Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P05 058E Tafsir Al-Nisa 44-46

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the confusion surrounding the Prophet sallahu's message and its potential for harm. They emphasize the importance of following rules and practicing behavior, and stress the need for forgiveness and change. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of showing one's attitude and intentions in order to achieve their goals. The use of "will" and "will" in the context of the Prophet's words and actions is also discussed, as it is distorted by the use of "will" and "will" in the context of the Prophet's words. The importance of following rules and behavior is emphasized, and the need for forgiveness and change is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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going to tell you a story before we begin the lesson.

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Yeah. Okay. Everybody loves stories, right? Especially girls. I love stories my son loves stories do

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in the Wahhabi class that we had yesterday on Friday, we learned that once the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he was traveling with a group of his companions, and perhaps that journey was for an expedition because that's why the prophets, Allah Laden would generally travel. And his wife, I showed you, the one who was also with him on that journey. Now as on their way back to Medina, they camped at a particular point. And when they were about to leave, I shall deliver on her, she realized that her necklace was not there anymore. It broke, it felt somewhere she couldn't find it anywhere. So the Prophet salallahu Salam, he stopped, he camped. And the rest of the people also

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stopped because obviously, the prophets have a lot of stopping and everybody has to stop. And if he's looking for the necklace, then everyone has to look for the necklace. So they're the entire army has stopped. They're all looking for the necklace of I should have to know on her, and nobody could find it anywhere. So eventually, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he went, and he put his head and I shall deliver on his lap, and he fell asleep. Now it was solid time, and people had no water, no water at all. And nearby also, there was no water when you're in the desert. I mean, there is no gas station where you can stop and get some water. There's no restrooms on the highway. At that

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time, if you wanted water, you either had to find a well or some spring or something of the sort and they had nothing.

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So the people started freaking out. And they started going to Abu Bakr.

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And they were like, look at what Aisha has done. I mean, how careless can she be that she lost her necklace, and the Prophet sort of autism has stopped and all of us have had to stop to look for her necklace. Like what's going on? They were really upset that now our Salah is being affected, our Salah is going to be delayed. And so what people did they prayed without will do. Because there was no command concerning to me yet no ruling concerning to me. So they prayed without will do. Now imagine if you were in the position of a buckle of the law or know what would you do? He went to I showed up to the barn.

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And he saw the prophets of Allah the son was sleeping. So he could say whatever you wanted to I feel a little on her. Like obviously he was her father. So he went and he said, What have you done? People have no water, it's time for Salah. And he didn't just scold her, but he also poked her like pinched her on the side. Okay, remember we learned? Probably we will know does that mean? Not slap across the face? Not hit until the person is bruise? No, just for the purpose of disciplining even if it's a firm grasp. So he did that. I show the learner she didn't move at all. Why? Because the Prophet SAW Olson was sleeping. There's something very interesting. She knew how much he loved her,

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and how much her dad was scared of the profits.

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If she wanted, she could have screamed, right? Or made a sound or something. And the profitable dozen would have woken up. And that's it. I wouldn't dare to say anything to her. But she did not move at all. So what God said what he said and he left and eventually the Prophet saw a lot of sort of woke up and people were like we have no water it's time to pray. And soon Allah subhanaw taala revealed verses concerning them. So everybody performed them when they prayed like that. And then what happened eventually this lets us go Forget it. We can find a necklace. So we're getting ready to go. And as they were getting ready to go a man came to lift up the cannula I shall deliver on her

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to make it stand and as it stood behold, there was the necklace. The camel was sitting on the necklace. And there was a companion who at that time who saved the holidays. He said to her I shall deliver on her. Giselle kilo, thank you very much May Allah reward you. There has been nothing that has happened with you and you disliked it except that ALLAH placed much good in it for you. And for the Muslims. This was something very difficult for you. You lost your necklace. And by the way, it was a necklace that she had borrowed from her sister. It wasn't even hers. She had borrowed it. All right. And imagine that feeling of loss. I don't have that necklace anymore. You know if you have a

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piece of jewelry and you lose it, and no matter how cheap it is or how valuable it is, it doesn't matter if you've lost it. You are heartbroken, aren't you? You are so it was difficult for I should have the load on her. And on top of that her father was upset with her. Her father became upset with her. What does save and hold I say just Akela who Hayden as if he's thanking her for losing that necklace. That because of you Al Hamdulillah

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We received the command concerning the young moon, and in another Naresh and we learned that he said to her, that this is not the first time we have received blessings through you or Aisha.

