Stories In The Quran
– Dhul-Qarnayn; Birth of Yahya; Musa with Saamiree
Ibraheem Menk – InstaLIVE #23

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The speakers discuss the importance of certain parts of the body, such as cheeks or underneath the neck, to determine if certain parts of the body are part of what is known as lithia, such as cheeks or underneath the neck, and certain parts of the body are not part of what is known as lithia, for example, cheeks or underneath the neck, and cheeks or underneath the neck. They also discuss the importance of certain parts of the body, such as cheeks or underneath the neck, to determine if certain parts of the body are part of what is known as lithia, for example, cheeks or underneath the neck, and cheeks or underneath the neck. They also discuss the importance of certain parts of the body, such as cheeks or underneath the neck, to determine if certain parts of the body are part of what is known as lithia, for example, cheeks or underneath the neck, and cheeks or underneath the neck. They also discuss
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Salam aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakato Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa sallam opelika ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Jemaine Alhamdulillah. We thank Allah, Allah Allah for having granted us the opportunity to go through some of the stories mentioned in the first half of the Quran, even Illa stories mentioned in the 16th Jews, the second half of the Quran roughly
la casa la mala to lie about a cat.
are you shaking? Alhamdulillah How are you? Al Hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah. Today we've got the 16th Jews. What's interesting is in the 16th Jews, there's a lot of stories that are mentioned. Allah Allah Allah speaks about main he speaks about Mali me speaks about Zakaria. He speaks about some of the other messengers Allah him Salatu was Salam. Then in Surah Taha, he speaks about Musa alayhis salam in depth, we've taken roughly four stories inshallah we'll touch on them. For those who want to go back to the 16th juice and look at some of the other stories. I think it's important, amazing stories. Once again, we carry on with where we left off yesterday, we were in
solitary calf, at the end of Salatu. calf Allah Jalla wa ala makes mention of in very interesting story. It speaks about the story of rural Maine. Maine was a man who allegedly Allah had granted him immense power. He had granted him wealth, and he had granted him leadership. Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions how a little codename he went, you know, he went around the kingdom around, he traveled a lot. And he came to certain people and they face certain difficulties. He helped them. As you as we see with the story of George and George, in the way that people tell him all we are they'll coordinate in Judah woman, George, they basically complaining about all the mischief that
Yeah, George and George have asked them to coordinate and helps them to erect, you know, a barrier, so to say, I think what stands out for me in this story is a legend. awana is speaking about a man who was granted immense wealth and power. And he was a lead at the same time. And Allah mentions him with goodness, I think when this power, status and wealth is combined with this, you know, good deeds, doing good helping others, we find a lot of theme through the stories he goes out looking for, or meeting people, or he comes across people and he ends up helping them with what Allah has given him.
Yes, absolutely. It doesn't get to his head and he doesn't become arrogant about it. Rather, he helps people and understand that what Allah has given me I've got to use to build the alpha. There's actually very few people that that end up like this when they've got this combination, it's very rare to find it. So
those who are in power etc, can learn from such a such a story.
Allah subhanho wa Taala says mama can he
be claimed, that which Milan has given me is better when they offered him some reward for the wall to build a wall or to help them? And he said, Look, what my god has given me is better. So not always do we have to take a reward for what we doing? We can sometimes refuse or declined politely. And sometimes this sets us in a better position. Rather than taking from the people and saying yes, let me take from you. It's okay. You you end up getting a lot more from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And ultimately, the your exam and your honor is maintained with the people they respect you a lot more solely, although you don't do it for the respect, they respect you a lot more solely because you
didn't take anything from them.
