lord. Love, love. And

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Quran gives us how a person should be speaking when referring to the blessings that Allah has given him in his life.

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Well, Subhan Allah who will find on the other hand, the one who ascribes the blessing to himself.

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They see what Allah azza wa jal does with him like padrone. When was when Karuna was asked about his fortune, you know, although he had massive loss of just the keys to open the chamber, and the chest, the treasure chest where his wealth was stored. It required several strong men that's just the key to open the lock. Allah azza wa jal mentioned this in the Quran.

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else but he right to open just the open mat in nama Fatiha who letter no

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Will will last but

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when he spoke about his blessing, he said, he said, Allah in an odd to who Allah I mean nd he said I was given all this because of the knowledge that I was given. My knowledge is my skills, it's my contacts. It's my experience and I had this I got it from all this all my work, SHUVALOVA stuff, maybe he will be dead he had all the opens up and it swallows him and all his fortunes. And he's sinking until this day. Allah, I think it didn't benefit anything. Why? Because he was arrogant, did not want to ascribe the blessing to Allah azza wa jal. We can learn brothers and sisters. That's the reason for these of God. So we can do the right thing by Allah azza wa jal, and even if someone did,

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did you a favor, even if someone gave you a gift? Right? You might say yeah, but the blessing came from him. He's the one that came to my door and gave me a gift. They managed from you. How did it come from Allah? We're going to say initially, it came from Allah, who enabled this person who gave this person anyone who gave him for him to come to you and give you

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anything you came on earth poor, you had nothing. Everything you came in life was from Allah. So if you decided to give a gift to someone else, it's still came from Allah initially. That's why on the Day of Judgment, people as the rector are resurrected a lot I have had a rotten

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boo men, the Hadith says woman, woman poor Lashay alone. They are poor, that's your state poor.

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Okay, so we said, you acknowledge in the heart, it's from Allah, your attire on the tongue, it's from Allah azza wa jal. Someone says to you how many kids you have Alhamdulillah Allah has blessed me with four or five kids. Someone says what Al Hamdulillah Allah has blessed me with such and such car. Well hamdulillah Allah has blessed me with such and such job position has always put include in your word, when you speak about your blessings, put the word Allah in there and acknowledge it on your tongue that it came from Allah azza wa jal and number three,

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that you do not use the blessing to disobey Allah associate. Rather you use the blessing to obey Allah azza wa jal. These are three important conditions of acknowledging and being grateful to a blessing God Allah azza wa jal has given.

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Well, of course, every disobedience we do in life is actually through a blessing Allah has given us well even though Allah it may lay hollow as your own. And this is why it's important to always seek forgiveness and ask Allah azza wa jal to forgive.

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Every single disobedience you do, it's through a blessing Allah gave you, if it's with your eyes, that's a blessing Allah gave you if your disobedience is in your ears by listening to allow music and that it's what it's with a blessing Allah gave you. Some people they have beauty, and Allah has given them beauty. And then they go out and display this beauty to the world. Right? Either by not adhering to a hijab, or makeup on the face and coming out to society with that, either all how all of this is a person taking the blessing of Allah azza wa jal and disobeying Allah with it. But Allah gave you a beauty. Then Allah azza wa jal told you what to do with it. He said to cover it up.

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So then you come out and you display it. This is nothing but obedience of the Shabbat, isn't the obedience of Allah azza wa jal and we all have faults, all of us. I told you, all of us if we ever disobey the law, and that's alpha state, because the human being is weak, we are disobeying Allah through blessings He's given us.

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So this usually, it's supposed to create that eagerness and that need that you seek Allah's forgiveness every moment of the day in the night you take advantage of the still fought.

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We don't want to meet Allah azza wa jal on the Day of Judgment, having disobeyed Him with blessings He gave us, because if you disobeyed Allah who is a blessing, that means your gratitude for that blessing is deficient. You didn't complete the gratitude for that blessing. So ask Allah azza wa jal to grant us forgiveness.

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And from these matters, Allah azza wa jal blesses people today with marriage ease go by eventually they find the right person and they get married, only to start this beautiful Namur that Allah has bestowed upon each of them.

