Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P06 073B Tafsir Al-Maidah 51-53

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of avoiding social interactions and having a close bond with allies. They also touch on the history of alliances between Jewish tribes and the Arab tribes, including legal war in Afghanistan and upcoming war in Afghanistan. The speakers emphasize the importance of protecting one's safety and being a friend with allies. They also discuss the use of Islam as a means of achieving victory and the importance of practicing one's Deen. The speakers emphasize the need to avoid giving personal information to others and to keep good terms with people.
AI: Transcript ©
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Verse number 73 pseudotumor ADA is number 51 to 66. Yeah, are you Hello Dina ama No, all you have believed, let that Daffodil Yehuda do not take the hood, oneness aura and the Christians Olia as close friends. The address is general meaning all the believers are being instructed over here. What's the instruction? What's the command that do not take the Jews and the Christians the people of the book The non Muslims as what as your earlier earlier Olia is the plural of wily. And who is Wali, we translated as friend. But it's not just any friend. Because these days, even if we know someone a little bit, sometimes we say they're a good friend of mine.

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So, who is Wally Wally is not just any friend, well, he is from Wilaya and Wilaya. Well, lamea has many meanings of them is love, close friendship, a deep close relationship with someone to the point that a person's support someone fully loves them from their heart listens to them, obeys them,

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there is a close relationship between the two. And when a friendship is at that level than what happens both friends, they influence one another, they agree with each other, they support each other.

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Likewise, they spend a lot of time with one another. If one is doing something, the other will also do it with him or her. So this is who a wali is, so Allah says do not make them your close friends. And also Wilaya gives the meaning of protection. So do not take them as your close friends so that you are giving them protection and they are giving you protection. No, there should be some kind of distance and formality between the two of you. It doesn't mean that we are not allowed to mingle with them, we're not allowed to socialize with them, we're not allowed to have any kind of social relations with them interactions with them know that is permissible, we learned earlier that their

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food is permissible for us to eat and our food is permissible for them to eat. Now, what does this mean that if they invite you, you can go and eat. And if you wish to invite them to your house, you can do that. You don't just invite any person to your house, right? You invite someone whom you know, there is some kind of understanding between the two of you.

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And likewise, we learned that you may also marry their women. But just because of the relationship that you have, it doesn't mean that you become extremely close with them.

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Why? Because the reality is that vowel bloom earlier oboe, some of them are close friends of others, meaning they are very close to one another. And in enmity against you especially, they become united, that they have differences amongst themselves, the Jews and the Christians. But when it comes time to oppose you, then they will come together. Now this iron must be understood in the specific context that was revealed in

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we learned that in Arabia, the people, they didn't live independently. At the same time, there was no central government. How are the people connected with each other, it was basically that blood relationships, they formed extended families and extended families, they formed tribes, and the people would support and defend their tribesmen, which meant that if their tribesmen went to war, they went to war with them. If their tribesmen were in danger, they would come for their defense, whether they agreed with them or didn't agree with them, it didn't matter. But just because they were related. There was blood relationship between the two. This is why they would help and support

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one another. This is what Wilaya is basically such a close relationship that causes you to compromise and everything. But that relationship, you don't want anything to affect that friendship of yours, that connection of yours with the other. Likewise, the tribes also had alliances, which meant that one tribe would have a close bond of friendship with another tribe, which meant that both were allies of each other. So if one tribe went to war, the other tribe would go to war with them, even if their enemy was not their own enemy, okay, meaning their enemy was not theirs. So But still what would happen that if your allies went to war, you would go to war with them, which is why we

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see that even the Jews who lived in Medina they had alliances

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with some Arabian tribes, and if their Arab alliances if they went to war with Jewish people with Jewish people, the Jews would fight against their own cousins. Why? Because their allies went to war with Jewish people. So you understand why because you fully supported your allies. It didn't matter if they were right, or if they were wrong.

