Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P08 086B Tafsir Al-Anam 141-145
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AI: Transcript ©
Lesson number 86 Little interim I 141 to 150 recitation of these verses well what led me
do shouting one Knopfler was
Daddy fan okolo was a tall
man and motor shabby
motor shabby Kulu
mid etha small to help Babu well my house lordy want to see
your bull moose reefy Wamena and Nami how moolah
football it show you on
Mubi the man he
mean a nickname you I mean
say he
not be only bearing in
tune for the 80 or Meenan ABS Nene Wamena bump on his knee
Galini how
Dawn shahada
was for Google law will be
Furman Oh lemon
law he can be mentally
savvy lady I
Wally we
are here in a lawman nada Ori me up I'm
gonna make
pages Regis office one will
be for many of all your
back office walking while
will mean it was one me how one
will have I
done up on the hour then he can
be Bowie more in Fall
Sue wanting more Jeremy Remi Sam levena Assura Kula
now Allah How long
shall ye go then you can
mean coddling him
rijo Mowlana
owner in one hour in
further OSHA
guna and Allah how
Be fair it will be
what what and he is a lovely the one who meaning Allah is the One who unshare he calls to grow Jannetty in gardens.
Allah is the One who has caused gardens to rural, grow what food for you, provision for you delicious, different kinds of fruit, vegetables, greens for your benefit for your nourishment. Meaning Allah didn't just create you and left you on your own, he made you and he also produced for you your nutrition. This is Allah's generosity on you. And Allah created all of this for your benefit. Not that you deprive yourself from it, not that you dedicate a portion of it to idols, not that you wasted no, he made it for your benefit for your use, so that you eat it. And you thank Allah for it, you become more obedient servants to Allah because of the favors that he has bestowed
on you. So well who well let me uncheck and cheer from known sheen Hamza, and inshallah is to cause to rise to cause to grow. If you look at a plant, it doesn't grow in one day. How does it grow gradually, one stage after the other, you know, first you just see a shoot, and then what happens? You see tiny, tiny leaves coming and then it grows and grows. And then eventually after months, sometimes after years, you see that it is ready to produce fruit. Right? So he is the one who has produced Jannette gardens. And these gardens are mahu shirts, mono shirt trellised will lay it all and other than Marlowe shirt trellised do you have this word trellised okay, my will shirts is the
plural of the word Maria Lucia and it's from their letters. What are the root letters? Maria Lucia our in raw sheen good Arash What does she mean thrown right. But it also means roof the roof of a house or of a building okay the roof of a house or a building matter whoosh is that which has been made to reach the OSH because my wishes object right. So that which has been made to reach the opposite, meaning that which has been made to rise upwards, grow upwards. So my will shot refers to those plants that grow upwards. And this includes two types of plants. Firstly, vines, such vines that are climbers, you can say that climb upwards that grow upwards, but because their STEM is very
soft, it's not that strong. This is why they grow on other things that climb upwards and other things such as anything, whether it's a building, okay, or another tree, or sometimes a stream even isn't it's sometimes a steak, sometimes a trellis trellis is a frame. Okay, that has been made for vines to grow upwards on Okay, sometimes you'll see that certain flowers or such the plant decides that it needs a trellis at the back. So people put it right behind the plant and then the plant grows on that. Okay, so my rachet refers to which kind of plants that grow on
upwards whether it is tall trees, or it is vines that climb upwards, he is the one who has created marble shot and notice over Jana the gardens off, because even if it's just one vine, you will see that it completely covers because Jana is what kind of a garden, the ground of witches hidden because gender means that which is hidden, right? So why? Because the growth is so much there's so many leaves that are so dense, it is so thick that you can't see the ground is just completely covered. So just like that sometimes a vine, it spreads so much on a wall or on a building that you don't know what the actual color of the brick is. Right? You don't know what the actual color of the
brick is. It's just covered with that line. And when winter comes and all the leaves fall, then you see oh, it's red. Oh, it's beige, or it's white, or it has lost its original color, because it's covered most of the year. So Martin was shot, well, you know, Murano shot. And I'm trellised it refers to other kinds of plants meaning those plants which do not grow upwards which are not made to rise, but rather they spread this spread on the ground, because there are certain winds, which are you can say creepers, okay, and creepers which spread on the ground. Okay, which are not made to grow upwards, for example.