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A wedding that is displeasing to Allah has special musical bands, DJ

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dancers, rappers or singers and stay up overnight. Miss solid Fisher Rousselot Alicia money is wasted food in its tongues is thrown away. This is not how we think about social for the blessing of marriage. Allah azza wa jal blessed you with marriage, though, take that blessing and disobey Allah azza wa jal

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With don't make it a source and a means to disobey Allah. Rather, we should take advantage so just to shake up well hamdulillah and do that which is pleasing to Allah azza wa jal unfortunately this is only something widespread and common among our community among the people. When the visa Allah Allah, Allah, he was salam, he caused two type of sounds. He said, Sultanahmet ronelle, if you do not want to sounds accursed in this life and in the afterlife, one of them he said Ms. MeLuna, in the near

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the trumpet, the musical instrument that is used as a blessing.

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So that wedding is a blessing. Once you come in, you start using all these musical instruments to establish a party and to create one I don't know what it is that people do have that want to hold on to what they let all see. But that sound at that time of blessing is a curse, basketball and social to save us and the other one, what I'm not doing in the masiva to ring the sound of a bell at the time of calamity, in a ton of calamity you should say in any level in daily huddle, do not bring goals. Therefore these sounds were caused in this life and in the afterlife. Similarly, coding, that's a blessing from Allah. So it's a blessing from Allah azza wa jal. What does that mean? That

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means don't use it, to disobey Allah. Well, how many people use their clothes in disobedience of Allah azza wa jal? Well, how many distortions do we have to be in the hijab industry?

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Islamic swimwear for women, kids with Islamic means in which a sunnah may Heather is this one precise and recommended for a woman to wear when she goes to the beach, shoot the distortion. We took a whole new concept in Islam, Elijah and it's distorted that bad that if you speak about the duel with you, you're condemned Don't you dare talk about it. Here we go again, or the topic of America is repeated.

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We ask Allah azza wa jal to save us but the reality is, these are blessings clothing is a blessing from Allah was supposed to be Allah associated with it. In order to be grateful that ever this these Allah in His clothing, wears clothing that is not befitting for a Muslim that exposes is our whether it's men or women. He is disobeying Allah with a Nana that he has given him. So we need to be careful from that as well.

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Fella can handle Welaka sugar, and that's the end of a thicket. Fella can hamdulillah sugar. So if said Allahumma metals What have you been narrative about how the male healthy calf iminco That last Jedi collect? And we said for Minko that last Jedi collect the pillars of being grateful to Allah, acknowledge it in the heart, say it on the tongue and then use the blessing to obey Allah azza wa jal not to disobey Him. At the end for like Al Hamdulillah. Shaka to alone belongs all praise and all thanks. See Philip can hum just like we said last time, Lee or can't hear we could have said Alhamdulillah or Schuco roloc. But we said falaka al hum Walaker Ashoka when we say falaqa first, it

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implies and if the sauce exclusivity meaning to you alone belongs praise and no one else and to you alone belongs all our gratitude and no one else and there's something beautiful here phanindra That glare surely cannot cause a hate falak Alhamdulillah Ashoka is gratitude to Allah azza wa jal and this concept is repeated a lot in our deen you will find the mention of a Tawheed and then the mention of gratitude to teach you that establishing gratitude to Allah in your life is part of ATO hate Allah azza wa jal in the Quran he says, the beginning of Solothurn Fatiha and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen that's what gratitude to Allah azza wa jal What's the second half of it? II can Abu

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er can Stein What's that? That's a towhead. So Surah Al Fatiha began with gratitude with the praise of Allah. And the second half was to heed Allah azza wa jal, the worship of Allah azza wa jal, Allah, Allah azza wa jal in Surah Prophet he said, For the room lessly in Allah who deem worship Allah azza wa jal decency in your deen and your worship of is that story that he stood straight after Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen the concept of a Lumpkin so you will figure this out you'll see it in the Quran a lot has been mentioned. And then a toe he'd been mentioned teaching you and I that your hand your gratitude is a huge part of your heathen your worship and obedience to Allah

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azza wa jal Well, I think it was an apostle of the Allahu Anhu he said

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A shoe crew knows full Amen. Gratitude is half of faith. What's the other half?

