Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P12 121D Tafsir Hud 112-123

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of healthy habits and practicing Salah for a period of time to avoid accidents and improve one's sleep. They stress the benefits of staying up late, setting up multiple alarms, drinking water, and using the ADAN app. The speakers also emphasize the importance of settling for one's actions and not giving too much information. The speakers emphasize the need for self improvement and strengthening relationships with one's partner.
AI: Transcript ©
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bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim

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welcome is salata and established the prayer bought off a ye at two ends thorough fe. What does that show you it is dual to Sao Paulo Fe at two ends fall off is a singular and thought of his end. So at the two ends of a noun of the day, perform the prayer at two ends of the day. The day the day begins with what morning. fudge it is before morning. Okay, budget is before morning. So it's not at one end of the day. You understand? It is before the day.

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And the how is when the day has begun when the sun has fully risen after that. So two ends of the day meaning the beginning of it and the ending of it. Some scholars have said what this means is LaHood and are awesome.

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All right, well, hold on. Awesome. So at the two ends of the day meeting global and awesome. What about Fajr than it's understood before the day, two ends of the day has been mentioned, but it's understood that there is also a prayer before the day begins. So at the two ends of the day, was Zulu fan. Zulu is a plural of Zulu ze lanpher and Zilpha is first part of the night. First part of the night meeting when it just begins. So what is it referring to Zula Femina Lane a portion of the night

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Makana and reshot also Zula Femina Lake, meaning pay attention to the salah, give importance to prayer, start praying properly and regularly. And this is something that will give you stability and firmness and consistency in life. Why? Because when you will start performing the prayers on time, regularly five times a day, seven days a week, then what will happen? Salah will become like a habit, it will become like a habit. And you see there are different kinds of habits.

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There are some habits, which are known as Keystone Habits. Are you familiar with the term does Google it, it's very interesting Keystone Habits. What are Keystone Habits, Keystone Habits are basically those habits which a person is so used to say that he doesn't really have to use his willpower to do that action. You don't really need to think about it, it becomes a part of you. We have limited willpower.

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Every single person has limited amount of willpower. And what happens is that as you go through your day, your willpower it kind of reduces and reduces energy usage just like your energy levels do they reduce over the day they do? You wake up in the morning all freshmen at night you just crash in your bed, right? Or you don't even make it to your bed, you just crash in the living room, or maybe on the floor after a shot. So likewise, we have limited willpower also. Now the thing is, if you're constantly relying on your willpower to get up and make dua, to get up and recite the Quran, to get up and speak to someone nicely to get up and do your homework, you won't be able to accomplish

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everything. At the end, you will be defeated. So what is necessary is that certain actions you make them such habits for which you don't even need to think for example, eating. Eating is what? You don't need to think about it. Well. Should I eat or not? I think I'm hungry. Am I hungry? I don't know if I'm hungry. Maybe I'll try. You know what? I think I'm going to eat later. You know what I think I'm going to eat right now. No, you don't think like that. I'm hungry. I need breakfast. You don't need to convince yourself to eat breakfast. Well, there are some people who need to be convinced by their parents. But eventually they learned that I need breakfast. Lunch. You don't need

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to convince yourself Come on, sit down, have your lunch. Children need to be convinced. But as you go older, it becomes part of routine. Likewise, for some people taking a shower in the morning, for example. It's a keystone habit. They don't need to think about it. I need to take a shower. No. It's understood. I get up in the morning, I go grab my clothes, I go into the washroom, take a shower, that's a part of my daily getting ready ritual. You don't have to have a lot of willpower to do that. You see Keystone Habits, what happens is that when you develop them, they trigger many other good habits or they cause many good results in your life. And it's not necessary that there is a

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relationship between your habit and its ramifications. It's not necessary. But what you do on a regular basis brings about many, many consequences many many benefits in your life. So for example, studies have shown that if a person exercises right

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regularly exercise is their habit, it is their habit, then what happens is that they start eating better also.