For example,
strawberries, if you ever go strawberry picking, where do you see the strawberry plant on the ground? Right? Likewise, pumpkin, how could you forget pumpkin mean, you see pumpkins everywhere these days. So anyway, pumpkins also because they're so heavy, but they're grow onlines imagine if it was like a grape vine growing upwards, it wouldn't be able to grow, right? Or the pumpkin won't be able to grow because it's so heavy. Likewise watermelon, right? There's so many fruits and vegetables which are such that they grow. On the ground, they spread on the ground. So late Omar will shut
let me just show you a few pictures here. So you can imagine see this is a great fine. You have an idea, right? That it's growing upwards and it's growing on a trellis. Okay, it's going upwards on a trellis. So this is marble shad.
This is also an example of marble shot because it's growing upwards on a tree.
This is Liam Arusha because it is spreading on the ground. You see the watermelon in the middle, those of you who are far and it's surrounded by leaves. So my will Schatten will hieromartyr sha Allah has created all kinds of plants some that grow upwards and some that spread on the ground. And some are such that stay on the ground meaning they don't climb upwards, nor do they spread like for example crops, okay, like for example wheat crop grain, okay, grass also, obviously, what is being referred to over here is those plants to fruit the produce of which is edible. Okay, so here's the one who has made all this one Nakula and the date palm was Zara and the crop, which kind of crops
that are is crop, okay, for example, wheat, rice, millet, different grains that we eat. Generally, we only know about wheat, because that is all that we consume. But there are so many other types of grains that Allah has made, that Allah has created. Even sometimes it should go to those weird Foods stores like health food stores and see the amazing things that Allah has made. And we just limit ourselves to just certain grains. Why? Because that is what we're used to. That is what we're used to. And the more refined it is, the more we like it even though the profits are a lot is that I'm never ever ate refined flour. You know, I'm talking about all purpose flour. Okay, because it
doesn't have any brand in it. Right? So, when Nala was Zara Allah has created different kinds of things for us to eat. Let's benefit from them more deli fun, very indifferent from Carla amfa. Meaning they're very, they differ. What differs oku it's fruit it's produced open is from a color a color means he ate, right Apple is to eat soy or corn refers to that part of the plant which is edible, which is eaten. Meaning you don't grow a tomato plant so that you can eat its leaves, right? You cause it to grow wise so that you can eat the tomato so the tomatoes are what are called of that plant. Likewise, a mango tree is not planted so that people can eat the trunk. Okay, they grow it so
that they can eat the mangoes. All right. So Okon refers to that part of the plant which is meant to be eaten. Allah says Mahtani fun oh
Oh no, it's amazing. The ground is the same. The vines sometimes they look identical, but one is producing grapes. Another is producing strawberries, another is producing pumpkins, another is producing something else waterleaf and Guggulu. They're different in their taste, right in their color, in their appearance in their texture even in their texture even. And sometimes look at the grapes. within them. Also, there's so much variety, you'll have those huge ones and then you'll have those teeny, teeny ones, you'll have those ones the skin of which is really thick, hard, difficult to chew, the seeds are really big, and others you'll find the skin is really soft Multani for Okuu
different awkward, but it's amazing, the ground is the same, the sun is the same, the water is the same, but at the end the produce is different, the taste is different. And sometimes you will have two plants which are the same next to each other. But one is producing tomatoes are sweet, and others producing tomatoes are not that sweet Multan, even Okuu. One is producing tomatoes that are huge, and others producing tomatoes that are tiny. Well, I don't even know who has created all of this variety. Allah your Lord, for what purpose that you deprive yourself know that you benefit from it, because each different one contains different nutrients for your benefit. Right. The nutrients
which are found in tomatoes are different from those that are found in wheat. Different from those that are found in mangoes. Each one has something unique about it that benefits you in a different way. But telefone Okuu was a tune and the olive one Romain and the pomegranate. eat pomegranates do don't just drink the juice, eat the fruit as well. Even if it's hard to open it up and cut the fruit out you know watch a video or something that teaches you how to feed it property so that you don't deprive yourself of this amazing super fruit with a shabby hand Allah says with the shabby What does what the Shabbat mean similar with Ira and other than with a shabby similar meaning similar