01:00:07 --> 01:00:13

Are several patients, if they're going to add to the coolness of bear shockula

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And that's perfect. That's all a faith, half of it is gratitude. And the other half is patience. So Pamela, and all the worships that you do, your solidarity or fasting, yours occurred, all of that is included in each sign. It's included in the gratitude part. And every sin and disobedience he keep away from that's in the southern part. And that's what faith is.

01:00:39 --> 01:00:43

For like Alhamdulillah cachaca, what's the difference between Al hamdu Shakur and

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is to be done by the heart and the tongue?

01:00:48 --> 01:01:29

Hum, here, you praise Allah and you're grateful to Allah in your heart and on your tongue will hummed also, is to think Allah azza wa jal and praise Him for the good and the bad, right we say Alhamdulillah Allah Quran behind when you're in a disaster in a calamity, when evil has struck you off sickness and loss of health and wealth and whatever it is, you say. Alhamdulillah. So alhamdulillah is set for the good in life and for the bad experiences in life. And it is with the heart and the tongue. A sugar on the other hand, it's the heart, the tongue and the limbs. The limbs do sugar to Allah has solution.

01:01:30 --> 01:01:54

Right? And a sugar is only for goodness. You don't do sugar for the evil. A sugar is for the goodness that comes in your life. And this is why Allah azza wa jal he would say about a sugar yeah man who enter there who the sugar raw, do the sugar of the family of the wood. And sugar is an action that could be done on the limbs, different time hump.

01:01:55 --> 01:02:36

Now, when the beasts Allahu alayhi wa sallam used to pray the entire night, until he is he would crack and bleed I shall obey Allah Juana as you would say to him. Why? Since Allah has already forgiven you from all your past and future sins and mistakes, what does he see in return? I found out a corner Abdun shockula Shall I not be a grateful sleep? So in the recent Allahu alayhi wa sallam acknowledges that his solid is his gratitude to Allah. He's thanking Allah through His salah. It's not just about having my sins been wiped away. I know Allah has forgiven me for my sins, but now I need to establish gratitude. So solid is gratitude. Fasting is gratitude. Remember, Musa

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alayhis salam fasted the day of our show Allah, because Allah azza wa jal saved him in bending aside from Pharaoh, and we fast as well see, fasting is gratitude as well. And all the deeds that we do, they are sugar now.

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And so now when you see what Allah azza wa jal has given you

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have health and wealth and blessings you see and humbly learn financial How do you say Alhamdulillah some people are unable to get out of their beds, some bit one blood so if it was to stop flowing in your body, it creates a blood clot that person could have a stroke or a heart stroke or brain stroke, it could die immediately, or he could become disabled permanently cannot move his hands and legs anymore. So what hamdulillah for every blessing that is still functioning and working within sight of of your body. When you eat something you see and hamdulillah afterwards, as a Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us anyone who ate or drank and then said hamdulillah a lovely

01:03:38 --> 01:04:03

apartment he has a biomodels or Connie minoli How will it mean mean what a coup that Allah azza wa jal forgives him for his for his sins. Because Allah azza wa jal loves to hear from the servant pump. So Fela can hump you're saying this in the early hours of the morning? Well, Subhan Allah, the blessings as I as I told you, they have any, you know, few centuries ago, people would drink from wells that were dirty and smelly.

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Wells that snakes would come and drink from and animals would reside and live next to that was people's water.

01:04:14 --> 01:04:26

Imam Ibn Taymiyyah Rahim Allah in one of his fatawa he speaks about the ruling of droppings of mice that ends up in flour, Bureau flour.

01:04:27 --> 01:04:57

They asked him what's the ruling of droppings of mice that ended up in the flower? And he would give them a fatwa. He would say you refer me a CD. He would say a minute because it's hilarious, right? The droppings of the mice is nauseous. He says, if if minute droppings of a mice is found in the flower, doesn't matter. It's pardoned. It's forgiven. The situation was difficult back there centuries ago. That's how it was and his explanation to this at the

01:04:59 --> 01:04:59


01:05:00 --> 01:05:19

Well, hello, I'm glad to be here because it's a widespread matter. We cannot keep the bags of flour away from the mice, there will always end up droppings in it. Today Today, if there is a small dropping of a mice in the corner of a restaurant and close it down, don't shut the whole thing down the standard is changed.