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They don't have to think about eating better, they just start eating better, they smoke less, they have less debt. They are more patient and they have less stress. Likewise, families that eat dinner together, what happens is the children, their homework, it improves significantly. They start getting better grades, they have improved emotional control and improved confidence even now, what's that got to do with dinner? If you think about there isn't really an actual relationship between the two. There's no obvious one. But the fact that every day families getting together sitting properly, it fulfills their emotional needs. It satisfies them emotionally, it gives them confidence, which

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has other positive effects in their life. Likewise, if a person has a habit of making their bed in the morning, hmm, then what happens is that this start off positive, right? So throughout the day, they get more done, their productivity increases, their wellbeing improves, they even become better at budgeting, budgeting their money, they improve at that. Now, what's budgeting got to do with making your bed

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there's no obvious relationship, there's no obvious link. But the fact is that there are certain habits which when you develop, your brain starts to function differently. And when it functions in that direction, then many other positive effects they take place. It's like a chain reaction, one thing after the other.

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Now over here, what is the habit that Allah subhanaw taala is studying us to adopt? Salah Akima salata and you see Salah is such that really, it becomes a keystone habit, that a person when he gets at that level that he doesn't need to think about it, or force himself.

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Some people they struggle, they have to force themselves or somebody else has to force them. But there are others who don't need to be reminded. They don't need to be woken up, they get up themselves, they know it's time for prayer. So what happens then, they become more consistent in other parts of their life also, they become more serious about their commitments also, it has very positive effects on their life. So this is a key aqui was salata thought of a Yuna hurry was zulauf Amina Lai perform the prayer at the two ends of the day and also a portion of the night

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and in Al Hassan is indeed the good deeds you've heard me say at the Remove since then, because they call it their Corinne. This is a reminder for those who remember good deeds, do away bad deeds. And remember that a Salah to Salah is also Kafala. It is an explanation, an explanation for what the sins that we commit and you see sins, what do they do, they hinder us, they stop us from improving from doing good deeds. But when a person performs Salah regularly, then what happens that fire of sins that he's lit, it constantly gets extinguished. After every prayer, that fire is put off after every solar because a Salah to Catholicism. It's an expiation, it removes since it washes them away.

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In our bodies, we learn the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that they once he mentioned the prayer, he mentioned the Salah, and he said whoever guards it, whoever guards the prayer, it will be for him a light. Salah will be for him a light, meaning it will open ways it will show him the way because of Salah he will be able to many other things, it will be enough for him here and also on the day of judgment. And you see people who perform their Salah properly and regularly what happens, they start waking up on time.

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They start sleeping on time. And if you have good sleeping habits, you're good at many things in life. But if you cannot perform your Salah properly, then you can't wake up on time and sleep on time either and everything else becomes a mess. There are people who are even 35 years old and still they haven't grown up. Why? Because they need to be woken up for prayer somebody needs to remind them and keep telling them

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and when somebody is grown up, then what does it mean they will start taking responsibility for themselves. One is a person whose mom is still feeding them as they're walking out of their house trying to write their university exam and the mom is saying, You know what? Just put this one bite in your mouth. Just take this, you know, cup of milk with you. Have they grown up? No, because they cannot even get their breakfast together. They cannot even get their lunch together. But if somebody's taking the responsibility of waking up themselves, then you know what various

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So they'll be getting their breakfast together also

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that when you yourself have good habits and you wake up on time and stuff, you develop that for yourself and as well for other people because I know that my dad has trouble waking up for Fudger and so now that I have the habit I wake him up as well so then the whole family gets to wake up and handed in how did you become a source of positive influence also

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I said on Monday I heard from someone like if a teacher actually that if you're committing sins or you're doing looting to others or you're having problems with others, Chuck is a lot because salah is a means to stay away from factory shut all these other stuff. So always check if you're, if you're doing something wrong. So a lot of this you're gonna see wrong around you. Yeah. And anytime there's a need for self improvement. Whether it is that you're having trouble with your sleep or trouble with your food or trouble with your family or trouble with your friends or at work. You feel that you're becoming lazy you feel that you know you're not motivated. You feel like your Eman is

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very, very, very low. Focus on your Salah.