As I think whenever person you know, when you don't need or you don't make yourself a person who's in need of what's in the hands of others, then you find be vanilla, not only is your message whether it's a Dini message adonia we message anything, you know, people don't really want to associate themselves with others who just want to use them or suck off them. So I think it's a very important point you mentioned especially if you've been given wealth, you'd rather spend it on others you know, today in Torah too late. I was reading a few days ago. Allah Allah Allah when he speaks about, you know, the punishment, those who spent for his sake, a lot of the scholars mentioned that because
their loved one who is one of the reasons for that surah was for to be revealed was because of abubaker city. And indeed, he mentioned
Allah says was a eugenic mental health and levy UT Malibu yet this man will be saved from the fire because even those who follow his footsteps, he is the one who has taqwa Allah D ut maluhia zecca. It gives his wealth, you know, to purify himself one malady I had in their in their home in New Mexico to desert, he doesn't want it. And he doesn't want any recompense from other people. It's mentioned that some of the people after Abu Bakr started buying slaves and freeing them, they said, He's only doing this because he wants to benefit from them later. So Allah says that, no, he's only doing it for the sake of Allah, He only wants reward from Allah. And some of them are facility
mentioned something very interesting at these verses, they say that when you do a favor for somebody else, you know, you must do it without the intention of a reward without expecting something from them. So your reward is full with Allah. And when it comes to receiving a favor from somebody else, don't be somebody who carries on taking and taking and taking, and then getting used to people reminding you about those gifts, telling you that they did a favor, sometimes you prevent it from standing with your principles. So if somebody gives you let's say, you have to take a gift or something, try and recompense them so that men and you know, you don't have problems later on. So I
think that's very important.
Yes, absolutely. You know, he also mentions how
he had knowledge of steel, etc. So he told them to neoliberal had it give me these pieces of steel, and he put them in between the two months, so yeah, jujin Judo causing a lot of corruption. So, he literally blocked the two months with the steel that was they had to either sell or not sell the thing until it was leveled between the two mountains, he says, a Tony offering highly heated thought give me so that I may be able to pour molten copper over them. So, he bought molten copper over it and he sealed this mountain. So this means that he had knowledge and he had the power to do so. So, it shows us that we need to learn about these issues, they are also of importance, we need to
understand how to do them, how to go about these things. And that which he did, at that time, we are still benefiting today with these, these two tribes have been, you know, deflected or kept away from us, rather than them coming out and causing a lot of corruption because when they do, they will cause so much corruption so the benefit of that knowledge was vast even though it may have not been Islamic knowledge per se. You know, it wasn't fifth or Hadith or an but there was a lot of benefit. And the muslimeen are really benefiting to today.
The Muslim and everybody else you find that calendula also mentioned that he remains humble he says Colorado gentlemen won't be this is a LACMA and the mercy from lovers gift I've been given even says for either j v gyla hodaka basically when the decree of Allah comes in the soul will this barrier will be broken and the Georgian majority will come out look at how sometimes we you know, we tried to do something to perfection and we feel we've done it and we feel that you know what, there's no way this is going to fail there's no way this is going to break and look at our main he's telling the people that this is from a lot and when it's time comes for it to break it will break so I think
also no attributes and everything to unlearn realizing that certain things they have their time and then they fail be vanilla.
Vanilla, absolutely.
Moving on we find a legend Oh Allah. He begins salaat mobium. In there the story of Mario alayhis salaam is mentioned before that the very first verses he's speaking about the creality Salah we touched on the story of Zachary Ali Salaam a little bit before. Today inshallah we'll take it from a bit of a different angle. Allah Allah Allah speaks about how Zachary Ali Salam calls out to him. And then he grabs him or he gives him glad tidings of a sun and the sun is you're here. For me What stands out is in the two hours of Zachary alehissalaam, the one mentioned in Surah Maryam Allah, Allah Allah says he calls out and in that door, he is acknowledging and calling out to Allah being
humbled, acknowledging that he's got no power, it's all in the hands of a lot. He calls out to Allah telling him how weak he is how he's become old how he's become frail. Oliver be in the movie make pasta Allah what sushi that is become old, you know, his his hair has got shape, or you could say whiteness in it. And some of them have a city mentioned and some of the scholars mentioned that when we make our do app, you know sometimes you see people making, they make driving away, it's as though they don't need Allah. We
I have to show that we are in need of a lot. That's why they say if you're making two I'll be like somebody who's in the middle of the sea who's been thrown in. And he's just got one, you know, one plank that's floating. And that's the only thing is holding on to and he knows he has to hold on to it. What he's going to draw them the same way when you're calling out to Allah. Carry on calling out to him, be humble, show humility, show who should and also have hope in the mercy of Allah and at the same time know that he's able to give you what you want.
Like that's true. So true. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, and tune for car in a law you are in need of Allah subhanho wa Taala you are poor, literally, in relation to Allah subhanho wa Taala meaning without him there's nothing we have nothing we have no capacity and capability law how Noah put a loving that. So that's so true. You know, sometimes we tend to treat Allah subhanho wa Taala as though he needs us May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us from such a such a thought.
