Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P10 107B Tafsir Al-Tawbah 64-65

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the hesitancy of people being exposed to danger, including the use of "has" to describe actions and words, and the importance of avoiding regret and spending time in regretting to avoid wasting time. They emphasize the importance of following the Prophet's command and avoiding offense, as it is crucial to avoid wasting time and attention. The speakers also touch on the negative consequences of speaking out against the media and the importance of avoiding regret and spending time in regretting to avoid wasting time.
AI: Transcript ©
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Lesson number 107 Surah two tilde i in number 64 to 74 We'll listen to the recitation first yeah a

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year though he is cautious, apprehensive, afraid who else is gonna feel corner the hypocrites. Why are they afraid? Why are they apprehensive, and that dunas Zilla it will be sent down meaning it will be revealed or lay him upon them upon who upon the believers. Obviously, revelation will be sent to who to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam and he will inform the believers. So what are they afraid about that what is going to be revealed? Sula, tune a surah a chapter, do not be on home it will inform them, meaning that sutra is going to inform the believers Bheema of that which feel Kulu be him in their hearts, in whose hearts in the hearts of the hypocrites. So the hypocrites are

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worried that a sutra will be revealed to the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam informing the believers about what the hypocrites conceal in their hearts all say is the zoo Mark meaning keep on walking continue in Allaha indeed Allah morally Jun one who will bring out meaning he will expose mad that which the Haroon you all fear

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in this ayah? What do we learn that the hypocrites are afraid they're cautious, they're very apprehensive that assuta might be revealed, exposing them telling the believers about what the hypocrites conceal in their hearts of the ill feelings against the Prophet sallallahu Sallam against the Muslims, and also about what they conspire secretly against the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and the Muslims. Yet this fear does not stop them. They're afraid yet they do not stop. This is just like a person who knows he's done something wrong. He's guilty. And because of that, he's afraid that he might be exposed. But yet, despite that fear, he doesn't stop doing the wrong thing. He

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continues, but at the same time, he's afraid. If you find out about someone who's doing something wrong, and they're afraid, yet they continue, what do you think of such a person? What do you think of such a person? That how dumb Could you be? I mean, you're afraid, you know, you might get caught. But still you're doing it. You know, like little children, when their mothers put them to bed. And they turn the light off and close the door. And they expect them to go to sleep. But what happens? Those children they get up and start jumping on their bed or something. And then as they hear the mother coming to say she's coming, she's coming get into bed quickly. You remember doing that? All

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right. All kids do such things on this coming mom is coming quickly. You think the mother doesn't know already? I mean, she heard you when she was downstairs. Right? But who does this? Children do it? Why? Because they don't realize the kind of behavior they are demonstrating that how bad it is. It doesn't benefit a person who has intelligence to demonstrate such behavior, right? It doesn't fit a person who has reason to behave in this manner. So it shows the foolishness of the hypocrites. They are apprehensive. They're worried they might get caught. They might be exposed. Yet they continue. They're afraid yet they are not afraid. Like a person who's cheating on a test he's

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looking around, right is the invigilator anywhere near and then as soon as they come. As soon as they see that they're approaching instantly. They stop cheating. This person is not afraid of Allah. Who are they afraid of?

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People. So because of social pressure, because of the people around them, they will fix their ways. But as soon as those people are gone, as soon as they're alone, what are they going to do? They're going to continue in their wrong ways. And this is one of the most despicable one of the most despicable behaviors that a person could have. It's very, very lowly, very lowly for a person to behave like this. It shows that he doesn't have any reason he doesn't have any intelligence. He doesn't have any fear of God. If you are running away from people, you think Allah cannot catch you a lot cannot hold you accountable. So yeah, hold on one African, they're afraid yet they do not

