Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P12 120B Tafsir Hud 84-88

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of measuring things for people and reducing weight. They also emphasize the need to be fair and not commit abuse. The cultural practices of Islam are discussed, including personal life and business practices. The speakers emphasize the importance of learning and practicing to make a better decision and encourage listeners to practice Halal practices.
AI: Transcript ©
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With a bit of a militia on rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Rahim

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lesson number 120 Solitude i number 84 to 101

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What either mediana and to the people of Medina in a hall I'm sure arriba their brother sure I barely salam. My dn was an ancient tribe and they were from the descendants of Ibrahim Ali Sana and share a birthday Sam Allah subhanho wa Taala says Isla Medina ha ha ha I'm sure Eva meaning we sent him as a messenger to them and he was their brother which means that he was from their tribe he was related to them. Allah He said yeah call me well my people are Buddha Allah worship Allah. Why? Because mana common Illa him Allah you, you have no daily other than Him.

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Allah is your God, you should worship Him because He created you for his worship when he alone created you for his worship what should you do? Worship Him alone? Why do you associate partners with him? So first we see the choice of artists and I'm invited them to

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worship of Allah Allah and what is that call, though? He'd secondly,

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he said whenever done console Michaella will Meezan and do not decrease the measure. And the scale the weight Latin puzzle from Knox, what does not mean? It is to reduce so do not reduce. First of all, I'll make yell McHale is fun. Okay? And kale is basically the measure of something.

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And Misa is from wasn't wasn't is what the weight of something. Now, when you are measuring things, what does that mean? You are measuring the volume, or the length, or you have a measuring cup. Like for example, a recipe, it calls for one cup of let's say flour. So what are you going to do? You're going to take a cup, and you're going to fill it up with flour. And what does that show that you have? One cup of flour, so you're measuring it? So I'll make Yeah, is for measure for volume for length. It is for what length, volume? And me zone from wasn't. It is from wait. So me, Zan is a tool that is used for weighing things. So for example, some recipes they call for, let's say 25

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grams of butter.

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What does that mean? You have to weigh the butter. You're not going to measure it in a cup. What are you going to do? You're going to wait on a scale,

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you understand? So sometimes you're asked for volume. And other times you're asked for weight.

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So he's telling the people let them console Michaella one means Zanna. When you measure things for people volume length, then measure in full don't reduce it. When you wear things for people, then again, don't reduce it. Give it info. What does it show that the people of Medina they were a business community? And when Jerry Brown is understanding them don't reduce what is it show that in their trade these people used to cheat one another.

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They were dishonest. They were unfair in their business, they would not give to people what the people deserved. How does this happen? That somebody asks you for a cup, and instead of putting one whole cup you put three fourths of a cup? Is that going to affect your thing that you're making?

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significantly? It's going to either be too dry or it's going to be too wet. It's gonna affect it right? Which is why what do they say when you're following a recipe follow especially when it comes to baking.

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You can't just assume things because if you will assume things Yeah, looks like a cup. And it's actually half a cup. Yeah, it looks like a teaspoon but it's actually a tablespoon. It's going to mess up your food.

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So Latin porcelain, Michela will MISA? He says to them in the Arakan behind him, indeed I see you with higher meaning I see that you are in a very good state. You already have plenty Alhamdulillah you have enough money. What need do you have to cheat others and take from them what you do not deserve? Why are you cheating others? You see if someone is very poor, very hungry, and he's hardly making any profit. And if he cheats others, you're like, Okay, I kind of understand why they're doing it. But when there is no reason, they've got enough money. They've got a mansion that's full of everything they need. They've got a car, they've got all their needs fulfilled.

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Have yet they're cheating others. Does that make sense to you at all? If a rich person is cheating, that doesn't make sense at all.

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So he says to them in the Arakan behind him, I see you in a good state I see you in prosperity, you are well off Why are you being so greedy? Why in the A ha for Aleikum, and indeed I fear for you are there but Yeoman Mohave the punishment of a day that is Mohave that is all encompassing meaning a day on which the punishment is going to encompass you. So you will not be able to escape it such punishment that the criminal cannot avoid, because it will do its halfa, it will surround it, it will encompass it from everywhere. So Srebrenica, and basically, he invited his people to throw hay. And he also made them think that you are in such a good state, you're living such a good life, Allah

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has given you so much good. Don't change your good state with a bad one. Don't change your good state with a bad one. You're happy, you've got money, you've got the things you need. But if you associate partners with Allah, you treat others, you're doing yourself a disservice, you're going to harm yourself, you're going to change your good state with a bad one. It's like when a person is committing a crime. What is he told don't do it, you're gonna get in trouble. You're perfectly fine right now. What need to you have to cheat? What needs to you have to be unfair, because if you're unfair, you're gonna get in trouble. It's not worth the 15 years you'll have to spend in prison,

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it's not worth the hundreds and 1000s of dollars that you have to pay in fine. It's not worth it, leave it be content with what you have.