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Just because they are your allies, they have your full support, you will always be with them. And when the Muslims, they migrated to Medina, what happened over there, that the Arabs, they became united in opposition against the Muslims, the various machine tribes, they had many enmities amongst themselves, they went to war with each other. Likewise, they didn't really get along that well with the Yehudah either. But in enmity against the Muslims, they all came together. And a person can understand the extent of this in the details off the Battle of zap, that how the Jews as well as the machine, not just the machine of Makkah, but from all over Arabia, they all came together, attacking

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the Muslims in Medina. So Allah says Baba woman Alia overwrote. Apparently they say that they're with you. Apparently, they said that we will support you but the reality is that when it comes to opposing you, they all become united against you. So such people, you cannot befriend them, you can never consider them to be your best friends. Because the reality is that they are not sincere to you, they are not truly loyal to you, Bob bloom earlier about well may at one Lahoma income and whoever befriends them from you, meaning if there is a Muslim, but he goes and joins them and supports them, even if they're wrong than in the human home, then indeed he is off them he becomes

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one of them. Now, we learned that the hood of Medina, as you know that in Medina, it wasn't just the Muslims in the machine who resided but there were also some Jewish tribes who live there. And they were financially very strong. And before the prophets, all orders are migrated to Medina, there were alliances between the Jewish tribes and the Arab tribes, you know that the Osun coverage, they had alliances with the Jewish tribes as well.

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So when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam came to Medina, what happened? A treaty was made, in which the prophets Allah Addison was recognized, as you can say, the political leader. And one of the clauses was that if the people of Medina were under attack, then everybody would come together to defend Medina, it didn't matter who the enemy was, we are all going to defend our country, we are all going to defend our city. This was the rule. However, we learned that the Jewish tribes one after the other, they violated the treaty, that they went against it. Instead of defending the people of Medina, what did they do? They went to Makkah and incited the wishes again, against the Muslims. So

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they were inviting trouble for the Muslims. So anyway, when this happened several times the Prophet salallahu Salam, he intended to take action against the Jews, because they had violated the treaty, they had breached their covenant, and they deserve to suffer the consequences.

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So when the Prophet sallallaahu Salam was thinking about that, heading towards the place where the Jewish people resided, there was a man by the name of the Levin, obey, who was who, in Africa.

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And he came and literally held the Prophet salallahu Salam, and he said, I will not leave you until you leave them.

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Meaning I'm not going to let you take any action against the Jews. The prophets of Allah Saddam said way, halka What do you just leave me? Let me take action against them. He said, No, I'm not going to let you take any action against them. Why? He said that these people have been my friends, before Islam, they were my friends. And they were my age. They were my allies in the past, and I need them in the future as well. Because I am a person who fears a turn of events in the future.

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I fear that something terrible may happen in the future. That right now Islam seems powerful, but who knows, within five years, maybe somebody comes and kills you. Maybe somebody comes in finishes all these Muslims, and then I'll be left on my own. So I need these Jewish people, my allies, my friends to support me in the future. So if I let you take action against them now, they will not support me tomorrow. Amen.

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And he's saying this to the prophets all along.

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And he was explained that What are you talking about? He insisted, he said, No, I am not going to let you take any action against them. So Allah subhanaw taala says over here that all believers do not take the non Muslims as your close friends, you should not be relying on them, who should you be relying on? Allah subhanaw taala because the change of events, the turn of events, the future your safety is in whose hands ALLAH SubhanA dharnas hands, your victory in the future or your failure in the future everything is from WHO? Allah He is the giver and he is the taker. People are not, you cannot rely upon them. So Allah says, Do not take these people as your close friends do not rely on

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them. Do not think that your safety in the future is based on your good relationships with them know. Let them know you're who the one Asara Olia bowed to him earlier about because the fact is that they're not sincere to you tomorrow, if you're in trouble, they're not going to help you. Well, May, Allah Who men come, and whoever befriends them from among you, for inhuman home than he is of them. What does it mean by this, that he will become like them? When we see that Abdullah bin obey and his companions, they didn't leave their friendship with such people and eventually what happened? They lost their Eema the disease in their heart was never cured. The hypocrisy only grew.

