Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P16 162B Tafsir Ta-Ha 105-112

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The potential disaster of the Day of Judgment is discussed, including potential mountain breaching and the potential for road construction delays due to storm conditions. The Earth is shattered and covered, and individuals are punished for their actions. The importance of self-consciousness and forgiveness is emphasized, along with the need for forgiveness and apologizing for mistakes. The importance of forgiveness and apologizing for mistakes is emphasized, and individuals and the church are encouraged to strive for excellence.
AI: Transcript ©
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Lesson number 162 surah Taha I O 105 to 135 Where's Ilona carnal debelle and they ask you about mountains, the Day of Judgment has been mentioned. And when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would read if to the Mushrikeen to the disbelievers about the coming of the day of judgment about the reality of the Day of Judgment, what would their response be? They would ask him questions. And these questions were not asked out of, you know, sincere intention to learn, but they were asked out of pure mockery. They were asked in denial, that Okay, so if this Day of Judgment is coming, how is it possible? Where's Aluna? Cardinal Jabaal they ask you about mountains, that these mountains, what

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will happen to them? These mountains that are so huge, that are immovable, they will shatter on the Day of Judgment, where will they go? What will happen to them for call Allah subhanaw taala says, Tell them say to them, young sifu * or be NUS fair, young see for her, he will blow it away, who will be my lord, my lord will blow them away NUS via completely a definite shattering a definite scattering, meaning completely and totally, he will blow them away so that nothing will be left on them. This word, NUS. We've heard this earlier also the calf that somebody had made Musala Salam said, learn and see if I know, right, we're going to scatter its ashes. We're going to burn it and

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we're going to scatter its ashes. NUS is when for example, NASA theory, the wind, it picked up something very light and blew it away.

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So for instance, sand or ashes. Imagine when they're mid air, what happens to them or leaves? What happens to them, the wind just picks them up and scatters them away, blows them away.

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Alright, think about dandelion, right? What happens to when you blow it, what happens? They scatter away, or even snowflakes when the wind is blowing how they're scattering away.

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But when there's something heavy, something heavy, then the wind cannot just pick it up and blow it away. Right? Unless the wind is really powerful and really strong. You're talking about a tornado or something like that. So imagine these heavy solid firmly rooted mountains which are like bags, what will happen to them on the Day of Judgment, Allah will blow them away with a blast, just as sand or dust or leaves or ashes are blown away.

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In other words, it is not difficult for Allah to blow the mountains away on the Day of Judgment. What do you think of Allah? You think it is difficult for him? You think it is impossible for him? No, it is not. Yun sifu * of be NASA completely and totally you will blow them away. So they will not remain at all no trace of them shall remain.

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And this has mentioned elsewhere in the Quran as well in many places. For instance, in total healthcare I have 14 We learn what homiletical are the well gee bell for Dakota Dakota Wahida the earth in the mountains lifted up and leveled with one blow. There'll be leveled one blow on us.

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In certain normal is 88 we learn what are all Dibella taxa jam either you look at the mountains and you think that they are very firm. And that's what we think these are immovable. I mean if a road has to be made through the mountains, you need so many dynamites and God knows what to blow those mountains in order to pave the way through them.

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But what will happen what here tomorrow Mara sahab the same mountains will move as the clouds move

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as the clouds move.

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What a corner Juba, Luca Lorraine in my man foolish mountains will be like wool that is fluffed up was so urothelial jiba LUFA cannot Sahaba The Mountains will be removed and they will be like a mirage. Like a mirage you know something you see from far you think it's water, but when you go closer, it's nothing. So likewise, you think they're so solid, but what will remain of them nothing. You can see for her or be nice fat nothing will be left at them. And the word pneus is also used for demolishing something. So imagine a building or structure a firm that is demolished were at the foundations at the very root. So what will happen if the foundation is destroyed, the entire

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structure will come crumble

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window and as it will crumble down, it will be turned to dust, it will be blown away from the same root the word Nassif is used for an explosive and explosive just imagine what happens when it blows, everything is shattered, blown away.