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So try, but it's gonna give them the message of their hate, and also the dollar to them so that they would reform their actions, their behavior. Well call me and all my people, oh, full Michaella Oh, for given full URL Michaella. The measure will me Zan and the wait, the same message he's giving. But how. In other words, in different words, earlier, he said Latin puzzle. Don't reduce the measure and the weight. And over here, he tells them fulfill it, give it in full. Earlier he forbade them. Now, he's commanding them the opposite of that. You understand? So if somebody tells you don't waste your time, and then they say, use your time well.

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Don't waste your money. Use your money wisely. On the one hand, they're stopping you from misusing it from wasting it from doing something wrong. And on the other hand, they're telling you what you should be doing. So what does it show that how much he was emphasizing that they become fair in their business? So he says awful Michela will me Zanna bilkis with Justice meeting with all fairness, fair trade. Don't be unfair, rather be fair in your trade. When at the person, nessa and do not cause loss to the people do not reduce for the people, a Shia home there things stop hustle from Box boxes, what cheap, to cheap and to reduce the value of something. So do not diminish for

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the people a share a home they're things. Now a third thing is mentioned here. First, we learned about measure, then we learned about weight. And now we learn about the quantity. So sometimes things are sold according to volume. Other times they're sold according to weight. And other things are sold according to their number. You understand their number. So over here, he's saying that when you are giving something to people, and that's by quantity, don't reduce that quantity don't diminish that let the person NASA share a home.

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So when people deserve something from you, so for example, they have paid you for nine items, don't reduce that to eight.

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If somebody's bought an hour's worth of service from you an hour in 60 minutes time from you don't work for 40 minutes and charge them for an entire hour.

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Because this is also very common. People who charge by the hour sometimes what do they do? They work less and they charge more. They say each hour is going to be $30 And then you see they only work for 45 minutes. You see they only came and helped you for 30 minutes and they're charging you for an entire hour. So letaba Hassan NASA Shia home wala Thirith ofin early move CDN and do not commit abuse on the earth letter.

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I thought that I thought we have done this word earlier also are in so well are inside. Yeah, to commit abuse. Do not commit abuse on the earth as mousseline as people who are upset because those who commit abuse Who are they

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who are they were upset people. So don't be like that. So what is he saying here? The grayed out in the earth, eat drink, you know, have your business, do whatever you want, but don't commit abuse be fair to others. But peer to lahi Baqia that which remains Allah He from Allah, meaning that which remains with you from Allah. Is hydro law calm it is better for you. Bucky? Yes from the root letters back off well Bekaa. What does it mean?

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Back The Marine Allah He back? What does that mean to remain to last? Bucky? Yeah. Is leftover. The remainder, what is what the leftover remainder. So for example, you buy something for $20. And you put a price tag on it off $25 And you want to sell it for $25. Someone comes in bargains, bargains bargains with user they will find $23 So what do you have left?

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You already paid 20 for its price. Now you're selling it for 23? What do you have left?

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Three, that is Boqueria. The profit basically. Now, what happens is that sometimes people

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they use unlawful means to make more profit.

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Like for example, they bought something for $20. And they show it to others that oh, you know what, I actually paid $30 for this. So if I'm selling it, it better be for 35

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The lie to them. unfair means they're cheating others.

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So what do they have? Now? If this other for $35? What are they going to make 15. But this 15 is how through lying.

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You understand it is through line. If they lie, if they use unlawful means they have $15 leftover. But if they're fair, and they're honest, and they're just they will have only $3 leftover, what's more tempting, 15 or 315 unlawful is more tempting.

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A person he charges by the hour. He says if I give you service for one hour, you know this is the money that you have to give me you have to pay me $20. Now what does he do? He works for two people charging one person by the hour and charging the other person by the hour also.

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So if he's going to charge both of them for an hour, how much money is he going to make? $40? But how much time does he have to spend two hours so two hours will bring him $40. But he says you know what, let me squeeze this in. Let me give only half an hour to this person half an hour to that person. I'll spend only an hour and I'll make $40.

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What is he doing? causing loss to others using unfair means to make a profit?

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Sure, Abraham says all my people, what you have left from Allah, meaning what Allah causes to remain with you, after you fulfill the rights of people, the lawful profit, the lawful earning, even if it's little, that is better for you. So instead of haram 15, if you make three that is better for you. For two hours, you make $40 Instead of making $40 an hour through line, that's much better for you doing the halal way is much better for you. How is it much better?