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stop. So Allah subhanaw taala threatens them all say is that the Oh go ahead, keep walking. Continue in your wrong ways. Continue in your mockery. And what is going to happen in Allah Muhammad you matter Haroon, Allah is going to bring out notice the word Maha region, it's from how Raja Harada is he came out mockridge One who brings out so whatever you conceal in your hearts, whatever you conceal in your private gatherings, Allah is going to bring it out, no matter what you do to cover it up, Allah is going to expose you, and thus you will be humiliated. Now we see that someone after pain, they had the audacity to speak in front of the prophets of Allah Salam. And some of them, like

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we read earlier, they said words that were very disrespectful to him. Like for example, some of them said, Oh, prophets, but a lot of them have fear of God. You haven't been fair in this distribution. Right? But others were too cowardly. So they wouldn't speak in front of the prophets on a lot. And I'm what would they do instead? They would Converse privately in their gatherings, they would mock at the Muslims, they would mock at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but at the same time, they were worried. What if somebody tells the Prophet sallallahu? Sena? Or what if Allah reveals to him, telling him about us? But yet this fear did not stop them. They became more secretive, right?

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more cautious about who is saying what, but they did not stop. Like, for example, a person who's doing something wrong, and he's afraid that he's gonna get caught. Because of that fear. What does he do? He becomes more secretive, more cautious. Like, for example, if a person is doing something wrong on their phone, what are they gonna do, they're gonna put a passcode. All right. And then for certain apps, also, there'll be passcodes. Like, there was this app that I found that what you can do is that as soon as you swipe it, and you put in the wrong code, it takes your picture. So you see what's happening, it takes your picture. So if somebody else has got your phone, and they're trying

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to look through your things, the phone has taken the picture of that person. So for example, there is a man who is trying to hide things from his wife. So as soon as the wife will go through the phone behind his back, what's going to happen? Her picture is going to be in the phone, so the husband's going to know Oh, so she went through my phone when I was in the shower.

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So, so many things people have come up with Why to hide and conceal, right? But what happens no matter how much they try to cover themselves up, right? What happens eventually, they do get exposed. And even if they don't get exposed today, on the Day of Judgment, what's going to happen? Let the meme come Coffea nothing at all will remain hidden, every hidden thing will be exposed. And you know, the word Coffea is actually used for the feathers of a bird that are under the wings under the wings. All right, so you don't really see those feathers all the time. You only see them when the bird opens its wings wide. So even something that is so hidden and deep within the heart

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password protected. What does Allah subhanaw taala say,

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in the Lucha Maha region matter?

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No matter what you hide, no matter what you conceal, no matter what way you adopt, Allah is going to expose you. And this is a reality, that sometimes a person tries to hide grudges and ill feelings against someone in their heart, and they don't mention it at all. But is it exposed? Yes. In times of difficulty, their true nature is exposed, their true feelings are revealed. Now remember that these verses were revealed in the context of the Battle of the expedition to the book, if you notice, it's always described as the expedition to the book, not battle of the book. Why? Because there was no battle. What happened was that the prophets Allah

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lot of salami prepared the Muslims out of them 30,000 of them went for. But when they got to the place where they were to fight the Romans, the Romans, they left, because they didn't expect the Muslims to cross the desert and come all the way. And when they saw that, oh, the Muslims showed up over here. Imagine what else is within Arabia. So they said, You know what, we'll wait a little while, and then we'll fight them. So basically, the Roman forces, they did not show up. And on the way back from the book, it was that the Muslim army, imagine 30,000 of them are traveling together, you can imagine a large group of people, what happens is that they get divided up into small groups,

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right? Like, for example, in a big class also, who are you sitting with? Who will you talk to people whom, you know, either they're from your group or you know them from somewhere else, or you happen to always sit together so you prefer to sit next to this person always right. So in a large group, what happens naturally is that people get divided up in the sense that they remain with who those who are like them, the like minded people stay together. In any big group, like for example, at Hajj, what happens 1000s and 1000s of people go, but people pray next to who and people sit with who and people travel in the buses with who with who, those who are from their group, those who have

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come with them from their country, right, or those who are from the same hedge package or whatever. So, people remain with those who are like them, on the Day of Judgment, in the hasher also, people will be divided into groups. People will be divided into groups. How that each person will be with those who are like him among Oh, my man I have a person will be with those whom He loves those who are like them.

