Abu Abdissalam – Purification Of The Soul – EP23

Abu Abdissalam
AI: Summary © The host of a show discusses the three components of Islam, including man, body, and spirit, and highlights the importance of considerate and brotherhood in Islam. They also explore the topic of poverty and the reasons behind the hesitancy of people to give small things to others, including money. The speakers explore the benefits of the Prophet sallaviess's trait of morality, including pride and loyalty, and explore the potential consequences of Wohoo, a belief that one is the richest person in the world and the most important person in the world. They also discuss the potential consequences of naivete and insecurity and negative behavior, including insecure people, fear of loss, and social and financial security.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allah Almighty says,

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but as for him, who is stingy and self satisfied, and denies the good, we will pave his way to difficulty.

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. And welcome to another episode of purification of the soul.

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I'm your host Salaam. And we have with us in the studio, our guests, Kareem, Muhammad, and Kairos.

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In this series, we're discussing purification of the soul, or does gear to the force. And we mentioned that the word test gear in Arabic has two connotations to it, one of those connotations, the linguistic meaning I think, is to purify or cleanse and to increase to purify oneself, from what your own selves have bad qualities and characteristics, and then increase in the good qualities, good qualities. And this is what does get in the food is all about. And we spoke about the soul, the knifes or the roof. And we said that it is one of three components, that when they come together, they join together to create or to come to bring a creation by the name of insan or man, what are

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these three components? First and foremost? The Spirit, the Spirit, the body, the body, and the intellect and the intellect the article. And also, we said in the first episode, about how the three components of Islam, or of the Dean of the religion

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are related to these three components of man.

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What How is that the three parts of the deen Islam. So for instance, you could say the bed and the body is related to Islam, which of the outer actions in this case is the body than a man, a man which is related to the to the appeal and the beliefs intellect, yeah, which has to do with the belief system and the role of the Spirit, which is related to the sun, or the outer, or the spiritual perfection if you like. That's right. And one of the diseases that we're now going to be looking at

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a very important disease that we should remove ourselves from, and it's a continuation from what we were talking about in the last episode. In the last episode, we were talking about love of this world. And we now come to realize after studying that is that love of this world often leads to this disease, which is called miserliness, or stinginess in Arabic. bookwell. Now jabber ibn Abdullah, Abdullah the Allahu taala, who he said that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, beware of oppression, for oppression will be darkness on the Day of Judgment. And beware of miserliness. stinginess, because it destroyed those who are before you. It incited them to shed

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their blood and deemed the unlawful as lawful. Now, as we know miserliness is a quality that no one likes having attributed to them, and it's to refuse to give something that one has acquired to someone who has requested it. And it is far worse, as Jeff said, when the one who requests it is entitled to that thing. And even worse than that, is when someone is miserly with someone else's property. Allah subhanaw taala senses in the Quran, those who are stingy and order the people to be stingy in Surah Nisa, verse number 37. Now, why in Islam, why is miserliness so detested? Why is it something considered not good?

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stinginess and such a quality is very much contrary to the, to the Brotherhood and, and generosity which are praiseworthy things within Islam? How can we see some of this generosity and brotherhood

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in at the time of the Sahaba, in particular, after he drove

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while they were making hedgerow in hospitality and then Wahhabi vein advisory non answer, which means in English, which means brotherhood between measuring those who immigrated from Mecca to Medina. And

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those, the answer the house are those who supported the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam. So what kind of things did he do for example, those who are in Medina, what do they do to

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help those who have emigrated from Makkah to show this brotherhood. So they accommodated them within the houses, they offered them, you know, half the width of the wealth,

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even to the extent that they were willing to offer one of the wives to them.

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One what else terms of worth the words that they had, they would divide it, and they would offer to the Nigerian and there was a kind of true brotherhood. So miserliness, as you mentioned, is something that is contrary to the Islamic spirit of this Brotherhood in the minion Echo, that the believers are but brothers. And this is something

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that we need to concentrate more on, when we talk about loving each other for the sake of a Lost Planet, Allah. And when we talk about how we should not hate each other, Muslims should not hate each other, and we'll talk about that in future episodes in sha Allah. But there are two main aspects of miserliness. In Islam. The first aspect is against the Sharia of Islam. And the second aspect is contrary to if you like meritorious character, one can be a miser with respect to the Sharia if he withholds from paying Zakat, or from supporting one's dependence or something like this. In other words, if a person withhold from any obligatory type of spending is in Islam, then

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he's considered to be a miser according to the Sharia and this is haram. And it is necessary for the person to cure himself of this kind of stinginess, miserliness, Nygard leanness. So this is the first aspect against the Sharia. You can sum this up by saying any thing that a person is obliged to spend

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his wealth on and he doesn't do it, then he's considered to be stingy in the sight of a Lost Planet Allah in other words in the Sharia in the, in the law of Islam.