resembling in some ways, and they do not resemble in other ways. Sometimes their appearance exactly the same but when you open it up so different. So all this variety Allah has made for you why? What does Allah say over here he gives us three commands Kulu you will eat men from thumri he is fruit, either when atham Allah it produces fruit, meaning when these plants Mara Lucia de la Mer Bouchard zanaco These plants when they produce their fruit, then what should you do? To sit there and watch and be like wow, but I don't like it. The whole Kulu eat it. Don't complain. Don't whine just eat it. Kulu mean somebody either Asmara notice is that a tomato when it produces fruit, eat right then
meaning the fresher it is, the better it is. The more fresh it is, the better it is for you. So could Omen somebody either Asmara Secondly, Allah told us what to end give haka who it's right, what is it right, that some of it should be spent in Allah's way some of it should be given in the way of Allah. So add to Hakuho when yo mama on the day how saw D its harvest, how solid from the root letters, how solid then how solid is harvest time reaping time basically when the fruit is ready when the crop is ready, and then you take it all off at once.
Like for example, if you have some kind of vegetable garden or something in your backyard, certain fruit what happens to it is that every day you go pick a little bit a little bit a little bit, but then when fall is coming then you know that it's going to freeze overnight, all the tomatoes are going to be ruined then what do you do? You go in take off all of them. Okay, so eat when it produces the fruit, but then on the day when you harvest when you take everything off, then make sure that you give some of it in the way of Allah. And later on it was legislated because it was McKeesport, but later on it was legislated that OSHA has to be given from the harvest what is
worship 1/10 1/10 of it should be given in the way of Allah. So as to haka who Yamaha Saudi. Third command Allah gives what are 234 Do not do is throw off what is love to be excessive, right and sort of is basically to neglect and both have a connection being excessive, and being neglectful. There's
deep connection over here. What is that, that when you take more than you need? Like, for example, you go to a party and there's a lot of food. And you see there's a lot of people, and the food is too good and you don't know what's really good and what's not that good. So what do you do? You take a plate and you fill up as much as you can
you take more than you need, what is that a swath?
What are you neglecting over here, other people that they also have a right over this bread, or over this pasta over this drink over this dessert even they have a right but we neglect that. And then what happens when you bring that huge plate of food, and you can't eat more than a third of it? And what happens? Two thirds of it goes into the bin. Right? So you're neglecting that food in the sense that you're wasting it somebody else could have had it but you're wasting it so Allah 234 So it's raft can take many forms. One is that you keep everything for yourself and you don't share at all. This is one form of Islam. Another form of Islam is that you give everything and you don't keep
anything for yourself. Because that is also being extravagant. If you give everything in charity, what are you going to eat yourself? What are you going to give to others? So when are 234 There must be a balance. In the Quran we learn Allah says Allah Julieta komak Lulu and Ileana pick what atom Sudha colobus do not make your hand chained to your neck that you don't even give a little bit to others. You don't even share a little bit. Nora extended completely that you give everything away and don't keep anything for yourself no law 234 There must be a balance. The prophets of Allah Islam said Kulu was trouble while Basu when a lady is laughing while I'm Ophelia, eat and drink and clothe
yourselves without extravagance or arrogance. Use it enjoy it. Allah made it for you. He gave it to you. He provided you you acquired it through Halal means benefit. But don't do is love that you bye bye bye you bring everything home, and then you eat only a portion of it. And the majority of it goes into the compost. Right? Don't do this kind of Slough. 1234 Why? Because in the who indeed he learned not you Hibou he likes almost graphene those who do Islam. People who do ISAF, Allah doesn't like them. He doesn't like them.
So the next time that we're pouring food in our plate at a wedding at a party and we're just filling it, filling it filling it like there's no tomorrow. Remember in the WHO liar hibel Mystery fee.
If I eat excessively, if I take more than I need, and I throw it away,
then in the who lay your head will mostly Fein. Allah doesn't like the most reefy would we ever like to hear Allah doesn't like you?