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So it's a very amazing story. And when we studied it yesterday, I was really shaken up. I was moved. It really touched me. And I was thinking of the verses that we also learned. And coincidentally, by Allah's Will, it was the eye of time that we concluded on last week, and in the eye of time, and what did we learn that if you don't find water, if you're sick, you're on a journey, and you have to perform well? Do you have to whistle then what can you do? Perform? Diane Mumford am Mimosa Eden, for human? Now there is a question that somebody had asked that how do you do to your mom? Are you supposed to like wash your face with mud? Like you know how they have these masks that you put on?

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Mud? Right? So are you supposed to wash your face with mud? Are you supposed to wash your hands with the mud? Or is it that you just wipe your hands and your face and your arms and your feet and your head everything? Because once it was a companion when he learned about time when he hadn't seen the profits or losses in performing it? So he thought you're supposed to bathe yourself with mud? So that's what he did. He literally rolled over in mud to ensure that every part of his body got touched with mud. Imagine, that's what he did. And when the Prophet saw a lot of sun and found out, then he demonstrated to him. How did he perform to him? Well, he bet his hands on the ground. Okay.

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And then he blew them so that the extra dust could be blown off. And then he wiped his face. And then he wiped his hands for us. That's it. Can you do that right now?

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Suppose that the table that's in front of you is mud, or sand? How would you do it? Back? Okay.

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Wipe your face, and then your hands. That's it. That's what they will miss. And your face. What does that mean? From the tip of your forehead all the way to the bottom of your chin? Okay, you don't have to go all the way to your neck, just the chin. Okay. And then from one ear to the other. Okay, that's your face. That's all that you have to wipe. And for a man by the way, he doesn't have to pass his fingers his muddy fingers through his beard. Okay, he doesn't have to do that. So basically the point is that you don't have to ensure that the dust or the mud or the sand or whatever you're using actually touches every part of your skin or that it reaches it. It covers it. No, you just

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have to pass your hands over. All right. Now last time I mentioned to you some things from which you can do time woman other things from which you cannot do tell your mom let me question you let me quiz you now. Can you do to your mom with rocks?

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Okay, good. Can you do time mom from a piece of wood that's lying on the ground? No. What if that piece of wood is dusty?

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Yes. Why? Because that dust you're doing time within that dust is coming from where? From the ground? Okay. Can you do to him from the carpet?

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No. Why? Because it's not what the ground is generally made off. All right. However, if the carpet is dusty, then in that case, yes, but you should try to find some other kind of dust anyways.

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Can you do to move from water?

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No, if you have water, what are you going to do? To go do will do with it? You're not going to do time with that. Okay, another question? Can you do tambem with playdough?

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No, it's not mud.

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Okay, it's not mud. Can you do to him with a plate? That's made of, let's say bone china?

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No, he can't. Why?

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Because it's not what the ground is generally made off. Okay? What if there is a dish that you have that's made of stone or clay?

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That's made of clay? Can you do time with that?

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If it's painted or sealed then you cannot. If it's not painted, not sealed? Then you can okay, but I hope inshallah you won't be in such a situation. Inshallah. Next time, you do have to do time. Hopefully you will have rocks and sand and mud available to you. Okay. All right. Let's continue. Any question you have about time before we continue? Yes.

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grass, grass itself? No, but yes, grass. You can. Why? Because it is in the ground. It's growing from the ground just like a tree that is growing from the ground.

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disconnected. Okay, to the ground you can, but besides the grass should have dust on it. That's also good enough. Okay. Anything else? Yes. Snow we discussed last time that snow that has fallen from the sky. No, not at all. But ice or like glacier basically that the ground is made off that is different. But it's no has turned into ice. No. Okay, I'm talking about if you're North Pole or something like that. If you're in Alberta somewhere, and there's a glacier for miles and miles there, it's only ice and that's the ground is and it's always like that throughout the year, it's been like that for centuries. That is the ground. Okay. So in that case, you will. Yes. Last

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No, when you do tie him, you don't do it over your arms. You don't do it over your head. You don't do it over your feet. Only your hands and your face. What's the evidence? From sir who we will do Hiko? Why decom? Wipe your faces and your hands. And that's it. That is complete time. How many times do you do time and by the way, do you have to wipe your hands and face three times? Only once? That's all you have to do. All right, let's begin.

