Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J01-009E Tafsir Al-Baqarah 44-48

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The COVID-19 pandemic has caused misunderstandings and misunderstandings of actions and actions of people. It's crucial to be patient and not give up, finding help through patient prayer and practice. It's important to find the right person to ask for help and not let oneself take initiative, and to show gratitude towards one's Lord. It's crucial to not let anyone convince you to do anything without their knowledge and to show gratitude towards their Lord.
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then it is set up moron and NASA Bill busy. Do you order righteousness of the people meaning? Do you tell people to be righteous and be good? What can Sona and full circle and you forget yourselves? Now, this happened in a number of different ways. First of all, you know, there were some people among the Bani Israel who would actually tell, you know others to believe in Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, but they wouldn't believe themselves. Okay. So for example, in the Hadith, we learned that there was a Jewish boy who used to serve the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And what happened is that Jewish boy fell ill. And it was very clear that he was going to die soon. So the

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Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam went to see him and the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam sat by his head and he said to him, embrace Islam, you know, the boy is really sick and the Prophet sallallahu already said, I'm telling him become a Muslim. So the boy looked towards his father, okay. And his father said to him, a player of Al Qasim obey of a person and he obey Mohamed Salah who listen, listen to him, do whatever that he's telling you to do. What was he telling that boy to do to become Muslim? So the father is telling his son, okay, become Muslim. And what happened? That son, that boy did embrace Islam. All right. And then he died after that. And the Prophet sallallahu lucidum said,

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Alhamdulillah, who has saved him from the fire. So now the boy accepted Islam, his father told him to accept Islam, and the Father Himself did not. So you see, you need the strangeness over here, like what's going on? It's so odd that you're telling your son to become Muslim, but you yourself don't. And then, at the same time, you know, the scholars of the Bani Israel, they would command people to observe the law, okay, to live by the Scripture, but themselves, they violated the law, they would not uphold it, they would not live by it. So a tuck moon and NASA will vary within Sona and full circle. Were until that Luenell kitab. And you actually read the Scripture. And uh, you

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know how to read the Scripture, you know, the text you have read these things firsthand. You should be the first ones to obey, you should be the first ones to you know, follow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to follow the law of the Torah, and you are just telling other people and not doing good things yourself. So remember, this is something that Allah subhanaw taala dislikes a great deal that a person preaches to others, but themselves, they don't do the good. They don't do what they're telling people to do. In a hadith we learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was shown a group of people who were being punished and how are they being punished their lips were being cut

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with scissors made a fire

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the Prophet sallallahu Reyes and I'm asked Jabril what's going on? In one version we learned he asked these people who are you and what's happening to you why is this happening to you? And they replied that we used to command others to do good and refuse to do it ourselves. We used to forbid others from evil, but we did that evil ourselves a stop it Allah any the punishment is so severe, of course, you cannot be perfect, right? Like for example, when I am sharing this idea with you Kamal salata, right what it means, I'm telling you the meaning, but do I claim that my salah is perfect, I am literally establishing salah you know, internally externally No, I am also struggling, I also

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strive right I am not perfect in a coma to Salah no person can be perfect. What has been criticized over here is that you have a different standard for yourself and a different standard for people that you keep telling people do this do this and yourself you don't observe the commands of Allah that is problematic that the focus is just on you know presenting a certain image you get it that you know I am perfect, I am like this I am like that and you should also be like that but behind the scenes that person is completely different being to face this is hypocrisy, right? This is hypocrisy. So remember the rule is that you always begin with yourself if that be enough sick but

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then you don't stop there because some people when they read this either like you know what, I can never tell anybody to do anything good because I am not perfect. Well of course you're not perfect you cannot be but you begin with yourself you start with yourself right so for example, if karma to Salah, you try to you know you learn the meaning you implement it, but then you also further suck earlier. Then you also give sadaqa you also share that goodness with others. Okay, you also tell others and when you tell others that will also be you know, a reminder for you. Okay, and when you tell others you're spreading

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weariness. Other people can also hold you accountable then. Right? So for example, if you share with your family, the meaning of your comment, the Sunnah. And then if you're praying and you're fidgeting a lot, your family, your own child will point out, Mama, you weren't doing this, your own family will point that out to you. So, you create accountability this way. So, you know, this idea should not become a reason for us to not preach to not share goodness with others to not tell other people to do good. But this is serves as a reminder that if you want to see change, you have to begin with yourself. And you know, the question at the end of that therapy Loon, then will you not

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reason any, this is a reprimand that, you know, how senseless Could you be, then you keep telling others to do good and you don't do it yourself? Then it is said Was there enough is somebody will Salah and seek help through patience and prayer. This is so beautiful, seek help for what seek Allah's help for doing what? For doing everything that is mentioned so far. Because all of these things that are mentioned over here, like for example, Amina believe, a PMO, solid established this Allah give this account, pray with those who pray, all of these things, they're not necessarily easy. There are social pressures, there's internal weakness, there is external challenges. There's