Can you imagine? If somebody says so and so doesn't like you? How would we feel horrible? If we don't give much importance to them? Were there nobody? Okay, but still it hurts. They don't like me. Imagine if because of our wasting food, wasting the things that Allah has given. Going to extremes in using and giving Allah subhanaw taala doesn't like us. Can you imagine? What a loss what a loss here we are trying our best read the book of Allah recited understand it. You know, we're trying to be patient, we're trying to be generous, we're trying to do so many things. And because of our Astrov at the dinner table, because of our Islam in the kitchen, Allah doesn't like us. That's
really a loss.
In the hula Hepburn was refeed women and from the grazing livestock, meaning Allah hasn't just created vegetables and fruits and greens for you to eat. He has also created animals for you to eat one meal an ARM and ARM is from Darn. Near my is also from the same route. What is Nirma? Blessing? Alright. And are those animals which are a blessing for us? How are they a blessing for us? Because we can eat their meat, we can drink their milk. And with that milk, we can make so many things. Imagine if you couldn't have dairy. Just imagine. Is there anyone who has been sensitive to dairy or is allergic to dairy and hasn't been able to have dairy for some time?
Okay, so, tell me what is it that you can't have?
you're lactose intolerant. So what happens when I have d from Tim Hortons for instance?
She said that she can get really sick. I remember my son. He had severe eczema and the doctor told me to avoid dairy for some time. So I did that. It was very difficult. I couldn't have cheese. I couldn't have butter. I couldn't have cheesecake. I couldn't have ice cream. Imagine it was really the day and there was just new
Ice Cream Parlor that had opened recently. And my whole family went there to have ice cream. And here I am just standing there watching them. I couldn't have it.
I couldn't have it.
So, imagine if you couldn't have just one thing. And one thing, it's a test for people. But we don't appreciate the blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given us.
Honestly, we don't until we are not allowed to have something for health reasons, then we realize what a huge blessing it was what a huge convenience it was. Even though there are many alternatives out there. I mean for male calf soy milk if almond milk if so many other alternates, but the convenience of having dairy Come on. There's no alternate for that. So Wamena arami from the grazing livestock, Allah has produced for you Hamilton were Forscher how moolah how moolah from the difference how meme lamb hammer hammer means to carry her Mona are the animals that carry what do they carry burdens of yours or they carry you. So for example, camels right there harmala Because
you can huge loads on them. Right? You can even sit on them harmala They are meant their size, their strength, the way their body is, it is meant to carry Lourdes horse, Allah Subhana Allah has made him Allah. And there are some others from the anom that Allah has made as Felicia fusz fell wa she literally means ground. So far, she refers to ground animals. What does that mean? Meaning those that are so short, so small that they almost stuck to the ground? And this is referring to the animals from the anom. Okay, not talking about snakes or mice? No, no, because you don't eat those. Okay, this is one we know anatomy from the grazing livestock. There are some animals which are
false, meaning they're too small. So for example, a goat compared to a camel camel, so huge, you needed to sit down so that you can get on it. And a goat. It's short. All right. Likewise, sheep. Yes, you have versions which are really huge and tall. But generally, they are small compared to those other huge animals. And because of their small size, you're not meant to ride them. You're not meant to put anything on them. So you cannot ride a goat. You cannot ride a sheep. All right, you can't put stuff on it so that it can carry it for you from one place to another. Okay, they're meant for other purposes. What are those purposes? That you use their milk? You use their meat you use
their skin they're meant for other reasons. So I mean anatomy Hamilton well, for sure. And through the natural 80 We learn women are Swft whoa whoa buddy, I was already here 1001 Matera and Isla Hain their wool their hair, there for you make from them furnishings and articles of convenience, comfort for some time.
The skins of these animals you make so many different things. So Hamilton Mufasa Kulu, eat mimma from that which was a Qualcomm he provided you Allah, Allah, eat of that which Allah has provided you. Allah made these animals for you to eat. Not that you say, I don't eat meat, because I don't like to kill animals.
