Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P07 080C Tafsir Al-Anam 46-52
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I am number 46 will say our item Have you considered? Did you see? Did you ever reflect in if a what Allahu Allah took meaning if he took away, some Arkham you're hearing what a Busara comb and your vision will hurt them and he said a seal are now Kulu become upon your hearts. Then in this case, man who Illa Han is that God, later Allah besides Allah, yet de Combi, who would bring you it? Yep. decom you will bring you behave with it. Meaning who is that God besides Allah? Who could bring you back? Your hearing your vision and your heart? What's the answer? No one can replace that for you. No one can bring that back to you. Only Allah subhanaw taala can give that to you. Only look, K for
*. No sir riffle we diversify. I add the proofs. Sama then whom they yesterday phone, they turn away. Look at how we diversify the evidences and the proofs. But yet it's amazing how these people turn away. They don't understand no solidity voice from the root letter saw their office salah, you saw the foot the sleeve is to take something back and bring it again in a different way to take something back and bring it again in a different way. So this is the sleeve to present something in different ways to diversify. Why. So that if a person has not understood it in one way, perhaps he will understand it through some other way. Perhaps he will understand it the next time. So look at
how we present the evidences and the proofs, the examples in different ways. But yeah, it's amazing. Look at them, how they turn away yesterday for one is from sada facade alpha. And so the fight is to turn away. So in this is what is being said, basically, Allah subhanaw taala is asking us that, have you thought about this, if Allah took away, your senses, your eyes, your ears, your heart so that you wouldn't be able to see, you wouldn't be able to hear, you wouldn't be able to feel?
Is there anyone? Anyone at all, even if they claim to be God, even if people say they are God? Can they fix your hearing for you? Can they fix your vision for you? Can they fix your heart for you? No, they cannot. And we see this, that these days despite the advancement in technology in medicine, if a person's eyesight is weak, yes, it can be treated, but it can never be made perfect again, it will always have some kind of deficiency. Similarly, hearing, if a person had hearing loss, it can be fixed with some kind of hearing aid. But is it as good as an ear? Never. It's never as good as an ear that functions properly. So it this is a warning as well. The thing about it if Allah took away
something as small as your hearing, who can give it to you, nobody can. And you know that nobody can. This is why we see that if we're ever experiencing such a problem. First of all, we run to the doctors, then we look for alternate treatments. And then when nothing works, then people go for Umrah, they go for her, they keep making dua and they hope that Allah subhanaw taala will fix their problem for them, whatever it may be. But it shows to us that we are so weak before Allah, we are so dependent on him.
That if he takes away our vision, our hearing, we are nothing we cannot do anything to replace that.
We can do nothing to have it back again. Only Allah subhanaw taala can give it and then this is another lesson that if there's any person who finds that their vision is getting weaker and weaker, or that their hearing is getting weaker and weaker, then who should they turn to? Who should they turn to? Allah subhanaw taala because who can fix your hearing and your vision for you? Only Allah, only Allah can fix it for you. The other things that are available in this dunya they're only aids they're not a complete treatment. Okay, only Allah subhanaw taala can cure. Likewise Mahatama Allah Kuru because if a person finds that his heart is hard, it doesn't feel much doesn't have fear of
Allah doesn't have compassion. Then ask Allah subhanaw taala to heal your heart. In the Quran, we learn Allah Subhana Allah says who will lead the and cerco which are another chromosome I will have a sorrow will have either Felina Mathis guru It is He Who has produced you and made for you your hearing and your vision and your heart. But how little is it that you are grateful? Think about it. How much do you use your eyes?
A lot
If you were told that one day, don't open your eyes at all, could you function properly? Never worry about your hearing, same thing. You use it so much all the time. We cannot even imagine doing anything without the help of our eyes and ears.
But how grateful are we to Allah soprano data for these blessings? We think a blessing is money. We think a blessing is a newborn. And we ignore these greater blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has blessed us with and we don't value them. We don't take care of them in the sense that we don't use them in the correct way. Many times we abuse these blessings, when we're listening to something so loud, that our ears may be hurting, but still we will listen. Or when we're looking at something continuously, our eyes are burning, but still we will continue to watch. Why? Because we want to so we abuse these blessings. We don't use them properly. Allah says Polina matters Quran.
So, in the study of the brain, it is shown that the largest portion of the brain is dedicated to site. And just last week, my professor was going over how nothing no technology has discovered or completely copied, like the recognition that your brain has. The fact that you're you can when you see something, you can not only recognize what it is, and also how far away it is from you. And its depth. No technology has ever copied that. Even yet. Yes. Cool, say a taco, have you considered you? Have you ever thought about this? That in a darkroom? If it came to you? What are their Billahi punishment of Allah? Both that and suddenly, oh, or Jehan manifestly?