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And many times we see that in the Quran, the attitude of the Manasa teen and the Jews is mentioned together. Because for Inaho, men whom he becomes like them, and this is true, whoever you befriend whoever person you become really close to, then what happens eventually, you begin to resemble them, not physically, but in your words, in your thinking, in your actions, you become a lot like them. So Allah says, if you befriend them, then you will be like that meaning you will fight for the same cause that they fight. They fight for worldly reasons to show their strength. For a believer he doesn't fight for these reasons. So you will become like them you will eat like them, you will drink

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like them, you will live like them. There will be no Deen left in you. They will be no religion left in you. So what does it teach us that such friendship that will affect your deen that will make you like them such friendship has to be avoided.

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Which means that if you are on good terms with some non Muslims, but this relationship is not making you like them in the manner that you think in the manner that you believe in the manner that you behave in the manner that you speak you dress you shop, that's okay.

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But as soon as you feel that they are influencing you to the point that there is no Dean left in you, then that is a warning sign. Then that kind of friendship has to be avoided. In Allah halaya deal calm of Bali mean indeed Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people. The people who do lol who say they're Muslim, who say they love Allah, but their loyalties are with someone else such people they do not receive the guidance from Allah subhana authority.

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But on the other hand, the person whose heart is full of Eman europeen Love of Allah that Allah subhanaw taala guides him because we see that at this occasion when Abdullah and obey came and stopped the prophets of Allah Edison he interfered there was another companion by the name of urban Aslan that who also had close ties with the Jews in the past. He also came and interceded for the Jews that oh prophets, Allah loves and spare them. They were my good friends leave them it's okay. What if in the future we need them? But when he was explained that no, they have violated the treaty, and this is something that's very detrimental to the Muslims is something very dangerous in

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the future, action has to be taken against them, then rather than assignment he understood. So Allah subhanaw taala guided him in the situation, but are the loving obey not guided further on Medina for Eukanuba him marathon? So you will see those people in whose hearts is a disease, you will see those people in whose hearts is a disease, what's that disease the disease of hypocrisy. So people like are the lovey dovey and his companions. Allah says you will see them you said your own feed him, there are hastening in the rushing in them in who the non Muslims are you who that NESARA what does it mean that you will see them rushing into association with them, you will see them being quick in

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befriending them in please

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Using the non Muslims in trying to win their love their loyalty, you will see them very active in trying to befriend the Jews and the Christians having, you know, active friendship with them relationship with them based on love and closeness. Why? Because it doesn't befit a believer that he becomes extremely close to someone who rejects Allah and His messenger.

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Because the believer what do we learn about him when the Dena Armano assured the herbal Allah, those who believe they are intense in their love for Allah? Then how can you love someone who refuses to believe the one whom you love? Think about it, if there is a person. And for some people, that's their own father, who has done injustice to your mother. Then what happens? What happens? Can you love that father, sometimes people find it extremely difficult because they see their father committing injustice against their mother, their own mother. So even though that man is her biological father, still they cannot love him. They cannot respect him. They have to force

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themselves to show some kind of kindness to them, to show respect to them. Why? Because they have been unfair to your mother. You can never love someone who hates who opposes who hurts the one you love. So Allah says you will see the people in whose hearts is disease and look at them. The rushing towards who? Those who reject Allah and His messenger. You Sati Aruna fie him? And what's the reasoning? What's their excuse? They say your coluna they say nutshell, we are afraid and to see by NIDA era, that some diarrhea may strike us that arise from the letters Dan Wallah. What is W? Do you mean? The raw You do look at my finger, the raw you do? What does it mean? To go around to go in a

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circle? And that era is one that in circles.