I prefer to be vegetarian, because the vegetarian is more righteous because it doesn't shed blood. No, Allah has made these animals for you to eat. There are other animals which are not meant for you to eat, you can't eat them, but these animals he made them so that you can eat them. So eat what at the very end do not follow how to add footsteps or shape line of the shape on do not follow the footsteps or shape on regarding what regarding these animals? What are the footsteps of shape one of the things that He tells us to do? Right with regards to these animals. So what is it the chimp on tells people to do with regards to these animals? Either you will tell them don't eat them. Or he
will say only men should eat it and the women should not only women should eat it and the men should not right or he will say dedicated to the idols dedicated to so and so. Don't follow the footsteps of shaitan it's simple. These animals Allah made for you, so that you can ride them so that you can eat them to benefit yourself in the who indeed he loved him for you are the one and enemy will been one clear meaning ship on is an open enemy to you. Would you listen to your enemy?
If your enemy advises you eat this. Would you eat it? Never. Never. Why? Because you might think that there's some, you know, poison or something in it that will harm you
If your enemy tells you don't eat it, don't eat such and such. What do you say there must be something good about this food that he's telling me not to eat it?
Right? Like, for example, within children, what happens? You know, siblings, they're always sibling rivalry, right? So let's say, you go to somebody's house and there's some food, right? And you're about to born, your sisters don't for that. Don't worry that it's really spicy. Don't have it. It tastes horrible. So you're like, Fine, I went for it and you for something else. And later on, you find out that it was delicious. She was just bothering you.
Why? Because she's got this thing against you. You know, you just had a fight recently. So she's not too happy with you. She wants to take revenge. She's your sister. But still, she can harm you in this way. Imagine shame on your greatest enemy. He's telling you to eat something. Never eat that Shyvana selling you don't eat something please eat it.
Please eat it because Shavon doesn't want good for you. So in the hula Komodo movie, he is to you a clear enemy somoni At eight meaning there are eight as wedging meets what the underarm which are mentioned in the previous if some of them are humbler, some of them are fascia. So they are in total, Allah says they are eight as wide as wide as Florida is OGE eight as much meaning they are four pairs. Okay? one male, one female each. So that makes how many in total? Eight, so eight mates meaning four pairs. All right. So throw money at the US watch how men from a botany the sheep, if 92 from the sheep to which to male and the female woman and from an Marzieh the goat is nine two, which
one's male and the female. Okay, so here you have four, two males, two females, two from the sheep and two from the goat. Allah says He asks all say
the Khorasani as the Corradini This is a and other Carini.
Question is what is it? And other Corinne? The two males. You understand why it is?
Why is it? Why is there a mud? Because there's two hums over here. Okay, there's two hums over here.
All right. One, the first Hamza is of Estefan the question that we read about okay, and the second one is of the word of the cutting. Okay, so, the Kaline How will we translate this? What's the translation that you have?
Is it just two meals?
The current did the two meals, is it the two meals? It is it the two males have Rama? He forbid who Allah um or alone saying the two females? Is it the males that Allah forbid? Or is it the females that Allah forbid? Meaning is it the male sheep and goat that Allah forbid? Or is it the female sheep and goat that Allah forbid? What's the answer? Neither. Allah didn't forbid that either of them, Amma or is it that is Tamela Amma or that which is the mullet it contained from sheen, meme learn your stomach summarize to contain to carry within. So that which contains or lay upon it or harm wombs alone say again the two females or is it that which the wombs of the females contain that
Allah has forbidden the baby goat, the lamb that is inside the female? Is it that which Allah has forbidden meaning tell me what is it that Allah forbid from these animals the male the female or the child
not be only informed me very element with some knowledge with some evidence give me some evidence that Allah has forbidden these animals in if continue our saw the clean ones were truthful because this is what the machine of maca had done. Some animals it's a male you can't eat it female No, no, you can't eat it. Child No, you can't eat it. If it's born dead, then you can if it's borne alive, then you can't all of these self imposed restrictions. Allah says what's the evidence not be only bearing men in quantum solder pain? Tell me on the basis of some knowledge some evidence if you're truthful women and from an even the camel if named to the eight meats that were mentioned for
haven't mentioned so far right to from the goat and to from the sheep. Now what has been mentioned the camel from the camel to which to male
The female woman and from a locker the cow to is 92 Which one's male and female. So here we have four now, two males and two females say a question Allah asks, both say, as a co Rainey Is it the two males had Rama he forbid or alone saying the two females? Is it the males that Allah forbid the male camel the male cow that you can eat? Or the female camel the female cow that you cannot eat? Amma or that which is Tamela. It contained our lay upon it or ham wombs. And I'm saying to females, or is it that which is in the womb of the female cow, the female camel that you cannot eat? Because it doesn't make sense. Think about it. Male cow, female cow, baby cow, same family. Right? They're
all connected to each other one from the other. Right? How is it possible that Allah would forbid one and not the other? If one is forbidden that means the entire species is forbidden right? And if one is allowed and the entire species is allowed, for example, pig, right? Male pig female big baby pig, Piglet whatever it is, it is all haram. Right? All haram whatever belongs to the family is haram.