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Isn't it less?

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Don't people sell your soul crazy? You're wasting your time? What's the harm in lying a little bit in squeezing out time from here and there? How is it better?

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Because Allah will put blessing in it. You can earn a whole lot of money through haram means but you know what, Baraka is not there. And that whole lot of money you could lose it within moments, that same money could cause you a lot of loss could bring you a lot of potential harm. And also remember that when you earn through lawful, honest means honest means then even if you make a little, it brings you happiness and contentment. It brings you satisfaction, but unlawful means they never make a person content in his heart rather he is unhappy. He's greedy for more he's never satisfied.

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So what's the lesson over here that he's giving them that even if Halal risk is very low

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at all, it is better than what is gained through haram. When it comes to this, what matters more is not the quantity. It's the quality.

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So back here to Allah highroller come encounter many. He says warmer and RLA can be heavier, and I am not over you a Hatfield, who is her feel

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her feel a guardian, someone who will watch meaning, I am commanded to convey the message to you. I cannot watch over your every transaction, I cannot go and audit your accounts. I mean, that's your responsibility. You have to implement yourself and Allah will be your judge, Allah will call you to account. And if you do wrong, I can only convey I cannot punish you, Allah will do to account. And this is something that we really need to remember. Because sometimes we tell somebody about something good. And when we doubt that they will not listen, we go and become Hatfield over them. So for example of children, they're told to go pray salah, and they're doing well do the mother will go

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and watch.

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You didn't wash your face properly. What about your ankles? You didn't do it three times. And then they'll make sure that the child prays in front of them under their nose?

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Becoming a Haffield. You know what Allah subhanaw taala has already appointed angels as have you over people. And Allah is watching people. Your job is to convey to remind, but not to become a watcher over others. And how much can you do it anyway? I mean, sure, I sent him being one person. Imagine any businessman, he can barely look after his own business. How can he go and become an accountant for every single business that's going on? How could he become a Hatfield over them? So remember, our job is to convey and Allah is the judge. Now, what was the response of the people who they said, Yeah, sure. Eboshi ASALA Toka does your prayer that Moroka it orders you and not ruca

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that we leave my that which Yabu Alba owner our forefathers worship? Meaning our forefathers our parents, our ancestors have been worshipping these idols for so long? are you to tell us that we should not worship them anymore? Or enough Allah that we do? Feed them Wehlener in our wealth Manisha, whatever we will meeting is your Salah, telling you to stop us from worshiping the gods of our forefathers and to stop doing with our money, whatever we want.

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They basically said this mockingly does your Salah tell you? Now remember that the word Salah is used for prayer, it's also used for dua, and Salah is also a symbol of a person's religiosity. Prayer worship is what their religion a person's religion. So in other words, they're saying, what kind of religion is this?

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So restrictive, so backward? It's our life, our money, let us do what we want. Let us worship what we want. Let us buy and sell however we want. What does religion have to do with daily life? What does religion have to do with my personal life? In Nicola until Halima Rashid, they mocked at him, they said, Indeed, you are very Helene, and very Rashid, who is Helene, someone who's very tolerant, many Yeah, you're so tolerant, you know, towards us, that you can't even bear that we have certain business practices. This is why you have to keep telling us not to do this not to do this not to do this, how tolerant you are. Basically, what are they saying?

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You're so intolerant? And they said, You're so Rashid, Rashid Huizhou, someone's on the right way.

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So they're saying, Yeah, you are the most righteous person, you are the Noid all you are so holy, so pious, they're mocking at him, basically. What's their objection here?

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What's your religion? What's your prayer got to do with our business.

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Many people do not want any kind of connection between religion and their daily personal life.

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The maximum they want is that religion should give them the spiritual bliss, the spiritual satisfaction, and they don't want that religion should govern their life in any way. So they want to eat whatever they want. They want to dress however they want. They want to make money through whatever means they want. They don't want that religion should affect their lives in any way. And if you think about it, majority of the people, even if they may be very religious, this is are they are

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they as they go to church once a week, they will go to the temple every now and then. But what kind of values do they have when it comes to food when it comes to clothing when it comes to

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Marriage when it comes to work, they do whatever they want. And this is why many people they find Islam very restrictive. Because it requires that a woman, dress modestly. It requires that a man have facial hair.

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It requires that a person doesn't just eat anything. It requires that a person doesn't just dress however he wants doesn't just go and make money. However, he feels like, no, Islam affects every aspect of your life. Isn't it? Even our thoughts, our thinking, even our speech? So they found this very strange, and many people find this about Islam very strange also. Now the question is, why is Islam like that?