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Verse number 44. alum thaw Ilan Medina, una Sliva Minal Kitabi. Have you not seen those people who have been given a portion of the Book, Alam tara, what does it mean? Have you not seen? And this is a question, which is for the purpose of raising curiosity. It basically expresses wonder and amazement. That Have you seen? It's amazing. It's astonishing. It's shocking. Have you seen this? Have you looked at these people? Which people who have been given a portion of the Book? Who are these people? Primarily, this is referring to the people of the book, where they're not given the book in full? Why does Allah subhanaw taala say that they were given a portion of the book? This is

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for several reasons. Firstly, because Allah gave them many books, but did they accept them all? Know, Allah gave them the Torah, the Injeel, as well as the Quran. But did they believe in the Quran? No, they refused it. Likewise, the books that they did believe in about them also, what do we learn if to me No, no be barbil Kitabi. What a Corona? Well, they believed in parts of it, and they rejected other parts of it. So this is how they had only been given a portion of the Book, they hadn't accepted the book in its entirety, as is rather they changed it, they altered it, they refuse to believe in parts of it, they refuse to practice parts of it. Or if they had some of it, what did

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they do with it? They changed it. So they lost the book. So they have not received the book in its entirety. Rather, they lost some of it, they rejected most of it, they have missed its purpose. And any person who does not take the book, as is who does not take the book completely, then he is only taking a portion of the Book. Remember that one part of the book is what, Eman it teaches us about our faith. Another part of the book is that it teaches us about different things. So it's Hubbard. Okay, information about the day of judgment about the messengers about the people of the past about the future, about our own nature, okay. Then another part of the book is I can commands, right? I

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can commands, commands that Allah subhanaw taala has given us so that we can implement them, we can observe them. Now, if a person only benefits from the information that is given in the book, then he has only taken a part of the book, if he's not implementing the commands, if he's not acting on the book. If he's not believing in everything that Allah has mentioned in the book, then has he taken the book in its entirety? No, he has taken only a portion of the book. So Allah Tala Ilan Medina, Otto nusseibeh min al Kitab, they have taken only a portion of the Book, yes, the ruin of Galatia they purchase misguidance and istilah. When a person purchases something, what does it mean that he

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is preferring it? He is giving preference to it, he is taking that instead of something else, or at the cost of something else. So Allah gave them the book, what did they do? They took only a portion of it, they were deprived of the rest because of their own sins. And then moreover, they prefer misguidance. They don't like the commands that Allah has given. They don't like the guidance, the instruction that Allah has given, rather they like something else, they want something else. And unfortunately, this kind of attitude is very common amongst the Muslims of today as well.

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Well, isn't it so that we say, Yeah, I believe in the book. But when it comes to the commands that Allah has given in the book, do we actually observe them? How observant are we? Why, what's the reason because the heart is attracted to something else. Yes, the Runa Bala, they want something else. They're interested in other things where you read una and they also want Anta will love Seville that you lose the way. Meaning that the people of the Book want that you are Muslims should also lose the right way. Meaning they don't like you to follow the book either. They don't want to follow it themselves, and they want you to adopt the same kind of attitude. Now, this is a very

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scary idea. This is an idea that presents a great warning that when Allah is giving the book to someone, He is the recipient, and all of us over here are who are recipients of the book of Allah, then we have to look at ourselves that are we making ourselves worthy of deserving the entire book? Or is there something that we may be doing that is depriving us of receiving a part of the book, whether it is learning the meaning of the book, understanding the concepts that are in the book, right? Like, for example, if a person misses even one idea, let's say you walk into class 50 minutes late, and because of that, you missed two if and then you don't go back, listen to the recording,

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you end up missing those verses completely. So have you not left something out? Have you not been deprived of something even if it's just two verses? Have you not been deprived of something you have been? Isn't it? So likewise, if we sit through we listen, we understand. But when it comes to armor, if we don't follow it, if we don't observe it, then have we not been deprived of a part of the book? Definitely we have been. So it's a great deprivation. So we must look at ourselves that when Allah has given us the chance to receive the book, then how are we receiving it? What are we preferring? What are we preferring over this book? Is it the other ways is it other things, because remember,

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that is this book that deserves the most from us the most attention from us. When you read una unterlinden, Seville, the alligator, they wanted the Muslims to be misguided as well. Now the Prophet salallahu Salam he said that the Quran is either an argument for you, or it is an argument against you, what does it mean? An argument for you or against you her to laka or alayka it means that if a person receives a book in its entirety, does omul on it recites it observes, it passes it on, then in sha Allah, the Quran is an argument for him. mean the Quran will argue on his behalf on the day of judging that, oh, look, please forgive him, please enter him into Jana. But if a person

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neglects the book, whether all of it or part of it,

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whether it isn't learning part of the book, or it isn't understanding it, or it isn't acting on it, or it isn't reciting it, then he is in trouble, then the Quran will be an argument against him.