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The second aspect with regards to miserliness is in accordance with a meritorious character. In other words, it's just part of good character, part of brotherhood, if you like,

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that is a person, he'd be considered a miser among the people, if he lacks virtuous merit. When someone comes to him,

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he refuses, even though he has the money. So why an example could be where there's a poverty stricken beggar, you know, one who really desperately needs a small amount of money, the person has the money in his pocket, for example, and perhaps he's only looking for a small amount of money, something to just buy him food for the day, the person has the money in his pocket, he has no need of that money, it's extra for the what they call in Arabic, it's extra. But the person refuses to give that money, even though he's able to do so another example, is to give a hard time to someone who owes you a small amount of money, you, for example, you gave them a loan of a small amount of

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money that you really don't have a specific need of at that time, you can wait a year, two years, three years, there's no way you're going to need that money, you have much more, but then you're miserly, because you go after that person. You give him a hard time, and so on and so forth. And this is to do with one's character, his motto, if you like, and so the one who doesn't have this is fallen into what is known as the How are those things which make a person's character bad?

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And I live in La Jolla, and who said that the rich miser is poorer than the generous, poor person. Why is this the case? Why would a person who's rich, but he's stingy, in reality be poorer, poorer than the one who's poor, but he's generous.

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He cannot feel the existence of money in his hands. He just cannot spend them he just cannot feel that he has money like like a rich man. He is more suffering than the poor, because he has money but he suffers from poverty, because he's not willing to spend that money. So he's holding up in his bank and maybe even getting interest which is haram.

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A Lost Planet Allah said that he wages war against those who deal with Riba interest and unfortunately, some people especially in the Muslim lands, they deal with interest with different names. They don't call it Riba they call it forward, or Reb. profit of benefit. So they take interest and a Lost Planet Allah waged war against those who deal in in Riba in interest. Now, the point here, as you mentioned, he's poor, the rich person

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Who is who has a lot of money, but he simply he's miserly with that money is living a porpoise life? It doesn't he doesn't have any kind of feeling towards that wealth simply because he doesn't spend it. He doesn't see the benefits, if you like of that wealth. Why else would he be poorer?

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because he has the ability to spend, if you will. That's one for LASIK. Good. That's a good explanation. Another one. Also, final spending, he doesn't experience the joy. And yeah, that's what that's what Kareem was mentioning. But in terms of being spiritually poor, he had person may have a lot of money, but he might be spiritually poor. He had a resource material resource that he could exploit in the opinions of Allah, but he didn't make any use of it didn't make use of it. And this is why I laid out the law and who said, as we said, that the rich miser is poorer than the generous poor person, he's mentally poor, he has this psyche that he simply cannot give just like the poor

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person, physically, he cannot give. But this person he has this psyche, that even though he has the money, he has the psyche that he cannot give. And you see many people who may even be wealthy. But when something is being given, being given, given out free, that the first to seek it is the first in the queue, even if it's meant for poor people, there'll be the first to accept, there'll be the first put their hands up, but when they are asked for something, that, that even maybe it's spare to them, they refuse to give it and this is, this attitude is totally contrary to the Islamic practice of generosity. And inshallah we will touch more about this issue of generosity and how the prophets

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lie. Selim himself was so generous after this break in sha Allah saramonic.

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Oscar is a program which aims to answer your questions about your deen your faith, your way of life, this is Islam This is a totally different price, but I divided the payment over this period of time. And the seller is the person or the firm which owns it mature mind this condition. This whole section is

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AsSalamu Alaikum and welcome back.