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so many things that a person has to overcome, in order to do what is right, in order to, you know, obey the commands of Allah. So then what should you do? If you find it hard? Give up? Just quit to say, I can't do this. No, you have to do it. You have to do it any you can do it. How can you do it? By seeking the help of Allah? How do you seek help? How do you strengthen yourself to things are given over here through patience and through salah? How do you seek help through patients? Basically, you're helping yourself by observing patients, what is patients I mentioned to you earlier, it is to detain oneself, right to not let go of oneself to not allow oneself to quit. So

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for example, you are establishing the Salah, you begin your Salah, and now you know you're getting a little lazy, you don't you don't feel like reciting a longer Surah or you just want to get over it quickly, you just, you know start thinking about other things. What is patience over there that you tell yourself No, Stand properly, stand straight, think pay attention, recite properly, slow down, you make yourself do what is right. This is suburb? And yes, it's hard. But the thing is that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said Whoever tries to be patient, Allah gives him patience. And you will notice that with practice, your Salah will definitely improve.

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It will definitely improve. You know, the fear of people sometimes hold us back from doing what is right. But somebody is what they you gather up the courage and you stand up for yourself, and you do what is right. And what will happen. Eventually, things will become easy, they will become easy. You know, for example, the first time that you ask, for example, your teacher, or your professor or whoever, you know, that you need to pray, and you just need 510 minutes, whatever. The first time that you do that, it's so hard. It's so hard. You think so many times and you rehearse, and you know, eventually you go in ask and then in the first time it's hard, second time, it's hard, but

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then eventually it becomes routine. You're no longer afraid. So what's there a novice somebody seek help through patience, meaning keep yourself firm. Don't give up. Do what is right. And then was salah, seek help through Salah as well. This is so beautiful. Seek help by performing salah. We think that you know when I have the energy then I'll pray.

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Okay, when I have more time than I'll pray when I'm free, then I'll pray when I'm done everything then I'll pray. Alright. But it's actually supposed to be the other way around. Pray first get Allah's help, and then do your thing.

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Okay, we delays Allah in order to, you know, complete our work in order to, you know, get more energy, get more rest, but it's the other way you praise Allah, through salah. You get the strength to do what you have to do. Try this, and I guarantee it will make a difference. You know, for example, in the morning, Doha prayer, Schrock prayer basically it's voluntary prayer that you can perform anytime after the sun has fully risen.

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And until before the time of load enters, right? And this sulla any, it's to look out for record six, eight, the Prophet sallallahu Reyes underperformed eight at the time of atomica. This prayer, any there's so many benefits of it and one benefit is that it's like you know sadaqa for your whole body, okay? Because every morning sadaqa is due for every joint every limb of your body, meaning you must show gratitude to Allah, for the health that Allah has given you, the well being that Allah has given you. And when we are unwell when we're not feeling well, when we're sick, and everyone experiences sickness, etc, weakness, what happens is that our Salah is neglected, right? Because

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we're too tired, we don't have the energy, we can't focus. We're in pain. It's difficult to get up. It's difficult to pray it's difficult to recite difficult to go into the core, it hurts, you know. And what happens is that over time because of our illness, we begin to neglect our salah. But I have witnessed, you know, from so many people, that when they're unwell when they're feeling sick, then praying Salah to Doha, consistently is something that has brought them strength. And really you can experience that yourself as well. You perform just to Takara even right in the morning. And you ask Allah Allah give me the strength to get through the day. Yeah, well look, give me the strength to

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fulfill my obligations. Yeah, Allah give me the strength to achieve my goals. And okay, your day will not be perfect. But in sha Allah, you know, with Allah's help, you will be able to do something, right, because each day should be better than the previous day. So Salah is your source of strength remember that when you have so much going on, sometimes you have exams you have you know, other commitments, you have family you have so many things going on. You don't know what to do, where to start, where to finish what to do first what to pause in your mind is all jumbled up and you're so confused and you don't even have time to worry basically. And in that time when you

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take a break for Salah Salah is what it brings you relief from the difficulties of life from the things that are burdening you. So what's their angel was somebody who was salah, don't just suffer, don't just struggle. You establish Salah and seek the help of Allah was there you know the somebody was salah, so together southern salah, do your best. Right, and seek Allah's help. And you will have the courage to to do what is right to achieve your goals to make progress. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam what was his way we learned that whenever something troubled him, fuzzy or Adel salah, he would quickly you know, go towards Salah, we learned that when Surah, the wife of