And if there is a family, which is halal goat, sheep, cow, camel and the entire family is hella. So over here, what is being done is that they're false. You know, their imagination, basically, the things that they had invented, they're being proven wrong, that logically
that it doesn't even make sense logically. The things that you've invented in religion, first of all, according to the religion of Allah, it's not correct. And secondly, logically also, it doesn't make any sense. If you use your sense, you wouldn't have made these things up. This is why even our basketball are no set If anyone wishes to see the ignorance of the machine then he should read these verses. That how ignorant they were, that they wouldn't even use their mind in saying what was Halal what was haram? Allah says I'm or continue were shahada witnesses. were you witnesses were you present is when was SOCCOM he commanded you? He instructed you Allahu Allah be Heather this where
you say Allah told you. Such animal is halal such animal is haram. Tell me is there were you present at the time when Allah told you that you can't have the female? You can't have the male? Most of us don't even know which one is a female in which animals the male, isn't it? When you're eating meat, you don't ask so is it a female sheep? Or is it a male sheep? Who don't ask because sheep is sheep, male, female baby doesn't matter. Grandmother grandfather doesn't matter. It's a sheep just eat it. Alright, so Allah asks over here, were you present when Allah gave you this instruction? You say Allah told you, when did he tell you? Do you have some evidence? Were you present there? Did you
witness that scene? Did you witness that conversation? From and so who Allah who is more unjust mimimum than who? If there are he fabricated Allah Allah against Allah Caliban a lie? Who is more unjust than the one who fabricates a lie about Allah because this is a fabrication, saying Allah made haram. No, what's your evidence is fabrication This is the greatest crime. And why is this done? Lee you will, so he leads astray a NASA the people be lady without your ailment, any knowledge?
Because when people hear, Oh, Allah has made such and such food haram then they listen, when they listen they're going astray without any knowledge be laid here. Illman so such a person who is misleading others would lies greatest criminal in the law indeed Allah law not yet the guides Elcom the people of volume in the wrong doors Allah doesn't guide such people. Basically this idea is about armor been low high. Armor been low Hey is the man who brought ship to Arabia, he was a merchant. So he will travel and in his travels, he would come across different people. So he came across the people who are worshipping idols, and he was really impressed by that, that look at them.