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We're speaking BEFORE THE BREAK about the quality of miserliness. And we said that in Arabic, the word is called stinginess, neighborliness. And we said that this is a very bad quality. We mentioned that there are some people that even though they may be affluent and rich, sometimes, when something is being given out free, they'll be the first in the queue to accept such gifts. And likewise, on the controversially, if conversely, when they are asked for something that may even be spare to them. They refuse to give it anything, any small thing, even if somebody wants to borrow something from them, they refuse to give it. Now this attitude is totally contrary to the Islamic practice of

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generosity. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam was extremely generous, and even our boss or their loved one whom I remember correctly. He said that the Prophet sallallaahu Swami said cannot also lie. He said, Allah was seldom edgier than us. The prophet SAW Selim was the most generous of people, the most generous of people. In fact, Jabir ibn Abdullah of the lavon, who, when he was speaking about the generosity of the prophets, I send them he said, that in Ramadan, he was like a real morcilla the world when whirlwind, the strong whirlwind. In other words, he could not think of a word, the narrator of this hadith could not think of a word sufficient enough, which was sufficient enough to

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describe the generosity of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. in Ramadan. He simply said he was like a whirlwind, due to the tremendous generosity that he displayed in another generation, jabber Allah Han who said that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was never asked for anything. And he said, No, imagine that quality you ask anything from lesson to lesson Lysander and he never refuses. And this was the character of the Prophet sallallahu.

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Now, there are many causes for stinginess, miserliness. Let's have some examples of that. Why? What would make somebody

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have this trait of stinginess one that comes to mind is a perhaps the person is insecure.

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And because what do you mean by that, for instance, he may have accumulated a large amount of wealth

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Hmm. But he feels that if he was to spend or give it to charity, etc, etc, to lose it, and all if it would go, yeah, so he maybe doesn't have enough reliance of our last panel. And in one of the episodes previously we mentioned about how reliance of our last pantalla stops miserliness, because if a person has trust in Allah, Allah is the one who provides that he be willing to give away as well as and when he feels the need to like us, that goes back to the fact that man has, you know, infinite once that when he has something he, he always wants some more. I think the process as I mentioned, if he has a mountain of gold, you want to mountains,

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to the point of reliance on Allah, if someone has reliance on Allah, he feels secure. But if one doesn't have such faith, he feels secure with money, it gives him sort of social and financial security. So it's always afraid of losing his money, because this means he will be poor and suffers poverty and lack of money and hunger. But why would we? Why doesn't he lend other people think? Why refuse to do minor little things like that? I suppose you could say that he doesn't want to lose, perhaps his position of others. How would that, for instance, for example, you could say, he might have a laptop, one of the latest laptops, and another person may want a laptop that's similar to

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that or even better than that. So instead of lending him his laptop, or giving him the money to purchase it, he may just say, may give him a small amount of money to purchase something.

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a laptop, which has a lower specification than his one, because he wants to entertain. So that kind of goes against the love for your brother, what you love for yourself. aspect. Maybe he fears also that if he lends somebody, his thing is things done that they may damage it or not look after it. Like now, you know, maybe that's an item of clothing that they want

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to trust as well. The trust in no brotherhood again, the person who's who's who's a Muslim, he will not have

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What about

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what is the essence of miserliness? What's the deep rooted reason for miserliness? I think it's the materialistic behavior, and trend of society and everything you can get anything you need for money. So money means everything means security means luxury means

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means everything means rich people's respect,

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Yes, the love of the dunya, the love of this world, the extreme attachment to this work will pick up on that point, after looking at some comments made by some of the people that were interviewed earlier, they say that the person would be miserable by the lack of a soul. Since life is not only what the blood that runs in someone's vein, or the oxygen that comes to the lungs. It is the faith that someone's have in God, or the faith in life, love and the love that he can share with people around him. By that, by that only by company and friendship, Misery would be less the rich miser, to be apparently so rich and do whatever he wants, and the poor person is poor, and doesn't have any

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But the other side, of course, the Rich Moser is much much poorer than the poor guy. Because the poor guy could be working to be like, do anything that could make him richer with money and richer with friends and other things that are much more important than the money the rich, the rich miser is a miser he doesn't actually use his his, his his money. So he couldn't be rich, his written his richness couldn't be like

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any useful to him. I think that this is very dangerous for the society and for social solidarity between the members of society, because I think the gap between the rich and the poor is going to be increased and do and this will cause an instability. Some interesting comments made there. Now we're talking about some of the causes of miserliness water, I just tend to get confused can one be a miser in terms of wealth only? Is it specific to work there are other types of miserliness as well as we mentioned, miserliness is something that can be done against a Sharia withholding Well, it can be something done against humanity, losing character if you like. But there are other types of

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mindedness like a person who has knowledge. A person has knowledge, and he doesn't give that knowledge. It can be considered to be a miser how's that the case?