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Interesting that she's mentioned that once a fifth teacher, she told her students that if you're finding it very difficult to memorize parts of the Quran, then look at the meaning of those verses that you're not able to retain in your memory.

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That what are those verses talking about?

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And you will notice that it is something that you are neglecting in your daily life, meaning those verses are talking about something which you are not doing properly in your life, you're not doing or Milan, it because you have not accepted in the heart, it's not going to go into brain either. You know, when your heart reject something, when your heart is not in something than your body doesn't accept it isn't at all, then if you don't want to eat some food, and if you're being forced fed it what's going to happen, you're going to vomit, you cannot retain it.

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So she said, look at your actions. If you're implementing, then it will come and if you're not implementing this is a reason why it's not coming into your head. And we can also check ourselves when it comes to memorizing the word to word lesson when it comes to preparing for the test.

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The question is, what if there's the person who recites the book, but they don't want to know the meaning of the book, because then they're afraid that they won't be able to implement it and then they'll be in trouble. The thing is that when ALLAH has revealed the law, when Allah has sent the message, then we have to follow it. If we don't follow it, it's our loss.

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Understanding it is a means you know, of making sure that you're going to follow it. If you don't understand it. It's still your fault. All right, it's still your fault. This is just like a person says no, no, I don't want to study

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Add in law because if I studied if I learned, I'm gonna have to observe it. No, as long as you're in Canada, you have to follow the law of Canada, whether you know it, whether you study it in detail or you don't study it. And if you don't find out and if you break traffic rules, or if you do something that's against the government, whose fault is it? Your fault, you can't say, oh, nobody taught me that in school. You know, I never knew nobody informed me. Why? Because before doing something you should have found out, is it even legal? Is it even correct? Are you even allowed? You know, for example, if a person goes to Home Depot, and he's like, buys all this construction material, and he

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goes, I'm gonna go make my house myself, I'm gonna go renovate myself for many things that you want to do. You need a license, even to install a gas stove, you know, you need a license, and if a person goes on doing it himself, and then the house blows up, whose fault is it? It's his fault because he did something illegal, isn't at all. So likewise, when ALLAH has revealed the Quran, you have to find out you don't have a choice, you have to find out

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what Allah who are the most and Allah knows best Brd come about your enemies, or that is Florida or do Allah knows very well about your enemies. For these enemies, those who want that you should be misguided. Those who want that you should be far from the Quran. Because when a person is trying to come closer to Allah, study the book of Allah, and then there are people who are criticizing him people who are objecting, then you feel so alone and you feel like what's going on? So Allah reassures the believer that don't worry, Allah knows about your enemies, Waka Fabula, he will Legion And sufficient is Allah as wali as patron as an ally as one who will defend and protect work if I

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believe in a Syrah and sufficient is Allah as your helper meaning if Allah's help is with you, then you are good? And when will you get Allah's help when you help Allah in terms of Allah, young circum when you help the cause of Allah, when you help the religion of Allah, and what's the first step learning, implementing, so when you will suffer difficulties in the path of Allah, then Allah will help you.

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Minute Latina hurdle, then Allah elaborate the enmity of such people, how far such people are from the book of Allah from the guidance minute Medina had to ask the people who became your hood of the people who became Jews, and this is specifically at the time of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that some Jews they had this habit what would they do and even before them they had this habit what that you heard the phone and Kenema I'm Manuel there he they distort words from their proper usages you heard referred to how to offer from the word leave. What does however you have referred to leave me we have done this word earlier, to alter to distort change, to change what to distort what words so

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the Distort, I'll call him, I'll call him from Kalama column. The words okay kalima a word Kalam words, so they distort the words I'm a welder, he heat my welder floral off Mo, LA, and mold are from the root letters. Well, daughter, I mean, well, God is to play something. And mold our is the place where something is placed. Okay. So it's the position of something. It's the place where something is spot where something is positioned. So they change the words, they distort the words from their proper places, from the position from the place where the words were put, they change them, what does it mean? When you're talking? When you're using certain words, there's always a