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Improve your Salah. And when you will improve your Salah you will definitely see its impact on the rest of your life. Why do you think Allah subhanaw taala has asked us to pray five times a day, not just once. Five.

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Five, I mean, if you're doing something five times a day, it's definitely going to have some effect in your life. Right? And one of the effects is in Al Hasan it you'd have no say. So that hadith I was mentioning to you that whoever guards the prayer, it will be for him a light and a clear proof and salvation on the Day of Resurrection. It will be a means of his success basically. For who the one who guards the Salah, and whoever does not garden he's casual about his salah. Yeah, sometimes he will pray and sometimes he won't and sometimes you will miss it and sometimes you'll sleep through it yeah, whatever lazy attitude not taking class seriously basically, then it will not be

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for him a light it will not be for him a clear proof nor salvation and on the day of resurrection He will be with God rune for our own Herman and obey even Calif May Allah protect us.

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Now you see these days, our claim is one data at the two ends of the day, especially the one before the day begins. And the one at zulauf Amina later, in the portion of the night I'm talking about fraudulent Orisha, ISTEP, establishing these prayers becomes quite difficult because the night itself is so short, the day is so long. If you make it for budget on time, you can't stay awake for a shot. If you stay awake for a shot, you lose your chances of getting a procedure. So is there anything that you are doing because of which you have found that you are actually able to perform your show on time and also your Fajr on time, because everybody needs help, especially these days.

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I know sometimes during the day, like when I come home from school, and I pray to her and I just want to lie down there and I go to sleep and my mom wakes me up like an hour till depending how lucky you you get to sleep for an hour during the day. Mashallah. So those of you who can do that, make it so you can get to you? Because if I don't, then I know I'll fall asleep while trying to stay up for Asia. Exactly. So this is one good thing, take a nap. Now those of us who don't have that luxury of taking an hour long nap, what can we do?

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A nap doesn't have to be an hour long, you know that? Even 10 minutes is good enough. And it doesn't mean that you get into your bed and you put your blanket on and you're like all cozy and comfy in your bed. That's called an app note. Even if you're at work, or at school, just put your head you know, between your knees or something or on your table, absolute silence If possible, and just close your eyes 10 minutes, and it will make a huge difference. You will be able to stay up after budget even and you will be able to make it to Russia. Even if the total amount of sleep that you get is six to seven hours less or more. There was a time a while back where I started missing my fajr

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prayers, right? And I was very upset and stuff and I was like why is this happening? And then I noticed that I was delaying my other prayers and that's why I wasn't giving Fajr its importance either. So then I made dua that Allah helps me in establishing my prayers and then I started praying them on time. And then Allah allowed me to wake up for Fajr 100 in the this is very true also, if we pay attention to our load or sort of Muslim, then inshallah Russia will become easy and fragile will also become easy.

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So when it comes

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I've been trying a couple of different things over the past two weeks. One of the things that I do now when I go to bed is not to turn off all the lights to always have something on. I know it's against the sun away from you to sort of save myself, and also open the window. Because when I hear the birds, it wakes me up where they are so full. They wake up very early, and they wake up.

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Yes. All right. The other thing I've been doing and I just tried out over the past few days is not to sleep, after Isha to study throughout until Fajr time, because I've just been playing with the different different things to see what were different options. And then another friend of mine used to do that. Also, she used to not sleep after a shot, but after Friday, she would sleep. But for many people, I mean, they have to be out of the house before seven or at seven. So there's no way that they can sleep after fajr. But the days where it is possible for you, you could try that.

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I just drink a lot of water after.