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So this is why it's important that in this life, we reflect on this, that who is around me, what kind of people are they? What kind of a clerk do they have? The closest of people to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in the hasher will be who? Those who have good o'clock, those who have good manners, and the farthest from him will be who? Those who have bad o'clock.

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So just like that, in this journey back home from the book, people were with who those who were like them, so those who love to be with the Prophet salallahu Salam, those who were ahead in performing good deeds, where would they be found close to the prophets all along this along. But then on the other hand, those who tried to avoid him, because they were afraid of being asked or being questioned that were guilty so they had something to hide. They would look away from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would not look him in the eye. What happened to them they formed their own groups. So the Munna Philippine, they also formed their own group. Now, you might wonder, didn't they make

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excuses and remain behind the moon after clean? Many of them, they did not go for the expedition in the first place. All right, they presented the most lame excuses and they stayed behind. But others, they could not stay behind. They had to go along with the Muslims. Why? Because they couldn't come up with any excuse. They tried to stay behind, but they couldn't come up with any excuse. Or secondly, because of the social pressure. They had to go along because it was only the weak or people whose Islam was doubted who remained behind. So they wanted to prove to others that yes, we are Muslims, and we are with you. So they went along.

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But on the way back, imagine they must have been frustrated, they must have been angry, what a waste of effort. We we came all this way, no battle nothing. And we're going back. So they were frustrated, they were angry. And in there, whenever they stopped when they spoke amongst themselves. What happened, that hatred, that anger it was exposed. So one such incident, we learn that once a man was sitting in a gathering, and he said, I have never seen any people like these reciters of ours. He's talking about who? The Companions, right, the sincere companions, the misogyny, the unsought. He said, I have never seen any people like these reciters and he's mocking at them how

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he's mocking a theory about that. All they know is to recite the Quran that's all they do. You see them in the morning they're reading Quran at night.

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They won't go to bed, they will recite the Quran. So these reciters have never seen anyone like them. He said, they have the hungriest of stomachs. Meaning they're so poor. They're so poor. I mean, their stomachs are most hungry, they've got nothing, they've got no food with them. And he said, they have the most lying tongues, and they are the most cowardice in battle, meaning they don't know how to battle. And they've come all the way to fight the Romans. So he went on and on mocking at the Muslims, and he's supposed to be one of them.

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So one of the men, he was a sincere believer, he got up and he said, You are lying. And you are a hypocrite. And I'm going to tell the prophets on a lot of sentiment about what you said.

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So when this happened, then when Afifi and all of these negative comments, they were saying what the prophet is all about, it's about the Muslims. They got afraid. What if the prophets of autism was actually informed about it? We're gonna get into a lot of trouble. And what if Allah revealed some ads to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam exposing us? So they were afraid

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that they're going to be in trouble. But yet, did they stop? No, they didn't stop. They continued in the wrong. They continued in their mockery. They continued in their lies. They continued in these evil conversations. And like many people, they fell before their knifes. The temptation was too big, even though they knew the consequences could be severe. They carried on. It's like we know if we're sleeping through Fajr shaytaan is going to urinate in our head. The angels are going to go tell Allah subhanaw taala we didn't get a professor. But what happens? We fall before our naps, we fall before our nap. So just like that these will never clean. They fell before their naps and they

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continued. Now the thing is that such behavior, mocking at someone behind their back and making fun of what their good qualities, finding faults in their good characteristics. This is something that does not fit a believer. It does not befit a believer that when someone's not there, he's making fun of them. Or he's making fun of their recitation. He's making fun of their salah. He's making fun of their good habits. This behavior does not befit a sincere believer in the Quran we learn and Hasib Alladhina Surratt, Mohammed is 2930 that I'm happy when Medina Eukanuba him marathon, those people in whose hearts is a disease do they think a laoreet Allahu Allahu, that Allah will not expose their