Have you ever thought about this? That what if the punishment of Allah came upon you, unexpectedly or manifestly Bolton, suddenly,
without any previous warning, by surprise, and Jonathan, you know, is when something happens openly when something happens publicly? So Jonathan, it comes while you see it coming. Or you were expecting it. You know, there are many things that happen in this dunya, which are really a complete surprise for people. Like, for example, there could be an earthquake, there could be a storm, a tsunami or something, whatever it may be. But we see that many times people have no idea that it was coming, isn't that which is why they're not prepared for it. And when they're not prepared for it, they suffer a lot. And at the same time, there are many natural disasters that people have
predicted. Right, because of the technology that people have. And because of that reason, people are well prepared. But still, despite being well prepared, are they able to save themselves? 100%? No. Are they able to protect themselves? 100% No, they still suffer. They can save lives, but they can't save property. They can save maybe 80% of lives but not 100%. So, think about it, Allah subhanaw taala can send disaster upon you how without any warning, and also he can send it upon you as you see it coming. Yet. You cannot do anything to save yourself. You cannot do anything to run away. How is your local he is destroyed except alkimos, Lolly Moon, the wrongdoing people meaning if the
punishment comes this way, then who do you think would be destroyed? Who do you think would be punished? Those who are wrongdoers, in other words, it is only such people who will be affected by the punishment of Allah. But we see that many times. Like for example, I should have belonged on her when she also asked the Prophet sallallahu Sallam about this, that what if there is a person who is innocent amongst a group of people on whom a calamity has befallen? He is not sinful, he is not Mushnik he believes in Allah He is a righteous person, but he is also you know part of them and as a result, he suffers like they have suffered. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that on the Day of
Judgment, people will be resurrected help on their actions in the sense that whatever they were doing whatever belief they had, that is what they will be resurrected with. So eventually, everybody has to die. Eventually, everybody has to go but on the day of judgment, people will be raised on their fates. So * you look a little coma volley moon.
So what's the lesson in this idea that never feel safe and secure? Never feel safe and secure? Because a disaster can befall you anytime. So a person can never feel safe from WHO? The punishment of Allah. He can never feel that yes, now I'm Holmes. Everything will be perfect.
Quickly find so many times it has happened that people die in their homes. Right? There's a storm outside lightning hits and a person dies in his own house, perhaps in his own bed holding their own cell phone. Doesn't it happen? It happens so many times, so never feel safe. All of this is being mentioned why? To make us realize that Allah subhanaw taala, the One who created you also has power over you. So how can you ignore him? How can you live a life while being heedless towards him? How can you go on day after a day while not thanking him, while not fearing his punishment? How can you live day after day disobeying Him you cannot you should not because you never say from him you are
within his power and control and vulnerability. Warmer and not noticeable. We send a mousseline the messenger is plural off Musa INLA except mobile sharena as ones who bring good news woman zerene And as ones who bring warning, the prophets who came brought good news and brought warning and Muhammad saw a lot of sin was also brought good news and warning the IRS before what are they a warning and at the same time good news is also given from an examiner. So whoever believed were US law her and he reformed finance or not hold on any fear I lay him upon them, Wallah and nor whom they are as unknown they will receive good news is given over here, the messengers brought clear message
containing warning and good news. So those people who believe and do righteous good deeds, US law, how they reformed themselves, they improve their deeds, then such people they will have no fear nor will they grieve when in the hereafter. Fear a person has of what of the future all right, and who doesn't regret a person has off the past. So on the day of judgment in the Hereafter, such people will have no fear of the future because once Allah subhanaw taala has told them that I have bestowed upon you my happiness, so I will never be upset with you, and such a person will have no fear. In this dunya however, a person is always fearful. Right? That what if? What if Allah is upset with me?
What if I don't die a good death? What if you know I do something wrong? There is fear, and in the hereafter again? No who doesn't know grief, nor regret over the past, because they live their lives, trying to please Allah subhanaw taala. So if we want to be free of fear and grief than what is necessary, that we are afraid now, and we are regretful over our past sins now, so that we are saved from these two things in the hereafter. Because the one who lives in this dunya without fear, okay and regret, then this person will have fear and regret where in the hereafter?
What does it mean by this the one who lives without fear and regret in this dunya that he doesn't have any fear of the consequences of his actions, and he has no regret over the wrong that he has committed. So he lives a life of heedlessness careless,
this fulfilling their desires, such such a person will have fear and who doesn't wear in the hereafter.
So a believer he's never fear less of Allah's punishment in the dunya. Likewise, he's always regretful over the wrongs that he has committed in the past. But it's amazing how sometimes people say that, you know, I've never committed any sin. Why is this happening to me, really, who can claim that I have never committed any sin.