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That's a very good strategy. Yeah, so that when the alarm goes off, and you wake up and you will know you want to stay in bed, you cannot stay in bed, you have to go to the washroom, that's a very good strategy. And you know what it's double benefit because a you get to wake up on time and be with all that water going in your body. Inshallah in the morning, you should be more fresh and energetic, good strategy.

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Everybody has different way of setting up their time. For me, I don't like alarm. So always I'm turned off before. So it happened to me, sometimes I miss the slide, I don't know. And I go back two minutes. And so the way I wake up is like I put the computer on. So the Adan is there that is not alarm that you can turn off right away. So that makes you get so you hear the other and in the morning. It's not like the alarm, which you can just Yeah, in the living room, I was in the living room. So I have to get up and go there and hungry. And you see the the Ananda is also going to be slightly long. So that should also help you in waking up very good at Hamdulillah.

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Another method I used was I set two different alarms and I hid them in different parts of my room. So then I had to go and find them and then like turn them off. And there was a two different times. So that like I turned the other one off and go back to bed. And then I wake up and turn the second one off good.

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There's actually an app called Never miss Fudger. And the way to close the Fajr alarm is you either have to shake it very hard 20 times, or you have to answer a question or also will not shout out right. So sorry, are also assaulted by a rock, right. So basically, I have that and I have to shake it. So that shakes me up in the morning, and I have to wake up good.

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Children are the best alarms that you could ever have. So children, those of you who do have them, put them to sleep early so that they will wake up early and not give you a choice at all, you have to wake up. So that's very, very good.

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Another thing is that if you go to sleep properly, even if it's late inshallah you will be able to wake up, what does it mean by sleeping properly, have your will do

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lie down on your right side, say your doors, say your doors and have the intention of waking up. If you have the intention of waking up, you will wake up. And sometimes you won't even know just right at Fajr time your eyes will just open. Literally it will happen with you as if somebody will come and wake you up, you will experience that.

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So this is very important that something Salah on time is something that we cannot compromise in a hadith we learned that if people only knew the reward of the event and the first drill, and could find no other way to get it, then drawing lots for it, they will draw lots for it. If they only knew the reward of going early to the prayer, they would race each other to get there. And if they only knew the reward of the prayers of Russia and a silver meaning the fajr prayer, they would come to them even if they have to crawl.

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If they realize the reward for these prayers, and you see salah, it's an expiation in a hadith we learned the trial of a men in respect to his wife, so a person with respect to their spouse, the fitna. So for example, you were always in fitna with regards to your spouse to have an argument here. You're ungrateful there, you yell at them here and you disrespect them there. I mean, it's it happens all the time.

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So the trial of a man in respect to his wife, his wealth, his children and neighbors, do we commit sin against these? Yeah. So all of this is expiated by prayer, fasting sadaqa. And by commanding what is right and forbidding what is wrong, and remember that hadith where the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that if a person had a river next to his house, and he bathed in it five times a day with there any dirt be left on his body, not at all. So likewise are the five prayers when a person performs

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will do and performs a sauna, then his sins are washed off. This is the way of cleaning ourselves was it and be patient or Prophet sallallahu Sallam endure the difficulties patiently for in Allahu Allah you'll be original and more sin. For indeed Allah does not allow to be lost the reward of those who do good meaning when there is increased external opposition, then do not transgress against people, nor should you compromise. Rather remain firm and turn to Allah perform your obligatory prayers properly, strengthen your connection with your Lord, Increase in your Hassan and become a Morrison and Allah who will not waste the reward of those who do Ersan. So this is the way

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of dealing with life's problems. What focus on self improvement, focus on strengthening your relationship with your Creator, that will give you inner strength to deal with life's problems. Falola can Aminul Curonian publikum Falola so why not Cana it was middle Caroni amongst the generations, meaning there was not amongst the generations with generations men probably come before you. Who was not there? oluwo Bekah yetkin People have Bucha Yeah, what is vaca? Yeah, we learned this word earlier in the Surah. left over that which remains on all the PA are basically people of wisdom. People who have faham who have understanding who have Deen because people who are upon the