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feelings of hatred, they think wrong. Allah will definitely expose their feelings of hatred, and somehow or the other, the news will reach the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and it did. Allah subhanaw taala revealed to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam the names of the hypocrites 70 Plus hypocrites he was given the list, this man will not fill this man went. And actually that was a part of the Quran. That was part of the Quran. But because those people, some of them, their children were sincere believers, their relatives were sincere believers for them to know that my relative is a hypocrite. It was very hurtful. So because of that reason, that list was kept with the Prophet saw a lot of

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meaning only he knew the names. It was not made part of the Quran, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam He informed only one companion of those hypocrites. So Allah expose them by name. And not just by name. Allah revealed the qualities, the characteristics of the hypocrites in the Quran, so that they're identified, they're known, they're not remain hidden. And in this is a Rama, a huge mercy for who, for the Muslims in general, then examine yourself in the light of these traits. Is there anything like this in myself? If there is, it's a problem? I have to strive to eliminate this because this character does not fit a believer. So over here, what is that character that we learn,

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which does not fit a believer? What is that characteristic? Making fun of who have other people, especially making fun of someone

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who is a sincere believer, okay. We don't know about their sincerity, but their sincerity is shown by their actions, by their commitment by their Ibadah right by their striving in the way of Allah. So making fun of someone's Pilla making fun of someone's hijab making fun of someone's Beard.

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Beard also, unfortunately, people make a lot of fun of that. A lot of fun. Their beard is like

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This, they look like such and such and they look like so and so making fun of hijab making fun of someone's speech, making fun of someone, their recitation, their Arabic, their pronunciation. This is something that does not befit a believer. He goes beyond the surface, right? On the apparent you see a person his mistakes, or his actions, his words, but you go beyond that. You don't just get stuck. There you go beyond that you appreciate the person for who he is, for what he is. Yes, he's not perfect. Yes, he has mistakes, but you appreciate them. Yes, he doesn't look that great with that big beard. But at least he's trying to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu Salam? Yes,

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she looks really funny now with her hijab, but at least she's following the Command of Allah. Yes, her eyebrows look very, very, very whatever. But at least she's trying to follow the command of the prophets of Allah is Allah. Right? So look beyond what the person looks like and appreciate them for who they are for what they're trying to do. But the monastic because he's very superficial. His focus is duniya. On the looks, this is why he judges people, on what on their looks only.

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When you look at the example of this worse verse of what the monopolies are, and what the Muslims shouldn't be, it really makes you realize how in Islam, we are taught to look beyond the superficiality of this world and the things that are around us. The shallowness of you know, these pictures, magazines, everything, you really learn to respect and love people for who they are not what they look like. Exactly. And that's very important. So make a separate list of the characteristics of when AFIC Okay, so the first characteristic that you're going to write down is what and as we go through the lesson, keep adding to that list. Alright, so the first one is making

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fun of others.

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Allah says, What are in and surely if CELTA whom you ask them, if you were to question them, about what about whether they really said these words or not? And if they did, why did they say such words about the prophets of Allah, Allah said about the Muslims, if you were to question them, because this was the way of the prophets of Allah ism before he will take any action against someone he would always investigate, he will always investigate. So when he was informed by some companions, that this is what so and so said, and this is what so and so was saying, the prophets have a lot of some confronted those men, and he asked him, did you say such words? What was the reason? Allah says

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if you were to ask them lair coluna surely they will definitely say in nama indeed not but couldn't now we were no holdall, we were conversing when allowable, and we were playing. We were just talking and chatting and having some fun. Come on. Don't take it seriously. We didn't really mean it. We were just kidding. They will just write it off as if it was nothing. Part of the signs of hypocrisy is what of the characteristics of hypocrisy is what? That a person belittles since he belittle since He belittles or he doesn't think too much of harsh statements, harsh words. He says, oh, it's no big deal. Come on. It was only a joke. Don't mind. So they would say we were only talking and having

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fun. It wasn't anything too serious. Please don't get offended. We were just kidding.