Every son of Adam is sinful, even adolescent, he made a mistake. Every human being errs, hooked our own we are all sinners, we all make mistakes. And because of those mistakes, we should be fearful. And we should also have regret. And this is why we should keep striving to improve ourselves and keep seeking Allah subhanahu dharnas forgiveness when Medina caribou and those people who deny the IR Tina with our signs, Yama assume it will touch them, it will afflict them, what will touch them, and either the punishment Bema can we have sukoon be mad because of what can they used to have sukoon they used to cross limits they disobey. So what do we see over here, that the messengers
brought good news and warning. People who believe improve themselves in the hereafter no fear, no regret. But those people who reject who refuse to believe, then what will happen with them, you must swim or
The the punishment will touch them.
Just imagine you're less so Humala or the the punishment will touch them. As if the punishment is reaching out to them.
Think about it, what touches you something that reaches out to you.
has contact with you touches you. So just like that Hellfire will be like a wild animal reaching out for people
reaching out for those who are to enter it. We learned in the Quran Allah subhanaw taala will say on the Day of Judgment to the Hellfire Hallym tele D Are you full now? Are you full now and it will say hello me mozzie Are there any more as if ready to take it more ready to go and leap on others and grab them take them within itself. So you must assume or other the punishment will touch them. Just imagine if there is some creature that you really afraid of really afraid of whether it's a spider or a dog or whatever, a lion, and imagine it reaches out to you.
It reaches out to you. And sometimes for example, a spider hasn't even bitten the person has just barely touched the person and they start screaming out of fear.
So just like that your muscle room or other the punishment is going to touch them it's going to afflict them. They won't be able to get away from it. You must sue him or other why what's the reason behind that? What's mentioned in the I D McCann who you have sukoon because of their own sins because of their crossing the limits that Allah subhanaw taala has set for them not to listen to the recitation of these verses
or you tune in for the long
haul more hot I'm Paulo
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Wallasey Levina can Lebu be teen I am asumu Lada movie Makkah and we have sukoon
death seeks a person punishment finds a person and on the Day of Judgment Hal will also reach out to the guilty
it's something that a person cannot escape except with iman and righteousness because that as though it shields a person protects him from the punishment of Allah all say learn not a kulula calm I say to you say oh prophets Allah Allah and send them to the people that I have never claimed I never say to you that are in the with me that I have I possess possess in Allah the treasures of Allah, the store houses of Allah Hawza in basically treasures okay. It refers to like for example a treasure chest for instance, okay, it's closed but within it is what valuable things so just like that, Allah subhanaw taala has store houses of various that is, for instance water where is it stored? A lot of
supply of pure water where is it stored? In what form is it stored?
Ice for example, icebergs, okay, these are what Kazaa in Allah. All right. So the prophets of Allah Islam is made to say that all people I have never claimed that I own the storehouse is the treasures of Allah subhanaw taala Wallah and nor are no more I know and labor the unseen I have never claimed that I know the unseen Wallah and nor a coup I say, come to you that in mnemonic that indeed I am an angel. I never say these things to you because these things are not true about me. Rather, the prophets have a lot of sort of a zoo, a human being in not a who I follow Illa except my that which you have in a year, which has been revealed to me. I am not an angel. I am not someone who knows the
Unseen I don't possess the storehouses of ALLAH SubhanA
Data? No, it's quite the opposite. I am a human being and I follow what I have been told. I convey what I have been given in a tabular in lemme you have eladia I only follow what has been revealed to me and following over your gifts, two meanings first of all, I can bet. And secondly, I do it myself. So I'm a follower. I am a servant. In the saya what is being said, the worshipping of Makkah, they would say about the prophets of Allah. So I'm gonna, what kind of a prophet is he? If he eats and drinks, and he also marries, and he's just like us, he suffers from illness. And he gets happy. He said that he gets angry. He's a human being just like, so how, how is he a prophet?