Allah subhana wa metallicities yah, yah, yah hoo, the keytab puja Oh yeah, here, take the book with strength. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling ya hear that take the book with strength. So taking the book requires strength. And this is something that we can all learn from, that when you go into Islamic studies or you want to study something, anything in this in this dunya you need strength. But when it comes to the Sharia and studying Islam, etc, then there's a lot of patience that it requires. It requires determination, strength, perseverance, at times, you don't feel like giving up. When you're doing when you're in the field of data. And people are saying bad things about you,
you feel like giving up but you need strength to carry on. And you need to persevere. So when you start this, then make sure that you do it with a lot of positivity and be strong in that Allah Allah subhanho wa Taala will open the doors. Even Allah and as we mentioned before, one of the things that helps you is when you remember why you started it, you know, what was your intention? If your intention is only for the people, the minute you have a problem with them, you know, you become completely deflated and leave it Yes, somebody says something. It's normal to get sad. But remember, you know why you started it. Ultimately, it's because you want Jenna is because you want the
pleasure of Allah. And you know that these days and in law, these are good deeds that will carry on Well, after you die, other people will benefit. So your job is just to carry on and carry on moving forward.
Yes, yes.
Allah, Allah, Allah then speaks about the story of Madame la Salam. He touches on the story of he mentioned the story of Ibrahim alayhis salam, a brief mention of Ishmael and Idris. and thereafter he goes on to sort of Baja and speaks about Musa alayhis salam once again, addressing Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, Well, attacca Hadith Moosa and has the story of Musa alayhis salam not come to you, he then speaks about how Musa alayhis salam was given revelation, he was on the way and then he saw, you know, a fire. He went to look for this fire and then Allah Allah, Allah spoke to him directly masalas and up after that, after that Allah Allah orders Musa alayhis salam to
go to fill around has given him revelation. And Messiah alayhis salam says something interesting. He accepts this responsibility. This number one is Prophethood but he asks Allah for help. He says Allah dishwasher is suddenly Oh Allah open my chest but me comfort and ease you know make it easy for me grant me that in a piece grant me the ability to take your message and carry it while you're silly Emily make everything easy for me. That Amelie Sandy? Yes, totally. And you know, any knots on my tongue basically make it easy for me to speak. And I think this is a very powerful, the previous story. We touched on an etiquette of doula when in a lot here we're looking at a specific grab a
doula of a Nabhi. Somebody almost Sally said, I'm the one who Allah subhanho wa Taala spoke to directly is asking Allah to make all his matters easy, is asking him to grant him this inner peace. You know, after believing in Allah and your Eman. One of the greatest boundaries you can have is that inner peace. And one of the worst things you can have is that narrowness and sadness and anxiety and from the school we learn. It's important to ask Allah for that inner peace.
Yes, and that's so important today when a lot of people are suffering from depression etc. They can actually say this is something that will really
Help because Allah subhanho wa Taala is talking about how musataha salat wa salam says that open up my chest and people talk about how they feel the narrowness of the chest when they're going through anxiety going through these, this depression, this problem, these problems. So this duel can definitely really help you. You know, it's mentioned that Mousavi salatu salam had a stutter as well. So he's asking Allah subhanho wa Taala to open up the knots that are on his tongue or a person that suffers from stuttering or is it's difficult for him to speak or to talk. He can see see this door and a lot of work I will most definitely open up, you know the knots that on his tongue.
You know, earlier on, mousseline salat, wa salam is lost. He can't find his way back to Egypt. And he sees a fire. So he goes to the fire, he tells his family loudly, it can mean have you ever seen a while and know who they are? Perhaps I'll find, you know, a burning brand of Fire away, or I can find some guidance, some directions. He goes looking for directions. And when he comes back, he comes back with Nobu. He meets Allah subhanho wa Taala. He speaks to a lot of what Allah and this is amazing, you know, the fact that he went looking for something yet Allah subhanho wa Taala gave him much, much more. Sometimes we have a little, you know, distraction in our lives, where we move to
the side and we start moving towards something slightly, you know, off the path, we feel like not off the path of righteousness, but of the path to the goal that we have going to. And Allah subhanho wa Taala has taken us on that path in order to give us much more. When we come back, we've got a lot more. Look at him. He went looking for directions yet he came back with the new Booyah from Allah subhana wa Tada. So that's something profound, you know,
it's just amazing. It's mind boggling when you think about it.