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So they say that we fear that a dialogue will strike us in the future? What do you think this dialogue refers to one that in circles, a problem, a difficulty, a turn of events, a change in the situation of the circumstances that will encircle us will be encircled with difficulties and problems, failure defeat, and then we'll be in trouble. So we are afraid that something terrible might strike us in the future? And if we don't have these people, as our friends, then what will happen? Who's going to protect us? Who's going to help us at that time? This is why they say that we have to keep good terms with these people because Natasha and to sleep Anna that

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so in other words of the love and obey what did he say that I cannot let any harm reach my Jewish friends because I fear a turn of events meaning I'm afraid that if I don't help them today, then tomorrow when I'm in trouble when the Muslims have lost when Muhammad said a lot Islam is killed, and there is no strength that the Muslims possess then at that time I fear that they will not help me because I did not help them today. Allah says fossa Allahu, so perhaps Allah who will and yet Dr. Bill fatty that he will bring about victory. Oh unremunerated de or a command a matter from himself? Meaning Why do you rely on these people?

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On your so called friends, that tomorrow when you're in difficulty, they will help you.

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It's quite possible that you see Muslims weak today

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that they're being attacked from everywhere today but tomorrow, Allah will bring about victory. Allah can grant victory to the Muslims, why do you rely on people for strength?

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Because the reality is that in Whose Hand in whose control is everything, Allah subhanaw taala right. He is the giver and he is the taker like we discussed earlier. He is the one who changes the situation of people for good or for worse, in a good way. Or in a bad way. Think about the Bani Israel. They were enslaved for decades. But Did Allah not rescue them? But he not said Musab acela when Bani Israel were enslaved for so many years did Alana rescue them? Yes he did. Allah sent mozarella Sinha how long our listener the sea was parted for our own was killed. They saw him so Allah changed the situation of the Bani Israel. If the Bani Israel said that no, no, we have to

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please fit our own. We cannot make him unhappy. Because tomorrow If Allah doesn't send a messenger what will happen to us

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would they ever get out of their miserable state? Never? Who brought them out of their miserable state? Allah subhanaw taala did.

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But the people who have weak faith, what do they think that money will take them out of their difficulty? Certain friends will take them out of difficulty, certain people will take them out of difficulty. But what happens when you're in difficulty? People disappear? Money is of no use citizenship of a country, even that doesn't help at times. Because we look at all these tangible things, right? If I have this, then I'll be fine. If I have this, then I'll be good. But the reality is that all these things are what they are just means. Who is the true helper? Allah? Who is the one who really takes you out of difficulty? Allah subhanaw taala. So Allah says, far as Allah will do,

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but it's quite possible that Allah will bring victory to the Muslims. And did this not happen? Yes, it did. The conquest of Makkah wasn't too far away. Soon, very, very soon, the Treaty of her debut was made, and the listeners were victorious in the matter of a few years, oh, I'm gonna Minar in the heat, or he will bring about a decision from himself what decision something in the favor of the Muslims. And as a result, what will happen, the hypocrisy of the minority will be exposed for us to be who and when they will see that, oh, we thought that the Muslims would become defeated and now they're victorious. Then what will happen, then they will become our lemma Assad roofie, unfussy

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hymnody mean, they will be over what they concealed in their hearts near the mean, regretful that, why did we think like that about Allah? Why did we think like that about the messenger? Why didn't we think like that about the Muslims.

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You know, it's like, if somebody says, you can never do this, I can give you in writing, that you can never become a doctor, you can never get this degree, you can never go here, you can never do this, because you're a loser. They don't have any trust in you. They don't believe in you at all. And then what happens? Allah helps you fulfill your dreams, and gives you more than you ever imagined. Then what happens? People who discourage you yesterday? Are they not embarrassed? They're embarrassed. So they are sad about or they're regretful about what they kept in their hearts.

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Like was if there's a match, and a person says, Oh, this team, they're never gonna win. They cannot win at all. Look, they have this player, this player, this player, and they've been doing so poorly. And this is their coach. So they're not going to make it. But what happens when they make it? Those who ridicule them yesterday, those who underestimated them yesterday, then they become regretful that why did we say this? Because it's so embarrassing.