Because generally, when we think about righteous people, what do we think that they should you know, someone who has true dreams all the time, right? And they should be able to meet somebody and be able to tell, okay, what kind of a person they are, which is why whatever a righteous person says, we follow it blindly. Sometimes we think that it's like equal to the Quran, the kind of status that people give, sometimes to righteous people, or sometimes we believe that they should be so righteous that they should be praying that, you know, every day and if they say, Yes, I sleep six hours a night, we say, oh, then there's nothing special about you, you're no different than I am. And if
they take a nap in the afternoon, again, you're a human being or you're just normal like me, what's so special about you? When we think about righteous people, we want them to be someone who has supernatural powers maybe, okay, or someone who knows, or someone who understands everything, which is why if we see a shortcoming in them, we completely, you know, dismiss them. We don't give any importance to them after that. Whereas we forget that a person, he may have knowledge, he may be righteous, but at the end of the day, who is he a human being? So he makes mistakes, just like we make mistakes. He doesn't know everything, just like we don't know everything. Remember the story I
told you about Imam Ali, that some people went to him everyday, they asked him questions. And what was the answer that he gave? I don't know. I don't know. Now, imagine if there's a big scholar, and you go to them? And you ask them a question. And they say, I don't know, what would you say? Kind of a scholar they are? I don't think there are any scholar? Why do people call them you know, a scholar, what kind of a chef they are, they're not a chef. They just probably read things off the internet, and they come and give us and people think that oh, they're very knowledgeable. The fact is that yes, they have more knowledge than you perhaps but they don't know everything. At the end of
the day, they are human beings just like you so they have shortcomings. Just like you just like that if a person finds out that so into a religious person, they are divorced, were like, oh my god, they must be really evil person inside. You know, they portray such a good image, but inside that must be very different. We forget that they're human beings. You know, other good people also go through divorce. So what if there's a religious person who goes through divorce, what's the big deal
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Slovak Salah Salem told them that I will tell you a few days later because he was waiting for the where he from? Allah subhanho wa taala. And he forgot to say in sha Allah. And so many days passed away. But he didn't come and visit the pastor SLM was getting worried. And then the way he came and Allah Tala specifically told
him that you didn't see it in sha Allah. That's why I delayed whenever you say something, you have some intention to tell somebody and you are waiting a message from me then say in sha Allah if Allah wills so the prophets are a lot of Salaam, also people went up to him and they asked him things, and they expected immediate answers. But the fact is that he wasn't making things up. It wasn't from himself. He was who a follower. He had to wait for the revelation. So the wish to give Makkah when they saw such human characteristics in him, they said, What kind of a prophet are you? You must not be a prophet, you must be an ordinary human being. To the prophets of Allah. Islam is made to say
over here that tell them yes, I am a human being. I have never claimed that I own the treasures of Allah. No, I don't own any of them. Allah subhanaw taala is the Rozet he is the one who provides this. You don't like sometimes people will go to a scholar or righteous person and they will say,
you know, please make dua for me that you know, things become easy for me or just tell me what to do. Tell me what to do. But the thing is that they are a human being. They don't know what's going on in your life. You can judge best what you should be doing in your life. You can consult them but at the end of the day, you are best aware of your circumstances. But people ask others thinking that they should tell me exactly what to do. How
Oh, can they tell you? They've never seen the people whom you were talking about. They've never seen you dealing with the problems. You're just here asking them questions and you expect, you know, complete detail of what you should be doing. To the prophets of Allah Islam is made to say over here that tell them I do not own the hodza enough Allah, I do not know the knowledge of the Unseen I do not say that I'm an angel. Instead, I only follow what has been revealed to me
called say, * is yesterday he is equal who alarma the blind one will be asleep and the seeing one or the two equal who the blind and the seeing, a question is being asked a person who cannot see and a person who can see are they equal? No, they're not equal. And over here, particularly the blindness is not just that off the eyes, but of the heart. The blindness is of the heart that a person who recognizes as truth and on the other hand, someone who doesn't recognize the truth, are they the same? No. So how can someone who has Iman and someone who doesn't have Iman be the same? Philosopher karoun Do you not reflect them meaning reflect use your mind will unzip the prophets
Allah Allah said Mr. old and worn, be with it with what with this Quran, the Quran that has revealed to you that you are to follow yourself the same Quran you should use to warn people with what unzer behavior to warn people with what this Quran but many times people like to warn others how with their own power.
I'm watching you, I know what you're doing.
I'm going to check on you.
So okay, sometimes it's effective, but what's more effective than when people have the fear of Allah. So we're under be worn with this Quran who Alladhina Johar fauna, those people who fear warn the people who fear they're already afraid. Why warnham?
Generally, what do we think we should warn who people who don't have fear of Allah, but over here, it is being said that warn those who fear why? Because it is only those who fear who will benefit from that warning.
It is only those who fear who will benefit from that warning in the Quran. Surah Yaseen, I 11 in nama tune zero, Manitoba, Decra will hush your rackmountable Hi, you can only warn he who follows the reminder and fears the Most Merciful even when he is alone. Only such a person you can warrant meeting warning can only benefit him.
For example,
two children, one is aware of spiders, and the other has no idea what a spider is. Why? Because of the young age.