And you know, not only that, he's, he's gone. Allah gives him revelation, he then takes this we will say opportunity, but he takes this revelation and he becomes a messenger of a lot and not the same but similar that sometimes when we go, we you know, we on a path, and then we divert a little bit, whether we like it or not, whether we plan for it or not. Sometimes you get opportunities. And if they're right, you know what, take them and carry on, you don't know what will open after that through another path.
Absolutely, absolutely. You know, also, how Allah subhanho wa Taala identifies himself to Musa alayhis salatu salam in ne and Allah, indeed, I am Allah. This teaches us that, you know, we've got to learn about Allah subhanho wa Taala, who he is, his attributes, his qualities, his names, here he is, telling Musa alayhis Salatu was salam, one of his names, which is, but you know, disputed Lee, but one of the greatest Names of Allah subhanho wa Taala, that the Greatest Name of Allah subhanho wa Taala, which is known as a small album. So he, he starts by giving him a name of his. So this is something that we need to learn from, we don't think about these things because we pass by them when
we reading the Quran, you know, just as part of the Quran, and we look at the rest of it, the stories that come the rulings, but we don't look at how Allah subhanho wa Taala ends of the earth with so many names and attributes of his so it's important, this is a part that has been left out to a large extent. So here musataha salatu salam is being told that in any Allah indeed I am, Allah.
You know, as you rightly mentioned, this so many gems and treasures mentioned in this call, and so to speak, you know, when I was passing through the stories, the stories we speak about now, and when you pass them also, you must be seeing just how much we actually leaving out not only in terms of stories, in terms of the names of Allah in terms of halal and haram, in terms of, you know, stories in terms of Arabic language is so much so much, you know, somebody goes over over the forearm, yes, try and go over it from cover to cover if you're unable to maybe first start off by going over the stories. After that, follow it with halaal and how I'm part of it after that, maybe follow it with
the names of the attributes of Allah. Ultimately, the whole Quran, every idea, directly or indirectly is calling you to worship Allah, to acknowledge and to be a witness that he is one and worship him the way he deserves or the way he has ordered us to worship him.
Yes, you know, this actually teaches us so much. This whole experience teaches us so much because, as I'm going I realized that there's so much that I don't know about that I need to still learn and I still need to
You know, see, and it's amazing yet, previously, when when you read the plan, etc, and you just go through it, you think, Okay, I have a general idea of what's in the plan, but it's so much that that is still left for me to learn. So I actually learn how much I don't know by by going through this procedure and process.
You know, one of the scholars he gave an example he said that when you look at something, if you just looked at it like in a flash and take it back, you you get a rough idea of it, the minute you give a bit more time and start looking at it, then you start looking at specifics in it, then you start going to details of these specifics. And you know, it carries on going and going and going and, you know, the forum carries on giving us the miracle of Allah, the word of Allah, and we should try our best to immerse ourselves in the sport. Moving on, we find a lot of lavalla speaks about the encounter of Musa alayhis salaam and his brother Harun with fear around he speaks about the
magician's again. Later on Allah Jalla wa ala OLS masala is Tulum and masala is Sam's is weijun to ilica dilatometer our life come hasty to you I want to come quickly so you can be happy with me. Allah Allah, Allah informs Musa that the people who is left behind, they've now taken a calf and started worshipping a calf because there was a man called Sammy Lee. And he basically got it mentioned he got the ornaments or the gold and the jewelry of these people that they had borrowed. And he put it into a fire and molded it into a calf and they started worshiping the scarf. For me, what stands out to an interesting point is when Musa alayhis salaam, he returns quickly. He returns
quickly. And it's mentioned in another verse of the Quran what al Anwar had was a hug a B, C as he he Judo, la basically all the revelation that he got, or some of the, the load could be, you know, the scriptures, whatever he may have got, but he came with revelation or he came with a book. He says that he got hold of his brother, you know, in the shop, he threw it down. He got hold of his brother I mean, this verse he how analogy salami saying, Oh, my brother, you know, mylanta could be here to see, you know, don't catch me by the beard and put me by the beard and the head. Wait, let me explain to you. And a lot of them have Assyrian mentioned that from this VC how the MBA before
they also kept beards. And even those who follow Isa alayhis salam, or who claim to follow Isa alayhis salam, you would find that every picture Yes, we don't agree that is essentially sentiment on the pictures they themselves draw at Sally's salon has a beard. So I think it's important for us to know this. The NBA Live in Salatu was Salam had beards, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had a beard, he taught us to keep a beard. And the scholars all agree that when it comes to actually shaving the beard, then one should not do this.