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So likewise, the moon African, repeatedly, they showed, or they said that the Muslims are not going to be victorious. Even when the muscles were going to the book, what happened? A companion brought a handful of dates, and they said, Oh, these people are going to go be victorious over the Romans with a handful of dates. How's that ever possible? How can they ever do that? At the Battle of observe, as the Muslims were digging the trench, there was a huge boulder that they were trying to break. They were trying to move or something, but they couldn't do it. So eventually, when the Sahaba they couldn't figure it out, they asked the prophets of Allah to send him to come. So he came, and he

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said, Bismillah, and he struck it, and a light sparked out of it. And he was made to see certain things. And again, he struck again, he started every time he was made to see certain things. And this was all part of Revelation. Because this was where he, the people didn't hear what was conveyed to him. Likewise, the people didn't see what he was made to see. So anyway, he was made to see the future victories.

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And when the prophets of Allah is Allah mentioned that, then when I 15, they were laughing.

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But look at these people, they can barely defend themselves, and here they are dreaming of being victorious over the Persians and the Romans. So they repeatedly expressed their doubts in Muslims, that how they doubted them, that they're never going to be successful. Allah says, quite possible that Allah will bring about victory. And what will happen the same people will be regretful

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when Apolo Lavina Manu, and at that time, the believers will say, What will they say? how old it is that these people who are they referring to the when African at the time of victory, the believers will say that instead of these people who Alladhina proximo those who swore from Assam they swore Billahi by Allah Jaga

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Imani hem their strongest oats, a man is a Florida VME and jet from je MHADA to exert your full effort, so AXA mobility Jetta Emani him this war their strongest oats in the homeland, Markham that there indeed with you incident these people who once upon a time they said that they are with you, they love you the support you because I'm going after pain repeatedly they will come and say I'm an Amana we believe we believe. But today look at them, they're siding with the enemy. Because the Manasa tea, they would come to the Muslims and they would say we are with you. But every time the Muslims confronted the enemy, what would happen then when African would side with the enemy, either

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directly or indirectly? Indirectly, like for example, at the Battle of what happened 300 of them, they left, this was indirectly supporting the enemy. Likewise, the Battle of zap, weakening the spirits of the Muslims discouraging them. Then likewise, at the occasion that I mentioned earlier, when the prophets of Allah Islam was taking a decision against benoquin Okar and other Jewish tribes, they were siding with them. So at this time, the Muslims were like, Isn't these people who sat there with you? Yesterday, they were like, Yeah, we're with you were your best friends, we're going to support you're going to do this, we're going to do that together. You know, you have my

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full support, I want to spend this much money, I want to support you in this way. And now look at what are they doing?

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They're opposing you, they're siding with the enemy. Allah says habitat early on, all their deeds are wasted, whose deeds of the winner of

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their deeds are useless, they are of no value for us Baja city, so they will become losers. Because when I feel like we have learned earlier over and over again, he does not sacrifice for the team. And when Nafa is a selfish person, he just wants his own benefit. So wherever he sees benefit, he will rush towards that. If he sees benefits with the Muslims, he will go join them and support them. But if he sees benefit with the enemy, then he will go and join them and support them. He is not sincere to anybody, but himself. He is not loyal to anybody but himself. So as a result, what happens he deceives people, you have your own Allah when ladina and when are they even tried to

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deceive Allah? But does it work at the end? Never. It never works because no one trusts them. No one likes deceitful people. No one likes them.

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So Allah says all their deeds, they're wasted for us but who has it in so they will become losers so they have become losers? And at this time, we need to question ourselves as well. That when is it that we side with the deen when it's easy when it's convenient when everybody's doing it? Or when we feel that this is from Allah and there's something that we have to do even if nobody's doing it

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let's listen to the recitation of BT stand up

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man Wallah that

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the awesome law

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These verses show that I'm an F is truly a coward person

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because he

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He's afraid of the future, worried about the future and he wants to ensure that he will be fine in the future. So for that reason, he compromises on his Deen. He has no principles, no values, nothing at all. Because He's just afraid and worried about the future. A believer, on the other hand, is strong.

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He's courageous and what is it that gives him that strength and courage, the Wakulla Allah, the trust upon Allah europeen on Allah, this realization that people are not providers. My boss is not my provider, who is my provider of lies. So if there is a person who doesn't let me practice my Deen, I don't need them. I don't have to rely upon them. I have to rely on Allah and He will give me what I need.

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