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So, Yanceyville has not been ESFa these mountains will be pulled down, they will be demolished and they will be scattered away. They are together. They're so firm, solid structure so consolidated, but what will happen, they will scatter on that day, further who have gone soft suffer further to her and he will leave it meaning your Lord He will leave it as in the earth on which these mountain stand on this earth will become like gone far. Soft suffer are from the root letters off er ay ay and PA is used for a plain ground a playing ground with no building no mountain nothing on it nor far is no trees. Nothing is just plain empty barren. So think of a desert you're standing in the

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middle of the desert you look right all you see is plain sand you look left all you see is plain sand in front of you behind you everything is the same there's no ops no downs, no building, no mountain nothing garden just barren empty soft software. The word soft software is from the root letter solid fat fat soft what a soft mean to make a line and a line what does that mean it has to be straight. So straight the earth will be straight meaning leveled completely smooth. And look at the word soft soft you see there is additional letters over here the sod is extra soft, soft because the root is just saw it FIRFER and repetition, what does it mean repetition of the action and not

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just that it also shows emphasis that completely plane completely smooth. No matter how far you look it will be smooth. It will be leveled soft suffer, so much so that lateral you will not see FIFA in it meaning in this earth. You will not see on that day. Very well John any bend any crookedness What are Anta nor will you see any elevation. The word which means crookedness bend, when something is physically bent, it is not straight. So you're not going to see the Earth bent in any way. No valleys, no ditches, no holds, no dips, nothing. And you won't even see any what is from the root letters hums I mean theta, and is basically inequality of surface, when the surface is not equal, in

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the sense that one part is more prominent compared to the other, or one part is higher than another part.

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So now that off, he has he went on you won't find in the earth you won't see in the earth, any bend, any dip, any Valley, any hole, and you won't even find any any irregularity. So any mountain or any dune or any mound, nothing, it will be completely flat. So no ups and no downs. It will be completely flat, straight stretch of land with unobstructed vision for miles and miles. Because what happens right now you look to your right, you can see for miles but then there's trees or something forest and because of that your view is obstructed or there is some building or there's a mountain there is a hill something that obstructs your view this earth is not smooth. But on the day of

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judgment, what will happen? Let off he hurry we're done well.

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So what do we see over here that the mountains will be removed from their places, the earth will be leveled and you will find no dip, no hill, no Valley and the entire Earth will be flat such that everyone will be gathered in one place at the same place. At the same level. Every person at the same level. In the harsher when people will be gathered together for his up everyone at the same level. No person can hide behind a mountain can hide behind a tree can hide in a hole can run away to a mountaintop nothing there is no refuge.

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And you see if you are in an open place, open, big huge, nothing to hide behind. You feel very uncomfortable. Right? You feel very insecure.

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You need some kind of shelter because you feel exposed, you feel like you can be seen from the front you feel you can be seen from your behind from your right from your left, you need something to shelter you something you can stand against or be next to that will at least cover you from one side.

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And this is the reason why you never park your car in the middle of nowhere, right? Because if you do that, you know that you will be covered from you know, all sides with the snow and the ice. So the closer you are to something the more covered you are the more protected you are. But on the day of judgment, there is no cover. There is no shelter, there is nothing to hide in lotta Rafi her imagine water under

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now imagine what about us, what will happen to us, because in this earth we live and when we die we return to this earth. So, when the mountains are shattered, and the earth is flattened, we are still where in the earth, then what about us, what will happen to us, what is described over here of the shattering of the mountains remember this will take place at the first blowing of the trumpet, because the first line of the trumpet will cause death.

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And in this process, the Earth will also spill out everything that it has, it will throw out everything that is hidden inside it from the dead bodies to anything and everything it will spill it out, throw it out. And even if a person's body is decomposed and buried somewhere in the earth and only part of it remains and not even some piece that you can hold even if it only just the DNA remains that cannot be seen from the physical I even from that Allah who will resurrect Allah who will recreate Allah who will bring us back to life.