01:05:20 --> 01:06:03

How much more are we supposed to think about so it shouldn't fall? need to be aware of these numbers. But there needs to be sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once a solid, the Companions they came to him and they said the Eldest will Allah. Let me do it on his own. We can we only find one garment to pray and can we pray with one garment? He says to them, I will equally mean console bein like rhetorically he says well, who among you possesses two garments anyway? And he wants this question if it's one garment so as long as it covers that I want to pray with that one garment. But look what he said to them. He said Who among you possesses to he was like a luxury thing to have two pieces of

01:06:03 --> 01:06:19

clothing. shuffle them today. You're open they're there the cabinet the cupboard whatever it is in the house. Naming types of clothing some we wear once some we wear twice a year some we just buy and we've never worn yet.

01:06:20 --> 01:07:03

And then a lot of it is thrown at the end of the it's not needed it's not required. Now Allah here we are in immense blessings. That if you were to read in our time and observe what we have compared to what was there in the past Wallahi there is no comparison. And back then and The SLM is teaching them to see this DeCaro hummed Allahu Allah on what what was that? Imagine how much now is hummed required from from you and I Brothers and Sisters in Islam Subhan Allah ask Allah azza wa jal to grant us acceptance and forgiveness. Finally brothers were coming to the India brothers and sisters Ashok and Hola. He said about the virtue of this ticket. He said there is an immense virtue in this

01:07:03 --> 01:07:48

ticket. Whoever says this once in the morning, once in the evening, he has fulfilled the gratitude that he owes Allah azza wa jal during that day. And you say it once in the evening you have fulfilled, you know what it means to fulfill Yanni in the house, you're registered that day, you've done the hump that you're supposed to do. Like you know, when you go to work, and you know that you owe six hours of work, once six hours pass, you can go you have fulfilled your hours of work. Allah is telling you that whoever says the snicker wants in the morning, once in the evening, you have fulfilled the gratitude of the DEA, even though you couldn't even calculate how many blessings Allah

01:07:48 --> 01:07:49

gave you. He's a bargain.

01:07:50 --> 01:08:16

This is, this is incredible. This is my show. Gannavaram Allah said this is an immense virtue. And I tell you something from the Mercy of Allah azza wa jal is that he gives the servants blessings that they are supposed to thank him for and then he appreciates the gratitude and he rewards them for it. What did Allah benefit? Allah benefited nothing from our gratitude, he gave us the blessing.

01:08:17 --> 01:08:20

He gave us the words that He is pleased with

01:08:21 --> 01:08:31

you setup you did yourself a favor, not Allah, on the day of judgment. He appreciates what you did for yourself, not for him.

01:08:32 --> 01:08:38

What can I say you come mascara, your efforts that you did for yourself

01:08:39 --> 01:09:08

the efforts you did to prepare yourself for the paradise that was appreciated by Allah social peace if this doesn't motivate and encourage a person to remain upon steadfastness in goodness will of God in his life well there's nothing else let me know I'm telling you you're benefiting no one else. You know, sometimes people they do janiak A half half job when they know it's for someone else. When the job is for him that's perfection 100% Right.

01:09:09 --> 01:09:30

Builders know this really well and others that do services for others notice really well if you're not doing for myself, if he doesn't have integrity and honesty. The job is a half a job complete there's a lot of flaws in his building for himself. He's my one I'm going to perfect the to every centimeter of that house.

01:09:32 --> 01:09:44

planted the goodness and I'll get a little solid all the worship if you're doing for yourself honey unfussy him Yeah. Mahadevan Allah says they're paving the road for themselves to the paradise. So fix that up for yourself but if Nila hit

01:09:46 --> 01:09:49

Nam, I will surely come on. No, no, no. What

01:09:51 --> 01:10:00

about Freud? Hello SNA bye. Okay, we finish here. Zack Hello. Hello. It's enough for a thicker We ask Allah subhanaw taala to accept from us all to forgive our sins thou shalt come

01:10:00 --> 01:10:06

Things in the Hollywood Erykah Badu rally are some Allahu wa Salam o Velyka Elena Vienna Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Germaine

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