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context in which those words are being used, isn't it? So there's always a context in which a word is being used. And depending on the context, the word has a particular meaning. Now, if a person takes that word out of the context, gives it a different meaning, or changes the word then what will happen, what will happen, the meaning will be completely changed, it will be completely changed. All right. Like for example, in the Quran, we have learned earlier that Rabina the Companions they would say to the Prophet salallahu, salam, or Ina, meaning please pay attention to us partners, like could you repeat what you said? This is what they would say when they misunderstood him when they could

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not catch what he had said. Now do you hold what would they say? They would say Lorena as well, but they will change to Loreena. I wish Shepard just a slight change. The Sahaba meant something else. And the hood when they use the word by slightly distorting it. They gave a completely different meaning. You understand? Likewise a Salam or Aleikum, a Salam Warlick, what is

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Let me Peace be upon you. Now the same expression, they will change it slightly and they would say Assam or Alikum when they would see the Prophet sallallahu Sallam were the Muslims. And what does that mean? May that be upon you? May you die.

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All right. So this is what changing the word distorting the word from its proper usage from its proper context from its proper meaning. You have the phone and Kadima and Manuel de, now tell me, if someone is playing with the words that you have said, then what does that show? They've got something against you?

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Isn't it? Like, for example, if there's a particular scholar, he has given some lectures, he has spoken at various occasions. And if people take random statements from his lectures, and they say, Oh, look, this is what he says, Oh, look, this is what he has said. And they say, he's a supporter of terrorism, or he is this or he is that, then I mean, what can you say? All right. If somebody is taking your words out of context, and giving a completely different meaning to them, then what can you say? And what does it show about the person who is doing this with your words? They've got something against you,

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isn't it? If you say something to a person, and they don't really get along well with you, and they completely change the meaning of what you have said and they narrative to someone else in a completely different way with a different implication than what does it show? They've got something against you, they're deliberately misunderstanding your words. So you have a funnel Kalama armor welder he they change the words from their proper places, where your coluna and moreover they say, Samina wa Sina. They say we have heard, but we're also gonna we're going to disobey our slang if we're going to see an disobedience look at their Audacity. Yeah, we know but not going to do it.

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Yeah, yeah, I know. Not gonna.

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I'm not going to do this make me. Samira Anna walrus Lena.

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This was a statement of who of the who this is what they said to the Prophet sallallahu sunnah, that we have heard all that you've had to say, but we're not going to listen to you. What was the reaction of the companions? What did they say Samira know, what Athena? We have heard and we're going to obey. Yes, it's going to be difficult. And this is the reason we're going to ask Allah for help. This is a reason we ask Allah for forgiveness.

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But a person whose heart is somewhere else who has no interest in the book of Allah, then he says, yeah, no, I'm not going to do it. Like people say that. Yeah, I'm gonna study the Quran fine, if you really want me to, but don't expect me to pray and don't expect me to wear hijab and don't expect me to change I'm I am who I am. Don't expect me to change.

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Who puts these thoughts in our heart shape on that you're cool the way you are, and you don't need to change. But the thing is, that once we have heard what Allah has told us, then, if we have heard, that it means that we should show with our actions that we have heard, otherwise, what use are those ears that ALLAH blessed us with? That if we have heard, and if we have read, but still we are like those who have not heard, and who have not read? Then what's the difference between someone who knows? And someone who does not know? What's the difference between a human being listening to the words of ALLAH and a cow listening to the words of Allah? Really? What's the difference then? A cow

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doesn't know. Yeah, yes, the ears are moving. The sound waves are going in. And if we show the same attitude that Yeah, yeah, I've heard I've heard I've heard I know. I know. I know. But I was cleaner than really tell me what is the difference? Between us and wolves between human beings and floors? What is the difference?

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You are someone much better. You're someone who's got an intellect. You're someone who's far greater,

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far more qualified. So show yourself as someone who is better than you who desert somewhere nowhere else Lena. Now listen, one more thing, that whenever we learn if something in the Quran, okay, like something that we have to do something that we have to change in ourselves. Never say, Yeah, I've I know I'm not going to do it. I'm not ready for it. Don't say such things. When we find out that make an intervention at that time that Oh Allah, I want to do it. I am going to do it and you help me do it. And once you make up your mind that I am going to do it Oh Allah, you help me do it and you know what? You will be able to do it. People have been able to make the most difficult steps in their

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lives the most difficult steps, but they have been able to once they made up their mind. So when a person says from the beginning

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somewhere now, where are Cena then he's never going to do it. But if he says Samara what Athena then eventually Athena will come.

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So they said Samir Nawaz Lena, and the set of the prophets of the Lord is Allah was smart. Later on was smart. was smart. When they were taught the prophets on autism, they would say, was smart.