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Allah who will ask us

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and as people will come out of the earth, when they're resurrected, they will stand on this earth which is plain and flat for either 1pm One young balloon, there'll be standing looking on nowhere to hide, nowhere to run to. Where will people go? Yo Wilma, even on that day, you get to be your own a dairy, yet to be your own, they will follow all people will go after who a dairy the caller.

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The one who is calling them, they will respond to that call.

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They will run towards that call who is calling what is the call of the Day of Judgment. It's the blowing of the trumpet. So where the sound will be coming from all people will go after that sound yet Toby Runa dari so this is Rafi who will blow the trumpet. Laurie why JELA there is no deviation there from meaning for that call. When that call is made, no one can deviate from it. Because what happens in this life, we are called to do something. We are asked to do something we start off but then we get distracted. We become lazy. We give up. So in this world, many times we refuse to follow Allah. We refuse to follow the messenger of Allah. We refuse to follow the commands that are being

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given. We are ordered we are asked we are told we listen and we disobey we hear and we ignore. But on that day the call that is heard no one can ignore. Larry wa Jalla there is no deviating from it. What happens right now you hear your alarm. You hear somebody waking you up, you hear somebody calling you. But what happens? We ignore, completely ignored. We turn it off, we put it away, and we keep doing what we're doing. But when that call is made, Larry Rajala will hotshots and it will be downcast it will be stilled, it will be humbled. I'll sweat all voices. A sweat is a plural of salt. And who has salt? Who speaks who has a voice, a living creature? So all voices, whether they are of

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men of Jinn of angels, all voices, from the loudest to the softest, from the one whose call whose voice is the best to the one whose voice is the worst, the most annoying everyone, each and every single voice whether someone raises their voice calling to Allah, or someone raises their voice, calling to shame upon calling people away from Allah, every voice that there will be hotshot hotshot Franco Sure, I'm quite sure is to be humbled to be low. You know, for instance, for sure in Salah, what is once you are in solid that the body is still that is for sure.

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It's not fidgety, you're not moving, constantly

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adjusting your hijab and scratching yourself and, you know, looking here and there, no, this is not who you are in Salah, you're required to have kosher, meaning you're required to be still.

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So on that day,

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all people their voices will be stilled, no one will dare speak. No one will dare to utter a sound even.

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Whereas in this life, imagine a huge crowd of people. What is the first thing that you will notice? Noise, everyone is talking. Some people are complaining, some are crying, some are fussing, some are screaming, some are laughing out loud, some are non serious and we're very serious. But on that day, in that biggest gathering will hush our till a sweat, all voices will be humbled little man for the Most Merciful. Why will they be humbled out of fear of Allah subhanaw taala. But who is Allah, Allah, the Most Merciful,

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the one who has reserved 99 parts of his mercy for that day.

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Yet, despite the fact that he is so merciful, people will be scared on the day of judgment, because they will see the doom that is coming their way that they have brought upon themselves, because on that day, if someone suffers, it's not because Allah was unfair to him. Because Allah, who is he? A rock man, if someone suffers anything on the day of gentlemen, it's because they have brought that upon themselves. Because Allah has over here

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and never forget that.

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Your This is amazing, because the name Al Jabbar is not mentioned.

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Which name is mentioned a Rama

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a seen as being described which should terrify us, which makes us worry for ourselves on that day. But Allah reminds us he is a rock man. Take advantage of His mercy today. Turn to Him today seek forgiveness from him today. And if someone is in trouble that day, it's only because they have brought that trouble upon themselves will lash out tell us where to live right man fell out tomorrow. So you will not hear you will not hear anything in that except Hamsa hums a whisper because all voices are stilled, no one will dare to speak, the only sound that will be heard will be humps. What is humps, humps is basically a very soft law sound that is produced by some movement.

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Movement. In one sound is that which we make from our voice box, right?

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But there is another sound which is made by movement.

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So for instance, if someone is walking, and they're now Talking and Nobody is talking, can you hear them walking?

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Can you hear the footsteps? Can you hear the movement of their arms? You can

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likewise, if someone is trying to talk, but they have no voice, they have a really bad sore throat. Right? They have no voice but they're trying to talk. And as they will move their lips can you hear the movement of their lips, you can hear the movement of their lips, someone is standing next you insula you cannot hear their words but you can hear the movement of their lips. That's all you hear, this is humps.