They have an idol in front of them, and they can see their God and it just looks so nice. Look at them. How with so much humility there prostrating before their idols. We want to do the same thing. He was very impressed by idol worship. And what did he do? He brought idols to Makkah. When he brought idols to Makkah, what happened? This was something new. And people love new things, isn't it? Don't people love new things? They have something at home which works perfectly fine, but the find out oh, it's a new version. New Design 2013 model 2004
14 models aren't even 2014. But 2014 model is already here. So we feel obligated to go by it. Right. So just like that, the people of Makkah, they embraced those items. And they started worshipping the idols, it started as something very innocent. But then it grew so much, that it wasn't just the people of Makkah. But it was all the people who came to visit Mecca to perform hajj, who took idols back with them. And like this, there was a big business as well. Right? People would come bring offerings to the idols, and you know, the share that they set aside for Allah that was given to the poor and the needy, but the share that was set aside for the idols who would eat it at the end, who
would use it, who was the people themselves, this is why they wouldn't compromise on the share of the idols because was coming in their pockets was coming in their homes. So it was a huge business that was prospering because of idol worship. Likewise, this is the man who brought this concept of making certain animals haram and making certain animals halal, dedicating crop to the idols, and so on and so forth. And this person, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said I saw or might have been the height this man pulling his intestines behind him in the fire, and he's being punished so severely because he is the one who started Schick. He is the one who started the practice of sativa you know,
these animals that were dedicated to the idols. Notice over here, ALLAH says who is more unjust than the one who fabricates a lie against Allah Allah windlyn NASA bill right here in leading people astray without any knowledge. What is it you don't say anything? This is halal. This is haram unless you have knowledge of it. If you don't have knowledge of it remain silent. Say I don't know say go ask somebody else say you should discuss with someone more knowledgeable if you don't know you don't know Don't make things up. If you're making things up, this is a big crime, a serious crime. Look at the punishment of this man. He ended up in the fire of * being punished severely for his
inventions and their religion. Allah says called c'est la not edgy do I find tell them tell the people that I do not find a different letter as well Jean that I do not find fi in my that which who here it was revealed in a year to me meeting and everything that has been revealed to me thus far. I do not find anything to be more have woman, one forbidden, meaty one that is haram.
That Allah upon bar him in one who eats your bamboo he eats it? Meaning I do not find anything forbidden for someone who wants to eat in there except for such and such. In other words, the Quran right that has been revealed to me thus far. Likewise, the instructions that Allah subhanaw taala gave to the Prophet salallahu Salam besides the Quran, everything that has been given to me thus far the only things that I'm taught to be haram on people to eat are what? Except on that first of all, the Hakuna it is meaning the animal is made that than dead than animal that is haram. And that animal includes an animal that has not been slaughtered correctly. Like for example, if an animal
has been frozen to death, right, or has been starved to death, and then it's being caught up and sold. No that's how raw meat can you Hakuna Matata and secondly Oh or the man must Wuhan dumb blood must forehand spilt cause to flow must foreseen for her suffer has to cause to flow spilled blood meaning blood that is flowing. You can't drink it. So for example, when an animal is slaughtered and blood is flowing out of it that blood has to be drained has to be thrown away. You can't use that Blood for blood that remains within the meat. Okay despite you trying your best to drain out meat as much as possible that which remains that is not helpful. Okay, so then one must Wuhan these two
things are held on what else is haram? Oh or lack of NZ? The flesh of pig that is held on for sure. Why? For Inaho for indeed it Richardson is filth, what is filled what is dirty? What is impure? The flesh the meat of the pig, doesn't mean the bones are okay.
Because lamb has mentioned so don't eat the meat but take the bones and make stock out of it and use it. Ya know? Why? What's the evidence?
When an animal is slaughtered, it's not slaughtered for the bones slaughtered for the meat because that's the main thing you want to eat. Right? So this is a reason why lamb was mentioned. But just because lamb only is mentioned it doesn't mean bones are hollow. And besides, if you think about it, the bones are connected with what the meat
Alright, no matter how much meat you take off, you will still have some meat stuck to the bone. Which is why sometimes when you're trying to eat meat, you have to put it in your mouth and like literally take off all the meat with your mouth because you can't take it off with your fingers. Right because it's stuck to it. Right? So I will ask my friends even for a note it's so these three things are held on what else is haram? Oh or fisken
fifth, what is physically, disobedience sin. Disobedience is haram to eat. What it means is the meat the animal which is slaughtered in disobedience to Allah,
the meat which you eat, you will be disobeying Allah, if you eat it, you will be disobeying Allah why? Because it was a healer. Who he let it was pronounced not a healer healer it was pronounced ill Hillel is to raise one's voice refer salt right Hillel the Crescent is called Hillel. Why because when the Crescent is seen and the voices are raised, because announcement is made Ramadan or Eid right. So oh Hilah it was pronounced late in LA for other than Allah behaved with it meaning when it was slaughtered, then whose name was mentioned whose name was mentioned. Not Allah's Name. Somebody else's name was mentioned whether it was Gibreel or a Sally Santa or it is some idol whatever
something other than Allah who was mentioned and Lily Allah also includes nothing
right because today much of the meat that is available, right the animal was slaughtered and whose name was mentioned, no one's name was mentioned that is also included in this so eating such meat is what fisken it's a sin.