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deen they are those who will remain people who have wisdom, who have understanding. They're the ones who have some lasting effect. who remain. I mean, think about it. 1000s of people live before us, but whose names are known people who have either said some words of wisdom, or something of the like so over here are who the people are Dean, Allah says How come in the people of the past there were hardly any Lulu Baca, who would even hound Arnold facade who would stop people from wrong from facade from mischief fill early in the earth, in the except Colleen and very few men from among those who angina we saved men home from them, whatever are living a vulnerable, and those people who

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devote them instead of following Uber Korea, what did they do? They followed my Autry foofy that which they were indulged in meaning the luxury of this world that they were given. That is what they engrossed themselves in. What can when would you demean and they were criminals? What is this is telling us that in general, people have sense. People who have hired people who are upon Dean, they have always been a minority. Take the example of new Halle, Sam, how many people believed in him?

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Colleen, very few Lutheran Islam who believed in him, just as daughters, literally just as daughters. Sure, I read his sunnah. Hold on Islam, how many people believed in them? Very few. So this is a fact that always people who are upon the truth have been a minority in every community, people who do good themselves and also call others to do the same. Why is this? So? Why is this that they have always been a minority? And they have not been able to stop people from wrong? I mean, they tried. Look at the efforts of new Harley Sam, did you not try? He did more than any man could. But how come people did not listen to them? How come they weren't successful? Because when you read

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all the stories, which we learned about in the Surah, there is, you know, you kind of get this hopelessness, that what's the point of suffering so much when you're the minority? What's the point? The reason why the majority of the people have been otherwise they have not been olu, baka, yeah, the reason why they have been just busy in the dunya not listening to the prophets, is because they are lost in my three foofy Hey, man, ooh, 34034 is from Tara what is tough opulence, when luxury, abundance of worldly pleasures, they are distracted by this dunya that's all they want. And this is why even if somebody is studying them again and again and again, they're not willing to listen. They

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think this life is everything. This life is everything to them. So they're so lost in it that no matter who tells them, how many times they warn them. They don't want to listen, woman cannot Booker, and your Lord is not going to leave Likkle Qura to destroy the Quran. The city's belittlement with injustice will Luhan mostly home while its people are reformers, meaning as long as there are people who are doing Islam who are correcting others who are spreading the heat who are doing a mobile marital from the handle Mancha, Allah would not destroy a nation because on the surface it seems Allah to start so many people one after the other. Why? That seems unfair, but it's

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not unfair.

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It's because the prophets they did their best Aruba, Kenya, they did their best, but the people they were not willing to listen. So how long were they going to get their chance? When OSHA or a book and if your Lord wanted La Jolla, NASA Omata Wahida he could have made people into one nation.

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Allah could have forced people to believe all would be Muslim, righteous, good. What are you as Luna matar Levine, but they will never cease to differ lay as Luna, what does that mean to always do something. So they will never cease to differ, meaning people will always differ when it comes to religion when it comes to creed. When it comes to beliefs when it comes to opinions when it comes to different sects. This will always happen and what do we want? What do we want everyone should be good and perfect and righteous. But the fact is, that there will always remain this difference. There will always be those who will believe and those who will not. There will always be those who

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think differently than you in that except Malachy Mara book whom Your Lord has been merciful towards meaning he gives him tofield to accept the guidance to come above this empty laugh and believe, while he that is the Halacha home and it is for that purpose that He has created them meaning for this test to see who believes and who does not believe to see who will worship him and enter into His mercy. Who is it enamel Rahim Allah Bulkeley Valley Kahala calm so you understand what that means? Test, test, purpose of life to worship Allah subhanaw taala what the Met kalima Torah big and the word of your Lord has become true, meaning it will be fulfilled. What that love amla, Anna