Let's say there is a baby. And on the other hand, there's a three year old kid, and there is a big spider crawling, you say, spider Watch out. So the three year old will get up and run away and the baby. What will the baby do? They'll just lie down babbling away. And perhaps it will see the spider even coming close to itself will probably reach out to it in order to grab it because it doesn't know that it's a spider. Right? And you're warning you're screaming you're yelling is not going to benefit them. It might frighten them. Why? Because you're yelling they'll cry because they got scared of you're yelling, but they're not going to cry because they're afraid of the spider. And on
the other hand, the three year old child as soon as he finds out spider you will get up and run away. What's the difference over here one is afraid and the other is not one knows and the other does not know. So warning benefit to those who know we're under V and worn with this Quran Alladhina Johar fauna, those people who fear and that your shadow Illallah be him they will be gathered to their Lord, meaning they will be brought to Allah subhanaw taala those who fear who are aware that one day they will be taken to Allah, they will be brought before Allah. Do you fear that? Ask yourself am I one of these people? Do I fear that one day I will be brought to Allah because Allah
says lace Allah home they will not have min dunya he besides him when he Yun anyone he any friend any protector, wala Shaffir nor any intercessor on that day, they will have no one to protect them and they will have no one to intercede for them. Les sallahu Minh Dooney evilly Yun wala Shaffir so such people who realize this Allah says warn them with this Quran convey
Read the Quran to them. Tell them more about what's in the Quran, why? Lila homea Takuan so that they would adopt the core so that they become righteous. So in other words, what has been mentioned over here is that the person who has fear of being brought to Allah's parental data, who is afraid of going to Allah, then this is a very good sign. A very good sign someone who fears the Aquila, this is a very good sign, because inshallah they will benefit from the Quran. So if there is any person in whom you see this fear of facing Allah of meeting Allah on the Day of Judgment, such a person should be given the Quran. Such a person should be taught the Quran, why? Because then la
Lomita goon then they will become more righteous, they will increase in their Taqwa. And at the same time, there is a warning over here, that if there is a person who doesn't fear meeting Allah, He says, Yeah, when I meet Allah, I'll tell him this and this. Yeah, whatever. I wonder if there's even any resurrection in a world survive somehow or the other. Such a person. No matter how much Quran is given to them, will they adopt a quote? Will they increase in their Taqwa? Well, they weren't. So the Quran benefits who those who fear a Hara, and those who don't fear Allah, Allah, the Quran doesn't manifest them. Were under the ladina Johar fauna and your shadow Isla became laser the human
Dooney evilly Yun wala Shaffir la isla home yet the goon so that they would adopt Aqua so that they increase in their righteousness. And what is this righteousness? What is this piety? What is this Taqwa? A port one set Hunley Denuvo, leave all sins. So the Aloha worker bee Raha the small ones and the big ones that got to QA? That is the clock. So what is the clock leaving all since whether it's small or big, meaning that a person never deliberately commits a sin, whether it is small or it is big. It doesn't mean that the person who has Taqwa is 100% pure, so he never commits a sin. What it means is that he doesn't deliberately do it accidentally many things happen. But deliberately, he
doesn't do it. When he realizes what he's about to do. Then he stops himself, so 100 The Aruba Lila waka Bulova, that aka to ca Now many times when it comes to mixins, we're very conscious about them.
Like for example, Shinko never I'd never prostrate before an idol. Likewise, when it comes to auto murder, we're like, no, no, hamdulillah never ever think about that. When it comes to Zina. We say no, no, no, never. But when it comes to Saliba, the small sins, little little sins, that we commit them very, very easily. Little things like saying words of sarcasm, hurting other people's feelings.
Just like that false assumption about other people. All right. Likewise, in Salah, leaving something out, out of haste, for example, you know that you should be saying SubhanAllah. Darlene, for instance, at least three times would you say no or whatever. I'm just going to go into core and get up immediately. I'm just going to go into June and get it immediately. I'm not even going to say soprano Arla once who's listening to me, nobody knows what I'm saying. So this is also a sin. This is actually theft. Afsaneh so
Hunley, the Nova Selena Ha, what can be Raha leave all sins, whether small or big. Likewise, we think that a big sin is for example, throwing something really dirty and not just in the masjid. Something really filthy in the masjid. That's what a big sin, but at the same time if we're throwing tissue that is used, right? That is also a hardliner, especially if it has filth in it. All right, it doesn't a hadith what do we learn spitting in the masjid is a sin.
Likewise, we're not going to go on doing graffiti on the walls of the Masjid. But many times people do graffiti were on the desks. They will write things on the desk. Look at the desks in front of you. You will always find something either written on them or below them, or something dirty stuck under them. This is polluting the Masjid. We think no, I'm very civilized person. It was that Bedouin who came into the masjid and peed in the masjid. We don't do such things. But we do little things which are sometimes equally obnoxious. Sticking gum under a desk on which Quran is to be placed and recited and memorized and understood. You think that's not a sin?
You think that's not wrong? You think Allah will be happy with that?