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This is humps. No one will make a sound deliberately. The only sound that will be heard is of people walking, walking, walking toward their destination walking to the machine.

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But today, we speak and we speak a lot and we talk a lot.

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We say words which are useless we talk about things which are meaningless we discuss things which are irrelevant.

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But on that day, everyone's mouth will be shut. today and we have a list of excuses. If Allah asks me this, I will give this this this this excuse. I made this mistake because of such and such and such reason. Yes. Who will dare to speak on that day will hush out tell us where to live a man fell out the smell into himself.

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Yo mama even on that day, let them Pharaoh Shiva, even intercession will not benefit. Because you see in this life, whenever you're in difficulty, and you're not able to speak yourself, you're not able to defend yourself.

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Then you ask someone to say

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speak on your behalf. Correct. So for instance, if a person is in a lot of trouble, right, and then they're taken to court and they have to defend themselves, they have to stand up and defend themselves and they feel like they won't be able to because they're afraid they're gonna break down.

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Their mind is gonna go blank. So who speaks for them? In defense lawyer, right? Someone requests on their behalf, someone speaks for them. Allah subhanaw taala tells us on that day, you cannot dare open your mouth yourself. And secondly, Latin Pharaoh Shiva, even someone's intercession will not benefit. Intercession will not work. No one can stand up and defend you. No one can stand up and plead for you. Why? Because they will be worried about themselves before they're worried about you. Yo, myofibrillar Maru

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Minetti you

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think about your brother,

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and think on that day he will run away from you

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will only he will be think about your mother and your father. bring their picture to your mind and realize that on that day, your mother will leave you, your dad will avoid you.

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If you're married, your husband will run away from you. If you have children, your children will leave you. You're on your own, and no one is going to come and stand and plead for you.

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It's just you before your Lord,

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with your deeds before you that you cannot deny with your record in your hand that you cannot deny

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before a Lord who knows everything about you,

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Latin Pharaoh Shiva. So don't rely on this intercession. Don't rely on other people saving you coming to rescue you. In this world. Many people try to rescue us. They advise us they remind us but they cannot rescue us on that day.

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Yo mama Illidan Feroz Shah Farah INLA except men Eddin Allahu Rahman, the one whom the Most Merciful allows. The general rule is that intercession it won't work, but there are exceptions. There are some cases where intercession will help.

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And that is when mon Alina Lucha vermin the person who the Most Merciful has allowed has given permission, given permission to do what to intercede for someone else. You know, so for instance, many people they have this belief that, you know, on the Day of Judgment, the prophets of Allah Islam, he'll intercede for his ummah. So yeah, I'll be good. Let's Okay, have fun right now, the prophets on a lot of sin will intercede for us.

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Or my son is a Hatfield or I'll make sure that my children become half as and they will intercede for me. And my great grandfather or my relatives or so and so Auntie that I know, so and so person that I know so and so a friend that I know, we rely on other people doing favors to us, just as we live in this dunya. We don't do anything ourselves, and what do we want

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people to request for us? People do, you know, make us get a job somewhere? Some friend, someone who will help us get into some school, some program.

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And when we come into the West, and we see that these things don't work, then what happens? Then we get our act together. The Day of Judgment is far more serious. Your auntie cannot request for you. Your father cannot do anything for you. It's about you. What have you done yourself? What have you accomplished yourself? And if someone does intercede for you, that is only after Allah's permission.

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Only after Allah's permission. illumine Erden Allahu Rahman.

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And there is another condition also, after Allah's permission, and what is that? What are the Allahu Allah and Allah is pleased with his own with his word. Allah should be happy with that person who's interceding for you or for whom intercession is being taken place. And what is that, that they should have said some coal which Allah is happy with and what is that coal? What is that statement? La ilaha illa Allah, Allah approves of his Kalama Allah accepts his Kalama La Ilaha illa Allah, then intercession will take place, then it will benefit. So we see that this false belief that many of us rely upon is destroyed. Don't rely on people. Do something yourself. Remember the prophets of Allah

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sallam, he told his closest relatives he told his daughter Fatima, asked me what you want today. I cannot help you on that day. You want money? You want something from me? Take it. You have it. But don't ask me for any

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Hang on that day because that day I cannot help you.