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Ibrahim Ali Salam when she was captured by the king, because she was really beautiful. And the King found out that there is a beautiful woman visiting with her brother I had because that's what Ibrahim or Islam had to say otherwise, there was a fear that they would kill him. You know, the king basically captured her and basically wanted her for himself. So we learn Hadith about how when every time the king tried to approach her Surah B began praying. And when she began praying, the king would be kind of paralyzed. Okay, and this happened multiple times until the King said Go, he was afraid. And he sent her away, and he in fact, gave her a whole lot of gifts. And so the point is

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that Salah already has Salam, ne she performed Salah at a time when she was in such difficulty. So what's the renal was somebody was Sana, seek help through sub n through Salah and Salah here means the five daily prayers, all right, but in addition to that voluntary prayer as well. That is something that you seek Allah's help through. We're in the Halacha Beulah tun Illa Allah Maha Shireen and indeed it is surely great in difficulty, except for those who are humbly submissive and he salah, even took our oath can be very difficult for some people. It can be like climbing a mountain for them, something so heavy on them so difficult for them. But there are some people on

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whom Salah is not difficult and who are they have Shireen? Those who are humbled before Allah and I mentioned to you that who sure is stillness and humility. It is such humility that leads one to become still and humble. Okay. So who are in Salah for

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example is what that you're still you're not constantly fidgeting, you're not moving around your eyes and are going here and there. Your heart is not going here and there you're not wandering, right? You're still and you are submissive. Right? Your eyes are looking down. Your posture is humble. So, I'll have Shareen those who are truly fearful of Allah, who are humbled before Allah. For them, Salah is not difficult for them, Salah is easy. It's a source of relief. It's a source of strength. It's a source of courage for them. It's something that they look forward to, who are Aloha Shireen Alladhina, YOLO Nona, unknown mula, Cora be him. Those who are certain they know that they

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will meet their Lord were unknown la he Raji Rouen and they know that they will return to Him. And if you think about it, Salah is a regular meeting with Allah. And it's a preparation for the final meeting with Allah five times a day, we stand before Allah because one day we have to stand before Him and answer him. So those who like to meet Allah, Allah also likes to meet that person. So those who know that they're going to meet their Lord for them, Salah is not difficult, they look forward to it. And those who have experienced the sweetness of Salah and the relief and the comfort that Salah brings the strength that Salah brings, then for them Salah is easy. And they know that they're

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going to return to Him. They know that they're not going to be in this world forever. Because sometimes what makes us lazy in terms of performing Salah is what worldly things right? Let me just complete this episode. Let me just, you know, do this, let me just do that. Let me just sleep some more. But when you know that all of this is temporary, then performing Salah becomes easy. So knowing that you're going to meet your Lord, knowing that you're going to return to your Lord keeps you humble, keeps you submissive to Allah. And that makes Allah easy. And that makes enduring hardship in the way of Allah easy. This is what brings relief. So this shows us that when you

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believe in the hereafter, when the hereafter is more important when the meeting with Allah is more important than dealing with difficulties in this life also becomes easier. This doesn't mean that difficulties go away it means that your capacity to deal with them your capacity to deal with challenges in life, the things that people say loss of privilege, etc. Any dealing with those things becomes easy. Then it is said Yeah, Bani Israel in Albany is slightly again, Allah subhanaw taala dresses them with Caronia materiality and Arturo Aleikum. Remember my favorite that I have bestowed upon you will earn me for lunch to Comala aalameen. And remember the fact that I preferred you over

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the worlds I gave you preference over the worlds? What does this mean? You see the Bani Israel. They were given preference over the people of the worlds how that Allah subhanaw taala chose, that they should be recipients of the scriptures, right that the prophets should be from among them. Allah subhanaw taala rescued them all right, Allah subhanaw taala gave them different commands to observe to live by. So yes, Allah subhanaw taala gave them preference. But this doesn't mean that I have given you preference for eternity. Allah Allah Allah mean Allah mean does not mean over the people of all times. No, it means over the people of a certain time Allah Allah mean any for a certain

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time. So for example, in sort of earlier Imran i 110 Allah subhanaw taala says kuntang Kira on Metin you Oh, Muslims are the best nation or collegiately nests that have been produced for people. So this shows us very clearly that the Bani Israel are no longer the preferred people. Okay, the privilege the certain blessings that Allah gave them, were for a certain time, not forever. And if they want to keep on enjoying those favors and those blessings then they have to do their part they have to fulfill their covenant that they made with Allah and believe in the messenger that Allah subhanaw taala has sent. Then a warning is given what the CO yeomen and fear a Day This is no

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ordinary day, this is the day of judgment. What kind of a day is it? It is a day when lethargy is enough so not enough sun shade, when no soul will suffice for another soul. Now, I mentioned to you earlier that Jezza is reward, right or its payment bits to give to the other what you owe them. So for example,