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Because, you know, just keeping that note

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If not sharing it with the people

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being stingy, sometimes it can be worse. Yeah, because he's trying to keep the superior inferior, inferior relationship with others. That's one possibility. That's one possible reason why he's being stingy with regards to his knowledge. But you can also say that he doesn't want to share his knowledge of fear of his intention being compromised ostentation. But what's the remedy for that? Should he like if a person prays, and he's ostentatious? He shouldn't stop praying. He should rather cure the ostentation so he should give out the knowledge or give Zakat for his knowledge. But when the many cases of companions who would, who would not would not give the knowledge and pass them to

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as companions to, you know, ask when there's sufficient number of people present, then it's okay for you to do that. It's okay for you to pass it on. And that's often safer, the safer, but when there is not enough people to give up the sacred knowledge, knowledge of Islam and the deen, then this is something that is is praiseworthy for a person to give up the knowledge on the condition that of course, he has to be free or try to avoid any kind of showing off or ostentation, in terms of worldly knowledge, you are making a point about superiority. Yeah, when someone is

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superior in in a certain field, he doesn't want anyone to be a competitor for him. So he's trying to keep back this his knowledge for himself and doesn't try to share it with others. I remember a statement that it was like a joke as such, but it has great morals to it, where a person who is a teacher of like some kind of self defense, karate, Taekwondo, whatever. And he had a student, and he taught the student, almost everything that he knew, until the student came to a certain level. And he said, okay, teacher, let me let's let's have a fight. Because now I know everything I'm going to beat you in this fight.

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And the teacher.

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He said, Okay, so he pulled out a new maneuver, a new move that he hadn't taught his students. And he beat him with that move. So the student, he said,

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Hey, you didn't teach me that. He said, Yes, I saved it for this day. He saved I saved that move for this day. So sometimes knowledge can obviously the moral behind that is knowledge can lead to a person to having pride, or arrogance,

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not respecting their teachers, and so on and so forth. But that's not really an excuse to be miserly with one's knowledge. But coming back to the point of the,

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of the causes of miserliness, you have causes that are, you know, things like a person.

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We have different types of causes. But what is the root cause of misery, love of this world love of this world, if a person can cure that, and have reliance on torkel on a Lost Planet, Allah, then he can cure his illness? This is the root cause of this. What about the effects of miserliness? on society, on individuals, on family on friendships?

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I mean, I guess it causes, you know, hatred and distrust between people that, you know, why is he not giving? you're sharing these things with me? Does he not like me, doesn't mean trust me, I'll give the money back, as opposed to the economic downfall of societies. So because if people refused, and didn't want to spend, then trade would occur. And you know, except perhaps, certain public interest, nobody would spend towards it. If everybody imagine a society where everybody is, is a miser, nobody would show bridges, for example, in Islamic State, people would give money towards these kind of public interest. Nobody would build masajid mosques, schools and these kind of things,

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unless there's a personal benefit in it. for themselves, there will be no society because everyone is living for himself and by himself, doesn't want to share anything with others, especially the material interest. Within this, such a person also, it shows his, maybe his arrogance, and that he believes, you know, the, the blessings that Allah has given him, is deserving for himself only is something is something that belongs to him. So he doesn't he doesn't realize that the blessings that Allah has given him a temporary and they belong to a Lost Planet, Allah Allah is the one who, who blessed and also that person will be asked about the wealth, the blessings that are Lost Planet

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Allah has bestowed on him.

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Some of the effects of miserliness we can see, we've mentioned some of them with regards to the society that individuals

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What about on friendships for example,

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it will lead to friendships being destroyed. Because part of friendship is to give, as well as take not just take, give and take and that goes with married life, for example, it goes with family and so on and so forth. inshallah, in the next episode, we'll talk about some of the cures for miserliness. And we'll go and we'll see insha Allah some examples of generosity that was displayed by the companions to each other, or sallallahu wasallam or Baraka, Allah anabaena, Muhammad Ali, he was a pH mine Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Episode 23/26: Miserliness (Part 1/2)

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