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And many times this happens. People say the most harsh words. And later on they say come on. Don't be so sensitive.

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Alright, why are you being so touchy? Don't be such a girl. Alright, grow up. You should develop some tolerance for such words. Otherwise, how will you survive in this world? Come on, be strong. Alright, they make you feel like you're dumb for feeling bad. Layer coluna. In America, Nana holdo. When allowed, they present an excuse. So basically, they're justifying the wrong

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a believer. He does not justify the wrong he sees okay, this is something these words these actions. Allah does not approve of them. The messenger salatu salam did not permit this. As soon as he sees that fault in himself, he admits and he wants to reform himself. In the Quran we learn that all believers do not raise your voices in front of the prophets of Allah. Because if you do that your deeds might be wasted. Meaning when you're in his company, Speaker

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spectrally and Speak softly. So one of the companions, he naturally had a very loud voice happens with some people, right? They're naturally very, very loud. So he wasn't found for some time. And then when people went to look for him, they found that he was just in his house, afraid to even go in the company of the prophets, Allah, Allah is Allah, that he is going to talk loudly and his deeds are going to be wasted.

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This is how concerned he was.

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He wasn't speaking disrespectfully. It was just naturally he was like that. But I'm gonna fake what does he do? He justifies his sin. Come on, we can't be robots. We're human beings. We need some fun. We were just killing time, the whole day one allowed. And notice what is mentioned over here as justification, no huddle. When allowed no holdovers from the letters ha, well, dot and how this to enter into water. Like for example, you put a child in the bathtub. And then what happens? Like okay, a bath time is up. No, no. Five more minutes, do more minutes, three more minutes. And what happens? First, they're playing with their toys, and they start pouring water out of the tub. Right?

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And then one thing happens. And then the other thing happens, one thing leads to another. Right? This is what cold is that a person enters into a conversation. He engages in some conversation. One topic leads to another which leads to another which leads to another Has that ever happened with you? Has it ever happened that you're talking amongst your friends, you start off talking about what happened yesterday, and you end up talking about who? Somebody's close. One thing led to another which led to another which led to another and when we engage in such conversations uselessly, you know, like a positive discussion is something good, but a useless conversation. This happened. And

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that happened. And she said this and she was wearing that. And I saw this good deal. And where were you yesterday and I was calling you and I ate that cheesecake and I ate that. A whole hour goes by talking about nonsense. And this is when we end up backbiting others, and we end up gossiping. Right? When we don't have anything productive to talk about this is when we end up mocking and others making fun of others are the same. We were just passing over time Come on. It's such a long journey, we had to do something. So we were just talking and one thing led to another and come on, don't be offended. We just ended up mocking at the Muslims. It's not a big deal.

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The whole deal. And they say when Allah and we were playing Larry, just having some fun, we were killing time. Now you see, long, what is long, useless conversations and actions which don't benefit a person neither in this dunya nor in the ACA. In fact, they become a means of acquiring sin. This is something that is not liked. People who talk a lot end up making a lot of mistakes. And people who talk a lot do not accomplish much in their life do not accomplish much in their life. If you analyze on a typical day off,

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what is it that we do? We go online, or we talk on the phone, we go meet somebody? And what is it that we did? Yes, we spoke about many things. But what is the benefit? What is it that we gained from all those conversations from all those chats? What is it that we gained?

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And instead of those 10 minutes, if those 15 minutes of that half an hour was spent in folding your laundry? Perhaps you'd be mentally more relaxed,

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isn't it or if you went out and helped somebody or if you recited the Quran, or did your morning call your evening of God, you would have a greater sense of accomplishment. No huddle one alarm. This is something that does not defeat a person who has a goal in his life, who lives a productive life. He stays away from useless conversations from useless activities. Because every moment is precious, every moment is valuable. The prophets have a lot of centum said Whoever believes in Allah in the last day should either speak something good or he should remain silent. On the day of judgment in the harsher in the Great Gathering, people will be in a lot of regret. People will have