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Johanna shortly I will definitely fill Hellfire mineral Jannetty when Nancy edge Marian with jinn and men altogether, meaning Allah subhanaw taala has created people for his worship, when he daddy Kahala calm. And Allah subhanaw taala has always send guidance, but the sad reality is that majority of the people and jinn would have the chosen error falsehood over the truth misguidance over guidance and Allah subhanaw taala is not afraid of the consequences. There is plenty of room and hellfire for all such people because let em let Anna Jahannam Amina legitimate UNSC edge Marine, you know like on the Day of Judgment Hellfire will be asked Are you full? And it will say Are there any

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more meaning there's more room.

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So Allah is not affected by the number of people who disbelieve in him by the number of people who disbelieve in his profits by the number of people who oppose him. No, it doesn't make any difference to Allah. He is above any harm any deficiency. What goes on and each meaning each incident Nepal saw alayka that we relate to human and bear it also from the news of the messengers. Why is it that so many incidents are mentioned in the Surah? What's the purpose man who sub b2b For ADEQ man that mean the purpose is so that we know sub bit we stabilize, we give stability and firmness be through it for addict your heart. The purpose of telling you about all these stories is to stabilize your heart

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Oh Prophet salallahu Salam wa jal aka and it has come to you V heavy in this meaning in all of these stories, I'll help the true meaning. This is free from error. These accounts are accurate, well, more. But they're not just information. They're also advice, what they call a reminder mean for the believers. So what do we learn here? Allah subhanaw taala has mentioned all these incidents from the story of new holism to who there is an all the way to Lutheranism. Why? So that the people who come later, they take lessons from the people of the past. Those who do Darwin should look into the difficulties that the messengers endured and take guidance from their example. Because you see, when

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you're going through some problem, and you find out that somebody else also went through the same problem, and you learn that they made it then gives you hope. Even though you're suffering a lot, it gives you hope, will only Lavina and say to those people who lie you mean honor those who don't believe say to them, Aaron mulwala McKenna TiECon go ahead and work on your position in NA Milan. We are also working according to our way meaning the way that we have been commanded. Meaning Don't worry about the opposition of the opponents. Let them do what they want and tell them go ahead, do what you want. And let me do what I want when the little and wait in them until later on. Indeed we

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are waiting, waiting. Wait and I will also wait. Let's see who sees what result. But just take a look at history to guess the result of

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Each group look at what happened to the messengers and look at what happened to the people who oppose them. Well Allah He labels somewhat evil org And to Allah belong the unseen of the heavens and the earth, the past the present the future.

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All of them they're known to Allah wa ala he'll Gerald Umbra co Lo, and to Him all matters will return for what? For the purpose of judgment. He is the judge Firebird who, so worship him, what what can i lay he and rely upon him also, women are bookable, often in our method, I'm alone and your Lord is not unaware of that which you do. So what's the main lesson we learn here? That Allah knows the deeds of all people, he is fully aware of what each person is doing? He knows and he will be the judge? What is your work, worship him and call to Him and rely upon him? In personal life? What should you do worship Him? And when it comes to the matter of Dawa, when it comes to calling

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people to Allah, then rely upon him, do your job and Allah will do his part. You have to convey and Allah Who will protect and grant success you have to put in your effort, and Allah will light your way to success. Let's listen to the recitation.

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Well up Emile fala top often heard he was

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hashanah to you say

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00:33:23 --> 00:33:28

draw me in what

00:33:30 --> 00:33:31

you mean.

00:33:40 --> 00:33:50


00:33:57 --> 00:33:59

Quarter found more than

00:34:00 --> 00:34:04

31 Out

00:34:05 --> 00:34:07

of all feeling

00:34:15 --> 00:34:23

so proud of along will be handed Nisha de la ilaha illa Anta na stockbroker one or two were like us and I'm really confident Allahu Allah cattle

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