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Why is it like that? Because what do we believe that we didn't make ourselves?

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We were made by who? Allah subhanaw taala he owns us. We are His slaves, we are His servants. And a servant a slave does not have the authority to do with his life, or to do with his money, or to do with his time, anything without the permission of his master. Islam is what submission, complete submission to Allah subhanaw taala. And that submission means that you submit to Him with your heart, with your mind, with your eyes, with your body with your actions. Islam is all about actions. It's not just faith in the heart. It's actions and Eman. No. Conan, why am I known? Eman has words and actions, speech and actions.

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And this is something that people find very strange. And they mock the mocked up Srebrenica. Hello, you are very halimun rashi. And likewise, people say oh, yeah, Islam, you're a very peaceful Muslims. This is why you have capital punishment, and you have this kind of punishment. And that kind of real guys are so peaceful, the mock because they cannot understand how this religion is such that law and spirituality are together. And every kind of law, from legal punishments, to dietary laws, to financial, I mean, everything is covered. And they find this very restrictive. They don't want to follow. So the same objection that people have Srebrenica that I'm had, and their response

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was very provocative. I mean, if somebody tells you something like that, so your Quran tells you.

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So your religion tells you, we will become embarrassed immediately. Jerry Well, listen, look at his response. He's so confident. He says Carla, he said, Call me Oh, my people are a Tom, have you thought about this? Tell me in Khandala by Hina 10. If I'm on by Hina, meaning I'm not making this up, I have every right to deliver this message to you. I have clear proof. Because it is mill rugby from my Lord. Allah sent me as a messenger. And look what was Oconee and he has given me he has provided me mineral from himself. It is on Hassan, good provision. We look at my example. I don't cheat. I don't lie. I don't cause loss to people. I am not unfair in my business. But look, Allah

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has given me that is also don't you see my example? It's possible to live the halal way.

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It's possible to live the halal way Allah has given me this Cunha Sana you don't see me destitute? You don't see me poor, you don't see me begging. I have enough. I use Halal ways and Allah has given me plenty. He says Who Am I? What do you do and I do not want an OH Holly for calm that I oppose you. Illa to match that which and how come on who I forbid you from? Meaning. It's not that I'm telling you something different and I'm doing something different. I practice what I preach. If I'm telling you to not be unfair in business, look at my example. I am not unfair in business. I also buy and sell. I also try to make money, but I only do it through Halal means.

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I do what I say I walk the talk, I do it. Look at my example. It's possible to live the halal way. And you see, the one who does well on something is most deserving of conveying it to others and His Word will also have effect. So he says look, I do it the halal way. Why do you find it so difficult? And he says in only do I only want this law, I only want reformation. I only want to reform your practices. I'm not here to cause you other loss. I don't want you to become poor people with nothing left. No I want good for you. This is why I want you to have good and fair practices in your business. And I only want good must authority as much as I am able meaning according to my capacity

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will not ofili and Mito field is not Illa except Billa with Allah, meaning if I have the tofield to earn through Halal ways, it's only because Allah gave it to

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To me what is tofield? Don't feel this from Wildfell cough Rafa why Falco is when everything comes together.

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So, what is the person able to do something when everything comes together the time the opportunity, the ability? So if I'm able to earn Hello, I'm not boasting here

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it's because Allah enabled me and who is it that Allah enables the one who wants to be the one who wants to do something the right way? You see, there are many haram options out there many, many haram and what do we say? Or you know what, we don't really have a choice.

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But if you make up your mind, you only want to do that which is right, Allah who will enable you He will show you the way he says when Miko fealty in Lebanon, or LA he Tawakkol. To add him I trust, I don't trust an unfair means. I don't rely on lying and cheating. I rely on Allah use a provider while Eli he only and to him my return, meaning I returned to him again and again, for everything for answers for need. Anything that I want, I turn to Allah, He is my guide, he gives me He teaches me

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he is the provider.

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So people learn from my example. If I can do it, you can do it too. If I can live the halal way, you can do it too. And this is so beautiful. You see, when you find out that what you're doing is wrong. It's difficult to leave it. But when you find out that there are other people who have left it, it becomes easy. It becomes real for you. So it's very important that first of all, we learn what must be done, we do it and then we tell others we share the height also and make people understand it is possible to obey the commands of Allah. It is very much possible to live Islam. You might find it restricted from the outside, but when you actually do it, it's not that bad.

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It's doable.

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Let's listen to the recitation

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00:31:53 --> 00:31:54

Born then Lima.

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