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You're alone he knows my Boehner ad him that which is before them alone knows what is before people will now call for a woman that which is behind them what is before us our future what is behind us our past our future our past what's going to happen soon what has happened already Allah knows

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also what is in front of us is that which we can see that which we know and what is behind us is that which we cannot see that which we do not know the knowns and the unknowns.

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Allah knows about everything. Ya Allah mama Bina ad him well, hello for him. In other words, we're not hidden from him. We're not hidden from him. Our actions or deeds are not hidden from Allah, He knows us best. Well, are you here to be here Ilma. And they do not encompass it in knowledge, meaning they themselves don't have any idea about their future and their past.

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They themselves have no idea about the unknowns and unknowns.

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So be here refers to

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when are you hear tone over here in my meaning they themselves have not encompassed everything in knowledge, what do we know? And the more we know, the more we realize,

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the more we realize that we don't know.

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The more we realize that we are ignorant.

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So both meanings are correct be one meaning is with it, meaning with knowledge that people do not encompass all knowledge, even about themselves, even about ourselves, we don't know.

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And we act like we are know it alls. We live in this world as if we know everything.

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We pass judgment. And we comment as if we know everything we are supremely aware. Whereas this very earth that we stand on, we don't even know what's inside.

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Recently, it was watching a documentary in which they were saying that we know more about the core of the moon and the core of the Sun, then we know about the core of the earth.

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What is closest to us the core of the Earth or the core of the Sun, the core of the Earth.

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But still we don't know about it. Why? Because we cannot reach there, we cannot access that place. It's so hot.

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It's so deadly.

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We don't even know about ourselves. And Allah knows everything about us. Also, well, are you gonna be here Ilma they do not encompass him in knowledge. He knows us everything about us, and who he don't know about him. But you only know a little bit. How much as much as he has told us.

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He encompasses us in knowledge, and we don't encompass him in knowledge.

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And you see this realization, somebody knows me, and I don't know them. This is very frightening.

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This is very frightening. This is something that really makes us conscious. Because if you go somewhere and you realize somebody's watching you,

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or you feel like you're being watched, but you don't know who's watching you and how they're watching you, then what happens, this really makes you insecure. And it really makes you conscious, self conscious. So this is what we need to be conscious of Allah is watching me, so I better get my act together because he knows me.

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He knows me. He knows what I'm thinking. He knows what I'm saying. He knows what I'm doing. He knows what I'm going to do. While you're here. I'm gonna be here in

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where I'm at. And it will be humbled. And would you the faces, all faces will be humbled for who little Heyoka you for the Ever Living. The sustainer of all, when on the day of judgment are not from the letters I known. Well, I'm one I know is to be completely debased, completely submissive, no, when something is bent, it's lowered.

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And the word on in from the same root on and is used for a prisoner

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and a seed a prisoner. Now imagine a prisoner, someone who is convicted of a crime guilty, proven guilty.

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How are they?

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Do they have honor? No, they have no honor. They are Lord. They don't even have as much freedom to move their hand

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Even their hands are tied.

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They don't even have the freedom to go use the bathroom at their own will. They don't even have the freedom to go outside. They can't even look at the sky.

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They can't even look at the sky.

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They don't see the sky for days and days. Why? Because whether they're inside or they're outside, there's a roof over them.

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They're that humbled or that Lord, they don't even have that much dignity.

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This is an awning.

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So Anna till would you all phases will be lowered, like a guilty criminal.

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Someone who has no honor someone who realizes they've made a big mistake. All phases will be guilty that day.

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And this includes all of us. Because no matter how much good we've done, no matter how much everybody we have done, no matter how many prayers we have performed, it will seem on the Day of Judgment like we have done nothing.