Yes, that's important. You know, what I find strange is that for so many years, the beard was known as the as soon as possible loss of a loved one. And the youth knew about it, the people knew about it, and people wouldn't always follow. But when it became a style, and then everybody started keeping a beard. So why couldn't you conform to the style of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam you know, and follow his his style instead of bothering with the, you know, people and what they are doing, etc. So I think okay, it's good, at least they keeping a beard Alhamdulillah that's good, but we should try and have the right intention with doing this. What are the people and who are around
you, besides just normal human beings yet you have the example of the best of creation before you.
So that's a solid point that you mentioned the you know, Mashallah, this in this story, I find that
Sammy Lee had done something abominable, literally bad, very evil. He literally took the people away from the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Yet, when Metallica salat wa salam finishes, and he finds out what they what he had done, etc. He says mahatva KSM. Ed, what's your story of seminary? So he gives him a chance to speak and explain himself. So even though he had quite a lot of evidence, there was a wholeness telling him, the people are telling him, this is what Sam really has done. He gives him a chance. And so he then says, He explains himself, right? So even though he was wrong, and he was bad, and he was evil, it was clear musalla his salatu salam gave him a chance.
Sometimes we find people who have done something wrong completely and terribly wrong. They also deserve a trial.
deserve a chance to explain themselves. Because if this wasn't the case, then mousseline salatu salam wouldn't have given this man, even one second to speak Rather, he would have, you know, finished him off or done whatever he had to do with him. So I think that's something we can learn from.
Yes. And as mentioned, in the hadith of Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said that when you're judging between people, you know, you must hear both sides of the story. And I think it's important for us to go back to the book of Allah or judgment, this judgment, yes, it's speaking about, you know, people who are judges, but also when it comes to you know, people who you've got a small thing, you're judging between your children, not so called judging, but you're seeing who was right and wrong between two people, you're not really, you're not a judge in the, you know, in the terms, we know it, but you a judge that you're trying to say, so you must listen to everybody know
what they have to say. And that's very important, give everybody their chance to speak, or to mention their point. Sometimes you might, sometimes somebody may say something, and this is quite prevalent, you find somebody comes in, they complain about somebody, a lot of times you find the wife complains about the husband, the husband complains about the wife to the chef, and the chef is already giving his ruling or his he's telling him what to do based on what he's heard from one party only, not knowing that maybe this is not completely true. So yes, you can give advice, but you can't judge if you haven't had both sides of the story.
That's so true. You know, sitting once and people, you know, this couple came in, they were complaining, but the lady walked in first. And she started saying certain things, etc. And I said, Okay, hold on, we'll leave that you can come and then we can sit and listen to what's going on. And everything she had mentioned, he had a clear answer for immediately and he said, Hey, hold on, but you know, not to say that the man is always right. But in this case, I felt like but just now you're seeing this and he has a clear answer right here. You've resolved that already. Why are you bringing here and that just proves that you know, you've got to listen to both sides, hear both sides, hear
everything, understand the context and then maybe then you can
try and help the people with that particular problem.
Panel after the story of masala is Sam Sammy de la de la Allah Allah says catholic and apostolic coming in Malka, sabak waka at a nun coming let them be quite indeed These are stories a large Allah Allah has given the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam through revelation, and he has made them a form of a reminder. And from Allah obviously. And I think as we mentioned before, we should go over these stories, look at them and try to derive that message that benefit that reminder. Because you know, as you mentioned, is no point just reading, reading, reading and we don't really know what's going on.
Yes, absolutely. I think these sessions help not only us, but the people as well to understand how to handle and derive some benefit, really to pondering and understanding.