So Huntleys do Nova so the Raha work hubiera leave all sins small and
Big Dakka Dakka wireman and work meaning whenever you do any action whenever you perform any deed do so Comanche folk are always shoki like the one who walks on thorny ground.
Whenever you're doing something, do so, like a person who is walking on thorny ground. You're the Roma Euro. He is cautious of what he sees, meaning he's trying to save himself from the thorns that he sees. So just like that, no matter what you're doing, never be 100% Relaxed that yeah, everything will be fine. I'll never make a mistake. Everything will be good. No, be conscious and careful. Like someone who is walking on thorny ground. He is so careful about where he steps and how much pressure he puts. Right. Why? Because he is afraid of what he sees. He's conscious. Let that document nasally Raha the board said do not belittle the small sins. Do not belittle any of the sins the small ones.
Why for ineligible mineral his law because indeed mountains they're made from what? Pebbles?
Pebbles, they're made from pebbles. Heaps. Sometimes you will see they're made of wet pebbles. Winter is coming in shallow. You will see lots of snow sometimes literally a mountain of snow, and it's made of what snowflakes. Think about it. All that is what tiny tiny snowflakes that fell down from the sky. And now there are so many that literally it's like a mountain of snow. So let the Koran nursery Raha for innogy Birla Minal Hisar This is what the court is leaving all send small and big
the prophets of Allah doesn't have installed what at that road and do not send away do not drive away. Do not dismiss the throw this from pa Ra. The third is to chase someone away to dismiss someone so lotta throat do not dismiss, do not chase away who Alladhina those people who hear the runer of the home who call upon the Lord? When do they call upon their Lord? Will audacity in the morning? When are she and the evening? Those people who remember Allah who are calling upon Allah in the morning and the evening, and when somebody does something in the morning in the evening? What does it mean? They're doing it all the time, basically.
So they're worshipping Allah praying morning and evening all the time, this is what they do. Why are they doing this up? Do they want to watch her who his face because ultimately, they want to see Allah, they want to make Allah happy. They want His pleasure. This is why they're worshipping Allah in the morning. And the evening, the prophets, Allah Azza was told, Do not send them away. Meaning do not tell them to go away from your company. Rather, when they come to you. Keep them with you spend your time with them. So we see that the profits on it also is being advised over here to keep company with who, those who remember Allah in the morning, and the evening. Why? Because when you
will be among such people, then you will do the same thing. You will also remember Allah in the morning in the evening, think about it. If you're with a person who wants to eat out in the morning, and in the evening, in the morning, they want to go to Tim Hortons in the evening. They want to go to some restaurant, if you spend your time with them. Tell me do you want to do the same thing as well? Do you want to, of course, if you leave your house in the morning with your brother and he says I want something from Tim Hortons. Why? Because he's getting a coffee for himself. Like, sure I'll take an extra small French vanilla, right? And then what happens when he picks you up from
school? Is that okay? I'm just gonna stop by over here to grab myself a Sharma Do you want one? Sure, I'll get one too. And then the more you go out with him, the more you develop that habit. And then one day it will happen, that you will drive yourself and you'll say I want my coffee. And you'll be coming back home and you'll say I want my pizza. Right? So when you stand with people, automatically you develop their habits, you start doing the same thing that they are doing. So the prophets of Allah, imagine the one whom Gibreel visited. He is being told you stay with people who remember Allah in the morning in the evening.
So it doesn't matter what you've studied. It doesn't matter if you study Quran on the weekends, you still have to keep company with good people throughout the week. Because if you don't have righteous company throughout the week, it doesn't matter what you do on the weekend. What you will learn will get washed off. Tell me am I right? Am I right? Do experiences or not? Of course we do.
So, while I talk to Rudy Lavina, the owner of boom belladati What are she? And notice he's been told, don't send them away. Because sometimes what happens is that you want to be with some other people too. You want to hang out with some different people too. So you're like, you know what, this person, she's got a hijab on she hasn't a buyer as well. And then if people listen to music, she's going to object so you're like, send her away for something, send them away, or you avoid them, no, stay with them. Because when you will stay with them, you will be safe as well. Inshallah.
Ma les come in, he said, The Himanshi Allah says MA Not alayka upon you men who serve him from their account mean che in have anything, meaning you are not going to be held accountable for their deeds warmer and Norman Husar Bica from your account or lay him upon them and Shane from anything, meaning they are not going to be accountable for your deeds, each person is going to be held responsible for whose deeds, his own deeds. Basically, this I was revealed with regards to a request of the machine of maca.
The Prophet saw a lot of Salam. When he delivered the message, which kind of people believed in him? Initially?
What kind of people were the people who were very well off? Yes.