So these four things are haram for sure. But is this all are these the only things which are haram? Apparently it seems that it's only these four things which are haram
but remember that this idea is of Surah Al Anam and toda la Naram is a key surah the Sharia was not completed that time. There was a lot that was revealed later on as well. For example, alcohol was prohibited later so don't just look at this person say oh in this if alcohol is not mentioned so it's halal, no.
Okay, there are other things that are haram and the evidence is present elsewhere. But Allah says famine so whoever will Tala is compelled to eat what? He is forced to eat that which is how long you know, forced to eat it. He eats it out of necessity, because he has no choice. If he doesn't eat it, he's gonna die. He's starving to death he can't find anything. The only thing you can find is haram food or meat or animal than yes, he can eat it. But only in that case, and he will eat it with the condition that zero belting availa not bell in Berlin is from Bell lane. Yeah. What does Buddy mean?
Really, to cross the limits? Right Ultra means to desire
ibbity Law seeking because many times in fulfilling the desire people cross limits. So Leila Berlin means he should not be desiring the haram.
Not that he says finally I get to eat pork. Finally I get to eat at this haram food. No, Leila Belding. Even when he's eating that halal food out of necessity out of force, he should not be liking that. And this teaches is an important lesson. Sometimes it happens that you are in a situation that you are forced to do something wrong. You don't have a choice there.
Right? Like, for example, you go to a store because you need to buy something. Right? And you need it. You need to buy something. And these days, even if you go to a grocery store, you're gonna listen to music. So one is that you ignore the music and whenever it gets loud, or you hear words that are inappropriate, you seek Allah's forgiveness. And the other is that you're like, Ah, nice. That sounds good. Oh, this is what my brother was singing. Okay. What is that song? Who is the singer? What did you say? And you go Google their lyrics and you go Google the song. There's a difference, right? One is that you're hearing it out of compulsion. You don't have a choice. And the
other is that you're like, yeah, now my mom cannot say don't listen to music. So I'm just gonna enjoy the beat, no regular belting? Well, then, and nor transgressing. Then, from Icewind Dale while to cross the limit as well. And what does it mean that he should not cross the limit, meaning you should not eat more than what is necessary. If he can save his life by eating two bites, you should stop after those two bytes. He should not move to the third one. All right. He should not say well, this is my only chance probably to eat this kind of food, so might as well eat whatever I can. No, Leila Bevan. We'll see
In this case for in northern indeed Rebecca your Lord have a foreign most forgiving or Haman most Merciful. So what do we learn in this verse?
Again, same lesson Haram is what Allah has made, how long and halal is what Allah has made her law. The only things which are haram are those which which Allah subhanaw taala has told us for which there is some evidence in the Quran and Sunnah. You could have a personal preference, you don't like certain kinds of food, you don't want to eat it, but don't say It's haram. Because when people they leave a certain kind of food because it's not healthy, it's not that nutritious it could be harmful for their health, they go to the length of saying that it is haram.
Right? They say that since it is not there yet, then it is haram. So you should not be eating such and such food? No.
Don't do that. Because we are not allowed to change the religion of Allah, even a little bit. We cannot make things permissible, and we cannot make things forbidden. We don't have that choice. We are servants we have to follow. We are not to get ahead of Allah and His messenger and a follower. What does he do? He does what he's asked to, and he stops from what he is asked to stop from. And people who transgress these limits by making something permissible, which is not actually permissible or making something forbidden, which is not actually forbidden, then what are they doing? They're trying to take the law of Allah in their own hand.
And when they do that, then they're left to themselves. As we will learn in the following verse that the Jews, they made things haram on themselves. And you know what happened as a punishment, Allah made them haram.
So then their lives became so difficult. Their lives became extremely difficult. So the matter of food might seem as a small matter, but it's serious. In that also we are to worship Allah and obey Him.
We listen to the recitation of these verses.
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