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a lot of regret. The Day of Judgment is also called yo ml has struck the day of regret. And what is it that people have regrets about one of the things will be wasting their time wasting their life. In a hadith we learn that if a person were to spend his entire life dragging himself

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on his face in order to attain Allah's pleasure, from the day he was born, till the day he dies, he would not think of this as a big accomplishment on the day of judgment. He would think, yeah, I did it but could have done much better. Imagine if a person were to spend his entire life from the day he was born to the day he died every moment, dragging himself on his face in order to attain Allah's pleasure on the Day of Judgment, he would find this action to be happy. He would think, Oh, not a big deal could have done better could have done more. This is not good enough to save me today. And how is it that we can spend not seconds not minutes, but hours, hours, in just killing time, killing

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time talking about useless things? And we say, yeah, we're just having fun. We're just relaxing. Do we realize how difficult death is? And how difficult the moments after death are? If we thought about that reality, and if we reminded ourselves of it, we would make use of every minute that Allah subhanaw taala is giving us then we wouldn't say I need a break. So I need to watch TV for an hour.

00:36:19 --> 00:36:37

You could never justify that. If you remembered that what comes after death is very, very serious. Or it's mandrill Dilawar and who once he was passing by a grave and when you saw it, he just started crying. He cried and cried and cried until His beard was wet.

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And the people said to him, you mentioned Jana, you mentioned now hellfire, but you don't cry like this. Why are you crying so much over the grave? I mean, yes, grave is something serious, but Janna Jahannam is far more greater in importance. Or when a little one who said that I heard the Prophet sallallahu Sallam say that the grave is the first month ZIL, it is the first stopping place. First destination from the destinations of the hereafter. If a person survives here, then what will follow will be much easier. And if a person fails here, than what will follow will be much, much more difficult. This is the beginning. This is the beginning. But we don't remember this reality. And

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this is why we can justify an entire day of shopping, we can justify five hours of watching television, we can justify a whole morning wasted a whole evening wasted a whole day wasted. If we are really honest with ourselves.

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And if we really, really, really want to get something in the akhira, then we wouldn't waste our lives, we would critically analyze every moment of hours, every day, ask yourself, What did I accomplish today? That could perhaps save me in my grave? What is it that I avoid it today because of which perhaps, I could be saved on the Day of Judgment. The Ophira is very, very serious. But those who have forgotten it, who don't realize its importance, they can spend their time now who do one alarm, and the more they engage in the hoodoo and Allah what happens, the more sin they commit, the more time they waste, the more sin they commit. Because an idle mind is what a devil's workshop

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00:38:32 --> 00:39:10

If you make yourself available to che lon obviously is going to come in make you do something wrong. So what is necessary that a person keeps himself busy in good things in productive things, so that less time less attention is given to useless things. In the Quran, we learn when my Yash are in victory, right man whoever, you know forgets whoever turns away from the vicar of the Most Merciful no paella who shave on the Shavon is appointed for him for who Allah Who codeine and that Shavon becomes his best friend, that Chidlom becomes his companion, then every moment. He makes him do something wrong.

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Every day is taking us closer to our final destination. We cannot waste it in the whole one. So layer kulana surely they will definitely say in America Nana who the winner. We were just having some fun we were talking. We were playing. Allah says Ponce, a Billahi is it with Allah what a yeti he and his Ayad, his versus the Quran, one a Sunni he and his messenger content Esterhazy own you were mocking meaning you got to find anything else to have fun with. You couldn't find anything else to talk about. You could only make fun of Allah, His messenger and Allah has revealed versus Is this what you could speak of and have fun with. There's so many

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The other things that a person can entertain himself with, isn't it? Entertainment itself is not wrong. Having fun in itself is not wrong, having a conversation, to be relaxed, in order to laugh is something that is not wrong. The Prophet saw a lot of them also, he made jokes, right? Like, for example, once he was sitting with the Companions, everybody was having dates, and he kept putting dead seeds in front of one of the companions. All right. And at the end, he said, Look,