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Our sins will appear to us as so serious and our good deeds will appear as so insignificant.

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Because on that day, we will realize

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the greatness of last panel.

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And when you compare the greatness of Allah subhanaw taala to us, what are we nothing?

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You know, a sin, yes, it's a sin. But you know why it's worse because it's been committed against the one who is so great. The one who was so great.

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Imagine the angels are the obedient servants, are they?

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I mean, some angels from the moment they were created, until the moment they will perish. They are in the state of recover. They are in the state of Sudduth. They are constantly engaged in the vicar in that this be in the Takbeer of Allah? subhanaw taala? And how many there are? And do angels commit sin?

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Do they know? Do they spend any time earning money? Preparing food, eating, drinking, looking after their family? Do they do anything like that? No, how long are their lives much longer than ours? So imagine the worship of the angels how obedient how righteous they are. But on the Day of Judgment, when the angels they will see the scales, the Mi Zan

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you know what they will say? They will say, Oh Allah, ma about the NACA, how are you, but eidetic we have not worshipped you the way you deserve to be worshipped.

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We have not worshipped you the way you deserve to be worshipped.

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Because those scales will be so huge, so healed,

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and in that deeds are supposed to be weighed. But the angels when they will see those skills, they will think, no, even this, even if they were filled with the deeds, good deeds, even if they were filled with the acts of riba they would never be sufficient. Mara, but the NACA Hakkari bad ethic. So imagine the state of the guilty servant.

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If this is a state of the angels that are realizing we have not done justice, to your worship of Allah, you deserve more, we didn't do enough. Imagine the state

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of the guilty servant who has spent hours daydreaming. Imagine the state of the servant who has missed many prayers.

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Imagine the state of the servant who has made many mistakes. Who has spent hours forgetting his Lord

00:33:35 --> 00:34:08

what will be the state of such a person while I'm at it, would you the faces will just be humbled? No one will dare look up even so embarrassed. So guilty. We're gonna tell would you lil Heyoka you for the one who is I'll hide the Ever Living the constantly living the one who never dies with Alka Yom the sustainer of all existence, what God harbor and he is destroyed. He is defeated. He will be ruined who Muhammad Allah is

00:34:09 --> 00:34:13

the One who will carry one that day.

00:34:14 --> 00:34:19

The person who comes that day carrying lol he will be ruined.

00:34:21 --> 00:34:26

What is one Knucks deficiency to cause loss.

00:34:27 --> 00:34:34

loom is also oppression, harming others, hurting others taking their rights away.

00:34:35 --> 00:34:45

neglecting their rights. These are all forms of learning. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said a year can we'll learn beware of learning. Don't oppress.

00:34:46 --> 00:34:50

Don't abuse. Don't abuse your authority.

00:34:51 --> 00:34:59

Don't abuse your power. Don't abuse others just because you have more right just because you have more influence just because you have more money. Be aware

00:35:00 --> 00:35:09

have loyal Jakob balloon for in the Luma. Lulu metal yo multi, because indeed injustice will be darkness on the Day of Judgment.

00:35:11 --> 00:35:19

The injustice that you do today it will take the form of darkness on that day, we'll call the harbor man hemella Windmill.

00:35:21 --> 00:35:33

And here we really need to reflect on ourselves. Because the word Lomas generally doesn't just refer to schicke. It even applies to sin. It even applies to learn that we do and other people. May Allah forgive us.

00:35:34 --> 00:35:42

Because the one who brings loan that day, what does Allah say Kochava is done, finished, doomed.

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So realize the loan that we're committing, realize and apologize and seek forgiveness from people and also from Allah subhanaw taala. And never let your ego stop you from seeking forgiveness. Never let your status prevent you from seeking forgiveness from admitting your mistake. Because if the prophets Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam presented himself for retribution, then who are we

00:36:09 --> 00:36:27

remember the incident where at one occasion the prophets have a lot of sudden, he asked people, if there's anyone on whom I've done gloom here I take retribution. So one man, he said that he was all alone. One day, at one occasion, you struck me with your stick, because the prophets that a lot of you were straightening the rolls.