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I just say to Dane, I paid the debt that I owed the debt I paid it and Giselle and who platters enough Sunan Jaza on who is to pay for someone so that they are free. Okay. Like for example, your brother is supposed to make a payment, he forgot his wallet, so you pay on his behalf so that now he is free. Okay, so lotta dizzy, no soul will come forward and give anything for another's freedom. No person will come forward and give anything for another's release. Okay, this means that not even a prophet, no righteous person can come and avail you can come and save you. You know, we learn about how people will go to different prophets one after the other, and they will refuse to even

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intercede. There will be too afraid Ibrahim Al Assad will not be able to help his father. So lethargy is enough sooner or nevsun che no soul will avail another soul at all, no soul will suffice another soul at all. Anything What are you cover lumen has shafa and no intercession will be accepted. Any we learn in other places that there will be intercession on the day of judgment and it will be accepted we learn in Hadees. What is meant by this is that no intercession will benefit the person who does not deserve that intercession. Any intercession is conditional. Okay, conditional to what Allah has permission and Allah's approval. Will our yoke bloomin Harsha Farah, what are you?

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What do you mean? What are the loan and no compensation will be taken? No ransom will be taken from any person so that they're freed.

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Now, if you think about it, in this world, when we're in some difficulty, what happens either some people come to our rescue, right, they come in free us somehow, or they will advocate for us, they will give something so that we are released, we are freed. So what's happening here on the Day of Judgment, no creature can benefit you know, creation can help you can aid you any law, your domain or the law, no money can save you. Right, no important person, their advocacy can protect you. No other person can come in, you know, release you. Basically no creature can come to your aid on the Day of Judgment while at home you on saloon and they will not be helped. Meaning it when a person is

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in difficulty on the Day of Judgment, they will not be helped no one will come to their aid. And in this world, you know, people depend on each other. Those who worship others besides Allah, they depend on their false deities, people depend on the creation for aid, they will not be helped, will commune subtle any no one is going to come to their aid. So what does this I mean, then what Taku Yom and fear that day, you have to do something yourself. Right? You cannot depend on other creatures, because the bunny is sly you what? You know, their thing is what we are descendants of the prophets. We have each other we have our ancestors. No, that's not going to help you on the Day

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of Judgment. You may have certain privileges today that's not going to help you on the Day of Judgment. You need to save yourself right now. How? By believing in what Allah has revealed, and by upholding the commands that Allah subhanaw taala has given May Allah subhanaw taala give us the ability to do what is right. And may Allah subhanaw taala protect us from the hardships of the Day of Judgment. Now, even though these verses are specifically addressing the Bani Israel, like I said, there are lessons for us as well. In the first idea, what's the main lesson, we see that it is important for all of us to remember, the blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given us right to

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remember the blessing of health, the blessing of freedom, the blessing of Islam, the blessing of, you know, different abilities that Allah has given us the blessing of family, the blessing of good friends, and we need to talk about these blessings. We need to verbally express gratitude for these blessings. And we need to fulfill the covenant of Allah. You know, Allah subhanaw taala has given a certain commands, we need to see, are we doing our part? Because sometimes, you know, we only have complaints Allah doesn't accept my Dora's stuff it Allah or how can we even say that? You know, sometimes we have these complaints, but we need to see, am I doing my part in the next idea where

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Allah subhanaw taala tells them let ash the Ruby at feminine kalila do not exchange my versus my signs for a small price. And he this teaches us that we should never even think about giving up

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For the verses that Allah has revealed for some worldly benefit, any whatever benefit we gain in exchange for giving up the commands of Allah that benefit is always going to be little. The benefit that we get by believing and following the verses of Allah is always greater than the next verse. Do not confuse the truth with falsehood V of those who clarify the truth. And then the next verse of chemo salatu wa to the cattle worker, rumor of rock, you're enjoying the congregation, right? Be with good people be with Allah's worshipers. You need the right friends as well. And then in the next verse, I have 44 Yes, they are being told, do you order people to do good and you forget

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yourselves. This is something that we need to think about. Also, because we are reading the book, literally, we are reciting the book. So we should be the first ones to obey. I have 45 Don't quit, seek Allah's help through patience through salah. And then in the next verse, check your heart. How often do I think about the meeting with my Lord? How often do I remember the fact that I'm going to return to my Lord. Then the next verse, I have 47 A NIFA loyalty Kumar little island meet that Allah subhanaw taala has given you certain blessings that the people around you do not have and each person has some unique blessing. And you know, those are blessings that we need to acknowledge.

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Those are blessings that we really need to show gratitude to Allah subhanaw taala for and then finally, an eye number 48 That we should not depend on the creation that they will come to our rescue and salvation on the Day of Judgment. We need to do something right now to save ourselves on the Day of Judgment. May Allah subhanaw taala guide us and protect us. Inshallah, we'll conclude over here Subhana Allah whom will be handed a shadow Allah Illa illa Anta Astok Furukawa to buoy lake was salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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