People who were oppressed, right? People who were perhaps four, all right, who were slaves previously or who were still slaves. Why? Because they saw the freedom that the deen of Allah subhanaw taala brought them. Right. It gave them hope. Because in this dunya, there is no justice but when you know, there is Akela and justice will be established over there that the deen of Allah answers all of your questions. So initially, it was many such people who embraced Islam. And the thing is that people who are wealthy people who have status, many times what prevents them from accepting is what their status and their wealth, because they belong to a different kind of social
circle. And if they change, then they will lose the support of their friends of their social circle, and they don't want to be abandoned, they will lose their business partners, right? It will affect them economically, it will affect them socially. So this is why even though they recognize the truth, many times they were prevented from accepting it because of material reasons. But the poor, the oppressed, what do they have to lose? Nothing. In fact, they only have more to gain. This is why the prophets of Allah, the first believers in them were who, the weak ones, the oppressed ones. All right. And we learned that hirako Iraqi is a Roman king, when he asked Will Sophia, that what kind
of people have believed in Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. So he said, It's the poor, the oppressed. And Heracles said that yes, it is always such people, who are the followers of the prophets, who are the first ones to follow him, know how they Salam also, who followed him initially, it was the weak ones, all the prophets of Allah, same thing happened with them. So anyway,
the prophets are a lot of Salam, he would convey the message to all people. Now,
those who had embraced Islam, who would remember Allah in the morning, in the evening, many of them were oppressed and weak, they would stay with the Prophet salallahu Salam, most of the time, or the wish to gain of Makkah, those who had high status, who had power, who had money, they would want to come to the Prophet saw a lot of time sometimes and ask him questions. But they would say, we're not going to sit here until you send Bilal away.
We're not going to sit with you, until you send this and this person away. Because it doesn't fit our majesty. It doesn't fit our high social status, that we sit next to a slave, that we sit next to a person who doesn't own anything, that we sit next to a person who has very low social status. So they made this request of the Prophet sallallahu.
Now, the Prophet saw a lot of time was very, very eager, right, that these people should accept Islam. So he wanted them to come and sit with him so that he would recite the Quran to them answer any other questions, you know, offer them
so for a few moments, he thought that maybe I should send these companions of mine away for a little while. Let these people have their own private time and then when they're okay, when they believe that inshallah everything should be okay.
But Allah subhanaw taala stopped him. He said, No, you are not going to send these people away. For the sake of these arrogant ones.
You're not going to send the people who remember Allah morning and evening seeking His pleasure, you're not going to send them away.
Just because you want to make the elite happy? No, you can't do that. Because at the end of the day, what is it that makes a person honorable in the sight of Allah? Is it his money? Is it his social status? No. Is it his physical appearance? No. What is it that makes a person honorable in the sight of Allah, it's his Iman. It's his faith. It is calling upon Allah subhanaw taala. That is what elevates a person in the sight of Allah. So we might be thinking that he has this person who came in such an expensive car, who's physically so attractive or what they, you know, deserve more attention from us, as opposed to these ordinary people know, who deserves attention from you, the one who
worships Allah subhanaw taala, the one who remembers Allah in the morning and the evening they deserve more attention from you. This is why you should spend your time with them. You should not send them away just to please some arrogant people. Allah says further to the home, so if you were to leave them, if you were to send them away for the corner, then you would be genuinely mean of the wrongdoers. If you were to send these companions away, then you would be committing lol this would be injustice, how would this be injustice? Because how is it fair that on the one hand is a person who is eager to learn more, he is sitting in your accompany
and you send him away just because someone doesn't want him to be there. That's injustice. You have to be fair with people. In a hadith we learn started when we were asked he said there was a group of six of us with the Prophet salallahu Salam, and then we're sticking said, Tell these people to leave so they will not offend us. Because if they're here will get offended, we cannot sit with them. So I'm going to be what cost he said, there was myself even miss rude a man from who they belong, and two other men whose names I have forgotten. Allah's Messenger SallAllahu Sallam thought to himself about whatever Allah will do, you should think about, and then Allah subhanaw taala revealed this
idea stopping him from sending his companions away. So what's the lesson in this for us? How can we benefit from this idea?
How can we benefit from this idea?
Don't be eager to be with some people just because of their high social status, or just because of their beauty or their eloquence. Right? Or just because they know everybody know, that should not be a reason. If you want to be friends with someone just because they're rich, I'm sorry, that's very wrong.