00:36:28 --> 00:36:52

Alright, he was straightening the rolls. And in order to do that, sometimes he would use his stick to make sure that it was straight, but one person he got hurt. Right or at another occasion, Allahu Arland what exactly the situation was but the Prophet salallahu Salam did not intentionally hurt him with his stick. It was an accident, so much so that the prophets of Waltham didn't even realize. So the man said I want to take retribution.

00:36:53 --> 00:36:59

So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam offered himself, he said he also the law, when your stake hit me.

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My shirt was not on me.

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So the prophets of Allah said removed his shirt.

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To that retribution will take place the exact same way.

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And when he took his shirt off, the men hugged him.

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He hugged him, he didn't intend to hit the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he wanted to kiss the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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When my yarmulke Mina, Saudi had and whoever does righteous deeds, the beautiful balance of the book of Allah,

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but it's so frightening and you feel like there's no hope for you. Allah gives hope. Well, my yarmulke mineral Salah had and whoever does righteousness, any righteous deeds, any good deed that a person has done sincerely to please Allah. And also while following the Prophet sallallahu Sallam know my urine when I saw they had one one movement and he does it with Eman while he is a believer. Fella you're hopeful that he will not fear lumen, any injustice when a Helma nor any deprivation,

00:38:03 --> 00:38:15

Allah will not deprive him. Allah will not treat him with unfairness. Such a person will have no fear. This is what we learned in the Quran, Allah how often I lay him Allah whom, yes or no.

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But we don't know if we will be all those people whose fear will be taken away, who will be in Amman, who will be in peace. And this is why we need to strive our best do the max that we can and repent for our mistakes and apologize and strive to do more and more.

00:38:36 --> 00:38:52

fillet a half a woman Willa Hartman, the word hudon is from the root letters how blod mean? And how is to digest breakdown. So for instance, you eat food, you eat medicine, and what happens? It is digested. When it's digested, it's gone.

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It's gone.

00:38:55 --> 00:39:08

So for example, if somebody takes a piece of chocolate, and they just barely put it in their mouth, or they put it in the mouth, but they haven't really bitten it, or they haven't really touched it with their tongue, it's still in their mouth, get the take it out

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and give it to somebody they can. And happens many times when you're about to you barely put something in your mouth and your child starts crying and begging for it.

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You have to take it out of your mouth and wash it and give it to them.

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But if you've bitten it and you've chewed it and you've swallowed it and you've digested it is coming back, no. So what is hug them when something is completely used up? And it's not coming to you so you're being deprived

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that a person who does good he will not be deprived on the Day of Judgment.

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The person who was trying to seek Allah's pleasure. He spent his youth he spent his time he spent his weekends whatever time he had to please Allah to earn Allah's pleasure. Allah will not deprive him.

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His good deeds will matter. His good deeds will bring him benefit on that day.

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Falaya Hoffa Woodman wala hochma In Surah Nisa I have 40 we learn in Allahu Allah Yaga Lima with Kala 14, Allah does not do injustice even as much as with all of the law and atoms wait.

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In fact if there is a good deed, Allah multiplies that. And if there's a sin that it remains only that

00:40:23 --> 00:40:25

so Falaya Hoffa Goodman, Willa,

00:40:26 --> 00:40:35

and this is so comforting, strive and strive more let's listen to the recitation of these verses. Well, yes, Luna

00:40:37 --> 00:40:40

only seafood been

00:40:46 --> 00:40:48

laughed off eating

00:40:53 --> 00:40:57

yolmer EV easy Debbie own

00:41:01 --> 00:41:02

Teal Swan

00:41:03 --> 00:41:04

man if

00:41:07 --> 00:41:09

you're easy

00:41:12 --> 00:41:13

to manage

00:41:21 --> 00:41:22


00:41:24 --> 00:41:27

Yeah, man Naina ad

00:41:30 --> 00:41:31

you're here

00:41:34 --> 00:41:34


00:41:37 --> 00:41:40

are you home? What

00:41:47 --> 00:41:49

do you mean Oh,

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