We ask Allah, Allah to grant us all goodness and understanding Sharon, is there anything else you'd like to mention?
shift I think I'm good.
hamdulillah You know, there's maybe something we'll touch on it's a question that comes up in every odd session. And since we spoke about the beard a lot of people asked about the beard some people well a lot of them they Mashallah they have a good who's no one but others they you know, they call you directly and they tell you, or why is your beard like this? Why do you cut your beard? Why is this why is your beard cut in the first place? And I think that's something very important to address. When it comes to keeping the beard Yes, the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as recorded in the books of Hadith, authentic hadith even are the man the one who narrated one of these
a hadith. It says Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Let the beards grow what Phil only had. So let these beings grow. Now, the scholars all agree as we mentioned, when it comes to shaving your beard here, Muslim man is not allowed to shave his beard completely. We're not talking about those who have or who may have certain excuses, no, we are talking about the beard. Those who want to keep a beard and those who then sometimes may not understand what other people are doing and then they go to judge them from here, then the scholars different so they've all agreed that you keep your beard, you keep your beard, yeah, those who say that you don't touch it, so you just let it
grow. That's a valid opinion. They taken from the Hadith as is that you know what Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said this, so we leave our beads to grow. They are those who then say that no, even aroma Gabriella one woman who narrates this hadith is the very one who is mentioned he used to take from his beard
So how can he be narrating a hadith and doing something completely opposite unless he had, you know, knowledge from the messenger salallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he knew how to do it too. So he knew how to apply this hadith. So that's the second opinion, we're not going into debate how who's right and who's wrong? No. After that, we find that there are those who go further. And they say that you know what a beard is something whether it's a fist, or you cut less than a fist. And what makes it as long as somebody who sees you from afar could identify you as a bearded person, that is a beard. Those who have longer beards, we're not saying cut your beards, what we're trying to say is that we
should understand that this difference of opinion before judging people another thing a lot of people ask about, you know, shaping the beard or cutting the beard. You know, I don't mean to mention it, but there's some people who don't have hay in the first place on on the cheeks on certain places. So you find somebody who sees you immediately. And I've been asked a lot of times that why do you cut your beard you must have been asked, Why do you take your hair off? Yeah, I think we both don't even have a here in the first place. So it's important to know that another important thing is I've heard one of the teachers in mustard neverwet, teaching on four different
occasions over 10 years. When asked about the beard, he says that you must leave it, you must leave it completely Don't touch it. But when you see his beard, his beard is like a skin touch beard. So I've heard so many people come and they'll tell you that know this man, you know, he doesn't keep a beard in the first place. I had him on four different occasions saying that this beard you must keep it don't even touch it on the cheeks. Yet his beard is small. Afterwards asking a lot of people you find that the man is excused. You know, he may have a skin condition with alopecia going around a lot of men habit, may Allah protect us. So I think it's important to have a personal one. And the
only reason we addressed this is because we spoke about the beard today. And we don't want people to feel that you know what they speaking about the beard, but somebody cuts their beard. Also, when it comes to having a personal one, somebody may have their own excuse, they may have a skin condition, they may not have the hair in certain places in the first place. So it's important to know about that. Also, when it comes to keeping a beard we find in Ramadan, sometimes the youth will usually shave the whole year, they start keeping a small goatee. That goatee is better than not having a beard, you know, they've made some progress. So inshallah they get paid. And at the end of the day,
yes, a beard is very important. And it's fun, you know, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted us to do it. But it's not that do all it's not everything, a person who doesn't have a beard, you can't say that. They like this, and they like this, and they want to take the time off Allah, etc. So I think it's very important to mention this in a bit of detail.
Yes, you touched on a very, very important point. I think it's something that everybody can really benefit from. And I have seen similar comments as well. So I think it's important to mention this and talk about it. There's also the fact that some scholars mentioned that certain parts that others deem as a beard, is not necessarily a beard. Now, that's only regarding certain parts, they are certain that they all agree on that this has to be part of the beard within this certain pathway, for example, like the cheeks or underneath the neck, etc. Some people say you shouldn't touch that at all. And some scholars say that no, that's not part of what is known as lithia. So I think it's
important to talk about all these angles, so people understand as well. When we addressing such a topic.
Yes, so true. Chicken or anything else you'd like to mention.
No, it is like a lucky chicken. I really appreciate coming on Alhamdulillah we've had a nice time.
Two except,
I mean, I mean and hamdulillah we've managed to pass roughly a bit more than half. That means there's only half of Ramadan left, a few days left. We almost getting to the last 10 days. We asked Allah, Allah to grant us the ability to make the most of these few days. Remember, if you've missed out on the first 10 days, start getting ready now during these few days, so you can peek as we mentioned before during the last 10 days, and as the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would strive in these last 10 days.
That's so true.
While he was Salam Alaikum