You should be friends with someone because of who they are not because they're rich that they will give you gifts. Okay. What else do we learn from this idea? What lesson can we take for ourselves from this? Yes, we can tell the last one and look at a person who has material belongings and how rich you are. But on your inside, because these are the people who are poor, but since they believed and they were eager to learn a lot to know that process. So let's not judge people based on their physical appearance. Okay, let's not judge people based on their physical appearance, just because someone is rich, we think, Oh, they must be a good person. Or just because they have a high social
status. What they say is definitely right. No, don't be in all of them. Don't be in awe of them. That just because they have high social status, we think whatever they say is right. So I have to listen to them. No, you don't have to listen to them. Allah Subhana Allah has given you your own heart as well. Yes, be friends with pious people. Because a company really matters. Like if you put an apple and you put a rotten apple with the good ones, then the all those apples will become rotten. Yes, very true. So company affects you. So be with righteous people, regardless of their social status. Don't think that this iron means that rich people are evil people. No, this is not
what the I mean, this means that you should go past a person's physical appearance, their material possessions, and seek the person who they are inside. And if they are a righteous person, even though they may be very well off, they're worth befriending. And if they're a righteous person, even though they may be poor, they're worth making friends with.
Sometimes you're so engrossed in so involved and so engaged and stuck up with your work that you forget about the Amazon time, you know, everyone has the Amazon program on the phone. So whenever as an goes on, she always reminds me Oh, Amazon Bellina was nobody come and save animals first. So that's kind of reminder for me because maybe I'll get late for namaz because I'm so much busy sometimes in my work, but she always reminds me that no go in cinemas first.
We are with the
People who don't even bother to pray salah, then who will remind you at McGriff that it's time to pray. Yesterday we were at a restaurant it was Maghrib time and just before Mercury we were getting ready to leave. And I saw people coming in. And these were all Muslims. Okay coming in to eat at that time. I mean, you can give benefit of the doubt that okay, one or two sisters are not praying, but how can a group of five, six sisters not pray at the same time? Right. And it's mostly mothers coming in now, and you're coming to eat at a restaurant at this time. So, doesn't matter if your friend wears a hijab even? What's the key, you're the owner of the home Villa that you will actually
do the remember Allah in the morning in the evening? Because sometimes the hijab is there, or why is there even the club is there, but the remembrance of Allah is not there at all.
The question is that if we were to always stay in the company of good people, then our interaction with other people will be limited. And then how are we meant to influence them? All right, because when a person stays within only righteous people, then he becomes sometimes very close minded. And then he doesn't know what's going on in the rest of the world. He doesn't know how to interact with them, he doesn't know how to influence them, then how do we, you know, solve this issue? The thing is that you have different kinds of people in your life. Right? Some people are close to you. Right? You spend more time with them. You call them friends, okay? And there are other people who are you
can say, acquaintances, right, you know them, but they don't influence you that much. Right? You don't spend that much time with them, we see that the Prophet salallahu Salam, most of the time he spent with who, with who, his companions, who were righteous men, but we also see him interacting with other people. He also spoke to them wished he keen, he also addressed their leaders, right, sometimes one on one, and sometimes, you know, collectively. So this doesn't mean that you boycott the rest of the world. You don't speak to anybody, and you only speak to your own small circle of friends know, this means that you should have a group of friends who keep you on the right path.
Okay, people whom you should be spending some time with at least, you know, for example, if a person is in school full time, all right, they're there five days a week. And they're around people who don't pray, who are not even Muslim. Okay, this is a need, you have to study or you have to work you are with them. You don't have a choice over there. But don't stay in their company only. Also have some good friends who influenced you spend some time with them, at least, no matter how busy you are. Even if you're writing your thesis, still spend some time with righteous people who will remind you about what is important, who will make you see your mistakes. Who will make you realize that
your vocabulary is not that pure anymore. There's some words that shouldn't be there.
So you need such people in your life and make sure that no matter what stage of life you're in, no matter where you are, what you're doing, you're always connected with some people who will keep you on the right track.
Only Well, first thing you have to do is your current prioritize your time, and who you contact them, you have like before I used to go to work. I don't have nobody there. The workplace is like more than 30 people and only me, I'm Muslim, and another gun he doesn't break. So it's different when I'm like at school or doopsie, or at home is different because you have this help with other people to remind you to pray this and like now what I did was like I have a group of friends that we don't see each other, but they call me whenever is there is Janice at the mosque, when there is a lecture whenever there is a meeting those and I have another group that I talked to on the phone
normally, we decided that every night we say we have to tell each other one good thing that we I learned today. So I may be so every day I'm busy to find something new that I have to tell them to light because if I don't have that, I'm gonna tell it to them. Right. So it depends how you prioritize Exactly. So the main thing is, keep in touch with righteous people stay in touch with them. There should be at least one or two people who can tell you that what you're saying is not right, what you're doing is not right, by the way, your hijab, you know what's wrong with it these days? All right, by the way, what's happening to your clothes, you know, because other people won't
say that to you, but a friend who is close to you can say something like that to you. So always have such people in your life who will point your mistakes, who will remind you of Allah in the morning and in the evening. Because if you leave them for the akuna minal aalameen You would be of who have who