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Meaning they would say was smart outloud, and Leila was smart, they would say, under their breath. What does it mean by a smart listen? Meaning Listen, listen to me. And Leila was smart. Later, other than most smart one who is made to hear meaning one who listens. So later on was smart. Meaning Listen, May you not listen.

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Listen, May you never hear may you be deaf. Okay, it was like a curse word basically that they would say under their breath while Arina and they would also say Rena, but not in the proper usage but in the incorrect usage. And they would say all of this lady yen legend from lamb Well, yeah, what does that mean to twist? While twisting the LC naughty him their tongues will turn and 15 Why would they say all these things, thorn and 15 to defame the religion to insult the religion learn from the electorate star i noon, and Thorn is to abuse to hurt to slander. So they would say all this to abuse the deen to hurt the Muslims to say wrong things or the Prophet sallallahu sallam. Because

00:31:31 --> 00:32:15

someone who holds a grudge against another in their heart, then they're full of hatred, and they're full of raging fire inside their heart, and they want to let it out. Now, if they let it out openly, publicly, then they look bad, isn't it? They look bad. So then what do they do? They say bad things, whatever they want to say, under their breath. Or they say things to them indirectly. Okay, or they twist their words or something or do they do Y to satisfy their hearts? So they did not say all of this as a mistake, but they did it deliberately to slander the dean. Allah says well unknown, and if they call you, Samira, now, what aterna If they have said, we have heard, and we will obey was

00:32:15 --> 00:33:00

smart. And they said, Only please listen to us one, zona, and instead of saying Raveena, they would have said one, zona, because that's what Allah told the people to do. Let the cooloola in our Kulu on Lorna. Right. So if they had said on Luna, and what is on Luna mean, wait for us, okay. Look no higher on the home, this would have been much better for them. Why? Because what's better using bad words are good words, what's better? Always. It's the usage of good words, that's better for a person, it's better for his record of deeds, it's better for his reputation. And you know what, it's also better for your heart. It's also better for yourself. Because when you say bad words and anger

00:33:00 --> 00:33:07

in frustration, then is that really going to solve anything? You can say 10 swear words, but you're going to want to say even more,

00:33:09 --> 00:33:56

isn't it? Which is why when a person develops a habit of saying a bad word, then he starts using it as every second word, isn't it? In his sentence, there is a bleep bleep after every two three words. Why? Because he's never satisfied. But if a person controls himself, and he uses a good word in its place, then eventually his heart is satisfied. Eventually, you feel that inner peace, you feel victory over yourself, you feel that happiness, that you manage to control yourself when you wanted to do something wrong. So the kind of heilala Whom were ACOEM and it would have been more suitable as well a Quan from off Huami it would have been more suitable for why didn't they say such good

00:33:56 --> 00:34:38

words, then? What's the reason when I can learn a home Allah will be covering him but Allah has cursed them because of their disbelief. They have disbelieved. They reject, they refuse to believe, as a result, their curse, they're far from Allah's mercy. And when a person is far from the Mercy of Allah, then he is far from doing good as well. Well, I can learn from Allah Hobbico free him, fella you mean on an inner kalila. So they do not believe except very little. Meaning their belief is very minimal, or very few people from among them actually accept Iman. Why? Because of their because of their torn because of the kind of words they use against the Prophet salallahu Salam, because of the

00:34:38 --> 00:34:59

dance, because they're mockery of the deen. So this teaches us something very important that someone who mocks the deen because using all these words against a prophet against the dean, this is what mockery right? So when someone mocks the deen, then what does it show? That they lack Iman? They have no faith

00:35:00 --> 00:35:04

Then there's something much greater that is missing.

00:35:06 --> 00:35:07

Let's listen to the recitation.

00:35:09 --> 00:35:17

alum Dada Isla Lavina oh two now so Eva Meenal kita Munna Bala

00:35:18 --> 00:35:24

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00:35:27 --> 00:35:28

econ work Alpha

00:35:31 --> 00:35:32


00:35:34 --> 00:35:38

Mina Lavina Do you have a phone I

00:35:45 --> 00:35:50

was almost was marijuana you're almost married

00:35:53 --> 00:35:55

the LLC that he bought

00:35:57 --> 00:36:00

Dean wallow

00:36:02 --> 00:36:03

balls American

00:36:13 --> 00:36:16

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00:36:18 --> 00:36:24

Milan will be goostree in Fela you mean owner in Malila

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