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you ate so much. That's what he was implying that you ate so much, you ate everything, and look in front of me, there is nothing. So he also had fun. He engaged in conversation, that was light. For the purpose of relaxation. There's light humor, humor itself is not wrong. But making fun of Allah

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of God, making fun of revelation of the Shira of the laws that Allah has revealed, of the verses of the Quran of the Shara and the symbols of religion, make fun of the prophets of the believers. This is something that does not fit a believer. This is something that is not allowed,

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isn't it that we learned earlier, that a believer is not even allowed to witness a conversation to be present in a gathering? Where the religion has been mocked up? Isn't it, that if you are ever in such a place, and people are making fun of Allah, his religion than what is your obligation, either stop them. And if you don't have the capacity, get up and leave? As soon as you remember, get up and leave? Does it fit a believer that he is one of the people who's actually making fun?

00:41:45 --> 00:41:53

Think about it. If there is a person who truly loves his parents, would you find him mocking his mother in public? mocking at his father in public?

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If a person does that, then he is not someone who has any respect for his parents. Right? If a person has any respect for the company that he works for, would you ever find him mocking at it, making fun of it? Humiliating it in public? If he's ever found doing that? That's not someone who's loyal and sincere. Thank you. You know, like if we think about it, and will we ask ourselves, would we ever do this? And we'd be like, No, we would never make fun of Allah. That's only what the monastics do. But if we really think about it, when we make fun of like our friends, or our sisters, and you know, you have such a funny nose, or your ears or whatever, this in itself is making fun of

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Allah because he created that, right? So in that kind of sense, we are making fun of Allah because he is the creator. Exactly. And Allah's creation in general. Like, for example, certain creatures, the sounds that they make, or the things that they eat. I mean, yes, there are certain creatures about which Allah said they are rich, they're filthy, right? They're not just, and we are supposed to dislike them and keep away from them. Right. But in general, like, for example, a beautiful bird, the person is walking at the sound that it makes. I mean, this is walking at who the maker of that bird, the creator of that bird. So it's very important that when we are, you know, having fun, we're

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talking about things, cracking jokes, whatever. It's not about, you know, attacking an individual. All right, or especially anything to do with Allah's religion, his creation, we should keep away from such things. So a biller he was at he was a Sunni, he couldn't understand the goon.

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You know, like some people, they find something funny, and others, they don't find it funny. Has it ever happened? Somebody cracks a joke and you're like, I don't think it's funny. I don't think it's funny. But other people they will laugh and laugh and laugh. What does it show that people have different tastes? Right? One person finds a particular subject humors and other person finds a particular theme, humorous, whatever it may be. But over here, what do we see that if a person is making fun of Allah, His Messenger has a app? What does it show? That he doesn't have any?

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Any Amen? What is that he's finding funny. What is it that he finds funny over here? What a terrible test he has. If someone is cracking dirty jokes, like really dirty, what does it show that there is such a dirty person? If they can say such words if they can describe such things or define these things funny, I mean, their mind in their heart must be really gross. What they do in secret must be horrendous, right? It just shows it reflects what kind of a person they are. So if a person is making fun of Allah, his religion, it reflects that their personality, what it truly is, there is no love for Allah. There is no Talim no respect for Allah. Because if there was even a little bit of

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respect, they wouldn't make fun.

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and of God, they wouldn't make fun of God's messengers of His Verses of the revelation that he has sent. And sometimes it happens that we find jokes that are made by atheists or people of other religions, about God in general. And we think, Oh, no, no, they're just making fun of their gods. They're just making fun of their gods. Who are they actually making fun of

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God, the concept of God. Right, the concept of God, the belief in God, yes, their belief in God is something wrong. There is problems in it, but they're making fun of God. Okay, we don't believe in their gods. We believe in Allah subhanaw taala. But when the concept of God is being marketed and we find it funny, there is a problem over there. A belay he was at he was a Sunni. He contested the rule.

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